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@ -2,250 +2,216 @@
"TopBar": [
"url": "features",
"title": "Features"
"title": "特性"
"url": "docs",
"title": "Docs"
"title": "文档"
"url": "resources",
"title": "Resources"
"title": "资源"
"url": "events",
"title": "Events"
"title": "会议"
"url": "",
"title": "Blog"
"title": "博客"
"url": "translations/cn/home",
"title": "关于中文版"
"TopBarNarrow": [
"title": "About Angular",
"children": [
"url": "features",
"title": "Features"
"url": "resources",
"title": "Resources"
"url": "events",
"title": "Events"
"url": "",
"title": "Blog"
"SideNav": [
"url": "docs",
"title": "Docs",
"tooltip": "Angular Documentation",
"title": "文档",
"tooltip": "Angular 开发文档",
"hidden": true
"url": "guide/docs-style-guide",
"title": "Doc authors style guide",
"tooltip": "Style guide for documentation authors",
"hidden": true
"url": "guide/quickstart",
"title": "Getting Started",
"tooltip": "A gentle introduction to Angular."
"title": "Tutorial",
"tooltip": "The Tour of Heroes tutorial takes you through the steps of creating an Angular application in TypeScript.",
"title": "快速起步",
"tooltip": "Angular 破冰",
"children": [
"url": "tutorial",
"title": "1. Introduction",
"tooltip": "Part 1: Introduction to the Tour of Heroes tutorial"
"title": "1. 简介",
"tooltip": "第一部分:《英雄指南》教程简介"
"url": "tutorial/toh-pt1",
"title": "2. The Hero Editor",
"tooltip": "Part 2: Build a simple hero editor"
"title": "2. 英雄编辑器",
"tooltip": "第二部分:构建一个简单的英雄编辑器"
"url": "tutorial/toh-pt2",
"title": "3. Master/Detail",
"tooltip": "Part 3: Build a master/detail page with a list of heroes."
"title": "3. 主从结构",
"tooltip": "第三部分:构建一个主从结构的页面,用于展现英雄列表"
"url": "tutorial/toh-pt3",
"title": "4. Multiple Components",
"tooltip": "Part 4: Refactor the master/detail view into separate components."
"title": "4. 多个组件",
"tooltip": "第四部分:把主从结构的页面重构成多个组件"
"url": "tutorial/toh-pt4",
"title": "5. Services",
"tooltip": "Part 5: Create a reusable service to manage hero data."
"title": "5. 服务",
"tooltip": "第五部分:创建一个可复用的服务来调用英雄的数据"
"url": "tutorial/toh-pt5",
"title": "6. Routing",
"tooltip": "Part 6: Add the Angular router and navigate among the views."
"title": "6. 路由",
"tooltip": "第六部分:添加 Angular 组件路由,并且学习在视图之间导航"
"url": "tutorial/toh-pt6",
"title": "7. HTTP",
"tooltip": "Part 7: Use HTTP to retrieve and save hero data."
"tooltip": "第七部分:把服务和组件改为用 Angular 的 HTTP 服务实现"
"title": "Fundamentals",
"tooltip": "The fundamentals of Angular",
"title": "核心知识",
"tooltip": "学习 Angular 的核心知识",
"children": [
"url": "guide/architecture",
"title": "Architecture",
"tooltip": "The basic building blocks of Angular applications."
"title": "架构",
"tooltip": "Angular 应用的基本构造块"
"title": "Template & Data Binding",
"tooltip": "Template & Data Binding",
"title": "模板与数据绑定",
"tooltip": "模板与数据绑定",
"children": [
"url": "guide/displaying-data",
"title": "Displaying Data",
"tooltip": "Property binding helps show app data in the UI."
"title": "显示数据",
"tooltip": "属性绑定可以帮助应用把数据显示在界面上"
"url": "guide/template-syntax",
"title": "Template Syntax",
"tooltip": "Learn how to write templates that display data and consume user events with the help of data binding."
"title": "模板语法",
"tooltip": "学习如何写模板,以便借助数据绑定机制显示数据并响应事件。"
"url": "guide/lifecycle-hooks",
"title": "Lifecycle Hooks",
"tooltip": "Angular calls lifecycle hook methods on directives and components as it creates, changes, and destroys them."
"title": "生命周期钩子",
"tooltip": "Angular 调用指令和组件的生命周期钩子函数,包括它的创建、变更和销毁时。"
"url": "guide/component-interaction",
"title": "Component Interaction",
"tooltip": "Share information between different directives and components."
