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@ -7,13 +7,22 @@ block includes
**Angular Modules** help organize an application into cohesive blocks of functionality.
An Angular Module _class_ is adorned with the **NgModule** decorator that defines metadata about the module.
This chapter explains how to **create** `NgModule` classes and how to load them,
either immediately when the application launches or later, as needed, via the Router.
本章将会讲解如何**创建**`NgModule`类,以及如何加载它们 —— 无论是在程序启动时立即加载,还是稍后由路由器按需加载。
## Contents
## 目录
* [Angular modularity](#angular-modularity "Add structure to the app with NgModule")
* [The application root module](#root-module "The startup module that every app requires")
* [Bootstrap](#bootstrap "Launch the app in a browser with the root module as the entry point") the root module
@ -32,122 +41,226 @@ a#angular-modularity
## Angular Modularity
## Angular模块化
Modules are a great way to organize the application and extend it with capabilities from external libraries.
Many Angular libraries are modules (e.g, `FormsModule`, `HttpModule`, `RouterModule`).
Many third party libraries are available as Angular modules (e.g.,
<a href="https://material.angular.io/" target="_blank">Material Design</a>,
<a href="http://ionicframework.com/" target="_blank">Ionic</a>,
<a href="https://github.com/angular/angularfire2" target="_blank">AngularFire2</a>).
很多第三方库也封装成了Angular模块,比如:<a href="https://material.angular.io/" target="_blank">Material Design</a>、
<a href="http://ionicframework.com/" target="_blank">Ionic</a>、
<a href="https://github.com/angular/angularfire2" target="_blank">AngularFire2</a>。
Angular modules consolidate components, directives and pipes into
cohesive blocks of functionality, each focused on a
feature area, application business domain, workflow, or common collection of utilities.
Modules can also add services to the application.
Such services might be internally-developed such as the application logger.
They can come from outside sources such as the Angular router and Http client.
Modules can be loaded eagerly when the application starts.
They can also be _lazy loaded_ asynchronously by the router.
An Angular module is a class decorated with `@NgModule` metadata. The metadata:
* declare which components, directives and pipes _belong together_.
* 声明哪些组件、指令、管道属于该模块。
* make some of those classes public so that other component templates can use them.
* 公开某些类,以便其它的组件模板可以使用它们。
* hide other classes as implementation details.
* 隐藏那些属于实现细节的非公开类。
* import other modules with the components, directives and pipes it needs.
* 导入其它模块,以获得所需的组件、指令和管道。
* provide services at the application level that any application component can use.
* 在应用程序级提供服务,以便应用中的任何组件都能使用它。
Every Angular app has at least one module class, the _root module_.
We bootstrap that module to launch the application.
每个Angular应用至少有一个模块类 —— _根模块_,我们将通过引导根模块来启动应用。
The _root module_ is all we need in a simple application with a few components.
As the app grows, we refactor the _root module_ into **feature modules**
that represent collections of related functionality.
We then import these modules into the _root module_.
We'll see how later in the chapter. Let's start with the _root module_.
## _AppModule_ - the application root module
## _AppModule_ - 应用的根模块
Every Angular app has a **root module** class.
By convention it's a class called `AppModule` in a file named `app.module.ts`.
This `AppModule` is about as minimal as it gets:
+makeExample('ngmodule/ts/app/app.module.0.ts', '', 'app/app.module.ts (minimal)')(format=".")
The `@NgModel` decorator defines the metadata for the module.
We'll take an intuitive approach to understanding the metadata and fill in details as we go.
This metadata imports a single helper module, `BrowserModule`, the module every browser app must import.
`BrowserModule` registers critical application service providers.
It also includes common directives like `NgIf` and `NgFor` which become immediately visible and usable
in any of this modules component templates.
The `declarations` list identifies the application's only component,
the _root component_, the top of this app's rather bare component tree.
The example `AppComponent` simply displays a data-bound title:
+makeExample('ngmodule/ts/app/app.component.0.ts', '', 'app/app.component.ts (minimal)')(format=".")
