feat(ivy): implement esm2015 and esm5 reflection hosts (#24897)

PR Close #24897
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Pete Bacon Darwin 2018-07-16 08:51:14 +01:00 committed by Igor Minar
parent 4ad2f11919
commit 45cf5b5dad
6 changed files with 2679 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {ClassMember, ClassMemberKind, Decorator, Parameter} from '../../../ngtsc/host';
import {TypeScriptReflectionHost, reflectObjectLiteral} from '../../../ngtsc/metadata';
import {getNameText} from '../utils';
import {NgccReflectionHost} from './ngcc_host';
export const DECORATORS = 'decorators' as ts.__String;
export const PROP_DECORATORS = 'propDecorators' as ts.__String;
export const CONSTRUCTOR = '__constructor' as ts.__String;
export const CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMS = 'ctorParameters' as ts.__String;
* Esm2015 packages contain ECMAScript 2015 classes, etc.
* Decorators are defined via static properties on the class. For example:
* ```
* class SomeDirective {
* }
* SomeDirective.decorators = [
* { type: Directive, args: [{ selector: '[someDirective]' },] }
* ];
* SomeDirective.ctorParameters = () => [
* { type: ViewContainerRef, },
* { type: TemplateRef, },
* { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: Inject, args: [INJECTED_TOKEN,] },] },
* ];
* SomeDirective.propDecorators = {
* "input1": [{ type: Input },],
* "input2": [{ type: Input },],
* };
* ```
* * Classes are decorated if they have a static property called `decorators`.
* * Members are decorated if there is a matching key on a static property
* called `propDecorators`.
* * Constructor parameters decorators are found on an object returned from
* a static method called `ctorParameters`.
export class Esm2015ReflectionHost extends TypeScriptReflectionHost implements NgccReflectionHost {
constructor(checker: ts.TypeChecker) { super(checker); }
* Examine a declaration (for example, of a class or function) and return metadata about any
* decorators present on the declaration.
* @param declaration a TypeScript `ts.Declaration` node representing the class or function over
* which to reflect. For example, if the intent is to reflect the decorators of a class and the
* source is in ES6 format, this will be a `ts.ClassDeclaration` node. If the source is in ES5
* format, this might be a `ts.VariableDeclaration` as classes in ES5 are represented as the
* result of an IIFE execution.
* @returns an array of `Decorator` metadata if decorators are present on the declaration, or
* `null` if either no decorators were present or if the declaration is not of a decoratable type.
getDecoratorsOfDeclaration(declaration: ts.Declaration): Decorator[]|null {
const symbol = this.getClassSymbol(declaration);
if (symbol) {
if (symbol.exports && symbol.exports.has(DECORATORS)) {
// Symbol of the identifier for `SomeDirective.decorators`.
const decoratorsSymbol = symbol.exports.get(DECORATORS) !;
const decoratorsIdentifier = decoratorsSymbol.valueDeclaration;
if (decoratorsIdentifier && decoratorsIdentifier.parent) {
if (ts.isBinaryExpression(decoratorsIdentifier.parent)) {
// AST of the array of decorator values
const decoratorsArray = decoratorsIdentifier.parent.right;
return this.reflectDecorators(decoratorsArray);
return null;
* Examine a declaration which should be of a class, and return metadata about the members of the
* class.
* @param declaration a TypeScript `ts.Declaration` node representing the class over which to
* reflect. If the source is in ES6 format, this will be a `ts.ClassDeclaration` node. If the
* source is in ES5 format, this might be a `ts.VariableDeclaration` as classes in ES5 are
* represented as the result of an IIFE execution.
* @returns an array of `ClassMember` metadata representing the members of the class.
