refactor(compiler): simplify the `CompilerHost` used for transformers
- remove unneeded methods (`getNgCanonicalFileName`, `assumeFileExists`) - simplify moduleName <-> fileName conversion logic as we don’t need to account for `genDir` anymore. - rename `createNgCompilerHost` -> `createCompilerHost`
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AotCompilerHost, StaticSymbol} from '@angular/compiler';
import {AotCompilerHost, StaticSymbol, syntaxError} from '@angular/compiler';
import {AngularCompilerOptions, CollectorOptions, MetadataCollector, ModuleMetadata} from '@angular/tsc-wrapped';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
@ -131,6 +131,9 @@ export abstract class BaseAotCompilerHost<C extends BaseAotCompilerHostContext>
loadResource(filePath: string): Promise<string>|string {
if (this.context.readResource) return this.context.readResource(filePath);
if (!this.context.fileExists(filePath)) {
throw syntaxError(`Error: Resource file not found: ${filePath}`);
return this.context.readFile(filePath);
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ export function performCompilation(
let emitResult: api.EmitResult|undefined;
try {
if (!host) {
host = ng.createNgCompilerHost({options});
host = ng.createCompilerHost({options});
program = ng.createProgram({rootNames, host, options, oldProgram});
@ -117,34 +117,24 @@ export interface CompilerOptions extends ts.CompilerOptions {
preserveWhitespaces?: boolean;
export interface ModuleFilenameResolver {
export interface CompilerHost extends ts.CompilerHost {
* Converts a module name that is used in an `import` to a file path.
* I.e. `path/to/containingFile.ts` containing `import {...} from 'module-name'`.
moduleNameToFileName(moduleName: string, containingFile?: string): string|null;
* Converts a file path to a module name that can be used as an `import.
* Converts a file path to a module name that can be used as an `import ...`
* I.e. `path/to/importedFile.ts` should be imported by `path/to/containingFile.ts`.
* See ImportResolver.
fileNameToModuleName(importedFilePath: string, containingFilePath: string): string|null;
getNgCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string;
assumeFileExists(fileName: string): void;
export interface CompilerHost extends ts.CompilerHost, ModuleFilenameResolver {
* Load a referenced resource either statically or asynchronously. If the host returns a
* `Promise<string>` it is assumed the user of the corresponding `Program` will call
* `loadNgStructureAsync()`. Returing `Promise<string>` outside `loadNgStructureAsync()` will
* cause a diagnostics diagnostic error or an exception to be thrown.
* If `loadResource()` is not provided, `readFile()` will be called to load the resource.
readResource?(fileName: string): Promise<string>|string;
@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {syntaxError} from '@angular/compiler';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {CompilerHost, CompilerOptions} from './api';
const NODE_MODULES_PACKAGE_NAME = /node_modules\/((\w|-)+|(@(\w|-)+\/(\w|-)+))/;
const DTS = /\.d\.ts$/;
const EXT = /(\.ts|\.d\.ts|\.js|\.jsx|\.tsx)$/;
export function createCompilerHost(
{options, tsHost = ts.createCompilerHost(options, true)}:
{options: CompilerOptions, tsHost?: ts.CompilerHost}): CompilerHost {
const mixin = new CompilerHostMixin(tsHost, options);
const host = Object.create(tsHost);
host.moduleNameToFileName = mixin.moduleNameToFileName.bind(mixin);
host.fileNameToModuleName = mixin.fileNameToModuleName.bind(mixin);
// Make sure we do not `host.realpath()` from TS as we do not want to resolve symlinks.
host.realpath = (fileName: string) => fileName;
return host;
class CompilerHostMixin {
private moduleFileNames = new Map<string, string|null>();
private rootDirs: string[];
private basePath: string;
private moduleResolutionHost: ModuleFilenameResolutionHost;
constructor(private context: ts.ModuleResolutionHost, private options: CompilerOptions) {
// normalize the path so that it never ends with '/'.
this.basePath = normalizePath(this.options.basePath !);
this.rootDirs = (this.options.rootDirs || [
this.options.basePath !
