fix(transformer): remove classDefParser in favor of hardcoded strings to speed up build
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
library angular2.transform.common.annotation_matcher;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart' show AssetId;
import 'package:code_transformers/assets.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'logging.dart' show logger;
/// [AnnotationDescriptor]s for the default angular annotations that can appear
/// on a class. These classes are re-exported in many places so this covers all
/// the possible libraries which could provide them.
const INJECTABLES = const [
const AnnotationDescriptor(
'Injectable', 'package:angular2/src/di/annotations.dart', null),
const AnnotationDescriptor(
'Injectable', 'package:angular2/src/di/annotations_impl.dart', null),
const AnnotationDescriptor(
'Injectable', 'package:angular2/src/di/decorators.dart', null),
const AnnotationDescriptor('Injectable', 'package:angular2/di.dart', null),
const AnnotationDescriptor(
'Injectable', 'package:angular2/angular2.dart', null),
const DIRECTIVES = const [
const AnnotationDescriptor('Directive',
'package:angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations.dart', 'Injectable'),
const AnnotationDescriptor('Directive',
const AnnotationDescriptor(
'Directive', 'package:angular2/annotations.dart', 'Injectable'),
const AnnotationDescriptor(
'Directive', 'package:angular2/angular2.dart', 'Injectable'),
const AnnotationDescriptor(
'Directive', 'package:angular2/core.dart', 'Injectable'),
const COMPONENTS = const [
const AnnotationDescriptor('Component',
'package:angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations.dart', 'Directive'),
const AnnotationDescriptor('Component',
const AnnotationDescriptor(
'Component', 'package:angular2/annotations.dart', 'Directive'),
const AnnotationDescriptor(
'Component', 'package:angular2/angular2.dart', 'Directive'),
const AnnotationDescriptor(
'Component', 'package:angular2/core.dart', 'Directive'),
const VIEWS = const [
const AnnotationDescriptor('View', 'package:angular2/view.dart', null),
const AnnotationDescriptor('View', 'package:angular2/angular2.dart', null),
const AnnotationDescriptor('View', 'package:angular2/core.dart', null),
const AnnotationDescriptor(
'View', 'package:angular2/src/core/annotations/view.dart', null),
const AnnotationDescriptor(
'View', 'package:angular2/src/core/annotations_impl/view.dart', null),
/// Checks if a given [Annotation] matches any of the given
/// [AnnotationDescriptors].
class AnnotationMatcher {
/// Always start out with the default angular [AnnotationDescriptor]s.
final List<AnnotationDescriptor> _annotations = []
/// Adds a new [AnnotationDescriptor].
void add(AnnotationDescriptor annotation) => _annotations.add(annotation);
/// Adds a number of [AnnotationDescriptor]s.
void addAll(Iterable<AnnotationDescriptor> annotations) =>
/// Returns the first [AnnotationDescriptor] that matches the given
/// [Annotation] node which appears in `assetId`.
AnnotationDescriptor firstMatch(Annotation annotation, AssetId assetId) =>
_annotations.firstWhere((a) => _matchAnnotation(annotation, a, assetId),
orElse: () => null);
/// Checks whether an [Annotation] node matches any [AnnotationDescriptor].
bool hasMatch(Annotation annotation, AssetId assetId) =>
_annotations.any((a) => _matchAnnotation(annotation, a, assetId));
/// Checks if an [Annotation] node implements [Injectable].
bool isInjectable(Annotation annotation, AssetId assetId) =>
_implements(firstMatch(annotation, assetId), INJECTABLES);
/// Checks if an [Annotation] node implements [Directive].
bool isDirective(Annotation annotation, AssetId assetId) =>
_implements(firstMatch(annotation, assetId), DIRECTIVES);
/// Checks if an [Annotation] node implements [Component].
bool isComponent(Annotation annotation, AssetId assetId) =>
_implements(firstMatch(annotation, assetId), COMPONENTS);
/// Checks if an [Annotation] node implements [View].
bool isView(Annotation annotation, AssetId assetId) =>
_implements(firstMatch(annotation, assetId), VIEWS);
/// Checks if `descriptor` extends or is any of the supplied `interfaces`.
bool _implements(
AnnotationDescriptor descriptor, List<AnnotationDescriptor> interfaces) {
if (descriptor == null) return false;
if (interfaces.contains(descriptor)) return true;
if (descriptor.superClass == null) return false;
var superClass = _annotations.firstWhere(
(a) => == descriptor.superClass, orElse: () => null);
if (superClass == null) {
'Missing `custom_annotation` entry for `${descriptor.superClass}`.');
return false;
return _implements(superClass, interfaces);
// Checks if an [Annotation] matches an [AnnotationDescriptor].
