docs: Refactor-pipes (#36820)
Language tightened, and headings rewritten to focus on user tasks. Tasks now separated from concepts, and clarified as examples. Content is up-to-date and complete. Links to important information and relevant topics added. PR Close #36820
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,607 +1,440 @@
# Pipes
# Transforming Data Using Pipes
Every application starts out with what seems like a simple task: get data, transform them, and show them to users.
Getting data could be as simple as creating a local variable or as complex as streaming data over a WebSocket.
Use [pipes](guide/glossary#pipe "Definition of a pipe") to transform and format strings, currency amounts, dates, and other display data.
Pipes are simple functions you can use in [template expressions](/guide/glossary#template-expression "Definition of template expression") to accept an input value and return a transformed value.
For example, you would use a pipe to show a date as **April 15, 1988** rather than the raw string format.
<div class="alert is-helpful">
For the sample app that this page describes, see the <live-example></live-example>.
For the sample app used in this topic, see the <live-example></live-example>.
Once data arrives, you could push their raw `toString` values directly to the view,
but that rarely makes for a good user experience.
For example, in most use cases, users prefer to see a date in a simple format like
<samp>April 15, 1988</samp> rather than the raw string format
<samp>Fri Apr 15 1988 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)</samp>.
Clearly, some values benefit from a bit of editing. You may notice that you
desire many of the same transformations repeatedly, both within and across many applications.
You can almost think of them as styles.
In fact, you might like to apply them in your HTML templates as you do styles.
Introducing Angular pipes, a way to write display-value transformations that you can declare in your HTML.
## Using pipes
A pipe takes in data as input and transforms it to a desired output.
In this page, you'll use pipes to transform a component's birthday property into
a human-friendly date.
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/hero-birthday1.component.ts" header="src/app/hero-birthday1.component.ts"></code-example>
Focus on the component's template.
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/app.component.html" region="hero-birthday-template" header="src/app/app.component.html"></code-example>
Inside the interpolation expression, you flow the component's `birthday` value through the
[pipe operator](guide/template-syntax#pipe) ( | ) to the [Date pipe](api/common/DatePipe)
function on the right. All pipes work this way.
## Built-in pipes
Angular comes with a stock of pipes such as
`DatePipe`, `UpperCasePipe`, `LowerCasePipe`, `CurrencyPipe`, and `PercentPipe`.
They are all available for use in any template.
Angular provides built-in pipes for typical data transformations, including transformations for internationalization (i18n), which use locale information to format data.
The following are commonly used built-in pipes for data formatting:
* [`DatePipe`](api/common/DatePipe): Formats a date value according to locale rules.
* [`UpperCasePipe`](api/common/UpperCasePipe): Transforms text to all upper case.
* [`LowerCasePipe`](api/common/LowerCasePipe): Transforms text to all lower case.
* [`CurrencyPipe`](api/common/CurrencyPipe): Transforms a number to a currency string, formatted according to locale rules.
* [`DecimalPipe`](/api/common/DecimalPipe): Transforms a number into a string with a decimal point, formatted according to locale rules.
* [`PercentPipe`](api/common/PercentPipe): Transforms a number to a percentage string, formatted according to locale rules.
<div class="alert is-helpful">
Read more about these and many other built-in pipes in the [pipes topics](api?type=pipe) of the
[API Reference](api); filter for entries that include the word "pipe".
Angular doesn't have a `FilterPipe` or an `OrderByPipe` for reasons explained in the [Appendix](guide/pipes#no-filter-pipe) of this page.
* For a complete list of built-in pipes, see the [pipes API documentation](/api/common#pipes "Pipes API reference summary").
* To learn more about using pipes for internationalization (i18n) efforts, see [formatting data based on locale](/guide/i18n#i18n-pipes "Formatting data based on locale").
You can also create pipes to encapsulate custom transformations and use your custom pipes in template expressions.
## Prerequisites
To use pipes you should have a basic understanding of the following:
## Parameterizing a pipe
* [Typescript](guide/glossary#typescript "Definition of Typescript") and HTML5 programming
* [Templates](guide/glossary#template "Definition of a template") in HTML with CSS styles
* [Components](guide/glossary#component "Definition of a component")
A pipe can accept any number of optional parameters to fine-tune its output.
