feat(ivy): i18n compiler support for element attributes (#26280)
PR Close #26280
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {MockDirectory, setup} from '@angular/compiler/test/aot/test_util';
import {setup} from '@angular/compiler/test/aot/test_util';
import {compile, expectEmit} from './mock_compile';
@ -38,28 +38,28 @@ describe('i18n support in the view compiler', () => {
@NgModule({declarations: [MyComponent]})
export class MyModule {}
const template = `
const $msg_1$ = goog.getMsg("Hello world");
const $msg_2$ = goog.getMsg("farewell");
template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) {
if (rf & 1) {
$r3$.ɵtext(1, $msg_1$);
$r3$.ɵtext(5, $msg_2$);
$r3$.ɵtext(7, $msg_2$);
const $msg_1$ = goog.getMsg("Hello world");
const $msg_2$ = goog.getMsg("farewell");
template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) {
if (rf & 1) {
$r3$.ɵtext(1, $msg_1$);
$r3$.ɵtext(5, $msg_2$);
$r3$.ɵtext(7, $msg_2$);
const result = compile(files, angularFiles);
expectEmit(result.source, template, 'Incorrect template', {
@ -84,40 +84,40 @@ describe('i18n support in the view compiler', () => {
@NgModule({declarations: [MyComponent]})
export class MyModule {}
const template = `
* @desc desc
const $msg_1$ = goog.getMsg("introduction");
const $c1$ = ["title", $msg_1$];
* @desc desc
* @meaning meaning
const $msg_2$ = goog.getMsg("Hello world");
template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) {
if (rf & 1) {
$r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div", $c1$);
$r3$.ɵtext(1, $msg_2$);
* @desc desc
const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$ = goog.getMsg("introduction");
const $_c1$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_0$, 0];
* @desc desc
* @meaning meaning
const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2$ = goog.getMsg("Hello world");
template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) {
if (rf & 1) {
$r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div");
$r3$.ɵi18nAttribute(1, $_c1$);
$r3$.ɵtext(2, $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2$);
const result = compile(files, angularFiles);
expectEmit(result.source, template, 'Incorrect template', {
expectEmit(result.source, template, 'Incorrect template');
describe('static attributes', () => {
describe('element attributes', () => {
it('should translate static attributes', () => {
const files = {
app: {
@ -134,29 +134,168 @@ describe('i18n support in the view compiler', () => {
@NgModule({declarations: [MyComponent]})
export class MyModule {}
const template = `
* @desc d
* @meaning m
const $msg_1$ = goog.getMsg("introduction");
const $c1$ = ["id", "static", "title", $msg_1$];
template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) {
if (rf & 1) {
$r3$.ɵelement(0, "div", $c1$);
const $_c0$ = ["id", "static"];
* @desc d
* @meaning m
const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$ = goog.getMsg("introduction");
const $_c2$ = ["title", MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1, 0];
template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) {
if (rf & 1) {
$r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div", $_c0$);
$r3$.ɵi18nAttribute(1, $_c2$);
const result = compile(files, angularFiles);
expectEmit(result.source, template, 'Incorrect template', {
expectEmit(result.source, template, 'Incorrect template');
it('should support interpolation', () => {
const files = {
app: {
'spec.ts': `
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'my-component',
template: \`
<div i18n id="dynamic-1"
i18n-title="m|d" title="intro {{ valueA | uppercase }}"
i18n-aria-label="m1|d1" aria-label="{{ valueB }}"
i18n-aria-roledescription aria-roledescription="static text"
<div i18n id="dynamic-2"
i18n-title="m2|d2" title="{{ valueA }} and {{ valueB }} and again {{ valueA + valueB }}"
i18n-aria-roledescription aria-roledescription="{{ valueC }}"
export class MyComponent {}
@NgModule({declarations: [MyComponent]})
export class MyModule {}
const template = String.raw `