]).map(p => path.resolve(this.basePath, normalizePath(p)));
this.moduleResolutionHost = createModuleFilenameResolverHost(context);
moduleNameToFileName(m: string, containingFile: string): string|null {
const key = m + ':' + (containingFile || '');
let result: string|null = this.moduleFileNames.get(key) || null;
if (result) {
return result;
if (!containingFile) {
if (m.indexOf('.') === 0) {
throw new Error('Resolution of relative paths requires a containing file.');
// Any containing file gives the same result for absolute imports
containingFile = path.join(this.basePath, 'index.ts');
const resolved =
ts.resolveModuleName(m, containingFile, this.options, this.moduleResolutionHost)
if (resolved) {
if (this.options.traceResolution) {
console.error('resolve', m, containingFile, '=>', resolved.resolvedFileName);
result = resolved.resolvedFileName;
this.moduleFileNames.set(key, result);
return result;
* We want a moduleId that will appear in import statements in the generated code
* which will be written to `containingFile`.
* Note that we also generate files for files in node_modules, as libraries
* only ship .metadata.json files but not the generated code.
* Logic:
* 1. if the importedFile and the containingFile are from the project sources
* or from the same node_modules package, use a relative path
* 2. if the importedFile is in a node_modules package,
* use a path that starts with the package name.
* 3. Error if the containingFile is in the node_modules package
* and the importedFile is in the project soures,
* as that is a violation of the principle that node_modules packages cannot
* import project sources.
fileNameToModuleName(importedFile: string, containingFile: string): string {
const originalImportedFile = importedFile;
if (this.options.traceResolution) {
'fileNameToModuleName from containingFile', containingFile, 'to importedFile',
// If a file does not yet exist (because we compile it later), we still need to
// assume it exists it so that the `resolve` method works!
if (!this.moduleResolutionHost.fileExists(importedFile)) {
// drop extension
importedFile = importedFile.replace(EXT, '');
const importedFilePackagName = getPackageName(importedFile);
const containingFilePackageName = getPackageName(containingFile);
let moduleName: string;
if (importedFilePackagName === containingFilePackageName) {
moduleName = dotRelative(
path.dirname(stripRootDir(this.rootDirs, containingFile)),
stripRootDir(this.rootDirs, importedFile));
} else if (importedFilePackagName) {
moduleName = stripNodeModulesPrefix(importedFile);
} else {
throw new Error(
`Trying to import a source file from a node_modules package: import ${originalImportedFile} from ${containingFile}`);
return moduleName;
interface ModuleFilenameResolutionHost extends ts.ModuleResolutionHost {
assumeFileExists(fileName: string): void;
function createModuleFilenameResolverHost(host: ts.ModuleResolutionHost):
ModuleFilenameResolutionHost {
const assumedExists = new Set<string>();
const resolveModuleNameHost = Object.create(host);
// When calling ts.resolveModuleName, additional allow checks for .d.ts files to be done based on
// checks for .ngsummary.json files, so that our codegen depends on fewer inputs and requires
// to be called less often.
// This is needed as we use ts.resolveModuleName in DefaultModuleFilenameResolver
// and it should be able to resolve summary file names.
resolveModuleNameHost.fileExists = (fileName: string): boolean => {
if (assumedExists.has(fileName)) {
return true;
if (host.fileExists(fileName)) {
return true;
if (DTS.test(fileName)) {
const base = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length - 5);
return host.fileExists(base + '.ngsummary.json');
return false;
resolveModuleNameHost.assumeFileExists = (fileName: string) => assumedExists.add(fileName);
// Make sure we do not `host.realpath()` from TS as we do not want to resolve symlinks.
