feat(compiler): Added support for limited function calls in metadata. (#9125)

The collector now collects the body of functions that return an
expression as a symbolic 'function'. The static reflector supports
expanding these functions statically to allow provider macros.

Also added support for the array spread operator in both the
collector and the static reflector.
This commit is contained in:
Chuck Jazdzewski 2016-06-13 15:56:51 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 5c0cfdee48
commit 5504ca1e38
10 changed files with 642 additions and 142 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import * as common from '@angular/common';
import {Component, Inject, OpaqueToken} from '@angular/core';
import {wrapInArray} from './funcs';
export const SOME_OPAQUE_TOKEN = new OpaqueToken('opaqueToken');
@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ export class CompWithProviders {
<input #a>{{a.value}}
<div *ngIf="true">{{a.value}}</div>
directives: [common.NgIf]
directives: [wrapInArray(common.NgIf)]
export class CompWithReferences {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export function wrapInArray(value: any): any[] {
return [value];

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ export class ReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost, ImportGenerator {
coreDecorators: '@angular/core/src/metadata',
diDecorators: '@angular/core/src/di/decorators',
diMetadata: '@angular/core/src/di/metadata',
diOpaqueToken: '@angular/core/src/di/opaque_token',
animationMetadata: '@angular/core/src/animation/metadata',
provider: '@angular/core/src/di/provider'

