feat(ChangeDetector): Add support for short-circuiting
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ const CHANGES_LOCAL = "changes";
export class ChangeDetectorJITGenerator {
private _logic: CodegenLogicUtil;
private _names: CodegenNameUtil;
private _endOfBlockIdxs: number[];
private id: string;
private changeDetectionStrategy: ChangeDetectionStrategy;
private records: ProtoRecord[];
@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ export class ChangeDetectorJITGenerator {
var ${IS_CHANGED_LOCAL} = false;
var ${CHANGES_LOCAL} = null;
${this.records.map((r) => this._genRecord(r)).join("\n")}
@ -144,10 +145,28 @@ export class ChangeDetectorJITGenerator {
/** @internal */
_genEventBinding(eb: EventBinding): string {
var recs = eb.records.map(r => this._genEventBindingEval(eb, r)).join("\n");
let codes: String[] = [];
this._endOfBlockIdxs = [];
ListWrapper.forEachWithIndex(eb.records, (r, i) => {
let code;
if (r.isConditionalSkipRecord()) {
code = this._genConditionalSkip(r, this._names.getEventLocalName(eb, i));
} else if (r.isUnconditionalSkipRecord()) {
code = this._genUnconditionalSkip(r);
} else {
code = this._genEventBindingEval(eb, r);
code += this._genEndOfSkipBlock(i);
return `
if (eventName === "${eb.eventName}" && elIndex === ${eb.elIndex}) {
@ -235,20 +254,65 @@ export class ChangeDetectorJITGenerator {
/** @internal */
_genRecord(r: ProtoRecord): string {
var rec;
if (r.isLifeCycleRecord()) {
rec = this._genDirectiveLifecycle(r);
} else if (r.isPipeRecord()) {
rec = this._genPipeCheck(r);
} else {
rec = this._genReferenceCheck(r);
_genAllRecords(rs: ProtoRecord[]): string {
var codes: String[] = [];
this._endOfBlockIdxs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < rs.length; i++) {
let code;
let r = rs[i];
if (r.isLifeCycleRecord()) {
code = this._genDirectiveLifecycle(r);
} else if (r.isPipeRecord()) {
code = this._genPipeCheck(r);
} else if (r.isConditionalSkipRecord()) {
code = this._genConditionalSkip(r, this._names.getLocalName(r.contextIndex));
} else if (r.isUnconditionalSkipRecord()) {
code = this._genUnconditionalSkip(r);
} else {
code = this._genReferenceCheck(r);
code = `
return `
return codes.join("\n");
/** @internal */
_genConditionalSkip(r: ProtoRecord, condition: string): string {
let maybeNegate = r.mode === RecordType.SkipRecordsIf ? '!' : '';
this._endOfBlockIdxs.push(r.fixedArgs[0] - 1);
return `if (${maybeNegate}${condition}) {`;
/** @internal */
_genUnconditionalSkip(r: ProtoRecord): string {
this._endOfBlockIdxs.push(r.fixedArgs[0] - 1);
return `} else {`;
/** @internal */
_genEndOfSkipBlock(protoIndex: number): string {
if (!ListWrapper.isEmpty(this._endOfBlockIdxs)) {
let endOfBlock = ListWrapper.last(this._endOfBlockIdxs);
if (protoIndex === endOfBlock) {
return '}';
return '';
/** @internal */
@ -401,8 +465,8 @@ export class ChangeDetectorJITGenerator {
/** @internal */
_maybeFirstInBinding(r: ProtoRecord): string {
var prev = ChangeDetectionUtil.protoByIndex(this.records, r.selfIndex - 1);
var firstInBindng = isBlank(prev) || prev.bindingRecord !== r.bindingRecord;
return firstInBindng && !r.bindingRecord.isDirectiveLifecycle() ?
var firstInBinding = isBlank(prev) || prev.bindingRecord !== r.bindingRecord;
return firstInBinding && !r.bindingRecord.isDirectiveLifecycle() ?
