2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
/ * *
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc . All Rights Reserved .
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT - style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https : //angular.io/license
* /
import { escapeRegExp } from '@angular/compiler/src/util' ;
import { serializeNodes } from '../../../src/i18n/digest' ;
import { MessageBundle } from '../../../src/i18n/message_bundle' ;
import { Xliff2 } from '../../../src/i18n/serializers/xliff2' ;
import { HtmlParser } from '../../../src/ml_parser/html_parser' ;
import { DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG } from '../../../src/ml_parser/interpolation_config' ;
const HTML = `
< p i18n - title title = "translatable attribute" > not translatable < / p >
< p i18n > translatable element < b > with placeholders < / b > { { interpolation } } < / p >
<!-- i18n --> { count , plural , = 0 { < p > test < / p > } } <!-- /i18n -->
< p i18n = "m|d@@i" > foo < / p >
< p i18n = "nested" > < b > < u > { { interpolation } } Text < / u > < / b > < / p >
< p i18n = "ph names" > < br > < img src = "1.jpg" > < img src = "2.jpg" > < / p >
< p i18n = "empty element" > hello < span > < / span > < / p >
< p i18n = "@@baz" > { count , plural , = 0 { { sex , select , other { < p > deeply nested < / p > } } } } < / p >
2017-07-21 19:49:45 +02:00
< p i18n > Test : { count , plural , = 0 { { sex , select , other { < p > deeply nested < / p > } } } = other { a lot } } < / p >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< p i18n > multi
lines < / p >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
` ;
const WRITE_XLIFF = ` <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< xliff version = "2.0" xmlns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" srcLang = "en" >
< file original = "ng.template" id = "ngi18n" >
< unit id = "1933478729560469763" >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< notes >
< note category = "location" > file.ts :2 < / note >
< / notes >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< segment >
< source > translatable attribute < / source >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "7056919470098446707" >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< notes >
< note category = "location" > file.ts :3 < / note >
< / notes >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< segment >
< source > translatable element < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_BOLD_TEXT" equivEnd = "CLOSE_BOLD_TEXT" type = "fmt" dispStart = "<b>" dispEnd = "</b>" > with placeholders < / pc > < ph id = "1" equiv = "INTERPOLATION" disp = "{{ interpolation}}" / > < / source >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "2981514368455622387" >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< notes >
< note category = "location" > file.ts :4 < / note >
< / notes >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< segment >
< source > { VAR_PLURAL , plural , = 0 { < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_PARAGRAPH" equivEnd = "CLOSE_PARAGRAPH" type = "other" dispStart = "<p>" dispEnd = "</p>" > test < / pc > } } < / source >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "i" >
< notes >
< note category = "description" > d < / note >
< note category = "meaning" > m < / note >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< note category = "location" > file.ts :5 < / note >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< / notes >
< segment >
< source > foo < / source >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "6440235004920703622" >
< notes >
< note category = "description" > nested < / note >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< note category = "location" > file.ts :6 < / note >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< / notes >
< segment >
< source > < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_BOLD_TEXT" equivEnd = "CLOSE_BOLD_TEXT" type = "fmt" dispStart = "<b>" dispEnd = "</b>" > < pc id = "1" equivStart = "START_UNDERLINED_TEXT" equivEnd = "CLOSE_UNDERLINED_TEXT" type = "fmt" dispStart = "<u>" dispEnd = "</u>" > < ph id = "2" equiv = "INTERPOLATION" disp = "{{interpolation}}" / > Text < / pc > < / pc > < / source >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "8779402634269838862" >
< notes >
< note category = "description" > ph names < / note >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< note category = "location" > file.ts :7 < / note >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< / notes >
< segment >