resolveModuleNameHost.realpath = (fileName: string) => fileName;
return resolveModuleNameHost;
function dotRelative(from: string, to: string): string {
const rPath: string = path.relative(from, to).replace(/\\/g, '/');
return rPath.startsWith('.') ? rPath : './' + rPath;
* Moves the path into `genDir` folder while preserving the `node_modules` directory.
function getPackageName(filePath: string): string|null {
const match = NODE_MODULES_PACKAGE_NAME.exec(filePath);
return match ? match[1] : null;
function stripRootDir(rootDirs: string[], fileName: string): string {
if (!fileName) return fileName;
// NB: the rootDirs should have been sorted longest-first
for (const dir of rootDirs) {
if (fileName.indexOf(dir) === 0) {
fileName = fileName.substring(dir.length);
return fileName;
function stripNodeModulesPrefix(filePath: string): string {
return filePath.replace(/.*node_modules\//, '');
function normalizePath(p: string): string {
return path.normalize(path.join(p, '.')).replace(/\\/g, '/');
@ -9,25 +9,6 @@
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {CompilerHost, CompilerOptions, Program} from './api';
import {createModuleFilenameResolver} from './module_filename_resolver';
export {createCompilerHost} from './compiler_host';
export {createProgram} from './program';
export {createModuleFilenameResolver};
export function createNgCompilerHost(
{options, tsHost = ts.createCompilerHost(options, true)}:
{options: CompilerOptions, tsHost?: ts.CompilerHost}): CompilerHost {
const resolver = createModuleFilenameResolver(tsHost, options);
const host = Object.create(tsHost);
host.moduleNameToFileName = resolver.moduleNameToFileName.bind(resolver);
host.fileNameToModuleName = resolver.fileNameToModuleName.bind(resolver);
host.getNgCanonicalFileName = resolver.getNgCanonicalFileName.bind(resolver);
host.assumeFileExists = resolver.assumeFileExists.bind(resolver);
// Make sure we do not `host.realpath()` from TS as we do not want to resolve symlinks.
host.realpath = (fileName: string) => fileName;
return host;
@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as path from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {CompilerOptions, ModuleFilenameResolver} from './api';
const EXT = /(\.ts|\.d\.ts|\.js|\.jsx|\.tsx)$/;
const DTS = /\.d\.ts$/;
const NODE_MODULES = '/node_modules/';
const IS_GENERATED = /\.(ngfactory|ngstyle|ngsummary)$/;
const SHALLOW_IMPORT = /^((\w|-)+|(@(\w|-)+(\/(\w|-)+)+))$/;
export function createModuleFilenameResolver(
tsHost: ts.ModuleResolutionHost, options: CompilerOptions): ModuleFilenameResolver {
const host = createModuleFilenameResolverHost(tsHost);
return options.rootDirs && options.rootDirs.length > 0 ?
new MultipleRootDirModuleFilenameResolver(host, options) :
new SingleRootDirModuleFilenameResolver(host, options);
class SingleRootDirModuleFilenameResolver implements ModuleFilenameResolver {
private isGenDirChildOfRootDir: boolean;
private basePath: string;
private genDir: string;
private moduleFileNames = new Map<string, string|null>();
constructor(private host: ModuleFilenameResolutionHost, private options: CompilerOptions) {
// normalize the path so that it never ends with '/'.
this.basePath = path.normalize(path.join(options.basePath !, '.')).replace(/\\/g, '/');
this.genDir = path.normalize(path.join(options.genDir !, '.')).replace(/\\/g, '/');
const genPath: string = path.relative(this.basePath, this.genDir);
this.isGenDirChildOfRootDir = genPath === '' || !genPath.startsWith('..');
moduleNameToFileName(m: string, containingFile: string): string|null {
const key = m + ':' + (containingFile || '');
let result: string|null = this.moduleFileNames.get(key) || null;
if (!result) {
if (!containingFile) {
if (m.indexOf('.') === 0) {
throw new Error('Resolution of relative paths requires a containing file.');
// Any containing file gives the same result for absolute imports
containingFile = this.getNgCanonicalFileName(path.join(this.basePath, 'index.ts'));
m = m.replace(EXT, '');
const resolved =
ts.resolveModuleName(m, containingFile.replace(/\\/g, '/'), this.options,
result = resolved ? this.getNgCanonicalFileName(resolved.resolvedFileName) : null;
this.moduleFileNames.set(key, result);
return result;
* We want a moduleId that will appear in import statements in the generated code.