`${this._names.getPropertyBindingIndex()} = ${r.propertyBindingIndex};` :
@ -126,8 +126,6 @@ export class ChangeDetectionUtil {
static operation_greater_then(left, right): any { return left > right; }
static operation_less_or_equals_then(left, right): any { return left <= right; }
static operation_greater_or_equals_then(left, right): any { return left >= right; }
static operation_logical_and(left, right): any { return left && right; }
static operation_logical_or(left, right): any { return left || right; }
static cond(cond, trueVal, falseVal): any { return cond ? trueVal : falseVal; }
static mapFn(keys: any[]): any {
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import {isPresent, isBlank, looseIdentical, StringWrapper} from 'angular2/src/core/facade/lang';
import {isPresent, isBlank, looseIdentical} from 'angular2/src/core/facade/lang';
import {ListWrapper, Map} from 'angular2/src/core/facade/collection';
import {RecordType, ProtoRecord} from './proto_record';
@ -13,51 +13,158 @@ import {RecordType, ProtoRecord} from './proto_record';
* @internal
export function coalesce(records: ProtoRecord[]): ProtoRecord[] {
var res: ProtoRecord[] = [];
var indexMap: Map<number, number> = new Map<number, number>();
export function coalesce(srcRecords: ProtoRecord[]): ProtoRecord[] {
let dstRecords = [];
let excludedIdxs = [];
let indexMap: Map<number, number> = new Map<number, number>();
let skipDepth = 0;
let skipSources: ProtoRecord[] = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(srcRecords.length);
for (var i = 0; i < records.length; ++i) {
var r = records[i];
var record = _replaceIndices(r, res.length + 1, indexMap);
var matchingRecord = _findMatching(record, res);
for (let protoIndex = 0; protoIndex < srcRecords.length; protoIndex++) {
let skipRecord = skipSources[protoIndex];
if (isPresent(skipRecord)) {
skipRecord.fixedArgs[0] = dstRecords.length;
if (isPresent(matchingRecord) && record.lastInBinding) {
res.push(_selfRecord(record, matchingRecord.selfIndex, res.length + 1));
indexMap.set(r.selfIndex, matchingRecord.selfIndex);
matchingRecord.referencedBySelf = true;
} else if (isPresent(matchingRecord) && !record.lastInBinding) {
if (record.argumentToPureFunction) {
matchingRecord.argumentToPureFunction = true;
indexMap.set(r.selfIndex, matchingRecord.selfIndex);
let src = srcRecords[protoIndex];
let dst = _cloneAndUpdateIndexes(src, dstRecords, indexMap);
if (dst.isSkipRecord()) {
skipSources[dst.fixedArgs[0]] = dst;
} else {
indexMap.set(r.selfIndex, record.selfIndex);
let record = _mayBeAddRecord(dst, dstRecords, excludedIdxs, skipDepth > 0);
indexMap.set(src.selfIndex, record.selfIndex);
return res;
return _optimizeSkips(dstRecords);
function _selfRecord(r: ProtoRecord, contextIndex: number, selfIndex: number): ProtoRecord {
* - Conditional skip of 1 record followed by an unconditional skip of N are replaced by a
* conditional skip of N with the negated condition,
* - Skips of 0 records are removed
function _optimizeSkips(srcRecords: ProtoRecord[]): ProtoRecord[] {
let dstRecords = [];
let skipSources = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(srcRecords.length);
let indexMap: Map<number, number> = new Map<number, number>();
for (let protoIndex = 0; protoIndex < srcRecords.length; protoIndex++) {
let skipRecord = skipSources[protoIndex];
if (isPresent(skipRecord)) {
skipRecord.fixedArgs[0] = dstRecords.length;
let src = srcRecords[protoIndex];
if (src.isSkipRecord()) {
if (src.isConditionalSkipRecord() && src.fixedArgs[0] === protoIndex + 2 &&
protoIndex < srcRecords.length - 1 &&
srcRecords[protoIndex + 1].mode === RecordType.SkipRecords) {
src.mode = src.mode === RecordType.SkipRecordsIf ? RecordType.SkipRecordsIfNot :
src.fixedArgs[0] = srcRecords[protoIndex + 1].fixedArgs[0];
if (src.fixedArgs[0] > protoIndex + 1) {
let dst = _cloneAndUpdateIndexes(src, dstRecords, indexMap);
skipSources[dst.fixedArgs[0]] = dst;
} else {
let dst = _cloneAndUpdateIndexes(src, dstRecords, indexMap);
indexMap.set(src.selfIndex, dst.selfIndex);
return dstRecords;
* Add a new record or re-use one of the existing records.
