182 lines
6.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

'use strict';
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var shell = require('shelljs');
var semver = require('semver');
var _ = require('lodash');
var currentPackage, previousVersions, gitRepoInfo;
* Load information about this project from the package.json
* @return {Object} The package information
var getPackage = function() {
// Search up the folder hierarchy for the first package.json
var packageFolder = path.resolve('.');
while (!fs.existsSync(path.join(packageFolder, 'package.json'))) {
var parent = path.dirname(packageFolder);
if (parent === packageFolder) { break; }
packageFolder = parent;
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(packageFolder,'package.json'), 'UTF-8'));
* Parse the github URL for useful information
* @return {Object} An object containing the github owner and repository name
var getGitRepoInfo = function() {
var GITURL_REGEX = /^https:\/\/github.com\/([^\/]+)\/(.+).git$/;
var match = GITURL_REGEX.exec(currentPackage.repository.url);
var git = {
owner: match[1],
repo: match[2]
return git;
* Extract the code name from the tagged commit's message - it should contain the text of the form:
* "codename(some-code-name)"
* @param {String} tagName Name of the tag to look in for the codename
* @return {String} The codename if found, otherwise null/undefined
var getCodeName = function(tagName) {
var gitCatOutput = shell.exec('git cat-file -p ' + tagName, {silent:true}).output;
var tagMessage = gitCatOutput.match(/^.*codename.*$/mg)[0];
var codeName = tagMessage && tagMessage.match(/codename\((.*)\)/)[1];
if (!codeName) {
throw new Error("Could not extract release code name. The message of tag " + tagName +
" must match '*codename(some release name)*'");
return codeName;
* Compute a build segment for the version, from the Jenkins build number and current commit SHA
* @return {String} The build segment of the version
function getBuild() {
var hash = shell.exec('git rev-parse --short HEAD', {silent: true}).output.replace('\n', '');
return 'sha.' + hash;
* If the current commit is tagged as a version get that version
* @return {SemVer} The version or null
var getTaggedVersion = function() {
var gitTagResult = shell.exec('git describe --exact-match', {silent:true});
if (gitTagResult.code === 0) {
var tag = gitTagResult.output.trim();
var version = semver.parse(tag);
if (version && semver.satisfies(version, currentPackage.version)) {
version.codeName = getCodeName(tag);
version.full = version.version;
version.branch = 'v' + currentPackage.branchPattern.replace('*', 'x');
return version;
return null;
* Get a collection of all the previous versions sorted by semantic version
* @return {Array.<SemVer>} The collection of previous versions
var getPreviousVersions = function() {
// always use the remote tags as the local clone might
// not contain all commits when cloned with git clone --depth=...
// Needed e.g. for Travis
var repo_url = currentPackage.repository.url;
var tagResults = shell.exec('git ls-remote --tags ' + repo_url,
{silent: true});
if (tagResults.code === 0) {
return _(tagResults.output.match(/v[0-9].*[0-9]$/mg))
.map(function(tag) {
var version = semver.parse(tag);
return version;
.map(function(version) {
// angular.js didn't follow semantic version until 1.20rc1
if ((version.major === 1 && version.minor === 0 && version.prerelease.length > 0) || (version.major === 1 && version.minor === 2 && version.prerelease[0] === 'rc1')) {
version.version = [version.major, version.minor, version.patch].join('.') + version.prerelease.join('');
version.raw = 'v' + version.version;
version.docsUrl = 'http://code.angularjs.org/' + version.version + '/docs';
// Versions before 1.0.2 had a different docs folder name
if (version.major < 1 || (version.major === 1 && version.minor === 0 && version.patch < 2)) {
version.docsUrl += '-' + version.version;
version.isOldDocsUrl = true;
return version;
} else {
return [];
* Get the unstable snapshot version
* @return {SemVer} The snapshot version
var getSnapshotVersion = function() {
var version = _(previousVersions)
.filter(function(tag) {
return semver.satisfies(tag, currentPackage.version);
if (!version) {
// a snapshot version before the first tag on the branch
version = semver(currentPackage.branchPattern.replace('*','0-alpha.1'));
// We need to clone to ensure that we are not modifying another version
version = semver(version.raw);
var jenkinsBuild = process.env.TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER || process.env.BUILD_NUMBER;
if (!version.prerelease || !version.prerelease.length) {
// last release was a non beta release. Increment the patch level to
// indicate the next release that we will be doing.
// E.g. last release was 1.3.0, then the snapshot will be
// 1.3.1-build.1, which is lesser than 1.3.1 accorind the semver!
// If the last release was a beta release we don't update the
// beta number by purpose, as otherwise the semver comparison
// does not work any more when the next beta is released.
// E.g. don't generate 1.3.0-beta.2.build.1
// as this is bigger than 1.3.0-beta.2 according to semver
version.prerelease = jenkinsBuild ? ['build', jenkinsBuild] : ['local'];
version.build = getBuild();
version.codeName = 'snapshot';
version.isSnapshot = true;
version.full = version.version + '+' + version.build;
version.branch = 'master';
return version;
exports.currentPackage = currentPackage = getPackage();
exports.gitRepoInfo = gitRepoInfo = getGitRepoInfo();
exports.previousVersions = previousVersions = getPreviousVersions();
exports.currentVersion = getTaggedVersion() || getSnapshotVersion();