refactor(router): clean up naming
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,16 +7,16 @@
export {ExtraOptions, provideRoutes, provideRouterConfig} from './src/common_router_providers';
export {Data, ResolveData, Route, RouterConfig} from './src/config';
export {ExtraOptions, provideRouterConfig, provideRoutes} from './src/common_router_providers';
export {Data, ResolveData, Route, RouterConfig, Routes} from './src/config';
export {RouterLink, RouterLinkWithHref} from './src/directives/router_link';
export {RouterLinkActive} from './src/directives/router_link_active';
export {RouterOutlet} from './src/directives/router_outlet';
export {CanActivate, CanDeactivate, Resolve} from './src/interfaces';
export {Event, NavigationCancel, NavigationEnd, NavigationError, NavigationStart, Router, RoutesRecognized} from './src/router';
export {ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, RouterAppModule} from './src/router_app_module';
export {RouterOutletMap} from './src/router_outlet_map';
export {provideRouter} from './src/router_providers';
export {ActivatedRoute, ActivatedRouteSnapshot, RouterState, RouterStateSnapshot} from './src/router_state';
export {PRIMARY_OUTLET, Params} from './src/shared';
export {RouterAppModule, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES} from './src/router_app_module';
export {DefaultUrlSerializer, UrlPathWithParams, UrlSerializer, UrlTree} from './src/url_tree';
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import {Observer} from 'rxjs/Observer';
import {of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import {EmptyError} from 'rxjs/util/EmptyError';
import {Route, RouterConfig} from './config';
import {Route, Routes} from './config';
import {RouterConfigLoader} from './router_config_loader';
import {PRIMARY_OUTLET} from './shared';
import {UrlPathWithParams, UrlSegment, UrlTree} from './url_tree';
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ function absoluteRedirect(newPaths: UrlPathWithParams[]): Observable<UrlSegment>
export function applyRedirects(
configLoader: RouterConfigLoader, urlTree: UrlTree, config: RouterConfig): Observable<UrlTree> {
configLoader: RouterConfigLoader, urlTree: UrlTree, config: Routes): Observable<UrlTree> {
return expandSegment(configLoader, config, urlTree.root, PRIMARY_OUTLET)
.map(rootSegment => createUrlTree(urlTree, rootSegment))
.catch(e => {
@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ function matchPathsWithParamsAgainstRoute(
function getChildConfig(configLoader: RouterConfigLoader, route: Route): Observable<Route[]> {
if (route.children) {
return of (route.children);
} else if (route.mountChildren) {
return configLoader.load(route.mountChildren).map(r => {
} else if (route.loadChildren) {
return configLoader.load(route.loadChildren).map(r => {
(<any>route)._loadedConfig = r;
return r.routes;
@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
import {Location, LocationStrategy, PathLocationStrategy} from '@angular/common';
import {APP_INITIALIZER, AppModuleFactoryLoader, ApplicationRef, ComponentResolver, Injector, OpaqueToken, SystemJsAppModuleLoader} from '@angular/core';
import {RouterConfig} from './config';
import {Routes} from './config';
import {Router} from './router';
import {ROUTER_CONFIG} from './router_config_loader';
import {ROUTER_CONFIG, ROUTES} from './router_config_loader';
import {RouterOutletMap} from './router_outlet_map';
import {ActivatedRoute} from './router_state';
import {DefaultUrlSerializer, UrlSerializer} from './url_tree';
export const ROUTER_OPTIONS = new OpaqueToken('ROUTER_OPTIONS');
* @experimental
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ export interface ExtraOptions { enableTracing?: boolean; }
export function setupRouter(
ref: ApplicationRef, resolver: ComponentResolver, urlSerializer: UrlSerializer,
outletMap: RouterOutletMap, location: Location, injector: Injector,
loader: AppModuleFactoryLoader, config: RouterConfig, opts: ExtraOptions) {
loader: AppModuleFactoryLoader, config: Routes, opts: ExtraOptions) {
if (ref.componentTypes.length == 0) {
throw new Error('Bootstrap at least one component before injecting Router.');
@ -82,10 +82,12 @@ export function setupRouterInitializer(injector: Injector) {
* @deprecated use RouterAppModule instead
export function provideRouter(_config: RouterConfig, _opts: ExtraOptions): any[] {