To add parameters to a pipe, follow the pipe name with a colon ( : ) and then the parameter value
(such as `currency:'EUR'`). If the pipe accepts multiple parameters, separate the values with colons (such as `slice:1:5`)
## Using a pipe in a template
Modify the birthday template to give the date pipe a format parameter.
After formatting the hero's April 15th birthday, it renders as **<samp>04/15/88</samp>**:
To apply a pipe, use the pipe operator (`|`) within a template expression as shown in the following code example, along with the *name* of the pipe, which is `date` for the built-in [`DatePipe`](api/common/DatePipe).
The tabs in the example show the following:
* `app.component.html` uses `date` in a separate template to display a birthday.
* `hero-birthday1.component.ts` uses the same pipe as part of an in-line template in a component that also sets the birthday value.
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/app.component.html" region="format-birthday" header="src/app/app.component.html"></code-example>
The component's `birthday` value flows through the
[pipe operator](guide/template-syntax#pipe) ( | ) to the [`date`](api/common/DatePipe)
{@a parameterizing-a-pipe}
The parameter value can be any valid template expression,
(see the [Template expressions](guide/template-syntax#template-expressions) section of the
[Template Syntax](guide/template-syntax) page)
such as a string literal or a component property.
In other words, you can control the format through a binding the same way you control the birthday value through a binding.
## Formatting data with parameters and chained pipes
Write a second component that *binds* the pipe's format parameter
to the component's `format` property. Here's the template for that component:
Use optional parameters to fine-tune a pipe's output.
For example, you can use the [`CurrencyPipe`](api/common/CurrencyPipe "API reference") with a country code such as EUR as a parameter.
The template expression `{{ amount | currency:'EUR' }}` transforms the `amount` to currency in euros.
Follow the pipe name (`currency`) with a colon (`:`) and the parameter value (`'EUR'`).
If the pipe accepts multiple parameters, separate the values with colons.
For example, `{{ amount | currency:'EUR':'Euros '}}` adds the second parameter, the string literal `'Euros '`, to the output string. You can use any valid template expression as a parameter, such as a string literal or a component property.
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/hero-birthday2.component.ts" region="template" header="src/app/hero-birthday2.component.ts (template)"></code-example>
Some pipes require at least one parameter and allow more optional parameters, such as [`SlicePipe`](/api/common/SlicePipe "API reference for SlicePipe"). For example, `{{ slice:1:5 }}` creates a new array or string containing a subset of the elements starting with element `1` and ending with element `5`.
### Example: Formatting a date
The tabs in the following example demonstrates toggling between two different formats (`'shortDate'` and `'fullDate'`):
You also added a button to the template and bound its click event to the component's `toggleFormat()` method.
That method toggles the component's `format` property between a short form
* The `app.component.html` template uses a format parameter for the [`DatePipe`](api/common/DatePipe) (named `date`) to show the date as **04/15/88**.
* The `hero-birthday2.component.ts` component binds the pipe's format parameter to the component's `format` property in the `template` section, and adds a button for a click event bound to the component's `toggleFormat()` method.
* The `hero-birthday2.component.ts` component's `toggleFormat()` method toggles the component's `format` property between a short form
(`'shortDate'`) and a longer form (`'fullDate'`).
header="src/app/hero-birthday2.component.ts (template)"
header="src/app/hero-birthday2.component.ts (class)"
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/hero-birthday2.component.ts" region="class" header="src/app/hero-birthday2.component.ts (class)"></code-example>
As you click the button, the displayed date alternates between
"**<samp>04/15/1988</samp>**" and
"**<samp>Friday, April 15, 1988</samp>**".
Clicking the **Toggle Format** button alternates the date format between **04/15/1988** and **Friday, April 15, 1988** as shown in Figure 1.
<div class="lightbox">
<img src='generated/images/guide/pipes/date-format-toggle-anim.gif' alt="Date Format Toggle">
**Figure 1.** Clicking the button toggles the date format
<div class="alert is-helpful">
Read more about the `DatePipe` format options in the [Date Pipe](api/common/DatePipe)
API Reference page.
For `date` pipe format options, see [DatePipe](api/common/DatePipe "DatePipe API Reference page").
### Example: Applying two formats by chaining pipes
You can chain pipes so that the output of one pipe becomes the input to the next.