function _mayBeAddRecord(record: ProtoRecord, dstRecords: ProtoRecord[], excludedIdxs: number[],
excluded: boolean): ProtoRecord {
let match = _findFirstMatch(record, dstRecords, excludedIdxs);
if (isPresent(match)) {
if (record.lastInBinding) {
dstRecords.push(_createSelfRecord(record, match.selfIndex, dstRecords.length + 1));
match.referencedBySelf = true;
} else {
if (record.argumentToPureFunction) {
match.argumentToPureFunction = true;
return match;
if (excluded) {
return record;
* Returns the first `ProtoRecord` that matches the record.
function _findFirstMatch(record: ProtoRecord, dstRecords: ProtoRecord[],
excludedIdxs: number[]): ProtoRecord {
return ListWrapper.find(
// TODO(vicb): optimize notReusableIndexes.indexOf (sorted array)
rr => excludedIdxs.indexOf(rr.selfIndex) == -1 && rr.mode !== RecordType.DirectiveLifecycle &&
_haveSameDirIndex(rr, record) && rr.mode === record.mode &&
looseIdentical(rr.funcOrValue, record.funcOrValue) &&
rr.contextIndex === record.contextIndex && looseIdentical(rr.name, record.name) &&
ListWrapper.equals(rr.args, record.args));
* Clone the `ProtoRecord` and changes the indexes for the ones in the destination array for:
* - the arguments,
* - the context,
* - self
function _cloneAndUpdateIndexes(record: ProtoRecord, dstRecords: ProtoRecord[],
indexMap: Map<number, number>): ProtoRecord {
let args = record.args.map(src => _srcToDstSelfIndex(indexMap, src));
let contextIndex = _srcToDstSelfIndex(indexMap, record.contextIndex);
let selfIndex = dstRecords.length + 1;
return new ProtoRecord(record.mode, record.name, record.funcOrValue, args, record.fixedArgs,
contextIndex, record.directiveIndex, selfIndex, record.bindingRecord,
record.lastInBinding, record.lastInDirective,
record.argumentToPureFunction, record.referencedBySelf,
* Returns the index in the destination array corresponding to the index in the src array.
* When the element is not present in the destination array, return the source index.
function _srcToDstSelfIndex(indexMap: Map<number, number>, srcIdx: number): number {
var dstIdx = indexMap.get(srcIdx);
return isPresent(dstIdx) ? dstIdx : srcIdx;
function _createSelfRecord(r: ProtoRecord, contextIndex: number, selfIndex: number): ProtoRecord {
return new ProtoRecord(RecordType.Self, "self", null, [], r.fixedArgs, contextIndex,
r.directiveIndex, selfIndex, r.bindingRecord, r.lastInBinding,
r.lastInDirective, false, false, r.propertyBindingIndex);
function _findMatching(r: ProtoRecord, rs: ProtoRecord[]) {
return ListWrapper.find(
rs, (rr) => rr.mode !== RecordType.DirectiveLifecycle && _sameDirIndex(rr, r) &&
rr.mode === r.mode && looseIdentical(rr.funcOrValue, r.funcOrValue) &&
rr.contextIndex === r.contextIndex && StringWrapper.equals(rr.name, r.name) &&
ListWrapper.equals(rr.args, r.args));
function _sameDirIndex(a: ProtoRecord, b: ProtoRecord): boolean {
function _haveSameDirIndex(a: ProtoRecord, b: ProtoRecord): boolean {
var di1 = isBlank(a.directiveIndex) ? null : a.directiveIndex.directiveIndex;
var ei1 = isBlank(a.directiveIndex) ? null : a.directiveIndex.elementIndex;
@ -66,17 +173,3 @@ function _sameDirIndex(a: ProtoRecord, b: ProtoRecord): boolean {
return di1 === di2 && ei1 === ei2;
function _replaceIndices(r: ProtoRecord, selfIndex: number, indexMap: Map<any, any>) {
var args = r.args.map(a => _map(indexMap, a));
var contextIndex = _map(indexMap, r.contextIndex);
return new ProtoRecord(r.mode, r.name, r.funcOrValue, args, r.fixedArgs, contextIndex,
r.directiveIndex, selfIndex, r.bindingRecord, r.lastInBinding,
r.lastInDirective, r.argumentToPureFunction, r.referencedBySelf,