export function provideRouter(routes: Routes, config: ExtraOptions): any[] {
return [
{provide: ROUTER_CONFIG, useValue: _config}, {provide: ROUTER_OPTIONS, useValue: _opts},
Location, {provide: LocationStrategy, useClass: PathLocationStrategy},
{provide: ROUTES, useExisting: ROUTER_CONFIG}, {provide: ROUTER_CONFIG, useValue: routes},
{provide: ROUTER_CONFIGURATION, useValue: config}, Location,
{provide: LocationStrategy, useClass: PathLocationStrategy},
{provide: UrlSerializer, useClass: DefaultUrlSerializer},
@ -93,7 +95,7 @@ export function provideRouter(_config: RouterConfig, _opts: ExtraOptions): any[]
useFactory: setupRouter,
deps: [
ApplicationRef, ComponentResolver, UrlSerializer, RouterOutletMap, Location, Injector,
@ -122,8 +124,8 @@ export function provideRouter(_config: RouterConfig, _opts: ExtraOptions): any[]
* @experimental
export function provideRoutes(config: RouterConfig): any {
return {provide: ROUTER_CONFIG, useValue: config};
export function provideRoutes(routes: Routes): any {
return {provide: ROUTES, useValue: routes};
@ -142,6 +144,6 @@ export function provideRoutes(config: RouterConfig): any {
* @experimental
export function provideRouterConfig(options: ExtraOptions): any {
return {provide: ROUTER_OPTIONS, useValue: options};
export function provideRouterConfig(config: ExtraOptions): any {
return {provide: ROUTER_CONFIGURATION, useValue: config};
@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
import {Type} from '@angular/core';
* `RouterConfig` is an array of route configurations. Each one has the following properties:
* `Routes` is an array of route configurations. Each one has the following properties:
* - *`path`* is a string that uses the route matcher DSL.
* - `pathMatch` is a string that specifies the matching strategy.
@ -17,9 +18,9 @@ import {Type} from '@angular/core';
* - `redirectTo` is the url fragment which will replace the current matched segment.
* - `outlet` is the name of the outlet the component should be placed into.
* - `canActivate` is an array of DI tokens used to look up CanActivate handlers. See {@link
* CanActivate} for more info.
* CanActivate} for more info.
* - `canDeactivate` is an array of DI tokens used to look up CanDeactivate handlers. See {@link
* CanDeactivate} for more info.
* CanDeactivate} for more info.
* - `data` is additional data provided to the component via `ActivatedRoute`.
* - `resolve` is a map of DI tokens used to look up data resolvers. See {@link Resolve} for more
* info.
@ -227,12 +228,235 @@ import {Type} from '@angular/core';
* With this configuration in place, navigating to '/parent/10' will create the main child and aux
* components.
* @stable
* @deprecated use Routes
export type RouterConfig = Route[];
* See {@link RouterConfig} for more details.
* `Routes` is an array of route configurations. Each one has the following properties:
* - *`path`* is a string that uses the route matcher DSL.
* - `pathMatch` is a string that specifies the matching strategy.
* - `component` is a component type.
* - `redirectTo` is the url fragment which will replace the current matched segment.
* - `outlet` is the name of the outlet the component should be placed into.
* - `canActivate` is an array of DI tokens used to look up CanActivate handlers. See {@link
* CanActivate} for more info.
* - `canDeactivate` is an array of DI tokens used to look up CanDeactivate handlers. See {@link
* CanDeactivate} for more info.
* - `data` is additional data provided to the component via `ActivatedRoute`.
* - `resolve` is a map of DI tokens used to look up data resolvers. See {@link Resolve} for more
* info.
* - `children` is an array of child route definitions.
* ### Simple Configuration
* ```
* [{
* path: 'team/:id',
* component: Team,
* children: [
* {
* path: 'user/:name',
* component: User
* }
* ]
* }]
* ```
* When navigating to `/team/11/user/bob`, the router will create the team component with the user
* component in it.
* ### Multiple Outlets
* ```
* [{
* path: 'team/:id',
* component: Team
* },
* {
* path: 'chat/:user',
* component: Chat
* outlet: aux
* }]
* ```
* When navigating to `/team/11(aux:chat/jim)`, the router will create the team component next to
* the chat component. The chat component will be placed into the aux outlet.
* ### Wild Cards
* ```
* [{
* path: '**',
* component: Sink
* }]
* ```
* Regardless of where you navigate to, the router will instantiate the sink component.
