refactor(bazel): cleanup ng_package rule to not build fesm5 and esm5 output (#37623)
As of Angular Package Format v10, we no longer ship a `fesm5` and `fesm5` output in packages. We made this change to the `ng_package` rule but intentionally did not clean up related build actions. This follow-up commit cleans this up by: * No longer building fesm5 bundles, or providing esm2015 output. * No longer requesting and building a third flavor for ESM5. We can use TSC to downlevel ES2015 sources/prodmode output similarly to how it is done in `ng-packagr`. The third output flavor (ESM5) resulted in a build slow-down as we required a full recompilation of sources. Now, we only have a single compilation for prodmode output, and then downlevel it on-demand to ES5 for the UMD bundles. Here is timing for building the release packages in `angular/angular` before this change, and afterwards: * Before: 462.157s = ~7.7min * After: 339.703s = ~5.6min This signifies a time reduction by 27% when running `./scripts/build/`. PR Close #37623
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
# Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file at
"""Provides ES5 syntax with ESModule import/exports.
This exposes another flavor of output JavaScript, which is ES5 syntax
with ES2015 module syntax (import/export).
All Bazel rules should consume the standard dev or prod mode.
However we need to publish this flavor on NPM, so it's necessary to be able
to produce it.
# The provider downstream rules use to access the outputs
ESM5Info = provider(
doc = "Typescript compilation outputs in ES5 syntax with ES Modules",
fields = {
"transitive_output": """Dict of [rootDir, .js depset] entries.
The value is a depset of the .js output files.
The key is the prefix that should be stripped off the files
when resolving modules, eg. for file
the rootdir would be
def _map_closure_path(file):
result = file.short_path[:-len(".mjs")]
# short_path is meant to be used when accessing runfiles in a binary, where
# the CWD is inside the current repo. Therefore files in external repo have a
# short_path of ../external/wkspc/path/to/package
# We want to strip the first two segments from such paths.
if (result.startswith("../")):
result = "/".join(result.split("/")[2:])
return result + ".js"
def _join(array):
return "/".join([p for p in array if p])
def _esm5_outputs_aspect(target, ctx):
if not hasattr(target, "typescript"):
return []
# Workaround for
# TODO(gmagolan): generate esm5 output from ts_proto_library and have that
# output work with esm5_outputs_aspect
if not hasattr(target.typescript, "replay_params"):
print("WARNING: no esm5 output from target %s//%s:%s available" % (target.label.workspace_root, target.label.package,
return []
elif not target.typescript.replay_params:
# In case there are "replay_params" specified but the compile action didn't generate any
# outputs (e.g. only "d.ts" files), we cannot create ESM5 outputs for this target either.
return []
# We create a new tsconfig.json file that will have our compilation settings
tsconfig = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s_esm5.tsconfig.json" %
workspace = target.label.workspace_root if target.label.workspace_root else ""
# re-root the outputs under a ".esm5" directory so the path don't collide
out_dir = + ".esm5"
if workspace:
out_dir = out_dir + "/" + workspace
outputs = [
ctx.actions.declare_file(_join([out_dir, _map_closure_path(f)]))
for f in target.typescript.replay_params.outputs
if not f.short_path.endswith(".externs.js")
executable = ctx.executable._modify_tsconfig,
inputs = [target.typescript.replay_params.tsconfig],
outputs = [tsconfig],
arguments = [
_join([workspace, target.label.package, + ".esm5"]),
replay_compiler_path = target.typescript.replay_params.compiler.short_path
replay_compiler_name = replay_compiler_path.split("/")[-1]
# in windows replay_compiler path end with '.exe'
if replay_compiler_name.startswith("tsc_wrapped"):
compiler = ctx.executable._tsc_wrapped
elif replay_compiler_name.startswith("ngc-wrapped"):
compiler = ctx.executable._ngc_wrapped
fail("Unknown replay compiler", target.typescript.replay_params.compiler.path)
inputs = [tsconfig]
if (type(target.typescript.replay_params.inputs) == type([])):
progress_message = "Compiling TypeScript (ES5 with ES Modules) %s" % target.label,
inputs = inputs,
outputs = outputs,
arguments = [tsconfig.path],
executable = compiler,
execution_requirements = {
# TODO(alexeagle): enable worker mode for these compilations
"supports-workers": "0",
mnemonic = "ESM5",
root_dir = _join([
|||| + ".esm5",
transitive_output = {root_dir: depset(outputs)}
for dep in ctx.rule.attr.deps:
if ESM5Info in dep:
return [ESM5Info(
transitive_output = transitive_output,
# Downstream rules can use this aspect to access the ESM5 output flavor.
# Only terminal rules (those which expect never to be used in deps[]) should do
# this.
esm5_outputs_aspect = aspect(
implementation = _esm5_outputs_aspect,
# Recurse to the deps of any target we visit
attr_aspects = ["deps"],
attrs = {
"_modify_tsconfig": attr.label(
default = Label("//packages/bazel/src:modify_tsconfig"),
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
"_tsc_wrapped": attr.label(
default = Label("@npm//@bazel/typescript/bin:tsc_wrapped"),
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
# Replaced with "@npm//@angular/bazel/bin:ngc-wrapped" in the published package
"_ngc_wrapped": attr.label(
default = Label("//packages/bazel/src/ngc-wrapped"),
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
def esm5_root_dir(ctx):
return + ".esm5"
def flatten_esm5(ctx):
"""Merge together the .esm5 folders from the dependencies.
Two different dependencies A and B may have outputs like
In order to run rollup on this app, in case main.js contains `import from './lib'`
they need to be together in the same root directory, so if we depend on both A and B
we need the outputs to be
ctx: the skylark rule execution context
depset of flattened files
esm5_sources = []
result = []
for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
if ESM5Info in dep:
transitive_output = dep[ESM5Info].transitive_output
for f in depset(transitive = esm5_sources).to_list():
path = f.short_path[f.short_path.find(".esm5") + len(".esm5"):]
if (path.startswith("../")):
path = "external/" + path[3:]
rerooted_file = ctx.actions.declare_file("/".join([esm5_root_dir(ctx), path]))
# print("copy", f.short_path, "to", rerooted_file.short_path)
output = rerooted_file,
template = f,
substitutions = {},
return depset(result)
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ nodejs_binary(
entry_point = "@npm//:node_modules/rollup/dist/bin/rollup",
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ load(
load("//packages/bazel/src:external.bzl", "FLAT_DTS_FILE_SUFFIX")
load("//packages/bazel/src:esm5.bzl", "esm5_outputs_aspect", "esm5_root_dir", "flatten_esm5")
load("//packages/bazel/src/ng_package:collect-type-definitions.bzl", "collect_type_definitions")
# Prints a debug message if "--define=VERBOSE_LOGS=true" is specified.
@ -195,7 +194,12 @@ def _compute_node_modules_root(ctx):
node_modules_root = "external/npm/node_modules"
return node_modules_root
def _write_rollup_config(ctx, root_dir, filename = "_%s.rollup.conf.js", include_tslib = False):
def _write_rollup_config(
filename = "_%s.rollup.conf.js",
include_tslib = False,
downlevel_to_es5 = False):
"""Generate a rollup config file.
