From 50098767fc188426adc7c2f696df00b659b4799f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tobias Bosch
Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2015 20:54:20 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] refactor(render): use render layer fully
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Introduces angular2/src/core/compiler/ViewFactory which
extracts ProtoView.instantiate and replaces ViewPool.
Note: This is a work in progress commit to unblock other commits.
There will be follow ups to add unit tests, remove TODOs, …
karma-dart.conf.js | 2 +
modules/angular2/core.js | 2 +-
modules/angular2/src/core/application.js | 38 +-
.../angular2/src/core/compiler/compiler.js | 63 +-
.../src/core/compiler/element_binder.js | 9 -
.../src/core/compiler/element_injector.js | 45 +-
.../angular2/src/core/compiler/ng_element.js | 34 +
.../core/compiler/private_component_loader.js | 18 +-
.../compiler/private_component_location.js | 21 +-
.../src/core/compiler/proto_view_factory.js | 29 +-
.../shadow_dom_emulation/content_tag.js | 88 --
.../shadow_dom_emulation/light_dom.js | 140 ----
.../src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy.js | 114 ---
modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/view.js | 391 ++-------
.../src/core/compiler/view_container.js | 119 +--
.../src/core/compiler/view_factory.js | 109 +++
.../angular2/src/core/compiler/view_pool.js | 26 -
modules/angular2/src/core/dom/element.js | 16 -
modules/angular2/src/directives/class.js | 2 +-
modules/angular2/src/directives/switch.js | 3 +-
modules/angular2/src/render/api.js | 6 +-
.../src/render/dom/compiler/compiler.js | 13 +-
.../src/render/dom/direct_dom_renderer.js | 10 +-
.../src/render/dom/view/proto_view_builder.js | 26 +-
modules/angular2/src/render/dom/view/view.js | 21 +-
.../src/render/dom/view/view_container.js | 16 +-
.../src/render/dom/view/view_factory.js | 31 +-
modules/angular2/src/services/ruler.js | 2 +-
modules/angular2/src/test_lib/test_bed.js | 29 +-
.../angular2/src/test_lib/test_injector.js | 19 +-
modules/angular2/src/test_lib/utils.js | 9 +-
.../test/core/compiler/compiler_spec.js | 8 +-
.../core/compiler/element_injector_spec.js | 123 +--
.../test/core/compiler/integration_spec.js | 497 ++++++-----
.../compiler/private_component_loader_spec.js | 2 +-
.../compiler/shadow_dom/content_tag_spec.js | 47 --
.../compiler/shadow_dom/light_dom_spec.js | 219 -----
.../shadow_dom_emulation_integration_spec.js | 384 ---------
.../core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy_spec.js | 130 ---
.../test/core/compiler/view_container_spec.js | 251 ------
.../test/core/compiler/view_pool_spec.js | 46 -
.../angular2/test/core/compiler/view_spec.js | 787 ------------------
.../angular2/test/directives/class_spec.js | 32 +-
modules/angular2/test/directives/for_spec.js | 40 +-
modules/angular2/test/directives/if_spec.js | 68 +-
.../test/directives/non_bindable_spec.js | 8 +-
.../angular2/test/directives/switch_spec.js | 28 +-
.../angular2/test/forms/integration_spec.js | 8 +-
.../test/render/dom/integration_testbed.js | 4 +-
.../shadow_dom_emulation_integration_spec.js | 2 +-
modules/angular2/test/services/ruler_spec.js | 19 +-
.../change_detection_benchmark.js | 6 +-
.../src/compiler/compiler_benchmark.js | 23 +-
.../element_injector_benchmark.js | 8 +-
.../src/largetable/largetable_benchmark.js | 91 +-
.../src/naive_infinite_scroll/index.js | 85 +-
modules/benchmarks/src/tree/tree_benchmark.js | 87 +-
.../examples/src/hello_world/index_static.js | 86 +-
test-init.dart | 5 +
test-main.dart | 2 -
60 files changed, 1206 insertions(+), 3341 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/ng_element.js
delete mode 100644 modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/content_tag.js
delete mode 100644 modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/light_dom.js
delete mode 100644 modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy.js
create mode 100644 modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/view_factory.js
delete mode 100644 modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/view_pool.js
delete mode 100644 modules/angular2/src/core/dom/element.js
delete mode 100644 modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/shadow_dom/content_tag_spec.js
delete mode 100644 modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/shadow_dom/light_dom_spec.js
delete mode 100644 modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/shadow_dom/shadow_dom_emulation_integration_spec.js
delete mode 100644 modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy_spec.js
delete mode 100644 modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/view_container_spec.js
delete mode 100644 modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/view_pool_spec.js
delete mode 100644 modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/view_spec.js
create mode 100644 test-init.dart
diff --git a/karma-dart.conf.js b/karma-dart.conf.js
index 1ffe1b8257..1756386e65 100644
--- a/karma-dart.conf.js
+++ b/karma-dart.conf.js
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ module.exports = function(config) {
frameworks: ['dart-unittest'],
files: [
+ // Init and configure guiness.
+ {pattern: 'test-init.dart', included: true},
// Unit test files needs to be included.
// Karma-dart generates `__adapter_unittest.dart` that imports these files.
{pattern: 'modules/*/test/**/*_spec.js', included: true},
diff --git a/modules/angular2/core.js b/modules/angular2/core.js
index cad9b91e40..3a6f970937 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/core.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/core.js
@@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ export * from './src/core/compiler/private_component_location';
export * from './src/core/compiler/view';
export * from './src/core/compiler/view_container';
-export * from './src/core/dom/element';
+export * from './src/core/compiler/ng_element';
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/core/application.js b/modules/angular2/src/core/application.js
index 176689c50f..920b2f3cbf 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/core/application.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/core/application.js
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ import {ExceptionHandler} from './exception_handler';
import {TemplateLoader} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/template_loader';
import {TemplateResolver} from './compiler/template_resolver';
import {DirectiveMetadataReader} from './compiler/directive_metadata_reader';
-import {DirectiveBinding} from './compiler/element_injector';
import {List, ListWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {Promise, PromiseWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
import {VmTurnZone} from 'angular2/src/core/zone/vm_turn_zone';
import {LifeCycle} from 'angular2/src/core/life_cycle/life_cycle';
-import {ShadowDomStrategy, NativeShadowDomStrategy, EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy';
+import {ShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/shadow_dom_strategy';
+import {EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/emulated_unscoped_shadow_dom_strategy';
import {XHR} from 'angular2/src/services/xhr';
import {XHRImpl} from 'angular2/src/services/xhr_impl';
import {EventManager, DomEventsPlugin} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/events/event_manager';
@@ -27,6 +27,13 @@ import {StyleInliner} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/style_inliner';
import {Component} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations';
import {PrivateComponentLoader} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/private_component_loader';
import {TestabilityRegistry, Testability} from 'angular2/src/core/testability/testability';
+import {ViewFactory, VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_factory';
+import {ProtoViewFactory} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/proto_view_factory';
+import {Renderer} from 'angular2/src/render/api';
+import {DirectDomRenderer} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/direct_dom_renderer';
+import * as rc from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compiler';
+import * as rvf from 'angular2/src/render/dom/view/view_factory';
import {
@@ -60,7 +67,7 @@ function _injectorBindings(appComponentType): List {
return element;
}, [appComponentAnnotatedTypeToken, appDocumentToken]),
bind(appViewToken).toAsyncFactory((changeDetection, compiler, injector, appElement,
- appComponentAnnotatedType, strategy, eventManager, testability, registry) => {
+ appComponentAnnotatedType, testability, registry, viewFactory) => {
// We need to do this here to ensure that we create Testability and
// it's ready on the window for users.
@@ -73,18 +80,18 @@ function _injectorBindings(appComponentType): List {
return compiler.compileRoot(
- DirectiveBinding.createFromType(appComponentAnnotatedType.type, appComponentAnnotatedType.annotation)
+ appComponentAnnotatedType.type
(appProtoView) => {
// The light Dom of the app element is not considered part of
// the angular application. Thus the context and lightDomInjector are
// empty.
- var view = appProtoView.instantiate(null, eventManager);
- view.hydrate(injector, null, null, new Object(), null);
+ var view = viewFactory.getView(appProtoView);
+ view.hydrate(injector, null, new Object(), null);
return view;
}, [ChangeDetection, Compiler, Injector, appElementToken, appComponentAnnotatedTypeToken,
- ShadowDomStrategy, EventManager, Testability, TestabilityRegistry]),
+ Testability, TestabilityRegistry, ViewFactory]),
bind(appChangeDetectorToken).toFactory((rootView) => rootView.changeDetector,
@@ -98,6 +105,23 @@ function _injectorBindings(appComponentType): List {
(styleUrlResolver, doc) => new EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy(styleUrlResolver, doc.head),
[StyleUrlResolver, appDocumentToken]),
+ bind(Renderer).toClass(DirectDomRenderer),
+ bind(rc.Compiler).toClass(rc.DefaultCompiler),
+ // TODO(tbosch): We need an explicit factory here, as
+ // we are getting errors in dart2js with mirrors...
+ bind(rvf.ViewFactory).toFactory(
+ (capacity, eventManager, shadowDomStrategy) => new rvf.ViewFactory(capacity, eventManager, shadowDomStrategy),
+ [rvf.VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY, EventManager, ShadowDomStrategy]
+ ),
+ bind(rvf.VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY).toValue(100000),
+ ProtoViewFactory,
+ // TODO(tbosch): We need an explicit factory here, as
+ // we are getting errors in dart2js with mirrors...
+ bind(ViewFactory).toFactory(
+ (capacity) => new ViewFactory(capacity),
+ ),
+ bind(VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY).toValue(100000),
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/compiler.js b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/compiler.js
index 6c382412e9..ed27b82e02 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/compiler.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/compiler.js
@@ -3,24 +3,16 @@ import {Type, isBlank, isPresent, BaseException, normalizeBlank, stringify} from
import {Promise, PromiseWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
import {List, ListWrapper, Map, MapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
-import {ChangeDetection, Parser} from 'angular2/change_detection';
import {DirectiveMetadataReader} from './directive_metadata_reader';
import {Component, Viewport, DynamicComponent, Decorator} from '../annotations/annotations';
import {ProtoView} from './view';
import {DirectiveBinding} from './element_injector';
import {TemplateResolver} from './template_resolver';
import {Template} from '../annotations/template';
-import {ShadowDomStrategy} from './shadow_dom_strategy';
import {ComponentUrlMapper} from './component_url_mapper';
import {ProtoViewFactory} from './proto_view_factory';
import {UrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/services/url_resolver';
-import {TemplateLoader} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/template_loader';
-import {DefaultStepFactory} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compile_step_factory';
-import {DirectDomRenderer} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/direct_dom_renderer';
-import * as rc from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compiler';
import * as renderApi from 'angular2/src/render/api';
@@ -49,9 +41,7 @@ export class CompilerCache {
-// TODO(tbosch): rename this class to Compiler
-// and remove the current Compiler when core uses the render views.
-export class NewCompiler {
+export class Compiler {
_reader: DirectiveMetadataReader;
@@ -80,19 +70,19 @@ export class NewCompiler {
this._protoViewFactory = protoViewFactory;
- _bindDirective(directive) {
- var meta =;
+ _bindDirective(directiveTypeOrBinding) {
+ if (directiveTypeOrBinding instanceof DirectiveBinding) {
+ return directiveTypeOrBinding;
+ }
+ var meta =;
return DirectiveBinding.createFromType(meta.type, meta.annotation);
// Create a rootView as if the compiler encountered .
// Used for bootstrapping.
- compileRoot(elementOrSelector, componentBinding:DirectiveBinding):Promise {
+ compileRoot(elementOrSelector, componentTypeOrBinding:any):Promise {
return this._renderer.createRootProtoView(elementOrSelector, 'root').then( (rootRenderPv) => {
- return this._compileNestedProtoViews(null, rootRenderPv, [componentBinding], true)
- }).then( (rootProtoView) => {
- rootProtoView.instantiateInPlace = true;
- return rootProtoView;
+ return this._compileNestedProtoViews(null, rootRenderPv, [this._bindDirective(componentTypeOrBinding)], true);
@@ -266,40 +256,3 @@ export class NewCompiler {
-// TODO(tbosch): delete this class once we use the render views
- * The compiler loads and translates the html templates of components into
- * nested ProtoViews. To decompose its functionality it uses
- * the render compiler.
- *
- * @publicModule angular2/template
- */
-export class Compiler extends NewCompiler {
- constructor(changeDetection:ChangeDetection,
- templateLoader:TemplateLoader,
- reader: DirectiveMetadataReader,
- parser:Parser,
- cache:CompilerCache,
- shadowDomStrategy: ShadowDomStrategy,
- templateResolver: TemplateResolver,
- componentUrlMapper: ComponentUrlMapper,
- urlResolver: UrlResolver) {
- super(
- reader,
- cache,
- templateResolver,
- componentUrlMapper,
- urlResolver,
- new DirectDomRenderer(
- new rc.Compiler(
- new DefaultStepFactory(parser, shadowDomStrategy.render),
- templateLoader
- ),
- null, shadowDomStrategy.render
- ),
- new ProtoViewFactory(changeDetection, shadowDomStrategy)
- );
- }
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/element_binder.js b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/element_binder.js
index 3c8e925cb6..dc82640c3f 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/element_binder.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/element_binder.js
@@ -8,11 +8,8 @@ export class ElementBinder {
- textNodeIndices:List;
- hasElementPropertyBindings:boolean;
nestedProtoView: viewModule.ProtoView;
- contentTagSelector:string;
@@ -32,13 +29,7 @@ export class ElementBinder {
this.distanceToParent = distanceToParent;
// updated later when events are bound = null;
- // updated later when text nodes are bound
- this.textNodeIndices = null;
- // updated later when element properties are bound
- this.hasElementPropertyBindings = false;
// updated later, so we are able to resolve cycles
this.nestedProtoView = null;
- // updated later in the compilation pipeline
- this.contentTagSelector = null;
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/element_injector.js b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/element_injector.js
index 900728753f..1566d3a3cb 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/element_injector.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/element_injector.js
@@ -6,11 +6,10 @@ import {Parent, Ancestor} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/visibility';
import {EventEmitter, PropertySetter, Attribute} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/di';
import * as viewModule from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view';
import {ViewContainer} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_container';
-import {NgElement} from 'angular2/src/core/dom/element';
+import {NgElement} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/ng_element';
import {Directive, onChange, onDestroy, onAllChangesDone} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations';
import {BindingPropagationConfig} from 'angular2/change_detection';
import * as pclModule from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/private_component_location';
-import {setterFactory} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/view/property_setter_factory';
@@ -268,8 +267,8 @@ export class ProtoElementInjector {
- instantiate(parent:ElementInjector, host:ElementInjector):ElementInjector {
- return new ElementInjector(this, parent, host);
+ instantiate(parent:ElementInjector):ElementInjector {
+ return new ElementInjector(this, parent);
directParent(): ProtoElementInjector {
@@ -339,21 +338,12 @@ export class ElementInjector extends TreeNode {
- constructor(proto:ProtoElementInjector, parent:ElementInjector, host:ElementInjector) {
+ constructor(proto:ProtoElementInjector, parent:ElementInjector) {
- if (isPresent(parent) && isPresent(host)) {
- throw new BaseException('Only either parent or host is allowed');
- }
- this._host = null; // needed to satisfy Dart
- if (isPresent(parent)) {
- this._host = parent._host;
- } else {
- this._host = host;
- }
this._proto = proto;
//we cannot call clearDirectives because fields won't be detected
+ this._host = null;
this._preBuiltObjects = null;
this._lightDomAppInjector = null;
this._shadowDomAppInjector = null;
@@ -371,6 +361,7 @@ export class ElementInjector extends TreeNode {
clearDirectives() {
+ this._host = null;
this._preBuiltObjects = null;
this._lightDomAppInjector = null;
this._shadowDomAppInjector = null;
@@ -406,7 +397,8 @@ export class ElementInjector extends TreeNode {
this._constructionCounter = 0;
- instantiateDirectives(lightDomAppInjector:Injector, shadowDomAppInjector:Injector, preBuiltObjects:PreBuiltObjects) {
+ instantiateDirectives(lightDomAppInjector:Injector, host:ElementInjector, shadowDomAppInjector:Injector, preBuiltObjects:PreBuiltObjects) {
+ this._host = host;
this._preBuiltObjects = preBuiltObjects;
@@ -456,10 +448,6 @@ export class ElementInjector extends TreeNode {
return pb !== _undefined && isPresent(pb);
- forElement(el):boolean {
- return this._preBuiltObjects.element.domElement === el;
- }
/** Gets the NgElement associated with this ElementInjector */
getNgElement() {
return this._preBuiltObjects.element;
@@ -538,6 +526,10 @@ export class ElementInjector extends TreeNode {
return obj;
+ getBoundElementIndex() {
+ return this._proto.index;
+ }
_getByDependency(dep:DirectiveDependency, requestor:Key) {
if (isPresent(dep.eventEmitterName)) return this._buildEventEmitter(dep);
if (isPresent(dep.propSetterName)) return this._buildPropSetter(dep);
@@ -553,10 +545,12 @@ export class ElementInjector extends TreeNode {
_buildPropSetter(dep) {
- var ngElement = this._getPreBuiltObjectByKeyId(StaticKeys.instance().ngElementId);
- var domElement = ngElement.domElement;
- var setter = setterFactory(dep.propSetterName);
- return function(v) { setter(domElement, v) };
+ var view = this._getPreBuiltObjectByKeyId(StaticKeys.instance().viewId);
+ var renderer = view.proto.renderer;
+ var index = this._proto.index;
+ return function(v) {
+ renderer.setElementProperty(view.render, index, dep.propSetterName, v);
+ };
_buildAttribute(dep): string {
@@ -582,7 +576,6 @@ export class ElementInjector extends TreeNode {
_getByKey(key:Key, depth:number, optional:boolean, requestor:Key) {
var ei = this;
if (! this._shouldIncludeSelf(depth)) {
depth -= ei._proto.distanceToParent;
ei = ei._parent;
@@ -631,7 +624,7 @@ export class ElementInjector extends TreeNode {
if (keyId === staticKeys.bindingPropagationConfigId) return this._preBuiltObjects.bindingPropagationConfig;
if (keyId === staticKeys.privateComponentLocationId) {
- return new pclModule.PrivateComponentLocation(this, this._preBuiltObjects.element, this._preBuiltObjects.view);
+ return new pclModule.PrivateComponentLocation(this, this._preBuiltObjects.view);
//TODO add other objects as needed
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/ng_element.js b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/ng_element.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af496c0d26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/ng_element.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
+import {normalizeBlank} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
+import * as viewModule from '../compiler/view';
+import {DirectDomViewRef} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/direct_dom_renderer';
+ * Allows direct access to the underlying DOM element.
+ *
+ * Attention: NgElement will be replaced by a different concept
+ * for accessing an element in a way that is compatible with the render layer.
+ *
+ * @publicModule angular2/angular2
+ */
+export class NgElement {
+ _view:viewModule.View;
+ _boundElementIndex:number;
+ constructor(view, boundElementIndex) {
+ this._view = view;
+ this._boundElementIndex = boundElementIndex;
+ }
+ // TODO(tbosch): Here we expose the real DOM element.
+ // We need a more general way to read/write to the DOM element
+ // via a proper abstraction in the render layer
+ get domElement() {
+ var domViewRef:DirectDomViewRef = this._view.render;
+ return domViewRef.delegate.boundElements[this._boundElementIndex];
+ }
+ getAttribute(name:string) {
+ return normalizeBlank(DOM.getAttribute(this.domElement, name));
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/private_component_loader.js b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/private_component_loader.js
index 7bb69157ab..49da82bd18 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/private_component_loader.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/private_component_loader.js
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import {Compiler} from './compiler';
-import {ShadowDomStrategy} from './shadow_dom_strategy';
+import {ViewFactory} from './view_factory';
import {Injectable} from 'angular2/di';
-import {EventManager} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/events/event_manager';
import {DirectiveMetadataReader} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/directive_metadata_reader';
import {Component} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations';
import {PrivateComponentLocation} from './private_component_location';
@@ -11,17 +10,14 @@ import {Type, stringify, BaseException} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
export class PrivateComponentLoader {
- shadowDomStrategy:ShadowDomStrategy;
- eventManager:EventManager;
+ viewFactory:ViewFactory;
- constructor(compiler:Compiler, shadowDomStrategy:ShadowDomStrategy,
- eventManager:EventManager, directiveMetadataReader:DirectiveMetadataReader) {
+ constructor(compiler:Compiler, directiveMetadataReader:DirectiveMetadataReader, viewFactory:ViewFactory) {
this.compiler = compiler;
- this.shadowDomStrategy = shadowDomStrategy;
- this.eventManager = eventManager;
this.directiveMetadataReader = directiveMetadataReader;
+ this.viewFactory = viewFactory;
load(type:Type, location:PrivateComponentLocation) {
@@ -33,10 +29,10 @@ export class PrivateComponentLoader {
return this.compiler.compile(type).then((componentProtoView) => {
+ this.viewFactory,
type, annotation,
- componentProtoView,
- this.eventManager,
- this.shadowDomStrategy);
+ componentProtoView
+ );
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/private_component_location.js b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/private_component_location.js
index 86b7c01ff6..e8282be9da 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/private_component_location.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/private_component_location.js
@@ -1,33 +1,28 @@
import {Directive} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations'
-import {NgElement} from 'angular2/src/core/dom/element';
import * as viewModule from './view';
import * as eiModule from './element_injector';
-import {ShadowDomStrategy} from './shadow_dom_strategy';
-import {EventManager} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/events/event_manager';
import {ListWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {Type} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
+import * as vfModule from './view_factory';
export class PrivateComponentLocation {
- _elt:NgElement;
- constructor(elementInjector:eiModule.ElementInjector, elt:NgElement, view:viewModule.View){
+ constructor(elementInjector:eiModule.ElementInjector, view:viewModule.View){
this._elementInjector = elementInjector;
- this._elt = elt;
this._view = view;
- createComponent(type:Type, annotation:Directive, componentProtoView:viewModule.ProtoView,
- eventManager:EventManager, shadowDomStrategy:ShadowDomStrategy) {
+ createComponent(viewFactory: vfModule.ViewFactory, type:Type, annotation:Directive, componentProtoView:viewModule.ProtoView) {
var context = this._elementInjector.createPrivateComponent(type, annotation);
- var view = componentProtoView.instantiate(this._elementInjector, eventManager);
- view.hydrate(this._elementInjector.getShadowDomAppInjector(), this._elementInjector, null, context, null);
- shadowDomStrategy.attachTemplate(this._elt.domElement, view);
+ var view = viewFactory.getView(componentProtoView);
+ view.hydrate(this._elementInjector.getShadowDomAppInjector(), this._elementInjector, context, null);
+ this._view.proto.renderer.setDynamicComponentView(
+ this._view.render, this._elementInjector.getBoundElementIndex(), view.render
+ );
ListWrapper.push(this._view.componentChildViews, view);
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/proto_view_factory.js b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/proto_view_factory.js
index 9a843ff7d0..a7a4a3ecdc 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/proto_view_factory.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/proto_view_factory.js
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
+import {Injectable} from 'angular2/di';
import {List, ListWrapper, MapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {isPresent, isBlank} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {reflector} from 'angular2/src/reflection/reflection';
import {ChangeDetection} from 'angular2/change_detection';
-import {ShadowDomStrategy} from './shadow_dom_strategy';
import {Component, Viewport, DynamicComponent} from '../annotations/annotations';
import * as renderApi from 'angular2/src/render/api';
-import {DirectDomProtoViewRef} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/direct_dom_renderer';
import {ProtoView} from './view';
import {ProtoElementInjector, DirectiveBinding} from './element_injector';
export class ProtoViewFactory {
- _shadowDomStrategy:ShadowDomStrategy;
+ _renderer:renderApi.Renderer;
- constructor(changeDetection, shadowDomStrategy) {
+ constructor(changeDetection:ChangeDetection, renderer:renderApi.Renderer) {
this._changeDetection = changeDetection;
- this._shadowDomStrategy = shadowDomStrategy;
+ this._renderer = renderer;
createProtoView(componentBinding:DirectiveBinding, renderProtoView: renderApi.ProtoView, directives:List):ProtoView {
@@ -30,13 +30,10 @@ export class ProtoViewFactory {
'dummy', componentAnnotation.changeDetection
- var domProtoView = this._getDomProtoView(renderProtoView.render);
- var protoView = new ProtoView(renderProtoView.render, domProtoView.element, protoChangeDetector,
- this._shadowDomStrategy, null);
+ var protoView = new ProtoView(this._renderer, renderProtoView.render, protoChangeDetector);
for (var i=0; i {
- protoView.bindElementProperty(astWithSource.ast, propertyName, MapWrapper.get(domElementBinder.propertySetters, propertyName));
+ protoView.bindElementProperty(astWithSource.ast, propertyName);
// events
MapWrapper.forEach(renderElementBinder.eventBindings, (astWithSource, eventName) => {
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/content_tag.js b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/content_tag.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cb1210176..0000000000
--- a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/content_tag.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-import * as ldModule from './light_dom';
-import {Inject, Injectable} from 'angular2/di';
-import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
-import {isPresent} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
-import {List, ListWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
-class ContentStrategy {
- nodes:List;
- insert(nodes:List){}
- * An implementation of the content tag that is used by transcluding components.
- * It is used when the content tag is not a direct child of another component,
- * and thus does not affect redistribution.
- */
-class RenderedContent extends ContentStrategy {
- beginScript;
- endScript;
- constructor(contentEl) {
- super();
- this.beginScript = contentEl;
- this.endScript = DOM.nextSibling(this.beginScript);
- this.nodes = [];
- }
- // Inserts the nodes in between the start and end scripts.
- // Previous content is removed.