* ### Redirects
* ```
* [{
* path: 'team/:id',
* component: Team,
* children: [
* {
* path: 'legacy/user/:name',
* redirectTo: 'user/:name'
* },
* {
* path: 'user/:name',
* component: User
* }
* ]
* }]
* ```
* When navigating to '/team/11/legacy/user/jim', the router will change the url to
* '/team/11/user/jim', and then will instantiate the team component with the user component
* in it.
* If the `redirectTo` value starts with a '/', then it is an absolute redirect. E.g., if in the
* example above we change the `redirectTo` to `/user/:name`, the result url will be '/user/jim'.
* ### Empty Path
* Empty-path route configurations can be used to instantiate components that do not "consume"
* any url segments. Let's look at the following configuration:
* ```
* [{
* path: 'team/:id',
* component: Team,
* children: [
* {
* path: '',
* component: AllUsers
* },
* {
* path: 'user/:name',
* component: User
* }
* ]
* }]
* ```
* When navigating to `/team/11`, the router will instantiate the AllUsers component.
* Empty-path routes can have children.
* ```
* [{
* path: 'team/:id',
* component: Team,
* children: [
* {
* path: '',
* component: WrapperCmp,
* children: [
* {
* path: 'user/:name',
* component: User
* }
* ]
* }
* ]
* }]
* ```
* When navigating to `/team/11/user/jim`, the router will instantiate the wrapper component with
* the user component in it.
* ### Matching Strategy
* By default the router will look at what is left in the url, and check if it starts with
* the specified path (e.g., `/team/11/user` starts with `team/:id`).
* We can change the matching strategy to make sure that the path covers the whole unconsumed url,
* which is akin to `unconsumedUrl === path` or `$` regular expressions.
* This is particularly important when redirecting empty-path routes.
* ```
* [{
* path: '',
* pathMatch: 'prefix', //default
* redirectTo: 'main'
* },
* {
* path: 'main',
* component: Main
* }]
* ```
* Since an empty path is a prefix of any url, even when navigating to '/main', the router will
* still apply the redirect.
* If `pathMatch: full` is provided, the router will apply the redirect if and only if navigating to
* '/'.
* ```
* [{
* path: '',
* pathMatch: 'full',
* redirectTo: 'main'
* },
* {
* path: 'main',
* component: Main
* }]
* ```
* ### Componentless Routes
* It is useful at times to have the ability to share parameters between sibling components.
* Say we have two components--ChildCmp and AuxCmp--that we want to put next to each other and both
* of them require some id parameter.
* One way to do that would be to have a bogus parent component, so both the siblings can get the id
* parameter from it. This is not ideal. Instead, you can use a componentless route.
* ```
* [{
* path: 'parent/:id',
* children: [
* { path: 'a', component: MainChild },
* { path: 'b', component: AuxChild, outlet: 'aux' }
* ]
* }]
* ```
* So when navigating to `parent/10/(a//aux:b)`, the route will instantiate the main child and aux
* child components next to each other. In this example, the application component
* has to have the primary and aux outlets defined.
* The router will also merge the `params`, `data`, and `resolve` of the componentless parent into
* the `params`, `data`, and `resolve` of the children.
* This is especially useful when child components are defined as follows:
* ```
* [{
* path: 'parent/:id',
* children: [
* { path: '', component: MainChild },
* { path: '', component: AuxChild, outlet: 'aux' }
* ]
* }]
* ```
* With this configuration in place, navigating to '/parent/10' will create the main child and aux
* components.
* @stable use Routes
export type Routes = Route[];
* See {@link Routes} for more details.
* @stable
export type Data = {
@ -240,7 +464,7 @@ export type Data = {
* See {@link RouterConfig} for more details.
* See {@link Routes} for more details.
* @stable
export type ResolveData = {
@ -248,7 +472,7 @@ export type ResolveData = {
* See {@link RouterConfig} for more details.
* See {@link Routes} for more details.