@ -239,6 +243,7 @@ def _write_rollup_config(ctx, root_dir, filename = "_%s.rollup.conf.js", include
"TMPL_workspace_name": ctx.workspace_name,
"TMPL_external": ", ".join(["'%s'" % e for e in external]),
"TMPL_globals": ", ".join(["'%s': '%s'" % g for g in globals.items()]),
"TMPL_downlevel_to_es5": "true" if downlevel_to_es5 else "false",
@ -347,23 +352,17 @@ def _ng_package_impl(ctx):
esm_2015_files = _filter_out_generated_files(depset(transitive = esm_2015_files_depsets), "mjs")
esm5_sources = _filter_out_generated_files(flatten_esm5(ctx), "js")
# These accumulators match the directory names where the files live in the
# Angular package format.
fesm2015 = []
fesm5 = []
esm2015 = []
esm5 = []
bundles = []
bundled_type_definitions = []
type_definitions = []
# For Angular Package Format v6, we put all the individual .js files in the
# esm5/ and esm2015/ folders.
for f in esm5_sources.to_list():
if f.path.endswith(".js"):
esm5.append(struct(js = f, map = None))
# Collect all prodmode esm2015 source files which should be copied into the
# `esm2015` folder according to Angular Package Format v10.
for f in esm_2015_files.to_list():
# tsickle generated `{module}.externs.js` file will be added to JSEcmaScriptModuleInfo sources
# by ng_module so we include both .js and .mjs sources from the JSEcmaScriptModuleInfo provider
@ -462,24 +461,16 @@ def _ng_package_impl(ctx):
index_file.replace(".js", ".mjs"),
] if p])
es5_entry_point = "/".join([p for p in [
] if p])
if entry_point:
# TODO jasonaden says there is no particular reason these filenames differ
prefix = primary_entry_point_name(, ctx.attr.entry_point, ctx.attr.entry_point_name)
umd_output_filename = "-".join([prefix] + entry_point.split("/"))
fesm_output_filename = entry_point.replace("/", "__")
fesm2015_output = ctx.actions.declare_file("fesm2015/%s.js" % fesm_output_filename)
fesm5_output = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s.js" % fesm_output_filename)
umd_output = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s.umd.js" % umd_output_filename)
min_output = ctx.actions.declare_file("%s.umd.min.js" % umd_output_filename)
fesm2015_output = ctx.outputs.fesm2015
fesm5_output = ctx.outputs.fesm5
umd_output = ctx.outputs.umd
min_output = ctx.outputs.umd_min
@ -489,11 +480,16 @@ def _ng_package_impl(ctx):
for d in ctx.attr.deps:
if NpmPackageInfo in d:
node_modules_files += _filter_js_inputs(d.files)
esm5_rollup_inputs = depset(node_modules_files, transitive = [esm5_sources])
esm2015_rollup_inputs = depset(node_modules_files, transitive = [esm_2015_files])
esm2015_config = _write_rollup_config(ctx, ctx.bin_dir.path, filename = "_%s.rollup_esm2015.conf.js")
esm5_config = _write_rollup_config(ctx, "/".join([ctx.bin_dir.path, ctx.label.package, esm5_root_dir(ctx)]), filename = "_%s.rollup_esm5.conf.js")
esm5_tslib_config = _write_rollup_config(ctx, "/".join([ctx.bin_dir.path, ctx.label.package, esm5_root_dir(ctx)]), filename = "_%s.rollup_esm5_tslib.conf.js", include_tslib = True)
umd_config = _write_rollup_config(
filename = "_%s.rollup_umd.conf.js",
include_tslib = True,
downlevel_to_es5 = True,
@ -501,36 +497,25 @@ def _ng_package_impl(ctx):
depset(node_modules_files, transitive = [esm_2015_files]),
format = "esm",
format = "esm",
module_name = module_name,
format = "umd",
terser_sourcemap = _terser(
@ -541,11 +526,10 @@ def _ng_package_impl(ctx):
packager_inputs = (
ctx.files.srcs +
|||| +
esm5_sources.to_list() +
type_definitions +