* These need to be in a form that system.js can load, so absolute file paths don't work.
* The `containingFile` is always in the `genDir`, where as the `importedFile` can be in
* `genDir`, `node_module` or `basePath`. The `importedFile` is either a generated file or
* existing file.
* | genDir | node_module | rootDir
* --------------+----------+-------------+----------
* generated | relative | relative | n/a
* existing file | n/a | absolute | relative(*)
* NOTE: (*) the relative path is computed depending on `isGenDirChildOfRootDir`.
fileNameToModuleName(importedFile: string, containingFile: string): string {
// If a file does not yet exist (because we compile it later), we still need to
// assume it exists it so that the `resolve` method works!
if (! {
containingFile = this.rewriteGenDirPath(containingFile);
const containingDir = path.dirname(containingFile);
// drop extension
importedFile = importedFile.replace(EXT, '');
const nodeModulesIndex = importedFile.indexOf(NODE_MODULES);
const importModule = nodeModulesIndex === -1 ?
null :
importedFile.substring(nodeModulesIndex + NODE_MODULES.length);
const isGeneratedFile = IS_GENERATED.test(importedFile);
if (isGeneratedFile) {
// rewrite to genDir path
if (importModule) {
// it is generated, therefore we do a relative path to the factory
return this.dotRelative(containingDir, this.genDir + NODE_MODULES + importModule);
} else {
// assume that import is also in `genDir`
importedFile = this.rewriteGenDirPath(importedFile);
return this.dotRelative(containingDir, importedFile);
} else {
// user code import
if (importModule) {
return importModule;
} else {
if (!this.isGenDirChildOfRootDir) {
// assume that they are on top of each other.
importedFile = importedFile.replace(this.basePath, this.genDir);
if (SHALLOW_IMPORT.test(importedFile)) {
return importedFile;
return this.dotRelative(containingDir, importedFile);
// We use absolute paths on disk as canonical.
getNgCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string { return fileName; }
assumeFileExists(fileName: string) {; }
private dotRelative(from: string, to: string): string {
const rPath: string = path.relative(from, to).replace(/\\/g, '/');
return rPath.startsWith('.') ? rPath : './' + rPath;
* Moves the path into `genDir` folder while preserving the `node_modules` directory.
private rewriteGenDirPath(filepath: string) {
const nodeModulesIndex = filepath.indexOf(NODE_MODULES);
if (nodeModulesIndex !== -1) {
// If we are in node_module, transplant them into `genDir`.
return path.join(this.genDir, filepath.substring(nodeModulesIndex));
} else {
// pretend that containing file is on top of the `genDir` to normalize the paths.
// we apply the `genDir` => `rootDir` delta through `rootDirPrefix` later.
return filepath.replace(this.basePath, this.genDir);
* This version of the AotCompilerHost expects that the program will be compiled
* and executed with a "path mapped" directory structure, where generated files
* are in a parallel tree with the sources, and imported using a `./` relative
* import. This requires using TS `rootDirs` option and also teaching the module
* loader what to do.
class MultipleRootDirModuleFilenameResolver implements ModuleFilenameResolver {
private basePath: string;
constructor(private host: ModuleFilenameResolutionHost, private options: CompilerOptions) {
// normalize the path so that it never ends with '/'.