< source > < ph id = "0" equiv = "LINE_BREAK" type = "fmt" disp = "<br/>" / > < ph id = "1" equiv = "TAG_IMG" type = "image" disp = "<img/>" / > < ph id = "2" equiv = "TAG_IMG_1" type = "image" disp = "<img/>" / > < / source >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "6536355551500405293" >
< notes >
< note category = "description" > empty element < / note >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< note category = "location" > file.ts :8 < / note >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< / notes >
< segment >
< source > hello < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_TAG_SPAN" equivEnd = "CLOSE_TAG_SPAN" type = "other" dispStart = "<span>" dispEnd = "</span>" > < / pc > < / source >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "baz" >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< notes >
< note category = "location" > file.ts :9 < / note >
< / notes >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< segment >
< source > { VAR_PLURAL , plural , = 0 { { VAR_SELECT , select , other { < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_PARAGRAPH" equivEnd = "CLOSE_PARAGRAPH" type = "other" dispStart = "<p>" dispEnd = "</p>" > deeply nested < / pc > } } } } < / source >
< / segment >
< / unit >
2017-07-21 19:49:45 +02:00
< unit id = "6997386649824869937" >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< notes >
< note category = "location" > file.ts :10 < / note >
< / notes >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< segment >
2017-07-21 19:49:45 +02:00
< source > Test : < ph id = "0" equiv = "ICU" disp = "{ count, plural, =0 {...} =other {...}}" / > < / source >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "5229984852258993423" >
< notes >
< note category = "location" > file.ts :10 < / note >
< / notes >
< segment >
< source > { VAR_PLURAL , plural , = 0 { { VAR_SELECT , select , other { < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_PARAGRAPH" equivEnd = "CLOSE_PARAGRAPH" type = "other" dispStart = "<p>" dispEnd = "</p>" > deeply nested < / pc > } } } = other { a lot } } < / source >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< / segment >
< / unit >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< unit id = "2340165783990709777" >
< notes >
< note category = "location" > file.ts :11 , 12 < / note >
< / notes >
< segment >
< source > multi
lines < / source >
< / segment >
< / unit >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< / file >
< / xliff >
` ;
const LOAD_XLIFF = ` <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< xliff version = "2.0" xmlns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" srcLang = "en" trgLang = "fr" >
< file original = "ng.template" id = "ngi18n" >
< unit id = "1933478729560469763" >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< notes >
< note category = "location" > file.ts :2 < / note >
< / notes >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< segment >
< source > translatable attribute < / source >
< target > etubirtta elbatalsnart < / target >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "7056919470098446707" >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< notes >
< note category = "location" > file.ts :3 < / note >
< / notes >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< segment >
< source > translatable element < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_BOLD_TEXT" equivEnd = "CLOSE_BOLD_TEXT" type = "fmt" dispStart = "<b>" dispEnd = "</b>" > with placeholders < / pc > < ph id = "1" equiv = "INTERPOLATION" disp = "{{ interpolation}}" / > < / source >
< target > < ph id = "1" equiv = "INTERPOLATION" disp = "{{ interpolation}}" / > < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_BOLD_TEXT" equivEnd = "CLOSE_BOLD_TEXT" type = "fmt" dispStart = "<b>" dispEnd = "</b>" > sredlohecalp htiw < / pc > tnemele elbatalsnart < / target >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "2981514368455622387" >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< notes >
< note category = "location" > file.ts :4 < / note >
< / notes >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< segment >
< source > { VAR_PLURAL , plural , = 0 { < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_PARAGRAPH" equivEnd = "CLOSE_PARAGRAPH" type = "other" dispStart = "<p>" dispEnd = "</p>" > test < / pc > } } < / source >
< target > { VAR_PLURAL , plural , = 0 { < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_PARAGRAPH" equivEnd = "CLOSE_PARAGRAPH" type = "other" dispStart = "<p>" dispEnd = "</p>" > TEST < / pc > } } < / target >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "i" >