* @stable
export interface Route {
@ -267,10 +491,10 @@ export interface Route {
data?: Data;
resolve?: ResolveData;
children?: Route[];
mountChildren?: string;
loadChildren?: string;
export function validateConfig(config: RouterConfig): void {
export function validateConfig(config: Routes): void {
@ -279,22 +503,22 @@ function validateNode(route: Route): void {
throw new Error(
`Invalid configuration of route '${route.path}': redirectTo and children cannot be used together`);
if (!!route.redirectTo && !!route.mountChildren) {
if (!!route.redirectTo && !!route.loadChildren) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid configuration of route '${route.path}': redirectTo and mountChildren cannot be used together`);
`Invalid configuration of route '${route.path}': redirectTo and loadChildren cannot be used together`);
if (!!route.children && !!route.mountChildren) {
if (!!route.children && !!route.loadChildren) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid configuration of route '${route.path}': children and mountChildren cannot be used together`);
`Invalid configuration of route '${route.path}': children and loadChildren cannot be used together`);
if (!!route.redirectTo && !!route.component) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid configuration of route '${route.path}': redirectTo and component cannot be used together`);
if (route.redirectTo === undefined && !route.component && !route.children &&
!route.mountChildren) {
!route.loadChildren) {
throw new Error(
`Invalid configuration of route '${route.path}': component, redirectTo, children, mountChildren must be provided`);
`Invalid configuration of route '${route.path}': component, redirectTo, children, loadChildren must be provided`);
if (route.path === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Invalid route configuration: routes must have path specified`);
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ export class RouterOutlet {
// const componentName = component ? : null;
// console.warn(
// `'${componentName}' not found in precompile array. To ensure all components referred
// to by the RouterConfig are compiled, you must add '${componentName}' to the
// to by the Routes are compiled, you must add '${componentName}' to the
// 'precompile' array of your application component. This will be required in a future
// release of the router.`);
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
import {Observer} from 'rxjs/Observer';
import {of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import {Data, ResolveData, Route, RouterConfig} from './config';
import {Data, ResolveData, Route, Routes} from './config';
import {ActivatedRouteSnapshot, InheritedResolve, RouterStateSnapshot} from './router_state';
import {PRIMARY_OUTLET, Params} from './shared';
import {UrlPathWithParams, UrlSegment, UrlTree, mapChildrenIntoArray} from './url_tree';
@ -38,9 +38,8 @@ class InheritedFromParent {
export function recognize(
rootComponentType: Type, config: RouterConfig, urlTree: UrlTree,
url: string): Observable<RouterStateSnapshot> {
export function recognize(rootComponentType: Type, config: Routes, urlTree: UrlTree, url: string):
Observable<RouterStateSnapshot> {
try {
const children =
processSegment(config, urlTree.root, InheritedFromParent.empty, PRIMARY_OUTLET);
@ -152,7 +151,7 @@ function processPathsWithParamsAgainstRoute(
function getChildConfig(route: Route): Route[] {
if (route.children) {
return route.children;
} else if (route.mountChildren) {
} else if (route.loadChildren) {
return (<any>route)._loadedConfig.routes;
} else {
return [];
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import {Subscription} from 'rxjs/Subscription';
import {of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import {applyRedirects} from './apply_redirects';
import {ResolveData, RouterConfig, validateConfig} from './config';
import {ResolveData, Routes, validateConfig} from './config';
import {createRouterState} from './create_router_state';
import {createUrlTree} from './create_url_tree';
import {RouterOutlet} from './directives/router_outlet';
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ export type Event = NavigationStart | NavigationEnd | NavigationCancel | Navigat
* The `Router` is responsible for mapping URLs to components.
* See {@link RouterConfig) for more details and examples.
* See {@link Routes) for more details and examples.