"title": "组件交互",
"tooltip": "在不同的指令和组件之间共享信息"
"url": "guide/component-styles",
"title": "Component Styles",
"tooltip": "Add CSS styles that are specific to a component."
"title": "组件样式",
"tooltip": "添加专属于某个组件的样式"
"url": "guide/dynamic-component-loader",
"title": "Dynamic Components",
"tooltip": "Load components dynamically."
"title": "动态组件",
"tooltip": "动态加载组件"
"url": "guide/attribute-directives",
"title": "Attribute Directives",
"tooltip": "Attribute directives attach behavior to elements."
"title": "属性型指令",
"tooltip": "属性型指令把行为添加到现有元素上。"
"url": "guide/structural-directives",
"title": "Structural Directives",
"tooltip": "Structural directives manipulate the layout of the page."
"title": "结构型指令",
"tooltip": "结构型指令可以操纵页面的布局"
"url": "guide/pipes",
"title": "Pipes",
"tooltip": "Pipes transform displayed values within a template."
"title": "管道",
"tooltip": "管道可以在模板中转换显示的内容。"
"url": "guide/animations",
"title": "Animations",
"tooltip": "A guide to Angular's animation system."
"title": "动画",
"tooltip": "Angular 动画体系指南"
"title": "Forms",
"tooltip": "Angular Forms",
"title": "表单",
"tooltip": "Angular 的表单",
"children": [
"url": "guide/user-input",
"title": "User Input",
"tooltip": "User input triggers DOM events. We listen to those events with event bindings that funnel updated values back into our components and models."
"title": "用户输入",
"tooltip": "用户输入触发 DOM 事件。我们通过事件绑定来监听它们,把更新过的数据导入回我们的组件和 model。"
"url": "guide/forms",
"title": "Template-driven Forms",
"title": "模板驱动表单",
"tooltip": "A form creates a cohesive, effective, and compelling data entry experience. An Angular form coordinates a set of data-bound user controls, tracks changes, validates input, and presents errors."
"url": "guide/form-validation",
"title": "Form Validation",
"tooltip": "Validate user's form entries."
"title": "表单验证",
"tooltip": "验证用户的表单输入"
"url": "guide/reactive-forms",
"title": "Reactive Forms",
"tooltip": "Create a reactive form using FormBuilder, groups, and arrays."
"title": "响应式表单",
"tooltip": "使用 FormBuilder 、分组和数组创建响应式表单。"
"url": "guide/dynamic-form",
"title": "Dynamic forms",
"tooltip": "Render dynamic forms with FormGroup."
"title": "动态表单",
"tooltip": "使用FormGroup渲染动态表单"
"url": "guide/bootstrapping",
"title": "Bootstrapping",
"tooltip": "Tell Angular how to construct and bootstrap the app in the root \"AppModule\"."
"title": "引导启动",
"tooltip": "在应用的根模块(AppModule)中告诉 Angular 如何构造并引导引用。"
"title": "NgModules",
"tooltip": "Learn how to use NgModules to make your apps efficient.",
"tooltip": "学习如何使用 NgModule 让你的应用更高效。",
"children": [
"url": "guide/ngmodule",
"title": "NgModules",
"tooltip": "Define application modules with @NgModule."
"title": "NgModule",
"tooltip": "使用 @NgModule 定义应用的模块。"
"url": "guide/ngmodule-faq",
"title": "NgModule FAQs",
"tooltip": "Answers to frequently asked questions about @NgModule."
"title": "NgModule 常见问题",
"tooltip": "回答关于 @NgModule 的常见问题。"
"title": "Dependency Injection",
"tooltip": "Dependency Injection: creating and injecting services",
"title": "依赖注入",
"tooltip": "依赖注入:创建并注入各种服务。",
"children": [
"url": "guide/dependency-injection",
"title": "Dependency Injection",
"tooltip": "Angular's dependency injection system creates and delivers dependent services \"just-in-time\"."
"title": "依赖注入",
"tooltip": "Angular 的依赖注入系统能够即时(JIT)地创建和交付所依赖的服务。"
"url": "guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection",
"title": "Hierarchical Injectors",
"tooltip": "Angular's hierarchical dependency injection system supports nested injectors in parallel with the component tree."