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ export interface StaticReflectorHost {
coreDecorators: string,
diDecorators: string,
diMetadata: string,
diOpaqueToken: string,
animationMetadata: string,
provider: string
@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ReflectorReader {
private parameterCache = new Map<StaticSymbol, any[]>();
private metadataCache = new Map<string, {[key: string]: any}>();
private conversionMap = new Map<StaticSymbol, (context: StaticSymbol, args: any[]) => any>();
private opaqueToken: StaticSymbol;
constructor(private host: StaticReflectorHost) { this.initializeConversionMap(); }
@ -177,8 +179,9 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ReflectorReader {
private initializeConversionMap(): void {
const {coreDecorators, diDecorators, diMetadata, animationMetadata, provider} =
const {coreDecorators, diDecorators, diMetadata, diOpaqueToken, animationMetadata, provider} =
this.opaqueToken = this.host.findDeclaration(diOpaqueToken, 'OpaqueToken');
this.registerDecoratorOrConstructor(this.host.findDeclaration(provider, 'Provider'), Provider);
@ -245,6 +248,65 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ReflectorReader {
/** @internal */
public simplify(context: StaticSymbol, value: any): any {
let _this = this;
let scope = BindingScope.empty;
let calling = new Map<StaticSymbol, boolean>();
function simplifyInContext(context: StaticSymbol, value: any): any {
function resolveReference(expression: any): StaticSymbol {
let staticSymbol: StaticSymbol;
if (expression['module']) {
staticSymbol = _this.host.findDeclaration(
expression['module'], expression['name'], context.filePath);
} else {
staticSymbol = _this.host.getStaticSymbol(context.filePath, expression['name']);
return staticSymbol;
function isOpaqueToken(value: any): boolean {
if (value && value.__symbolic === 'new' && value.expression) {
let target = value.expression;
if (target.__symbolic == 'reference') {
return sameSymbol(resolveReference(target), _this.opaqueToken);
return false;
function simplifyCall(expression: any) {
if (expression['__symbolic'] == 'call') {
let target = expression['expression'];
let targetFunction = simplify(target);
if (targetFunction['__symbolic'] == 'function') {
if (calling.get(targetFunction)) {
throw new Error('Recursion not supported');
calling.set(targetFunction, true);
let value = targetFunction['value'];
if (value) {
// Determine the arguments
let args = (expression['arguments'] || []).map((arg: any) => simplify(arg));
let parameters: string[] = targetFunction['parameters'];
let functionScope = BindingScope.build();
for (let i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
functionScope.define(parameters[i], args[i]);
let oldScope = scope;
let result: any;
try {
scope = functionScope.done();
result = simplify(value);
} finally {
scope = oldScope;
return result;
return simplify({__symbolic: 'error', message: 'Function call not supported'});
function simplify(expression: any): any {
if (isPrimitive(expression)) {
@ -253,6 +315,16 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ReflectorReader {
if (expression instanceof Array) {
let result: any[] = [];
for (let item of (<any>expression)) {
// Check for a spread expression
if (item && item.__symbolic === 'spread') {
let spreadArray = simplify(item.expression);
if (Array.isArray(spreadArray)) {
for (let spreadItem of spreadArray) {
return result;
@ -331,28 +403,38 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ReflectorReader {
if (selectTarget && isPrimitive(member)) return selectTarget[member];
return null;
case 'reference':
if (expression['module']) {
staticSymbol = _this.host.findDeclaration(
expression['module'], expression['name'], context.filePath);
} else {
staticSymbol = _this.host.getStaticSymbol(context.filePath, expression['name']);
if (!expression.module) {
let name: string = expression['name'];
let localValue = scope.resolve(name);
if (localValue != BindingScope.missing) {
return localValue;
let result = staticSymbol;
staticSymbol = resolveReference(expression);
let result: any = staticSymbol;
let moduleMetadata = _this.getModuleMetadata(staticSymbol.filePath);
let declarationValue =
moduleMetadata ? moduleMetadata['metadata'][staticSymbol.name] : null;
if (declarationValue) {
result = _this.simplify(staticSymbol, declarationValue);
if (isOpaqueToken(declarationValue)) {
// If the referenced symbol is initalized by a new OpaqueToken we can keep the
// reference to the symbol.
return staticSymbol;
result = simplifyInContext(staticSymbol, declarationValue);
return result;
case 'class':
return context;
case 'function':
return expression;
case 'new':
case 'call':
// Determine if the function is a built-in conversion
let target = expression['expression'];
if (target['module']) {
staticSymbol =
_this.host.findDeclaration(target['module'], target['name'], context.filePath);
staticSymbol = _this.host.findDeclaration(
target['module'], target['name'], context.filePath);
} else {
staticSymbol = _this.host.getStaticSymbol(context.filePath, target['name']);
@ -363,9 +445,11 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ReflectorReader {
args = [];
return converter(context, args);
} else {
return context;
// Determine if the function is one we can simplify.
return simplifyCall(expression);
case 'error':
let message = produceErrorMessage(expression);
if (expression['line']) {
@ -388,6 +472,9 @@ export class StaticReflector implements ReflectorReader {
return simplifyInContext(context, value);
* @param module an absolute path to a module file.
@ -460,3 +547,40 @@ function mapStringMap(input: {[key: string]: any}, transform: (value: any, key:
function isPrimitive(o: any): boolean {
return o === null || (typeof o !== 'function' && typeof o !== 'object');
interface BindingScopeBuilder {
define(name: string, value: any): BindingScopeBuilder;
done(): BindingScope;
abstract class BindingScope {
abstract resolve(name: string): any;
public static missing = {};
public static empty: BindingScope = {resolve: name => BindingScope.missing};
public static build(): BindingScopeBuilder {
let current = new Map<string, any>();
let parent: BindingScope = undefined;
return {
define: function(name, value) {
current.set(name, value);
return this;
done: function() {
return current.size > 0 ? new PopulatedScope(current) : BindingScope.empty;
class PopulatedScope extends BindingScope {
constructor(private bindings: Map<string, any>) { super(); }
resolve(name: string): any {
return this.bindings.has(name) ? this.bindings.get(name) : BindingScope.missing;
function sameSymbol(a: StaticSymbol, b: StaticSymbol): boolean {
return a === b || (a.name == b.name && a.filePath == b.filePath);