* @throws if `declaration` does not resolve to a class declaration.
getMembersOfClass(clazz: ts.Declaration): ClassMember[] {
const members: ClassMember[] = [];
const symbol = this.getClassSymbol(clazz);
if (!symbol) {
throw new Error(`Attempted to get members of a non-class: "${clazz.getText()}"`);
// The decorators map contains all the properties that are decorated
const decoratorsMap = this.getMemberDecorators(symbol);
// The member map contains all the method (instance and static); and any instance properties
// that are initialized in the class.
if (symbol.members) {
symbol.members.forEach((value, key) => {
const decorators = removeFromMap(decoratorsMap, key);
const member = this.reflectMember(value, decorators);
if (member) {
// The static property map contains all the static properties
if (symbol.exports) {
symbol.exports.forEach((value, key) => {
const decorators = removeFromMap(decoratorsMap, key);
const member = this.reflectMember(value, decorators, true);
if (member) {
// Deal with any decorated properties that were not initialized in the class
decoratorsMap.forEach((value, key) => {
implementation: null,
decorators: value,
isStatic: false,
kind: ClassMemberKind.Property,
name: key,
nameNode: null,
node: null,
type: null,
value: null
return members;
* Reflect over the constructor of a class and return metadata about its parameters.
* This method only looks at the constructor of a class directly and not at any inherited
* constructors.
* @param declaration a TypeScript `ts.Declaration` node representing the class over which to
* reflect. If the source is in ES6 format, this will be a `ts.ClassDeclaration` node. If the
* source is in ES5 format, this might be a `ts.VariableDeclaration` as classes in ES5 are
* represented as the result of an IIFE execution.
* @returns an array of `Parameter` metadata representing the parameters of the constructor, if
* a constructor exists. If the constructor exists and has 0 parameters, this array will be empty.
* If the class has no constructor, this method returns `null`.
* @throws if `declaration` does not resolve to a class declaration.
getConstructorParameters(clazz: ts.Declaration): Parameter[]|null {
const classSymbol = this.getClassSymbol(clazz);
if (!classSymbol) {
throw new Error(
`Attempted to get constructor parameters of a non-class: "${clazz.getText()}"`);
const parameterNodes = this.getConstructorParameterDeclarations(classSymbol);
if (parameterNodes) {
const parameters: Parameter[] = [];
const decoratorInfo = this.getConstructorDecorators(classSymbol);
parameterNodes.forEach((node, index) => {
const info = decoratorInfo[index];
const decorators =
info && info.has('decorators') && this.reflectDecorators(info.get('decorators') !) ||
const type = info && info.get('type') || null;
const nameNode = node.name;
parameters.push({name: getNameText(nameNode), nameNode, type, decorators});
return parameters;
return null;
* Find a symbol for a declaration that we think is a class.
* @param declaration The declaration whose symbol we are finding
* @returns the symbol for the declaration or `undefined` if it is not
* a "class" or has no symbol.
getClassSymbol(declaration: ts.Declaration): ts.Symbol|undefined {
return ts.isClassDeclaration(declaration) ?
declaration.name && this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(declaration.name) :
* Member decorators are declared as static properties of the class in ES2015:
* ```
* SomeDirective.propDecorators = {
* "ngForOf": [{ type: Input },],
* "ngForTrackBy": [{ type: Input },],
* "ngForTemplate": [{ type: Input },],
* };
* ```
protected getMemberDecorators(classSymbol: ts.Symbol): Map<string, Decorator[]> {
const memberDecorators = new Map<string, Decorator[]>();
if (classSymbol.exports && classSymbol.exports.has(PROP_DECORATORS)) {
// Symbol of the identifier for `SomeDirective.propDecorators`.
const propDecoratorsMap =
getPropertyValueFromSymbol(classSymbol.exports.get(PROP_DECORATORS) !);
if (propDecoratorsMap && ts.isObjectLiteralExpression(propDecoratorsMap)) {
const propertiesMap = reflectObjectLiteral(propDecoratorsMap);
(value, name) => { memberDecorators.set(name, this.reflectDecorators(value)); });
return memberDecorators;
* Reflect over the given expression and extract decorator information.
