feat(dev-infra): run buildifier formatting and linting via ng-dev (#36842)
In an effort to centralize formatting and linting enforcement into one location, buildifier is being added as a formatter for ng-dev's format command. Allowing for format enforcement for all .bzl, .bazel, WORKSPACE and BUILD files. PR Close #36842
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,25 +45,27 @@
"format": {
"matchers": [
"matchers": {
"jsTs": [
@ -2,12 +2,9 @@ load("@npm_bazel_typescript//:index.bzl", "ts_library")
name = "format",
srcs = [
srcs = glob([
module_name = "@angular/dev-infra-private/format",
visibility = ["//dev-infra:__subpackages__"],
deps = [
@ -34,9 +34,36 @@ export function buildFormatParser(localYargs: yargs.Argv) {
const executionCmd = check ? checkFiles : formatFiles;
.command('files <files..>', 'Run the formatter on provided files', {}, ({check, files}) => {
const executionCmd = check ? checkFiles : formatFiles;
'files <files..>', 'Run the formatter on provided files', {},
({check, files}) => {
const executionCmd = check ? checkFiles : formatFiles;
// TODO(josephperrott): remove this hidden command after deprecation period.
.command('deprecation-warning [originalCommand]', false, {}, ({originalCommand}) => {
console.warn(`\`yarn ${
originalCommand}\` is deprecated in favor of running the formatter via ng-dev`);
console.warn(`As a replacement of \`yarn ${originalCommand}\`, run:`);
switch (originalCommand) {
case 'bazel:format':
case 'bazel:lint-fix':
console.warn(` yarn ng-dev format all`);
case 'bazel:lint':
console.warn(` yarn ng-dev format all --check`);
console.warn(`Error: Unrecognized previous command.`);
console.warn(`You can find more usage information by running:`);
console.warn(` yarn ng-dev format --help`);
console.warn(`For more on the rationale and effects of this deprecation visit:`);
// TODO(josephperrott): Update this PR to the correct URL.
console.warn(` https://github.com/angular/angular/pull/36842#issue-410321447`);
@ -7,5 +7,7 @@
export interface FormatConfig {
matchers: string[];
[keyof: string]: boolean|{
matchers: string[];
@ -7,46 +7,22 @@
import {prompt} from 'inquirer';
import * as multimatch from 'multimatch';
import {join} from 'path';
import {getAngularDevConfig, getRepoBaseDir} from '../utils/config';
import {FormatConfig} from './config';
import {runInParallel} from './run-commands-parallel';
/** By default, run the formatter on all javascript and typescript files. */
const DEFAULT_MATCHERS = ['**/*.{t,j}s'];
import {runFormatterInParallel} from './run-commands-parallel';
* Format provided files in place.
export async function formatFiles(unfilteredFiles: string[]) {
export async function formatFiles(files: string[]) {
// Whether any files failed to format.
let formatFailed = false;
// All files which formatting should be applied to.
const files = filterFilesByMatchers(unfilteredFiles);
let failures = await runFormatterInParallel(files, 'format');
console.info(`Formatting ${files.length} file(s)`);
// Run the formatter to format the files in place, split across (number of available
// cpu threads - 1) processess. The task is done in multiple processess to speed up
// the overall time of the task, as running across entire repositories takes a large
// amount of time.
// As a data point for illustration, using 8 process rather than 1 cut the execution
// time from 276 seconds to 39 seconds for the same 2700 files
await runInParallel(files, `${getFormatterBinary()} -i -style=file`, (file, code, _, stderr) => {
if (code !== 0) {
formatFailed = true;
console.error(`Error running clang-format on: ${file}`);
if (failures === false) {
console.info('No files matched for formatting.');
// The process should exit as a failure if any of the files failed to format.
if (formatFailed) {
if (failures.length !== 0) {
console.error(`Formatting failed, see errors above for more information.`);
@ -57,26 +33,14 @@ export async function formatFiles(unfilteredFiles: string[]) {
* Check provided files for formatting correctness.
export async function checkFiles(unfilteredFiles: string[]) {
// All files which formatting should be applied to.
const files = filterFilesByMatchers(unfilteredFiles);
export async function checkFiles(files: string[]) {
// Files which are currently not formatted correctly.
const failures: string[] = [];
const failures = await runFormatterInParallel(files, 'check');
console.info(`Checking format of ${files.length} file(s)`);
// Run the formatter to check the format of files, split across (number of available
// cpu threads - 1) processess. The task is done in multiple processess to speed up
// the overall time of the task, as running across entire repositories takes a large
// amount of time.
// As a data point for illustration, using 8 process rather than 1 cut the execution
// time from 276 seconds to 39 seconds for the same 2700 files.
await runInParallel(files, `${getFormatterBinary()} --Werror -n -style=file`, (file, code) => {
// Add any files failing format checks to the list.
if (code !== 0) {
if (failures === false) {
console.info('No files matched for formatting check.');
if (failures.length) {
// Provide output expressing which files are failing formatting.