Lastly, the `@NgModule.bootstrap` property identifies this `AppComponent` as the _bootstrap component_.
When Angular launches the app, it places the HTML rendering of `AppComponent` in the DOM,
inside the `<my-app>` element tags of the `index.html`
## Bootstrapping in _main.ts_
## 在_main.ts_中引导
We launch the application by bootstrapping the `AppModule` in the `main.ts` file.
Angular offers a variety of bootstrapping options, targeting multiple platforms.
In this chapter we consider two options, both targeting the browser.
### Dynamic bootstrapping with the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler
### 通过即时(JIT)编译器动态引导
In the first, _dynamic_ option, the [Angular compiler](#q-angular-compiler "About the Angular Compiler")
compiles the application in the browser and then launches the app.
先看看_dynamic_选项,[Angular编译器](#q-angular-compiler "关于Angular编译器")在浏览器中编译并引导该应用。
+makeExample('ngmodule/ts/app/main.ts', '', 'app/main.ts (dynamic)')(format=".")
The samples in this chapter demonstrate the dynamic bootstrapping approach.
<live-example plnkr="minimal.0">Try the live example.</live-example>
<live-example plnkr="minimal.0">尝试在线例子</live-example>
### Static bootstrapping with the Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compiler
### 使用预先编译器(AOT - Ahead-Of-Time)进行静态引导
Consider the static alternative which can produce a much smaller application that
launches faster, especially on mobile devices and high latency networks.
In the _static_ option, the Angular compiler runs ahead of time as part of the build process,
producing a collection of class factories in their own files.
Among them is the `AppModuleNgFactory`.
The syntax for bootstrapping the pre-compiled `AppModuleNgFactory` is similar to
the dynamic version that bootstraps the `AppModule` class.
+makeExample('ngmodule/ts/app/main-static.ts', '', 'app/main.ts (static)')(format=".")
Because the entire application was pre-compiled,
we don't ship the _Angular Compiler_ to the browser and we don't compile in the browser.
The application code downloaded to the browser is much smaller than the dynamic equivalent
and it is ready to execute immediately. The performance boost can be significant.
Both the JIT and AOT compilers generate an `AppModuleNgFactory` class from the same `AppModule` source code.
The JIT compiler creates that factory class on the fly, in memory, in the browser.
The AOT compiler outputs the factory to a physical file
that we're importing here in the static version of `main.ts`.
In general, the `AppModule` should neither know nor care how it is bootstrapped.
Although the `AppModule` evolves as the app grows, the bootstrap code in `main.ts` doesn't change.
This is the last time we'll look at `main.ts`.
@ -155,26 +268,49 @@ a#declarations
## Declare directives and components
## 声明指令和组件
The app evolves.
The first addition is a `HighlightDirective`, an [attribute directive](attribute-directives.html)
that sets the background color of the attached element.
+makeExample('ngmodule/ts/app/highlight.directive.ts', '', 'app/highlight.directive.ts')(format=".")
We update the `AppComponent` template to attach the directive to the title:
+makeExample('ngmodule/ts/app/app.component.1.ts', 'template')(format=".")
If we ran the app now, Angular would report an error in the console because
it doesn't recognize the `highlight` binding.
We must declare the directive in `AppModule`.
Import the `HighlightDirective` class and add it to the module's `declarations` like this:
+makeExample('ngmodule/ts/app/app.module.1.ts', 'directive')(format=".")
### Add a component
### 添加组件
We decide to refactor the title into its own `TitleComponent`.
The component's template binds to the component's `title` and `subtitle` properties like this:
+makeExample('ngmodule/ts/app/title.component.html', 'v1', 'app/title.component.html')(format=".")
+makeExample('ngmodule/ts/app/title.component.ts', 'v1', 'app/title.component.ts')(format=".")
@ -182,10 +318,17 @@ a#declarations
We rewrite the `AppComponent` to display the new `TitleComponent` in the `<app-title>` element,
using an input binding to set the `subtitle`.