* @param decoratorsArray An expression that contains decorator information.
protected reflectDecorators(decoratorsArray: ts.Expression): Decorator[] {
const decorators: Decorator[] = [];
if (ts.isArrayLiteralExpression(decoratorsArray)) {
// Add each decorator that is imported from `@angular/core` into the `decorators` array
decoratorsArray.elements.forEach(node => {
// If the decorator is not an object literal expression then we are not interested
if (ts.isObjectLiteralExpression(node)) {
// We are only interested in objects of the form: `{ type: DecoratorType, args: [...] }`
const decorator = reflectObjectLiteral(node);
// Is the value of the `type` property an identifier?
const typeIdentifier = decorator.get('type');
if (typeIdentifier && ts.isIdentifier(typeIdentifier)) {
name: typeIdentifier.text,
import: this.getImportOfIdentifier(typeIdentifier), node,
args: getDecoratorArgs(node),
return decorators;
protected reflectMember(symbol: ts.Symbol, decorators?: Decorator[], isStatic?: boolean):
ClassMember|null {
let kind: ClassMemberKind|null = null;
let value: ts.Expression|null = null;
let name: string|null = null;
let nameNode: ts.Identifier|null = null;
let type = null;
const node = symbol.valueDeclaration || symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations[0];
if (!node || !isClassMemberType(node)) {
return null;
if (symbol.flags & ts.SymbolFlags.Method) {
kind = ClassMemberKind.Method;
} else if (symbol.flags & ts.SymbolFlags.Property) {
kind = ClassMemberKind.Property;
} else if (symbol.flags & ts.SymbolFlags.GetAccessor) {
kind = ClassMemberKind.Getter;
} else if (symbol.flags & ts.SymbolFlags.SetAccessor) {
kind = ClassMemberKind.Setter;
if (isStatic && isPropertyAccess(node)) {
name = node.name.text;
value = symbol.flags & ts.SymbolFlags.Property ? node.parent.right : null;
} else if (isThisAssignment(node)) {
kind = ClassMemberKind.Property;
name = node.left.name.text;
value = node.right;
isStatic = false;
} else if (ts.isConstructorDeclaration(node)) {
kind = ClassMemberKind.Constructor;
name = 'constructor';
isStatic = false;
if (kind === null) {
console.warn(`Unknown member type: "${node.getText()}`);
return null;
if (!name) {
if (isNamedDeclaration(node) && node.name && ts.isIdentifier(node.name)) {
name = node.name.text;
nameNode = node.name;
} else {
return null;
// If we have still not determined if this is a static or instance member then
// look for the `static` keyword on the declaration
if (isStatic === undefined) {
isStatic = node.modifiers !== undefined &&
node.modifiers.some(mod => mod.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword);
return {
implementation: node, kind, type, name, nameNode, value, isStatic,
decorators: decorators || []
* Find the declarations of the constructor parameters of a class identified by its symbol.
* @param classSymbol the class whose parameters we want to find.
* @returns an array of `ts.ParameterDeclaration` objects representing each of the parameters in
* the
* class's constructor or null if there is no constructor.
protected getConstructorParameterDeclarations(classSymbol: ts.Symbol):
ts.ParameterDeclaration[]|null {
const constructorSymbol = classSymbol.members && classSymbol.members.get(CONSTRUCTOR);
if (constructorSymbol) {
// For some reason the constructor does not have a `valueDeclaration` ?!?
const constructor = constructorSymbol.declarations &&
constructorSymbol.declarations[0] as ts.ConstructorDeclaration;
if (constructor && constructor.parameters) {
return Array.from(constructor.parameters);
return [];
return null;
* Constructors parameter decorators are declared in the body of static method of the class in
* ES2015:
* ```
* SomeDirective.ctorParameters = () => [
* { type: ViewContainerRef, },
* { type: TemplateRef, },
* { type: IterableDiffers, },
* { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: Inject, args: [INJECTED_TOKEN,] },] },
* ];
* ```
protected getConstructorDecorators(classSymbol: ts.Symbol): (Map<string, ts.Expression>|null)[] {
if (classSymbol.exports && classSymbol.exports.has(CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMS)) {
const paramDecoratorsProperty =
getPropertyValueFromSymbol(classSymbol.exports.get(CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMS) !);
if (paramDecoratorsProperty && ts.isArrowFunction(paramDecoratorsProperty)) {
if (ts.isArrayLiteralExpression(paramDecoratorsProperty.body)) {
return paramDecoratorsProperty.body.elements.map(
element =>
ts.isObjectLiteralExpression(element) ? reflectObjectLiteral(element) : null);
return [];
* The arguments of a decorator are held in the `args` property of its declaration object.
