2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {EventEmitter} from '@angular/core';
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
import {defineComponent, defineDirective} from '../../src/render3/index';
2018-03-13 11:48:09 -07:00
import {NO_CHANGE, bind, container, containerRefreshEnd, containerRefreshStart, elementEnd, elementProperty, elementStart, embeddedViewEnd, embeddedViewStart, interpolation1, listener, load, text, textBinding} from '../../src/render3/instructions';
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
import {renderToHtml} from './render_util';
describe('elementProperty', () => {
it('should support bindings to properties', () => {
function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'span');
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementProperty(0, 'id', bind(ctx));
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
expect(renderToHtml(Template, 'testId')).toEqual('<span id="testId"></span>');
expect(renderToHtml(Template, 'otherId')).toEqual('<span id="otherId"></span>');
it('should support creation time bindings to properties', () => {
function expensive(ctx: string): any {
if (ctx === 'cheapId') {
return ctx;
} else {
throw 'Too expensive!';
function Template(ctx: string, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'span');
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementProperty(0, 'id', cm ? expensive(ctx) : NO_CHANGE);
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
expect(renderToHtml(Template, 'cheapId')).toEqual('<span id="cheapId"></span>');
expect(renderToHtml(Template, 'expensiveId')).toEqual('<span id="cheapId"></span>');
it('should support interpolation for properties', () => {
function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'span');
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
2018-02-14 11:22:14 -08:00
elementProperty(0, 'id', interpolation1('_', ctx, '_'));
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
expect(renderToHtml(Template, 'testId')).toEqual('<span id="_testId_"></span>');
expect(renderToHtml(Template, 'otherId')).toEqual('<span id="_otherId_"></span>');
describe('input properties', () => {
let button: MyButton;
let otherDir: OtherDir;
class MyButton {
disabled: boolean;
2018-01-22 15:27:21 -08:00
static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective(
{type: MyButton, factory: () => button = new MyButton(), inputs: {disabled: 'disabled'}});
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
class OtherDir {
id: boolean;
clickStream = new EventEmitter();
static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({
2018-01-22 15:27:21 -08:00
type: OtherDir,
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
factory: () => otherDir = new OtherDir(),
inputs: {id: 'id'},
outputs: {clickStream: 'click'}
it('should check input properties before setting (directives)', () => {
/** <button myButton [id]="id" [disabled]="isDisabled">Click me</button> */
function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'button', null, [MyButton, OtherDir]);
{ text(3, 'Click me'); }
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementProperty(0, 'disabled', bind(ctx.isDisabled));
elementProperty(0, 'id', bind(ctx.id));
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
const ctx: any = {isDisabled: true, id: 0};
expect(renderToHtml(Template, ctx)).toEqual(`<button>Click me</button>`);
expect(button !.disabled).toEqual(true);
expect(otherDir !.id).toEqual(0);
ctx.isDisabled = false;
ctx.id = 1;
expect(renderToHtml(Template, ctx)).toEqual(`<button>Click me</button>`);
expect(button !.disabled).toEqual(false);
expect(otherDir !.id).toEqual(1);
it('should support mixed element properties and input properties', () => {
/** <button myButton [id]="id" [disabled]="isDisabled">Click me</button> */
function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'button', null, [MyButton]);
{ text(2, 'Click me'); }
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementProperty(0, 'disabled', bind(ctx.isDisabled));
elementProperty(0, 'id', bind(ctx.id));
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
const ctx: any = {isDisabled: true, id: 0};
expect(renderToHtml(Template, ctx)).toEqual(`<button id="0">Click me</button>`);
expect(button !.disabled).toEqual(true);
ctx.isDisabled = false;
ctx.id = 1;
expect(renderToHtml(Template, ctx)).toEqual(`<button id="1">Click me</button>`);
expect(button !.disabled).toEqual(false);
it('should check that property is not an input property before setting (component)', () => {
let comp: Comp;
class Comp {
id: number;
static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({
2018-01-22 15:27:21 -08:00
type: Comp,
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
tag: 'comp',
template: function(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {},
factory: () => comp = new Comp(),
inputs: {id: 'id'}
/** <comp [id]="id"></comp> */
function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, Comp);
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementProperty(0, 'id', bind(ctx.id));
2017-12-20 16:26:07 -08:00
Comp.ngComponentDef.h(1, 0);
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
expect(renderToHtml(Template, {id: 1})).toEqual(`<comp></comp>`);
expect(comp !.id).toEqual(1);
expect(renderToHtml(Template, {id: 2})).toEqual(`<comp></comp>`);
expect(comp !.id).toEqual(2);