- insert(nodes:List) {
- this.nodes = nodes;
- DOM.insertAllBefore(this.endScript, nodes);
- this._removeNodesUntil(ListWrapper.isEmpty(nodes) ? this.endScript : nodes[0]);
- }
- _removeNodesUntil(node) {
- var p = DOM.parentElement(this.beginScript);
- for (var next = DOM.nextSibling(this.beginScript);
- next !== node;
- next = DOM.nextSibling(this.beginScript)) {
- DOM.removeChild(p, next);
- }
- }
- * An implementation of the content tag that is used by transcluding components.
- * It is used when the content tag is a direct child of another component,
- * and thus does not get rendered but only affect the distribution of its parent component.
- */
-class IntermediateContent extends ContentStrategy {
- destinationLightDom:ldModule.LightDom;
- constructor(destinationLightDom:ldModule.LightDom) {
- super();
- this.destinationLightDom = destinationLightDom;
- this.nodes = [];
- }
- insert(nodes:List) {
- this.nodes = nodes;
- this.destinationLightDom.redistribute();
- }
-export class Content {
- select:string;
- _strategy:ContentStrategy;
- contentStartElement;
- constructor(destinationLightDom:ldModule.LightDom, contentStartEl, selector:string) {
- = selector;
- this.contentStartElement = contentStartEl;
- this._strategy = isPresent(destinationLightDom) ?
- new IntermediateContent(destinationLightDom) :
- new RenderedContent(contentStartEl);
- }
- nodes():List {
- return this._strategy.nodes;
- }
- insert(nodes:List) {
- this._strategy.insert(nodes);
- }
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/light_dom.js b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/light_dom.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 82a915ae4e..0000000000
--- a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/light_dom.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
-import {List, ListWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
-import {isBlank, isPresent} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
-import * as viewModule from '../view';
-import {Content} from './content_tag';
-export class DestinationLightDom {}
-class _Root {
- node;
- viewContainer;
- content;
- constructor(node, viewContainer, content) {
- this.node = node;
- this.viewContainer = viewContainer;
- this.content = content;
- }
-// TODO: LightDom should implement DestinationLightDom
-// once interfaces are supported
-export class LightDom {
- // The light DOM of the element is enclosed inside the lightDomView
- lightDomView:viewModule.View;
- // The shadow DOM
- shadowDomView:viewModule.View;
- // The nodes of the light DOM
- nodes:List;
- roots:List<_Root>;
- constructor(lightDomView:viewModule.View, shadowDomView:viewModule.View, element) {
- this.lightDomView = lightDomView;
- this.shadowDomView = shadowDomView;
- this.nodes = DOM.childNodesAsList(element);
- this.roots = null;
- }
- redistribute() {
- var tags = this.contentTags();
- if (tags.length > 0) {
- redistributeNodes(tags, this.expandedDomNodes());
- }
- }
- contentTags(): List {
- return this._collectAllContentTags(this.shadowDomView, []);
- }
- // Collects the Content directives from the view and all its child views
- _collectAllContentTags(view: viewModule.View, acc:List):List {
- var contentTags = view.contentTags;
- var vcs = view.viewContainers;
- for (var i=0; i {
- this._collectAllContentTags(view, acc);
- });
- }
- }
- return acc;
- }
- // Collects the nodes of the light DOM by merging:
- // - nodes from enclosed ViewContainers,
- // - nodes from enclosed content tags,
- // - plain DOM nodes
- expandedDomNodes():List {
- var res = [];
- var roots = this._roots();
- for (var i = 0; i < roots.length; ++i) {
- var root = roots[i];
- if (isPresent(root.viewContainer)) {
- res = ListWrapper.concat(res, root.viewContainer.nodes());
- } else if (isPresent(root.content)) {
- res = ListWrapper.concat(res, root.content.nodes());
- } else {
- ListWrapper.push(res, root.node);
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- // Returns a list of Roots for all the nodes of the light DOM.
- // The Root object contains the DOM node and its corresponding injector (could be null).
- _roots() {
- if (isPresent(this.roots)) return this.roots;
- var viewContainers = this.lightDomView.viewContainers;
- var contentTags = this.lightDomView.contentTags;
- this.roots =, (n) => {
- var foundVc = null;
- var foundContentTag = null;
- for (var i=0; i, nodes:List) {
- for (var i = 0; i < contents.length; ++i) {
- var content = contents[i];
- var select =;
- var matchSelector = (n) => DOM.elementMatches(n, select);
- // Empty selector is identical to
- if (select.length === 0) {
- content.insert(nodes);
- ListWrapper.clear(nodes);
- } else {
- var matchingNodes = ListWrapper.filter(nodes, matchSelector);
- content.insert(matchingNodes);
- ListWrapper.removeAll(nodes, matchingNodes);
- }
- }
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy.js b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 72cca0a9a6..0000000000
--- a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-import {Injectable} from 'angular2/di';
-import {stringify} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
-import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
-import * as viewModule from './view';
-import {LightDom} from './shadow_dom_emulation/light_dom';
-import {StyleInliner} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/style_inliner';
-import {StyleUrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/style_url_resolver';
-// temporal import while we migrated the views over
-import * as sds from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/shadow_dom_strategy';
-import * as nsds from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/native_shadow_dom_strategy';
-import * as eusds from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/emulated_unscoped_shadow_dom_strategy';
-import * as essds from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/emulated_scoped_shadow_dom_strategy';
- * @publicModule angular2/template
- */
-export class ShadowDomStrategy {
- render: sds.ShadowDomStrategy;
- attachTemplate(el, view:viewModule.View) {}
- constructLightDom(lightDomView:viewModule.View, shadowDomView:viewModule.View, el): LightDom { return null; }
- shimAppElement(componentType, insertionElement) {
- this.render.processElement(null, stringify(componentType), insertionElement);
- }
- * This strategy emulates the Shadow DOM for the templates, styles **excluded**:
- * - components templates are added as children of their component element,
- * - styles are moved from the templates to the styleHost (i.e. the document head).
- *
- * Notes:
- * - styles are **not** scoped to their component and will apply to the whole document,
- * - you can **not** use shadow DOM specific selectors in the styles
- *
- * @publicModule angular2/template
- */
-export class EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy extends ShadowDomStrategy {
- constructor(styleUrlResolver: StyleUrlResolver, styleHost) {
- super();
- this.render = new eusds.EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy(styleUrlResolver, styleHost);
- }
- attachTemplate(el, view:viewModule.View) {
- DOM.clearNodes(el);
- _moveViewNodesIntoParent(el, view);
- }
- constructLightDom(lightDomView:viewModule.View, shadowDomView:viewModule.View, el): LightDom {
- return new LightDom(lightDomView, shadowDomView, el);
- }
- * This strategy emulates the Shadow DOM for the templates, styles **included**:
- * - components templates are added as children of their component element,
- * - both the template and the styles are modified so that styles are scoped to the component
- * they belong to,
- * - styles are moved from the templates to the styleHost (i.e. the document head).
- *
- * Notes:
- * - styles are scoped to their component and will apply only to it,
- * - a common subset of shadow DOM selectors are supported,
- * - see `ShadowCss` for more information and limitations.
- *
- * @publicModule angular2/template
- */
-export class EmulatedScopedShadowDomStrategy extends ShadowDomStrategy {
- constructor(styleInliner: StyleInliner, styleUrlResolver: StyleUrlResolver, styleHost) {
- super();
- this.render = new essds.EmulatedScopedShadowDomStrategy(styleInliner, styleUrlResolver, styleHost);
- }
- attachTemplate(el, view:viewModule.View) {
- DOM.clearNodes(el);
- _moveViewNodesIntoParent(el, view);
- }
- constructLightDom(lightDomView:viewModule.View, shadowDomView:viewModule.View, el): LightDom {
- return new LightDom(lightDomView, shadowDomView, el);
- }
- * This strategies uses the native Shadow DOM support.
- *
- * The templates for the component are inserted in a Shadow Root created on the component element.
- * Hence they are strictly isolated.
- */
-export class NativeShadowDomStrategy extends ShadowDomStrategy {
- constructor(styleUrlResolver: StyleUrlResolver) {
- super();
- this.render = new nsds.NativeShadowDomStrategy(styleUrlResolver);
- }
- attachTemplate(el, view:viewModule.View){
- _moveViewNodesIntoParent(DOM.createShadowRoot(el), view);
- }
-function _moveViewNodesIntoParent(parent, view) {
- for (var i = 0; i < view.nodes.length; ++i) {
- DOM.appendChild(parent, view.nodes[i]);
- }
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/view.js b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/view.js
index 436d0e1941..daefe68cee 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/view.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/view.js
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
-import {Promise} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
import {ListWrapper, MapWrapper, Map, StringMapWrapper, List} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {AST, Locals, ChangeDispatcher, ProtoChangeDetector, ChangeDetector,
ChangeRecord, BindingRecord, BindingPropagationConfig, uninitialized} from 'angular2/change_detection';
@@ -9,76 +7,51 @@ import {ElementBinder} from './element_binder';
import {SetterFn} from 'angular2/src/reflection/types';
import {IMPLEMENTS, int, isPresent, isBlank, BaseException} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {Injector} from 'angular2/di';
-import {NgElement} from 'angular2/src/core/dom/element';
import {ViewContainer} from './view_container';
-import {LightDom} from './shadow_dom_emulation/light_dom';
-import {Content} from './shadow_dom_emulation/content_tag';
-import {ShadowDomStrategy} from './shadow_dom_strategy';
-import {ViewPool} from './view_pool';
-import {EventManager} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/events/event_manager';
import * as renderApi from 'angular2/src/render/api';
-const NG_BINDING_CLASS = 'ng-binding';
-const NG_BINDING_CLASS_SELECTOR = '.ng-binding';
-// TODO(rado): make this configurable/smarter.
-var VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY = 10000;
* Const of making objects:
* @publicModule angular2/template
+// TODO(tbosch): this is not supported in dart2js (no '.' is allowed)
+// @IMPLEMENTS(renderApi.EventDispatcher)
export class View {
+ render:renderApi.ViewRef;
/// This list matches the _nodes list. It is sparse, since only Elements have ElementInjector
- bindElements:List;
- textNodes:List;
- /// When the view is part of render tree, the DocumentFragment is empty, which is why we need
- /// to keep track of the nodes.
- nodes:List;
componentChildViews: List;
viewContainers: List;
- contentTags: List;
preBuiltObjects: List;
- lightDoms: List;
proto: ProtoView;
context: any;
- constructor(proto:ProtoView, nodes:List, protoLocals:Map) {
+ constructor(proto:ProtoView, protoLocals:Map) {
+ this.render = null;
this.proto = proto;
- this.nodes = nodes;
this.changeDetector = null;
this.elementInjectors = null;
this.rootElementInjectors = null;
- this.textNodes = null;
- this.bindElements = null;
this.componentChildViews = null;
this.viewContainers = null;
- this.contentTags = null;
this.preBuiltObjects = null;
- this.lightDoms = null;
this.context = null;
this.locals = new Locals(null, MapWrapper.clone(protoLocals)); //TODO optimize this
- init(changeDetector:ChangeDetector, elementInjectors:List, rootElementInjectors:List, textNodes: List, bindElements:List,
- viewContainers:List, contentTags:List, preBuiltObjects:List, componentChildViews:List, lightDoms:List) {
+ init(changeDetector:ChangeDetector, elementInjectors:List, rootElementInjectors:List,
+ viewContainers:List, preBuiltObjects:List, componentChildViews:List) {
this.changeDetector = changeDetector;
this.elementInjectors = elementInjectors;
this.rootElementInjectors = rootElementInjectors;
- this.textNodes = textNodes;
- this.bindElements = bindElements;
this.viewContainers = viewContainers;
- this.contentTags = contentTags;
this.preBuiltObjects = preBuiltObjects;
this.componentChildViews = componentChildViews;
- this.lightDoms = lightDoms;
setLocal(contextName: string, value) {
@@ -124,16 +97,33 @@ export class View {
* A call to hydrate/dehydrate does not attach/detach the view from the view
* tree.
- hydrate(appInjector: Injector, hostElementInjector: ElementInjector, hostLightDom: LightDom,
+ hydrate(appInjector: Injector, hostElementInjector: ElementInjector,
context: Object, locals:Locals) {
+ var renderComponentViewRefs = this.proto.renderer.createView(this.proto.render);
+ this.internalHydrateRecurse(renderComponentViewRefs, 0, appInjector, hostElementInjector, context, locals);
+ }
+ dehydrate() {
+ var render = this.render;
+ this.internalDehydrateRecurse();
+ this.proto.renderer.destroyView(render);
+ }
+ internalHydrateRecurse(
+ renderComponentViewRefs:List,
+ renderComponentIndex:number,
+ appInjector: Injector, hostElementInjector: ElementInjector,
+ context: Object, locals:Locals):number {
if (this.hydrated()) throw new BaseException('The view is already hydrated.');
+ this.render = renderComponentViewRefs[renderComponentIndex++];
this._hydrateContext(context, locals);
// viewContainers
for (var i = 0; i < this.viewContainers.length; i++) {
var vc = this.viewContainers[i];
if (isPresent(vc)) {
- vc.hydrate(appInjector, hostElementInjector, hostLightDom);
+ vc.internalHydrateRecurse(new renderApi.ViewContainerRef(this.render, i), appInjector, hostElementInjector);
@@ -158,7 +148,7 @@ export class View {
// elementInjectors
var elementInjector = this.elementInjectors[i];
if (isPresent(elementInjector)) {
- elementInjector.instantiateDirectives(appInjector, shadowDomAppInjector, this.preBuiltObjects[i]);
+ elementInjector.instantiateDirectives(appInjector, hostElementInjector, shadowDomAppInjector, this.preBuiltObjects[i]);
// The exporting of $implicit is a special case. Since multiple elements will all export
// the different values as $implicit, directly assign $implicit bindings to the variable
@@ -167,30 +157,32 @@ export class View {
if (elementInjector.isExportingComponent()) {
this.locals.set(exportImplicitName, elementInjector.getComponent());
} else if (elementInjector.isExportingElement()) {
- this.locals.set(exportImplicitName, elementInjector.getNgElement().domElement);
+ this.locals.set(exportImplicitName, elementInjector.getNgElement());
if (isPresent(binders[i].nestedProtoView) && isPresent(componentDirective)) {
- this.componentChildViews[componentChildViewIndex++].hydrate(shadowDomAppInjector,
- elementInjector, this.lightDoms[i], elementInjector.getComponent(), null);
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.lightDoms.length; ++i) {
- var lightDom = this.lightDoms[i];
- if (isPresent(lightDom)) {
- lightDom.redistribute();
+ renderComponentIndex = this.componentChildViews[componentChildViewIndex].internalHydrateRecurse(
+ renderComponentViewRefs,
+ renderComponentIndex,
+ shadowDomAppInjector,
+ elementInjector,
+ elementInjector.getComponent(),
+ null
+ );
+ componentChildViewIndex++;
+ this.proto.renderer.setEventDispatcher(this.render, this);
+ return renderComponentIndex;
- dehydrate() {
+ internalDehydrateRecurse() {
// Note: preserve the opposite order of the hydration process.
// componentChildViews
for (var i = 0; i < this.componentChildViews.length; i++) {
- this.componentChildViews[i].dehydrate();
+ this.componentChildViews[i].internalDehydrateRecurse();
// elementInjectors
@@ -205,11 +197,13 @@ export class View {
for (var i = 0; i < this.viewContainers.length; i++) {
var vc = this.viewContainers[i];
if (isPresent(vc)) {
- vc.dehydrate();
+ vc.internalDehydrateRecurse();
+ this.render = null;
@@ -223,11 +217,9 @@ export class View {
* @param {int} binderIndex
triggerEventHandlers(eventName: string, eventObj, binderIndex: int) {
- var handlers = this.proto.eventHandlers[binderIndex];
- if (isBlank(handlers)) return;
- var handler = StringMapWrapper.get(handlers, eventName);
- if (isBlank(handler)) return;
- handler(eventObj, this);
+ var locals = MapWrapper.create();
+ MapWrapper.set(locals, '$event', eventObj);
+ this.dispatchEvent(binderIndex, eventName, locals);
onAllChangesDone(directiveMemento:DirectiveMemento) {
@@ -245,15 +237,39 @@ export class View {
if (memento instanceof DirectiveBindingMemento) {
var directiveMemento:DirectiveBindingMemento = memento;
directiveMemento.invoke(currentValue, this.elementInjectors);
} else if (memento instanceof ElementBindingMemento) {
var elementMemento:ElementBindingMemento = memento;
- elementMemento.invoke(currentValue, this.bindElements);
+ this.proto.renderer.setElementProperty(
+ this.render, elementMemento.elementIndex, elementMemento.propertyName, currentValue
+ );
} else {
// we know it refers to _textNodes.
var textNodeIndex:number = memento;
- DOM.setText(this.textNodes[textNodeIndex], currentValue);
+ this.proto.renderer.setText(this.render, textNodeIndex, currentValue);
+ }
+ }
+ // implementation of EventDispatcher#dispatchEvent
+ dispatchEvent(
+ elementIndex:number, eventName:string, locals:Map
+ ):void {
+ // Most of the time the event will be fired only when the view is in the live document.
+ // However, in a rare circumstance the view might get dehydrated, in between the event
+ // queuing up and firing.
+ if (this.hydrated()) {
+ var elBinder = this.proto.elementBinders[elementIndex];
+ if (isBlank( return;
+ var eventMap =[eventName];
+ if (isBlank(eventName)) return;
+ MapWrapper.forEach(eventMap, (expr, directiveIndex) => {
+ var context;
+ if (directiveIndex === -1) {
+ context = this.context;
+ } else {
+ context = this.elementInjectors[elementIndex].getDirectiveAtIndex(directiveIndex);
+ }
+ expr.eval(context, new Locals(this.locals, locals));
+ });
@@ -263,21 +279,11 @@ export class View {
* @publicModule angular2/template
export class ProtoView {
- element;
variableBindings: Map;
- elementsWithBindingCount:int;
- instantiateInPlace:boolean;
- rootBindingOffset:int;
- isTemplateElement:boolean;
- shadowDomStrategy: ShadowDomStrategy;
- _viewPool: ViewPool;
- stylePromises: List;
- // List>, indexed by binder index
- eventHandlers:List;
@@ -285,58 +291,36 @@ export class ProtoView {
+ renderer:renderApi.Renderer;
+ renderer:renderApi.Renderer,
- template,
- protoChangeDetector:ProtoChangeDetector,
- shadowDomStrategy:ShadowDomStrategy, parentProtoView:ProtoView = null) {
+ protoChangeDetector:ProtoChangeDetector) {
+ this.renderer = renderer;
this.render = render;
- this.element = template;
this.elementBinders = [];
this.variableBindings = MapWrapper.create();
this.protoLocals = MapWrapper.create();
this.protoChangeDetector = protoChangeDetector;
- this.parentProtoView = parentProtoView;
+ this.parentProtoView = null;
this.textNodesWithBindingCount = 0;
- this.elementsWithBindingCount = 0;
- this.instantiateInPlace = false;
- this.rootBindingOffset = (isPresent(this.element) && DOM.hasClass(this.element, NG_BINDING_CLASS))
- ? 1 : 0;
- this.isTemplateElement = DOM.isTemplateElement(this.element);
- this.shadowDomStrategy = shadowDomStrategy;
- this._viewPool = new ViewPool(VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY);
- this.stylePromises = [];
- this.eventHandlers = [];
this.bindingRecords = [];
this._directiveMementosMap = MapWrapper.create();
this._variableBindings = null;
this._directiveMementos = null;
- // TODO(rado): hostElementInjector should be moved to hydrate phase.
- instantiate(hostElementInjector: ElementInjector, eventManager: EventManager):View {
- if (this._viewPool.length() == 0) this._preFillPool(hostElementInjector, eventManager);
- var view = this._viewPool.pop();
- return isPresent(view) ? view : this._instantiate(hostElementInjector, eventManager);
- }
- _preFillPool(hostElementInjector: ElementInjector, eventManager: EventManager) {
- for (var i = 0; i < VIEW_POOL_PREFILL; i++) {
- this._viewPool.push(this._instantiate(hostElementInjector, eventManager));
- }
- }
//TODO: Tobias or Victor. Moving it into the constructor.
// this work should be done the constructor of ProtoView once we separate
// ProtoView and ProtoViewBuilder
- _getVariableBindings() {
+ getVariableBindings() {
if (isPresent(this._variableBindings)) {
return this._variableBindings;
this._variableBindings = isPresent(this.parentProtoView) ?
- ListWrapper.clone(this.parentProtoView._getVariableBindings()) : [];
+ ListWrapper.clone(this.parentProtoView.getVariableBindings()) : [];
MapWrapper.forEach(this.protoLocals, (v, local) => {
ListWrapper.push(this._variableBindings, local);
@@ -348,7 +332,7 @@ export class ProtoView {
//TODO: Tobias or Victor. Moving it into the constructor.
// this work should be done the constructor of ProtoView once we separate
// ProtoView and ProtoViewBuilder
- _getDirectiveMementos() {
+ getDirectiveMementos() {
if (isPresent(this._directiveMementos)) {
return this._directiveMementos;
@@ -367,185 +351,6 @@ export class ProtoView {
return this._directiveMementos;
- _instantiate(hostElementInjector: ElementInjector, eventManager: EventManager): View {
- var rootElementClone = this.instantiateInPlace ? this.element : DOM.importIntoDoc(this.element);
- var elementsWithBindingsDynamic;
- if (this.isTemplateElement) {
- elementsWithBindingsDynamic = DOM.querySelectorAll(DOM.content(rootElementClone), NG_BINDING_CLASS_SELECTOR);
- } else {
- elementsWithBindingsDynamic= DOM.getElementsByClassName(rootElementClone, NG_BINDING_CLASS);
- }
- var elementsWithBindings = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(elementsWithBindingsDynamic.length);
- for (var binderIdx = 0; binderIdx < elementsWithBindingsDynamic.length; ++binderIdx) {
- elementsWithBindings[binderIdx] = elementsWithBindingsDynamic[binderIdx];
- }
- var viewNodes;
- if (this.isTemplateElement) {
- var childNode = DOM.firstChild(DOM.content(rootElementClone));
- viewNodes = []; // TODO(perf): Should be fixed size, since we could pre-compute in in ProtoView
- // Note: An explicit loop is the fastest way to convert a DOM array into a JS array!
- while(childNode != null) {
- ListWrapper.push(viewNodes, childNode);
- childNode = DOM.nextSibling(childNode);
- }
- } else {
- viewNodes = [rootElementClone];
- }
- var view = new View(this, viewNodes, this.protoLocals);
- var changeDetector = this.protoChangeDetector.instantiate(view, this.bindingRecords,
- this._getVariableBindings(), this._getDirectiveMementos());
- var binders = this.elementBinders;
- var elementInjectors = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(binders.length);
- var eventHandlers = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(binders.length);
- var rootElementInjectors = [];
- var textNodes = [];
- var elementsWithPropertyBindings = [];
- var preBuiltObjects = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(binders.length);
- var viewContainers = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(binders.length);
- var contentTags = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(binders.length);
- var componentChildViews = [];
- var lightDoms = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(binders.length);
- for (var binderIdx = 0; binderIdx < binders.length; binderIdx++) {
- var binder = binders[binderIdx];
- var element;
- if (binderIdx === 0 && this.rootBindingOffset === 1) {
- element = rootElementClone;
- } else {
- element = elementsWithBindings[binderIdx - this.rootBindingOffset];
- }
- var elementInjector = null;
- // elementInjectors and rootElementInjectors
- var protoElementInjector = binder.protoElementInjector;
- if (isPresent(protoElementInjector)) {
- if (isPresent(protoElementInjector.parent)) {
- var parentElementInjector = elementInjectors[protoElementInjector.parent.index];
- elementInjector = protoElementInjector.instantiate(parentElementInjector, null);
- } else {
- elementInjector = protoElementInjector.instantiate(null, hostElementInjector);
- ListWrapper.push(rootElementInjectors, elementInjector);
- }
- }
- elementInjectors[binderIdx] = elementInjector;
- if (binder.hasElementPropertyBindings) {
- ListWrapper.push(elementsWithPropertyBindings, element);
- }
- // textNodes
- var textNodeIndices = binder.textNodeIndices;
- if (isPresent(textNodeIndices)) {
- var childNode = DOM.firstChild(DOM.templateAwareRoot(element));
- for (var j = 0, k = 0; j < textNodeIndices.length; j++) {
- for(var index = textNodeIndices[j]; k < index; k++) {
- childNode = DOM.nextSibling(childNode);
- }
- ListWrapper.push(textNodes, childNode);
- }
- }
- // componentChildViews
- var lightDom = null;
- var bindingPropagationConfig = null;
- if (isPresent(binder.nestedProtoView) && isPresent(binder.componentDirective)) {
- var strategy = this.shadowDomStrategy;
- var childView = binder.nestedProtoView.instantiate(elementInjector, eventManager);
- changeDetector.addChild(childView.changeDetector);
- lightDom = strategy.constructLightDom(view, childView, element);
- strategy.attachTemplate(element, childView);
- bindingPropagationConfig = new BindingPropagationConfig(childView.changeDetector);
- ListWrapper.push(componentChildViews, childView);
- }
- lightDoms[binderIdx] = lightDom;
- var destLightDom = null;
- if (isPresent(binder.parent) && binder.distanceToParent === 1) {
- destLightDom = lightDoms[binder.parent.index];
- }
- // viewContainers
- var viewContainer = null;
- if (isPresent(binder.viewportDirective)) {
- viewContainer = new ViewContainer(view, element, binder.nestedProtoView, elementInjector,
- eventManager, destLightDom);
- }
- viewContainers[binderIdx] = viewContainer;
- // contentTags
- var contentTag = null;
- if (isPresent(binder.contentTagSelector)) {
- contentTag = new Content(destLightDom, element, binder.contentTagSelector);
- }
- contentTags[binderIdx] = contentTag;
- // preBuiltObjects
- if (isPresent(elementInjector)) {
- preBuiltObjects[binderIdx] = new PreBuiltObjects(view, new NgElement(element), viewContainer,
- bindingPropagationConfig);
- }
- // events
- if (isPresent( {
- eventHandlers[binderIdx] = StringMapWrapper.create();
- StringMapWrapper.forEach(, (eventMap, eventName) => {
- var handler = ProtoView.buildEventHandler(eventMap, binderIdx);
- StringMapWrapper.set(eventHandlers[binderIdx], eventName, handler);
- if (isBlank(elementInjector) || !elementInjector.hasEventEmitter(eventName)) {
- eventManager.addEventListener(element, eventName,
- (event) => { handler(event, view); });
- }
- });
- }
- }
- this.eventHandlers = eventHandlers;
- view.init(changeDetector, elementInjectors, rootElementInjectors, textNodes, elementsWithPropertyBindings,
- viewContainers, contentTags, preBuiltObjects, componentChildViews, lightDoms);
- return view;
- }
- returnToPool(view: View) {
- this._viewPool.push(view);
- }
- /**
- * Creates an event handler.