function getDecoratorArgs(node: ts.ObjectLiteralExpression): ts.Expression[] {
const argsProperty = node.properties.filter(ts.isPropertyAssignment)
.find(property => getNameText(property.name) === 'args');
const argsExpression = argsProperty && argsProperty.initializer;
return argsExpression && ts.isArrayLiteralExpression(argsExpression) ?
Array.from(argsExpression.elements) :
* Helper method to extract the value of a property given the property's "symbol",
* which is actually the symbol of the identifier of the property.
export function getPropertyValueFromSymbol(propSymbol: ts.Symbol): ts.Expression|undefined {
const propIdentifier = propSymbol.valueDeclaration;
const parent = propIdentifier && propIdentifier.parent;
return parent && ts.isBinaryExpression(parent) ? parent.right : undefined;
function removeFromMap<T>(map: Map<string, T>, key: ts.__String): T|undefined {
const mapKey = key as string;
const value = map.get(mapKey);
if (value !== undefined) {
return value;
function isPropertyAccess(node: ts.Node): node is ts.PropertyAccessExpression&
{parent: ts.BinaryExpression} {
return !!node.parent && ts.isBinaryExpression(node.parent) && ts.isPropertyAccessExpression(node);
function isThisAssignment(node: ts.Declaration): node is ts.BinaryExpression&
{left: ts.PropertyAccessExpression} {
return ts.isBinaryExpression(node) && ts.isPropertyAccessExpression(node.left) &&
node.left.expression.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword;
function isNamedDeclaration(node: ts.Declaration): node is ts.NamedDeclaration {
return !!(node as any).name;
function isClassMemberType(node: ts.Declaration): node is ts.ClassElement|
ts.PropertyAccessExpression|ts.BinaryExpression {
return ts.isClassElement(node) || isPropertyAccess(node) || ts.isBinaryExpression(node);

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@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {Decorator} from '../../../ngtsc/host';
import {ClassMember, ClassMemberKind} from '../../../ngtsc/host/src/reflection';
import {reflectObjectLiteral} from '../../../ngtsc/metadata/src/reflector';
import {CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMS, Esm2015ReflectionHost, getPropertyValueFromSymbol} from './esm2015_host';
* ESM5 packages contain ECMAScript IIFE functions that act like classes. For example:
* ```
* var CommonModule = (function () {
* function CommonModule() {
* }
* CommonModule.decorators = [ ... ];
* ```
* * "Classes" are decorated if they have a static property called `decorators`.
* * Members are decorated if there is a matching key on a static property
* called `propDecorators`.
* * Constructor parameters decorators are found on an object returned from
* a static method called `ctorParameters`.
export class Esm5ReflectionHost extends Esm2015ReflectionHost {
constructor(checker: ts.TypeChecker) { super(checker); }
* Check whether the given declaration node actually represents a class.
isClass(node: ts.Declaration): boolean { return !!this.getClassSymbol(node); }
* In ESM5 the implementation of a class is a function expression that is hidden inside an IIFE.
* So we need to dig around inside to get hold of the "class" symbol.
* @param declaration the top level declaration that represents an exported class.
getClassSymbol(declaration: ts.Declaration): ts.Symbol|undefined {
if (ts.isVariableDeclaration(declaration)) {
const iifeBody = getIifeBody(declaration);
if (iifeBody) {
const innerClassIdentifier = getReturnIdentifier(iifeBody);
if (innerClassIdentifier) {
return this.checker.getSymbolAtLocation(innerClassIdentifier);
return undefined;
* Find the declarations of the constructor parameters of a class identified by its symbol.