"title": "多级注入器",
"tooltip": "Angular 的多级注入体系会建立与组件平行的注入器树。"
"url": "guide/dependency-injection-in-action",
"title": "DI in Action",
"tooltip": "Techniques for Dependency Injection."
"title": "DI 实用技巧",
"tooltip": "依赖注入的使用技巧"
@ -253,198 +219,198 @@
"url": "guide/http",
"title": "HttpClient",
"tooltip": "Use HTTP to talk to a remote server."
"tooltip": "通过 HTTP 协议与远程服务器对话。"
"url": "guide/router",
"title": "Routing & Navigation",
"tooltip": "Discover the basics of screen navigation with the Angular Router."
"title": "路由与导航",
"tooltip": "揭示如何通过 Angular 路由进行基本的屏幕导航。"
"url": "guide/testing",
"title": "Testing",
"tooltip": "Techniques and practices for testing an Angular app."
"title": "测试",
"tooltip": "测试 Angular 应用的技巧与实践。"
"url": "guide/cheatsheet",
"title": "Cheat Sheet",
"tooltip": "A quick guide to common Angular coding techniques."
"title": "速查表",
"tooltip": "关于 Angular 常用编码技术的快速指南。"
"title": "Techniques",
"tooltip": "Techniques for putting Angular to work in your environment",
"title": "其它技术",
"tooltip": "把 Angular 用到你的实际工作中的一些技巧",
"children": [
"url": "guide/i18n",
"title": "Internationalization (i18n)",
"tooltip": "Translate the app's template text into multiple languages."
"title": "国际化 (i18n)",
"tooltip": "把应用模板中的文本翻译成多种语言。"
"url": "guide/language-service",
"title": "Language Service",
"tooltip": "Use Angular Language Service to speed up dev time."
"title": "语言服务",
"tooltip": "使用 Angular 语言服务来为开发提速。"
"url": "guide/security",
"title": "Security",
"tooltip": "Developing for content security in Angular applications."
"title": "安全",
"tooltip": "Angular 应用开发中的安全技术。"
"url": "guide/ts-to-js",
"title": "TypeScript to JavaScript",
"tooltip": "Convert Angular TypeScript examples into ES6 and ES5 JavaScript."
"title": "从 TypeScript 到 JavaScript",
"tooltip": "如何把 Angular 的 TypeScript 范例转换成 ES6 和 ES5 的。"
"title": "Setup & Deployment",
"tooltip": "Setup and Deployment",
"title": "环境设置与部署",
"tooltip": "环境设置与部署",
"children": [
"url": "guide/setup",
"title": "Setup for local development",
"tooltip": "Install the Angular QuickStart seed for faster, more efficient development on your machine."
"title": "设置本地开发环境",
"tooltip": "在你自己的机器上安装 Angular QuickStart 种子,以便更快、更高效的开发。"
"url": "guide/setup-systemjs-anatomy",
"title": "Anatomy of the Setup",
"tooltip": "Inside the local development environment for SystemJS."
"title": "设置方式剖析",
"tooltip": "基于 SystemJS 的本地开发环境内幕。"
"url": "guide/browser-support",
"title": "Browser Support",
"tooltip": "Browser support and polyfills guide."
"title": "浏览器支持",
"tooltip": "浏览器支持与 Polyfills 指南"
"url": "guide/npm-packages",
"title": "Npm Packages",
"tooltip": "Recommended npm packages, and how to specify package dependencies."
"title": "npm 包",
"tooltip": "建议的 npm 包,以及如何指定包的依赖。"
"url": "guide/typescript-configuration",
"title": "TypeScript Configuration",
"tooltip": "TypeScript configuration for Angular developers."
"title": "TypeScript 配置",
"tooltip": "给 Angular 开发者的 TypeScript 配置。"
"url": "guide/aot-compiler",
"title": "Ahead-of-Time Compilation",
"tooltip": "Learn why and how to use the Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compiler."
"title": "预(AOT)编译",
"tooltip": "学习如何使用 AOT 预编译器。"
"url": "guide/deployment",
"title": "Deployment",
"tooltip": "Learn how to deploy your Angular app."
"title": "部署",
"tooltip": "学习如何部署你的 Angular 应用。"
"title": "Upgrading",
"tooltip": "Incrementally upgrade an AngularJS application to Angular.",
"title": "升级",
"tooltip": "渐进式的把 AngularJS 应用升级到 Angular。",
"children": [
"url": "guide/upgrade",
"title": "Upgrading from AngularJS",
"tooltip": "Incrementally upgrade an AngularJS application to Angular."