@ -113,18 +77,3 @@ export async function checkFiles(unfilteredFiles: string[]) {
/** Get the full path of the formatter binary to execute. */
function getFormatterBinary() {
return join(getRepoBaseDir(), 'node_modules/.bin/clang-format');
/** Filter a list of files to only contain files which are expected to be formatted. */
function filterFilesByMatchers(allFiles: string[]) {
const matchers =
getAngularDevConfig<'format', FormatConfig>().format.matchers || DEFAULT_MATCHERS;
const files = multimatch(allFiles, matchers, {dot: true});
console.info(`Formatting enforced on ${files.length} of ${allFiles.length} file(s)`);
return files;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {FormatConfig} from '../config';
// A callback to determine if the formatter run found a failure in formatting.
export type CallbackFunc = (file: string, code: number, stdout: string, stderr: string) => boolean;
// The actions a formatter can take.
export type FormatterAction = 'check'|'format';
// The metadata needed for running one of the `FormatterAction`s on a file.
interface FormatterActionMetadata {
commandFlags: string;
callback: CallbackFunc;
* The base class for formatters to run against provided files.
export abstract class Formatter {
* The name of the formatter, this is used for identification in logging and for enabling and
* configuring the formatter in the config.
abstract name: string;
/** The full path file location of the formatter binary. */
abstract binaryFilePath: string;
/** Metadata for each `FormatterAction` available to the formatter. */
abstract actions: {
// An action performing a check of format without making any changes.
check: FormatterActionMetadata;
// An action to format files in place.
format: FormatterActionMetadata;
/** The default matchers for the formatter for filtering files to be formatted. */
abstract defaultFileMatcher: string[];
constructor(private config: FormatConfig) {}
* Retrieve the command to execute the provided action, including both the binary
* and command line flags.
commandFor(action: FormatterAction) {
switch (action) {
case 'check':
return `${this.binaryFilePath} ${this.actions.check.commandFlags}`;
case 'format':
return `${this.binaryFilePath} ${this.actions.format.commandFlags}`;
throw Error('Unknown action type');
* Retrieve the callback for the provided action to determine if an action
* failed in formatting.
callbackFor(action: FormatterAction) {
switch (action) {
case 'check':
return this.actions.check.callback;
case 'format':
return this.actions.format.callback;
throw Error('Unknown action type');
/** Whether the formatter is enabled in the provided config. */
isEnabled() {
return !!this.config[this.name];
/** Retrieve the active file matcher for the formatter. */
getFileMatcher() {
return this.getFileMatcherFromConfig() || this.defaultFileMatcher;
* Retrieves the file matcher from the config provided to the constructor if provided.
private getFileMatcherFromConfig(): string[]|undefined {
const formatterConfig = this.config[this.name];
if (typeof formatterConfig === 'boolean') {
return undefined;
return formatterConfig.matchers;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {join} from 'path';
import {getRepoBaseDir} from '../../utils/config';
import {Formatter} from './base-formatter';
* Formatter for running buildifier against bazel related files.
export class Buildifier extends Formatter {
name = 'buildifier';
binaryFilePath = join(getRepoBaseDir(), 'node_modules/.bin/buildifier');
defaultFileMatcher = ['**/*.bzl', '**/BUILD.bazel', '**/WORKSPACE', '**/BUILD'];
actions = {
check: {
commandFlags: `${BAZEL_WARNING_FLAG} --lint=warn --mode=check --format=json`,
(_: string, code: number, stdout: string) => {
return code !== 0 || !JSON.parse(stdout)['success'];
format: {
commandFlags: `${BAZEL_WARNING_FLAG} --lint=fix --mode=fix`,
(file: string, code: number, _: string, stderr: string) => {
if (code !== 0) {
console.error(`Error running buildifier on: ${file}`);
return true;
return false;
// The warning flag for buildifier copied from angular/angular's usage.
const BAZEL_WARNING_FLAG = `--warnings=attr-cfg,attr-license,attr-non-empty,attr-output-default,` +
`attr-single-file,constant-glob,ctx-args,depset-iteration,depset-union,dict-concatenation,` +
`duplicated-name,filetype,git-repository,http-archive,integer-division,load,load-on-top,` +
`native-build,native-package,output-group,package-name,package-on-top,positional-args,` +
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {join} from 'path';
import {getRepoBaseDir} from '../../utils/config';
import {Formatter} from './base-formatter';
* Formatter for running clang-format against Typescript and Javascript files
export class ClangFormat extends Formatter {
name = 'clang-format';
binaryFilePath = join(getRepoBaseDir(), 'node_modules/.bin/clang-format');
defaultFileMatcher = ['**/*.{t,j}s'];
actions = {
check: {
commandFlags: `--Werror -n -style=file`,
(_: string, code: number) => {
return code !== 0;
format: {
commandFlags: `-i -style=file`,
(file: string, code: number, _: string, stderr: string) => {
if (code !== 0) {
console.error(`Error running clang-format on: ${file}`);
return true;
return false;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {getAngularDevConfig} from '../../utils/config';
import {FormatConfig} from '../config';
import {Buildifier} from './buildifier';
import {ClangFormat} from './clang-format';
* Get all defined formatters which are active based on the current loaded config.