View File

@ -293,6 +293,41 @@ describe('StaticReflector', () => {
({__symbolic: 'reference', module: './extern', name: 'nonExisting'})))
.toEqual(host.getStaticSymbol('/src/extern.d.ts', 'nonExisting'));
it('should simplify values initialized with a function call', () => {
expect(simplify(new StaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', ''), {
__symbolic: 'reference',
name: 'one'
expect(simplify(new StaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', ''), {
__symbolic: 'reference',
name: 'two'
it('should error on direct recursive calls', () => {
() => simplify(
new StaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', ''),
{__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'recursion'}))
.toThrow(new Error(
'Recursion not supported, resolving symbol recursion in /tmp/src/function-reference.ts, resolving symbol in /tmp/src/function-reference.ts'));
it('should error on indirect recursive calls', () => {
() => simplify(
new StaticSymbol('/tmp/src/function-reference.ts', ''),
{__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'indirectRecursion'}))
.toThrow(new Error(
'Recursion not supported, resolving symbol indirectRecursion in /tmp/src/function-reference.ts, resolving symbol in /tmp/src/function-reference.ts'));
it('should simplify a spread expression', () => {
expect(simplify(new StaticSymbol('/tmp/src/spread.ts', ''), {
__symbolic: 'reference',
name: 'spread'
})).toEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
@ -303,6 +338,7 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
coreDecorators: 'angular2/src/core/metadata',
diDecorators: 'angular2/src/core/di/decorators',
diMetadata: 'angular2/src/core/di/metadata',
diOpaqueToken: 'angular2/src/core/di/opaque_token',
animationMetadata: 'angular2/src/core/animation/metadata',
provider: 'angular2/src/core/di/provider'
@ -624,6 +660,138 @@ class MockReflectorHost implements StaticReflectorHost {
character: 33
'/tmp/src/function-declaration.d.ts': {
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 1,
metadata: {
one: {
__symbolic: 'function',
parameters: ['a'],
value: [
{__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'a'}
add: {
__symbolic: 'function',
parameters: ['a','b'],
value: {
__symbolic: 'binop',
operator: '+',
left: {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'a'},
right: {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'b'}
'/tmp/src/function-reference.ts': {
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 1,
metadata: {
one: {
__symbolic: 'call',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: './function-declaration',
name: 'one'
arguments: ['some-value']
two: {
__symbolic: 'call',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: './function-declaration',
name: 'add'
arguments: [1, 1]
recursion: {
__symbolic: 'call',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: './function-recursive',
name: 'recursive'
arguments: [1]
indirectRecursion: {
__symbolic: 'call',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: './function-recursive',
name: 'indirectRecursion1'
arguments: [1]
'/tmp/src/function-recursive.d.ts': {
__symbolic: 'modules',
version: 1,
metadata: {
recursive: {
__symbolic: 'function',
parameters: ['a'],
value: {
__symbolic: 'call',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: './function-recursive',
name: 'recursive',
arguments: [
__symbolic: 'reference',
name: 'a'
indirectRecursion1: {
__symbolic: 'function',
parameters: ['a'],
value: {
__symbolic: 'call',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: './function-recursive',
name: 'indirectRecursion2',
arguments: [
__symbolic: 'reference',
name: 'a'
indirectRecursion2: {
__symbolic: 'function',
parameters: ['a'],
value: {
__symbolic: 'call',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'reference',
module: './function-recursive',
name: 'indirectRecursion1',
arguments: [
__symbolic: 'reference',
name: 'a'
'/tmp/src/spread.ts': {
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 1,
metadata: {
spread: [0, {__symbolic: 'spread', expression: [1, 2, 3, 4]}, 5]
return data[moduleId];