bundled_type_definitions +
[f.js for f in fesm2015 + fesm5 + esm2015 + esm5 + bundles] +
[ for f in fesm2015 + fesm5 + esm2015 + esm5 + bundles if]
[f.js for f in fesm2015 + esm2015 + bundles] +
[ for f in fesm2015 + esm2015 + bundles if]
packager_args = ctx.actions.args()
@ -582,9 +566,7 @@ def _ng_package_impl(ctx):
packager_args.add_joined(_flatten_paths(fesm2015), join_with = ",", omit_if_empty = False)
packager_args.add_joined(_flatten_paths(fesm5), join_with = ",", omit_if_empty = False)
packager_args.add_joined(_flatten_paths(esm2015), join_with = ",", omit_if_empty = False)
packager_args.add_joined(_flatten_paths(esm5), join_with = ",", omit_if_empty = False)
packager_args.add_joined(_flatten_paths(bundles), join_with = ",", omit_if_empty = False)
packager_args.add_joined([s.path for s in ctx.files.srcs], join_with = ",", omit_if_empty = False)
packager_args.add_joined([s.path for s in type_definitions], join_with = ",", omit_if_empty = False)
@ -627,7 +609,7 @@ def _ng_package_impl(ctx):
files = depset([package_dir]),
_NG_PACKAGE_DEPS_ASPECTS = [esm5_outputs_aspect, ng_package_module_mappings_aspect, node_modules_aspect]
_NG_PACKAGE_DEPS_ASPECTS = [ng_package_module_mappings_aspect, node_modules_aspect]
"srcs": attr.label_list(
@ -800,7 +782,6 @@ def _ng_package_outputs(name, entry_point, entry_point_name):
basename = primary_entry_point_name(name, entry_point, entry_point_name)
outputs = {
"fesm5": "fesm5/%s.js" % basename,
"fesm2015": "fesm2015/%s.js" % basename,
"umd": "%s.umd.js" % basename,
"umd_min": "%s.umd.min.js" % basename,
@ -60,15 +60,9 @@ function main(args: string[]): number {
// List of rolled-up flat ES2015 modules
// List of rolled-up flat ES5 modules
// List of individual ES2015 modules
// List of individual ES5 modules
// List of all UMD bundles generated by rollup.
@ -92,9 +86,7 @@ function main(args: string[]): number {
] = params;
const fesm2015 = fesm2015Arg.split(',').filter(s => !!s);
const fesm5 = fesm5Arg.split(',').filter(s => !!s);
const esm2015 = esm2015Arg.split(',').filter(s => !!s);
const esm5 = esm5Arg.split(',').filter(s => !!s);
const bundles = bundlesArg.split(',').filter(s => !!s);
const typeDefinitions = typeDefinitionsArg.split(',').filter(s => !!s);
const srcs = srcsArg.split(',').filter(s => !!s);
@ -149,28 +141,20 @@ function main(args: string[]): number {
* Relativize the path where a file is written.
* @param file a path containing a re-rooted segment like .esm5
* @param suffix the re-rooted directory
* @param file a path containing a re-rooted segment like `.esm2015`
* @param outDir path where we copy the file, relative to the out
function writeEsmFile(file: string, suffix: string, outDir: string) {
function relPath(file: string, suffix: string) {
if (suffix) {
// Note that the specified file path is always using the posix path delimiter.
const root =
suffix ? file.substr(0, file.lastIndexOf(`${suffix}/`) + suffix.length + 1) : binDir;
return path.dirname(path.relative(path.join(root, srcDir), file));
} else {
return path.dirname(path.relative(binDir, file));
const rel = relPath(file, suffix);
if (!rel.startsWith('..')) {
copyFile(file, path.join(out, outDir), rel);
function writeEsmFile(file: string, outDir: string) {
// Path computed relative to the current package in bazel-bin. e.g. a ES2015 output file
// in `bazel-out/<..>/packages/core/src/di.js` should be stored in `{out_dir}/src/di.js`
// if the package target has been declared in `<..>/packages/core`.