## Chaining pipes
In the following example, chained pipes first apply a format to a date value, then convert the formatted date to uppercase characters.
The first tab for the `src/app/app.component.html` template chains `DatePipe` and `UpperCasePipe` to display the birthday as **APR 15, 1988**.
The second tab for the `src/app/app.component.html` template passes the `fullDate` parameter to `date` before chaining to `uppercase`, which produces **FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1988**.
You can chain pipes together in potentially useful combinations.
In the following example, to display the birthday in uppercase,
the birthday is chained to the `DatePipe` and on to the `UpperCasePipe`.
The birthday displays as **<samp>APR 15, 1988</samp>**.
header="src/app/app.component.html (1)"
header="src/app/app.component.html (2)"
{@a Custom-pipes}
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/app.component.html" region="chained-birthday" header="src/app/app.component.html"></code-example>
## Creating pipes for custom data transformations
Create custom pipes to encapsulate transformations that are not provided with the built-in pipes.
You can then use your custom pipe in template expressions, the same way you use built-in pipes—to transform input values to output values for display.
### Marking a class as a pipe
This example—which displays **<samp>FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1988</samp>**—chains
the same pipes as above, but passes in a parameter to `date` as well.
To mark a class as a pipe and supply configuration metadata, apply the [`@Pipe`](/api/core/Pipe "API reference for Pipe") [decorator](/guide/glossary#decorator--decoration "Definition for decorator") to the class.
Use [UpperCamelCase](guide/glossary#case-types "Definition of case types") (the general convention for class names) for the pipe class name, and [camelCase](guide/glossary#case-types "Definition of case types") for the corresponding `name` string.
Do not use hyphens in the `name`.
For details and more examples, see [Pipe names](guide/styleguide#pipe-names "Pipe names in the Angular coding style guide").
Use `name` in template expressions as you would for a built-in pipe.
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/app.component.html" region="chained-parameter-birthday" header="src/app/app.component.html"></code-example>
<div class="alert is-important">
## Custom pipes
You can write your own custom pipes.
Here's a custom pipe named `ExponentialStrengthPipe` that can boost a hero's powers:
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/exponential-strength.pipe.ts" header="src/app/exponential-strength.pipe.ts"></code-example>
This pipe definition reveals the following key points:
* A pipe is a class decorated with pipe metadata.
* The pipe class implements the `PipeTransform` interface's `transform` method that
accepts an input value followed by optional parameters and returns the transformed value.
* There will be one additional argument to the `transform` method for each parameter passed to the pipe.
Your pipe has one such parameter: the `exponent`.
* To tell Angular that this is a pipe, you apply the
`@Pipe` decorator, which you import from the core Angular library.
* The `@Pipe` decorator allows you to define the
pipe name that you'll use within template expressions. It must be a valid JavaScript identifier.
Your pipe's name is `exponentialStrength`.
<div class="alert is-helpful">
## The *PipeTransform* interface
The `transform` method is essential to a pipe.
The `PipeTransform` *interface* defines that method and guides both tooling and the compiler.
Technically, it's optional; Angular looks for and executes the `transform` method regardless.
* Include your pipe in the `declarations` field of the `NgModule` metadata in order for it to be available to a template. See the `app.module.ts` file in the example app (<live-example></live-example>). For details, see [NgModules](guide/ngmodules "NgModules introduction").
* Register your custom pipes. The [Angular CLI](cli "CLI Overview and Command Reference") [`ng generate pipe`](cli/generate#pipe "ng generate pipe in the CLI Command Reference") command registers the pipe automatically.
Now you need a component to demonstrate the pipe.
### Using the PipeTransform interface
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/power-booster.component.ts" header="src/app/power-booster.component.ts"></code-example>
Implement the [`PipeTransform`](/api/core/PipeTransform "API reference for PipeTransform") interface in your custom pipe class to perform the transformation.
Angular invokes the `transform` method with the value of a binding as the first argument, and any parameters as the second argument in list form, and returns the transformed value.
### Example: Transforming a value exponentially
In a game, you may want to implement a transformation that raises a value exponentially to increase a hero's power.
For example, if the hero's score is 2, boosting the hero's power exponentially by 10 produces a score of 1024.
You can use a custom pipe for this transformation.
The following code example shows two component definitions:
* The `exponential-strength.pipe.ts` component defines a custom pipe named `exponentialStrength` with the `transform` method that performs the transformation.
