fix: 解决自动合并时的一些冲突

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Zhicheng Wang 2017-03-03 16:07:13 +08:00
parent 2285b8235d
commit 5c4d2e9592
1 changed files with 54 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -97,21 +97,29 @@ block angular-modules
Angular apps are modular and Angular has its own modularity system called _Angular modules_ or _NgModules_.
Angular 应用是模块化的,并且 Angular 有自己的模块系统,它被称为 _Angular 模块_或 _NgModules_。_Angular modules_ are a big deal.
This page introduces modules; the [Angular modules](ngmodule.html) page covers them in depth.
Angular 应用是模块化的,并且 Angular 有自己的模块系统,它被称为 _Angular 模块_或 _NgModules_。
_Angular modules_ are a big deal.This page introduces modules; the [Angular modules](ngmodule.html) page covers them in depth.
_Angular 模块_很重要。
这里只是简单介绍,在 [Angular 模块](ngmodule.html)中会做深入讲解。<br class="l-clear-both"><br>
_Angular 模块_很重要。这里只是简单介绍在 [Angular 模块](ngmodule.html)中会做深入讲解。
<br class="l-clear-both"><br>
Every Angular app has at least one Angular module class, [the _root module_](appmodule.html "AppModule: the root module"),
conventionally named `AppModule`.
每个 Angular 应用至少有一个模块([_根模块_](appmodule.html "AppModule: 根模块")),习惯上命名为`AppModule`。While the _root module_ may be the only module in a small application, most apps have many more
每个 Angular 应用至少有一个模块([_根模块_](appmodule.html "AppModule: 根模块")),习惯上命名为`AppModule`。
While the _root module_ may be the only module in a small application, most apps have many more
_feature modules_, each a cohesive block of code dedicated to an application domain,
a workflow, or a closely related set of capabilities.
_根模块_在一些小型应用中可能是唯一的模块大多数应用会有很多_特性模块_每个模块都是一个内聚的代码块专注于某个应用领域、工作流或紧密相关的功能。An Angular module, whether a _root_ or _feature_, is a class with an `@NgModule` decorator.
Angular 模块无论是_根模块_还是_特性模块_都是一个带有`@NgModule`装饰器的类。.l-sub-section
An Angular module, whether a _root_ or _feature_, is a class with an `@NgModule` decorator.
Angular 模块无论是_根模块_还是_特性模块_都是一个带有`@NgModule`装饰器的类。.l-sub-section
Decorators are functions that modify JavaScript classes.
Angular has many decorators that attach metadata to classes so that it knows
@ -125,22 +133,37 @@ Angular 模块无论是_根模块_还是_特性模块_都是一个带有`@
`NgModule` is a decorator function that takes a single metadata object whose properties describe the module.
The most important properties are:`NgModule`是一个装饰器函数,它接收一个用来描述模块属性的元数据对象。其中最重要的属性是:
The most important properties are:
* `declarations` - the _view classes_ that belong to this module.
Angular has three kinds of view classes: [components](#components), [directives](#directives), and [pipes](pipes.html).
`declarations` - 声明本模块中拥有的_视图类_。
Angular 有三种视图类:[组件](#components)、[指令](#directives)和[管道](pipes.html)。* `exports` - the subset of declarations that should be visible and usable in the component [templates](#templates) of other modules.
`declarations` - 声明本模块中拥有的_视图类_。
Angular 有三种视图类:[组件](#components)、[指令](#directives)和[管道](pipes.html)。
* `exports` - the subset of declarations that should be visible and usable in the component [templates](#templates) of other modules.
`exports` - declarations 的子集,可用于其它模块的组件[模板](#templates)。* `imports` - other modules whose exported classes are needed by component templates declared in _this_ module.
`exports` - declarations 的子集,可用于其它模块的组件[模板](#templates)。
* `imports` - other modules whose exported classes are needed by component templates declared in _this_ module.
`imports` - _本_模块声明的组件模板需要的类所在的其它模块。* `providers` - creators of [services](#services) that this module contributes to
`imports` - _本_模块声明的组件模板需要的类所在的其它模块。
* `providers` - creators of [services](#services) that this module contributes to
the global collection of services; they become accessible in all parts of the app.
`providers` - [服务](#services)的创建者,并加入到全局服务列表中,可用于应用任何部分。* `bootstrap` - the main application view, called the _root component_,
that hosts all other app views. Only the _root module_ should set this `bootstrap` property.
`providers` - [服务](#services)的创建者,并加入到全局服务列表中,可用于应用任何部分。
* `bootstrap` - the main application view, called the _root component_, that hosts all other app views. Only the _root module_ should set this `bootstrap` property.
`bootstrap` - 指定应用的主视图称为_根组件_它是所有其它视图的宿主。只有_根模块_才能设置`bootstrap`属性。Here's a simple root module:下面是一个简单的根模块:
`bootstrap` - 指定应用的主视图称为_根组件_它是所有其它视图的宿主。只有_根模块_才能设置`bootstrap`属性。
Here's a simple root module:
+makeExample('src/app/mini-app.ts', 'module', 'src/app/app.module.ts')(format='.')
@ -151,7 +174,9 @@ Angular 模块无论是_根模块_还是_特性模块_都是一个带有`@
Launch an application by _bootstrapping_ its root module.
During development you're likely to bootstrap the `AppModule` in a `main.ts` file like this one.我们通过_引导_根模块来启动应用。
During development you're likely to bootstrap the `AppModule` in a `main.ts` file like this one.
+makeExample('src/main.ts', '', 'src/main.ts')(format='.')
@ -159,10 +184,16 @@ Angular 模块无论是_根模块_还是_特性模块_都是一个带有`@
### Angular modules vs. JavaScript modules
### Angular 模块 vs. JavaScript 模块The Angular module &mdash; a class decorated with `@NgModule` &mdash; is a fundamental feature of Angular.
### Angular 模块 vs. JavaScript 模块
The Angular module &mdash; a class decorated with `@NgModule` &mdash; is a fundamental feature of Angular.
Angular 模块(一个用`@NgModule`装饰的类)是 Angular 的基础特性。JavaScript also has its own module system for managing collections of JavaScript objects.
It's completely different and unrelated to the Angular module system.JavaScript 也有自己的模块系统,用来管理一组 JavaScript 对象。
Angular 模块(一个用`@NgModule`装饰的类)是 Angular 的基础特性。
JavaScript also has its own module system for managing collections of JavaScript objects.
It's completely different and unrelated to the Angular module system.
JavaScript 也有自己的模块系统,用来管理一组 JavaScript 对象。
它与 Angular 的模块系统完全不同且完全无关。
In JavaScript each _file_ is a module and all objects defined in the file belong to that module.
@ -178,7 +209,10 @@ Angular 模块无论是_根模块_还是_特性模块_都是一个带有`@
<a href="" target="_blank">Learn more about the JavaScript module system on the web.</a><a href="" target="_blank">学习更多关于 JavaScript 模块的知识。</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Learn more about the JavaScript module system on the web.</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">学习更多关于 JavaScript 模块的知识。</a>
These are two different and _complementary_ module systems. Use them both to write your apps.