function _map(indexMap: Map<any, any>, value: number) {
var r = indexMap.get(value);
return isPresent(r) ? r : value;
@ -54,20 +54,43 @@ export class DynamicChangeDetector extends AbstractChangeDetector<any> {
var values = ListWrapper.createFixedSize(eb.records.length);
values[0] = this.values[0];
for (var i = 0; i < eb.records.length; ++i) {
var proto = eb.records[i];
var res = this._calculateCurrValue(proto, values, locals);
if (proto.lastInBinding) {
return res;
for (var protoIdx = 0; protoIdx < eb.records.length; ++protoIdx) {
var proto = eb.records[protoIdx];
if (proto.isSkipRecord()) {
protoIdx += this._computeSkipLength(protoIdx, proto, values);
} else {
this._writeSelf(proto, res, values);
var res = this._calculateCurrValue(proto, values, locals);
if (proto.lastInBinding) {
return res;
} else {
this._writeSelf(proto, res, values);
throw new BaseException("Cannot be reached");
private _computeSkipLength(protoIndex: number, proto: ProtoRecord, values: any[]): number {
if (proto.mode === RecordType.SkipRecords) {
return proto.fixedArgs[0] - protoIndex - 1;
if (proto.mode === RecordType.SkipRecordsIf) {
let condition = this._readContext(proto, values);
return condition ? proto.fixedArgs[0] - protoIndex - 1 : 0;
if (proto.mode === RecordType.SkipRecordsIfNot) {
let condition = this._readContext(proto, values);
return condition ? 0 : proto.fixedArgs[0] - protoIndex - 1;
throw new BaseException("Cannot be reached");
/** @internal */
_markPathAsCheckOnce(proto: ProtoRecord): void {
if (!proto.bindingRecord.isDefaultChangeDetection()) {
@ -122,8 +145,8 @@ export class DynamicChangeDetector extends AbstractChangeDetector<any> {
var changes = null;
var isChanged = false;
for (var i = 0; i < protos.length; ++i) {
var proto: ProtoRecord = protos[i];
for (var protoIdx = 0; protoIdx < protos.length; ++protoIdx) {
var proto: ProtoRecord = protos[protoIdx];
var bindingRecord = proto.bindingRecord;
var directiveRecord = bindingRecord.directiveRecord;
@ -140,7 +163,8 @@ export class DynamicChangeDetector extends AbstractChangeDetector<any> {
} else if (proto.name === "OnChanges" && isPresent(changes) && !throwOnChange) {
} else if (proto.isSkipRecord()) {
protoIdx += this._computeSkipLength(protoIdx, proto, this.values);
} else {
var change = this._check(proto, throwOnChange, this.values, this.locals);
if (isPresent(change)) {
@ -226,9 +226,28 @@ class _ConvertAstIntoProtoRecords implements AstVisitor {
visitBinary(ast: Binary): number {
var left = ast.left.visit(this);
var right = ast.right.visit(this);
return this._addRecord(RecordType.PrimitiveOp, _operationToPrimitiveName(ast.operation),
_operationToFunction(ast.operation), [left, right], null, 0);
switch (ast.operation) {
case '&&':
var branchEnd = [null];
this._addRecord(RecordType.SkipRecordsIfNot, "SkipRecordsIfNot", null, [], branchEnd, left);
var right = ast.right.visit(this);
branchEnd[0] = right;
return this._addRecord(RecordType.PrimitiveOp, "cond", ChangeDetectionUtil.cond,
[left, right, left], null, 0);
case '||':
var branchEnd = [null];
this._addRecord(RecordType.SkipRecordsIf, "SkipRecordsIf", null, [], branchEnd, left);
var right = ast.right.visit(this);
branchEnd[0] = right;
return this._addRecord(RecordType.PrimitiveOp, "cond", ChangeDetectionUtil.cond,
[left, left, right], null, 0);
var right = ast.right.visit(this);
return this._addRecord(RecordType.PrimitiveOp, _operationToPrimitiveName(ast.operation),
_operationToFunction(ast.operation), [left, right], null, 0);
visitPrefixNot(ast: PrefixNot): number {
@ -238,11 +257,20 @@ class _ConvertAstIntoProtoRecords implements AstVisitor {