< notes >
< note category = "description" > d < / note >
< note category = "meaning" > m < / note >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< note category = "location" > file.ts :5 < / note >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< / notes >
< segment >
< source > foo < / source >
< target > oof < / target >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "6440235004920703622" >
< notes >
< note category = "description" > nested < / note >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< note category = "location" > file.ts :6 < / note >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< / notes >
< segment >
< source > < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_BOLD_TEXT" equivEnd = "CLOSE_BOLD_TEXT" type = "fmt" dispStart = "<b>" dispEnd = "</b>" > < pc id = "1" equivStart = "START_UNDERLINED_TEXT" equivEnd = "CLOSE_UNDERLINED_TEXT" type = "fmt" dispStart = "<u>" dispEnd = "</u>" > < ph id = "2" equiv = "INTERPOLATION" disp = "{{interpolation}}" / > Text < / pc > < / pc > < / source >
< target > < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_BOLD_TEXT" equivEnd = "CLOSE_BOLD_TEXT" type = "fmt" dispStart = "<b>" dispEnd = "</b>" > < pc id = "1" equivStart = "START_UNDERLINED_TEXT" equivEnd = "CLOSE_UNDERLINED_TEXT" type = "fmt" dispStart = "<u>" dispEnd = "</u>" > txeT < ph id = "2" equiv = "INTERPOLATION" disp = "{{interpolation}}" / > < / pc > < / pc > < / target >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "8779402634269838862" >
< notes >
< note category = "description" > ph names < / note >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< note category = "location" > file.ts :7 < / note >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< / notes >
< segment >
< source > < ph id = "0" equiv = "LINE_BREAK" type = "fmt" disp = "<br/>" / > < ph id = "1" equiv = "TAG_IMG" type = "image" disp = "<img/>" / > < ph id = "2" equiv = "TAG_IMG_1" type = "image" disp = "<img/>" / > < / source >
< target > < ph id = "2" equiv = "TAG_IMG_1" type = "image" disp = "<img/>" / > < ph id = "1" equiv = "TAG_IMG" type = "image" disp = "<img/>" / > < ph id = "0" equiv = "LINE_BREAK" type = "fmt" disp = "<br/>" / > < / target >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "6536355551500405293" >
< notes >
< note category = "description" > empty element < / note >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< note category = "location" > file.ts :8 < / note >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< / notes >
< segment >
< source > hello < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_TAG_SPAN" equivEnd = "CLOSE_TAG_SPAN" type = "other" dispStart = "<span>" dispEnd = "</span>" > < / pc > < / source >
< target > < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_TAG_SPAN" equivEnd = "CLOSE_TAG_SPAN" type = "other" dispStart = "<span>" dispEnd = "</span>" > < / pc > olleh < / target >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "baz" >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< notes >
< note category = "location" > file.ts :9 < / note >
< / notes >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< segment >
< source > { VAR_PLURAL , plural , = 0 { { VAR_SELECT , select , other { < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_PARAGRAPH" equivEnd = "CLOSE_PARAGRAPH" type = "other" dispStart = "<p>" dispEnd = "</p>" > deeply nested < / pc > } } } } < / source >
< target > { VAR_PLURAL , plural , = 0 { { VAR_SELECT , select , other { < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_PARAGRAPH" equivEnd = "CLOSE_PARAGRAPH" type = "other" dispStart = "<p>" dispEnd = "</p>" > profondément imbriqué < / pc > } } } } < / target >
< / segment >
< / unit >
2017-07-21 19:49:45 +02:00
< unit id = "6997386649824869937" >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< notes >
< note category = "location" > file.ts :10 < / note >
< / notes >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< segment >
2017-07-21 19:49:45 +02:00
< source > Test : < ph id = "0" equiv = "ICU" disp = "{ count, plural, =0 {...} =other {...}}" / > < / source >
< target > Test : < ph id = "0" equiv = "ICU" disp = "{ count, plural, =0 {...} =other {...}}" / > < / target >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "5229984852258993423" >
< notes >
< note category = "location" > file.ts :10 < / note >
< / notes >
< segment >
< source > { VAR_PLURAL , plural , = 0 { { VAR_SELECT , select , other { < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_PARAGRAPH" equivEnd = "CLOSE_PARAGRAPH" type = "other" dispStart = "<p>" dispEnd = "</p>" > deeply nested < / pc > } } } = other { a lot } } < / source >