static bool _matchAnnotation(
Annotation annotation, AnnotationDescriptor descriptor, AssetId assetId) {
if ( != return false;
return (annotation.root as CompilationUnit).directives
.where((d) => d is ImportDirective)
.any((ImportDirective i) {
var uriString = i.uri.stringValue;
if (uriString == descriptor.import) return true;
if (uriString.startsWith('package:') || uriString.startsWith('dart:')) {
return false;
return descriptor.assetId ==
uriToAssetId(assetId, uriString, logger, null);
/// String based description of an annotation class and its location.
class AnnotationDescriptor {
/// The name of the class.
final String name;
/// A `package:` style import path to the file where the class is defined.
final String import;
/// The class that this class extends or implements. This is the only optional
/// field.
final String superClass;
AssetId get assetId => new AssetId(package, packagePath);
String get package => path.split(import.replaceFirst('package:', '')).first;
String get packagePath => path.joinAll(['lib']
..addAll(path.split(import.replaceFirst('package:', ''))..removeAt(0)));
const AnnotationDescriptor(, this.import, this.superClass);
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
library angular2.transform.common.options;
import 'annotation_matcher.dart';
import 'mirror_mode.dart';
const ENTRY_POINT_PARAM = 'entry_points';
const REFLECTION_ENTRY_POINT_PARAM = 'reflection_entry_points';
const CUSTOM_ANNOTATIONS_PARAM = 'custom_annotations';
/// Provides information necessary to transform an Angular2 app.
class TransformerOptions {
@ -23,16 +25,23 @@ class TransformerOptions {
/// Whether to generate calls to our generated `initReflector` code
final bool initReflector;
/// The [AnnotationMatcher] which is used to identify angular annotations.
final AnnotationMatcher annotationMatcher;
TransformerOptions._internal(this.entryPoints, this.reflectionEntryPoints,
this.modeName, this.mirrorMode, this.initReflector);
this.modeName, this.mirrorMode, this.initReflector,
factory TransformerOptions(List<String> entryPoints,
{List<String> reflectionEntryPoints, String modeName: 'release',
MirrorMode mirrorMode: MirrorMode.none, bool initReflector: true}) {
MirrorMode mirrorMode: MirrorMode.none, bool initReflector: true,
List<AnnotationDescriptor> customAnnotationDescriptors: const []}) {
if (reflectionEntryPoints == null || reflectionEntryPoints.isEmpty) {
reflectionEntryPoints = entryPoints;
var annotationMatcher = new AnnotationMatcher()
return new TransformerOptions._internal(entryPoints, reflectionEntryPoints,
modeName, mirrorMode, initReflector);
modeName, mirrorMode, initReflector, annotationMatcher);
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
library angular2.transform.common.options_reader;
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'annotation_matcher.dart';
import 'mirror_mode.dart';
import 'options.dart';
@ -29,7 +30,8 @@ TransformerOptions parseBarbackSettings(BarbackSettings settings) {
reflectionEntryPoints: reflectionEntryPoints,
mirrorMode: mirrorMode,
initReflector: initReflector);
initReflector: initReflector,
customAnnotationDescriptors: _readCustomAnnotations(config));
/// Cribbed from the polymer project.
@ -53,3 +55,48 @@ List<String> _readFileList(Map config, String paramName) {
return files;
/// Parse the [CUSTOM_ANNOTATIONS_PARAM] options out of the transformer into
/// [AnnotationDescriptor]s.
List<AnnotationDescriptor> _readCustomAnnotations(Map config) {
var descriptors = [];
var customAnnotations = config[CUSTOM_ANNOTATIONS_PARAM];
if (customAnnotations == null) return descriptors;
var error = false;
if (customAnnotations is! List) {
error = true;
} else {
for (var description in customAnnotations) {
if (description is! Map) {
error = true;
var name = description['name'];
var import = description['import'];
var superClass = description['superClass'];
if (name == null || import == null || superClass == null) {
error = true;
descriptors.add(new AnnotationDescriptor(name, import, superClass));
if (error) {
return descriptors;
Invalid value for $CUSTOM_ANNOTATIONS_PARAM in the Angular2 transformer.
Expected something that looks like the following:
- angular2:
- name: MyAnnotation
import: 'package:my_package/my_annotation.dart'
superClass: Component
- name: ...
import: ...
superClass: ...''';
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ library angular2.transform.directive_processor.rewriter;
import 'package:analyzer/analyzer.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_core.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/transform/common/annotation_matcher.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/transform/common/logging.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/transform/common/names.dart';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart' show AssetId;
@ -9,20 +10,20 @@ import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'visitors.dart';
/// Generates a file registering all Angular 2 `Directive`s found in [code] in
/// ngDeps format [TODO(kegluneq): documentation reference needed]. [path] is
/// the path to the file (or asset) containing [code].