visitConditional(ast: Conditional): number {
var c = ast.condition.visit(this);
var t = ast.trueExp.visit(this);
var f = ast.falseExp.visit(this);
return this._addRecord(RecordType.PrimitiveOp, "cond", ChangeDetectionUtil.cond, [c, t, f],
null, 0);
var condition = ast.condition.visit(this);
var startOfFalseBranch = [null];
var endOfFalseBranch = [null];
this._addRecord(RecordType.SkipRecordsIfNot, "SkipRecordsIfNot", null, [], startOfFalseBranch,
var whenTrue = ast.trueExp.visit(this);
var skip =
this._addRecord(RecordType.SkipRecords, "SkipRecords", null, [], endOfFalseBranch, 0);
var whenFalse = ast.falseExp.visit(this);
startOfFalseBranch[0] = skip;
endOfFalseBranch[0] = whenFalse;
return this._addRecord(RecordType.PrimitiveOp, "cond", ChangeDetectionUtil.cond,
[condition, whenTrue, whenFalse], null, 0);
visitPipe(ast: BindingPipe): number {
@ -350,10 +378,6 @@ function _operationToPrimitiveName(operation: string): string {
return "operation_less_or_equals_then";
case '>=':
return "operation_greater_or_equals_then";
case '&&':
return "operation_logical_and";
case '||':
return "operation_logical_or";
throw new BaseException(`Unsupported operation ${operation}`);
@ -387,10 +411,6 @@ function _operationToFunction(operation: string): Function {
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_less_or_equals_then;
case '>=':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_greater_or_equals_then;
case '&&':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_logical_and;
case '||':
return ChangeDetectionUtil.operation_logical_or;
throw new BaseException(`Unsupported operation ${operation}`);
@ -18,7 +18,10 @@ export enum RecordType {
SkipRecordsIf, // Skip records when the condition is true
SkipRecordsIfNot, // Skip records when the condition is false
SkipRecords // Skip records unconditionally
export class ProtoRecord {
@ -42,5 +45,15 @@ export class ProtoRecord {
isPipeRecord(): boolean { return this.mode === RecordType.Pipe; }
isConditionalSkipRecord(): boolean {
return this.mode === RecordType.SkipRecordsIfNot || this.mode === RecordType.SkipRecordsIf;
isUnconditionalSkipRecord(): boolean { return this.mode === RecordType.SkipRecords; }
isSkipRecord(): boolean {
return this.isConditionalSkipRecord() || this.isUnconditionalSkipRecord();
isLifeCycleRecord(): boolean { return this.mode === RecordType.DirectiveLifecycle; }
@ -417,7 +417,14 @@ var _availableDefinitions = [
'true ? city : zipcode',
'false ? city : zipcode',
'getTrue() && getTrue()',
'getFalse() && getTrue()',
'getFalse() || getFalse()',
'getTrue() || getFalse()',
'name == "Victor" ? (true ? address.city : address.zipcode) : address.zipcode'
var _availableEventDefinitions = [
@ -427,7 +434,8 @@ var _availableEventDefinitions = [
// '(event)="\$event=1"',
'(event)="a=a+1; a=a+1;"',
'(event)="true ? a = a + 1 : a = a + 1"',
var _availableHostEventDefinitions = ['(host-event)="onEvent(\$event)"'];
@ -111,6 +111,54 @@ export function main() {
return val.dispatcher.log;
describe('short-circuit', () => {
it('should support short-circuit for the ternary operator', () => {
var address = new Address('Sunnyvale', '94085');
expect(_bindSimpleValue('true ? city : zipcode', address))
address = new Address('Sunnyvale', '94085');
expect(_bindSimpleValue('false ? city : zipcode', address)).toEqual(['propName=94085']);
it('should support short-circuit for the && operator', () => {
var logical = new Logical();
expect(_bindSimpleValue('getTrue() && getTrue()', logical)).toEqual(['propName=true']);
logical = new Logical();
expect(_bindSimpleValue('getFalse() && getTrue()', logical)).toEqual(['propName=false']);