It defines an argument to the `transform` method (`exponent`) for a parameter passed to the pipe.
* The `power-booster.component.ts` component demonstrates how to use the pipe, specifying a value (`2`) and the exponent parameter (`10`).
Figure 2 shows the output.
<div class="lightbox">
<img src='generated/images/guide/pipes/power-booster.png' alt="Power Booster">
**Figure 2.** Output from the `exponentialStrength` pipe
<div class="alert is-helpful">
Note the following:
* You use your custom pipe the same way you use built-in pipes.
* You must include your pipe in the `declarations` array of the `AppModule`
* If you choose to inject your pipe into a class, you must provide it in the `providers` array of your `NgModule`.
<div class="callout is-helpful">
Remember the declarations array
You must register custom pipes.
If you don't, Angular reports an error.
The [Angular CLI's](cli) generator registers the pipe automatically.
To examine the behavior the `exponentialStrength` pipe in the <live-example></live-example>, change the value and optional exponent in the template.
{@a change-detection}
## Detecting changes with data binding in pipes
To probe the behavior in the <live-example></live-example>,
change the value and optional exponent in the template.
## Power Boost Calculator
It's not much fun updating the template to test the custom pipe.
Upgrade the example to a "Power Boost Calculator" that combines
your pipe and two-way data binding with `ngModel`.
You use [data binding](/guide/glossary#data-binding "Definition of data binding") with a pipe to display values and respond to user actions.
If the data is a primitive input value, such as `String` or `Number`, or an object reference as input, such as `Date` or `Array`, Angular executes the pipe whenever it detects a change for the input value or reference.
For example, you could change the previous custom pipe example to use two-way data binding with `ngModel` to input the amount and boost factor, as shown in the following code example.
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/power-boost-calculator.component.ts" header="src/app/power-boost-calculator.component.ts">
The `exponentialStrength` pipe executes every time the user changes the "normal power" value or the "boost factor", as shown in Figure 3.
<div class="lightbox">
<img src='generated/images/guide/pipes/power-boost-calculator-anim.gif' alt="Power Boost Calculator">
**Figure 3.** Changing the amount and boost factor for the `exponentialStrength` pipe
Angular detects each change and immediately runs the pipe.
This is fine for primitive input values.
However, if you change something *inside* a composite object (such as the month of a date, an element of an array, or an object property), you need to understand how change detection works, and how to use an `impure` pipe.
### How change detection works
{@a change-detection}
Angular looks for changes to data-bound values in a [change detection](guide/glossary#change-detection "Definition of change detection") process that runs after every DOM event: every keystroke, mouse move, timer tick, and server response.
The following example, which doesn't use a pipe, demonstrates how Angular uses its default change detection strategy to monitor and update its display of every hero in the `heroes` array.
The example tabs show the following:
* In the `flying-heroes.component.html (v1)` template, the `*ngFor` repeater displays the hero names.
* Its companion component class `flying-heroes.component.ts (v1)` provides heroes, adds heroes into the array, and resets the array.
## Pipes and change detection
header="src/app/flying-heroes.component.html (v1)"
header="src/app/flying-heroes.component.ts (v1)"
Angular looks for changes to data-bound values through a *change detection* process that runs after every DOM event:
every keystroke, mouse move, timer tick, and server response. This could be expensive.
Angular strives to lower the cost whenever possible and appropriate.
Angular updates the display every time the user adds a hero.
If the user clicks the **Reset** button, Angular replaces `heroes` with a new array of the original heroes and updates the display.
If you add the ability to remove or change a hero, Angular would detect those changes and update the display as well.
Angular picks a simpler, faster change detection algorithm when you use a pipe.
However, executing a pipe to update the display with every change would slow down your app's performance.
So Angular uses a faster change-detection algorithm for executing a pipe, as described in the next section.
<h3 class="no-toc">No pipe</h3>
{@a pure-and-impure-pipes}
In the next example, the component uses the default, aggressive change detection strategy to monitor and update
its display of every hero in the `heroes` array. Here's the template:
### Detecting pure changes to primitives and object references
By default, pipes are defined as *pure* so that Angular executes the pipe only when it detects a *pure change* to the input value.