const $_c0$ = ["id", "dynamic-1"];
* @desc d
* @meaning m
const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$ = goog.getMsg("intro \uFFFD0\uFFFD");
* @desc d1
* @meaning m1
const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2$ = goog.getMsg("\uFFFD0\uFFFD");
const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_3$ = goog.getMsg("static text");
const $_c4$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_1$, 1, "aria-label", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_2$, 1, "aria-roledescription", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_3$, 0];
const $_c5$ = ["id", "dynamic-2"];
* @desc d2
* @meaning m2
const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_6$ = goog.getMsg("\uFFFD0\uFFFD and \uFFFD1\uFFFD and again \uFFFD2\uFFFD");
const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_7$ = goog.getMsg("\uFFFD0\uFFFD");
const $_c8$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_6$, 3, "aria-roledescription", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS_7$, 1];
template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) {
if (rf & 1) {
$r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div", $_c0$);
$r3$.ɵpipe(1, "uppercase");
$r3$.ɵi18nAttribute(2, $_c4$);
$r3$.ɵelementStart(3, "div", $_c5$);
$r3$.ɵi18nAttribute(4, $_c8$);
if (rf & 2) {
$r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($r3$.ɵpipeBind1(1, 0, ctx.valueA)));
$r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind((ctx.valueA + ctx.valueB)));
const result = compile(files, angularFiles);
expectEmit(result.source, template, 'Incorrect template');
it('should correctly bind to context in nested template', () => {
const files = {
app: {
'spec.ts': `
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'my-component',
template: \`
<div *ngFor="let outer of items">
<div i18n-title="m|d" title="different scope {{ outer | uppercase }}">
export class MyComponent {}
@NgModule({declarations: [MyComponent]})
export class MyModule {}
const template = String.raw `
const $_c0$ = ["ngFor", "", 1, "ngForOf"];
* @desc d
* @meaning m
const $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1$ = goog.getMsg("different scope \uFFFD0\uFFFD");
const $_c2$ = ["title", $MSG_APP_SPEC_TS__1$, 1];
function MyComponent_div_Template_0(rf, ctx) {
if (rf & 1) {
$r3$.ɵelementStart(0, "div");
$r3$.ɵelementStart(1, "div");
$r3$.ɵpipe(2, "uppercase");
$r3$.ɵi18nAttribute(3, $_c2$);
if (rf & 2) {
const $outer_r1$ = ctx.$implicit;
$r3$.ɵi18nExp($r3$.ɵbind($r3$.ɵpipeBind1(2, 0, $outer_r1$)));
template: function MyComponent_Template(rf, ctx) {
if (rf & 1) {
$r3$.ɵtemplate(0, MyComponent_div_Template_0, 4, 2, null, $_c0$);
if (rf & 2) {
$r3$.ɵelementProperty(0, "ngForOf", $r3$.ɵbind(ctx.items));
const result = compile(files, angularFiles);
expectEmit(result.source, template, 'Incorrect template');
@ -95,6 +95,12 @@ export class Identifiers {
static pipeBind4: o.ExternalReference = {name: 'ɵpipeBind4', moduleName: CORE};
static pipeBindV: o.ExternalReference = {name: 'ɵpipeBindV', moduleName: CORE};
static i18nAttribute: o.ExternalReference = {name: 'ɵi18nAttribute', moduleName: CORE};
static i18nExp: o.ExternalReference = {name: 'ɵi18nExp', moduleName: CORE};
static i18nStart: o.ExternalReference = {name: 'ɵi18nStart', moduleName: CORE};
static i18nEnd: o.ExternalReference = {name: 'ɵi18nEnd', moduleName: CORE};
static i18nApply: o.ExternalReference = {name: 'ɵi18nApply', moduleName: CORE};
static load: o.ExternalReference = {name: 'ɵload', moduleName: CORE};
static loadQueryList: o.ExternalReference = {name: 'ɵloadQueryList', moduleName: CORE};
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ import {htmlAstToRender3Ast} from '../r3_template_transform';
import {R3QueryMetadata} from './api';
import {parseStyle} from './styling';
import {CONTEXT_NAME, I18N_ATTR, I18N_ATTR_PREFIX, ID_SEPARATOR, IMPLICIT_REFERENCE, MEANING_SEPARATOR, NON_BINDABLE_ATTR, REFERENCE_PREFIX, RENDER_FLAGS, asLiteral, getAttrsForDirectiveMatching, invalid, isI18NAttribute, mapToExpression, trimTrailingNulls, unsupported} from './util';