it('should support short-circuit for the || operator', () => {
var logical = new Logical();
expect(_bindSimpleValue('getFalse() || getFalse()', logical)).toEqual(['propName=false']);
logical = new Logical();
expect(_bindSimpleValue('getTrue() || getFalse()', logical)).toEqual(['propName=true']);
it('should support nested short-circuits', () => {
var address = new Address('Sunnyvale', '94085');
var person = new Person('Victor', address);
'name == "Victor" ? (true ? address.city : address.zipcode) : address.zipcode',
it('should support literals',
() => { expect(_bindSimpleValue('10')).toEqual(['propName=10']); });
@ -1299,6 +1347,13 @@ export function main() {
res = val.changeDetector.handleEvent("event", 0, locals);
it('should support short-circuiting', () => {
d.a = 0;
var val = _createChangeDetector('(event)="true ? a = a + 1 : a = a + 1"', d, null);
val.changeDetector.handleEvent("event", 0, locals);
@ -1417,11 +1472,43 @@ class Person {
class Address {
constructor(public city: string) {}
cityGetterCalls: number = 0;
zipCodeGetterCalls: number = 0;
constructor(public _city: string, public _zipcode = null) {}
get city() {
return this._city;
get zipcode() {
return this._zipcode;
set city(v) { this._city = v; }
set zipcode(v) { this._zipcode = v; }
toString(): string { return isBlank(this.city) ? '-' : this.city }
class Logical {
trueCalls: number = 0;
falseCalls: number = 0;
getTrue() {
return true;
getFalse() {
return false;
class Uninitialized {
value: any;
@ -16,28 +16,29 @@ import {DirectiveIndex} from 'angular2/src/core/change_detection/directive_recor
export function main() {
function r(funcOrValue, args, contextIndex, selfIndex,
{lastInBinding, mode, name, directiveIndex, argumentToPureFunction}: {
{lastInBinding, mode, name, directiveIndex, argumentToPureFunction, fixedArgs}: {
lastInBinding?: any,
mode?: any,
name?: any,
directiveIndex?: any,
argumentToPureFunction?: boolean
argumentToPureFunction?: boolean,
fixedArgs?: any[]
} = {}) {
if (isBlank(lastInBinding)) lastInBinding = false;
if (isBlank(mode)) mode = RecordType.PropertyRead;
if (isBlank(name)) name = "name";
if (isBlank(directiveIndex)) directiveIndex = null;
if (isBlank(argumentToPureFunction)) argumentToPureFunction = false;
if (isBlank(fixedArgs)) fixedArgs = null;
return new ProtoRecord(mode, name, funcOrValue, args, null, contextIndex, directiveIndex,
return new ProtoRecord(mode, name, funcOrValue, args, fixedArgs, contextIndex, directiveIndex,
selfIndex, null, lastInBinding, false, argumentToPureFunction, false, 0);
describe("change detection - coalesce", () => {
it("should work with an empty list", () => { expect(coalesce([])).toEqual([]); });
it("should remove non-terminal duplicate records" +
" and update the context indices referencing them",
it("should remove non-terminal duplicate records and update the context indices referencing them",
() => {
var rs = coalesce(
[r("user", [], 0, 1), r("first", [], 1, 2), r("user", [], 0, 3), r("last", [], 3, 4)]);
@ -52,8 +53,7 @@ export function main() {
expect(rs).toEqual([r("dup", [], 0, 1), r("user", [], 0, 2), r("first", [2], 2, 3)]);
it("should remove non-terminal duplicate records" +
" and update the args indices referencing them",
it("should remove non-terminal duplicate records and update the args indices referencing them",
() => {
var rs = coalesce([
r("user1", [], 0, 1),
@ -132,5 +132,104 @@ export function main() {
.toEqual([r("user", [], 0, 1, {argumentToPureFunction: true}), r("name", [], 1, 2)]);
describe('short-circuit', () => {
it('should not use short-circuitable records', () => {
var records = [