+makeExample('ngmodule/ts/app/app.component.1.ts', '', 'app/app.component.ts (v1)')(format=".")
Angular won't recognize the `<app-title>` tag until we declare it in `AppModule`.
Import the `TitleComponent` class and add it to the module's `declarations`:
+makeExample('ngmodule/ts/app/app.module.1.ts', 'component')(format=".")
@ -193,32 +336,54 @@ a#providers
## Service Providers
## 服务提供商
Modules are a great way to provide services for all of the module's components.
The [Dependency Injection](dependency-injection.html) chapter describes
the Angular hierarchical dependency injection system and how to configure that system
with [providers](dependency-injection.html#providers) at different levels of the
application's component tree.
A module can add providers to the application's root dependency injector, making those services
available everywhere in the application.
Many applications capture information about the currently logged-in user and make that information
accessible through a user service.
This sample application has a dummy implementation of such a `UserService`.
+makeExample('ngmodule/ts/app/user.service.ts', '', 'app/user.service.ts')(format=".")
The sample application should display a welcome message to the logged in user just below the application title.
Update the `TitleComponent` template to show the welcome message below the application title.
+makeExample('ngmodule/ts/app/title.component.html', '', 'app/title.component.html')(format=".")
Update the `TitleComponent` class with a constructor that injects the `UserService`
and sets the component's `user` property from the service.
+makeExample('ngmodule/ts/app/title.component.ts', '', 'app/title.component.ts')(format=".")
We've _defined_ and _used_ the service. Now we _provide_ it for all components to use by
adding it to a `providers` property in the `AppModule` metadata:
+makeExample('ngmodule/ts/app/app.module.1.ts', 'providers', 'app/app.module.ts (providers)')(format=".")
@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
We are happy to see that Angular’s Chinese developer community has grown to its current large size, fueled by not only the passion for technologies among developers, but also by the desire to make this technology effective for real businesses. Many companies in China have already built their businesses based on Angular technology. We hope that the updated materials on this official site will continue to inspire and help putting this technology into more real world business services and applications in China. If your business already runs on Angular, we invite you to join our developer community here, and become involved in our effort in continuing improving and enhancing this technology. We welcome your comments and suggestions at any time. Please send your remarks to Google Developer Relations China team’s contact email at: devrel-china-contact@google.com
We are happy to see that Angular’s Chinese developer community has grown to its current large size, fueled by not only the passion for technologies among developers, but also by the desire to make this technology effective for real businesses. Many companies in China have already built their businesses based on Angular technology. We hope that the updated materials on this official site will continue to inspire and help putting this technology into more real world business services and applications in China. If your business already runs on Angular, we invite you to join our developer community here, and become involved in our effort in continuing improving and enhancing this technology. We welcome your comments and suggestions at any time. Please send your remarks to Google Developer Relations China team’s contact email at: .
Angular succeeds because it is built by and for developers who come from many different backgrounds. We hope that these materials will help you to learn and understand Angular, and to contribute back to the framework in future. We are excited to see what you will build with Angular here in China, and how the framework itself will change as the result of your enthusiasm.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
## 授权方式
本文档遵循[“保持署名—非商用”创意共享4.0许可证(CC BY-NC 4.0)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/deed.zh)授权方式,你不用知会我们就可以转载,但必须保持署名(特别是:链接到<https://angular.cn>,并且不得去掉本页入口链接,也不得修改本页内容),并且不得用于商业目的。如果需要进行任何商业推广,请接洽[ Google 开发技术推广部](mailto:devrel-china-contact@google.com),我们将给出积极的回应。
本文档遵循[“保持署名—非商用”创意共享4.0许可证(CC BY-NC 4.0)](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/deed.zh)授权方式,你不用知会我们就可以转载,但必须保持署名(特别是:链接到<https://angular.cn>,并且不得去掉本页入口链接,也不得修改本页内容),并且不得用于商业目的。如果需要进行任何商业推广,请接洽Google 开发技术推广部,我们将给出积极的回应。
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@ -98,5 +98,5 @@
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