A pure change is either a change to a primitive input value (such as `String`, `Number`, `Boolean`, or `Symbol`), or a changed object reference (such as `Date`, `Array`, `Function`, or `Object`).
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/flying-heroes.component.html" region="template-1" header="src/app/flying-heroes.component.html (v1)"></code-example>
{@a pure-pipe-pure-fn}
A pure pipe must use a pure function, which is one that processes inputs and returns values without side effects.
In other words, given the same input, a pure function should always return the same output.
With a pure pipe, Angular ignores changes within composite objects, such as a newly added element of an existing array, because checking a primitive value or object reference is much faster than performing a deep check for differences within objects.
Angular can quickly determine if it can skip executing the pipe and updating the view.
The companion component class provides heroes, adds heroes into the array, and can reset the array.
However, a pure pipe with an array as input may not work the way you want.
To demonstrate this issue, change the previous example to filter the list of heroes to just those heroes who can fly.
Use the `FlyingHeroesPipe` in the `*ngFor` repeater as shown in the following code.
The tabs for the example show the following:
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/flying-heroes.component.ts" region="v1" header="src/app/flying-heroes.component.ts (v1)"></code-example>
* The template (`flying-heroes.component.html (flyers)`) with the new pipe.
* The `FlyingHeroesPipe` custom pipe implementation (`flying-heroes.pipe.ts`).
header="src/app/flying-heroes.component.html (flyers)"
You can add heroes and Angular updates the display when you do.
If you click the `reset` button, Angular replaces `heroes` with a new array of the original heroes and updates the display.
If you added the ability to remove or change a hero, Angular would detect those changes and update the display as well.
<h3 class="no-toc"><i>FlyingHeroesPipe</i></h3>
Add a `FlyingHeroesPipe` to the `*ngFor` repeater that filters the list of heroes to just those heroes who can fly.
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/flying-heroes.component.html" region="template-flying-heroes" header="src/app/flying-heroes.component.html (flyers)"></code-example>
Here's the `FlyingHeroesPipe` implementation, which follows the pattern for custom pipes described earlier.
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/flying-heroes.pipe.ts" region="pure" header="src/app/flying-heroes.pipe.ts"></code-example>
Notice the odd behavior in the <live-example></live-example>:
when you add flying heroes, none of them are displayed under "Heroes who fly."
Although you're not getting the behavior you want, Angular isn't broken.
It's just using a different change-detection algorithm that ignores changes to the list or any of its items.
Notice how a hero is added:
The app now shows unexpected behavior: When the user adds flying heroes, none of them appear under "Heroes who fly."
This happens because the code that adds a hero does so by pushing it onto the `heroes` array:
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/flying-heroes.component.ts" region="push" header="src/app/flying-heroes.component.ts"></code-example>
The change detector ignores changes to elements of an array, so the pipe doesn't run.
The reason Angular ignores the changed array element is that the *reference* to the array hasn't changed.
Since the array is the same, Angular does not update the display.
You add the hero into the `heroes` array. The reference to the array hasn't changed.
It's the same array. That's all Angular cares about. From its perspective, *same array, no change, no display update*.
To fix that, create an array with the new hero appended and assign that to `heroes`.
This time Angular detects that the array reference has changed.
It executes the pipe and updates the display with the new array, which includes the new flying hero.
If you *mutate* the array, no pipe is invoked and the display isn't updated;
if you *replace* the array, the pipe executes and the display is updated.
The Flying Heroes application extends the
code with checkbox switches and additional displays to help you experience these effects.
One way to get the behavior you want is to change the object reference itself.
You can replace the array with a new array containing the newly changed elements, and then input the new array to the pipe.
In the above example, you can create an array with the new hero appended, and assign that to `heroes`. Angular detects the change in the array reference and executes the pipe.
To summarize, if you mutate the input array, the pure pipe doesn't execute.
If you *replace* the input array, the pipe executes and the display is updated, as shown in Figure 4.
<div class="lightbox">
<img src='generated/images/guide/pipes/flying-heroes-anim.gif' alt="Flying Heroes">
**Figure 4.** The `flyingHeroes` pipe filtering the display to flying heroes
The above example demonstrates changing a component's code to accommodate a pipe.
Replacing the array is an efficient way to signal Angular to update the display.
When do you replace the array? When the data changes.