const packageRelativePath = path.dirname(path.relative(binDir, file));
if (!packageRelativePath.startsWith('..')) {
copyFile(file, path.join(out, outDir), packageRelativePath);
esm2015.forEach(file => writeEsmFile(file, '', 'esm2015'));
esm2015.forEach(file => writeEsmFile(file, 'esm2015'));
bundles.forEach(bundle => {
copyFile(bundle, out, 'bundles');
@ -194,7 +178,6 @@ function main(args: string[]): number {
const moduleFiles = modulesManifest[moduleName];
const relative = path.relative(binDir, moduleFiles['index']);
moduleFiles['esm5_index'] = path.join(binDir, 'esm5', relative);
moduleFiles['esm2015_index'] = path.join(binDir, 'esm2015', relative);
// Metadata file is optional as entry-points can be also built
@ -379,7 +362,7 @@ function main(args: string[]): number {
// e.g. @angular/common/http/testing -> ../../bundles/common-http-testing.umd.js
// or @angular/common/http/testing -> ../../fesm5/http/testing.js
// or @angular/common/http/testing -> ../../fesm2015/http/testing.js
function getBundleName(packageName: string, dir: string) {
const parts = packageName.split('/');
// Remove the scoped package part, like @angular if present
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ const sourcemaps = require('rollup-plugin-sourcemaps');
const commonjs = require('rollup-plugin-commonjs');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const ts = require('typescript');
function log_verbose(...m) {
// This is a template file so we use __filename to output the actual filename
@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ const rootDir = 'TMPL_root_dir';
const bannerFile = TMPL_banner_file;
const stampData = TMPL_stamp_data;
const moduleMappings = TMPL_module_mappings;
const downlevelToEs5 = TMPL_downlevel_to_es5;
const nodeModulesRoot = 'TMPL_node_modules_root';
log_verbose(`running with
@ -144,6 +146,27 @@ if (bannerFile) {
const downlevelToEs5Plugin = {
name: 'downlevel-to-es5',
transform: (code, filePath) => {
const compilerOptions = {
target: ts.ScriptTarget.ES5,
module: ts.ModuleKind.ES2015,
allowJs: true,
sourceMap: true,
downlevelIteration: true,
importHelpers: true,
mapRoot: path.dirname(filePath),
const {outputText, sourceMapText} = ts.transpileModule(code, {compilerOptions});
return {
code: outputText,
map: JSON.parse(sourceMapText),
const plugins = [
name: 'resolveBazel',
@ -158,6 +181,10 @@ const plugins = [
if (downlevelToEs5) {
const config = {
external: [TMPL_external],
@ -180,11 +180,11 @@ Hello
var A11yModule = /** @class */ (function () {
function A11yModule() {
A11yModule.decorators = [
{ type: core.NgModule, args: [{},] }
return A11yModule;
A11yModule.decorators = [
{ type: core.NgModule, args: [{},] }
* @license
@ -220,14 +220,15 @@ Hello
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
*/var n=function(){function e(){}return e.decorators=[{type:o.NgModule,args:[{}]}],e}();
*/var t;(t=function t(){}).decorators=[{type:o.NgModule,args:[{}]}],
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
--- bundles/waffels-imports.umd.js ---
@ -253,12 +254,12 @@ Hello
var MySecondService = /** @class */ (function () {
function MySecondService() {
MySecondService.ɵprov = i0.ɵɵdefineInjectable({ factory: function MySecondService_Factory() { return new MySecondService(); }, token: MySecondService, providedIn: "root" });
MySecondService.decorators = [
{ type: i0.Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' },] }
return MySecondService;
MySecondService.ɵprov = i0.ɵɵdefineInjectable({ factory: function MySecondService_Factory() { return new MySecondService(); }, token: MySecondService, providedIn: "root" });
MySecondService.decorators = [
{ type: i0.Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' },] }
* @license
@ -271,15 +272,15 @@ Hello
function MyService(secondService) {
this.secondService = secondService;
MyService.ɵprov = i0.ɵɵdefineInjectable({ factory: function MyService_Factory() { return new MyService(i0.ɵɵinject(MySecondService)); }, token: MyService, providedIn: "root" });