it('should support two input properties with the same name', () => {
let otherDisabledDir: OtherDisabledDir;
class OtherDisabledDir {
disabled: boolean;
static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({
2018-01-22 15:27:21 -08:00
type: OtherDisabledDir,
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
factory: () => otherDisabledDir = new OtherDisabledDir(),
inputs: {disabled: 'disabled'}
/** <button myButton otherDisabledDir [disabled]="isDisabled">Click me</button> */
function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'button', null, [MyButton, OtherDisabledDir]);
{ text(3, 'Click me'); }
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementProperty(0, 'disabled', bind(ctx.isDisabled));
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
const ctx: any = {isDisabled: true};
expect(renderToHtml(Template, ctx)).toEqual(`<button>Click me</button>`);
expect(button !.disabled).toEqual(true);
expect(otherDisabledDir !.disabled).toEqual(true);
ctx.isDisabled = false;
expect(renderToHtml(Template, ctx)).toEqual(`<button>Click me</button>`);
expect(button !.disabled).toEqual(false);
expect(otherDisabledDir !.disabled).toEqual(false);
it('should set input property if there is an output first', () => {
/** <button otherDir [id]="id" (click)="onClick()">Click me</button> */
function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'button', null, [OtherDir]);
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
listener('click', ctx.onClick.bind(ctx));
text(2, 'Click me');
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementProperty(0, 'id', bind(ctx.id));
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
let counter = 0;
const ctx: any = {id: 1, onClick: () => counter++};
expect(renderToHtml(Template, ctx)).toEqual(`<button>Click me</button>`);
expect(otherDir !.id).toEqual(1);
otherDir !.clickStream.next();
ctx.id = 2;
renderToHtml(Template, ctx);
expect(otherDir !.id).toEqual(2);
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
it('should support unrelated element properties at same index in if-else block', () => {
let idDir: IdDir;
class IdDir {
idNumber: number;
2018-01-22 15:27:21 -08:00
static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective(
{type: IdDir, factory: () => idDir = new IdDir(), inputs: {idNumber: 'id'}});
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
* <button idDir [id]="id1">Click me</button> // inputs: {'id': [0, 'idNumber']}
* % if (condition) {
* <button [id]="id2">Click me too</button> // inputs: null
* % } else {
* <button otherDir [id]="id3">Click me too</button> // inputs: {'id': [0, 'id']}
* % }
function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'button', null, [IdDir]);
{ text(2, 'Click me'); }
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementProperty(0, 'id', bind(ctx.id1));
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
if (ctx.condition) {
2018-02-06 17:27:16 -08:00
if (embeddedViewStart(0)) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'button');
{ text(1, 'Click me too'); }
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementProperty(0, 'id', bind(ctx.id2));
2018-02-06 17:27:16 -08:00
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
} else {
2018-02-06 17:27:16 -08:00
if (embeddedViewStart(1)) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'button', null, [OtherDir]);
{ text(2, 'Click me too'); }
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementProperty(0, 'id', bind(ctx.id3));
2018-02-06 17:27:16 -08:00
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
expect(renderToHtml(Template, {condition: true, id1: 'one', id2: 'two', id3: 'three'}))
.toEqual(`<button>Click me</button><button id="two">Click me too</button>`);
expect(idDir !.idNumber).toEqual('one');
expect(renderToHtml(Template, {condition: false, id1: 'four', id2: 'two', id3: 'three'}))
.toEqual(`<button>Click me</button><button>Click me too</button>`);
expect(idDir !.idNumber).toEqual('four');
expect(otherDir !.id).toEqual('three');
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
describe('attributes and input properties', () => {
let myDir: MyDir;
class MyDir {
role: string;
direction: string;
changeStream = new EventEmitter();
static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({
2018-01-22 15:27:21 -08:00
type: MyDir,
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
factory: () => myDir = new MyDir(),
inputs: {role: 'role', direction: 'dir'},
outputs: {changeStream: 'change'}
let dirB: MyDirB;
class MyDirB {
roleB: string;
2018-01-22 15:27:21 -08:00
static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective(
{type: MyDirB, factory: () => dirB = new MyDirB(), inputs: {roleB: 'role'}});
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
it('should set input property based on attribute if existing', () => {
/** <div role="button" myDir></div> */
function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'div', ['role', 'button'], [MyDir]);
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
expect(renderToHtml(Template, {})).toEqual(`<div role="button"></div>`);
expect(myDir !.role).toEqual('button');
it('should set input property and attribute if both defined', () => {
/** <div role="button" [role]="role" myDir></div> */
function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'div', ['role', 'button'], [MyDir]);