this.basePath = path.normalize(path.join(options.basePath !, '.')).replace(/\\/g, '/');
getNgCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string {
if (!fileName) return fileName;
// NB: the rootDirs should have been sorted longest-first
for (const dir of this.options.rootDirs || []) {
if (fileName.indexOf(dir) === 0) {
fileName = fileName.substring(dir.length);
return fileName;
assumeFileExists(fileName: string) {; }
moduleNameToFileName(m: string, containingFile: string): string|null {
if (!containingFile) {
if (m.indexOf('.') === 0) {
throw new Error('Resolution of relative paths requires a containing file.');
// Any containing file gives the same result for absolute imports
containingFile = this.getNgCanonicalFileName(path.join(this.basePath, 'index.ts'));
for (const root of this.options.rootDirs || ['']) {
const rootedContainingFile = path.join(root, containingFile);
const resolved =
ts.resolveModuleName(m, rootedContainingFile, this.options,;
if (resolved) {
if (this.options.traceResolution) {
console.error('resolve', m, containingFile, '=>', resolved.resolvedFileName);
return this.getNgCanonicalFileName(resolved.resolvedFileName);
return null;
* We want a moduleId that will appear in import statements in the generated code.
* These need to be in a form that system.js can load, so absolute file paths don't work.
* Relativize the paths by checking candidate prefixes of the absolute path, to see if
* they are resolvable by the moduleResolution strategy from the CompilerHost.
fileNameToModuleName(importedFile: string, containingFile: string): string {
if (this.options.traceResolution) {
'getImportPath from containingFile', containingFile, 'to importedFile', importedFile);
// If a file does not yet exist (because we compile it later), we still need to
// assume it exists so that the `resolve` method works!
if (! {
if (this.options.rootDirs && this.options.rootDirs.length > 0) {
||||[0], importedFile));
} else {
const resolvable = (candidate: string) => {
const resolved = this.moduleNameToFileName(candidate, importedFile);
return resolved && resolved.replace(EXT, '') === importedFile.replace(EXT, '');
const importModuleName = importedFile.replace(EXT, '');
const parts = importModuleName.split(path.sep).filter(p => !!p);
let foundRelativeImport: string|undefined;
for (let index = parts.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
let candidate = parts.slice(index, parts.length).join(path.sep);
if (resolvable(candidate)) {
return candidate;
candidate = '.' + path.sep + candidate;
if (resolvable(candidate)) {
foundRelativeImport = candidate;
if (foundRelativeImport) return foundRelativeImport;
// Try a relative import
const candidate = path.relative(path.dirname(containingFile), importModuleName);
if (resolvable(candidate)) {
return candidate;
throw new Error(
`Unable to find any resolvable import for ${importedFile} relative to ${containingFile}`);
interface ModuleFilenameResolutionHost extends ts.ModuleResolutionHost {
assumeFileExists(fileName: string): void;
function createModuleFilenameResolverHost(host: ts.ModuleResolutionHost):
ModuleFilenameResolutionHost {
const assumedExists = new Set<string>();
const resolveModuleNameHost = Object.create(host);
// When calling ts.resolveModuleName, additional allow checks for .d.ts files to be done based on
// checks for .ngsummary.json files, so that our codegen depends on fewer inputs and requires
// to be called less often.
// This is needed as we use ts.resolveModuleName in reflector_host and it should be able to
// resolve summary file names.
resolveModuleNameHost.fileExists = (fileName: string): boolean => {
if (assumedExists.has(fileName)) {
return true;
if (host.fileExists(fileName)) {
return true;
if (DTS.test(fileName)) {
const base = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length - 5);
return host.fileExists(base + '.ngsummary.json');
return false;
resolveModuleNameHost.assumeFileExists = (fileName: string) => assumedExists.add(fileName);
// Make sure we do not `host.realpath()` from TS as we do not want to resolve symlinks.