MyService.decorators = [
{ type: i0.Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' },] }
MyService.ctorParameters = function () { return [
{ type: MySecondService }
]; };
return MyService;
MyService.ɵprov = i0.ɵɵdefineInjectable({ factory: function MyService_Factory() { return new MyService(i0.ɵɵinject(MySecondService)); }, token: MyService, providedIn: "root" });
MyService.decorators = [
{ type: i0.Injectable, args: [{ providedIn: 'root' },] }
MyService.ctorParameters = function () { return [
{ type: MySecondService }
]; };
* @license
@ -316,7 +317,7 @@ Hello
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
*/var n=function(){function e(){}return e.ɵprov=t.ɵɵdefineInjectable({factory:function t(){return new e},token:e,providedIn:"root"}),e.decorators=[{type:t.Injectable,args:[{providedIn:"root"}]}],e}(),r=function(){function e(e){this.secondService=e}return e.ɵprov=t.ɵɵdefineInjectable({factory:function r(){return new e(t.ɵɵinject(n))},token:e,providedIn:"root"}),e.decorators=[{type:t.Injectable,args:[{providedIn:"root"}]}],e.ctorParameters=function(){return[{type:n}]},e}();
*/var o,r;(o=function o(){}).ɵprov=t.ɵɵdefineInjectable({factory:function e(){return new o},token:o,providedIn:"root"}),o.decorators=[{type:t.Injectable,args:[{providedIn:"root"}]}],(r=function r(e){this.secondService=e}).ɵprov=t.ɵɵdefineInjectable({factory:function e(){return new r(t.ɵɵinject(o))},token:r,providedIn:"root"}),r.decorators=[{type:t.Injectable,args:[{providedIn:"root"}]}],r.ctorParameters=function(){return[{type:o}]},
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
@ -324,14 +325,7 @@ Hello
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
--- bundles/waffels-secondary.umd.js ---
@ -357,11 +351,11 @@ e.MyService=r,e.ɵangular_packages_bazel_test_ng_package_example_imports_imports
var SecondaryModule = /** @class */ (function () {
function SecondaryModule() {
SecondaryModule.decorators = [
{ type: core.NgModule, args: [{},] }
return SecondaryModule;
SecondaryModule.decorators = [
{ type: core.NgModule, args: [{},] }
var a = 1;
@ -399,7 +393,7 @@ e.MyService=r,e.ɵangular_packages_bazel_test_ng_package_example_imports_imports
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
*/var n=function(){function e(){}return e.decorators=[{type:o.NgModule,args:[{}]}],e}();
*/var n;(n=function n(){}).decorators=[{type:o.NgModule,args:[{}]}],
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
@ -433,11 +427,11 @@ e.SecondaryModule=n,e.a=1,Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})}));
var MyModule = /** @class */ (function () {
function MyModule() {
MyModule.decorators = [
{ type: core.NgModule, args: [{},] }
return MyModule;
MyModule.decorators = [
{ type: core.NgModule, args: [{},] }
* @license
@ -473,14 +467,15 @@ e.SecondaryModule=n,e.a=1,Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})}));
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
*/var n=function(){function e(){}return e.decorators=[{type:o.NgModule,args:[{}]}],e}();
*/var t;(t=function t(){}).decorators=[{type:o.NgModule,args:[{}]}],
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
--- esm2015/a11y/a11y.externs.js ---
@ -85,11 +85,11 @@ License: MIT
var PortalModule = /** @class */ (function () {
function PortalModule() {
PortalModule.decorators = [
{ type: core.NgModule, args: [{},] }
return PortalModule;
PortalModule.decorators = [
{ type: core.NgModule, args: [{},] }
var a = 1;
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ License: MIT
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
*/var t=function(){function e(){}return e.decorators=[{type:o.NgModule,args:[{}]}],e}();
*/var t;(t=function t(){}).decorators=[{type:o.NgModule,args:[{}]}],
* @license
* Copyright Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
Reference in New Issue
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