That's an easy rule to follow in *this* example
where the only way to change the data is by adding a hero.
More often, you don't know when the data has changed,
especially in applications that mutate data in many ways,
perhaps in application locations far away.
A component in such an application usually can't know about those changes.
Moreover, it's unwise to distort the component design to accommodate a pipe.
Strive to keep the component class independent of the HTML.
The component should be unaware of pipes.
For filtering flying heroes, consider an *impure pipe*.
## Pure and impure pipes
There are two categories of pipes: *pure* and *impure*.
Pipes are pure by default. Every pipe you've seen so far has been pure.
You make a pipe impure by setting its pure flag to false. You could make the `FlyingHeroesPipe`
impure like this:
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/flying-heroes.pipe.ts" region="pipe-decorator" header="src/app/flying-heroes.pipe.ts"></code-example>
Before doing that, understand the difference between pure and impure, starting with a pure pipe.
<h3 class="no-toc">Pure pipes</h3>
Angular executes a *pure pipe* only when it detects a *pure change* to the input value.
A pure change is either a change to a primitive input value (`String`, `Number`, `Boolean`, `Symbol`)
or a changed object reference (`Date`, `Array`, `Function`, `Object`).
Angular ignores changes within (composite) objects.
It won't call a pure pipe if you change an input month, add to an input array, or update an input object property.
This may seem restrictive but it's also fast.
An object reference check is fast—much faster than a deep check for
differences—so Angular can quickly determine if it can skip both the
pipe execution and a view update.
For this reason, a pure pipe is preferable when you can live with the change detection strategy.
When you can't, you *can* use the impure pipe.
<div class="alert is-helpful">
Or you might not use a pipe at all.
It may be better to pursue the pipe's purpose with a property of the component,
a point that's discussed later in this page.
<h3 class="no-toc">Impure pipes</h3>
Angular executes an *impure pipe* during every component change detection cycle.
An impure pipe is called often, as often as every keystroke or mouse-move.
With that concern in mind, implement an impure pipe with great care.
An expensive, long-running pipe could destroy the user experience.
To keep your component simpler and independent of HTML templates that use pipes, you can, as an alternative, use an *impure* pipe to detect changes within composite objects such as arrays, as described in the next section.
{@a impure-flying-heroes}
### Detecting impure changes within composite objects
<h3 class="no-toc">An impure <i>FlyingHeroesPipe</i></h3>
To execute a custom pipe after a change *within* a composite object, such as a change to an element of an array, you need to define your pipe as `impure` to detect impure changes.
Angular executes an impure pipe every time it detects a change with every keystroke or mouse movement.
A flip of the switch turns the `FlyingHeroesPipe` into a `FlyingHeroesImpurePipe`.
The complete implementation is as follows:
<div class="alert is-important">
While an impure pipe can be useful, be careful using one. A long-running impure pipe could dramatically slow down your app.
Make a pipe impure by setting its `pure` flag to `false`:
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/flying-heroes.pipe.ts" region="pipe-decorator" header="src/app/flying-heroes.pipe.ts"></code-example>
The following code shows the complete implementation of `FlyingHeroesImpurePipe`, which extends `FlyingHeroesPipe` to inherit its characteristics.
The example shows that you don't have to change anything else—the only difference is setting the `pure` flag as `false` in the pipe metadata.
<code-pane header="FlyingHeroesImpurePipe" path="pipes/src/app/flying-heroes.pipe.ts" region="impure">
header="src/app/flying-heroes.pipe.ts (FlyingHeroesImpurePipe)"
<code-pane header="FlyingHeroesPipe" path="pipes/src/app/flying-heroes.pipe.ts" region="pure">
header="src/app/flying-heroes.pipe.ts (FlyingHeroesPipe)"
You inherit from `FlyingHeroesPipe` to prove the point that nothing changed internally.
The only difference is the `pure` flag in the pipe metadata.
This is a good candidate for an impure pipe because the `transform` function is trivial and fast.
`FlyingHeroesImpurePipe` is a good candidate for an impure pipe because the `transform` function is trivial and fast:
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/flying-heroes.pipe.ts" header="src/app/flying-heroes.pipe.ts (filter)" region="filter"></code-example>
You can derive a `FlyingHeroesImpureComponent` from `FlyingHeroesComponent`.
As shown in the code below, only the pipe in the template changes.
