diff --git a/aio/content/guide/deprecations.md b/aio/content/guide/deprecations.md
index 13949b9c10..d3c743e5e3 100644
--- a/aio/content/guide/deprecations.md
+++ b/aio/content/guide/deprecations.md
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ const routes: Routes = [{
-**Declaration syntax**: It's important to follow the route declaration syntax `loadChildren: () => import('...').then(m => m.ModuleName)` to allow `ngc` to discover the lazy-loaded module and the associated `NgModule`. You can find the complete list of allowed syntax constructs [here](https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/blob/a491b09800b493fe01301387fa9a025f7c7d4808/packages/ngtools/webpack/src/transformers/import_factory.ts#L104-L113). These restrictions will be relaxed with the release if Ivy since it'll no longer use `NgFactories`.
+**Declaration syntax**: It's important to follow the route declaration syntax `loadChildren: () => import('...').then(m => m.ModuleName)` to allow `ngc` to discover the lazy-loaded module and the associated `NgModule`. You can find the complete list of allowed syntax constructs [here](https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/blob/a491b09800b493fe01301387fa9a025f7c7d4808/packages/ngtools/webpack/src/transformers/import_factory.ts#L104-L113). These restrictions will be relaxed with the release of Ivy since it'll no longer use `NgFactories`.