* @stable
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ export class Router {
private locationSubscription: Subscription;
private routerEvents: Subject<Event>;
private navigationId: number = 0;
private config: RouterConfig;
private config: Routes;
private futureUrlTree: UrlTree;
private configLoader: RouterConfigLoader;
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ export class Router {
private rootComponentType: Type, private resolver: ComponentResolver,
private urlSerializer: UrlSerializer, private outletMap: RouterOutletMap,
private location: Location, private injector: Injector, loader: AppModuleFactoryLoader,
config: RouterConfig) {
config: Routes) {
this.routerEvents = new Subject<Event>();
this.currentUrlTree = createEmptyUrlTree();
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ export class Router {
* ]);
* ```
resetConfig(config: RouterConfig): void {
resetConfig(config: Routes): void {
this.config = config;
@ -6,20 +6,19 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AppModule} from '@angular/core';
import {Location, LocationStrategy, PathLocationStrategy} from '@angular/common';
import {APP_INITIALIZER, AppModuleFactoryLoader, ApplicationRef, ComponentResolver, Injector, OpaqueToken, SystemJsAppModuleLoader} from '@angular/core';
import {AppModule, AppModuleFactoryLoader, ApplicationRef, ComponentResolver, Injector, OpaqueToken, SystemJsAppModuleLoader} from '@angular/core';
import {ROUTER_CONFIGURATION, setupRouter} from './common_router_providers';
import {RouterLink, RouterLinkWithHref} from './directives/router_link';
import {RouterLinkActive} from './directives/router_link_active';
import {RouterOutlet} from './directives/router_outlet';
import {Router} from './router';
import {setupRouter, ROUTER_OPTIONS} from './common_router_providers';
import {ROUTER_CONFIG} from './router_config_loader';
import {ROUTES} from './router_config_loader';
import {RouterOutletMap} from './router_outlet_map';
import {ActivatedRoute} from './router_state';
import {DefaultUrlSerializer, UrlSerializer} from './url_tree';
import {RouterLink, RouterLinkWithHref} from './directives/router_link';
import {RouterLinkActive} from './directives/router_link_active';
import {RouterOutlet} from './directives/router_outlet';
* @stable
@ -42,19 +41,18 @@ export const ROUTER_DIRECTIVES = [RouterOutlet, RouterLink, RouterLinkWithHref,
providers: [
Location, {provide: LocationStrategy, useClass: PathLocationStrategy},
{provide: UrlSerializer, useClass: DefaultUrlSerializer},
{provide: UrlSerializer, useClass: DefaultUrlSerializer}, {
provide: Router,
useFactory: setupRouter,
deps: [
ApplicationRef, ComponentResolver, UrlSerializer, RouterOutletMap, Location, Injector,
{provide: ActivatedRoute, useFactory: (r: Router) => r.routerState.root, deps: [Router]},
{provide: AppModuleFactoryLoader, useClass: SystemJsAppModuleLoader},
{provide: ROUTER_OPTIONS, useValue: {enableTracing: false}}
{provide: ROUTER_CONFIGURATION, useValue: {enableTracing: false}}
export class RouterAppModule {
@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ import {fromPromise} from 'rxjs/observable/fromPromise';
import {Route} from './config';
* @deprecated use Routes
export const ROUTER_CONFIG = new OpaqueToken('ROUTER_CONFIG');
export const ROUTES = new OpaqueToken('ROUTES');
export class LoadedRouterConfig {
constructor(public routes: Route[], public factoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) {}
@ -24,7 +28,7 @@ export class RouterConfigLoader {
load(path: string): Observable<LoadedRouterConfig> {
return fromPromise(this.loader.load(path).then(r => {
const ref = r.create();
return new LoadedRouterConfig(ref.injector.get(ROUTER_CONFIG), ref.componentFactoryResolver);
return new LoadedRouterConfig(ref.injector.get(ROUTES), ref.componentFactoryResolver);
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import {PlatformLocation} from '@angular/common';
import {BrowserPlatformLocation} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {ExtraOptions, provideRouter as provideRouter_} from './common_router_providers';
import {RouterConfig} from './config';
import {Routes} from './config';
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import {RouterConfig} from './config';
* @experimental
export function provideRouter(config: RouterConfig, opts: ExtraOptions = {}): any[] {
export function provideRouter(config: Routes, opts: ExtraOptions = {}): any[] {
return [
{provide: PlatformLocation, useClass: BrowserPlatformLocation}, ...provideRouter_(config, opts)
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
import {of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import {applyRedirects} from '../src/apply_redirects';
import {RouterConfig} from '../src/config';
import {Routes} from '../src/config';
import {LoadedRouterConfig} from '../src/router_config_loader';
import {DefaultUrlSerializer, UrlSegment, UrlTree, equalPathsWithParams} from '../src/url_tree';