View File

@ -152,6 +152,30 @@ export class MetadataCollector {
// Otherwise don't record metadata for the class.
case ts.SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration:
// Record functions that return a single value. Record the parameter
// names substitution will be performed by the StaticReflector.
if (node.flags & ts.NodeFlags.Export) {
const functionDeclaration = <ts.FunctionDeclaration>node;
const functionName = functionDeclaration.name.text;
const functionBody = functionDeclaration.body;
if (functionBody && functionBody.statements.length == 1) {
const statement = functionBody.statements[0];
if (statement.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ReturnStatement) {
const returnStatement = <ts.ReturnStatement>statement;
if (returnStatement.expression) {
if (!metadata) metadata = {};
metadata[functionName] = {
__symbolic: 'function',
parameters: namesOf(functionDeclaration.parameters),
value: evaluator.evaluateNode(returnStatement.expression)
// Otherwise don't record the function.
case ts.SyntaxKind.VariableStatement:
const variableStatement = <ts.VariableStatement>node;
for (let variableDeclaration of variableStatement.declarationList.declarations) {
@ -209,3 +233,26 @@ export class MetadataCollector {
return metadata && {__symbolic: 'module', version: VERSION, metadata};
// Collect parameter names from a function.
function namesOf(parameters: ts.NodeArray<ts.ParameterDeclaration>): string[] {
let result: string[] = [];
function addNamesOf(name: ts.Identifier | ts.BindingPattern) {
if (name.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier) {
const identifier = <ts.Identifier>name;
} else {
const bindingPattern = <ts.BindingPattern>name;
for (let element of bindingPattern.elements) {
for (let parameter of parameters) {
return result;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {MetadataError, MetadataGlobalReferenceExpression, MetadataImportedSymbolReferenceExpression, MetadataSymbolicCallExpression, MetadataSymbolicReferenceExpression, MetadataValue, isMetadataError, isMetadataGlobalReferenceExpression, isMetadataImportedSymbolReferenceExpression, isMetadataModuleReferenceExpression, isMetadataSymbolicReferenceExpression} from './schema';
import {MetadataError, MetadataGlobalReferenceExpression, MetadataImportedSymbolReferenceExpression, MetadataSymbolicCallExpression, MetadataSymbolicReferenceExpression, MetadataValue, isMetadataError, isMetadataGlobalReferenceExpression, isMetadataImportedSymbolReferenceExpression, isMetadataModuleReferenceExpression, isMetadataSymbolicReferenceExpression, isMetadataSymbolicSpreadExpression} from './schema';
import {Symbols} from './symbols';
function isMethodCallOf(callExpression: ts.CallExpression, memberName: string): boolean {
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ export class Evaluator {
case ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier:
let identifier = <ts.Identifier>node;
let reference = this.symbols.resolve(identifier.text);
if (isPrimitive(reference)) {
if (reference !== undefined && isPrimitive(reference)) {
return true;
@ -207,14 +207,17 @@ export class Evaluator {
let obj: {[name: string]: any} = {};
ts.forEachChild(node, child => {
switch (child.kind) {
case ts.SyntaxKind.ShorthandPropertyAssignment:
case ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment:
const assignment = <ts.PropertyAssignment>child;
const assignment = <ts.PropertyAssignment|ts.ShorthandPropertyAssignment>child;
const propertyName = this.nameOf(assignment.name);
if (isMetadataError(propertyName)) {
error = propertyName;
return true;
const propertyValue = this.evaluateNode(assignment.initializer);
const propertyValue = isPropertyAssignment(assignment) ?
this.evaluateNode(assignment.initializer) :
{__symbolic: 'reference', name: propertyName};
if (isMetadataError(propertyValue)) {
error = propertyValue;
return true; // Stop the forEachChild.
@ -229,14 +232,31 @@ export class Evaluator {
let arr: MetadataValue[] = [];
ts.forEachChild(node, child => {
const value = this.evaluateNode(child);
// Check for error
if (isMetadataError(value)) {
error = value;
return true; // Stop the forEachChild.
// Handle spread expressions
if (isMetadataSymbolicSpreadExpression(value)) {
if (Array.isArray(value.expression)) {
for (let spreadValue of value.expression) {
if (error) return error;
return arr;
case ts.SyntaxKind.SpreadElementExpression:
let spread = <ts.SpreadElementExpression>node;
let spreadExpression = this.evaluateNode(spread.expression);
return {__symbolic: 'spread', expression: spreadExpression};
case ts.SyntaxKind.CallExpression:
const callExpression = <ts.CallExpression>node;
if (isCallOf(callExpression, 'forwardRef') && callExpression.arguments.length === 1) {
@ -296,7 +316,7 @@ export class Evaluator {
if (isMetadataError(member)) {
return member;
if (this.isFoldable(propertyAccessExpression.expression))
if (expression && this.isFoldable(propertyAccessExpression.expression))
return (<any>expression)[<string>member];
if (isMetadataModuleReferenceExpression(expression)) {
// A select into a module refrence and be converted into a reference to the symbol
@ -495,3 +515,7 @@ export class Evaluator {
return errorSymbol('Expression form not supported', node);
function isPropertyAssignment(node: ts.Node): node is ts.PropertyAssignment {
return node.kind == ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment;