- *
- * @param {Map} eventMap Map directiveIndexes to expressions
- * @param {int} injectorIdx
- * @returns {Function}
- */
- static buildEventHandler(eventMap: Map, injectorIdx: int) {
- var locals = MapWrapper.create();
- return (event, view) => {
- // Most of the time the event will be fired only when the view is in the live document.
- // However, in a rare circumstance the view might get dehydrated, in between the event
- // queuing up and firing.
- if (view.hydrated()) {
- MapWrapper.set(locals, '$event', event);
- MapWrapper.forEach(eventMap, (expr, directiveIndex) => {
- var context;
- if (directiveIndex === -1) {
- context = view.context;
- } else {
- context = view.elementInjectors[injectorIdx].getDirectiveAtIndex(directiveIndex);
- }
- expr.eval(context, new Locals(view.locals, locals));
- });
- }
- }
- }
bindVariable(contextName:string, templateName:string) {
MapWrapper.set(this.variableBindings, contextName, templateName);
MapWrapper.set(this.protoLocals, templateName, null);
@@ -562,12 +367,7 @@ export class ProtoView {
* Adds a text node binding for the last created ElementBinder via bindElement
- bindTextNode(indexInParent:int, expression:AST) {
- var elBinder = this.elementBinders[this.elementBinders.length-1];
- if (isBlank(elBinder.textNodeIndices)) {
- elBinder.textNodeIndices = ListWrapper.create();
- }
- ListWrapper.push(elBinder.textNodeIndices, indexInParent);
+ bindTextNode(expression:AST) {
var memento = this.textNodesWithBindingCount++;
ListWrapper.push(this.bindingRecords, new BindingRecord(expression, memento, null));
@@ -575,13 +375,8 @@ export class ProtoView {
* Adds an element property binding for the last created ElementBinder via bindElement
- bindElementProperty(expression:AST, setterName:string, setter:SetterFn) {
- var elBinder = this.elementBinders[this.elementBinders.length-1];
- if (!elBinder.hasElementPropertyBindings) {
- elBinder.hasElementPropertyBindings = true;
- this.elementsWithBindingCount++;
- }
- var memento = new ElementBindingMemento(this.elementsWithBindingCount-1, setter);
+ bindElementProperty(expression:AST, setterName:string) {
+ var memento = new ElementBindingMemento(this.elementBinders.length-1, setterName);
ListWrapper.push(this.bindingRecords, new BindingRecord(expression, memento, null));
@@ -651,16 +446,12 @@ export class ProtoView {
export class ElementBindingMemento {
- _elementIndex:int;
- _setter:SetterFn;
- constructor(elementIndex:int, setter:SetterFn) {
- this._elementIndex = elementIndex;
- this._setter = setter;
- }
+ elementIndex:int;
+ propertyName:string;
- invoke(currentValue:any, bindElements:List) {
- var element = bindElements[this._elementIndex];
- this._setter(element, currentValue);
+ constructor(elementIndex:int, propertyName:string) {
+ this.elementIndex = elementIndex;
+ this.propertyName = propertyName;
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/view_container.js b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/view_container.js
index 3d49624973..3d11a85c7f 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/view_container.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/view_container.js
@@ -1,59 +1,64 @@
-import * as viewModule from './view';
-import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
import {ListWrapper, MapWrapper, List} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {BaseException} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {Injector} from 'angular2/di';
import * as eiModule from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/element_injector';
import {isPresent, isBlank} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
-import {EventManager} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/events/event_manager';
-import {LightDom} from './shadow_dom_emulation/light_dom';
+import * as renderApi from 'angular2/src/render/api';
+import * as viewModule from './view';
+import * as vfModule from './view_factory';
* @publicModule angular2/template
export class ViewContainer {
+ render:renderApi.ViewContainerRef;
+ viewFactory: vfModule.ViewFactory;
parentView: viewModule.View;
- templateElement;
defaultProtoView: viewModule.ProtoView;
_views: List;
- _lightDom: LightDom;
- _eventManager: EventManager;
elementInjector: eiModule.ElementInjector;
appInjector: Injector;
hostElementInjector: eiModule.ElementInjector;
- hostLightDom: LightDom;
- constructor(parentView: viewModule.View,
- templateElement,
+ constructor(viewFactory:vfModule.ViewFactory,
+ parentView: viewModule.View,
defaultProtoView: viewModule.ProtoView,
- elementInjector: eiModule.ElementInjector,
- eventManager: EventManager,
- lightDom = null) {
+ elementInjector: eiModule.ElementInjector) {
+ this.viewFactory = viewFactory;
+ this.render = null;
this.parentView = parentView;
- this.templateElement = templateElement;
this.defaultProtoView = defaultProtoView;
this.elementInjector = elementInjector;
- this._lightDom = lightDom;
// The order in this list matches the DOM order.
this._views = [];
this.appInjector = null;
this.hostElementInjector = null;
- this.hostLightDom = null;
- this._eventManager = eventManager;
- hydrate(appInjector: Injector, hostElementInjector: eiModule.ElementInjector, hostLightDom: LightDom) {
+ internalHydrateRecurse(render:renderApi.ViewContainerRef, appInjector: Injector, hostElementInjector: eiModule.ElementInjector) {
+ this.render = render;
this.appInjector = appInjector;
this.hostElementInjector = hostElementInjector;
- this.hostLightDom = hostLightDom;
- dehydrate() {
+ internalDehydrateRecurse() {
this.appInjector = null;
this.hostElementInjector = null;
- this.hostLightDom = null;
- this.clear();
+ this.render = null;
+ // Note: We don't call clear here,
+ // as we don't want to change the render side
+ // (i.e. don't deattach views on the render side),
+ // as the render side does its own recursion.
+ for (var i = this._views.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var view = this._views[i];
+ view.changeDetector.remove();
+ this._unlinkElementInjectors(view);
+ view.internalDehydrateRecurse();
+ this.viewFactory.returnView(view);
+ }
+ this._views = [];
clear() {
@@ -70,11 +75,6 @@ export class ViewContainer {
return this._views.length;
- _siblingToInsertAfter(index: number) {
- if (index == 0) return this.templateElement;
- return ListWrapper.last(this._views[index - 1].nodes);
- }
hydrated() {
return isPresent(this.appInjector);
@@ -84,28 +84,27 @@ export class ViewContainer {
create(atIndex=-1): viewModule.View {
if (!this.hydrated()) throw new BaseException(
'Cannot create views on a dehydrated ViewContainer');
- // TODO(rado): replace with viewFactory.
- var newView = this.defaultProtoView.instantiate(this.hostElementInjector, this._eventManager);
+ var newView = this.viewFactory.getView(this.defaultProtoView);
// insertion must come before hydration so that element injector trees are attached.
- this.insert(newView, atIndex);
- newView.hydrate(this.appInjector, this.hostElementInjector, this.hostLightDom,
+ this._insertWithoutRender(newView, atIndex);
+ // hydration must come before changing the render side,
+ // as it acquires the render views.
+ newView.hydrate(this.appInjector, this.hostElementInjector,
this.parentView.context, this.parentView.locals);
+ this.defaultProtoView.renderer.insertViewIntoContainer(this.render, newView.render, atIndex);
- // new content tags might have appeared, we need to redistrubute.
- if (isPresent(this.hostLightDom)) {
- this.hostLightDom.redistribute();
- }
return newView;
insert(view, atIndex=-1): viewModule.View {
+ this._insertWithoutRender(view, atIndex);
+ this.defaultProtoView.renderer.insertViewIntoContainer(this.render, view.render, atIndex);
+ return view;
+ }
+ _insertWithoutRender(view, atIndex=-1): viewModule.View {
if (atIndex == -1) atIndex = this._views.length;
ListWrapper.insert(this._views, atIndex, view);
- if (isBlank(this._lightDom)) {
- ViewContainer.moveViewNodesAfterSibling(this._siblingToInsertAfter(atIndex), view);
- } else {
- this._lightDom.redistribute();
- }
@@ -116,8 +115,7 @@ export class ViewContainer {
if (atIndex == -1) atIndex = this._views.length - 1;
var view = this.detach(atIndex);
- // TODO(rado): this needs to be delayed until after any pending animations.
- this.defaultProtoView.returnToPool(view);
+ this.viewFactory.returnView(view);
// view is intentionally not returned to the client.
@@ -129,32 +127,12 @@ export class ViewContainer {
if (atIndex == -1) atIndex = this._views.length - 1;
var detachedView = this.get(atIndex);
ListWrapper.removeAt(this._views, atIndex);
- if (isBlank(this._lightDom)) {
- ViewContainer.removeViewNodes(detachedView);
- } else {
- this._lightDom.redistribute();
- }
- // content tags might have disappeared we need to do redistribution.
- if (isPresent(this.hostLightDom)) {
- this.hostLightDom.redistribute();
- }
+ this.defaultProtoView.renderer.detachViewFromContainer(this.render, atIndex);
return detachedView;
- contentTagContainers() {
- return this._views;
- }
- nodes():List {
- var r = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < this._views.length; ++i) {
- r = ListWrapper.concat(r, this._views[i].nodes);
- }
- return r;
- }
_linkElementInjectors(view) {
for (var i = 0; i < view.rootElementInjectors.length; ++i) {
view.rootElementInjectors[i].parent = this.elementInjector;
@@ -166,19 +144,4 @@ export class ViewContainer {
view.rootElementInjectors[i].parent = null;
- static moveViewNodesAfterSibling(sibling, view) {
- for (var i = view.nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- DOM.insertAfter(sibling, view.nodes[i]);
- }
- }
- static removeViewNodes(view) {
- var len = view.nodes.length;
- if (len == 0) return;
- var parent = view.nodes[0].parentNode;
- for (var i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- DOM.removeChild(parent, view.nodes[i]);
- }
- }
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/view_factory.js b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/view_factory.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..083d7b02b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/view_factory.js
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+import {Injectable, Inject, OpaqueToken} from 'angular2/di';
+import {ListWrapper, MapWrapper, Map, StringMapWrapper, List} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
+import * as eli from './element_injector';
+import {isPresent, isBlank, BaseException} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
+import {NgElement} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/ng_element';
+import * as vcModule from './view_container';
+import * as viewModule from './view';
+import {BindingPropagationConfig} from 'angular2/change_detection';
+// TODO(tbosch): Make this an OpaqueToken as soon as our transpiler supports this!
+export const VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY = 'ViewFactory.viewPoolCapacity';
+export class ViewFactory {
+ _poolCapacity:number;
+ _pooledViews:List;
+ constructor(@Inject(VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY) capacity) {
+ this._poolCapacity = capacity;
+ this._pooledViews = ListWrapper.create();
+ }
+ getView(protoView:viewModule.ProtoView):viewModule.View {
+ // TODO(tbosch): benchmark this scanning of views and maybe
+ // replace it with a fancy LRU Map/List combination...
+ var view;
+ for (var i=this._pooledViews.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
+ var pooledView = this._pooledViews[i];
+ if (pooledView.proto === protoView) {
+ view = ListWrapper.removeAt(this._pooledViews, i);
+ }
+ }
+ if (isBlank(view)) {
+ view = this._createView(protoView);
+ }
+ return view;
+ }
+ returnView(view:viewModule.View) {
+ if (view.hydrated()) {
+ throw new BaseException('Only dehydrated Views can be put back into the pool!');
+ }
+ ListWrapper.push(this._pooledViews, view);
+ while (this._pooledViews.length > this._poolCapacity) {
+ ListWrapper.removeAt(this._pooledViews, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ _createView(protoView:viewModule.ProtoView): viewModule.View {
+ var view = new viewModule.View(protoView, protoView.protoLocals);
+ var changeDetector = protoView.protoChangeDetector.instantiate(view, protoView.bindingRecords,
+ protoView.getVariableBindings(), protoView.getDirectiveMementos());
+ var binders = protoView.elementBinders;
+ var elementInjectors = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(binders.length);
+ var rootElementInjectors = [];
+ var preBuiltObjects = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(binders.length);
+ var viewContainers = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(binders.length);
+ var componentChildViews = [];
+ for (var binderIdx = 0; binderIdx < binders.length; binderIdx++) {
+ var binder = binders[binderIdx];
+ var elementInjector = null;
+ // elementInjectors and rootElementInjectors
+ var protoElementInjector = binder.protoElementInjector;
+ if (isPresent(protoElementInjector)) {
+ if (isPresent(protoElementInjector.parent)) {
+ var parentElementInjector = elementInjectors[protoElementInjector.parent.index];
+ elementInjector = protoElementInjector.instantiate(parentElementInjector);
+ } else {
+ elementInjector = protoElementInjector.instantiate(null);
+ ListWrapper.push(rootElementInjectors, elementInjector);
+ }
+ }
+ elementInjectors[binderIdx] = elementInjector;
+ // componentChildViews
+ var bindingPropagationConfig = null;
+ if (isPresent(binder.nestedProtoView) && isPresent(binder.componentDirective)) {
+ var childView = this._createView(binder.nestedProtoView);
+ changeDetector.addChild(childView.changeDetector);
+ bindingPropagationConfig = new BindingPropagationConfig(childView.changeDetector);
+ ListWrapper.push(componentChildViews, childView);
+ }
+ // viewContainers
+ var viewContainer = null;
+ if (isPresent(binder.viewportDirective)) {
+ viewContainer = new vcModule.ViewContainer(this, view, binder.nestedProtoView, elementInjector);
+ }
+ viewContainers[binderIdx] = viewContainer;
+ // preBuiltObjects
+ if (isPresent(elementInjector)) {
+ preBuiltObjects[binderIdx] = new eli.PreBuiltObjects(view, new NgElement(view, binderIdx), viewContainer,
+ bindingPropagationConfig);
+ }
+ }
+ view.init(changeDetector, elementInjectors, rootElementInjectors,
+ viewContainers, preBuiltObjects, componentChildViews);
+ return view;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/view_pool.js b/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/view_pool.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ef6d42d67e..0000000000
--- a/modules/angular2/src/core/compiler/view_pool.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-import {ListWrapper, MapWrapper, StringMapWrapper, List} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
-import * as viewModule from './view';
-export class ViewPool {
- _views: List;
- _capacity: number;
- constructor(capacity: number) {
- this._views = [];
- this._capacity = capacity;
- }
- pop(): viewModule.View {
- return ListWrapper.isEmpty(this._views) ? null : ListWrapper.removeLast(this._views);
- }
- push(view: viewModule.View) {
- if (this._views.length < this._capacity) {
- ListWrapper.push(this._views, view);
- }
- }
- length() {
- return this._views.length;
- }
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/core/dom/element.js b/modules/angular2/src/core/dom/element.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bb9c98fb6b..0000000000
--- a/modules/angular2/src/core/dom/element.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
-import {normalizeBlank} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
- * @publicModule angular2/angular2
- */
-export class NgElement {
- domElement;
- constructor(domElement) {
- this.domElement = domElement;
- }
- getAttribute(name:string) {
- return normalizeBlank(DOM.getAttribute(this.domElement, name));
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/directives/class.js b/modules/angular2/src/directives/class.js
index 69d8375cac..9a986ae904 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/directives/class.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/directives/class.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import {Decorator} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations';
import {isPresent} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
-import {NgElement} from 'angular2/src/core/dom/element';
+import {NgElement} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/ng_element';
selector: '[class]',
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/directives/switch.js b/modules/angular2/src/directives/switch.js
index b71d163c1e..56fdca4850 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/directives/switch.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/directives/switch.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import {Decorator, Viewport} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations';
import {ViewContainer} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_container';
-import {NgElement} from 'angular2/src/core/dom/element';
import {isPresent, isBlank, normalizeBlank} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {ListWrapper, List, MapWrapper, Map} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {Parent} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/visibility';
@@ -156,7 +155,7 @@ export class SwitchWhen {
_switch: Switch;
_viewContainer: ViewContainer;
- constructor(el: NgElement, viewContainer: ViewContainer, @Parent() sswitch: Switch) {
+ constructor(viewContainer: ViewContainer, @Parent() sswitch: Switch) {
// `_whenDefault` is used as a marker for a not yet initialized value
this._value = _whenDefault;
this._switch = sswitch;
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/render/api.js b/modules/angular2/src/render/api.js
index 2315bb5dcb..03e556d98c 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/render/api.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/render/api.js
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ export class Renderer {
* Sets the dispatcher for all events that have been defined in the template or in directives
* in the given view.
- setEventDispatcher(viewRef:ViewRef, dispatcher:EventDispatcher):void {}
+ setEventDispatcher(viewRef:ViewRef, dispatcher:any/*EventDispatcher*/):void {}
* To be called at the end of the VmTurn so the API can buffer calls
@@ -218,10 +218,10 @@ export class Renderer {
export class EventDispatcher {
* Called when an event was triggered for a on-* attribute on an element.
- * @param {List} locals Locals to be used to evaluate the
+ * @param {Map} locals Locals to be used to evaluate the
* event expressions
- elementIndex:number, eventName:string, locals:List
+ elementIndex:number, eventName:string, locals:Map
):void {}
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compiler.js b/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compiler.js
index 628c7a30ce..5d33843351 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compiler.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compiler.js
@@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
+import {Injectable} from 'angular2/di';
import {PromiseWrapper, Promise} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
import {BaseException} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {Template, ProtoView} from '../../api';
import {CompilePipeline} from './compile_pipeline';
import {TemplateLoader} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/template_loader';
-import {CompileStepFactory} from './compile_step_factory';
+import {CompileStepFactory, DefaultStepFactory} from './compile_step_factory';
+import {Parser} from 'angular2/change_detection';
+import {ShadowDomStrategy} from '../shadow_dom/shadow_dom_strategy';
* The compiler loads and translates the html templates of components into
@@ -43,4 +47,11 @@ export class Compiler {
return PromiseWrapper.resolve(protoView);
+export class DefaultCompiler extends Compiler {
+ constructor(parser:Parser, shadowDomStrategy:ShadowDomStrategy, templateLoader: TemplateLoader) {
+ super(new DefaultStepFactory(parser, shadowDomStrategy), templateLoader);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/direct_dom_renderer.js b/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/direct_dom_renderer.js
index fe2dbe8f84..4f0c963626 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/direct_dom_renderer.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/direct_dom_renderer.js
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import {Injectable} from 'angular2/di';
import {Promise, PromiseWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
import {List, ListWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {isBlank, isPresent} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
@@ -14,7 +15,7 @@ function _resolveViewContainer(vc:api.ViewContainerRef) {
return _resolveView(vc.view).viewContainers[vc.elementIndex];
-function _resolveView(viewRef:_DirectDomViewRef) {
+function _resolveView(viewRef:DirectDomViewRef) {
return isPresent(viewRef) ? viewRef.delegate : null;
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ function _resolveProtoView(protoViewRef:DirectDomProtoViewRef) {
function _wrapView(view:View) {
- return new _DirectDomViewRef(view);
+ return new DirectDomViewRef(view);
function _collectComponentChildViewRefs(view, target = null) {
@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ export class DirectDomProtoViewRef extends api.ProtoViewRef {
-class _DirectDomViewRef extends api.ViewRef {
+export class DirectDomViewRef extends api.ViewRef {
constructor(delegate:View) {
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ class _DirectDomViewRef extends api.ViewRef {
export class DirectDomRenderer extends api.Renderer {
_compiler: Compiler;
_viewFactory: ViewFactory;
@@ -131,7 +133,7 @@ export class DirectDomRenderer extends api.Renderer {
_resolveView(viewRef).setText(textNodeIndex, text);
- setEventDispatcher(viewRef:api.ViewRef, dispatcher:api.EventDispatcher) {
+ setEventDispatcher(viewRef:api.ViewRef, dispatcher:any/*api.EventDispatcher*/):void {
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/view/proto_view_builder.js b/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/view/proto_view_builder.js
index 37fa03ddd0..7e3e20810a 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/view/proto_view_builder.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/view/proto_view_builder.js
@@ -242,19 +242,19 @@ export class EventLocalsAstSplitter extends AstTransformer {
splitEventAstIntoLocals(eventBindings:Map):Map {
- // TODO(tbosch): reenable this when we are using
- // the render views
- return eventBindings;
- // if (isPresent(eventBindings)) {
- // var result = MapWrapper.create();
- // MapWrapper.forEach(eventBindings, (astWithSource, eventName) => {
- // var adjustedAst = astWithSource.ast.visit(this);
- // MapWrapper.set(result, eventName, new ASTWithSource(adjustedAst, astWithSource.source, ''));
- // ListWrapper.push(this.eventNames, eventName);
- // });
- // return result;
- // }
- // return null;
+ if (isPresent(eventBindings)) {
+ var result = MapWrapper.create();
+ MapWrapper.forEach(eventBindings, (astWithSource, eventName) => {
+ // TODO(tbosch): reenable this when we are parsing element properties
+ // out of action expressions
+ // var adjustedAst = astWithSource.ast.visit(this);
+ var adjustedAst = astWithSource.ast;
+ MapWrapper.set(result, eventName, new ASTWithSource(adjustedAst, astWithSource.source, ''));
+ ListWrapper.push(this.eventNames, eventName);
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+ return null;
visitAccessMember(ast:AccessMember) {
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/view/view.js b/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/view/view.js
index b486332840..4e8a2a435e 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/view/view.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/view/view.js
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
import {ListWrapper, MapWrapper, Map, StringMapWrapper, List} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {int, isPresent, isBlank, BaseException} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
-import {Locals} from 'angular2/change_detection';
import {ViewContainer} from './view_container';
import {ProtoView} from './proto_view';
@@ -10,7 +9,7 @@ import {Content} from '../shadow_dom/content_tag';
import {ShadowDomStrategy} from '../shadow_dom/shadow_dom_strategy';
-import {EventDispatcher} from '../../api';
+// import {EventDispatcher} from '../../api';
const NG_BINDING_CLASS = 'ng-binding';
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ export class View {
lightDoms: List;
proto: ProtoView;
_hydrated: boolean;
- _eventDispatcher: EventDispatcher;
+ _eventDispatcher: any/*EventDispatcher*/;
proto:ProtoView, rootNodes:List,
@@ -43,6 +42,7 @@ export class View {
this.viewContainers = viewContainers;
this.contentTags = contentTags;
this.lightDoms = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(boundElements.length);
+ ListWrapper.fill(this.lightDoms, null);
this.componentChildViews = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(boundElements.length);
this._hydrated = false;
@@ -134,7 +134,10 @@ export class View {
// componentChildViews
for (var i = 0; i < this.componentChildViews.length; i++) {
- this.componentChildViews[i].dehydrate();
+ var cv = this.componentChildViews[i];
+ if (isPresent(cv)) {
+ cv.dehydrate();
+ }
// viewContainers and content tags
@@ -150,10 +153,11 @@ export class View {
+ this._eventDispatcher = null;
this._hydrated = false;
- setEventDispatcher(dispatcher:EventDispatcher) {
+ setEventDispatcher(dispatcher:any/*EventDispatcher*/) {
this._eventDispatcher = dispatcher;
@@ -161,8 +165,11 @@ export class View {
if (isPresent(this._eventDispatcher)) {
var evalLocals = MapWrapper.create();
MapWrapper.set(evalLocals, '$event', event);
- var localValues = this.proto.elementBinders[elementIndex].eventLocals.eval(null, new Locals(null, evalLocals));
- this._eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(elementIndex, eventName, localValues);
+ // TODO(tbosch): reenable this when we are parsing element properties
+ // out of action expressions
+ // var localValues = this.proto.elementBinders[elementIndex].eventLocals.eval(null, new Locals(null, evalLocals));
+ // this._eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(elementIndex, eventName, localValues);
+ this._eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(elementIndex, eventName, evalLocals);
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/view/view_container.js b/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/view/view_container.js
index 4df3216085..570fceb1c2 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/view/view_container.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/view/view_container.js
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export class ViewContainer {
if (isBlank(this._lightDom)) {
for (var i = this._views.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var view = this._views[i];
- ViewContainer.removeViewNodesFromParent(this.templateElement.parentNode, view);
+ ViewContainer.removeViewNodes(view);
this._views = [];
@@ -72,12 +72,11 @@ export class ViewContainer {
insert(view, atIndex=-1): viewModule.View {
- this._checkHydrated();
- if (atIndex == -1) atIndex = this._views.length;
- ListWrapper.insert(this._views, atIndex, view);
if (!view.hydrated()) {
+ if (atIndex == -1) atIndex = this._views.length;
+ ListWrapper.insert(this._views, atIndex, view);
if (isBlank(this._lightDom)) {
ViewContainer.moveViewNodesAfterSibling(this._siblingToInsertAfter(atIndex), view);
@@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ export class ViewContainer {
var detachedView = this.get(atIndex);
ListWrapper.removeAt(this._views, atIndex);
if (isBlank(this._lightDom)) {
- ViewContainer.removeViewNodesFromParent(this.templateElement.parentNode, detachedView);
+ ViewContainer.removeViewNodes(detachedView);
} else {
@@ -129,8 +128,11 @@ export class ViewContainer {
- static removeViewNodesFromParent(parent, view) {
- for (var i = view.rootNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ static removeViewNodes(view) {
+ var len = view.rootNodes.length;
+ if (len == 0) return;
+ var parent = view.rootNodes[0].parentNode;
+ for (var i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
DOM.removeChild(parent, view.rootNodes[i]);
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/view/view_factory.js b/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/view/view_factory.js
index 077bd7e624..2883dedd0a 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/view/view_factory.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/render/dom/view/view_factory.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import {OpaqueToken} from 'angular2/di';
+import {OpaqueToken, Inject, Injectable} from 'angular2/di';
import {int, isPresent, isBlank, BaseException} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {ListWrapper, MapWrapper, Map, StringMapWrapper, List} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
@@ -8,32 +8,33 @@ import {Content} from '../shadow_dom/content_tag';
import {ShadowDomStrategy} from '../shadow_dom/shadow_dom_strategy';
import {EventManager} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/events/event_manager';
-import {ViewContainer} from './view_container';
-import {ProtoView} from './proto_view';
-import {View} from './view';
+import * as vcModule from './view_container';
+import * as pvModule from './proto_view';
+import * as viewModule from './view';
-export var VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY = new OpaqueToken('ViewFactory.viewPoolCapacity');
+// TODO(tbosch): Make this an OpaqueToken as soon as our transpiler supports this!