"title": "从 AngularJS 升级",
"tooltip": "渐进式的把 AngularJS 应用升级到 Angular。"
"url": "guide/ajs-quick-reference",
"title": "Upgrade Cheatsheet",
"tooltip": "Learn how AngularJS concepts and techniques map to Angular."
"title": "升级速查表",
"tooltip": "学习如何把 AngularJS 的概念和技术映射到 Angular 。"
"url": "guide/visual-studio-2015",
"title": "Visual Studio 2015 QuickStart",
"tooltip": "Use Visual Studio 2015 with the QuickStart files."
"title": "Visual Studio 2015 快速起步",
"tooltip": "在 Visual Studio 2015 中使用快速起步中的文件"
"url": "guide/styleguide",
"title": "Style Guide",
"tooltip": "Write Angular with style."
"title": "风格之南",
"tooltip": "写出 Angular 风格的程序"
"url": "guide/glossary",
"title": "Glossary",
"tooltip": "Brief definitions of the most important words in the Angular vocabulary."
"title": "词汇表",
"tooltip": "Angular 中最重要的词汇的简要定义。"
"title": "API",
"tooltip": "Details of the Angular classes and values.",
"title": "API 参考手册",
"tooltip": "关于 Angular 中类和值的详细信息。",
"url": "api"
"Footer": [
"title": "Resources",
"title": "资源",
"children": [
"url": "about",
"title": "About",
"tooltip": "Angular contributors."
"title": "关于",
"tooltip": "Angular 贡献者。"
"url": "resources",
"title": "Resource Listing",
"tooltip": "Angular tools, training, and blogs from around the web."
"title": "资源列表",
"tooltip": "网络上的 Angular 工具、培训、博客等"
"url": "presskit",
"title": "Press Kit",
"tooltip": "Press contacts, logos, and branding."
"title": "宣传资料",
"tooltip": "我们的联系方式、LOGO 和品牌"
"url": "",
"title": "Blog",
"tooltip": "Angular Blog"
"title": "博客",
"tooltip": "Angular 官方博客"
"title": "Help",
"title": "帮助",
"children": [
"url": "",
"title": "Stack Overflow",
"tooltip": "Stack Overflow: where the community answers your technical Angular questions."
"tooltip": "Stack Overflow: 这里的社区会回答你关于 Angular 的技术问题"
"url": "",
"title": "Gitter",
"tooltip": "Chat about Angular with other birds of a feather."
"tooltip": "和老鸟聊 Angular"
"url": "",
"title": "Report Issues",
"tooltip": "Post issues and suggestions on github."
"title": "报告问题",
"tooltip": "在 github 上报告问题和建议。"
"url": "",
"title": "Code of Conduct",
"tooltip": "Treating each other with respect."
"title": "行动守则",
"tooltip": "让我们彼此尊重"
"title": "Community",
"title": "社区",
"children": [
"url": "events",
"title": "Events",
"title": "活动",
"tooltip": "Post issues and suggestions on github."
"url": "",
"title": "Meetups",
"tooltip": "Attend a meetup and learn from fellow developers."
"title": "聚会",
"tooltip": "参加聚会,向别的开发人员学习"
"url": "",
@ -458,17 +424,17 @@
"url": "contribute",
"title": "Contribute",
"tooltip": "Contribute to Angular"
"title": "做贡献",
"tooltip": "向 Angular 做贡献"
"title": "Languages",
"title": "多语言",
"children": [
"title": "中文版",
"url": ""
"title": "English Version",
"url": ""
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
# 关于我们
## 关于译者
本文档的两位译者汪志成和叶志敏是多年的好友。这次利用业余时间联手翻译,就是因为看好 Angular 的前景,希望帮助大家在这项技术上能跟国外同步前进。
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
# 关于中文版
## Angular 开发组的致辞
> **这是 Angular 开发组的项目经理(TPM)Naomi Black 和工程总监(Engineering Director)Brad Green 代表官方开发组发来的致辞,这标志着 正式获得了官方身份。如文档中的其它地方一样,点击任意中文即可显示原文。**
@ -18,9 +20,9 @@ As a champion of open technology, Google has invested a lot and will continue to
作为开源技术的倡导者,Google 已经并将继续投资于对 Angular 的完善和演进工作,造福并回馈中国区的用户以及全世界的用户。
We are happy to see that Angular’s Chinese developer community has grown to its current large size, fueled by not only the passion for technologies among developers, but also by the desire to make this technology effective for real businesses. Many companies in China have already built their businesses based on Angular technology. We hope that the updated materials on this official site will continue to inspire and help putting this technology into more real world business services and applications in China. If your business already runs on Angular, we invite you to join our developer community here, and become involved in our effort in continuing improving and enhancing this technology. We welcome your comments and suggestions at any time. Please send your remarks to Google Developer Relations China team’s contact email at: .
