docs(Http): fix and extend samples for testing/MockBackend (#13689)

Fix samples for MockBackend and MockBackend.connections that were outdated. Also extend central sample for MockBackend to ease getting started.
This commit is contained in:
Emanuel Hein 2016-12-29 18:39:00 +01:00 committed by Hans
parent 6b02b80a03
commit 1e6440e81b
1 changed files with 94 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -114,25 +114,78 @@ export class MockConnection implements Connection {
* ### Example
* ```
* import {BaseRequestOptions, Http} from '@angular/http';
* import {MockBackend} from '@angular/http/testing';
* it('should get some data', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
* var connection;
* var injector = Injector.resolveAndCreate([
* MockBackend,
* {provide: Http, useFactory: (backend, options) => {
* return new Http(backend, options);
* }, deps: [MockBackend, BaseRequestOptions]}]);
* var http = injector.get(Http);
* var backend = injector.get(MockBackend);
* //Assign any newly-created connection to local variable
* backend.connections.subscribe(c => connection = c);
* http.request('data.json').subscribe((res) => {
* expect(res.text()).toBe('awesome');
* async.done();
* import {Injectable, ReflectiveInjector} from '@angular/core';
* import {async, fakeAsync, tick} from '@angular/core/testing';
* import {BaseRequestOptions, ConnectionBackend, Http, RequestOptions} from '@angular/http';
* import {Response, ResponseOptions} from '@angular/http';
* import {MockBackend, MockConnection} from '@angular/http/testing';
* const HERO_ONE = 'HeroNrOne';
* const HERO_TWO = 'WillBeAlwaysTheSecond';
* @Injectable()
* class HeroService {
* constructor(private http: Http) {}
* getHeroes(): Promise<String[]> {
* return this.http.get('')
* .toPromise()
* .then(response => response.json().data)
* .catch(e => this.handleError(e));
* }
* private handleError(error: any): Promise<any> {
* console.error('An error occurred', error);
* return Promise.reject(error.message || error);
* }
* }
* describe('MockBackend HeroService Example', () => {
* beforeEach(() => {
* this.injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([
* {provide: ConnectionBackend, useClass: MockBackend},
* {provide: RequestOptions, useClass: BaseRequestOptions},
* Http,
* HeroService,
* ]);
* this.heroService = this.injector.get(HeroService);
* this.backend = this.injector.get(ConnectionBackend) as MockBackend;
* this.backend.connections.subscribe((connection: any) => this.lastConnection = connection);
* });
* connection.mockRespond(new Response('awesome'));
* it('getHeroes() should query current service url', () => {
* this.heroService.getHeroes();
* expect(this.lastConnection).toBeDefined('no http service connection at all?');
* expect(this.lastConnection.request.url).toMatch(/api\/heroes$/, 'url invalid');
* });
* it('getHeroes() should return some heroes', fakeAsync(() => {
* let result: String[];
* this.heroService.getHeroes().then((heroes: String[]) => result = heroes);
* this.lastConnection.mockRespond(new Response(new ResponseOptions({
* body: JSON.stringify({data: [HERO_ONE, HERO_TWO]}),
* })));
* tick();
* expect(result.length).toEqual(2, 'should contain given amount of heroes');
* expect(result[0]).toEqual(HERO_ONE, ' HERO_ONE should be the first hero');
* expect(result[1]).toEqual(HERO_TWO, ' HERO_TWO should be the second hero');
* }));
* it('getHeroes() while server is down', fakeAsync(() => {
* let result: String[];
* let catchedError: any;
* this.heroService.getHeroes()
* .then((heroes: String[]) => result = heroes)
* .catch((error: any) => catchedError = error);
* this.lastConnection.mockRespond(new Response(new ResponseOptions({
* status: 404,
* statusText: 'URL not Found',
* })));
* tick();
* expect(result).toBeUndefined();
* expect(catchedError).toBeDefined();
* }));
* });
* ```
* This method only exists in the mock implementation, not in real Backends.
@ -149,27 +202,30 @@ export class MockBackend implements ConnectionBackend {
* ### Example
* ```
* import {Http, BaseRequestOptions, Response} from '@angular/http';
* import {MockBackend} from '@angular/http/testing';
* import {Injector, provide} from '@angular/core';
* import {ReflectiveInjector} from '@angular/core';
* import {fakeAsync, tick} from '@angular/core/testing';
* import {BaseRequestOptions, ConnectionBackend, Http, RequestOptions} from '@angular/http';
* import {Response, ResponseOptions} from '@angular/http';
* import {MockBackend, MockConnection} from '@angular/http/testing';
* it('should get a response', () => {
* var connection; //this will be set when a new connection is emitted from the backend.
* var text; //this will be set from mock response
* var injector = Injector.resolveAndCreate([
* MockBackend,
* {provide: Http, useFactory: (backend, options) => {
* return new Http(backend, options);
* }, deps: [MockBackend, BaseRequestOptions]}]);
* var backend = injector.get(MockBackend);
* var http = injector.get(Http);
* backend.connections.subscribe(c => connection = c);
* http.request('something.json').subscribe(res => {
* text = res.text();
* });
* connection.mockRespond(new Response({body: 'Something'}));
* it('should get a response', fakeAsync(() => {
* let connection:
* MockConnection; // this will be set when a new connection is emitted from the
* // backend.
* let text: string; // this will be set from mock response
* let injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([
* {provide: ConnectionBackend, useClass: MockBackend},
* {provide: RequestOptions, useClass: BaseRequestOptions},
* Http,
* ]);
* let backend = injector.get(ConnectionBackend);
* let http = injector.get(Http);
* backend.connections.subscribe((c: MockConnection) => connection = c);
* http.request('something.json').toPromise().then((res: any) => text = res.text());
* connection.mockRespond(new Response(new ResponseOptions({body: 'Something'})));
* tick();
* expect(text).toBe('Something');
* });
* }));
* ```
* This property only exists in the mock implementation, not in real Backends.