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ describe('applyRedirects', () => {
const loadedConfig =
new LoadedRouterConfig([{path: 'b', component: ComponentB}], <any>'stubFactoryResolver');
const loader = {load: (p: any) => of (loadedConfig)};
const config = [{path: 'a', component: ComponentA, mountChildren: 'children'}];
const config = [{path: 'a', component: ComponentA, loadChildren: 'children'}];
applyRedirects(<any>loader, tree('a/b'), config).forEach(r => {
compareTrees(r, tree('/a/b'));
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ describe('applyRedirects', () => {
const loader = {
load: (p: any) => new Observable<any>((obs: any) => obs.error(new Error('Loading Error')))
const config = [{path: 'a', component: ComponentA, mountChildren: 'children'}];
const config = [{path: 'a', component: ComponentA, loadChildren: 'children'}];
applyRedirects(<any>loader, tree('a/b'), config).subscribe(() => {}, (e) => {
expect(e.message).toEqual('Loading Error');
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ describe('applyRedirects', () => {
it('should redirect empty path route only when terminal', () => {
const config: RouterConfig = [
const config: Routes = [
path: 'a',
component: ComponentA,
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ describe('applyRedirects', () => {
it('should not create a new child (terminal)', () => {
const config: RouterConfig = [{
const config: Routes = [{
path: 'a',
children: [
{path: 'b', component: ComponentB, children: [{path: 'd', component: ComponentB}]},
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ describe('applyRedirects', () => {
function checkRedirect(config: RouterConfig, url: string, callback: any): void {
function checkRedirect(config: Routes, url: string, callback: any): void {
applyRedirects(null, tree(url), config).subscribe(callback, e => { throw e; });
@ -15,16 +15,16 @@ describe('config', () => {
`Invalid configuration of route 'a': redirectTo and children cannot be used together`);
it('should throw when redirectTo and mountChildren are used together', () => {
expect(() => { validateConfig([{path: 'a', redirectTo: 'b', mountChildren: 'value'}]); })
it('should throw when redirectTo and loadChildren are used together', () => {
expect(() => { validateConfig([{path: 'a', redirectTo: 'b', loadChildren: 'value'}]); })
`Invalid configuration of route 'a': redirectTo and mountChildren cannot be used together`);
`Invalid configuration of route 'a': redirectTo and loadChildren cannot be used together`);
it('should throw when children and mountChildren are used together', () => {
expect(() => { validateConfig([{path: 'a', children: [], mountChildren: 'value'}]); })
it('should throw when children and loadChildren are used together', () => {
expect(() => { validateConfig([{path: 'a', children: [], loadChildren: 'value'}]); })
`Invalid configuration of route 'a': children and mountChildren cannot be used together`);
`Invalid configuration of route 'a': children and loadChildren cannot be used together`);
it('should throw when component and redirectTo are used together', () => {
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ describe('config', () => {
it('should throw when none of component and children or direct are missing', () => {
expect(() => { validateConfig([{path: 'a'}]); })
`Invalid configuration of route 'a': component, redirectTo, children, mountChildren must be provided`);
`Invalid configuration of route 'a': component, redirectTo, children, loadChildren must be provided`);
it('should throw when path starts with a slash', () => {
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import {RouterConfig} from '../src/config';
import {Routes} from '../src/config';
import {createRouterState} from '../src/create_router_state';
import {recognize} from '../src/recognize';
import {ActivatedRoute, RouterState, RouterStateSnapshot, advanceActivatedRoute, createEmptyState} from '../src/router_state';
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ function advanceNode(node: TreeNode<ActivatedRoute>): void {
function createState(config: RouterConfig, url: string): RouterStateSnapshot {
function createState(config: Routes, url: string): RouterStateSnapshot {
let res: RouterStateSnapshot;
recognize(RootComponent, config, tree(url), url).forEach(s => res = s);
return res;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import {RouterConfig} from '../src/config';
import {Routes} from '../src/config';
import {recognize} from '../src/recognize';
import {ActivatedRouteSnapshot, RouterStateSnapshot} from '../src/router_state';
import {PRIMARY_OUTLET, Params} from '../src/shared';
@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ describe('recognize', () => {
function checkRecognize(config: RouterConfig, url: string, callback: any): void {
function checkRecognize(config: Routes, url: string, callback: any): void {