/// Generates a file registering all Angular 2 `Directive`s found in `code` in
/// ngDeps format [TODO(kegluneq): documentation reference needed]. `assetId` is
/// the id of the asset containing `code`.
/// If no Angular 2 `Directive`s are found in [code], returns the empty
/// string unless [forceGenerate] is true, in which case an empty ngDeps
/// If no Angular 2 `Directive`s are found in `code`, returns the empty
/// string unless `forceGenerate` is true, in which case an empty ngDeps
/// file is created.
String createNgDeps(String code, String path,
Map<AssetId, List<ClassDeclaration>> assetClasses) {
String createNgDeps(
String code, AssetId assetId, AnnotationMatcher annotationMatcher) {
// TODO(kegluneq): Shortcut if we can determine that there are no
// [Directive]s present, taking into account `export`s.
var writer = new PrintStringWriter();
var visitor = new CreateNgDepsVisitor(writer, path, assetClasses);
parseCompilationUnit(code, name: path).accept(visitor);
var visitor = new CreateNgDepsVisitor(writer, assetId, annotationMatcher);
parseCompilationUnit(code, name: assetId.toString()).accept(visitor);
return '$writer';
@ -30,25 +31,23 @@ String createNgDeps(String code, String path,
/// associated .ng_deps.dart file.
class CreateNgDepsVisitor extends Object with SimpleAstVisitor<Object> {
final PrintWriter writer;
final _Tester _tester;
bool _foundNgDirectives = false;
bool _wroteImport = false;
final ToSourceVisitor _copyVisitor;
final FactoryTransformVisitor _factoryVisitor;
final ParameterTransformVisitor _paramsVisitor;
final AnnotationsTransformVisitor _metaVisitor;
final AnnotationMatcher _annotationMatcher;
/// The path to the file which we are parsing.
final String importPath;
/// The assetId for the file which we are parsing.
final AssetId assetId;
CreateNgDepsVisitor(PrintWriter writer, this.importPath,
Map<AssetId, List<ClassDeclaration>> assetClasses)
CreateNgDepsVisitor(PrintWriter writer, this.assetId, this._annotationMatcher)
: writer = writer,
_copyVisitor = new ToSourceVisitor(writer),
_factoryVisitor = new FactoryTransformVisitor(writer),
_paramsVisitor = new ParameterTransformVisitor(writer),
_metaVisitor = new AnnotationsTransformVisitor(writer),
_tester = new _Tester(assetClasses);
_metaVisitor = new AnnotationsTransformVisitor(writer);
void _visitNodeListWithSeparator(NodeList<AstNode> list, String separator) {
if (list == null) return;
@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ class CreateNgDepsVisitor extends Object with SimpleAstVisitor<Object> {
void _maybeWriteImport() {
if (_wroteImport) return;
_wroteImport = true;
writer.print('''import '${path.basename(importPath)}';''');
writer.print('''import '${path.basename(assetId.path)}';''');
@ -140,34 +139,34 @@ class CreateNgDepsVisitor extends Object with SimpleAstVisitor<Object> {
Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
var shouldProcess = node.metadata.any(_tester._shouldKeepMeta);
if (shouldProcess) {
var ctor = _getCtor(node);
if (!_foundNgDirectives) {
// The receiver for cascaded calls.
_foundNgDirectives = true;
writer.print(''', {'factory': ''');
if (ctor == null) {
} else {
writer.print(''', 'parameters': ''');
if (ctor == null) {
} else {
writer.print(''', 'annotations': ''');
if (!node.metadata.any((a) => _annotationMatcher.hasMatch(a, assetId))) {
return null;
var ctor = _getCtor(node);
if (!_foundNgDirectives) {
// The receiver for cascaded calls.
_foundNgDirectives = true;
writer.print(''', {'factory': ''');
if (ctor == null) {
} else {
writer.print(''', 'parameters': ''');
if (ctor == null) {
} else {
writer.print(''', 'annotations': ''');
return null;
@ -189,7 +188,7 @@ class CreateNgDepsVisitor extends Object with SimpleAstVisitor<Object> {
Object visitPartOfDirective(PartOfDirective node) {
// TODO(kegluneq): Consider importing [node.libraryName].
logger.warning('[${importPath}]: '
logger.warning('[${assetId}]: '
'Found `part of` directive while generating ${DEPS_EXTENSION} file, '
'Transform may fail due to missing imports in generated file.');
return null;
@ -202,41 +201,3 @@ class CreateNgDepsVisitor extends Object with SimpleAstVisitor<Object> {
Object visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) => _nodeToSource(node);
const annotationNamesToKeep = const ['Injectable', 'Template'];
class _Tester {
final Map<String, ClassDeclaration> _classesByName;
_Tester(Map<AssetId, List<ClassDeclaration>> assetClasses)
: _classesByName = new Map.fromIterables(assetClasses.values
.expand((classes) => =>,
assetClasses.values.expand((list) => list));
bool _shouldKeepMeta(Annotation meta) =>
bool _shouldKeepClass(ClassDeclaration next) {
while (next != null) {
if (annotationNamesToKeep.contains( return true;
// Check classes that this class implements.