import {CONTEXT_NAME, I18N_ATTR, I18N_ATTR_PREFIX, ID_SEPARATOR, IMPLICIT_REFERENCE, MEANING_SEPARATOR, NON_BINDABLE_ATTR, REFERENCE_PREFIX, RENDER_FLAGS, asLiteral, assembleI18nTemplate, getAttrsForDirectiveMatching, invalid, isI18NAttribute, mapToExpression, trimTrailingNulls, unsupported} from './util';
function mapBindingToInstruction(type: BindingType): o.ExternalReference|undefined {
switch (type) {
@ -243,6 +243,10 @@ export class TemplateDefinitionBuilder implements t.Visitor<void>, LocalResolver
// LocalResolver
getLocal(name: string): o.Expression|null { return this._bindingScope.get(name); }
i18nTranslate(label: string, meta?: string): o.Expression {
return this.constantPool.getTranslation(label, parseI18nMeta(meta), this.fileBasedI18nSuffix);
visitContent(ngContent: t.Content) {
const slot = this.allocateDataSlot();
const selectorIndex = ngContent.selectorIndex;
@ -306,7 +310,7 @@ export class TemplateDefinitionBuilder implements t.Visitor<void>, LocalResolver
let isNonBindableMode: boolean = false;
// Handle i18n attributes
// Handle i18n and ngNonBindable attributes
for (const attr of element.attributes) {
const name = attr.name;
const value = attr.value;
@ -346,6 +350,8 @@ export class TemplateDefinitionBuilder implements t.Visitor<void>, LocalResolver
const classInputs: t.BoundAttribute[] = [];
const allOtherInputs: t.BoundAttribute[] = [];
const i18nAttrs: Array<{name: string, value: string | AST}> = [];
element.inputs.forEach((input: t.BoundAttribute) => {
switch (input.type) {
// [attr.style] or [attr.class] should not be treated as styling-based
@ -360,6 +366,8 @@ export class TemplateDefinitionBuilder implements t.Visitor<void>, LocalResolver
} else if (isClassBinding(input)) {
// this should always go first in the compilation (for [class])
classInputs.splice(0, 0, input);
} else if (attrI18nMetas.hasOwnProperty(input.name)) {
i18nAttrs.push({name: input.name, value: input.value});
} else {
@ -394,13 +402,10 @@ export class TemplateDefinitionBuilder implements t.Visitor<void>, LocalResolver
staticClassesMap ![className] = true;
} else {
if (attrI18nMetas.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
const meta = parseI18nMeta(attrI18nMetas[name]);
const variable = this.constantPool.getTranslation(value, meta, this.fileBasedI18nSuffix);
i18nAttrs.push({name, value});
} else {
attributes.push(o.literal(name), o.literal(value));
@ -482,7 +487,7 @@ export class TemplateDefinitionBuilder implements t.Visitor<void>, LocalResolver
const implicit = o.variable(CONTEXT_NAME);
const createSelfClosingInstruction = !hasStylingInstructions && !isNgContainer &&
element.children.length === 0 && element.outputs.length === 0;
element.children.length === 0 && element.outputs.length === 0 && i18nAttrs.length === 0;
if (createSelfClosingInstruction) {
this.creationInstruction(element.sourceSpan, R3.element, trimTrailingNulls(parameters));
@ -495,6 +500,41 @@ export class TemplateDefinitionBuilder implements t.Visitor<void>, LocalResolver
this.creationInstruction(element.sourceSpan, R3.disableBindings);
// process i18n element attributes
if (i18nAttrs.length) {
let hasBindings: boolean = false;
const i18nAttrArgs: o.Expression[] = [];
i18nAttrs.forEach(({name, value}) => {
const meta = attrI18nMetas[name];
if (typeof value === 'string') {
// in case of static string value, 3rd argument is 0 declares
// that there are no expressions defined in this translation
i18nAttrArgs.push(o.literal(name), this.i18nTranslate(value, meta), o.literal(0));
} else {
const converted = value.visit(this._valueConverter);
if (converted instanceof Interpolation) {
const {strings, expressions} = converted;
const label = assembleI18nTemplate(strings);
o.literal(name), this.i18nTranslate(label, meta), o.literal(expressions.length));
expressions.forEach(expression => {
hasBindings = true;
const binding = this.convertExpressionBinding(implicit, expression);
