2021-07-12 21:02:12 +02:00
load("//dev-infra/bazel:extract_js_module_output.bzl", "extract_js_module_output")
2021-06-28 19:40:33 +02:00
load("@build_bazel_rules_nodejs//:index.bzl", "nodejs_binary", "nodejs_test")
nodejs_test_args = [
# Needed so that node doesn't walk back to the source directory.
# From there, the relative imports would point to .ts files.
# TODO(josephperrott): update dependency usages to no longer need bazel patch module resolver
# See: https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_nodejs/wiki#--bazel_patch_module_resolver-now-defaults-to-false-2324
default_strip_export_pattern = "^ɵ(?!ɵdefineInjectable|ɵinject|ɵInjectableDef)"
"""Escapes a Regular expression so that it can be passed as process argument."""
def _escape_regex_for_arg(value):
return "\"%s\"" % value
Builds an API report for the specified entry-point and compares it against the
specified golden
def api_golden_test(
data = [],
strip_export_pattern = default_strip_export_pattern,
quoted_export_pattern = _escape_regex_for_arg(strip_export_pattern)
kwargs["tags"] = kwargs.get("tags", []) + ["api_guard"]
2021-07-12 21:02:12 +02:00
# For API golden tests not running against a NPM package, we extract all transitive
# declarations of the specified `data` targets. This is necessary because API extractor
# needs to resolve other targets that have been linked by the Bazel NodeJS rules. The
# linker by default only provides access to JavaScript sources, but the API extractor is
# specifically concerned with type definitions that we can extract manually here.
name = "%s_data_typings" % name,
deps = data,
provider = "JSModuleInfo",
include_declarations = True,
include_default_files = False,
test_data = ["//dev-infra/bazel/api-golden", "//:package.json", ":%s_data_typings" % name] + data
2021-06-28 19:40:33 +02:00
name = name,
2021-07-12 21:02:12 +02:00
data = test_data,
2021-06-28 19:40:33 +02:00
entry_point = "//dev-infra/bazel/api-golden:index.ts",
templated_args = nodejs_test_args + [golden, entry_point, "false", quoted_export_pattern],
name = name + ".accept",
testonly = True,
2021-07-12 21:02:12 +02:00
data = test_data,
2021-06-28 19:40:33 +02:00
entry_point = "//dev-infra/bazel/api-golden:index.ts",
templated_args = nodejs_test_args + [golden, entry_point, "true", quoted_export_pattern],
Builds an API report for all entrypoints within the given NPM package and compares it
against goldens within the specified directory.
def api_golden_test_npm_package(
data = [],
strip_export_pattern = default_strip_export_pattern,
quoted_export_pattern = _escape_regex_for_arg(strip_export_pattern)
kwargs["tags"] = kwargs.get("tags", []) + ["api_guard"]
name = name,
data = ["//dev-infra/bazel/api-golden"] + data,
entry_point = "//dev-infra/bazel/api-golden:index_npm_packages.ts",
templated_args = nodejs_test_args + [golden_dir, npm_package, "false", quoted_export_pattern],
name = name + ".accept",
testonly = True,
data = ["//dev-infra/bazel/api-golden"] + data,
entry_point = "//dev-infra/bazel/api-golden:index_npm_packages.ts",
templated_args = nodejs_test_args + [golden_dir, npm_package, "true", quoted_export_pattern],