View File

@ -61,6 +61,15 @@ export function isConstructorMetadata(value: any): value is ConstructorMetadata
return value && value.__symbolic === 'constructor';
export interface FunctionMetadata {
__symbolic: 'function';
parameters: string[];
result: MetadataValue;
export function isFunctionMetadata(value: any): value is FunctionMetadata {
return value && value.__symbolic === 'function';
export type MetadataValue = string | number | boolean | MetadataObject | MetadataArray |
MetadataSymbolicExpression | MetadataError;
@ -69,7 +78,7 @@ export interface MetadataObject { [name: string]: MetadataValue; }
export interface MetadataArray { [name: number]: MetadataValue; }
export interface MetadataSymbolicExpression {
__symbolic: 'binary'|'call'|'index'|'new'|'pre'|'reference'|'select'
__symbolic: 'binary'|'call'|'index'|'new'|'pre'|'reference'|'select'|'spread'
export function isMetadataSymbolicExpression(value: any): value is MetadataSymbolicExpression {
if (value) {
@ -81,6 +90,7 @@ export function isMetadataSymbolicExpression(value: any): value is MetadataSymbo
case 'pre':
case 'reference':
case 'select':
case 'spread':
return true;
@ -190,6 +200,15 @@ export function isMetadataSymbolicSelectExpression(value: any):
return value && value.__symbolic === 'select';
export interface MetadataSymbolicSpreadExpression extends MetadataSymbolicExpression {
__symbolic: 'spread';
expression: MetadataValue;
export function isMetadataSymbolicSpreadExpression(value: any):
value is MetadataSymbolicSpreadExpression {
return value && value.__symbolic === 'spread';
export interface MetadataError {
__symbolic: 'error';