r("sknot", [], 0, 1, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecordsIfNot, fixedArgs: [3]}),
r("a", [], 0, 2),
r("sk", [], 0, 3, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecords, fixedArgs: [4]}),
r("b", [], 0, 4),
r("cond", [2, 4], 0, 5),
r("a", [], 0, 6),
r("b", [], 0, 7),
it('should not use short-circuitable records from nested short-circuits', () => {
var records = [
r("sknot outer", [], 0, 1, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecordsIfNot, fixedArgs: [7]}),
r("sknot inner", [], 0, 2, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecordsIfNot, fixedArgs: [4]}),
r("a", [], 0, 3),
r("sk inner", [], 0, 4, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecords, fixedArgs: [5]}),
r("b", [], 0, 5),
r("cond-inner", [3, 5], 0, 6),
r("sk outer", [], 0, 7, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecords, fixedArgs: [8]}),
r("c", [], 0, 8),
r("cond-outer", [6, 8], 0, 9),
r("a", [], 0, 10),
r("b", [], 0, 11),
r("c", [], 0, 12),
it('should collapse the true branch', () => {
var rs = coalesce([
r("a", [], 0, 1),
r("sknot", [], 0, 2, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecordsIfNot, fixedArgs: [4]}),
r("a", [], 0, 3),
r("sk", [], 0, 4, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecords, fixedArgs: [6]}),
r("a", [], 0, 5),
r("b", [], 5, 6),
r("cond", [3, 6], 0, 7),
r("a", [], 0, 1),
r("sknot", [], 0, 2, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecordsIf, fixedArgs: [3]}),
r("b", [], 1, 3),
r("cond", [1, 3], 0, 4),
it('should collapse the false branch', () => {
var rs = coalesce([
r("a", [], 0, 1),
r("sknot", [], 0, 2, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecordsIfNot, fixedArgs: [5]}),
r("a", [], 0, 3),
r("b", [], 3, 4),
r("sk", [], 0, 5, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecords, fixedArgs: [6]}),
r("a", [], 0, 6),
r("cond", [4, 6], 0, 7),
r("a", [], 0, 1),
r("sknot", [], 0, 2, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecordsIfNot, fixedArgs: [3]}),
r("b", [], 1, 3),
r("cond", [3, 1], 0, 4),
it('should optimize skips', () => {
var rs = coalesce([
// skipIfNot(1) + skip(N) -> skipIf(+N)
r("sknot", [], 0, 1, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecordsIfNot, fixedArgs: [2]}),
r("sk", [], 0, 2, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecords, fixedArgs: [3]}),
r("a", [], 0, 3),
// skipIf(1) + skip(N) -> skipIfNot(N)
r("skif", [], 0, 4, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecordsIf, fixedArgs: [5]}),
r("sk", [], 0, 5, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecords, fixedArgs: [6]}),
r("b", [], 0, 6),
// remove empty skips
r("sknot", [], 0, 7, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecordsIfNot, fixedArgs: [7]}),
r("skif", [], 0, 8, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecordsIf, fixedArgs: [8]}),
r("sk", [], 0, 9, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecords, fixedArgs: [9]}),
r("end", [], 0, 10),
r("sknot", [], 0, 1, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecordsIf, fixedArgs: [2]}),
r("a", [], 0, 2),
r("skif", [], 0, 3, {mode: RecordType.SkipRecordsIfNot, fixedArgs: [4]}),
r("b", [], 0, 4),
r("end", [], 0, 5),
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import 'package:angular2/src/core/change_detection/binding_record.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/core/change_detection/codegen_facade.dart'
show codify;
import 'package:angular2/src/core/facade/exceptions.dart' show BaseException;
import 'package:angular2/src/core/facade/collection.dart' show ListWrapper;
/// Responsible for generating change detector classes for Angular 2.