resolveModuleNameHost.realpath = (fileName: string) => fileName;
return resolveModuleNameHost;
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {CompilerHost, CompilerOptions} from '../../src/transformers/api';
import {createCompilerHost} from '../../src/transformers/compiler_host';
import {Directory, Entry, MockAotContext, MockCompilerHost} from '../mocks';
const dummyModule = 'export let foo: any[];';
describe('NgCompilerHost', () => {
function createHost(
{files = {}, options = {basePath: '/tmp'}}: {files?: Directory,
options?: CompilerOptions} = {}) {
const context = new MockAotContext('/tmp/', files);
const tsHost = new MockCompilerHost(context);
return createCompilerHost({tsHost, options});
describe('fileNameToModuleName', () => {
let ngHost: CompilerHost;
beforeEach(() => { ngHost = createHost(); });
it('should use a package import when accessing a package from a source file', () => {
expect(ngHost.fileNameToModuleName('/tmp/node_modules/@angular/core.d.ts', '/tmp/main.ts'))
it('should use a package import when accessing a package from another package', () => {
'/tmp/node_modules/mod1/index.d.ts', '/tmp/node_modules/mod2/index.d.ts'))
it('should use a relative import when accessing a file in the same package', () => {
'/tmp/node_modules/mod/a/child.d.ts', '/tmp/node_modules/mod/index.d.ts'))
it('should use a relative import when accessing a source file from a source file', () => {
expect(ngHost.fileNameToModuleName('/tmp/src/a/child.ts', '/tmp/src/index.ts'))
it('should support multiple rootDirs when accessing a source file form a source file', () => {
const ngHostWithMultipleRoots = createHost({
options: {
basePath: '/tmp/',
rootDirs: [
expect(ngHostWithMultipleRoots.fileNameToModuleName('/tmp/src/b/b.ts', '/tmp/src/a/a.ts'))
it('should error if accessing a source file from a package', () => {
() => ngHost.fileNameToModuleName(
'/tmp/src/a/child.ts', '/tmp/node_modules/@angular/core.d.ts'))
'Trying to import a source file from a node_modules package: import /tmp/src/a/child.ts from /tmp/node_modules/@angular/core.d.ts');
describe('moduleNameToFileName', () => {
it('should resolve a package import without a containing file', () => {
const ngHost = createHost(
{files: {'tmp': {'node_modules': {'@angular': {'core': {'index.d.ts': dummyModule}}}}}});
it('should resolve an import using the containing file', () => {
const ngHost = createHost({files: {'tmp': {'src': {'a': {'child.d.ts': dummyModule}}}}});
expect(ngHost.moduleNameToFileName('./a/child', '/tmp/src/index.ts'))
@ -82,12 +82,11 @@ export class StaticReflector implements CompileReflector {
resolveExternalReference(ref: o.ExternalReference): StaticSymbol {
const importSymbol = this.getStaticSymbol(ref.moduleName !, !);
const rootSymbol = this.findDeclaration(ref.moduleName !, !);
if (importSymbol != rootSymbol) {
this.symbolResolver.recordImportAs(rootSymbol, importSymbol);
return rootSymbol;
const refSymbol = this.symbolResolver.getSymbolByModule(ref.moduleName !, !);
const declarationSymbol = this.findSymbolDeclaration(refSymbol);
this.symbolResolver.recordModuleNameForFileName(refSymbol.filePath, ref.moduleName !);
this.symbolResolver.recordImportAs(declarationSymbol, refSymbol);
return declarationSymbol;
findDeclaration(moduleUrl: string, name: string, containingFile?: string): StaticSymbol {
@ -172,6 +172,10 @@ export class StaticSymbolResolver {
this.importAs.set(sourceSymbol, targetSymbol);
recordModuleNameForFileName(fileName: string, moduleName: string) {
this.knownFileNameToModuleNames.set(fileName, moduleName);
* Invalidate all information derived from the given file.
Reference in New Issue