< target > { VAR_PLURAL , plural , = 0 { { VAR_SELECT , select , other { < pc id = "0" equivStart = "START_PARAGRAPH" equivEnd = "CLOSE_PARAGRAPH" type = "other" dispStart = "<p>" dispEnd = "</p>" > profondément imbriqué < / pc > } } } = other { beaucoup } } < / target >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< / segment >
< / unit >
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
< unit id = "2340165783990709777" >
< notes >
< note category = "location" > file.ts :11 , 12 < / note >
< / notes >
< segment >
< source > multi
lines < / source >
< target > multi
lignes < / target >
< / segment >
< / unit >
2018-01-02 11:19:16 +01:00
< unit id = "mrk-test" >
< notes >
< note id = "n1" appliesTo = "target" > Please check the translation for 'namespace' . On also can use 'espace de nom' , but I think most technical manuals use the English term . < / note >
< / notes >
< segment >
< source > You use your own namespace . < / source >
< target > Vous pouvez utiliser votre propre < mrk id = "m1" type = "comment" ref = "#n1" > namespace < / mrk > . < / target >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "mrk-test2" >
< notes >
< note id = "n1" appliesTo = "target" > Please check the translation for 'namespace' . On also can use 'espace de nom' , but I think most technical manuals use the English term . < / note >
< / notes >
< segment >
< source > You use your own namespace . < / source >
< target > Vous pouvez utiliser < mrk id = "m1" type = "comment" ref = "#n1" > votre propre < mrk id = "m2" type = "comment" ref = "#n1" > namespace < / mrk > < / mrk > . < / target >
< / segment >
< / unit >
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
< / file >
< / xliff >
` ;
2017-12-17 15:10:54 -08:00
( function ( ) {
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
const serializer = new Xliff2 ( ) ;
function toXliff ( html : string , locale : string | null = null ) : string {
const catalog = new MessageBundle ( new HtmlParser , [ ] , { } , locale ) ;
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
catalog . updateFromTemplate ( html , 'file.ts' , DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION_CONFIG ) ;
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
return catalog . write ( serializer ) ;
function loadAsMap ( xliff : string ) : { [ id : string ] : string } {
const { i18nNodesByMsgId } = serializer . load ( xliff , 'url' ) ;
const msgMap : { [ id : string ] : string } = { } ;
Object . keys ( i18nNodesByMsgId )
. forEach ( id = > msgMap [ id ] = serializeNodes ( i18nNodesByMsgId [ id ] ) . join ( '' ) ) ;
return msgMap ;
describe ( 'XLIFF 2.0 serializer' , ( ) = > {
describe ( 'write' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should write a valid xliff 2.0 file' ,
( ) = > { expect ( toXliff ( HTML ) ) . toEqual ( WRITE_XLIFF ) ; } ) ;
it ( 'should write a valid xliff 2.0 file with a source language' ,
( ) = > { expect ( toXliff ( HTML , 'fr' ) ) . toContain ( 'srcLang="fr"' ) ; } ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'load' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should load XLIFF files' , ( ) = > {
expect ( loadAsMap ( LOAD_XLIFF ) ) . toEqual ( {
'1933478729560469763' : 'etubirtta elbatalsnart' ,
'7056919470098446707' :
'<ph name="INTERPOLATION"/> <ph name="START_BOLD_TEXT"/>sredlohecalp htiw<ph name="CLOSE_BOLD_TEXT"/> tnemele elbatalsnart' ,
'2981514368455622387' :
'{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {[<ph name="START_PARAGRAPH"/>, TEST, <ph name="CLOSE_PARAGRAPH"/>]}}' ,
'i' : 'oof' ,
'6440235004920703622' :
'<ph name="START_BOLD_TEXT"/><ph name="START_UNDERLINED_TEXT"/>txeT <ph name="INTERPOLATION"/><ph name="CLOSE_UNDERLINED_TEXT"/><ph name="CLOSE_BOLD_TEXT"/>' ,
'8779402634269838862' :
'<ph name="TAG_IMG_1"/><ph name="TAG_IMG"/><ph name="LINE_BREAK"/>' ,
'6536355551500405293' : '<ph name="START_TAG_SPAN"/><ph name="CLOSE_TAG_SPAN"/> olleh' ,
'baz' :
'{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {[{VAR_SELECT, select, other {[<ph name="START_PARAGRAPH"/>, profondément imbriqué, <ph name="CLOSE_PARAGRAPH"/>]}}, ]}}' ,
2017-07-21 19:49:45 +02:00
'6997386649824869937' : 'Test: <ph name="ICU"/>' ,
'5229984852258993423' : '{VAR_PLURAL, plural, =0 {[{VAR_SELECT, select, other {[<ph' +
' name="START_PARAGRAPH"/>, profondément imbriqué, <ph name="CLOSE_PARAGRAPH"/>]}}, ]}, =other {[beaucoup]}}' ,
2017-05-22 20:20:45 +02:00
'2340165783990709777' : ` multi
2018-01-02 11:19:16 +01:00
lignes ` ,
'mrk-test' : 'Vous pouvez utiliser votre propre namespace.' ,
'mrk-test2' : 'Vous pouvez utiliser votre propre namespace.'