+export const VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY = 'render.ViewFactory.viewPoolCapacity';
export class ViewFactory {
- _pooledViews:List;
+ _pooledViews:List;
- constructor(capacity, eventManager, shadowDomStrategy) {
+ constructor(@Inject(VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY) capacity, eventManager:EventManager, shadowDomStrategy:ShadowDomStrategy) {
this._poolCapacity = capacity;
this._pooledViews = ListWrapper.create();
this._eventManager = eventManager;
this._shadowDomStrategy = shadowDomStrategy;
- getView(protoView:ProtoView):View {
+ getView(protoView:pvModule.ProtoView):viewModule.View {
// TODO(tbosch): benchmark this scanning of views and maybe
// replace it with a fancy LRU Map/List combination...
var view;
- for (var i=0; i=0; i--) {
var pooledView = this._pooledViews[i];
if (pooledView.proto === protoView) {
view = ListWrapper.removeAt(this._pooledViews, i);
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ export class ViewFactory {
return view;
- returnView(view:View) {
+ returnView(view:viewModule.View) {
if (view.hydrated()) {
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ export class ViewFactory {
- _createView(protoView:ProtoView): View {
+ _createView(protoView:pvModule.ProtoView): viewModule.View {
var rootElementClone = protoView.isRootView ? protoView.element : DOM.importIntoDoc(protoView.element);
var elementsWithBindingsDynamic;
if (protoView.isTemplateElement) {
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ export class ViewFactory {
var viewRootNodes;
if (protoView.isTemplateElement) {
var childNode = DOM.firstChild(DOM.content(rootElementClone));
- viewRootNodes = []; // TODO(perf): Should be fixed size, since we could pre-compute in in ProtoView
+ viewRootNodes = []; // TODO(perf): Should be fixed size, since we could pre-compute in in pvModule.ProtoView
// Note: An explicit loop is the fastest way to convert a DOM array into a JS array!
while(childNode != null) {
ListWrapper.push(viewRootNodes, childNode);
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ export class ViewFactory {
// viewContainers
var viewContainer = null;
if (isBlank(binder.componentId) && isPresent(binder.nestedProtoView)) {
- viewContainer = new ViewContainer(this, element);
+ viewContainer = new vcModule.ViewContainer(this, element);
viewContainers[binderIdx] = viewContainer;
@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ export class ViewFactory {
contentTags[binderIdx] = contentTag;
- var view = new View(
+ var view = new viewModule.View(
protoView, viewRootNodes,
boundTextNodes, boundElements, viewContainers, contentTags
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/services/ruler.js b/modules/angular2/src/services/ruler.js
index 8d14b4f175..40136dee25 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/services/ruler.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/services/ruler.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import {Promise, PromiseWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
import {DomAdapter} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
-import {NgElement} from 'angular2/src/core/dom/element';
+import {NgElement} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/ng_element';
export class Rectangle {
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/test_lib/test_bed.js b/modules/angular2/src/test_lib/test_bed.js
index 7de912ebcc..f8024a1b73 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/test_lib/test_bed.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/test_lib/test_bed.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import {Injector} from 'angular2/di';
+import {Injector, bind} from 'angular2/di';
import {Type, isPresent, BaseException} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {Promise} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
@@ -10,12 +10,15 @@ import {Template} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/template';
import {TemplateResolver} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/template_resolver';
import {Compiler} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/compiler';
import {View} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view';
+import {ViewFactory} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_factory';
-import {EventManager} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/events/event_manager';
+import {DirectiveBinding} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/element_injector';
+import {DirectiveMetadataReader} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/directive_metadata_reader';
-import {queryView} from './utils';
+import {queryView, viewRootNodes, el} from './utils';
import {instantiateType, getTypeOf} from './lang_utils';
export class TestBed {
_injector: Injector;
@@ -85,11 +88,17 @@ export class TestBed {
this.setInlineTemplate(component, html);
- return this._injector.get(Compiler).compile(component).then((pv) => {
- var eventManager = this._injector.get(EventManager);
- var view = pv.instantiate(null, eventManager);
- view.hydrate(this._injector, null, null, context, null);
- return new ViewProxy(view);
+ var rootEl = el('
+ var metadataReader = this._injector.get(DirectiveMetadataReader);
+ var componentBinding = DirectiveBinding.createFromBinding(
+ bind(component).toValue(context),
+ );
+ return this._injector.get(Compiler).compileRoot(rootEl, componentBinding).then((pv) => {
+ var viewFactory = this._injector.get(ViewFactory);
+ var view = viewFactory.getView(pv);
+ view.hydrate(this._injector, null, context, null);
+ return new ViewProxy(view.componentChildViews[0]);
@@ -108,8 +117,8 @@ export class ViewProxy {
return this._view.context;
- get nodes(): List {
- return this._view.nodes;
+ get rootNodes(): List {
+ return viewRootNodes(this._view);
detectChanges(): void {
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/test_lib/test_injector.js b/modules/angular2/src/test_lib/test_injector.js
index 92236aae1d..feef7d75e2 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/test_lib/test_injector.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/test_lib/test_injector.js
@@ -7,13 +7,15 @@ import {ExceptionHandler} from 'angular2/src/core/exception_handler';
import {TemplateLoader} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/template_loader';
import {TemplateResolver} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/template_resolver';
import {DirectiveMetadataReader} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/directive_metadata_reader';
-import {ShadowDomStrategy, EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy';
+import {ShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/shadow_dom_strategy';
+import {EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/emulated_unscoped_shadow_dom_strategy';
import {XHR} from 'angular2/src/services/xhr';
import {ComponentUrlMapper} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/component_url_mapper';
import {UrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/services/url_resolver';
import {StyleUrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/style_url_resolver';
import {StyleInliner} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/style_inliner';
import {VmTurnZone} from 'angular2/src/core/zone/vm_turn_zone';
+import {PrivateComponentLoader} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/private_component_loader';
import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
@@ -32,6 +34,13 @@ import {Injector} from 'angular2/di';
import {List, ListWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {FunctionWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
+import {ViewFactory, VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_factory';
+import {ProtoViewFactory} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/proto_view_factory';
+import {Renderer} from 'angular2/src/render/api';
+import {DirectDomRenderer} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/direct_dom_renderer';
+import * as rc from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compiler';
+import * as rvf from 'angular2/src/render/dom/view/view_factory';
* Returns the root injector bindings.
@@ -67,11 +76,19 @@ function _getAppBindings() {
(styleUrlResolver, doc) => new EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy(styleUrlResolver, doc.head),
[StyleUrlResolver, appDocumentToken]),
+ bind(Renderer).toClass(DirectDomRenderer),
+ bind(rc.Compiler).toClass(rc.DefaultCompiler),
+ rvf.ViewFactory,
+ bind(rvf.VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY).toValue(500),
+ ProtoViewFactory,
+ ViewFactory,
+ bind(VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY).toValue(500),
+ PrivateComponentLoader,
diff --git a/modules/angular2/src/test_lib/utils.js b/modules/angular2/src/test_lib/utils.js
index a436d03998..89e968d0e0 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/src/test_lib/utils.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/src/test_lib/utils.js
@@ -24,9 +24,14 @@ export class Log {
+export function viewRootNodes(view) {
+ return view.render.delegate.rootNodes;
export function queryView(view, selector) {
- for (var i = 0; i < view.nodes.length; ++i) {
- var res = DOM.querySelector(view.nodes[i], selector);
+ var rootNodes = viewRootNodes(view);
+ for (var i = 0; i < rootNodes.length; ++i) {
+ var res = DOM.querySelector(rootNodes[i], selector);
if (isPresent(res)) {
return res;
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/compiler_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/compiler_spec.js
index 94cd8e7994..e1640ee0b7 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/compiler_spec.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/compiler_spec.js
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import {List, ListWrapper, Map, MapWrapper, StringMapWrapper} from 'angular2/src
import {Type, isBlank, stringify, isPresent} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {PromiseWrapper, Promise} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
-import {NewCompiler, CompilerCache} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/compiler';
+import {Compiler, CompilerCache} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/compiler';
import {ProtoView} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view';
import {ElementBinder} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/element_binder';
import {DirectiveMetadataReader} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/directive_metadata_reader';
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ export function main() {
var urlResolver = new FakeUrlResolver();
renderer = new FakeRenderer(renderCompileResults);
protoViewFactory = new FakeProtoViewFactory(protoViewFactoryResults)
- return new NewCompiler(
+ return new Compiler(
new CompilerCache(),
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ export function main() {
[rootProtoView, mainProtoView]
- compiler.compileRoot(null, createDirectiveBinding(reader, MainComponent)).then( (protoView) => {
+ compiler.compileRoot(null, MainComponent).then( (protoView) => {
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ function createDirectiveBinding(reader, type) {
function createProtoView(elementBinders = null) {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, null, null, null, null);
+ var pv = new ProtoView(null, null, null);
if (isBlank(elementBinders)) {
elementBinders = [];
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/element_injector_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/element_injector_spec.js
index 30378450e6..8c9f918733 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/element_injector_spec.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/element_injector_spec.js
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import {describe, ddescribe, it, iit, xit, xdescribe, expect, beforeEach, SpyObject, proxy, el} from 'angular2/test_lib';
import {isBlank, isPresent, IMPLEMENTS} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {ListWrapper, MapWrapper, List, StringMapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
-import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
import {ProtoElementInjector, PreBuiltObjects, DirectiveBinding} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/element_injector';
import {Parent, Ancestor} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/visibility';
import {EventEmitter, PropertySetter, Attribute} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/di';
@@ -9,10 +8,11 @@ import {onDestroy} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations';
import {Optional, Injector, Inject, bind} from 'angular2/di';
import {ProtoView, View} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view';
import {ViewContainer} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_container';
-import {NgElement} from 'angular2/src/core/dom/element';
-import {LightDom, DestinationLightDom} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/light_dom';
+import {NgElement} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/ng_element';
import {Directive} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations';
-import {BindingPropagationConfig} from 'angular2/change_detection';
+import {BindingPropagationConfig, Parser, Lexer} from 'angular2/change_detection';
+import {ViewRef, Renderer} from 'angular2/src/render/api';
class DummyDirective extends Directive {
constructor({lifecycle} = {}) { super({lifecycle: lifecycle}); }
@@ -22,10 +22,6 @@ class DummyDirective extends Directive {
class DummyView extends SpyObject {noSuchMethod(m){super.noSuchMethod(m)}}
-class DummyLightDom extends SpyObject {noSuchMethod(m){super.noSuchMethod(m)}}
class SimpleDirective {
@@ -198,10 +194,10 @@ export function main() {
var proto = new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, bindings, isPresent(shadowDomAppInjector));
proto.attributes = attributes;
- var inj = proto.instantiate(null, null);
+ var inj = proto.instantiate(null);
var preBuilt = isPresent(preBuiltObjects) ? preBuiltObjects : defaultPreBuiltObjects;
- inj.instantiateDirectives(lightDomAppInjector, shadowDomAppInjector, preBuilt);
+ inj.instantiateDirectives(lightDomAppInjector, null, shadowDomAppInjector, preBuilt);
return inj;
@@ -211,13 +207,13 @@ export function main() {
var inj = new Injector([]);
var protoParent = new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, parentBindings);
- var parent = protoParent.instantiate(null, null);
+ var parent = protoParent.instantiate(null);
- parent.instantiateDirectives(inj, null, parentPreBuildObjects);
+ parent.instantiateDirectives(inj, null, null, parentPreBuildObjects);
var protoChild = new ProtoElementInjector(protoParent, 1, childBindings, false, 1);
- var child = protoChild.instantiate(parent, null);
- child.instantiateDirectives(inj, null, defaultPreBuiltObjects);
+ var child = protoChild.instantiate(parent);
+ child.instantiateDirectives(inj, null, null, defaultPreBuiltObjects);
return child;
@@ -229,12 +225,12 @@ export function main() {
var shadowInj = inj.createChild([]);
var protoParent = new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, hostBindings, true);
- var host = protoParent.instantiate(null, null);
- host.instantiateDirectives(inj, shadowInj, hostPreBuildObjects);
+ var host = protoParent.instantiate(null);
+ host.instantiateDirectives(inj, null, shadowInj, hostPreBuildObjects);
var protoChild = new ProtoElementInjector(protoParent, 0, shadowBindings, false, 1);
- var shadow = protoChild.instantiate(null, host);
- shadow.instantiateDirectives(shadowInj, null, null);
+ var shadow = protoChild.instantiate(null);
+ shadow.instantiateDirectives(shadowInj, host, null, null);
return shadow;
@@ -278,9 +274,9 @@ export function main() {
var protoChild1 = new ProtoElementInjector(protoParent, 1, []);
var protoChild2 = new ProtoElementInjector(protoParent, 2, []);
- var p = protoParent.instantiate(null, null);
- var c1 = protoChild1.instantiate(p, null);
- var c2 = protoChild2.instantiate(p, null);
+ var p = protoParent.instantiate(null);
+ var c1 = protoChild1.instantiate(p);
+ var c2 = protoChild2.instantiate(p);
expect(humanize(p, [
[p, 'parent'],
@@ -295,8 +291,8 @@ export function main() {
var protoParent = new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, []);
var protoChild = new ProtoElementInjector(protoParent, 1, [], false, distance);
- var p = protoParent.instantiate(null, null);
- var c = protoChild.instantiate(p, null);
+ var p = protoParent.instantiate(null);
+ var c = protoChild.instantiate(p);
@@ -306,8 +302,8 @@ export function main() {
var protoParent = new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, []);
var protoChild = new ProtoElementInjector(protoParent, 1, [], false, distance);
- var p = protoParent.instantiate(null, null);
- var c = protoChild.instantiate(p, null);
+ var p = protoParent.instantiate(null);
+ var c = protoChild.instantiate(p);
@@ -496,14 +492,14 @@ export function main() {
it("should return element", function () {
- var element = new NgElement(null);
+ var element = new NgElement(null, null);
var inj = injector([], null, null, new PreBuiltObjects(null, element, null, null));
it('should return viewContainer', function () {
- var viewContainer = new ViewContainer(null, null, null, null, null);
+ var viewContainer = new ViewContainer(null, null, null, null);
var inj = injector([], null, null, new PreBuiltObjects(null, null, viewContainer, null));
@@ -536,9 +532,9 @@ export function main() {
injWithPrivateComponent.createPrivateComponent(SomeOtherDirective, null);
var shadowDomProtoInjector = new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [NeedDirectiveFromAncestor], false);
- var shadowDomInj = shadowDomProtoInjector.instantiate(null, injWithPrivateComponent);
+ var shadowDomInj = shadowDomProtoInjector.instantiate(null);
- expect(() => shadowDomInj.instantiateDirectives(appInjector, null, defaultPreBuiltObjects)).
+ expect(() => shadowDomInj.instantiateDirectives(appInjector, injWithPrivateComponent, null, defaultPreBuiltObjects)).
toThrowError(new RegExp("No provider for SimpleDirective"));
@@ -547,8 +543,8 @@ export function main() {
injWithPrivateComponent.createPrivateComponent(SimpleDirective, null);
var shadowDomProtoInjector = new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [NeedDirectiveFromAncestor], false);
- var shadowDomInjector = shadowDomProtoInjector.instantiate(null, injWithPrivateComponent);
- shadowDomInjector.instantiateDirectives(appInjector, null, defaultPreBuiltObjects);
+ var shadowDomInjector = shadowDomProtoInjector.instantiate(null);
+ shadowDomInjector.instantiateDirectives(appInjector, injWithPrivateComponent, null, defaultPreBuiltObjects);
@@ -566,7 +562,7 @@ export function main() {
- inj.instantiateDirectives(null, null, null);
+ inj.instantiateDirectives(null, null, null, null);
@@ -577,15 +573,18 @@ export function main() {
function createpreBuildObject(eventName, eventHandler) {
var handlers = StringMapWrapper.create();
StringMapWrapper.set(handlers, eventName, eventHandler);
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, null, null, null);
- pv.eventHandlers = [handlers];
- var view = new View(pv, null, MapWrapper.create());
+ var pv = new ProtoView(null, null, null);
+ pv.bindElement(null, 0, null, null, null);
+ pv.bindEvent(eventName, new Parser(new Lexer()).parseAction('handler()', ''));
+ var view = new View(pv, MapWrapper.create());
+ view.context = new ContextWithHandler(eventHandler);
return new PreBuiltObjects(view, null, null, null);
it('should be injectable and callable', () => {
var called = false;
- var preBuildObject = createpreBuildObject('click', (e, view) => { called = true;});
+ var preBuildObject = createpreBuildObject('click', () => { called = true;});
var inj = injector([NeedsEventEmitter], null, null, preBuildObject);
@@ -593,7 +592,7 @@ export function main() {
it('should be injectable and callable without specifying param type annotation', () => {
var called = false;
- var preBuildObject = createpreBuildObject('click', (e, view) => { called = true;});
+ var preBuildObject = createpreBuildObject('click', () => { called = true;});
var inj = injector([NeedsEventEmitterNoType], null, null, preBuildObject);
@@ -613,11 +612,17 @@ export function main() {
describe('property setter', () => {
- it('should be injectable and callable', () => {
- var div = el('
- var ngElement = new NgElement(div);
+ var renderer, view;
- var preBuildObject = new PreBuiltObjects(null, ngElement, null, null);
+ beforeEach( () => {
+ renderer = new FakeRenderer();
+ var protoView = new ProtoView(renderer, null, null);
+ view = new View(protoView, MapWrapper.create());
+ view.render = new ViewRef();
+ });
+ it('should be injectable and callable', () => {
+ var preBuildObject = new PreBuiltObjects(view, null, null, null);
var inj = injector([NeedsPropertySetter], null, null, preBuildObject);
var component = inj.get(NeedsPropertySetter);
@@ -627,22 +632,21 @@ export function main() {
- expect(div.title).toEqual('foobar');
- expect(DOM.getAttribute(div, 'role')).toEqual('button');
- expect(DOM.hasClass(div, 'active')).toEqual(true);
- expect(DOM.hasClass(div, 'foo-bar')).toEqual(true);
- expect(DOM.getStyle(div, 'width')).toEqual('40px');
- expect(DOM.getStyle(div, 'height')).toEqual('50px');
+ expect(renderer.log[0]).toEqual([view.render, 0, 'title', 'foobar']);
+ expect(renderer.log[1]).toEqual([view.render, 0, 'attr.role', 'button']);
+ expect(renderer.log[2]).toEqual([view.render, 0, '', true]);
+ expect(renderer.log[3]).toEqual([view.render, 0, '', true]);
+ expect(renderer.log[4]).toEqual([view.render, 0, 'style.width', '40px']);
+ expect(renderer.log[5]).toEqual([view.render, 0, 'style.height.px', 50]);
it('should be injectable and callable without specifying param type annotation', () => {
- var div = el('
- var preBuildObject = new PreBuiltObjects(null, new NgElement(div), null, null);
+ var preBuildObject = new PreBuiltObjects(view, null, null, null);
var inj = injector([NeedsPropertySetterNoType], null, null, preBuildObject);
var component = inj.get(NeedsPropertySetterNoType);
- expect(div.title).toEqual('foobar');
+ expect(renderer.log[0]).toEqual([view.render, 0, 'title', 'foobar']);
@@ -673,3 +677,22 @@ export function main() {
+class ContextWithHandler {
+ handler;
+ constructor(handler) {
+ this.handler = handler;
+ }
+class FakeRenderer extends Renderer {
+ log:List;
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this.log = [];
+ }
+ setElementProperty(viewRef, elementIndex, propertyName, value) {
+ ListWrapper.push(this.log, [viewRef, elementIndex, propertyName, value]);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/integration_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/integration_spec.js
index 2d8a265369..917d78aaa1 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/integration_spec.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/integration_spec.js
@@ -5,32 +5,27 @@ import {
+ dispatchEvent,
+ beforeEachBindings,
- xit,
+ xit
} from 'angular2/test_lib';
+import {TestBed} from 'angular2/src/test_lib/test_bed';
import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
import {Type, isPresent, BaseException, assertionsEnabled, isJsObject} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {PromiseWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
import {Injector, bind} from 'angular2/di';
-import {Lexer, Parser, dynamicChangeDetection,
- DynamicChangeDetection, Pipe, PipeRegistry, BindingPropagationConfig, ON_PUSH} from 'angular2/change_detection';
+import {dynamicChangeDetection,
+ ChangeDetection, DynamicChangeDetection, Pipe, PipeRegistry, BindingPropagationConfig, ON_PUSH} from 'angular2/change_detection';
-import {Compiler, CompilerCache} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/compiler';
-import {DirectiveMetadataReader} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/directive_metadata_reader';
-import {ShadowDomStrategy, EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy';
import {PrivateComponentLocation} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/private_component_location';
import {PrivateComponentLoader} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/private_component_loader';
-import {TemplateLoader} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/template_loader';
-import {MockTemplateResolver} from 'angular2/src/mock/template_resolver_mock';
-import {ComponentUrlMapper} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/component_url_mapper';
-import {UrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/services/url_resolver';
-import {StyleUrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/style_url_resolver';
-import {EventManager} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/events/event_manager';
import {Decorator, Component, Viewport, DynamicComponent} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations';
import {Template} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/template';
@@ -43,161 +38,117 @@ import {ViewContainer} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_container';
export function main() {
describe('integration tests', function() {
- var directiveMetadataReader, shadowDomStrategy, compiler, tplResolver;
- function createCompiler(tplResolver, changedDetection) {
- var urlResolver = new UrlResolver();
- return new Compiler(changedDetection,
- new TemplateLoader(null, null),
- directiveMetadataReader,
- new Parser(new Lexer()),
- new CompilerCache(),
- shadowDomStrategy,
- tplResolver,
- new ComponentUrlMapper(),
- urlResolver
- );
- }
+ var ctx;
beforeEach( () => {
- tplResolver = new MockTemplateResolver();
- directiveMetadataReader = new DirectiveMetadataReader();
- var urlResolver = new UrlResolver();
- shadowDomStrategy = new EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy(new StyleUrlResolver(urlResolver), null);
- compiler = createCompiler(tplResolver, dynamicChangeDetection);
+ ctx = new MyComp();
describe('react to record changes', function() {
- var view, ctx, cd;
- function createView(pv) {
- ctx = new MyComp();
- view = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- view.hydrate(new Injector([
- bind(Compiler).toValue(compiler),
- bind(DirectiveMetadataReader).toValue(directiveMetadataReader),
- bind(ShadowDomStrategy).toValue(shadowDomStrategy),
- bind(EventManager).toValue(null),
- PrivateComponentLoader
- ]), null, null, ctx, null);
- cd = view.changeDetector;
- }
- it('should consume text node changes', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: '{{ctxProp}}
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ it('should consume text node changes', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: '{{ctxProp}}
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
ctx.ctxProp = 'Hello World!';
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(DOM.getInnerHTML(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('Hello World!');
+ view.detectChanges();
+ expect(DOM.getInnerHTML(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('Hello World!');
- it('should consume element binding changes', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: '
+ it('should consume element binding changes', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: '
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
ctx.ctxProp = 'Hello World!';
- cd.detectChanges();
+ view.detectChanges();
- expect(view.nodes[0].id).toEqual('Hello World!');
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].id).toEqual('Hello World!');
- it('should consume binding to aria-* attributes', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: '
+ it('should consume binding to aria-* attributes', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: '
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
ctx.ctxProp = 'Initial aria label';
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(DOM.getAttribute(view.nodes[0], 'aria-label')).toEqual('Initial aria label');
+ view.detectChanges();
+ expect(DOM.getAttribute(view.rootNodes[0], 'aria-label')).toEqual('Initial aria label');
ctx.ctxProp = 'Changed aria label';
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(DOM.getAttribute(view.nodes[0], 'aria-label')).toEqual('Changed aria label');
+ view.detectChanges();
+ expect(DOM.getAttribute(view.rootNodes[0], 'aria-label')).toEqual('Changed aria label');
- it('should consume binding to property names where attr name and property name do not match', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: '
+ it('should consume binding to property names where attr name and property name do not match', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: '
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(view.nodes[0].tabIndex).toEqual(0);
+ view.detectChanges();
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].tabIndex).toEqual(0);
ctx.ctxNumProp = 5;
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(view.nodes[0].tabIndex).toEqual(5);
+ view.detectChanges();
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].tabIndex).toEqual(5);
- it('should consume binding to camel-cased properties using dash-cased syntax in templates', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: ' '}));
+ it('should consume binding to camel-cased properties using dash-cased syntax in templates', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: ' '}));
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(view.nodes[0].readOnly).toBeFalsy();
+ view.detectChanges();
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].readOnly).toBeFalsy();
ctx.ctxBoolProp = true;
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(view.nodes[0].readOnly).toBeTruthy();
+ view.detectChanges();
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].readOnly).toBeTruthy();
- it('should consume binding to inner-html', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: '
+ it('should consume binding to inner-html', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: '
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
ctx.ctxProp = 'Some HTML ';
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(DOM.getInnerHTML(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('Some HTML ');
+ view.detectChanges();
+ expect(DOM.getInnerHTML(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('Some HTML ');
ctx.ctxProp = 'Some other HTML
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(DOM.getInnerHTML(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('Some other HTML
+ view.detectChanges();
+ expect(DOM.getInnerHTML(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('Some other HTML
- it('should ignore bindings to unknown properties', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: '
+ it('should ignore bindings to unknown properties', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: '
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
ctx.ctxProp = 'Some value';
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(DOM.hasProperty(view.nodes[0], 'unknown')).toBeFalsy();
+ view.detectChanges();
+ expect(DOM.hasProperty(view.rootNodes[0], 'unknown')).toBeFalsy();
- it('should consume directive watch expression change.', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
+ it('should consume directive watch expression change.', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
var tpl =
'' +
' +
@@ -205,80 +156,81 @@ export function main() {
' +
' +
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: tpl, directives: [MyDir]}));
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: tpl, directives: [MyDir]}));
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
ctx.ctxProp = 'Hello World!';
- cd.detectChanges();
+ view.detectChanges();
- expect(view.elementInjectors[0].get(MyDir).dirProp).toEqual('Hello World!');
- expect(view.elementInjectors[1].get(MyDir).dirProp).toEqual('Hi there!');
- expect(view.elementInjectors[2].get(MyDir).dirProp).toEqual('Hi there!');
- expect(view.elementInjectors[3].get(MyDir).dirProp).toEqual('One more Hello World!');
+ expect(view.rawView.elementInjectors[0].get(MyDir).dirProp).toEqual('Hello World!');
+ expect(view.rawView.elementInjectors[1].get(MyDir).dirProp).toEqual('Hi there!');
+ expect(view.rawView.elementInjectors[2].get(MyDir).dirProp).toEqual('Hi there!');
+ expect(view.rawView.elementInjectors[3].get(MyDir).dirProp).toEqual('One more Hello World!');
- it("should support pipes in bindings and bind config", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp,
- new Template({
- inline: ' ',
- directives: [ComponentWithPipes]
- }));
- var registry = new PipeRegistry({
- "double" : [new DoublePipeFactory()]
+ describe('pipes', () => {
+ beforeEachBindings(() => {
+ return [bind(ChangeDetection).toFactory(
+ () => new DynamicChangeDetection(new PipeRegistry({
+ "double" : [new DoublePipeFactory()]
+ })),
+ []
+ )];
- var changeDetection = new DynamicChangeDetection(registry);
- var compiler = createCompiler(tplResolver, changeDetection);
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
- ctx.ctxProp = 'a';
- cd.detectChanges();
+ it("should support pipes in bindings and bind config", inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp,
+ new Template({
+ inline: ' ',
+ directives: [ComponentWithPipes]
+ }));
- var comp = view.locals.get("comp");
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
- // it is doubled twice: once in the binding, second time in the bind config
- expect(comp.prop).toEqual('aaaa');
- async.done();
- });
- }));
+ ctx.ctxProp = 'a';
+ view.detectChanges();
- it('should support nested components.', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
+ var comp = view.rawView.locals.get("comp");
+ // it is doubled twice: once in the binding, second time in the bind config
+ expect(comp.prop).toEqual('aaaa');
+ async.done();
+ });
+ }));
+ });
+ it('should support nested components.', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
inline: ' ',
directives: [ChildComp]
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
- cd.detectChanges();
+ view.detectChanges();
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('hello');
+ expect(view.rootNodes).toHaveText('hello');
// GH issue 328 -
- it('should support different directive types on a single node', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp,
+ it('should support different directive types on a single node', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp,
new Template({
inline: ' ',
directives: [MyDir, ChildComp]
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
ctx.ctxProp = 'Hello World!';
- cd.detectChanges();
+ view.detectChanges();
- var elInj = view.elementInjectors[0];
+ var elInj = view.rawView.elementInjectors[0];
expect(elInj.get(MyDir).dirProp).toEqual('Hello World!');
@@ -286,57 +238,54 @@ export function main() {
- it('should support directives where a binding attribute is not given', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp,
+ it('should support directives where a binding attribute is not given', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp,
new Template({
// No attribute "el-prop" specified.