export function getActiveFormatters() {
let config = {};
try {
config = getAngularDevConfig<'format', FormatConfig>().format || {};
} catch {
return [new Buildifier(config), new ClangFormat(config)].filter(
formatter => formatter.isEnabled());
// Rexport symbols used for types elsewhere.
export {Formatter, FormatterAction} from './base-formatter';
@ -7,52 +7,89 @@
import {Bar} from 'cli-progress';
import * as multimatch from 'multimatch';
import {cpus} from 'os';
import {exec} from 'shelljs';
const AVAILABLE_THREADS = Math.max(cpus().length - 1, 1);
import {Formatter, FormatterAction, getActiveFormatters} from './formatters';
type CallbackFunction = (file: string, code?: number, stdout?: string, stderr?: string) => void;
const AVAILABLE_THREADS = Math.max(cpus().length - 1, 1);
* Run the provided commands in parallel for each provided file.
* Running the formatter is split across (number of available cpu threads - 1) processess.
* The task is done in multiple processess to speed up the overall time of the task, as running
* across entire repositories takes a large amount of time.
* As a data point for illustration, using 8 process rather than 1 cut the execution
* time from 276 seconds to 39 seconds for the same 2700 files.
* A promise is returned, completed when the command has completed running for each file.
* The promise resolves with a list of failures, or `false` if no formatters have matched.
export function runInParallel(providedFiles: string[], cmd: string, callback: CallbackFunction) {
return new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
if (providedFiles.length === 0) {
return resolve();
export function runFormatterInParallel(allFiles: string[], action: FormatterAction) {
return new Promise<false|string[]>((resolve) => {
const formatters = getActiveFormatters();
const failures: string[] = [];
const pendingCommands: {formatter: Formatter, file: string}[] = [];
for (const formatter of formatters) {
pendingCommands.push(...multimatch(allFiles, formatter.getFileMatcher(), {
dot: true
}).map(file => ({formatter, file})));
// If no commands are generated, resolve the promise as `false` as no files
// were run against the any formatters.
if (pendingCommands.length === 0) {
return resolve(false);
switch (action) {
case 'format':
console.info(`Formatting ${pendingCommands.length} file(s)`);
case 'check':
console.info(`Checking format of ${pendingCommands.length} file(s)`);
throw Error(`Invalid format action "${action}": allowed actions are "format" and "check"`);
// The progress bar instance to use for progress tracking.
const progressBar =
new Bar({format: `[{bar}] ETA: {eta}s | {value}/{total} files`, clearOnComplete: true});
// A local copy of the files to run the command on.
const files = providedFiles.slice();
// An array to represent the current usage state of each of the threads for parallelization.
const threads = new Array<boolean>(AVAILABLE_THREADS).fill(false);
// Recursively run the command on the next available file from the list using the provided
// thread.
function runCommandInThread(thread: number) {
// Get the next file.
const file = files.pop();
const nextCommand = pendingCommands.pop();
// If no file was pulled from the array, return as there are no more files to run against.
if (!file) {
if (nextCommand === undefined) {
threads[thread] = false;
// Get the file and formatter for the next command.
const {file, formatter} = nextCommand;
`${cmd} ${file}`,
`${formatter.commandFor(action)} ${file}`,
{async: true, silent: true},
(code, stdout, stderr) => {
// Run the provided callback function.
callback(file, code, stdout, stderr);
const failed = formatter.callbackFor(action)(file, code, stdout, stderr);
if (failed) {
// Note in the progress bar another file being completed.
// If more files exist in the list, run again to work on the next file,
// using the same slot.
if (files.length) {
if (pendingCommands.length) {
return runCommandInThread(thread);
// If not more files are available, mark the thread as unused.
@ -61,7 +98,7 @@ export function runInParallel(providedFiles: string[], cmd: string, callback: Ca
// completed and resolve the promise.
if (threads.every(active => !active)) {
@ -70,7 +107,7 @@ export function runInParallel(providedFiles: string[], cmd: string, callback: Ca
// Start the progress bar
progressBar.start(files.length, 0);
progressBar.start(pendingCommands.length, 0);
// Start running the command on files from the least in each available thread.
threads.forEach((_, idx) => runCommandInThread(idx));
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
"ts-circular-deps": "./ts-circular-dependencies/index.js"
"peerDependencies": {
"@bazel/buildifier": "<from-root>",
"chalk": "<from-root>",
"clang-format": "<from-root>",
"cli-progress": "<from-root>",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user