We are happy to see that Angular’s Chinese developer community has grown to its current large size, fueled by not only the passion for technologies among developers, but also by the desire to make this technology effective for real businesses. Many companies in China have already built their businesses based on Angular technology. We hope that the updated materials on this official site will continue to inspire and help putting this technology into more real world business services and applications in China. If your business already runs on Angular, we invite you to join our developer community here, and become involved in our effort in continuing improving and enhancing this technology. We welcome your comments and suggestions at any time. Please send your remarks to Google Developer Relations China team’s contact email at: .
看到中国的 Angular 开发社区已经如此繁荣,我们非常高兴。这不仅仅是出于开发者对技术的固有热情,更是因为我们希望“用 Angular 高效实现商业需求”的宏伟愿景。事实上,许多中国公司的业务早已基于 Angular 技术。我们希望通过对官网内容的持续更新,鼓励并协助大家把 Angular 更多的应用于现实世界中的业务服务与应用程序。如果您的业务大厦已经构建在 Angular 的基础之上,我们欢迎您加入中文社区,参与到我们持续增强和优化此项技术的努力中来。我们随时欢迎您的意见和建议,请发邮件到Google的技术推广部联系我们,我们的邮箱是。
看到中国的 Angular 开发社区已经如此繁荣,我们非常高兴。这不仅仅是出于开发者对技术的固有热情,更是因为我们希望“用 Angular 高效实现商业需求”的宏伟愿景。事实上,许多中国公司的业务早已基于 Angular 技术。我们希望通过对官网内容的持续更新,鼓励并协助大家把 Angular 更多的应用于现实世界中的业务服务与应用程序。如果您的业务大厦已经构建在 Angular 的基础之上,我们欢迎您加入中文社区,参与到我们持续增强和优化此项技术的努力中来。我们随时欢迎您的意见和建议,请发邮件到Google的技术推广部联系我们,我们的邮箱是。
Angular succeeds because it is built by and for developers who come from many different backgrounds. We hope that these materials will help you to learn and understand Angular, and to contribute back to the framework in future. We are excited to see what you will build with Angular here in China, and how the framework itself will change as the result of your enthusiasm.
@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ Bill Luan, Greater China Regional Lead, Developer Relations, Google
## 授权方式
本文档遵循[“保持署名—非商用”创意共享4.0许可证(CC BY-NC 4.0)](授权方式,你不用知会我们就可以转载,但必须保持署名(特别是:链接到 <>,并且不得去掉本页入口链接,也不得修改本页内容),并且不得用于商业目的。如果需要进行任何商业推广,请接洽 Google 开发技术推广部,我们将给出积极的回应。
本文档遵循[“保持署名—非商用”创意共享4.0许可证(CC BY-NC 4.0)](授权方式,你不用知会我们就可以转载,但必须保持署名(特别是:链接到 <>,并且不得去掉本页入口链接,也不得修改本页内容),并且不得用于商业目的。如果需要进行任何商业推广,请接洽 Google 开发技术推广部,我们将给出积极的回应。
本文档首发于 [Angular 中文网](。如果你要进行转载,请自行同步,不过小心别 DDoS 了我们。
@ -88,4 +90,4 @@ Angular 中文社区的简介和更多资源请参见[这里](/translations/cn/n
## 工作预告
将来,Google 技术推广部还会有一系列线上和线下推广工作,如果您有意为这些活动贡献力量,请接洽Google 开发技术推广部。
将来,Google 技术推广部还会有一系列线上和线下推广工作,如果您有意为这些活动贡献力量,请接洽Google 开发技术推广部。
@ -66,6 +66,11 @@ module.exports = new Package('angular-content', [basePackage, contentPackage])
include: CONTENTS_PATH + '/marketing/resources.json',
fileReader: 'jsonFileReader'
include: CONTENTS_PATH + '/translations/**/*.md',
fileReader: 'contentFileReader'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user