inline: '
directives: [MyDir]
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
- it('should support directives where a selector matches property binding', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp,
+ it('should support directives where a selector matches property binding', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp,
new Template({
inline: '
directives: [IdComponent]
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
ctx.ctxProp = 'some_id';
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(view.nodes[0].id).toEqual('some_id');
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('Matched on id with some_id');
+ view.detectChanges();
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].id).toEqual('some_id');
+ expect(view.rootNodes).toHaveText('Matched on id with some_id');
ctx.ctxProp = 'other_id';
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(view.nodes[0].id).toEqual('other_id');
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('Matched on id with other_id');
+ view.detectChanges();
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].id).toEqual('other_id');
+ expect(view.rootNodes).toHaveText('Matched on id with other_id');
- it('should support template directives via `` elements.', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp,
+ it('should support template directives via `` elements.', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp,
new Template({
inline: '{{greeting}}
directives: [SomeViewport]
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
- cd.detectChanges();
+ view.detectChanges();
- var childNodesOfWrapper = view.nodes[0].childNodes;
+ var childNodesOfWrapper = view.rootNodes[0].childNodes;
// 1 template + 2 copies.
@@ -345,18 +294,17 @@ export function main() {
- it('should support template directives via `template` attribute.', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
+ it('should support template directives via `template` attribute.', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
inline: '{{greeting}}
directives: [SomeViewport]
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
- cd.detectChanges();
+ view.detectChanges();
- var childNodesOfWrapper = view.nodes[0].childNodes;
+ var childNodesOfWrapper = view.rootNodes[0].childNodes;
// 1 template + 2 copies.
@@ -365,84 +313,79 @@ export function main() {
- it('should assign the component instance to a var-', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
+ it('should assign the component instance to a var-', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
inline: '
directives: [ChildComp]
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
- expect(view.locals).not.toBe(null);
- expect(view.locals.get('alice')).toBeAnInstanceOf(ChildComp);
+ expect(view.rawView.locals).not.toBe(null);
+ expect(view.rawView.locals.get('alice')).toBeAnInstanceOf(ChildComp);
- it('should assign two component instances each with a var-', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
+ it('should assign two component instances each with a var-', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
inline: '
directives: [ChildComp]
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
- expect(view.locals).not.toBe(null);
- expect(view.locals.get('alice')).toBeAnInstanceOf(ChildComp);
- expect(view.locals.get('bob')).toBeAnInstanceOf(ChildComp);
- expect(view.locals.get('alice')).not.toBe(view.locals.get('bob'));
+ expect(view.rawView.locals).not.toBe(null);
+ expect(view.rawView.locals.get('alice')).toBeAnInstanceOf(ChildComp);
+ expect(view.rawView.locals.get('bob')).toBeAnInstanceOf(ChildComp);
+ expect(view.rawView.locals.get('alice')).not.toBe(view.rawView.locals.get('bob'));
- it('should assign the component instance to a var- with shorthand syntax', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
+ it('should assign the component instance to a var- with shorthand syntax', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
inline: ' ',
directives: [ChildComp]
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
- expect(view.locals).not.toBe(null);
- expect(view.locals.get('alice')).toBeAnInstanceOf(ChildComp);
+ expect(view.rawView.locals).not.toBe(null);
+ expect(view.rawView.locals.get('alice')).toBeAnInstanceOf(ChildComp);
- it('should assign the element instance to a user-defined variable', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp,
+ it('should assign the element instance to a user-defined variable', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp,
new Template({inline: '
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
- expect(view.locals).not.toBe(null);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
+ expect(view.rawView.locals).not.toBe(null);
- var value = view.locals.get('alice');
+ var value = view.rawView.locals.get('alice');
- expect(value.tagName.toLowerCase()).toEqual('div');
+ expect(value.domElement.tagName.toLowerCase()).toEqual('div');
- it('should assign the element instance to a user-defined variable with camelCase using dash-case', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp,
+ it('should assign the element instance to a user-defined variable with camelCase using dash-case', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp,
new Template({inline: '
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
- expect(view.locals).not.toBe(null);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
+ expect(view.rawView.locals).not.toBe(null);
- var value = view.locals.get('superAlice');
+ var value = view.rawView.locals.get('superAlice');
- expect(value.tagName.toLowerCase()).toEqual('div');
+ expect(value.domElement.tagName.toLowerCase()).toEqual('div');
@@ -450,49 +393,47 @@ export function main() {
describe("BindingPropagationConfig", () => {
it("can be used to disable the change detection of the component's template",
- inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
+ inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
inline: ' ',
directives: [[[PushBasedComp]]]
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
- var cmp = view.locals.get('cmp');
+ var cmp = view.rawView.locals.get('cmp');
- cd.detectChanges();
+ view.detectChanges();
- cd.detectChanges();
+ view.detectChanges();
- cd.detectChanges();
+ view.detectChanges();
- it('should not affect updating properties on the component', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
+ it('should not affect updating properties on the component', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
inline: ' ',
directives: [[[PushBasedComp]]]
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
- var cmp = view.locals.get('cmp');
+ var cmp = view.rawView.locals.get('cmp');
ctx.ctxProp = "one";
- cd.detectChanges();
+ view.detectChanges();
ctx.ctxProp = "two";
- cd.detectChanges();
+ view.detectChanges();
@@ -500,24 +441,23 @@ export function main() {
- it('should create a component that injects a @Parent', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
+ it('should create a component that injects a @Parent', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
inline: ' ',
directives: [SomeDirective, CompWithParent]
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
- var childComponent = view.locals.get('child');
+ var childComponent = view.rawView.locals.get('child');
- it('should create a component that injects an @Ancestor', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
+ it('should create a component that injects an @Ancestor', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
inline: `
@@ -527,18 +467,17 @@ export function main() {
directives: [SomeDirective, CompWithAncestor]
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
- var childComponent = view.locals.get('child');
+ var childComponent = view.rawView.locals.get('child');
- it('should create a component that injects an @Ancestor through viewport directive', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
+ it('should create a component that injects an @Ancestor through viewport directive', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
inline: `
@@ -548,11 +487,10 @@ export function main() {
directives: [SomeDirective, CompWithAncestor, If]
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
- cd.detectChanges();
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
+ view.detectChanges();
- var subview = view.viewContainers[1].get(0);
+ var subview = view.rawView.viewContainers[1].get(0);
var childComponent = subview.locals.get('child');
@@ -560,16 +498,15 @@ export function main() {
- it('should support events', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
+ it('should support events via EventEmitter', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
inline: '
directives: [DecoratorEmitingEvent, DecoratorListeningEvent]
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
- var injector = view.elementInjectors[0];
+ var injector = view.rawView.elementInjectors[0];
var emitter = injector.get(DecoratorEmitingEvent);
var listener = injector.get(DecoratorListeningEvent);
@@ -585,34 +522,54 @@ export function main() {
- it('should support dynamic components', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
+ if (DOM.supportsDOMEvents()) {
+ it('should support render events', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
+ inline: '
+ directives: [DecoratorListeningDomEvent]
+ }));
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
+ var injector = view.rawView.elementInjectors[0];
+ var listener = injector.get(DecoratorListeningDomEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(view.rootNodes[0], 'domEvent');
+ expect(listener.eventType).toEqual('domEvent');
+ async.done();
+ });
+ }));
+ }
+ it('should support dynamic components', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
inline: ' ',
directives: [DynamicComp]
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
- var dynamicComponent = view.locals.get("dynamic");
+ var dynamicComponent = view.rawView.locals.get("dynamic");
dynamicComponent.done.then((_) => {
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('hello');
+ view.detectChanges();
+ expect(view.rootNodes).toHaveText('hello');
- it('should support static attributes', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
+ it('should support static attributes', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
inline: ' ',
directives: [NeedsAttribute]
- compiler.compile(MyComp).then((pv) => {
- createView(pv);
+ tb.createView(MyComp, {context: ctx}).then((view) => {
- var injector = view.elementInjectors[0];
+ var injector = view.rawView.elementInjectors[0];
var needsAttribute = injector.get(NeedsAttribute);
@@ -632,9 +589,9 @@ export function main() {
if (assertionsEnabled()) {
- function expectCompileError(inlineTpl, errMessage, done) {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: inlineTpl}));
- PromiseWrapper.then(compiler.compile(MyComp),
+ function expectCompileError(tb, inlineTpl, errMessage, done) {
+ tb.overrideTemplate(MyComp, new Template({inline: inlineTpl}));
+ PromiseWrapper.then(tb.createView(MyComp),
(value) => {
throw new BaseException("Test failure: should not have come here as an exception was expected");
@@ -645,32 +602,36 @@ export function main() {
- it('should raise an error if no directive is registered for a template with template bindings', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
+ it('should raise an error if no directive is registered for a template with template bindings', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb,
'Missing directive to handle \'if\' in ',
() => async.done()
- it('should raise an error for missing template directive (1)', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
+ it('should raise an error for missing template directive (1)', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb,
'Missing directive to handle:
() => async.done()
- it('should raise an error for missing template directive (2)', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
+ it('should raise an error for missing template directive (2)', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb,
'Missing directive to handle: ',
() => async.done()
- it('should raise an error for missing template directive (3)', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
+ it('should raise an error for missing template directive (3)', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
+ tb,
'Missing directive to handle \'if\' in MyComp: ',
() => async.done()
@@ -746,6 +707,8 @@ class PushBasedComp {
+@Template({directives: [
class MyComp {
@@ -909,6 +872,22 @@ class DecoratorListeningEvent {
+ selector: '[listener]',
+ events: {'domEvent': 'onEvent($event.type)'}
+class DecoratorListeningDomEvent {
+ eventType: string;
+ constructor() {
+ this.eventType = '';
+ }
+ onEvent(eventType: string) {
+ this.eventType = eventType;
+ }
selector: '[id]',
bind: {'id': 'id'}
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/private_component_loader_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/private_component_loader_spec.js
index e9da39f6da..4c4245b1cf 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/private_component_loader_spec.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/private_component_loader_spec.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export function main() {
var loader;
beforeEach(() => {
- loader = new PrivateComponentLoader(null, null, null, new DirectiveMetadataReader());
+ loader = new PrivateComponentLoader(null, new DirectiveMetadataReader(), null);
describe('Load errors', () => {
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/shadow_dom/content_tag_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/shadow_dom/content_tag_spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 298f05d9bb..0000000000
--- a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/shadow_dom/content_tag_spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-import {describe, beforeEach, it, expect, ddescribe, iit, SpyObject, el, proxy} from 'angular2/test_lib';
-import {IMPLEMENTS} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
-import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
-import {Content} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/content_tag';
-import {LightDom} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/light_dom';
-class DummyLightDom extends SpyObject {noSuchMethod(m){super.noSuchMethod(m)}}
-var _scriptStart = ``;
-var _scriptEnd = ``;
-export function main() {
- describe('Content', function() {
- var parent;
- var content;
- beforeEach(() => {
- parent = el(`
- content = DOM.firstChild(parent);
- });
- it("should insert the nodes", () => {
- var c = new Content(null, content, '');
- c.insert([el("
"), el("
- expect(DOM.getInnerHTML(parent)).toEqual(`${_scriptStart}
- });
- it("should remove the nodes from the previous insertion", () => {
- var c = new Content(null, content, '');
- c.insert([el("
- c.insert([el("
- expect(DOM.getInnerHTML(parent)).toEqual(`${_scriptStart}
- });
- it("should insert empty list", () => {
- var c = new Content(null, content, '');
- c.insert([el("
- c.insert([]);
- expect(DOM.getInnerHTML(parent)).toEqual(`${_scriptStart}${_scriptEnd}`);
- });
- });
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/shadow_dom/light_dom_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/shadow_dom/light_dom_spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a017a7d19d..0000000000
--- a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/shadow_dom/light_dom_spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-import {describe, beforeEach, it, expect, ddescribe, iit, SpyObject, el, proxy} from 'angular2/test_lib';
-import {IMPLEMENTS, isBlank, isPresent} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
-import {ListWrapper, MapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
-import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
-import {Content} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/content_tag';
-import {LightDom} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/light_dom';
-import {View} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view';
-import {ViewContainer} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_container';
-class FakeView {
- contentTags;
- viewContainers;
- constructor(containers = null) {
- this.contentTags = [];
- this.viewContainers = [];
- if (isPresent(containers)) {
- ListWrapper.forEach(containers, (c) => {
- if (c instanceof FakeContentTag) {
- ListWrapper.push(this.contentTags, c);
- } else {
- ListWrapper.push(this.contentTags, null);
- }
- if (c instanceof FakeViewContainer) {
- ListWrapper.push(this.viewContainers, c);
- } else {
- ListWrapper.push(this.viewContainers, null);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- noSuchMethod(i) {
- super.noSuchMethod(i);
- }
-class FakeViewContainer {
- templateElement;
- _nodes;
- _contentTagContainers;
- constructor(templateEl, nodes = null, views = null) {
- this.templateElement = templateEl;
- this._nodes = nodes;
- this._contentTagContainers = views;
- }
- nodes(){
- return this._nodes;
- }
- contentTagContainers(){
- return this._contentTagContainers;
- }
- noSuchMethod(i) {
- super.noSuchMethod(i);
- }
-class FakeContentTag {
- select;
- _nodes;
- contentStartElement;
- constructor(contentEl, select = '', nodes = null) {
- this.contentStartElement = contentEl;
- = select;
- this._nodes = nodes;
- }
- insert(nodes){
- this._nodes = ListWrapper.clone(nodes);
- }
- nodes() {
- return this._nodes;
- }
- noSuchMethod(i) {
- super.noSuchMethod(i);
- }
-export function main() {
- describe('LightDom', function() {
- var lightDomView;
- beforeEach(() => {
- lightDomView = new FakeView();
- });
- describe("contentTags", () => {
- it("should collect content tags from element injectors", () => {
- var tag = new FakeContentTag(el(''));
- var shadowDomView = new FakeView([tag]);
- var lightDom = new LightDom(lightDomView, shadowDomView,
- el("
- expect(lightDom.contentTags()).toEqual([tag]);
- });
- it("should collect content tags from ViewContainers", () => {
- var tag = new FakeContentTag(el(''));
- var vc = new FakeViewContainer(null, null, [
- new FakeView([tag])
- ]);
- var shadowDomView = new FakeView([vc]);
- var lightDom = new LightDom(lightDomView, shadowDomView,
- el("
- expect(lightDom.contentTags()).toEqual([tag]);
- });
- });
- describe("expandedDomNodes", () => {
- it("should contain root nodes", () => {
- var lightDomEl = el("
- var lightDom = new LightDom(lightDomView, new FakeView(), lightDomEl);
- expect(toHtml(lightDom.expandedDomNodes())).toEqual(["
- });
- it("should include view container nodes", () => {
- var lightDomEl = el("
- var lightDom = new LightDom(
- new FakeView([
- new FakeViewContainer(
- DOM.firstChild(lightDomEl), // template element
- [el('
')] // light DOM nodes of view container
- )
- ]),
- null,
- lightDomEl);
- expect(toHtml(lightDom.expandedDomNodes())).toEqual(["
- });
- it("should include content nodes", () => {
- var lightDomEl = el("
- var lightDom = new LightDom(
- new FakeView([
- new FakeContentTag(
- DOM.firstChild(lightDomEl), // content element
- '', // selector
- [el('
')] // light DOM nodes of content tag
- )
- ]),
- null,
- lightDomEl);
- expect(toHtml(lightDom.expandedDomNodes())).toEqual(["
- });
- it("should work when the element injector array contains nulls", () => {
- var lightDomEl = el("
- var lightDomView = new FakeView();
- var lightDom = new LightDom(
- lightDomView,
- new FakeView(),
- lightDomEl);
- expect(toHtml(lightDom.expandedDomNodes())).toEqual(["
- });
- });
- describe("redistribute", () => {
- it("should redistribute nodes between content tags with select property set", () => {
- var contentA = new FakeContentTag(null, "a");
- var contentB = new FakeContentTag(null, "b");
- var lightDomEl = el("
- var lightDom = new LightDom(lightDomView, new FakeView([
- contentA,
- contentB
- ]), lightDomEl);
- lightDom.redistribute();
- expect(toHtml(contentA.nodes())).toEqual(["
1 ", "
3 "]);
- expect(toHtml(contentB.nodes())).toEqual(["
2 "]);
- });
- it("should support wildcard content tags", () => {
- var wildcard = new FakeContentTag(null, '');
- var contentB = new FakeContentTag(null, "b");
- var lightDomEl = el("
- var lightDom = new LightDom(lightDomView, new FakeView([
- wildcard,
- contentB
- ]), lightDomEl);
- lightDom.redistribute();
- expect(toHtml(wildcard.nodes())).toEqual(["
1 ", "
2 ", "
3 "]);
- expect(toHtml(contentB.nodes())).toEqual([]);
- });
- });
- });
-function toHtml(nodes) {
- if (isBlank(nodes)) return [];
- return, DOM.getOuterHTML);
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/shadow_dom/shadow_dom_emulation_integration_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/shadow_dom/shadow_dom_emulation_integration_spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e28404a8b9..0000000000
--- a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/shadow_dom/shadow_dom_emulation_integration_spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-import {
- AsyncTestCompleter,
- beforeEach,
- ddescribe,
- describe,
- el,
- expect,
- iit,
- inject,
- it,
- xit,
-} from 'angular2/test_lib';
-import {StringMapWrapper, List} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
-import {Type} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
-import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
-import {Injector} from 'angular2/di';
-import {Lexer, Parser, ChangeDetector, dynamicChangeDetection} from 'angular2/change_detection';
-import {ExceptionHandler} from 'angular2/src/core/exception_handler';
-import {Compiler, CompilerCache} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/compiler';
-import {LifeCycle} from 'angular2/src/core/life_cycle/life_cycle';
-import {DirectiveMetadataReader} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/directive_metadata_reader';
-import {ShadowDomStrategy,
- NativeShadowDomStrategy,
- EmulatedScopedShadowDomStrategy,
- EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy,
-} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy';
-import {TemplateLoader} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/template_loader';
-import {ComponentUrlMapper} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/component_url_mapper';
-import {UrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/services/url_resolver';
-import {StyleUrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/style_url_resolver';
-import {StyleInliner} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/style_inliner';
-import {MockTemplateResolver} from 'angular2/src/mock/template_resolver_mock';
-import {Decorator, Component, Viewport} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations';
-import {Template} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/template';
-import {ViewContainer} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_container';
-import {BrowserDomAdapter} from 'angular2/src/dom/browser_adapter';
-export function main() {
- BrowserDomAdapter.makeCurrent();
- describe('integration tests', function() {
- var urlResolver;
- var styleUrlResolver;
- var styleInliner;
- var strategies = {
- "scoped" : () => new EmulatedScopedShadowDomStrategy(styleInliner, styleUrlResolver, DOM.createElement('div')),
- "unscoped" : () => new EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy(styleUrlResolver, DOM.createElement('div'))
- }
- if (DOM.supportsNativeShadowDOM()) {
- StringMapWrapper.set(strategies, "native", () => new NativeShadowDomStrategy(styleUrlResolver));
- }
- StringMapWrapper.forEach(strategies,
- (strategyFactory, name) => {
- describe(`${name} shadow dom strategy`, () => {
- var compiler, tplResolver;
- beforeEach(() => {
- urlResolver = new UrlResolver();
- styleUrlResolver = new StyleUrlResolver(urlResolver);
- styleInliner = new StyleInliner(null, styleUrlResolver, urlResolver);
- tplResolver = new MockTemplateResolver();
- compiler = new Compiler(dynamicChangeDetection,
- new TemplateLoader(null, null),
- new DirectiveMetadataReader(),
- new Parser(new Lexer()),
- new CompilerCache(),
- strategyFactory(),
- tplResolver,
- new ComponentUrlMapper(),
- urlResolver
- );
- });
- function compile(template, directives: List
, assertions) {
- tplResolver.setTemplate(MyComp, new Template({
- inline: template,
- directives: directives
- }));
- compiler.compile(MyComp)
- .then(createView)
- .then((view) => {
- var lc = new LifeCycle(new ExceptionHandler(), view.changeDetector, false);
- assertions(view, lc);
- });
- }
- it('should support simple components', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- var temp = '' +
- 'A
' +
- ' ';
- compile(temp, [Simple], (view, lc) => {
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('SIMPLE(A)');
- async.done();
- });
- }));
- it('should support multiple content tags', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- var temp = '' +
- 'B
' +
- 'C
' +
- 'A
' +
- ' ';
- compile(temp, [MultipleContentTagsComponent], (view, lc) => {
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('(A, BC)');
- async.done();
- });
- }));
- it('should redistribute only direct children', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- var temp = '' +
- '' +
- 'C
' +
- ' ';
- compile(temp, [MultipleContentTagsComponent], (view, lc) => {
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('(, BAC)');
- async.done();
- });
- }));
- it("should redistribute direct child viewcontainers when the light dom changes", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- var temp = '' +
- '' +
- 'B
' +
- ' ';
- compile(temp, [MultipleContentTagsComponent, ManualViewportDirective], (view, lc) => {
- var dir = view.elementInjectors[1].get(ManualViewportDirective);
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('(, B)');
- lc.tick();
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('(, AB)');
- dir.hide();
- lc.tick();
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('(, B)');
- async.done();
- });
- }));
- it("should redistribute when the light dom changes", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- var temp = '' +
- 'A
' +
- 'B
' +
- ' ';
- compile(temp, [MultipleContentTagsComponent, ManualViewportDirective], (view, lc) => {
- var dir = view.elementInjectors[1].get(ManualViewportDirective);
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('(, B)');
- lc.tick();
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('(A, B)');
- dir.hide();
- lc.tick();
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('(, B)');
- async.done();
- });
- }));
- it("should support nested components", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- var temp = '' +
- 'A
' +
- 'B
' +
- ' ';
- compile(temp, [OuterWithIndirectNestedComponent], (view, lc) => {
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('OUTER(SIMPLE(AB))');
- async.done();
- });
- }));
- it("should support nesting with content being direct child of a nested component", inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- var temp = '' +
- 'A
' +
- 'B
' +
- 'C
' +
- ' ';
- compile(temp, [OuterComponent, ManualViewportDirective], (view, lc) => {
- var dir = view.elementInjectors[1].get(ManualViewportDirective);
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('OUTER(INNER(INNERINNER(,BC)))');
- lc.tick();
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('OUTER(INNER(INNERINNER(A,BC)))');
- async.done();
- });
- }));
- it('should redistribute when the shadow dom changes', inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
- var temp = '' +
- 'A
' +
- 'B
' +
- 'C
' +
- ' ';
- compile(temp, [ConditionalContentComponent, AutoViewportDirective], (view, lc) => {
- var cmp = view.elementInjectors[0].get(ConditionalContentComponent);
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('(, ABC)');
- cmp.showLeft();
- lc.tick();
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('(A, BC)');
- cmp.hideLeft();
- lc.tick();
- expect(view.nodes).toHaveText('(, ABC)');
- async.done();
- });
- }));
- //Implement once NgElement support changing a class
- //it("should redistribute when a class has been added or removed");
- //it('should not lose focus', () => {
- // var temp = `aaa bbb `;
- //
- // compile(temp, (view, lc) => {
- // var input = view.nodes[1];
- // input.focus();
- //
- // expect("focused-input");
- //
- // // update class of input
- //
- // expect("focused-input");
- // });
- //});
- });
- });
- });
-class TestDirectiveMetadataReader extends DirectiveMetadataReader {
- shadowDomStrategy;
- constructor(shadowDomStrategy) {
- super();
- this.shadowDomStrategy = shadowDomStrategy;
- }
- parseShadowDomStrategy(annotation:Component):ShadowDomStrategy{
- return this.shadowDomStrategy;
- }
- selector: '[manual]'
-class ManualViewportDirective {
- viewContainer;
- constructor(viewContainer:ViewContainer) {
- this.viewContainer = viewContainer;
- }
- show() { this.viewContainer.create(); }
- hide() { this.viewContainer.remove(0); }
- selector: '[auto]',
- bind: {
- 'auto': 'auto'
- }
-class AutoViewportDirective {
- viewContainer;
- constructor(viewContainer:ViewContainer) {
- this.viewContainer = viewContainer;
- }
- set auto(newValue:boolean) {
- if (newValue) {
- this.viewContainer.create();
- } else {
- this.viewContainer.remove(0);
- }
- }
-@Component({selector: 'simple'})
-@Template({inline: 'SIMPLE( )'})
-class Simple {
-@Component({selector: 'multiple-content-tags'})
- inline: '( , )'
-class MultipleContentTagsComponent {
-@Component({selector: 'conditional-content'})
- inline: '',
- directives: [AutoViewportDirective]
-class ConditionalContentComponent {
- cond:boolean;
- constructor() {
- this.cond = false;
- }
- showLeft() { this.cond = true; }
- hideLeft() { this.cond = false; }
-@Component({selector: 'outer-with-indirect-nested'})
- inline: 'OUTER(
- directives: [Simple]
-class OuterWithIndirectNestedComponent {
-@Component({selector: 'outer'})
- inline: 'OUTER( )',
- directives: [InnerComponent]
-class OuterComponent {
-@Component({selector: 'inner'})
- inline: 'INNER( )',
- directives: [InnerInnerComponent]
-class InnerComponent {
-@Component({selector: 'innerinner'})
- inline: 'INNERINNER( , )'
-class InnerInnerComponent {
-@Component({selector: 'my-comp'})
- directives: [MultipleContentTagsComponent, ManualViewportDirective,
- ConditionalContentComponent, OuterWithIndirectNestedComponent, OuterComponent]
-class MyComp {
-function createView(pv) {
- var view = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- view.hydrate(new Injector([]), null, null, {}, null);
- return view;
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy_spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7638a58d45..0000000000
--- a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy_spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-import {
- AsyncTestCompleter,
- beforeEach,
- ddescribe,
- describe,
- el,
- expect,
- iit,
- inject,
- it,
- SpyObject,
-} from 'angular2/test_lib';
-import {
- NativeShadowDomStrategy,
- EmulatedScopedShadowDomStrategy,
- EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy
-} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy';
-import {UrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/services/url_resolver';
-import {StyleUrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/style_url_resolver';
-import {StyleInliner} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/style_inliner';
-import {ProtoView} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view';
-import {XHR} from 'angular2/src/services/xhr';
-import {isPresent, isBlank} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
-import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
-import {Map, MapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
-import {PromiseWrapper, Promise} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
-import {DynamicProtoChangeDetector} from 'angular2/change_detection';
-export function main() {
- var strategy;
- describe('NativeShadowDomStratgey', () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- var urlResolver = new UrlResolver();
- var styleUrlResolver = new StyleUrlResolver(urlResolver);
- strategy = new NativeShadowDomStrategy(styleUrlResolver);
- });
- it('should attach the view nodes to the shadow root', () => {
- var host = el('
- var nodes = el('view
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, nodes, new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- var view = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- strategy.attachTemplate(host, view);
