refactor: Remove IQueryList


Closes #3577
This commit is contained in:
Misko Hevery 2015-08-11 14:41:38 -07:00
parent b7837389d7
commit 38945955ab
4 changed files with 134 additions and 90 deletions

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ export {DirectiveResolver} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/directive_resolver';
export {Compiler} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/compiler';
export {AppViewManager} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_manager';
export {IQueryList} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/interface_query';
export {QueryList} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/query_list';
export {DynamicComponentLoader} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/dynamic_component_loader';
export {LifeCycle} from 'angular2/src/core/life_cycle/life_cycle';

View File

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
* An iterable live list of components in the Light DOM.
* Injectable Objects that contains a live list of child directives in the light DOM of a directive.
* The directives are kept in depth-first pre-order traversal of the DOM.
* The `QueryList` is iterable, therefore it can be used in both javascript code with `for..of` loop
* as well as in
* template with `*ng-for="of"` directive.
* NOTE: In the future this class will implement an `Observable` interface. For now it uses a plain
* list of observable
* callbacks.
* # Example:
* Assume that `<tabs>` component would like to get a list its children which are `<pane>`
* components as shown in this
* example:
* ```html
* <tabs>
* <pane title="Overview">...</pane>
* <pane *ng-for="#o of objects" [title]="o.title">{{o.text}}</pane>
* </tabs>
* ```
* In the above example the list of `<tabs>` elements needs to get a list of `<pane>` elements so
* that it could render
* tabs with the correct titles and in the correct order.
* A possible solution would be for a `<pane>` to inject `<tabs>` component and then register itself
* with `<tabs>`
* component's on `hydrate` and deregister on `dehydrate` event. While a reasonable approach, this
* would only work
* partialy since `*ng-for` could rearrange the list of `<pane>` components which would not be
* reported to `<tabs>`
* component and thus the list of `<pane>` components would be out of sync with respect to the list
* of `<pane>` elements.
* A preferred solution is to inject a `QueryList` which is a live list of directives in the
* component`s light DOM.
* ```javascript
* @Component({
* selector: 'tabs'
* })
* @View({
* template: `
* <ul>
* <li *ng-for="#pane of panes">{{pane.title}}</li>
* </ul>
* <content></content>
* `
* })
* class Tabs {
* panes: QueryList<Pane>
* constructor(@Query(Pane) panes:QueryList<Pane>) {
* this.panes = panes;
* }
* }
* @Component({
* selector: 'pane',
* properties: ['title']
* })
* @View(...)
* class Pane {
* title:string;
* }
* ```
// So far this interface is only used for purposes of having unified documentation.
// There are limitations for exposing the interface as the main entry point.
// - Typescript does not support getters/setters in interfaces
// - Dart does not support generic methods (needed for map).
export interface IQueryList<T> {}

