a1-a2-quick-reference.jade review is done.

This commit is contained in:
Zhimin YE (Rex) 2016-06-09 09:44:21 +01:00
parent f24ee2181c
commit 0bc85d4850

View File

@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ table(width="100%")
This kept our controller code out of the global namespace.
在Angular 1中我们通常会定义一个立即调用的函数表达式IIFE来包裹我们的控制器代码。
@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ table(width="100%")
We don't need to worry about this in Angular 2 because we use ES 2015 modules
and modules handle the namespacing for us.
在Angular 2中我们不用担心这个问题因为我们使用ES 2015的模块而模块会为我们处理命名空间问题。
在Angular 2中我们不用担心这个问题因为我们使用ES 2015的模块模块会替我们处理命名空间问题。
For more information on modules see [Architecture Overview](../guide/architecture.html#module).
@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@ table(width="100%")
that component, such as its selector (or tag) and its template.
在Angular 2中我们往组件类上添加了一个装饰器以提供任何需要的元数据。
This is how we associate a template with code, which is defined in the component class.
@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ table(width="100%")
NOTE: If you are using TypeScript with Angular 1 then the only difference here is
that the component class must be exported using the `export` keyword.
注意如果你正在用TypeScript写Angular 1那么这里唯一的不同是哪个组件类必须用`export`关键字导出。
注意如果你正在用TypeScript写Angular 1那么这里唯一的不同是组件类必须用`export`关键字导出。
For more information on components see [Architecture Overview](../guide/architecture.html#component).
@ -1265,7 +1265,7 @@ a(id="string-dates")
As a work around, subclass the Angular `DatePipe` with a version that can convert strings
and substitute that pipe in the HTML:
+makeExample('cb-a1-a2-quick-reference/ts/app/date.pipe.ts', 'date-pipe', 'date.pipe.ts')(format=".")