2017-04-14 09:05:00 -07:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should return the target locale' ,
( ) = > { expect ( serializer . load ( LOAD_XLIFF , 'url' ) . locale ) . toEqual ( 'fr' ) ; } ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'structure errors' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should throw when a wrong xliff version is used' , ( ) = > {
const XLIFF = ` <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< xliff version = "1.2" xmlns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" >
< file source-language = "en" datatype = "plaintext" original = "ng2.template" >
< body >
< trans - unit id = "deadbeef" >
< source / >
< target / >
< / t r a n s - u n i t >
< / body >
< / file >
< / xliff > ` ;
expect ( ( ) = > {
loadAsMap ( XLIFF ) ;
} ) . toThrowError ( /The XLIFF file version 1.2 is not compatible with XLIFF 2.0 serializer/ ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should throw when an unit has no translation' , ( ) = > {
const XLIFF = ` <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< xliff version = "2.0" xmlns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" srcLang = "en" >
< file original = "ng.template" id = "ngi18n" >
< unit id = "missingtarget" >
< segment >
< source / >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< / file >
< / xliff > ` ;
expect ( ( ) = > {
loadAsMap ( XLIFF ) ;
} ) . toThrowError ( /Message missingtarget misses a translation/ ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should throw when an unit has no id attribute' , ( ) = > {
const XLIFF = ` <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< xliff version = "2.0" xmlns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" srcLang = "en" >
< file original = "ng.template" id = "ngi18n" >
< unit >
< segment >
< source / >
< target / >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< / file >
< / xliff > ` ;
expect ( ( ) = > { loadAsMap ( XLIFF ) ; } ) . toThrowError ( /<unit> misses the "id" attribute/ ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should throw on duplicate unit id' , ( ) = > {
const XLIFF = ` <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< xliff version = "2.0" xmlns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" srcLang = "en" >
< file original = "ng.template" id = "ngi18n" >
< unit id = "deadbeef" >
< segment >
< source / >
< target / >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< unit id = "deadbeef" >
< segment >
< source / >
< target / >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< / file >
< / xliff > ` ;
expect ( ( ) = > {
loadAsMap ( XLIFF ) ;
} ) . toThrowError ( /Duplicated translations for msg deadbeef/ ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
describe ( 'message errors' , ( ) = > {
it ( 'should throw on unknown message tags' , ( ) = > {
const XLIFF = ` <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< xliff version = "2.0" xmlns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" srcLang = "en" >
< file original = "ng.template" id = "ngi18n" >
< unit id = "deadbeef" >
< segment >
< source / >
< target > < b > msg should contain only ph and pc tags < / b > < / target >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< / file >
< / xliff > ` ;
expect ( ( ) = > { loadAsMap ( XLIFF ) ; } )
. toThrowError ( new RegExp (
escapeRegExp ( ` [ERROR ->]<b>msg should contain only ph and pc tags</b> ` ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
it ( 'should throw when a placeholder misses an id attribute' , ( ) = > {
const XLIFF = ` <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< xliff version = "2.0" xmlns = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" srcLang = "en" >
< file original = "ng.template" id = "ngi18n" >
< unit id = "deadbeef" >
< segment >
< source / >
< target > < ph / > < / target >
< / segment >
< / unit >
< / file >
< / xliff > ` ;
expect ( ( ) = > {
loadAsMap ( XLIFF ) ;
} ) . toThrowError ( new RegExp ( escapeRegExp ( ` <ph> misses the "equiv" attribute ` ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2017-12-16 14:42:55 -08:00
} ) ( ) ;