View File

@ -1,18 +1,78 @@
library angular2.src.core.compiler.query_list;
import 'dart:collection';
import './interface_query.dart';
* Injectable Objects that contains a live list of child directives in the light Dom of a directive.
* An iterable and observable live list of components in the DOM.
* A QueryList contains a live list of child directives in the DOM of a directive.
* The directives are kept in depth-first pre-order traversal of the DOM.
* In the future this class will implement an Observable interface.
* For now it uses a plain list of observable callbacks.
* The `QueryList` is iterable, therefore it can be used in both javascript code with `for..of` loop
* as well as in template with `*ng-for="of"` directive.
* QueryList is updated as part of the change-detection cycle of a directive. Since change detection
* happens after construction of a directive, QueryList will always be empty when observed in the
* constructor.
* NOTE: In the future this class will implement an `Observable` interface. For now it uses a plain
* list of observable callbacks.
* # Example:
* Assume that `<tabs>` component would like to get a list its children which are `<pane>`
* components as shown in this example:
* ```html
* <tabs>
* <pane title="Overview">...</pane>
* <pane *ng-for="#o of objects" [title]="o.title">{{o.text}}</pane>
* </tabs>
* ```
* In the above example the list of `<tabs>` elements needs to get a list of `<pane>` elements so
* that it could render tabs with the correct titles and in the correct order.
* A possible solution would be for a `<pane>` to inject `<tabs>` component and then register itself
* with `<tabs>` component's on `hydrate` and deregister on `dehydrate` event. While a reasonable
* approach, this would only work partialy since `*ng-for` could rearrange the list of `<pane>`
* components which would not be reported to `<tabs>` component and thus the list of `<pane>`
* components would be out of sync with respect to the list of `<pane>` elements.
* A preferred solution is to inject a `QueryList` which is a live list of directives in the
* component`s light DOM.
* ```javascript
* @Component(
* selector: 'tabs'
* )
* @View(
* template: `
* <ul>
* <li *ng-for="#pane of panes">{{pane.title}}</li>
* </ul>
* <content></content>
* `
* )
* class Tabs {
* QueryList<Pane> panes;
* constructor(@Query(Pane) QueryList<Pane> this.panes) { }
* }
* @Component(
* selector: 'pane',
* properties: ['title']
* )
* @View(...)
* class Pane {
* String title;
* }
* ```
class QueryList<T> extends Object
with IterableMixin<T>
implements IQueryList<T> {
with IterableMixin<T> {
List<T> _results = [];
List _callbacks = [];
bool _dirty = false;

View File

@ -1,14 +1,77 @@
import {List, ListWrapper, MapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {IQueryList} from './interface_query';
* Injectable Objects that contains a live list of child directives in the light Dom of a directive.
* An iterable and observable live list of components in the DOM.
* A QueryList contains a live list of child directives in the DOM of a directive.
* The directives are kept in depth-first pre-order traversal of the DOM.
* In the future this class will implement an Observable interface.
* For now it uses a plain list of observable callbacks.
* The `QueryList` is iterable, therefore it can be used in both javascript code with `for..of` loop
* as well as in template with `*ng-for="of"` directive.
* QueryList is updated as part of the change-detection cycle of a directive. Since change detection
* happens after construction of a directive, QueryList will always be empty when observed in the
* constructor.
* NOTE: In the future this class will implement an `Observable` interface. For now it uses a plain
* list of observable callbacks.
* # Example:
* Assume that `<tabs>` component would like to get a list its children which are `<pane>`
* components as shown in this example:
* ```html
* <tabs>
* <pane title="Overview">...</pane>
* <pane *ng-for="#o of objects" [title]="o.title">{{o.text}}</pane>
* </tabs>
* ```
* In the above example the list of `<tabs>` elements needs to get a list of `<pane>` elements so
* that it could render tabs with the correct titles and in the correct order.
* A possible solution would be for a `<pane>` to inject `<tabs>` component and then register itself
* with `<tabs>` component's on `hydrate` and deregister on `dehydrate` event. While a reasonable
* approach, this would only work partialy since `*ng-for` could rearrange the list of `<pane>`
* components which would not be reported to `<tabs>` component and thus the list of `<pane>`
* components would be out of sync with respect to the list of `<pane>` elements.
* A preferred solution is to inject a `QueryList` which is a live list of directives in the
* component`s light DOM.
* ```javascript
* @Component({
* selector: 'tabs'
* })
* @View({
* template: `
* <ul>
* <li *ng-for="#pane of panes">{{pane.title}}</li>
* </ul>
* <content></content>
* `
* })
* class Tabs {
* panes: QueryList<Pane>
* constructor(@Query(Pane) panes:QueryList<Pane>) {
* this.panes = panes;
* }
* }
* @Component({
* selector: 'pane',
* properties: ['title']
* })
* @View(...)
* class Pane {
* title:string;
* }
* ```
export class QueryList<T> implements IQueryList<T> {
export class QueryList<T> {
protected _results: List < T >= [];
protected _callbacks: List < () => void >= [];
protected _dirty: boolean = false;