@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ class _CodegenState {
final CodegenNameUtil _names;
final ChangeDetectorGenConfig _genConfig;
final List<BindingTarget> _propertyBindingTargets;
final List<int> _endOfBlockIdxs = [];
String get _changeDetectionStrategyAsCode => _changeDetectionStrategy == null
? 'null'
@ -156,7 +158,7 @@ class _CodegenState {
var $_IS_CHANGED_LOCAL = false;
var $_CHANGES_LOCAL = null;
@ -186,6 +188,15 @@ class _CodegenState {
String _genAllRecords() {
List<String> res = [];
for (int i = 0; i < _records.length; i++) {
res.add(_genRecord(_records[i], i));
return res.join('');
String _genPropertyBindingTargets() {
var targets = _logic.genPropertyBindingTargets(
_propertyBindingTargets, this._genConfig.genDebugInfo);
@ -215,10 +226,29 @@ class _CodegenState {
String _genEventBinding(EventBinding eb) {
var recs = eb.records.map((r) => _genEventBindingEval(eb, r)).join("\n");
List<String> codes = [];
ListWrapper.forEachWithIndex(eb.records, (r, i) {
var code;
var r = eb.records[i];
if (r.isConditionalSkipRecord()) {
code = _genConditionalSkip(r, _names.getEventLocalName(eb, i));
} else if (r.isUnconditionalSkipRecord()) {
code = _genUnconditionalSkip(r);
} else {
code = _genEventBindingEval(eb, r);
code += this._genEndOfSkipBlock(i);
return '''
if (eventName == "${eb.eventName}" && elIndex == ${eb.elIndex}) {
@ -315,20 +345,53 @@ class _CodegenState {
return 'var ${declareNames.join(', ')};';
String _genRecord(ProtoRecord r) {
var rec = null;
String _genRecord(ProtoRecord r, int index) {
var code = null;
if (r.isLifeCycleRecord()) {
rec = _genDirectiveLifecycle(r);
code = _genDirectiveLifecycle(r);
} else if (r.isPipeRecord()) {
rec = _genPipeCheck(r);
code = _genPipeCheck(r);
} else if (r.isConditionalSkipRecord()) {
code = _genConditionalSkip(r, _names.getLocalName(r.contextIndex));
} else if (r.isUnconditionalSkipRecord()) {
code = _genUnconditionalSkip(r);
} else {
rec = _genReferenceCheck(r);
code = _genReferenceCheck(r);
return '''
code = '''
return code;
String _genConditionalSkip(ProtoRecord r, String condition) {
var maybeNegate = r.mode == RecordType.SkipRecordsIf ? '!' : '';
_endOfBlockIdxs.add(r.fixedArgs[0] - 1);
return 'if ($maybeNegate$condition) {';
String _genUnconditionalSkip(ProtoRecord r) {
_endOfBlockIdxs.add(r.fixedArgs[0] - 1);
return '} else {';
String _genEndOfSkipBlock(int protoIndex) {
if (!ListWrapper.isEmpty(this._endOfBlockIdxs)) {
var endOfBlock = ListWrapper.last(this._endOfBlockIdxs);
if (protoIndex == endOfBlock) {
return '}';
return '';
String _genDirectiveLifecycle(ProtoRecord r) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user