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/flying-heroes-impure.component.html" header="src/app/flying-heroes-impure.component.html (excerpt)" region="template-flying-heroes"></code-example>
<div class="alert is-helpful">
To confirm that the display updates as the user adds heroes, see the <live-example></live-example>.
The only substantive change is the pipe in the template.
You can confirm in the <live-example></live-example> that the _flying heroes_
display updates as you add heroes, even when you mutate the `heroes` array.
{@a async-pipe}
<h3 class="no-toc">The impure <i>AsyncPipe</i></h3>
## Unwrapping data from an observable
The Angular `AsyncPipe` is an interesting example of an impure pipe.
The `AsyncPipe` accepts a `Promise` or `Observable` as input
and subscribes to the input automatically, eventually returning the emitted values.
[Observables](/guide/glossary#observable "Definition of observable") let you pass messages between parts of your application.
Observables are recommended for event handling, asynchronous programming, and handling multiple values.
Observables can deliver single or multiple values of any type, either synchronously (as a function delivers a value to its caller) or asynchronously on a schedule.
The `AsyncPipe` is also stateful.
The pipe maintains a subscription to the input `Observable` and
keeps delivering values from that `Observable` as they arrive.
<div class="alert is-helpful">
This next example binds an `Observable` of message strings
For details and examples of observables, see the [Observables Overview](/guide/observables#using-observables-to-pass-values "Using observables to pass values"").
Use the built-in [`AsyncPipe`](/api/common/AsyncPipe "API description of AsyncPipe") to accept an observable as input and subscribe to the input automatically.
Without this pipe, your component code would have to subscribe to the observable to consume its values, extract the resolved values, expose them for binding, and unsubscribe when the observable is destroyed in order to prevent memory leaks. `AsyncPipe` is an impure pipe that saves boilerplate code in your component to maintain the subscription and keep delivering values from that observable as they arrive.
The following code example binds an observable of message strings
(`message$`) to a view with the `async` pipe.
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/hero-async-message.component.ts" header="src/app/hero-async-message.component.ts">
{@a no-filter-pipe}
## Caching HTTP requests
The Async pipe saves boilerplate in the component code.
The component doesn't have to subscribe to the async data source,
extract the resolved values and expose them for binding,
and have to unsubscribe when it's destroyed
(a potent source of memory leaks).
To [communicate with backend services using HTTP](/guide/http "Communicating with backend services using HTTP"), the `HttpClient` service uses observables and offers the `HTTPClient.get()` method to fetch data from a server.
The aynchronous method sends an HTTP request, and returns an observable that emits the requested data for the response.
<h3 class="no-toc">An impure caching pipe</h3>
As shown in the previous section, you can use the impure `AsyncPipe` to accept an observable as input and subscribe to the input automatically.
You can also create an impure pipe to make and cache an HTTP request.
Write one more impure pipe, a pipe that makes an HTTP request.
Impure pipes are called whenever change detection runs for a component, which could be every few milliseconds for `CheckAlways`.
To avoid performance problems, call the server only when the requested URL changes, as shown in the following example, and use the pipe to cache the server response.
The tabs show the following:
Remember that impure pipes are called every few milliseconds.
If you're not careful, this pipe will punish the server with requests.
* The `fetch` pipe (`fetch-json.pipe.ts`).
* A harness component (`hero-list.component.ts`) for demonstrating the request, using a template that defines two bindings to the pipe requesting the heroes from the `heroes.json` file. The second binding chains the `fetch` pipe with the built-in `JsonPipe` to display the same hero data in JSON format.
In the following code, the pipe only calls the server when the requested URL changes and it caches the server response.
The code uses the [Angular http](guide/http) client to retrieve data:
In the above example, a breakpoint on the pipe's request for data shows the following:
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/fetch-json.pipe.ts" header="src/app/fetch-json.pipe.ts">
Now demonstrate it in a harness component whose template defines two bindings to this pipe,
both requesting the heroes from the `heroes.json` file.
<code-example path="pipes/src/app/hero-list.component.ts" header="src/app/hero-list.component.ts">
The component renders as the following:
* Each binding gets its own pipe instance.
* Each pipe instance caches its own URL and data and calls the server only once.
The `fetch` and `fetch-json` pipes display the heroes as shown in Figure 5.