this.updateInstruction(element.sourceSpan, R3.i18nExp, [binding]);
if (i18nAttrArgs.length) {
const index: o.Expression = o.literal(this.allocateDataSlot());
const args = this.constantPool.getConstLiteral(o.literalArr(i18nAttrArgs), true);
this.creationInstruction(element.sourceSpan, R3.i18nAttribute, [index, args]);
if (hasBindings) {
this.updateInstruction(element.sourceSpan, R3.i18nApply, [index]);
// initial styling for static style="..." attributes
if (hasStylingInstructions) {
const paramsList: (o.Expression)[] = [];
@ -791,8 +831,7 @@ export class TemplateDefinitionBuilder implements t.Visitor<void>, LocalResolver
// i0.ɵtext(1, MSG_XYZ);
// ```
visitSingleI18nTextChild(text: t.Text, i18nMeta: string) {
const meta = parseI18nMeta(i18nMeta);
const variable = this.constantPool.getTranslation(text.value, meta, this.fileBasedI18nSuffix);
const variable = this.i18nTranslate(text.value, i18nMeta);
text.sourceSpan, R3.text, [o.literal(this.allocateDataSlot()), variable]);
@ -840,6 +879,13 @@ export class TemplateDefinitionBuilder implements t.Visitor<void>, LocalResolver
this._bindingSlots += value instanceof Interpolation ? value.expressions.length : 1;
private convertExpressionBinding(implicit: o.Expression, value: AST): o.Expression {
const convertedPropertyBinding =
convertPropertyBinding(this, implicit, value, this.bindingContext(), BindingForm.TrySimple);
const valExpr = convertedPropertyBinding.currValExpr;
return o.importExpr(R3.bind).callFn([valExpr]);
private convertPropertyBinding(implicit: o.Expression, value: AST, skipBindFn?: boolean):
o.Expression {
const interpolationFn =
@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ export const I18N_ATTR_PREFIX = 'i18n-';
export const MEANING_SEPARATOR = '|';
export const ID_SEPARATOR = '@@';
/** Placeholder wrapper for i18n expressions **/
export const I18N_PLACEHOLDER_SYMBOL = '<27>';
/** Non bindable attribute name **/
export const NON_BINDABLE_ATTR = 'ngNonBindable';
@ -71,6 +74,21 @@ export function isI18NAttribute(name: string): boolean {
return name === I18N_ATTR || name.startsWith(I18N_ATTR_PREFIX);
export function wrapI18nPlaceholder(content: string | number): string {
export function assembleI18nTemplate(strings: Array<string>): string {
if (!strings.length) return '';
let acc = '';
const lastIdx = strings.length - 1;
for (let i = 0; i < lastIdx; i++) {
acc += `${strings[i]}${wrapI18nPlaceholder(i)}`;
acc += strings[lastIdx];
return acc;
export function asLiteral(value: any): o.Expression {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return o.literalArr(value.map(asLiteral));
@ -105,6 +105,10 @@ export {
PipeDef as ɵPipeDef,
PipeDefWithMeta as ɵPipeDefWithMeta,
whenRendered as ɵwhenRendered,
i18nAttribute as ɵi18nAttribute,
i18nExp as ɵi18nExp,
i18nStart as ɵi18nStart,
i18nEnd as ɵi18nEnd,
i18nApply as ɵi18nApply,
i18nExpMapping as ɵi18nExpMapping,
i18nInterpolation1 as ɵi18nInterpolation1,
@ -283,6 +283,22 @@ function appendI18nNode(
return tNode;
export function i18nAttribute(index: number, attrs: any[]): void {
// placeholder for i18nAttribute function
export function i18nExp(expression: any): void {
// placeholder for i18nExp function
export function i18nStart(index: number, message: string, subTemplateIndex: number = 0): void {
// placeholder for i18nExp function
export function i18nEnd(): void {
// placeholder for i18nEnd function
* Takes a list of instructions generated by `i18nMapping()` to transform the template accordingly.
@ -86,6 +86,10 @@ export {
} from './instructions';
export {
@ -98,6 +98,11 @@ export const angularCoreEnv: {[name: string]: Function} = {
'ɵtextBinding': r3.textBinding,
'ɵembeddedViewStart': r3.embeddedViewStart,
'ɵembeddedViewEnd': r3.embeddedViewEnd,
'ɵi18nAttribute': r3.i18nAttribute,
'ɵi18nExp': r3.i18nExp,
'ɵi18nStart': r3.i18nStart,
'ɵi18nEnd': r3.i18nEnd,
'ɵi18nApply': r3.i18nApply,
'ɵsanitizeHtml': sanitization.sanitizeHtml,
'ɵsanitizeStyle': sanitization.sanitizeStyle,
Reference in New Issue
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