2018-07-12 15:10:55 -07:00
/ * *
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc . All Rights Reserved .
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT - style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https : //angular.io/license
* /
import { AotCompilerOptions } from '@angular/compiler' ;
import { escapeRegExp } from '@angular/compiler/src/util' ;
import { MockCompilerHost , MockData , MockDirectory , arrayToMockDir , settings , toMockFileArray } from '@angular/compiler/test/aot/test_util' ;
import * as ts from 'typescript' ;
import { NgtscProgram } from '../../src/ngtsc/program' ;
const IDENTIFIER = /[A-Za-z_$ɵ][A-Za-z0-9_$]*/ ;
const OPERATOR =
2018-08-10 14:04:11 -07:00
/!|\?|%|\*|\/|\^|&&?|\|\|?|\(|\)|\{|\}|\[|\]|:|;|<=?|>=?|={1,3}|!==?|=>|\+\+?|--?|@|,|\.|\.\.\./ ;
2018-07-12 15:10:55 -07:00
const STRING = /'[^']*'|"[^"]*"|`[\s\S]*?`/ ;
const NUMBER = /\d+/ ;
const ELLIPSIS = '…' ;
const TOKEN = new RegExp (
` \\ s*(( ${ IDENTIFIER . source } )|( ${ OPERATOR . source } )|( ${ STRING . source } )| ${ NUMBER . source } | ${ ELLIPSIS } ) ` ,
'y' ) ;
type Piece = string | RegExp ;
const SKIP = /(?:.|\n|\r)*/ ;
// Transform the expected output to set of tokens
function tokenize ( text : string ) : Piece [ ] {
TOKEN . lastIndex = 0 ;
let match : RegExpMatchArray | null ;
const pieces : Piece [ ] = [ ] ;
while ( ( match = TOKEN . exec ( text ) ) !== null ) {
const token = match [ 1 ] ;
if ( token === 'IDENT' ) {
pieces . push ( IDENTIFIER ) ;
} else if ( token === ELLIPSIS ) {
pieces . push ( SKIP ) ;
} else {
pieces . push ( token ) ;
if ( pieces . length === 0 || TOKEN . lastIndex !== 0 ) {
const from = TOKEN . lastIndex ;
const to = from + ERROR_CONTEXT_WIDTH ;
throw Error ( ` Invalid test, no token found for ' ${ text . substr ( from , to ) } ...' ` ) ;
return pieces ;
export function expectEmit (
source : string , expected : string , description : string ,
assertIdentifiers ? : { [ name : string ] : RegExp } ) {
// turns `// ...` into `…`
// remove `// TODO` comment lines
expected = expected . replace ( /\/\/\s*\.\.\./g , ELLIPSIS ) . replace ( /\/\/\s*TODO.*?\n/g , '' ) ;
const pieces = tokenize ( expected ) ;
const { regexp , groups } = buildMatcher ( pieces ) ;
const matches = source . match ( regexp ) ;
if ( matches === null ) {
let last : number = 0 ;
for ( let i = 1 ; i < pieces . length ; i ++ ) {
const { regexp } = buildMatcher ( pieces . slice ( 0 , i ) ) ;
const m = source . match ( regexp ) ;
const expectedPiece = pieces [ i - 1 ] == IDENTIFIER ? '<IDENT>' : pieces [ i - 1 ] ;
if ( ! m ) {
2018-08-03 15:32:08 -07:00
// display at most `contextLength` characters of the line preceding the error location
const contextLength = 50 ;
const fullContext = source . substring ( source . lastIndexOf ( '\n' , last ) + 1 , last ) ;
const context = fullContext . length > contextLength ?
` ... ${ fullContext . substr ( - contextLength ) } ` :
fullContext ;
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fail (
2018-08-03 15:32:08 -07:00
` ${ description } : Failed to find " ${ expectedPiece } " after " ${ context } " in: \ n' ${ source . substr ( 0 , last ) } [<---HERE expected " ${ expectedPiece } "] ${ source . substr ( last ) } ' ` ) ;
2018-07-12 15:10:55 -07:00
return ;
} else {
last = ( m . index || 0 ) + m [ 0 ] . length ;
fail (
` Test helper failure: Expected expression failed but the reporting logic could not find where it failed in: ${ source } ` ) ;
} else {
if ( assertIdentifiers ) {
// It might be possible to add the constraints in the original regexp (see `buildMatcher`)
// by transforming the assertion regexps when using anchoring, grouping, back references,
// flags, ...
// Checking identifiers after they have matched allows for a simple and flexible
// implementation.
// The overall performance are not impacted when `assertIdentifiers` is empty.
const ids = Object . keys ( assertIdentifiers ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < ids . length ; i ++ ) {
const id = ids [ i ] ;
if ( groups . has ( id ) ) {
const name = matches [ groups . get ( id ) as number ] ;
const regexp = assertIdentifiers [ id ] ;
if ( ! regexp . test ( name ) ) {
throw Error (
` ${ description } : The matching identifier " ${ id } " is " ${ name } " which doesn't match ${ regexp } ` ) ;
const IDENT_LIKE = /^[a-z][A-Z]/ ;
const MATCHING_IDENT = /^\$.*\$$/ ;
/ *
* Builds a regexp that matches the given ` pieces `
* It returns :
* - the ` regexp ` to be used to match the generated code ,
* - the ` groups ` which maps ` $ ... $ ` identifier to their position in the regexp matches .
* /
function buildMatcher ( pieces : ( string | RegExp ) [ ] ) : { regexp : RegExp , groups : Map < string , number > } {
const results : string [ ] = [ ] ;
let first = true ;
let group = 0 ;
const groups = new Map < string , number > ( ) ;
for ( const piece of pieces ) {
if ( ! first )
results . push ( ` \\ s ${ typeof piece === 'string' && IDENT_LIKE . test ( piece ) ? '+' : '*' } ` ) ;
first = false ;
if ( typeof piece === 'string' ) {
if ( MATCHING_IDENT . test ( piece ) ) {
const matchGroup = groups . get ( piece ) ;
if ( ! matchGroup ) {
results . push ( '(' + IDENTIFIER . source + ')' ) ;
const newGroup = ++ group ;
groups . set ( piece , newGroup ) ;
} else {
results . push ( ` \\ ${ matchGroup } ` ) ;
} else {
results . push ( escapeRegExp ( piece ) ) ;
} else {
results . push ( '(?:' + piece . source + ')' ) ;
return {
regexp : new RegExp ( results . join ( '' ) ) ,
groups ,
} ;
export function compile (
data : MockDirectory , angularFiles : MockData , options : AotCompilerOptions = { } ,
errorCollector : ( error : any , fileName? : string ) = > void = error = > { throw error ; } ) : {
source : string ,
} {
const testFiles = toMockFileArray ( data ) ;
const scripts = testFiles . map ( entry = > entry . fileName ) ;
const angularFilesArray = toMockFileArray ( angularFiles ) ;
const files = arrayToMockDir ( [ . . . testFiles , . . . angularFilesArray ] ) ;
const mockCompilerHost = new MockCompilerHost ( scripts , files ) ;
const program = new NgtscProgram (
scripts , {
target : ts.ScriptTarget.ES2015 ,
module : ts.ModuleKind.ES2015 ,
moduleResolution : ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs , . . . options ,
} ,
mockCompilerHost ) ;
program . emit ( ) ;
const source =
scripts . map ( script = > mockCompilerHost . readFile ( script . replace ( /\.ts$/ , '.js' ) ) ) . join ( '\n' ) ;
return { source } ;