- var shadowRoot = DOM.getShadowRoot(host);
- expect(isPresent(shadowRoot)).toBeTruthy();
- expect(shadowRoot).toHaveText('view');
- });
- });
- describe('EmulatedScopedShadowDomStratgey', () => {
- var xhr, styleHost;
- beforeEach(() => {
- var urlResolver = new UrlResolver();
- var styleUrlResolver = new StyleUrlResolver(urlResolver);
- xhr = new FakeXHR();
- var styleInliner = new StyleInliner(xhr, styleUrlResolver, urlResolver);
- styleHost = el('
- strategy = new EmulatedScopedShadowDomStrategy(styleInliner, styleUrlResolver, styleHost);
- });
- it('should attach the view nodes as child of the host element', () => {
- var host = el('original content
- var nodes = el('view
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, nodes, new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- var view = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- strategy.attachTemplate(host, view);
- var firstChild = DOM.firstChild(host);
- expect(DOM.tagName(firstChild).toLowerCase()).toEqual('div');
- expect(firstChild).toHaveText('view');
- expect(host).toHaveText('view');
- });
- });
- describe('EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStratgey', () => {
- var styleHost;
- beforeEach(() => {
- var urlResolver = new UrlResolver();
- var styleUrlResolver = new StyleUrlResolver(urlResolver);
- styleHost = el('
- strategy = new EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy(styleUrlResolver, styleHost);
- });
- it('should attach the view nodes as child of the host element', () => {
- var host = el('original content
- var nodes = el('view
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, nodes, new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- var view = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- strategy.attachTemplate(host, view);
- var firstChild = DOM.firstChild(host);
- expect(DOM.tagName(firstChild).toLowerCase()).toEqual('div');
- expect(firstChild).toHaveText('view');
- expect(host).toHaveText('view');
- });
- });
-class FakeXHR extends XHR {
- _responses: Map;
- constructor() {
- super();
- this._responses = MapWrapper.create();
- }
- get(url: string): Promise {
- var response = MapWrapper.get(this._responses, url);
- if (isBlank(response)) {
- return PromiseWrapper.reject('xhr error');
- }
- return PromiseWrapper.resolve(response);
- }
- reply(url: string, response: string) {
- MapWrapper.set(this._responses, url, response);
- }
-class SomeComponent {}
-class SomeOtherComponent {}
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/view_container_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/view_container_spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ee8b88980c..0000000000
--- a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/view_container_spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-import {describe, xit, it, expect, beforeEach, ddescribe, iit, el, proxy} from 'angular2/test_lib';
-import {View, ProtoView} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view';
-import {ViewContainer} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_container';
-import {IMPLEMENTS} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
-import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
-import {ListWrapper, MapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
-import {Injector} from 'angular2/di';
-import {ProtoElementInjector, ElementInjector} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/element_injector';
-import {NativeShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy';
-import {DynamicProtoChangeDetector, ChangeDetector, Lexer, Parser} from 'angular2/change_detection';
-function createView(nodes) {
- var view = new View(null, nodes, MapWrapper.create());
- var cd = new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null).instantiate(view, [], null, []);
- view.init(cd, [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []);
- return view;
-class AttachableChangeDetector {
- parent;
- constructor() {
- }
- remove() {
- this.parent = null;
- }
- noSuchMethod(i) {
- super.noSuchMethod(i);
- }
-class HydrateAwareFakeView {
- isHydrated: boolean;
- nodes: List;
- changeDetector: ChangeDetector;
- rootElementInjectors;
- constructor(isHydrated) {
- this.isHydrated = isHydrated;
- this.nodes = [DOM.createElement('div')];
- this.rootElementInjectors = [];
- this.changeDetector = new AttachableChangeDetector();
- }
- hydrated() {
- return this.isHydrated;
- }
- hydrate(_, __, ___, ____, _____) {
- this.isHydrated = true;
- }
- dehydrate() {
- this.isHydrated = false;
- }
- noSuchMethod(i) {
- super.noSuchMethod(i);
- }
-export function main() {
- describe('ViewContainer', () => {
- var viewContainer, parentView, protoView, dom, customViewWithOneNode,
- customViewWithTwoNodes, elementInjector;
- beforeEach(() => {
- dom = el(``);
- var insertionElement = dom.childNodes[1];
- parentView = createView([dom.childNodes[0]]);
- protoView = new ProtoView(null, el('hi
'), new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null),
- new NativeShadowDomStrategy(null));
- elementInjector = new ElementInjector(null, null, null);
- viewContainer = new ViewContainer(parentView, insertionElement, protoView, elementInjector,
- null);
- customViewWithOneNode = createView([el('single
- customViewWithTwoNodes = createView([el('one
'), el('two
- });
- describe('when dehydrated', () => {
- it('should throw if create is called', () => {
- expect(() => viewContainer.create()).toThrowError();
- });
- });
- describe('when hydrated', () => {
- function textInViewContainer() {
- var out = '';
- // skipping starting filler, insert-me and final filler.
- for (var i = 2; i < dom.childNodes.length - 1; i++) {
- if (i != 2) out += ' ';
- out += DOM.getInnerHTML(dom.childNodes[i]);
- }
- return out;
- }
- beforeEach(() => {
- viewContainer.hydrate(new Injector([]), null, null);
- var fillerView = createView([el('filler ')]);
- viewContainer.insert(fillerView);
- });
- it('should create new views from protoView', () => {
- viewContainer.create();
- expect(textInViewContainer()).toEqual('filler hi');
- expect(viewContainer.length).toBe(2);
- });
- it('should create new views from protoView at index', () => {
- viewContainer.create(0);
- expect(textInViewContainer()).toEqual('hi filler');
- expect(viewContainer.length).toBe(2);
- });
- it('should insert new views at the end by default', () => {
- viewContainer.insert(customViewWithOneNode);
- expect(textInViewContainer()).toEqual('filler single');
- expect(viewContainer.get(1)).toBe(customViewWithOneNode);
- expect(viewContainer.length).toBe(2);
- });
- it('should insert new views at the given index', () => {
- viewContainer.insert(customViewWithOneNode, 0);
- expect(textInViewContainer()).toEqual('single filler');
- expect(viewContainer.get(0)).toBe(customViewWithOneNode);
- expect(viewContainer.length).toBe(2);
- });
- it('should remove the last view by default', () => {
- viewContainer.insert(customViewWithOneNode);
- viewContainer.remove();
- expect(textInViewContainer()).toEqual('filler');
- expect(viewContainer.length).toBe(1);
- });
- it('should remove the view at a given index', () => {
- viewContainer.insert(customViewWithOneNode);
- viewContainer.insert(customViewWithTwoNodes);
- viewContainer.remove(1);
- expect(textInViewContainer()).toEqual('filler one two');
- expect(viewContainer.get(1)).toBe(customViewWithTwoNodes);
- expect(viewContainer.length).toBe(2);
- });
- it('should detach the last view by default', () => {
- viewContainer.insert(customViewWithOneNode);
- expect(viewContainer.length).toBe(2);
- var detachedView = viewContainer.detach();
- expect(detachedView).toBe(customViewWithOneNode);
- expect(textInViewContainer()).toEqual('filler');
- expect(viewContainer.length).toBe(1);
- });
- it('should detach the view at a given index', () => {
- viewContainer.insert(customViewWithOneNode);
- viewContainer.insert(customViewWithTwoNodes);
- expect(viewContainer.length).toBe(3);
- var detachedView = viewContainer.detach(1);
- expect(detachedView).toBe(customViewWithOneNode);
- expect(textInViewContainer()).toEqual('filler one two');
- expect(viewContainer.length).toBe(2);
- });
- it('should keep views hydration state during insert', () => {
- var hydratedView = new HydrateAwareFakeView(true);
- var dehydratedView = new HydrateAwareFakeView(false);
- viewContainer.insert(hydratedView);
- viewContainer.insert(dehydratedView);
- expect(hydratedView.hydrated()).toBe(true);
- expect(dehydratedView.hydrated()).toBe(false);
- });
- it('should dehydrate on remove', () => {
- var hydratedView = new HydrateAwareFakeView(true);
- viewContainer.insert(hydratedView);
- viewContainer.remove();
- expect(hydratedView.hydrated()).toBe(false);
- });
- it('should keep views hydration state during detach', () => {
- var hydratedView = new HydrateAwareFakeView(true);
- var dehydratedView = new HydrateAwareFakeView(false);
- viewContainer.insert(hydratedView);
- viewContainer.insert(dehydratedView);
- expect(viewContainer.detach().hydrated()).toBe(false);
- expect(viewContainer.detach().hydrated()).toBe(true);
- });
- it('should support adding/removing views with more than one node', () => {
- viewContainer.insert(customViewWithTwoNodes);
- viewContainer.insert(customViewWithOneNode);
- expect(textInViewContainer()).toEqual('filler one two single');
- viewContainer.remove(1);
- expect(textInViewContainer()).toEqual('filler single');
- });
- });
- describe('should update injectors and parent views.', () => {
- var fancyView;
- beforeEach(() => {
- var parser = new Parser(new Lexer());
- viewContainer.hydrate(new Injector([]), null, null);
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el('{{}}
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), new NativeShadowDomStrategy(null));
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, new ProtoElementInjector(null, 1, [SomeDirective]));
- pv.bindTextNode(0, parser.parseBinding('foo', null));
- fancyView = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- });
- it('hydrating should update rootElementInjectors and parent change detector', () => {
- viewContainer.insert(fancyView);
- ListWrapper.forEach(fancyView.rootElementInjectors, (inj) =>
- expect(inj.parent).toBe(elementInjector));
- expect(parentView.changeDetector.lightDomChildren.length).toBe(1);
- });
- it('dehydrating should update rootElementInjectors and parent change detector', () => {
- viewContainer.insert(fancyView);
- viewContainer.remove();
- ListWrapper.forEach(fancyView.rootElementInjectors, (inj) =>
- expect(inj.parent).toBe(null));
- expect(parentView.changeDetector.lightDomChildren.length).toBe(0);
- expect(viewContainer.length).toBe(0);
- });
- });
- });
-class SomeDirective {
- prop;
- constructor() {
- this.prop = 'foo';
- }
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/view_pool_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/view_pool_spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3146233244..0000000000
--- a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/view_pool_spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-import {describe, xit, it, expect, beforeEach, ddescribe, iit, el, proxy} from 'angular2/test_lib';
-import {View} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view';
-import {ViewPool} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_pool';
-import {IMPLEMENTS} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
-class FakeView {
- noSuchMethod(i) {
- super.noSuchMethod(i);
- }
-export function main() {
- describe('ViewPool', () => {
- var viewPool, capacity = 3;
- beforeEach(() => {
- viewPool = new ViewPool(capacity);
- })
- it('should return null when there are no views', () => {
- expect(viewPool.pop()).toBeNull();
- expect(viewPool.length()).toBe(0);
- })
- it('should support storing and retrieving a view', () => {
- var view = new FakeView();
- viewPool.push(view);
- expect(viewPool.length()).toBe(1);
- expect(viewPool.pop()).toBe(view);
- expect(viewPool.length()).toBe(0);
- })
- it('should not store more views that its capacity', () => {
- for (var i = 0; i < capacity * 2; i++) viewPool.push(new FakeView());
- expect(viewPool.length()).toBe(capacity);
- for (var i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
- expect(viewPool.pop()).not.toBe(null);
- }
- expect(viewPool.pop()).toBeNull();
- })
- })
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/view_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/view_spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b8c523fa66..0000000000
--- a/modules/angular2/test/core/compiler/view_spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,787 +0,0 @@
-import {describe, xit, it, expect, beforeEach, ddescribe, iit, el, proxy} from 'angular2/test_lib';
-import {ProtoView, ElementPropertyMemento, DirectivePropertyMemento} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view';
-import {ProtoElementInjector, ElementInjector, DirectiveBinding} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/element_injector';
-import {EmulatedScopedShadowDomStrategy, NativeShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy';
-import {DirectiveMetadataReader} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/directive_metadata_reader';
-import {Component, Decorator, Viewport, Directive, onChange, onAllChangesDone} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations';
-import {Lexer, Parser, DynamicProtoChangeDetector,
- ChangeDetector} from 'angular2/change_detection';
-import {EventEmitter} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/di';
-import {List, MapWrapper, StringMapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
-import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
-import {int, IMPLEMENTS} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
-import {Injector} from 'angular2/di';
-import {View} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view';
-import {ViewContainer} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_container';
-import {VmTurnZone} from 'angular2/src/core/zone/vm_turn_zone';
-import {EventManager, DomEventsPlugin} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/events/event_manager';
-import {reflector} from 'angular2/src/reflection/reflection';
-class DummyDirective extends Directive {
- constructor({lifecycle} = {}) { super({lifecycle: lifecycle}); }
-class FakeViewContainer {
- templateElement;
- constructor(templateElement) {
- this.templateElement = templateElement;
- }
- noSuchMethod(i) {
- super.noSuchMethod(i);
- }
-class FakeView {
- noSuchMethod(i) {
- super.noSuchMethod(i);
- }
-export function main() {
- describe('view', function() {
- var parser, someComponentDirective, someViewportDirective;
- function createView(protoView, eventManager: EventManager = null) {
- var ctx = new MyEvaluationContext();
- var view = protoView.instantiate(null, eventManager);
- view.hydrate(null, null, null, ctx, null);
- return view;
- }
- beforeEach(() => {
- parser = new Parser(new Lexer());
- someComponentDirective = readDirectiveBinding(SomeComponent);
- someViewportDirective = readDirectiveBinding(SomeViewport);
- });
- describe('instantiated from protoView', () => {
- var view;
- beforeEach(() => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el('
'), new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- view = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- });
- it('should be dehydrated by default', () => {
- expect(view.hydrated()).toBe(false);
- });
- it('should be able to be hydrated and dehydrated', () => {
- var ctx = new Object();
- view.hydrate(null, null, null, ctx, null);
- expect(view.hydrated()).toBe(true);
- view.dehydrate();
- expect(view.hydrated()).toBe(false);
- });
- it('should hydrate and dehydrate the change detector', () => {
- var ctx = new Object();
- view.hydrate(null, null, null, ctx, null);
- expect(view.changeDetector.hydrated()).toBe(true);
- view.dehydrate();
- expect(view.changeDetector.hydrated()).toBe(false);
- });
- it('should use the view pool to reuse views', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el('
'), new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- var fakeView = new FakeView();
- pv.returnToPool(fakeView);
- expect(pv.instantiate(null, null)).toBe(fakeView);
- });
- });
- describe('with locals', function() {
- var view;
- beforeEach(() => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el('
'), new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- pv.bindVariable('context-foo', 'template-foo');
- view = createView(pv);
- });
- it('should support setting of declared locals', () => {
- view.setLocal('context-foo', 'bar');
- expect(view.locals.get('template-foo')).toBe('bar');
- });
- it('should not throw on undeclared locals', () => {
- expect(() => view.setLocal('setMePlease', 'bar')).not.toThrow();
- });
- it('when dehydrated should set locals to null', () => {
- view.setLocal('context-foo', 'bar');
- view.dehydrate();
- view.hydrate(null, null, null, new Object(), null);
- expect(view.locals.get('template-foo')).toBe(null);
- });
- it('should throw when trying to set on dehydrated view', () => {
- view.dehydrate();
- expect(() => view.setLocal('context-foo', 'bar')).toThrowError();
- });
- });
- describe('instantiated and hydrated', function() {
- function createCollectDomNodesTestCases(useTemplateElement:boolean) {
- function templateAwareCreateElement(html) {
- return el(useTemplateElement ? `${html} ` : html);
- }
- it('should collect the root node in the ProtoView element', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, templateAwareCreateElement('
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- var view = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- view.hydrate(null, null, null, null, null);
- expect(view.nodes.length).toBe(1);
- expect(DOM.getAttribute(view.nodes[0], 'id')).toEqual('1');
- });
- describe('collect elements with property bindings', () => {
- it('should collect property bindings on the root element if it has the ng-binding class', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, templateAwareCreateElement('
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, null);
- pv.bindElementProperty(parser.parseBinding('a', null), 'prop', reflector.setter('prop'));
- var view = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- view.hydrate(null, null, null, null, null);
- expect(view.bindElements.length).toEqual(1);
- expect(view.bindElements[0]).toBe(view.nodes[0]);
- });
- it('should collect property bindings on child elements with ng-binding class', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, templateAwareCreateElement('
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, null);
- pv.bindElementProperty(parser.parseBinding('b', null), 'a', reflector.setter('a'));
- var view = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- view.hydrate(null, null, null, null, null);
- expect(view.bindElements.length).toEqual(1);
- expect(view.bindElements[0]).toBe(view.nodes[0].childNodes[1]);
- });
- });
- describe('collect text nodes with bindings', () => {
- it('should collect text nodes under the root element', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, templateAwareCreateElement('{{}} {{}}
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, null);
- pv.bindTextNode(0, parser.parseBinding('a', null));
- pv.bindTextNode(2, parser.parseBinding('b', null));
- var view = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- view.hydrate(null, null, null, null, null);
- expect(view.textNodes.length).toEqual(2);
- expect(view.textNodes[0]).toBe(view.nodes[0].childNodes[0]);
- expect(view.textNodes[1]).toBe(view.nodes[0].childNodes[2]);
- });
- it('should collect text nodes with bindings on child elements with ng-binding class', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, templateAwareCreateElement(' {{}}
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, null);
- pv.bindTextNode(0, parser.parseBinding('b', null));
- var view = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- view.hydrate(null, null, null, null, null);
- expect(view.textNodes.length).toEqual(1);
- expect(view.textNodes[0]).toBe(view.nodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[0]);
- });
- });
- }
- describe('inplace instantiation', () => {
- it('should be supported.', () => {
- var template = el('
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, template, new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null),
- new NativeShadowDomStrategy(null));
- pv.instantiateInPlace = true;
- var view = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- view.hydrate(null, null, null, null, null);
- expect(view.nodes[0]).toBe(template);
- });
- it('should be off by default.', () => {
- var template = el('
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, template, new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null),
- new NativeShadowDomStrategy(null))
- var view = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- view.hydrate(null, null, null, null, null);
- expect(view.nodes[0]).not.toBe(template);
- });
- });
- describe('collect dom nodes with a regular element as root', () => {
- createCollectDomNodesTestCases(false);
- });
- describe('collect dom nodes with a template element as root', () => {
- createCollectDomNodesTestCases(true);
- });
- describe('create ElementInjectors', () => {
- it('should use the directives of the ProtoElementInjector', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el('
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, new ProtoElementInjector(null, 1, [SomeDirective]));
- var view = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- view.hydrate(null, null, null, null, null);
- expect(view.elementInjectors.length).toBe(1);
- expect(view.elementInjectors[0].get(SomeDirective) instanceof SomeDirective).toBe(true);
- });
- it('should use the correct parent', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el('
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- var protoParent = new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [SomeDirective]);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, protoParent);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, new ProtoElementInjector(protoParent, 1, [AnotherDirective]));
- var view = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- view.hydrate(null, null, null, null, null);
- expect(view.elementInjectors.length).toBe(2);
- expect(view.elementInjectors[0].get(SomeDirective) instanceof SomeDirective).toBe(true);
- expect(view.elementInjectors[1].parent).toBe(view.elementInjectors[0]);
- });
- it('should not pass the host injector when a parent injector exists', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el('
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- var protoParent = new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [SomeDirective]);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, protoParent);
- var testProtoElementInjector = new TestProtoElementInjector(protoParent, 1, [AnotherDirective]);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, testProtoElementInjector);
- var hostProtoInjector = new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, []);
- var hostInjector = hostProtoInjector.instantiate(null, null);
- var view;
- expect(() => view = pv.instantiate(hostInjector, null)).not.toThrow();
- expect(testProtoElementInjector.parentElementInjector).toBe(view.elementInjectors[0]);
- expect(testProtoElementInjector.hostElementInjector).toBeNull();
- });
- it('should pass the host injector when there is no parent injector', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el('
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [SomeDirective]));
- var testProtoElementInjector = new TestProtoElementInjector(null, 1, [AnotherDirective]);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, testProtoElementInjector);
- var hostProtoInjector = new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, []);
- var hostInjector = hostProtoInjector.instantiate(null, null);
- expect(() => pv.instantiate(hostInjector, null)).not.toThrow();
- expect(testProtoElementInjector.parentElementInjector).toBeNull();
- expect(testProtoElementInjector.hostElementInjector).toBe(hostInjector);
- });
- });
- describe('collect root element injectors', () => {
- it('should collect a single root element injector', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el('
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- var protoParent = new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [SomeDirective]);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, protoParent);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, new ProtoElementInjector(protoParent, 1, [AnotherDirective]));
- var view = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- view.hydrate(null, null, null, null, null);
- expect(view.rootElementInjectors.length).toBe(1);
- expect(view.rootElementInjectors[0].get(SomeDirective) instanceof SomeDirective).toBe(true);
- });
- it('should collect multiple root element injectors', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el('
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, new ProtoElementInjector(null, 1, [SomeDirective]));
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, new ProtoElementInjector(null, 2, [AnotherDirective]));
- var view = pv.instantiate(null, null);
- view.hydrate(null, null, null, null, null);
- expect(view.rootElementInjectors.length).toBe(2)
- expect(view.rootElementInjectors[0].get(SomeDirective) instanceof SomeDirective).toBe(true);
- expect(view.rootElementInjectors[1].get(AnotherDirective) instanceof AnotherDirective).toBe(true);
- });
- });
- describe('with component views', () => {
- var ctx;
- function createComponentWithSubPV(subProtoView) {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el(' '),
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), new NativeShadowDomStrategy(null));
- var binder = pv.bindElement(null, 0, new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [SomeComponent], true));
- binder.componentDirective = someComponentDirective;
- binder.nestedProtoView = subProtoView;
- return pv;
- }
- function createNestedView(protoView) {
- ctx = new MyEvaluationContext();
- var view = protoView.instantiate(null, null);
- view.hydrate(new Injector([]), null, null, ctx, null);
- return view;
- }
- it('should expose component services to the component', () => {
- var subpv = new ProtoView(null, el(' '), new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- var pv = createComponentWithSubPV(subpv);
- var view = createNestedView(pv);
- var comp = view.rootElementInjectors[0].get(SomeComponent);
- expect(comp.service).toBeAnInstanceOf(SomeService);
- });
- it('should expose component services and component instance to directives in the shadow Dom',
- () => {
- var subpv = new ProtoView(null,
- el('hello shadow dom
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null),
- null);
- subpv.bindElement(null, 0,
- new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [ServiceDependentDecorator]));
- var pv = createComponentWithSubPV(subpv);
- var view = createNestedView(pv);
- var subView = view.componentChildViews[0];
- var subInj = subView.rootElementInjectors[0];
- var subDecorator = subInj.get(ServiceDependentDecorator);
- var comp = view.rootElementInjectors[0].get(SomeComponent);
- expect(subDecorator).toBeAnInstanceOf(ServiceDependentDecorator);
- expect(subDecorator.service).toBe(comp.service);
- expect(subDecorator.component).toBe(comp);
- });
- function expectViewHasNoDirectiveInstances(view) {
- view.elementInjectors.forEach((inj) => expect(inj.hasInstances()).toBe(false));
- }
- it('dehydration should dehydrate child component views too', () => {
- var subpv = new ProtoView(null,
- el('hello shadow dom
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null),
- null);
- subpv.bindElement(null, 0,
- new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [ServiceDependentDecorator]));
- var pv = createComponentWithSubPV(subpv);
- var view = createNestedView(pv);
- view.dehydrate();
- expect(view.hydrated()).toBe(false);
- expectViewHasNoDirectiveInstances(view);
- view.componentChildViews.forEach(
- (view) => expectViewHasNoDirectiveInstances(view));
- });
- it('should create shadow dom (Native Strategy)', () => {
- var subpv = new ProtoView(null, el('hello shadow dom '),
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null),
- null);
- var pv = createComponentWithSubPV(subpv);
- var view = createNestedView(pv);
- expect(view.nodes[0].shadowRoot.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue).toEqual('hello shadow dom');
- });
- it('should emulate shadow dom (Emulated Strategy)', () => {
- var subpv = new ProtoView(null, el('hello shadow dom '),
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el(' '),
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), new EmulatedScopedShadowDomStrategy(null, null, null));
- var binder = pv.bindElement(null, 0, new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [SomeComponent], true));
- binder.componentDirective = readDirectiveBinding(SomeComponent);
- binder.nestedProtoView = subpv;
- var view = createNestedView(pv);
- expect(view.nodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue).toEqual('hello shadow dom');
- });
- });
- describe('with template views', () => {
- function createViewWithViewport() {
- var templateProtoView = new ProtoView(null,
- el('
'), new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el(' '),
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), new NativeShadowDomStrategy(null));
- var binder = pv.bindElement(null, 0, new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [SomeViewport]));
- binder.viewportDirective = someViewportDirective;
- binder.nestedProtoView = templateProtoView;
- return createView(pv);
- }
- it('should create a ViewContainer for the Viewport directive', () => {
- var view = createViewWithViewport();
- var tmplComp = view.rootElementInjectors[0].get(SomeViewport);
- expect(tmplComp.viewContainer).not.toBe(null);
- });
- it('dehydration should dehydrate viewcontainers', () => {
- var view = createViewWithViewport();
- var tmplComp = view.rootElementInjectors[0].get(SomeViewport);
- expect(tmplComp.viewContainer.hydrated()).toBe(false);
- });
- });
- if (DOM.supportsDOMEvents()) {
- describe('event handlers', () => {
- var view, ctx, called, receivedEvent, dispatchedEvent;
- function createViewAndContext(protoView) {
- view = createView(protoView,
- new EventManager([new DomEventsPlugin()], new FakeVmTurnZone()));
- ctx = view.context;
- called = 0;
- receivedEvent = null;
- ctx.callMe = (event) => {
- called += 1;
- receivedEvent = event;
- }
- }
- function dispatchClick(el) {
- dispatchedEvent = DOM.createMouseEvent('click');
- DOM.dispatchEvent(el, dispatchedEvent);
- }
- function createProtoView() {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el(''),
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, new TestProtoElementInjector(null, 0, []));
- pv.bindEvent('click', parser.parseBinding('callMe($event)', null));
- return pv;
- }
- it('should fire on non-bubbling native events', () => {
- createViewAndContext(createProtoView());
- dispatchClick(view.nodes[0]);
- expect(called).toEqual(1);
- expect(receivedEvent).toBe(dispatchedEvent);
- });
- it('should not fire on a bubbled native events', () => {
- createViewAndContext(createProtoView());
- dispatchClick(view.nodes[0].firstChild);
- // This test passes trivially on webkit browsers due to
- //
- expect(called).toEqual(0);
- });
- it('should not throw if the view is dehydrated', () => {
- createViewAndContext(createProtoView());
- view.dehydrate();
- expect(() => dispatchClick(view.nodes[0])).not.toThrow();
- expect(called).toEqual(0);
- });
- it('should support custom event emitters', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el(''),
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, new TestProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [EventEmitterDirective]));
- pv.bindEvent('click', parser.parseBinding('callMe($event)', null));
- createViewAndContext(pv);
- var dir = view.elementInjectors[0].get(EventEmitterDirective);
- var dispatchedEvent = new Object();
- expect(receivedEvent).toBe(dispatchedEvent);
- expect(called).toEqual(1);
- // Should not eval the binding, because custom emitter takes over.