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import {ClassMetadata, ConstructorMetadata, ModuleMetadata} from '../src/schema'
import {Directory, Host, expectValidSources} from './typescript.mocks';
describe('Collector', () => {
let documentRegistry = ts.createDocumentRegistry();
let host: ts.LanguageServiceHost;
let service: ts.LanguageService;
let program: ts.Program;
@ -14,9 +15,9 @@ describe('Collector', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
host = new Host(FILES, [
'/app/app.component.ts', '/app/cases-data.ts', '/app/error-cases.ts', '/promise.ts',
'/unsupported-1.ts', '/unsupported-2.ts', 'import-star.ts'
'/unsupported-1.ts', '/unsupported-2.ts', 'import-star.ts', 'exported-functions.ts'
service = ts.createLanguageService(host);
service = ts.createLanguageService(host, documentRegistry);
program = service.getProgram();
collector = new MetadataCollector();
@ -246,6 +247,75 @@ describe('Collector', () => {
{__symbolic: 'reference', module: 'angular2/common', name: 'NgFor'}
it('should be able to record functions', () => {
let exportedFunctions = program.getSourceFile('/exported-functions.ts');
let metadata = collector.getMetadata(exportedFunctions);
__symbolic: 'module',
version: 1,
metadata: {
one: {
__symbolic: 'function',
parameters: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
value: {
a: {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'a'},
b: {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'b'},
c: {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'c'}
two: {
__symbolic: 'function',
parameters: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
value: {
a: {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'a'},
b: {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'b'},
c: {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'c'}
three: {
__symbolic: 'function',
parameters: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
value: [
{__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'a'}, {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'b'},
{__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'c'}
supportsState: {
__symbolic: 'function',
parameters: [],
value: {
__symbolic: 'pre',
operator: '!',
operand: {
__symbolic: 'pre',
operator: '!',
operand: {
__symbolic: 'select',
expression: {
__symbolic: 'select',
expression: {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'window'},
member: 'history'
member: 'pushState'
it('should be able to handle import star type references', () => {
let importStar = program.getSourceFile('/import-star.ts');
let metadata = collector.getMetadata(importStar);
let someClass = <ClassMetadata>metadata.metadata['SomeClass'];
let ctor = <ConstructorMetadata>someClass.members['__ctor__'][0];
let parameters = ctor.parameters;
{__symbolic: 'reference', module: 'angular2/common', name: 'NgFor'}
// TODO: Do not use \` in a template literal as it confuses clang-format
@ -464,6 +534,20 @@ const FILES: Directory = {
constructor(private f: common.NgFor) {}
'exported-functions.ts': `
export function one(a: string, b: string, c: string) {
return {a: a, b: b, c: c};
export function two(a: string, b: string, c: string) {
return {a, b, c};
export function three({a, b, c}: {a: string, b: string, c: string}) {
return [a, b, c];
export function supportsState(): boolean {
return !!window.history.pushState;
'node_modules': {
'angular2': {
'core.d.ts': `

View File

@ -48,8 +48,14 @@ describe('Evaluator', () => {
it('should be able to fold expressions with foldable references', () => {
var expressions = program.getSourceFile('expressions.ts');
symbols.define('someName', 'some-name');
symbols.define('someBool', true);
symbols.define('one', 1);
symbols.define('two', 2);
expect(evaluator.isFoldable(findVar(expressions, 'three').initializer)).toBeTruthy();
expect(evaluator.isFoldable(findVar(expressions, 'four').initializer)).toBeTruthy();
symbols.define('three', 3);
symbols.define('four', 4);
expect(evaluator.isFoldable(findVar(expressions, 'obj').initializer)).toBeTruthy();
expect(evaluator.isFoldable(findVar(expressions, 'arr').initializer)).toBeTruthy();
@ -183,6 +189,21 @@ describe('Evaluator', () => {
character: 11
it('should be able to fold an array spread', () => {
let expressions = program.getSourceFile('expressions.ts');
symbols.define('arr', [1, 2, 3, 4]);
let arrSpread = findVar(expressions, 'arrSpread');
expect(evaluator.evaluateNode(arrSpread.initializer)).toEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
it('should be able to produce a spread expression', () => {
let expressions = program.getSourceFile('expressions.ts');
let arrSpreadRef = findVar(expressions, 'arrSpreadRef');
0, {__symbolic: 'spread', expression: {__symbolic: 'reference', name: 'arrImport'}}, 5
const FILES: Directory = {
@ -201,8 +222,11 @@ const FILES: Directory = {
export var someBool = true;
export var one = 1;
export var two = 2;
export var arrImport = [1, 2, 3, 4];
'expressions.ts': `
import {arrImport} from './consts';
export var someName = 'some-name';
export var someBool = true;
export var one = 1;
@ -236,6 +260,10 @@ const FILES: Directory = {
export var bShiftRight = -1 >> 2; // -1
export var bShiftRightU = -1 >>> 2; // 0x3fffffff
export var arrSpread = [0, ...arr, 5];
export var arrSpreadRef = [0, ...arrImport, 5];
export var recursiveA = recursiveB;
export var recursiveB = recursiveA;