recognize(RootComponent, config, tree(url), url).subscribe(callback, e => { throw e; });
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import {RouterConfig} from '../src/config';
import {Routes} from '../src/config';
import {recognize} from '../src/recognize';
import {resolve} from '../src/resolve';
import {RouterStateSnapshot} from '../src/router_state';
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ describe('resolve', () => {
function checkResolve(
config: RouterConfig, url: string, resolved: {[k: string]: string}, callback: any): void {
config: Routes, url: string, resolved: {[k: string]: string}, callback: any): void {
const resolver = {
resolveComponent: (component: string): Promise<any> => {
if (resolved[component]) {
@ -11,13 +11,12 @@ import {expect} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/matchers';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable';
import {of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import {ActivatedRoute, ActivatedRouteSnapshot, CanActivate, CanDeactivate, DefaultUrlSerializer, Event, NavigationCancel, NavigationEnd, NavigationError, NavigationStart, Params, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, Resolve, Router, RouterConfig, RouterOutletMap, RouterStateSnapshot, RoutesRecognized, UrlSerializer, provideRoutes} from '../index';
import {ActivatedRoute, ActivatedRouteSnapshot, CanActivate, CanDeactivate, DefaultUrlSerializer, Event, NavigationCancel, NavigationEnd, NavigationError, NavigationStart, Params, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, Resolve, Router, RouterOutletMap, RouterStateSnapshot, Routes, RoutesRecognized, UrlSerializer, provideRoutes} from '../index';
describe('Integration', () => {
beforeEachProviders(() => {
let config: RouterConfig =
[{path: '', component: BlankCmp}, {path: 'simple', component: SimpleCmp}];
let config: Routes = [{path: '', component: BlankCmp}, {path: 'simple', component: SimpleCmp}];
return [
@ -1124,7 +1123,7 @@ describe('Integration', () => {
const fixture = createRoot(tcb, router, RootCmp);
router.resetConfig([{path: 'lazy', mountChildren: 'expected'}]);
router.resetConfig([{path: 'lazy', loadChildren: 'expected'}]);
@ -1142,7 +1141,7 @@ describe('Integration', () => {
(<any>loader).expectedPath = 'expected';
const fixture = createRoot(tcb, router, RootCmp);
router.resetConfig([{path: 'lazy', mountChildren: 'invalid'}]);
router.resetConfig([{path: 'lazy', loadChildren: 'invalid'}]);
const recordedEvents: any = [];
|||| => recordedEvents.push(e));
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ export const ROUTER_CONFIG = [
{path: '', terminal: true, redirectTo: 'inbox'},
{path: 'inbox', component: InboxCmp},
{path: 'drafts', component: DraftsCmp},
{path: 'detail', mountChildren: 'app/inbox-detail.js' }
{path: 'detail', loadChildren: 'app/inbox-detail.js' }
@ -91,10 +91,13 @@ export declare type Params = {
export declare const PRIMARY_OUTLET: string;
/** @experimental */
export declare function provideRouter(config: RouterConfig, opts?: ExtraOptions): any[];
export declare function provideRouter(config: Routes, opts?: ExtraOptions): any[];
/** @experimental */
export declare function provideRoutes(config: RouterConfig): any;
export declare function provideRouterConfig(config: ExtraOptions): any;
/** @experimental */
export declare function provideRoutes(routes: Routes): any;
/** @experimental */
export interface Resolve<T> {
@ -117,19 +120,24 @@ export declare class Router {
events: Observable<Event>;
routerState: RouterState;
url: string;
constructor(rootComponentType: Type, resolver: ComponentResolver, urlSerializer: UrlSerializer, outletMap: RouterOutletMap, location: Location, injector: Injector, loader: AppModuleFactoryLoader, config: RouterConfig);
constructor(rootComponentType: Type, resolver: ComponentResolver, urlSerializer: UrlSerializer, outletMap: RouterOutletMap, location: Location, injector: Injector, loader: AppModuleFactoryLoader, config: Routes);
createUrlTree(commands: any[], {relativeTo, queryParams, fragment}?: NavigationExtras): UrlTree;
navigate(commands: any[], extras?: NavigationExtras): Promise<boolean>;
navigateByUrl(url: string | UrlTree): Promise<boolean>;
parseUrl(url: string): UrlTree;
resetConfig(config: RouterConfig): void;
resetConfig(config: Routes): void;
serializeUrl(url: UrlTree): string;
/** @stable */
export declare const ROUTER_DIRECTIVES: (typeof RouterOutlet | typeof RouterLink | typeof RouterLinkWithHref | typeof RouterLinkActive)[];
/** @stable */
/** @experimental */
export declare class RouterAppModule {
constructor(injector: Injector);
/** @deprecated */
export declare type RouterConfig = Route[];
/** @stable */
@ -202,6 +210,9 @@ export declare class RouterStateSnapshot extends Tree<ActivatedRouteSnapshot> {
toString(): string;
/** @stable */
export declare type Routes = Route[];
/** @stable */
export declare class RoutesRecognized {
id: number;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user