diff --git a/aio/content/guide/i18n.md b/aio/content/guide/i18n.md
index 4c5f644d5d..0a0005486e 100644
--- a/aio/content/guide/i18n.md
+++ b/aio/content/guide/i18n.md
@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@ format that Angular understands, such as `.xtb`.
How you provide this information depends upon whether you compile with
the JIT compiler or the AOT compiler.
- * With [AOT](guide/i18n#merge-aot), you pass the information as a configuration
+ * With [AOT](guide/i18n#merge-aot), you pass the information as configuration settings.
* With [JIT](guide/i18n#merge-jit), you provide the information at bootstrap time.
diff --git a/aio/content/guide/workspace-config.md b/aio/content/guide/workspace-config.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..698e932c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aio/content/guide/workspace-config.md
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# Angular Workspace Configuration
+A file named `angular.json` at the root level of an Angular [workspace](guide/glossary#workspace) provides workspace-wide and project-specific configuration defaults for build and development tools provided by the Angular CLI.
+Path values given in the configuration are relative to the root workspace folder.
+## Overall JSON structure
+At the top level of `angular.json`, a few properties configure the workspace, and a `projects` section contains the remaining per-project configuration options.
+* `version`: The configuration-file version.
+* `newProjectRoot`: Path where new projects are created. Absolute or relative to the workspace folder.
+* `defaultProject`: Default project name to use in commands, where not provided as an argument. When you use `ng new` to create a new app in a new workspace, that app is the default project for the workspace until you change it here.
+* `projects` : Contains a subsection for each project (library, app, e2e test app) in the workspace, with the per-project configuration options.
+The initial app that you create with `ng new app_name` is listed under "projects", along with its corresponding end-to-end test app:
+ app_name
+ ...
+ app_name-e2e
+ ...
+Each additional app that you create with `ng generate application` has a corresponding end-to-end test project, with its own configuration section.
+When you create a library project with `ng generate library`, the library project is also added to the `projects` section.
+ Note that the `projects` section of the configuration file does not correspond exactly to the workspace file structure.
+ * The initial app created by `ng new` is at the top level of the workspace file structure, along with its e2e app.
+ * Additional apps, e2e apps, and libraries go into a `projects` folder in the workspace.
+ For more information, see [Workspace and project file structure](guide/file-structure).
+## Project configuration options
+The following top-level configuration properties are available for each project, under `projects:`.
+ "my-v7-app": {
+ "root": "",
+ "sourceRoot": "src",
+ "projectType": "application",
+ "prefix": "app",
+ "schematics": {},
+ "architect": {}
+ }
+| :-------------- | :---------------------------- |
+| `root` | The root folder for this project's files, relative to the workspace folder. Empty for the initial app, which resides at the top level of the workspace. |
+| `sourceRoot` | The root folder for this project's source files. |
+| `projectType` | One of "application" or "library". An application can run independently in a browser, while a library cannot. Both an app and its e2e test app are of type "application".|
+| `prefix` | A string that Angular prepends to generated selectors. Can be customized to identify an app or feature area. |
+| `schematics` | An object containing schematics that customize CLI commands for this project. |
+| `architect` | An object containing configuration defaults for Architect builder targets for this project. |
+## Project tool configuration options
+Architect is the tool that the CLI uses to perform complex tasks such as compilation and test running, according to provided configurations. The `architect` section contains a set of Architect *targets*. Many of the targets correspond to the CLI commands that run them. Some additional predefined targets can be run using the `ng run` command, and you can define your own targets.
+Each target object specifies the `builder` for that target, which is the npm package for the tool that Architect runs. In addition, each target has an `options` section that configure default options for the target, and a `configurations` section that names and specifies alternative configurations for the target. See the example in [Build target](#build-target) below.
+ "architect": {
+ "build": { },
+ "serve": { },
+ "e2e" : { },
+ "test": { },
+ "lint": { },
+ "extract-i18n": { },
+ "server": { },
+ "app-shell": { }
+ }
+* The `architect/build` section configures defaults for options of the `ng build` command. See [Build target]{#build-target} below for more information.
+* The `architect/serve` section overrides build defaults and supplies additional serve defaults for the `ng serve` command. In addition to the options available for the `ng build` command, it adds options related to serving the app.
+* The `architect/e2e` section overrides build-option defaults for building end-to-end testing apps using the `ng e2e` command.
+* The `architect/test` section overrides build-option defaults for test builds and supplies additional test-running defaults for the `ng test` command.
+* The `architect/lint` section configures defaults for options of the `ng lint` command, which performs code analysis on project source files. The default linting tool for Angular is [TSLint](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/).
+* The `architect/extract-i18n` section configures defaults for options of the `ng-xi18n` tool used by the `ng xi18n` command, which extracts marked message strings from source code and outputs translation files.
+* The `architect/server` section configures defaults for creating a Universal app with server-side rendering, using the `ng run :server` command.
+* The `architect/app-shell` section configures defaults for creating an app shell for a progressive web app (PWA), using the `ng run :app-shell` command.
+In general, the options for which you can configure defaults correspond to the command options listed in the [CLI reference page](cli) for each command.
+Note that all options in the configuration file must use [camelCase](guide/glossary#case-conventions), rather than dash-case.
+{@a build-target}
+## Build target
+The `architect/build` section configures defaults for options of the `ng build` command. It has the following top-level properties.
+| :-------------- | :---------------------------- |
+| `builder` | The npm package for the build tool used to create this target. The default is `@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser`, which uses the [webpack](https://webpack.js.org/) package bundler. |
+| `options` | This section contains defaults for build options, used when no named alternative configuration is specified. See [Default build options](#build-props) below. |
+| `configurations`| This section defines and names alternative configurations for different intended destinations. It contains a section for each named configuration, which sets the default options for that intended environment. See [Alternate build configurations](#build-configs) below. |
+{@a build-configs}
+### Alternate build configurations
+By default, a `production` configuration is defined, and the `ng build` command has `--prod` option that builds using this configuration. The `production` configuration sets defaults that optimize the app in a number of ways, such bundling files, minimizing excess whitespace, removing comments and dead code, and rewriting code to use short, cryptic names ("minification").
+You can define and name additional alternate configurations (such as `stage`, for instance) appropriate to your development process. Some examples of different build configurations are `stable`, `archive` and `next` used by AIO itself, and the individual locale-specific configurations required for building localized versions of an app. For details, see [Internationalization (i18n)](guide/i18n#merge-aot).
+{@a build-props}
+### Additional build and test options
+The configurable options for a default or targeted build generally correspond to the options available for the [`ng build`](cli/build), [`ng serve`](cli/serve), and [`ng test`](cli/test) commands. For details of those options and their possible values, see the [CLI Reference](cli).
+Some additional options (listed below) can only be set through the configuration file, either by direct editing or with the `ng config` command.
+| :------------------------- | :---------------------------- |
+| `fileReplacements` | An object containing files and their compile-time replacements. |
+| `stylePreprocessorOptions` | An object containing option-value pairs to pass to style preprocessors. |
+| `assets` | An object containing paths to static assets to add to the global context of the project. The default paths point to the project's icon file and its `assets` folder. |
+| `styles` | An object containing style files to add to the global context of the project. Angular CLI supports CSS imports and all major CSS preprocessors: [sass/scss](http://sass-lang.com/), [less](http://lesscss.org/), and [stylus](http://stylus-lang.com/). |
+| `scripts` | An object containing JavaScript script files to add to the global context of the project. The scripts are loaded exactly as if you had added them in a `