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementProperty(0, 'role', bind(ctx.role));
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
expect(renderToHtml(Template, {role: 'listbox'})).toEqual(`<div role="button"></div>`);
expect(myDir !.role).toEqual('listbox');
renderToHtml(Template, {role: 'button'});
expect(myDir !.role).toEqual('button');
it('should set two directive input properties based on same attribute', () => {
/** <div role="button" myDir myDirB></div> */
function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'div', ['role', 'button'], [MyDir, MyDirB]);
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
expect(renderToHtml(Template, {})).toEqual(`<div role="button"></div>`);
expect(myDir !.role).toEqual('button');
expect(dirB !.roleB).toEqual('button');
it('should process two attributes on same directive', () => {
/** <div role="button" dir="rtl" myDir></div> */
function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'div', ['role', 'button', 'dir', 'rtl'], [MyDir]);
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
2018-01-03 11:42:48 +01:00
expect(renderToHtml(Template, {})).toEqual(`<div dir="rtl" role="button"></div>`);
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
expect(myDir !.role).toEqual('button');
expect(myDir !.direction).toEqual('rtl');
it('should process attributes and outputs properly together', () => {
/** <div role="button" (change)="onChange()" myDir></div> */
function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'div', ['role', 'button'], [MyDir]);
{ listener('change', ctx.onChange.bind(ctx)); }
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
let counter = 0;
expect(renderToHtml(Template, {
onChange: () => counter++
})).toEqual(`<div role="button"></div>`);
expect(myDir !.role).toEqual('button');
myDir !.changeStream.next();
it('should process attributes properly for directives with later indices', () => {
* <div role="button" dir="rtl" myDir></div>
* <div role="listbox" myDirB></div>
function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'div', ['role', 'button', 'dir', 'rtl'], [MyDir]);
elementStart(2, 'div', ['role', 'listbox'], [MyDirB]);
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
expect(renderToHtml(Template, {}))
2018-01-03 11:42:48 +01:00
.toEqual(`<div dir="rtl" role="button"></div><div role="listbox"></div>`);
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
expect(myDir !.role).toEqual('button');
expect(myDir !.direction).toEqual('rtl');
expect(dirB !.roleB).toEqual('listbox');
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
it('should support attributes at same index inside an if-else block', () => {
* <div role="listbox" myDir></div> // initialInputs: [['role', 'listbox']]
* % if (condition) {
* <div role="button" myDirB></div> // initialInputs: [['role', 'button']]
* % } else {
* <div role="menu"></div> // initialInputs: [null]
* % }
function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'div', ['role', 'listbox'], [MyDir]);
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
if (ctx.condition) {
2018-02-06 17:27:16 -08:00
if (embeddedViewStart(0)) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'div', ['role', 'button'], [MyDirB]);
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
2018-02-06 17:27:16 -08:00
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
} else {
2018-02-06 17:27:16 -08:00
if (embeddedViewStart(1)) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'div', ['role', 'menu']);
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
2018-02-06 17:27:16 -08:00
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
2017-12-08 11:48:54 -08:00
expect(renderToHtml(Template, {
condition: true
})).toEqual(`<div role="listbox"></div><div role="button"></div>`);
expect(myDir !.role).toEqual('listbox');
expect(dirB !.roleB).toEqual('button');
expect((dirB !as any).role).toBeUndefined();
expect(renderToHtml(Template, {
condition: false
})).toEqual(`<div role="listbox"></div><div role="menu"></div>`);
expect(myDir !.role).toEqual('listbox');
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
it('should process attributes properly inside a for loop', () => {
class Comp {
static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({
2018-01-22 15:27:21 -08:00
type: Comp,
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
tag: 'comp',
template: function(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, 'div', ['role', 'button'], [MyDir]);
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
2018-02-16 16:58:07 -08:00
textBinding(2, bind(load<MyDir>(1).role));
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
factory: () => new Comp()
* % for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
* <comp></comp>
* % }
function Template(ctx: any, cm: boolean) {
if (cm) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
2018-02-06 17:27:16 -08:00
if (embeddedViewStart(0)) {
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
elementStart(0, Comp);
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
2017-12-20 16:26:07 -08:00
Comp.ngComponentDef.h(1, 0);
2018-02-06 17:27:16 -08:00
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
2018-02-06 16:11:20 -08:00
2017-12-01 14:23:03 -08:00
expect(renderToHtml(Template, {}))
`<comp><div role="button"></div>button</comp><comp><div role="button"></div>button</comp>`);