- dispatchClick(view.nodes[0]);
- expect(called).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('should bind to directive events', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el('
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [SomeDirectiveWithEventHandler]));
- pv.bindEvent('click', parser.parseAction('onEvent($event)', null), 0);
- view = createView(pv, new EventManager([new DomEventsPlugin()], new FakeVmTurnZone()));
- var directive = view.elementInjectors[0].get(SomeDirectiveWithEventHandler);
- expect(directive.event).toEqual(null);
- dispatchClick(view.nodes[0]);
- expect(directive.event).toBe(dispatchedEvent);
- });
- });
- }
- describe('react to record changes', () => {
- var view, cd, ctx;
- function createViewAndChangeDetector(protoView) {
- view = createView(protoView);
- ctx = view.context;
- cd = view.changeDetector;
- }
- it('should consume text node changes', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el('{{}}
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, null);
- pv.bindTextNode(0, parser.parseBinding('foo', null));
- createViewAndChangeDetector(pv);
- = 'buz';
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(view.textNodes[0].nodeValue).toEqual('buz');
- });
- it('should consume element binding changes', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el('
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, null);
- pv.bindElementProperty(parser.parseBinding('foo', null), 'id', reflector.setter('id'));
- createViewAndChangeDetector(pv);
- = 'buz';
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(view.bindElements[0].id).toEqual('buz');
- });
- it('should consume directive watch expression change', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el('
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [SomeDirective]));
- pv.bindDirectiveProperty(0, parser.parseBinding('foo', null), 'prop', reflector.setter('prop'));
- createViewAndChangeDetector(pv);
- = 'buz';
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(view.elementInjectors[0].get(SomeDirective).prop).toEqual('buz');
- });
- it('should notify a directive about changes after all its properties have been set', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el('
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [
- DirectiveBinding.createFromType(DirectiveImplementingOnChange,
- new DummyDirective({lifecycle: [onChange]}))
- ]));
- pv.bindDirectiveProperty( 0, parser.parseBinding('a', null), 'a', reflector.setter('a'));
- pv.bindDirectiveProperty( 0, parser.parseBinding('b', null), 'b', reflector.setter('b'));
- createViewAndChangeDetector(pv);
- ctx.a = 100;
- ctx.b = 200;
- cd.detectChanges();
- var directive = view.elementInjectors[0].get(DirectiveImplementingOnChange);
- expect(directive.c).toEqual(300);
- });
- it('should provide a map of updated properties using onChange callback', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el('
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [
- DirectiveBinding.createFromType(DirectiveImplementingOnChange,
- new DummyDirective({lifecycle: [onChange]}))
- ]));
- pv.bindDirectiveProperty( 0, parser.parseBinding('a', null), 'a', reflector.setter('a'));
- pv.bindDirectiveProperty( 0, parser.parseBinding('b', null), 'b', reflector.setter('b'));
- createViewAndChangeDetector(pv);
- var directive = view.elementInjectors[0].get(DirectiveImplementingOnChange);
- ctx.a = 0;
- ctx.b = 0;
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(directive.changes["a"].currentValue).toEqual(0);
- expect(directive.changes["b"].currentValue).toEqual(0);
- ctx.a = 100;
- cd.detectChanges();
- expect(directive.changes["a"].currentValue).toEqual(100);
- expect(StringMapWrapper.contains(directive.changes, "b")).toBe(false);
- });
- it('should invoke the onAllChangesDone callback', () => {
- var pv = new ProtoView(null, el('
- new DynamicProtoChangeDetector(null, null), null);
- pv.bindElement(null, 0, new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, [
- DirectiveBinding.createFromType(DirectiveImplementingOnAllChangesDone,
- new DummyDirective({lifecycle: [onAllChangesDone]}))
- ]));
- createViewAndChangeDetector(pv);
- cd.detectChanges();
- var directive = view.elementInjectors[0].get(DirectiveImplementingOnAllChangesDone);
- expect(directive.onAllChangesDoneCalled).toBe(true);
- });
- });
- });
- });
-function readDirectiveBinding(type) {
- var meta = new DirectiveMetadataReader().read(type);
- return DirectiveBinding.createFromType(type, meta.annotation);
-class SomeDirective {
- prop;
- constructor() {
- this.prop = 'foo';
- }
-class DirectiveImplementingOnChange {
- a;
- b;
- c;
- changes;
- onChange(changes) {
- this.c = this.a + this.b;
- this.changes = changes;
- }
-class DirectiveImplementingOnAllChangesDone {
- onAllChangesDoneCalled;
- onAllChangesDone() {
- this.onAllChangesDoneCalled = true;
- }
-class SomeService {}
-@Component({services: [SomeService]})
-class SomeComponent {
- service: SomeService;
- constructor(service: SomeService) {
- this.service = service;
- }
- selector: '[dec]'
-class ServiceDependentDecorator {
- component: SomeComponent;
- service: SomeService;
- constructor(component: SomeComponent, service: SomeService) {
- this.component = component;
- this.service = service;
- }
- selector: 'someTmpl'
-class SomeViewport {
- viewContainer: ViewContainer;
- constructor(viewContainer: ViewContainer) {
- this.viewContainer = viewContainer;
- }
-class AnotherDirective {
- prop:string;
- constructor() {
- this.prop = 'anotherFoo';
- }
-class EventEmitterDirective {
- _clicker:Function;
- constructor(@EventEmitter('click') clicker:Function) {
- this._clicker = clicker;
- }
- click(eventData) {
- this._clicker(eventData);
- }
-class SomeDirectiveWithEventHandler {
- event;
- constructor() {
- this.event = null;
- }
- onEvent(event) {
- this.event = event;
- }
-class MyEvaluationContext {
- foo:string;
- a;
- b;
- callMe;
- constructor() {
- = 'bar';
- };
-class TestProtoElementInjector extends ProtoElementInjector {
- parentElementInjector: ElementInjector;
- hostElementInjector: ElementInjector;
- constructor(parent:ProtoElementInjector, index:int, bindings:List, firstBindingIsComponent:boolean = false) {
- super(parent, index, bindings, firstBindingIsComponent);
- }
- instantiate(parent:ElementInjector, host:ElementInjector):ElementInjector {
- this.parentElementInjector = parent;
- this.hostElementInjector = host;
- return super.instantiate(parent, host);
- }
-class FakeVmTurnZone extends VmTurnZone {
- constructor() {
- super({enableLongStackTrace: false});
- }
- run(fn) {
- fn();
- }
- runOutsideAngular(fn) {
- fn();
- }
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/directives/class_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/directives/class_spec.js
index f05988a525..26e1b4ccbb 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/test/directives/class_spec.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/test/directives/class_spec.js
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: template}).then((view) => {
- expect(view.nodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding foo');
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding foo');
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: template}).then((view) => {
- expect(view.nodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding foo');
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding foo');
view.context.condition = false;
- expect(view.nodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding bar');
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding bar');
@@ -59,19 +59,19 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: template}).then((view) => {
- expect(view.nodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding foo');
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding foo');
StringMapWrapper.set(view.context.expr, 'bar', true);
- expect(view.nodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding foo bar');
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding foo bar');
StringMapWrapper.set(view.context.expr, 'baz', true);
- expect(view.nodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding foo bar baz');
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding foo bar baz');
StringMapWrapper.delete(view.context.expr, 'bar');
- expect(view.nodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding foo baz');
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding foo baz');
@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: template}).then((view) => {
- expect(view.nodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding foo');
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding foo');
view.context.expr = null;
- expect(view.nodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding foo');
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding foo');
view.context.expr = {'foo': false, 'bar': true};
- expect(view.nodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding bar');
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].className).toEqual('ng-binding bar');
@@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: template}).then((view) => {
StringMapWrapper.set(view.context.expr, 'bar', true);
- expect(view.nodes[0].className).toEqual('init foo ng-binding bar');
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].className).toEqual('init foo ng-binding bar');
StringMapWrapper.set(view.context.expr, 'foo', false);
- expect(view.nodes[0].className).toEqual('init ng-binding bar');
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].className).toEqual('init ng-binding bar');
@@ -120,19 +120,19 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: template}).then((view) => {
- expect(view.nodes[0].className).toEqual('init foo ng-binding baz');
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].className).toEqual('init foo ng-binding baz');
StringMapWrapper.set(view.context.expr, 'bar', true);
- expect(view.nodes[0].className).toEqual('init foo ng-binding baz bar');
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].className).toEqual('init foo ng-binding baz bar');
StringMapWrapper.set(view.context.expr, 'foo', false);
- expect(view.nodes[0].className).toEqual('init ng-binding baz bar');
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].className).toEqual('init ng-binding baz bar');
view.context.condition = false;
- expect(view.nodes[0].className).toEqual('init ng-binding bar');
+ expect(view.rootNodes[0].className).toEqual('init ng-binding bar');
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/directives/for_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/directives/for_spec.js
index 143ca97d85..cfdb958cd9 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/test/directives/for_spec.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/test/directives/for_spec.js
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ export function main() {
it('should reflect initial elements', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: TEMPLATE}).then((view) => {
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('1;2;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('1;2;');
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ export function main() {
ListWrapper.push(view.context.items, 3);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('1;2;3;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('1;2;3;');
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ export function main() {
ListWrapper.removeAt(view.context.items, 1);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('1;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('1;');
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ export function main() {
ListWrapper.push(view.context.items, 1);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('2;1;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('2;1;');
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ export function main() {
view.context.items = [6, 2, 7, 0, 4, 8];
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('6;2;7;0;4;8;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('6;2;7;0;4;8;');
@@ -94,20 +94,20 @@ export function main() {
view.context.items = [{'name': 'misko'}, {'name':'shyam'}];
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('misko;shyam;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('misko;shyam;');
ListWrapper.push(view.context.items, {'name': 'adam'});
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('misko;shyam;adam;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('misko;shyam;adam;');
ListWrapper.removeAt(view.context.items, 2);
ListWrapper.removeAt(view.context.items, 0);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('shyam;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('shyam;');
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ export function main() {
var template = '';
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: template}).then((view) => {
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('');
@@ -125,15 +125,15 @@ export function main() {
inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: TEMPLATE}).then((view) => {
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('1;2;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('1;2;');
view.context.items = null;
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('');
view.context.items = [1, 2, 3];
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('1;2;3;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('1;2;3;');
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ export function main() {
it('should throw on ref changing to string', inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: TEMPLATE}).then((view) => {
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('1;2;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('1;2;');
view.context.items = 'whaaa';
expect(() => view.detectChanges()).toThrowError();
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ export function main() {
var a = new Foo();
view.context.items = [a, a];
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('foo;foo;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('foo;foo;');
@@ -174,11 +174,11 @@ export function main() {
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('a-2;b-2;|c-1;|');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('a-2;b-2;|c-1;|');
view.context.items = [['e'], ['f', 'g']];
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('e-1;|f-2;g-2;|');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('e-1;|f-2;g-2;|');
@@ -195,11 +195,11 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: template}).then((view) => {
view.context.items = [['a', 'b'], ['c']];
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('a-2;b-2;c-1;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('a-2;b-2;c-1;');
view.context.items = [['e'], ['f', 'g']];
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('e-1;f-2;g-2;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('e-1;f-2;g-2;');
@@ -212,11 +212,11 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: template}).then((view) => {
view.context.items = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('0123456789');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('0123456789');
view.context.items = [1, 2, 6, 7, 4, 3, 5, 8, 9, 0];
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('0123456789');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('0123456789');
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/directives/if_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/directives/if_spec.js
index 60d7dbdd39..059e858db7 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/test/directives/if_spec.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/test/directives/if_spec.js
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: html}).then((view) => {
- expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.nodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('hello');
+ expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.rootNodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('hello');
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: html}).then((view) => {
- expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.nodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('hello2');
+ expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.rootNodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('hello2');
@@ -51,18 +51,18 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: html}).then((view) => {
view.context.booleanCondition = false;
- expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.nodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('');
+ expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.rootNodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(0);
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('');
view.context.booleanCondition = true;
- expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.nodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('hello');
+ expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.rootNodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('hello');
view.context.booleanCondition = false;
- expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.nodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('');
+ expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.rootNodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(0);
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('');
@@ -74,28 +74,28 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: html}).then((view) => {
view.context.booleanCondition = false;
- expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.nodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('');
+ expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.rootNodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(0);
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('');
view.context.booleanCondition = true;
- expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.nodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('hello');
+ expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.rootNodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('hello');
view.context.nestedBooleanCondition = false;
- expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.nodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('');
+ expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.rootNodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(0);
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('');
view.context.nestedBooleanCondition = true;
- expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.nodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('hello');
+ expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.rootNodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('hello');
view.context.booleanCondition = false;
- expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.nodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('');
+ expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.rootNodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(0);
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('');
@@ -111,19 +111,19 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: html}).then((view) => {
- expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.nodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(3);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('helloNumberhelloStringhelloFunction');
+ expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.rootNodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(3);
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('helloNumberhelloStringhelloFunction');
view.context.numberCondition = 0;
- expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.nodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('helloString');
+ expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.rootNodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('helloString');
view.context.numberCondition = 1;
view.context.stringCondition = "bar";
- expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.nodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('helloNumber');
+ expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.rootNodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('helloNumber');
@@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: html}).then((view) => {
- expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.nodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('hello');
+ expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.rootNodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('hello');
view.context.numberCondition = 2;
- expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.nodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('hello');
+ expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.rootNodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(1);
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('hello');
@@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: html}).then((view) => {
- DOM.addClass(view.nodes[0].childNodes[1], "foo");
+ DOM.addClass(view.rootNodes[0].childNodes[1], "foo");
view.context.numberCondition = 2;
- expect(DOM.hasClass(view.nodes[0].childNodes[1], "foo")).toBe(true);
+ expect(DOM.hasClass(view.rootNodes[0].childNodes[1], "foo")).toBe(true);
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: html}).then((view) => {
expect(() => view.detectChanges()).toThrowError();
- expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.nodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('');
+ expect(DOM.querySelectorAll(view.rootNodes[0], 'copy-me').length).toEqual(0);
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('');
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/directives/non_bindable_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/directives/non_bindable_spec.js
index 5974725deb..6842301fdc 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/test/directives/non_bindable_spec.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/test/directives/non_bindable_spec.js
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
import {Decorator, Component} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations';
import {Template} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/template';
-import {NgElement} from 'angular2/src/core/dom/element';
+import {NgElement} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/ng_element';
import {NonBindable} from 'angular2/src/directives/non_bindable';
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export function main() {
var template = '{{text}}{{text}}
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: template}).then((view) => {
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('foo{{text}}');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('foo{{text}}');
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export function main() {
var template = '{{text}}
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: template}).then((view) => {
- var span = DOM.querySelector(view.nodes[0], '#child');
+ var span = DOM.querySelector(view.rootNodes[0], '#child');
expect(DOM.hasClass(span, 'compiled')).toBeFalsy();
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ export function main() {
var template = '{{text}}
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: template}).then((view) => {
- var span = DOM.querySelector(view.nodes[0], '#child');
+ var span = DOM.querySelector(view.rootNodes[0], '#child');
expect(DOM.hasClass(span, 'compiled')).toBeTruthy();
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/directives/switch_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/directives/switch_spec.js
index be45000238..1bbf4630bd 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/test/directives/switch_spec.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/test/directives/switch_spec.js
@@ -31,15 +31,15 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: template}).then((view) => {
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('');
view.context.switchValue = 'a';
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('when a');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('when a');
view.context.switchValue = 'b';
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('when b');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('when b');
@@ -55,15 +55,15 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: template}).then((view) => {
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('when default');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('when default');
view.context.switchValue = 'a';
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('when a');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('when a');
view.context.switchValue = 'b';
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('when default');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('when default');
@@ -83,15 +83,15 @@ export function main() {
tb.createView(TestComponent, {html: template}).then((view) => {
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('when default1;when default2;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('when default1;when default2;');
view.context.switchValue = 'a';
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('when a1;when a2;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('when a1;when a2;');
view.context.switchValue = 'b';
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('when b1;when b2;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('when b1;when b2;');
@@ -113,23 +113,23 @@ export function main() {
view.context.when2 = 'b';
view.context.switchValue = 'a';
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('when 1;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('when 1;');
view.context.switchValue = 'b';
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('when 2;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('when 2;');
view.context.switchValue = 'c';
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('when default;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('when default;');
view.context.when1 = 'c';
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('when 1;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('when 1;');
view.context.when1 = 'd';
- expect(DOM.getText(view.nodes[0])).toEqual('when default;');
+ expect(DOM.getText(view.rootNodes[0])).toEqual('when default;');
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/forms/integration_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/forms/integration_spec.js
index 720fd4e5c0..0755498eea 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/test/forms/integration_spec.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/test/forms/integration_spec.js
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ import {ControlGroupDirective, ControlDirective, Control, ControlGroup, Optional
DefaultValueAccessor, Validators} from 'angular2/forms';
export function main() {
- if (DOM.supportsDOMEvents()) {
- describe("integration tests", () => {
+ describe("integration tests", () => {
+ if (DOM.supportsDOMEvents()) {
it("should initialize DOM elements with the given form object",
inject([TestBed, AsyncTestCompleter], (tb, async) => {
var ctx = new MyComp(new ControlGroup({
@@ -362,8 +362,8 @@ export function main() {
- });
- }
+ }
+ });
@Component({selector: "my-comp"})
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/render/dom/integration_testbed.js b/modules/angular2/test/render/dom/integration_testbed.js
index eb34d2e042..d1d5565b09 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/test/render/dom/integration_testbed.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/test/render/dom/integration_testbed.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import {isBlank, isPresent, BaseException} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
-import {MapWrapper, ListWrapper, List} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
+import {MapWrapper, ListWrapper, List, Map} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {PromiseWrapper, Promise} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ export class LoggingEventDispatcher extends EventDispatcher {
this.log = [];
- elementIndex:number, eventName:string, locals:List
+ elementIndex:number, eventName:string, locals:Map
) {
ListWrapper.push(this.log, [elementIndex, eventName, locals]);
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/render/dom/shadow_dom_emulation_integration_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/render/dom/shadow_dom_emulation_integration_spec.js
index fe57ce4e3a..3dea0d8870 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/test/render/dom/shadow_dom_emulation_integration_spec.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/test/render/dom/shadow_dom_emulation_integration_spec.js
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ export function main() {
// var temp = `aaa bbb `;
// compile(temp, (view, lc) => {
- // var input = view.nodes[1];
+ // var input = view.rootNodes[1];
// input.focus();
// expect("focused-input");
diff --git a/modules/angular2/test/services/ruler_spec.js b/modules/angular2/test/services/ruler_spec.js
index ffb62efb67..c4c44cede4 100644
--- a/modules/angular2/test/services/ruler_spec.js
+++ b/modules/angular2/test/services/ruler_spec.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import {AsyncTestCompleter, inject, ddescribe, describe, it, iit, xit, expect, SpyObject} from 'angular2/test_lib';
import {DOM, DomAdapter} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
-import {NgElement} from 'angular2/src/core/dom/element';
+import {NgElement} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/ng_element';
import {Ruler, Rectangle} from 'angular2/src/services/ruler';
import {createRectangle} from './rectangle_mock';
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export function main() {
inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
var ruler = new Ruler(new DomAdapterMock(createRectangle(10, 20, 200, 100)));
- ruler.measure(new NgElement(null)).then((rect) => {
+ ruler.measure(new FakeNgElement(null)).then((rect) => {
assertDimensions(rect, 10, 210, 20, 120, 200, 100);
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ export function main() {
inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async) => {
var ruler = new Ruler(DOM);
- ruler.measure(new NgElement(DOM.createElement('div'))).then((rect) => {
+ ruler.measure(new FakeNgElement(DOM.createElement('div'))).then((rect) => {
//here we are using an element created in a doc fragment so all the measures will come back as 0
assertDimensions(rect, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
@@ -55,3 +55,16 @@ export function main() {
+class FakeNgElement extends NgElement {
+ _domElement;
+ constructor(domElement) {
+ super(null, null);
+ this._domElement = domElement;
+ }
+ get domElement() {
+ return this._domElement;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modules/benchmarks/src/change_detection/change_detection_benchmark.js b/modules/benchmarks/src/change_detection/change_detection_benchmark.js
index 48696d81bd..ad37f23afb 100644
--- a/modules/benchmarks/src/change_detection/change_detection_benchmark.js
+++ b/modules/benchmarks/src/change_detection/change_detection_benchmark.js
@@ -185,11 +185,11 @@ function setUpChangeDetection(changeDetection:ChangeDetection, iterations, objec
var dispatcher = new DummyDispatcher();
var parser = new Parser(new Lexer());
- var parentProto = changeDetection.createProtoChangeDetector('parent');
+ var parentProto = changeDetection.createProtoChangeDetector('parent', null);
var parentCd = parentProto.instantiate(dispatcher, [], [], []);
var targetObj = new Obj();
- var proto = changeDetection.createProtoChangeDetector("proto");
+ var proto = changeDetection.createProtoChangeDetector("proto", null);
var bindingRecords = [
new BindingRecord(parser.parseBinding('field0', null), new FakeBindingMemento(targetObj, reflector.setter("field0")), null),
new BindingRecord(parser.parseBinding('field1', null), new FakeBindingMemento(targetObj, reflector.setter("field1")), null),
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ export function main () {
var baselineHead = setUpBaseline(numberOfDetectors, object);
runBaselineReads(baselineHead, 1); //warmup
diff --git a/modules/benchmarks/src/compiler/compiler_benchmark.js b/modules/benchmarks/src/compiler/compiler_benchmark.js
index c16b935e2a..2487017d8b 100644
--- a/modules/benchmarks/src/compiler/compiler_benchmark.js
+++ b/modules/benchmarks/src/compiler/compiler_benchmark.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import {isBlank, Type} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {document} from 'angular2/src/facade/browser';
import {MapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {DirectiveMetadata} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/directive_metadata';
-import {NativeShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy';
+import {NativeShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/native_shadow_dom_strategy';
import {Parser, Lexer, ProtoRecordRange, dynamicChangeDetection} from 'angular2/change_detection';
@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ import {ComponentUrlMapper} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/component_url_mappe
import {reflector} from 'angular2/src/reflection/reflection';
import {getIntParameter, bindAction} from 'angular2/src/test_lib/benchmark_util';
+import {ProtoViewFactory} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/proto_view_factory';
+import {Renderer} from 'angular2/src/render/api';
+import {DirectDomRenderer} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/direct_dom_renderer';
+import * as rc from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compiler';
function setupReflector() {
reflector.registerType(BenchmarkComponent, {
"factory": () => new BenchmarkComponent(),
@@ -94,16 +99,22 @@ export function main() {
var templateResolver = new FakeTemplateResolver();
var urlResolver = new UrlResolver();
var styleUrlResolver = new StyleUrlResolver(urlResolver);
+ var shadowDomStrategy = new NativeShadowDomStrategy(styleUrlResolver);
+ var renderer = new DirectDomRenderer(
+ new rc.DefaultCompiler(
+ new Parser(new Lexer()), shadowDomStrategy, new TemplateLoader(null, urlResolver)
+ ),
+ null,
+ shadowDomStrategy
+ );
var compiler = new Compiler(
- dynamicChangeDetection,
- new TemplateLoader(null, urlResolver),
- new Parser(new Lexer()),
- new NativeShadowDomStrategy(styleUrlResolver),
new ComponentUrlMapper(),
- urlResolver
+ urlResolver,
+ renderer,
+ new ProtoViewFactory(dynamicChangeDetection, renderer)
var templateNoBindings = createTemplateHtml('templateNoBindings', count);
var templateWithBindings = createTemplateHtml('templateWithBindings', count);
diff --git a/modules/benchmarks/src/element_injector/element_injector_benchmark.js b/modules/benchmarks/src/element_injector/element_injector_benchmark.js
index fc68b1d24a..60e2e65bde 100644
--- a/modules/benchmarks/src/element_injector/element_injector_benchmark.js
+++ b/modules/benchmarks/src/element_injector/element_injector_benchmark.js
@@ -33,19 +33,19 @@ export function main() {
var bindings = [A, B, C];
var proto = new ProtoElementInjector(null, 0, bindings);
- var elementInjector = proto.instantiate(null, null);
+ var elementInjector = proto.instantiate(null);
function instantiate () {
for (var i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) {
- var ei = proto.instantiate(null, null);
- ei.instantiateDirectives(appInjector, null, null);
+ var ei = proto.instantiate(null);
+ ei.instantiateDirectives(appInjector, null, null, null);
function instantiateDirectives () {
for (var i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) {
- elementInjector.instantiateDirectives(appInjector, null, null);
+ elementInjector.instantiateDirectives(appInjector, null, null, null);
diff --git a/modules/benchmarks/src/largetable/largetable_benchmark.js b/modules/benchmarks/src/largetable/largetable_benchmark.js
index 44383bca1d..da04ff8165 100644
--- a/modules/benchmarks/src/largetable/largetable_benchmark.js
+++ b/modules/benchmarks/src/largetable/largetable_benchmark.js
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import {CompilerCache} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/compiler';
import {DirectiveMetadataReader} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/directive_metadata_reader';
import {TemplateLoader} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/template_loader';
import {TemplateResolver} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/template_resolver';
-import {ShadowDomStrategy, NativeShadowDomStrategy, EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy';
-import {Content} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/content_tag';
-import {DestinationLightDom} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/light_dom';
+import {ShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/shadow_dom_strategy';
+import {NativeShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/native_shadow_dom_strategy';
+import {EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/emulated_unscoped_shadow_dom_strategy';
import {LifeCycle} from 'angular2/src/core/life_cycle/life_cycle';
import {UrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/services/url_resolver';
import {StyleUrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/style_url_resolver';
@@ -36,6 +36,14 @@ import {EventManager} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/events/event_manager';
import {ListWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {Parent} from 'angular2/src/core/annotations/visibility';
+import {ViewFactory, VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_factory';
+import {ProtoViewFactory} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/proto_view_factory';
+import {Renderer} from 'angular2/src/render/api';
+import {DirectDomRenderer} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/direct_dom_renderer';
+import * as rc from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compiler';
+import * as rvf from 'angular2/src/render/dom/view/view_factory';
+import {Inject} from 'angular2/di';
function setupReflector() {
@@ -139,8 +147,8 @@ function setupReflector() {
reflector.registerType(SwitchWhen, {
- 'factory': (el, vc, ss) => new SwitchWhen(el, vc, ss),
- 'parameters': [[NgElement],[ViewContainer],[Switch, new Parent()]],
+ 'factory': (vc, ss) => new SwitchWhen(vc, ss),
+ 'parameters': [[ViewContainer],[Switch, new Parent()]],
'annotations' : [new Viewport({
selector: '[switch-when]',
bind: {
@@ -158,14 +166,13 @@ function setupReflector() {
reflector.registerType(Compiler, {
- 'factory': (cd, templateLoader, reader, parser, compilerCache, strategy, tplResolver,
- cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver) =>
- new Compiler(cd, templateLoader, reader, parser, compilerCache, strategy, tplResolver,
- cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver),
- 'parameters': [[ChangeDetection], [TemplateLoader], [DirectiveMetadataReader],
- [Parser], [CompilerCache], [ShadowDomStrategy], [TemplateResolver],
- [ComponentUrlMapper], [UrlResolver]],
- 'annotations': []
+ "factory": (reader, compilerCache, tplResolver, cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver, renderer,
+ protoViewFactory) =>
+ new Compiler(reader, compilerCache, tplResolver, cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver, renderer,
+ protoViewFactory),
+ "parameters": [[DirectiveMetadataReader], [CompilerCache], [TemplateResolver], [ComponentUrlMapper],
+ [UrlResolver], [Renderer], [ProtoViewFactory]],
+ "annotations": []
reflector.registerType(CompilerCache, {
@@ -240,12 +247,6 @@ function setupReflector() {
"annotations": []
- reflector.registerType(Content, {
- "factory": (lightDom, el) => new Content(lightDom, el),
- "parameters": [[DestinationLightDom], [NgElement]],
- "annotations" : [new Decorator({selector: '[content]'})]
- });
reflector.registerType(UrlResolver, {
"factory": () => new UrlResolver(),
"parameters": [],
@@ -290,12 +291,58 @@ function setupReflector() {
reflector.registerType(PrivateComponentLoader, {
- "factory": (compiler, strategy, eventMgr, reader) =>
- new PrivateComponentLoader(compiler, strategy, eventMgr, reader),
- "parameters": [[Compiler], [ShadowDomStrategy], [EventManager], [DirectiveMetadataReader]],
+ "factory": (compiler, reader, viewFactory) =>
+ new PrivateComponentLoader(compiler, reader, viewFactory),
+ "parameters": [[Compiler], [DirectiveMetadataReader], [ViewFactory]],
"annotations": []
+ reflector.registerType(DirectDomRenderer, {
+ "factory": (renderCompiler, renderViewFactory, shadowDomStrategy) =>
+ new DirectDomRenderer(renderCompiler, renderViewFactory, shadowDomStrategy),
+ "parameters": [[rc.Compiler], [rvf.ViewFactory], [ShadowDomStrategy]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(rc.DefaultCompiler, {
+ "factory": (parser, shadowDomStrategy, templateLoader) =>
+ new rc.DefaultCompiler(parser, shadowDomStrategy, templateLoader),
+ "parameters": [[Parser], [ShadowDomStrategy], [TemplateLoader]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(rvf.ViewFactory, {
+ "factory": (capacity, eventManager, shadowDomStrategy) =>
+ new rvf.ViewFactory(capacity, eventManager, shadowDomStrategy),
+ "parameters": [[new Inject(rvf.VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY)], [EventManager], [ShadowDomStrategy]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(rvf.VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY, {
+ "factory": () => 100000,
+ "parameters": [],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(ProtoViewFactory, {
+ "factory": (changeDetection, renderer) =>
+ new ProtoViewFactory(changeDetection, renderer),
+ "parameters": [[ChangeDetection], [Renderer]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(ViewFactory, {
+ "factory": (capacity) =>
+ new ViewFactory(capacity),
+ "parameters": [[new Inject(VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY)]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY, {
+ "factory": () => 100000,
+ "parameters": [],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
'data': (a) =>,
diff --git a/modules/benchmarks/src/naive_infinite_scroll/index.js b/modules/benchmarks/src/naive_infinite_scroll/index.js
index a1e57ae0c3..4d12abbe16 100644
--- a/modules/benchmarks/src/naive_infinite_scroll/index.js
+++ b/modules/benchmarks/src/naive_infinite_scroll/index.js
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ import {
import {reflector} from 'angular2/src/reflection/reflection';
import {CompilerCache} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/compiler';
import {DirectiveMetadataReader} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/directive_metadata_reader';
-import {ShadowDomStrategy, NativeShadowDomStrategy, EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy';
-import {Content} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/content_tag';
-import {DestinationLightDom} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/light_dom';
+import {ShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/shadow_dom_strategy';
+import {NativeShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/native_shadow_dom_strategy';
+import {EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/emulated_unscoped_shadow_dom_strategy';
import {TemplateLoader} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/template_loader';
import {TemplateResolver} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/template_resolver';
import {LifeCycle} from 'angular2/src/core/life_cycle/life_cycle';
@@ -36,6 +36,13 @@ import {CompanyNameComponent, OpportunityNameComponent, OfferingNameComponent,
from './cells';
import {EventManager} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/events/event_manager';
+import {ViewFactory, VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_factory';
+import {ProtoViewFactory} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/proto_view_factory';
+import {Renderer} from 'angular2/src/render/api';
+import {DirectDomRenderer} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/direct_dom_renderer';
+import * as rc from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compiler';
+import * as rvf from 'angular2/src/render/dom/view/view_factory';
+import {Inject} from 'angular2/di';
export function main() {
@@ -188,13 +195,12 @@ export function setupReflectorForAngular() {
reflector.registerType(Compiler, {
- "factory": (changeDetection, templateLoader, reader, parser, compilerCache, shadowDomStrategy,
- tplResolver, cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver) =>
- new Compiler(changeDetection, templateLoader, reader, parser, compilerCache, shadowDomStrategy,
- tplResolver, cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver),
- "parameters": [[ChangeDetection], [TemplateLoader], [DirectiveMetadataReader], [Parser],
- [CompilerCache], [ShadowDomStrategy], [TemplateResolver], [ComponentUrlMapper],
- [UrlResolver]],
+ "factory": (reader, compilerCache, tplResolver, cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver, renderer,
+ protoViewFactory) =>
+ new Compiler(reader, compilerCache, tplResolver, cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver, renderer,
+ protoViewFactory),
+ "parameters": [[DirectiveMetadataReader], [CompilerCache], [TemplateResolver], [ComponentUrlMapper],
+ [UrlResolver], [Renderer], [ProtoViewFactory]],
"annotations": []
@@ -288,12 +294,6 @@ export function setupReflectorForAngular() {
"annotations": []
- reflector.registerType(Content, {
- "factory": (lightDom, el) => new Content(lightDom, el),
- "parameters": [[DestinationLightDom], [NgElement]],
- "annotations" : [new Decorator({selector: '[content]'})]
- });
reflector.registerType(TestabilityRegistry, {
"factory": () => new TestabilityRegistry(),
"parameters": [],
@@ -320,9 +320,56 @@ export function setupReflectorForAngular() {
reflector.registerType(PrivateComponentLoader, {
- "factory": (compiler, strategy, eventMgr, reader) =>
- new PrivateComponentLoader(compiler, strategy, eventMgr, reader),
- "parameters": [[Compiler], [ShadowDomStrategy], [EventManager], [DirectiveMetadataReader]],
+ "factory": (compiler, reader, viewFactory) =>
+ new PrivateComponentLoader(compiler, reader, viewFactory),
+ "parameters": [[Compiler], [DirectiveMetadataReader], [ViewFactory]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(DirectDomRenderer, {
+ "factory": (renderCompiler, renderViewFactory, shadowDomStrategy) =>
+ new DirectDomRenderer(renderCompiler, renderViewFactory, shadowDomStrategy),
+ "parameters": [[rc.Compiler], [rvf.ViewFactory], [ShadowDomStrategy]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(rc.DefaultCompiler, {
+ "factory": (parser, shadowDomStrategy, templateLoader) =>
+ new rc.DefaultCompiler(parser, shadowDomStrategy, templateLoader),
+ "parameters": [[Parser], [ShadowDomStrategy], [TemplateLoader]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(rvf.ViewFactory, {
+ "factory": (capacity, eventManager, shadowDomStrategy) =>
+ new rvf.ViewFactory(capacity, eventManager, shadowDomStrategy),
+ "parameters": [[new Inject(rvf.VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY)], [EventManager], [ShadowDomStrategy]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(rvf.VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY, {
+ "factory": () => 100000,
+ "parameters": [],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(ProtoViewFactory, {
+ "factory": (changeDetection, renderer) =>
+ new ProtoViewFactory(changeDetection, renderer),
+ "parameters": [[ChangeDetection], [Renderer]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(ViewFactory, {
+ "factory": (capacity) =>
+ new ViewFactory(capacity),
+ "parameters": [[new Inject(VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY)]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY, {
+ "factory": () => 100000,
+ "parameters": [],
"annotations": []
diff --git a/modules/benchmarks/src/tree/tree_benchmark.js b/modules/benchmarks/src/tree/tree_benchmark.js
index 1e2546e28a..4336fd6fd4 100644
--- a/modules/benchmarks/src/tree/tree_benchmark.js
+++ b/modules/benchmarks/src/tree/tree_benchmark.js
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import {CompilerCache} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/compiler';
import {DirectiveMetadataReader} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/directive_metadata_reader';
import {TemplateLoader} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/template_loader';
import {TemplateResolver} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/template_resolver';
-import {ShadowDomStrategy, NativeShadowDomStrategy, EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy';
-import {Content} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/content_tag';
-import {DestinationLightDom} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/light_dom';
+import {ShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/shadow_dom_strategy';
+import {NativeShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/native_shadow_dom_strategy';
+import {EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/emulated_unscoped_shadow_dom_strategy';
import {LifeCycle} from 'angular2/src/core/life_cycle/life_cycle';
import {UrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/services/url_resolver';
import {StyleUrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/style_url_resolver';
@@ -32,6 +32,13 @@ import {If} from 'angular2/directives';
import {BrowserDomAdapter} from 'angular2/src/dom/browser_adapter';
import {EventManager} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/events/event_manager';
+import {ViewFactory, VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_factory';
+import {ProtoViewFactory} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/proto_view_factory';
+import {Renderer} from 'angular2/src/render/api';
+import {DirectDomRenderer} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/direct_dom_renderer';
+import * as rc from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compiler';
+import * as rvf from 'angular2/src/render/dom/view/view_factory';
+import {Inject} from 'angular2/di';
function setupReflector() {
// TODO: Put the general calls to reflector.register... in a shared file
@@ -74,14 +81,13 @@ function setupReflector() {
reflector.registerType(Compiler, {
- 'factory': (cd, templateLoader, reader, parser, compilerCache, strategy, tplResolver,
- cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver) =>
- new Compiler(cd, templateLoader, reader, parser, compilerCache, strategy, tplResolver,
- cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver),
- 'parameters': [[ChangeDetection], [TemplateLoader], [DirectiveMetadataReader],
- [Parser], [CompilerCache], [ShadowDomStrategy], [TemplateResolver],
- [ComponentUrlMapper], [UrlResolver]],
- 'annotations': []
+ "factory": (reader, compilerCache, tplResolver, cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver, renderer,
+ protoViewFactory) =>
+ new Compiler(reader, compilerCache, tplResolver, cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver, renderer,
+ protoViewFactory),
+ "parameters": [[DirectiveMetadataReader], [CompilerCache], [TemplateResolver], [ComponentUrlMapper],
+ [UrlResolver], [Renderer], [ProtoViewFactory]],
+ "annotations": []
reflector.registerType(CompilerCache, {
@@ -156,12 +162,6 @@ function setupReflector() {
"annotations": []
- reflector.registerType(Content, {
- "factory": (lightDom, el) => new Content(lightDom, el),
- "parameters": [[DestinationLightDom], [NgElement]],
- "annotations" : [new Decorator({selector: '[content]'})]
- });
reflector.registerType(UrlResolver, {
"factory": () => new UrlResolver(),
"parameters": [],
@@ -206,9 +206,56 @@ function setupReflector() {
reflector.registerType(PrivateComponentLoader, {
- "factory": (compiler, strategy, eventMgr, reader) =>
- new PrivateComponentLoader(compiler, strategy, eventMgr, reader),
- "parameters": [[Compiler], [ShadowDomStrategy], [EventManager], [DirectiveMetadataReader]],
+ "factory": (compiler, reader, viewFactory) =>
+ new PrivateComponentLoader(compiler, reader, viewFactory),
+ "parameters": [[Compiler], [DirectiveMetadataReader], [ViewFactory]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(DirectDomRenderer, {
+ "factory": (renderCompiler, renderViewFactory, shadowDomStrategy) =>
+ new DirectDomRenderer(renderCompiler, renderViewFactory, shadowDomStrategy),
+ "parameters": [[rc.Compiler], [rvf.ViewFactory], [ShadowDomStrategy]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(rc.DefaultCompiler, {
+ "factory": (parser, shadowDomStrategy, templateLoader) =>
+ new rc.DefaultCompiler(parser, shadowDomStrategy, templateLoader),
+ "parameters": [[Parser], [ShadowDomStrategy], [TemplateLoader]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(rvf.ViewFactory, {
+ "factory": (capacity, eventManager, shadowDomStrategy) =>
+ new rvf.ViewFactory(capacity, eventManager, shadowDomStrategy),
+ "parameters": [[new Inject(rvf.VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY)], [EventManager], [ShadowDomStrategy]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(rvf.VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY, {
+ "factory": () => 100000,
+ "parameters": [],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(ProtoViewFactory, {
+ "factory": (changeDetection, renderer) =>
+ new ProtoViewFactory(changeDetection, renderer),
+ "parameters": [[ChangeDetection], [Renderer]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(ViewFactory, {
+ "factory": (capacity) =>
+ new ViewFactory(capacity),
+ "parameters": [[new Inject(VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY)]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY, {
+ "factory": () => 100000,
+ "parameters": [],
"annotations": []
diff --git a/modules/examples/src/hello_world/index_static.js b/modules/examples/src/hello_world/index_static.js
index e6d043224b..e1dcc52e74 100644
--- a/modules/examples/src/hello_world/index_static.js
+++ b/modules/examples/src/hello_world/index_static.js
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ import {LifeCycle} from 'angular2/src/core/life_cycle/life_cycle';
import {Compiler, CompilerCache} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/compiler';
import {DirectiveMetadataReader} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/directive_metadata_reader';
-import {ShadowDomStrategy, NativeShadowDomStrategy, EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_strategy';
-import {Content} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/content_tag';
-import {DestinationLightDom} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/shadow_dom_emulation/light_dom';
+import {ShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/shadow_dom_strategy';
+import {NativeShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/native_shadow_dom_strategy';
+import {EmulatedUnscopedShadowDomStrategy} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/shadow_dom/emulated_unscoped_shadow_dom_strategy';
import {TemplateLoader} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/template_loader';
import {TemplateResolver} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/template_resolver';
import {XHR} from 'angular2/src/services/xhr';
@@ -24,6 +24,14 @@ import {TestabilityRegistry, Testability} from 'angular2/src/core/testability/te
import {reflector} from 'angular2/src/reflection/reflection';
+import {ViewFactory, VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/view_factory';
+import {ProtoViewFactory} from 'angular2/src/core/compiler/proto_view_factory';
+import {Renderer} from 'angular2/src/render/api';
+import {DirectDomRenderer} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/direct_dom_renderer';
+import * as rc from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/compiler';
+import * as rvf from 'angular2/src/render/dom/view/view_factory';
+import {Inject} from 'angular2/di';
function setup() {
reflector.registerType(app.HelloCmp, {
"factory": (service) => new app.HelloCmp(service),
@@ -53,13 +61,12 @@ function setup() {
reflector.registerType(Compiler, {
- "factory": (changeDetection, templateLoader, reader, parser, compilerCache, shadowDomStrategy,
- tplResolver, cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver) =>
- new Compiler(changeDetection, templateLoader, reader, parser, compilerCache, shadowDomStrategy,
- tplResolver, cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver),
- "parameters": [[ChangeDetection], [TemplateLoader], [DirectiveMetadataReader], [Parser],
- [CompilerCache], [ShadowDomStrategy], [TemplateResolver], [ComponentUrlMapper],
- [UrlResolver]],
+ "factory": (reader, compilerCache, tplResolver, cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver, renderer,
+ protoViewFactory) =>
+ new Compiler(reader, compilerCache, tplResolver, cmpUrlMapper, urlResolver, renderer,
+ protoViewFactory),
+ "parameters": [[DirectiveMetadataReader], [CompilerCache], [TemplateResolver], [ComponentUrlMapper],
+ [UrlResolver], [Renderer], [ProtoViewFactory]],
"annotations": []
@@ -153,12 +160,6 @@ function setup() {
"annotations": []
- reflector.registerType(Content, {
- "factory": (lightDom, el, selector) => new Content(lightDom, el, selector),
- "parameters": [[DestinationLightDom], [NgElement], [String]],
- "annotations" : []
- });
reflector.registerType(StyleInliner, {
"factory": (xhr, styleUrlResolver, urlResolver) =>
new StyleInliner(xhr, styleUrlResolver, urlResolver),
@@ -173,9 +174,9 @@ function setup() {
reflector.registerType(PrivateComponentLoader, {
- "factory": (compiler, strategy, eventMgr, reader) =>
- new PrivateComponentLoader(compiler, strategy, eventMgr, reader),
- "parameters": [[Compiler], [ShadowDomStrategy], [EventManager], [DirectiveMetadataReader]],
+ "factory": (compiler, reader, viewFactory) =>
+ new PrivateComponentLoader(compiler, reader, viewFactory),
+ "parameters": [[Compiler], [DirectiveMetadataReader], [ViewFactory]],
"annotations": []
@@ -191,6 +192,53 @@ function setup() {
"annotations": []
+ reflector.registerType(DirectDomRenderer, {
+ "factory": (renderCompiler, renderViewFactory, shadowDomStrategy) =>
+ new DirectDomRenderer(renderCompiler, renderViewFactory, shadowDomStrategy),
+ "parameters": [[rc.Compiler], [rvf.ViewFactory], [ShadowDomStrategy]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(rc.DefaultCompiler, {
+ "factory": (parser, shadowDomStrategy, templateLoader) =>
+ new rc.DefaultCompiler(parser, shadowDomStrategy, templateLoader),
+ "parameters": [[Parser], [ShadowDomStrategy], [TemplateLoader]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(rvf.ViewFactory, {
+ "factory": (capacity, eventManager, shadowDomStrategy) =>
+ new rvf.ViewFactory(capacity, eventManager, shadowDomStrategy),
+ "parameters": [[new Inject(rvf.VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY)], [EventManager], [ShadowDomStrategy]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(rvf.VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY, {
+ "factory": () => 100000,
+ "parameters": [],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(ProtoViewFactory, {
+ "factory": (changeDetection, renderer) =>
+ new ProtoViewFactory(changeDetection, renderer),
+ "parameters": [[ChangeDetection], [Renderer]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(ViewFactory, {
+ "factory": (capacity) =>
+ new ViewFactory(capacity),
+ "parameters": [[new Inject(VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY)]],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
+ reflector.registerType(VIEW_POOL_CAPACITY, {
+ "factory": () => 100000,
+ "parameters": [],
+ "annotations": []
+ });
"greeting": (a) => a.greeting
diff --git a/test-init.dart b/test-init.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e1096de8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-init.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import 'package:angular2/src/dom/browser_adapter.dart';
+main() {
+ BrowserDomAdapter.makeCurrent();
diff --git a/test-main.dart b/test-main.dart
index 82e616960d..0726d474bb 100644
--- a/test-main.dart
+++ b/test-main.dart
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
import 'package:guinness/guinness.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart' as unit;
-import 'package:angular2/src/dom/browser_adapter.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/test_lib/test_lib.dart' show testSetup;
main() {
- BrowserDomAdapter.makeCurrent();
unit.filterStacks = true;
unit.formatStacks = false;
unit.unittestConfiguration.timeout = new Duration(milliseconds: 100);