<div class="lightbox">
<img src='generated/images/guide/pipes/hero-list.png' alt="Hero List">
**Figure 5.** The `fetch` and `fetch-json` pipes displaying the heroes
<div class="alert is-helpful">
A breakpoint on the pipe's request for data shows the following:
* Each binding gets its own pipe instance.
* Each pipe instance caches its own URL and data.
* Each pipe instance only calls the server once.
<h3 class="no-toc"><i>JsonPipe</i></h3>
In the previous code sample, the second `fetch` pipe binding demonstrates more pipe chaining.
It displays the same hero data in JSON format by chaining through to the built-in `JsonPipe`.
<div class="callout is-helpful">
Debugging with the json pipe
The [JsonPipe](api/common/JsonPipe)
provides an easy way to diagnose a mysteriously failing data binding or
inspect an object for future binding.
The built-in [JsonPipe](api/common/JsonPipe "API description for JsonPipe") provides a way to diagnose a mysteriously failing data binding or to inspect an object for future binding.
{@a pure-pipe-pure-fn}
<h3 class="no-toc">Pure pipes and pure functions</h3>
A pure pipe uses pure functions.
Pure functions process inputs and return values without detectable side effects.
Given the same input, they should always return the same output.
The pipes discussed earlier in this page are implemented with pure functions.
The built-in `DatePipe` is a pure pipe with a pure function implementation.
So are the `ExponentialStrengthPipe` and `FlyingHeroesPipe`.
A few steps back, you reviewed the `FlyingHeroesImpurePipe`—an impure pipe with a pure function.
But always implement a *pure pipe* with a *pure function*.
Otherwise, you'll see many console errors regarding expressions that changed after they were checked.
## Next steps
Pipes are a great way to encapsulate and share common display-value
transformations. Use them like styles, dropping them
into your template's expressions to enrich the appeal and usability
of your views.
Explore Angular's inventory of built-in pipes in the [API Reference](api?type=pipe).
Try writing a custom pipe and perhaps contributing it to the community.
{@a no-filter-pipe}
## Appendix: No *FilterPipe* or *OrderByPipe*
Angular doesn't provide pipes for filtering or sorting lists.
Developers familiar with AngularJS know these as `filter` and `orderBy`.
There are no equivalents in Angular.
This isn't an oversight. Angular doesn't offer such pipes because
they perform poorly and prevent aggressive minification.
Both `filter` and `orderBy` require parameters that reference object properties.
Earlier in this page, you learned that such pipes must be [impure](guide/pipes#pure-and-impure-pipes) and that
Angular calls impure pipes in almost every change-detection cycle.
Filtering and especially sorting are expensive operations.
The user experience can degrade severely for even moderate-sized lists when Angular calls these pipe methods many times per second.
`filter` and `orderBy` have often been abused in AngularJS apps, leading to complaints that Angular itself is slow.
That charge is fair in the indirect sense that AngularJS prepared this performance trap
by offering `filter` and `orderBy` in the first place.
The minification hazard is also compelling, if less obvious. Imagine a sorting pipe applied to a list of heroes.
The list might be sorted by hero `name` and `planet` of origin properties in the following way:
<code-example language="html">
<!-- NOT REAL CODE! -->
<div *ngFor="let hero of heroes | orderBy:'name,planet'"></div>
You identify the sort fields by text strings, expecting the pipe to reference a property value by indexing
(such as `hero['name']`).
Unfortunately, aggressive minification manipulates the `Hero` property names so that `` and `Hero.planet`
become something like `Hero.a` and `Hero.b`. Clearly `hero['name']` doesn't work.
While some may not care to minify this aggressively,
the Angular product shouldn't prevent anyone from minifying aggressively.
Therefore, the Angular team decided that everything Angular provides will minify safely.
The Angular team and many experienced Angular developers strongly recommend moving
filtering and sorting logic into the component itself.
The component can expose a `filteredHeroes` or `sortedHeroes` property and take control
over when and how often to execute the supporting logic.
Any capabilities that you would have put in a pipe and shared across the app can be
written in a filtering/sorting service and injected into the component.
If these performance and minification considerations don't apply to you, you can always create your own such pipes
(similar to the [FlyingHeroesPipe](guide/pipes#impure-flying-heroes)) or find them in the community.
Reference in New Issue