* In ESM5 there is no "class" so the constructor that we want is actually the declaration
* function itself.
protected getConstructorParameterDeclarations(classSymbol: ts.Symbol): ts.ParameterDeclaration[] {
const constructor = classSymbol.valueDeclaration as ts.FunctionDeclaration;
if (constructor && constructor.parameters) {
return Array.from(constructor.parameters);
return [];
* Constructors parameter decorators are declared in the body of static method of the constructor
* function in ES5. Note that unlike ESM2105 this is a function expression rather than an arrow
* function:
* ```
* SomeDirective.ctorParameters = function() { return [
* { type: ViewContainerRef, },
* { type: TemplateRef, },
* { type: IterableDiffers, },
* { type: undefined, decorators: [{ type: Inject, args: [INJECTED_TOKEN,] },] },
* ]; };
* ```
protected getConstructorDecorators(classSymbol: ts.Symbol): (Map<string, ts.Expression>|null)[] {
const declaration = classSymbol.exports && classSymbol.exports.get(CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMS);
const paramDecoratorsProperty = declaration && getPropertyValueFromSymbol(declaration);
const returnStatement = getReturnStatement(paramDecoratorsProperty);
const expression = returnStatement && returnStatement.expression;
return expression && ts.isArrayLiteralExpression(expression) ?
expression.elements.map(reflectArrayElement) :
protected reflectMember(symbol: ts.Symbol, decorators?: Decorator[], isStatic?: boolean):
ClassMember|null {
const member = super.reflectMember(symbol, decorators, isStatic);
if (member && member.kind === ClassMemberKind.Method && member.isStatic && member.node &&
ts.isPropertyAccessExpression(member.node) && member.node.parent &&
ts.isBinaryExpression(member.node.parent) &&
ts.isFunctionExpression(member.node.parent.right)) {
// Recompute the implementation for this member:
// ES5 static methods are variable declarations so the declaration is actually the
// initializer of the variable assignment
member.implementation = member.node.parent.right;
return member;
function getIifeBody(declaration: ts.VariableDeclaration): ts.Block|undefined {
if (!declaration.initializer || !ts.isParenthesizedExpression(declaration.initializer)) {
return undefined;
const call = declaration.initializer;
return ts.isCallExpression(call.expression) &&
ts.isFunctionExpression(call.expression.expression) ?
call.expression.expression.body :
function getReturnIdentifier(body: ts.Block): ts.Identifier|undefined {
const returnStatement = body.statements.find(ts.isReturnStatement);
return returnStatement && returnStatement.expression &&
ts.isIdentifier(returnStatement.expression) ?
returnStatement.expression :
function getReturnStatement(declaration: ts.Expression | undefined): ts.ReturnStatement|undefined {
return declaration && ts.isFunctionExpression(declaration) ?
declaration.body.statements.find(ts.isReturnStatement) :
function reflectArrayElement(element: ts.Expression) {
return ts.isObjectLiteralExpression(element) ? reflectObjectLiteral(element) : null;

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {ReflectionHost} from '../../../ngtsc/host';
* A reflection host that has extra methods for looking at non-Typescript package formats
export interface NgccReflectionHost extends ReflectionHost {
getClassSymbol(declaration: ts.Declaration): ts.Symbol|undefined;

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import * as ts from 'typescript';
export function getOriginalSymbol(checker: ts.TypeChecker): (symbol: ts.Symbol) => ts.Symbol {
return function(symbol: ts.Symbol) {
return ts.SymbolFlags.Alias & symbol.flags ? checker.getAliasedSymbol(symbol) : symbol;
export function isDefined<T>(value: T | undefined | null): value is T {
return !!value;
export function getNameText(name: ts.PropertyName | ts.BindingName): string {
return ts.isIdentifier(name) || ts.isLiteralExpression(name) ? name.text : name.getText();

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