if (next.implementsClause != null) {
for (var interface in next.implementsClause.interfaces) {
if (_shouldKeepClass(_classesByName[])) {
return true;
// Check the class that this class extends.
if (next.extendsClause != null && next.extendsClause.superclass != null) {
next = _classesByName[];
} else {
return false;
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ library angular2.transform.directive_processor.transformer;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:angular2/src/transform/common/asset_reader.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/transform/common/classdef_parser.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/transform/common/logging.dart' as log;
import 'package:angular2/src/transform/common/names.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/transform/common/options.dart';
@ -34,10 +32,9 @@ class DirectiveProcessor extends Transformer {
try {
var asset = transform.primaryInput;
var reader = new AssetReader.fromTransform(transform);
var defMap = await createTypeMap(reader,;
var assetCode = await asset.readAsString();
var ngDepsSrc = createNgDeps(assetCode,, defMap);
var ngDepsSrc =
createNgDeps(assetCode,, options.annotationMatcher);
if (ngDepsSrc != null && ngDepsSrc.isNotEmpty) {
var ngDepsAssetId =
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ library angular2.test.transform.directive_processor.all_tests;
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/transform/directive_processor/rewriter.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/transform/common/annotation_matcher.dart';
import '../common/read_file.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/transform/common/classdef_parser.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';
import 'package:guinness/guinness.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
@ -18,28 +18,40 @@ void allTests() {
_testNgDeps('should preserve parameter annotations as const instances.',
_testNgDeps('should recognize annotations which extend Injectable.',
_testNgDeps('should recognize custom annotations with package: imports',
customDescriptors: [
const AnnotationDescriptor('Soup', 'package:soup/soup.dart', 'Component'),
_testNgDeps('should recognize annotations which implement Injectable.',
_testNgDeps('should recognize custom annotations with relative imports',
assetId: new AssetId('soup', 'lib/relative_soup.dart'),
customDescriptors: [
const AnnotationDescriptor(
'Soup', 'package:soup/annotations/soup.dart', 'Component'),
'should recognize annotations which implement a class that extends '
'Injectable.', 'custom_metadata/chicken_soup.dart');
_testNgDeps('Requires the specified import.', 'custom_metadata/bad_soup.dart',
customDescriptors: [
const AnnotationDescriptor('Soup', 'package:soup/soup.dart', 'Component'),
void _testNgDeps(String name, String inputPath) {
void _testNgDeps(String name, String inputPath,
{List<AnnotationDescriptor> customDescriptors: const [], AssetId assetId}) {
it(name, () async {
var inputId = _assetIdForPath(inputPath);
var reader = new TestAssetReader();
var defMap = await createTypeMap(reader, inputId);
var input = await reader.readAsString(inputId);
var output = formatter.format(createNgDeps(input, inputPath, defMap));
var annotationMatcher = new AnnotationMatcher()..addAll(customDescriptors);
var proxyInputId = assetId != null ? assetId : inputId;
var output =
formatter.format(createNgDeps(input, proxyInputId, annotationMatcher));
var expectedPath = path.join(path.dirname(inputPath), 'expected',
path.basename(inputPath).replaceFirst('.dart', '.ng_deps.dart'));
var expected = await reader.readAsString(_assetIdForPath(expectedPath));
var expectedId = _assetIdForPath(expectedPath);
expect(output).toEqual(await reader.readAsString(expectedId));
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
library dinner.bad_soup;
// No recognized import for [Soup]
class BadSoup {
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
library dinner.bad_soup.ng_deps.dart;
import 'bad_soup.dart';
var _visited = false;
void initReflector(reflector) {
if (_visited) return;
_visited = true;
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
library dinner.package_soup.ng_deps.dart;
import 'package_soup.dart';
import 'package:soup/soup.dart';
var _visited = false;
void initReflector(reflector) {
if (_visited) return;
_visited = true;
..registerType(PackageSoup, {
'factory': () => new PackageSoup(),
'parameters': const [],
'annotations': const [const Soup()]
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
library dinner.relative_soup.ng_deps.dart;
import 'relative_soup.dart';
import 'annotations/soup.dart';
var _visited = false;
void initReflector(reflector) {
if (_visited) return;
_visited = true;
..registerType(RelativeSoup, {
'factory': () => new RelativeSoup(),
'parameters': const [],
'annotations': const [const Soup()]
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
library dinner.package_soup;
import 'package:soup/soup.dart';
class PackageSoup {
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
library dinner.relative_soup;
import 'annotations/soup.dart';
class RelativeSoup {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user