docs(ivy): add explanation of LViewData (#25779)

PR Close #25779
This commit is contained in:
Misko Hevery 2018-08-31 13:35:15 -07:00 committed by Igor Minar
parent d5bd86ae5d
commit 86a3be8610

View File

@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
# View Data Explanation
`LViewData` and `` are how the Ivy renderer keeps track of the internal data needed to render the template.
`LViewData` is designed so that a single array can contain all of the necessary data for the template rendering in a compact form.
`` is a corollary to the `LViewData` and contains information which can be shared across the template instances.
## `LViewData` / `` layout.
Both `LViewData` and `` are arrays whose indices refer to the same item.
For example index `123` may point to a component instance in the `LViewData` but a component type in ``.
The layout is as such:
| Section | `LViewData` | ``
| ---------- | --------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------
| `HEADER` | contextual data | mostly `null`
| `CONSTS` | DOM, pipe, and local ref instances |
| `VARS` | binding values | property names
| `EXPANDO` | host bindings; directive instances; providers | host prop names; directive tokens; provider tokens
`HEADER` is a fixed array size which contains contextual information about the template.
Mostly information such as parent `LViewData`, `Sanitizer`, `TView`, and many more bits of information needed for template rendering.
`CONSTS` contain the DOM elements, pipe instances, and local refs.
The size of the `CONSTS` section is declared in the property `consts` of the component definition.
template: `<div>Hello <b>World</b>!</div>`
class MyApp {
static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({
consts: 5,
template: function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: MyApp) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
elementStart(0, 'div');
text(1, 'Hello ');
elementStart(2, 'b');
text(3, 'World');
text(4, '!');
The above will create following layout:
| Index | `LViewData` | ``
| ----: | ----------- | ------------
| 10 | `<div>` | `{type: Element, index: 10, parent: null}`
| 11 | `#text(Hello )` | `{type: Element, index: 11, parent:[10]}`
| 12 | `<b>` | `{type: Element, index: 12, parent:[10]}`
| 13 | `#text(World)` | `{type: Element, index: 13, parent:[12]}`
| 14 | `#text(!)` | `{type: Element, index: 14, parent:[10]}`
| ... | ... | ...
- The `10` is not the actual size of `HEADER` but it is left here for simplification.
- `LViewData` contains DOM instances only
- `` contains information on relationships such as where the parent is.
You need the `` information to make sense of the `LViewData` information.
## `VARS`
`VARS` contains information on how to process the bindings.
The size of the `VARS `section is declared in the property `vars` of the component definition.
template: `<div title="{{name}}">Hello {{name}}!</div>`
class MyApp {
name = 'World';
static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({
consts: 2, // Two DOM Elements.
vars: 2, // Two bindings.
template: function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: MyApp) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
elementStart(0, 'div');
if (rf & RenderFlags.Update) {
elementProperty(0, 'title', bind(;
textBinding(1, interpolation1('Hello ',, '!'));
The above will create following layout:
| Index | `LViewData` | ``
| ----: | ----------- | ------------
| 10 | `<div>` | `{type: Element, index: 10, parent: null}`
| 11 | `#text()` | `{type: Element, index: 11, parent:[10]}`
| `VARS`
| 12 | `'World'` | `'title'`
| 13 | `'World'` | `null`
| ... | ... | ...
- `LViewData` contain DOM instances and previous binding values only
- `` contains information on relationships and property labels.
*TODO*: This section is to be implemented.
`EXPANDO` contains information on data which size is not known at compile time.
Examples include:
- `Component`/`Directives` since we don't know at compile time which directives will match.
- Host bindings, since until we match the directives it is unclear how many host bindings need to be allocated.
template: `<child tooltip></child>`
class MyApp {
static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({
consts: 1,
template: function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: MyApp) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
element(0, 'child', ['tooltip', null]);
directives: [Child, Tooltip]
selector: 'child',
class Child {
@HostBinding('tooltip') hostTitle = 'Hello World!';
static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({
hostVars: 1
selector: '[tooltip]'
class Tooltip {
@HostBinding('title') hostTitle = 'greeting';
static ngDirectiveDef = defineDirective({
hostVars: 1
The above will create the following layout:
| Index | `LViewData` | ``
| ----: | ----------- | ------------
| 10 | `[<child>, ...]` | `{type: Element, index: 10, parent: null}`
| `VARS`
| 11..18| cumulativeBloom | templateBloom
| 19 | `new Child()` | `Child`
| 20 | `new Tooltip()` | `Tooltip`
| 21 | `'Hello World!'` | `'tooltip'`
| 22 | `'greeting'` | `'title'`
| ... | ... | ...
The `EXPANDO` section needs additional information for information stored in `TView.expandoInstructions`
| Index | `TView.expandoInstructions` | Meaning
| ----: | ---------------------------: | -------
| 0 | -10 | Negative numbers signifies pointers to elements. In this case 10 (`<child>`)
| 1 | 2 | Injector size. Number of values to skip to get to Host Bindings.
| 2 | Child.ngComponentDef.hostBindings | The function to call. (Only when `hostVars` is not `0`)
| 3 | Child.ngComponentDef.hostVars | Number of host bindings to process. (Only when `hostVars` is not `0`)
| 4 | Tooltip.ngDirectiveDef.hostBindings | The function to call. (Only when `hostVars` is not `0`)
| 5 | Tooltip.ngDirectiveDef.hostVars | Number of host bindings to process. (Only when `hostVars` is not `0`)
The reason for this layout is to make the host binding update efficient using this pseudo code:
let currentDirectiveIndex = -1;
let currentElementIndex = -1;
// This is global state which is used internally by hostBindings to know where the offset is
let bindingRootIndex = tView.expandoStart;
for(var i = 0; i < tview.expandoInstructions.length; i++) {
let instruction = tview.expandoInstructions[i];
if (typeof instruction === 'number') {
// Numbers are used to update the indices.
if (instruction < 0) {
// Negative numbers means that we are starting new EXPANDO block and need to update current element and directive index
bindingRootIndex += BLOOM_OFFSET;
currentDirectiveIndex = bindingRootIndex;
currentElementIndex = -instruction;
} else {
bindingRootIndex += instruction;
} else {
// We know that we are hostBinding function so execute it.
instruction(currentDirectiveIndex, currentElementIndex);
The above code should execute as:
| Instruction | `bindingRootIndex` | `currentDirectiveIndex` | `currentElementIndex`
| ----------: | -----------------: | ----------------------: | --------------------:
| (initial) | `11` | `-1` | `-1`
| `-10` | `19` | `\* new Child() *\ 19` | `\* <child> *\ 10`
| `2` | `21` | `\* new Child() *\ 19` | `\* <child> *\ 10`
| `Child.ngComponentDef.hostBindings` | invoke with => | `\* new Child() *\ 19` | `\* <child> *\ 10`
| | `21` | `\* new Tooltip() *\ 20` | `\* <child> *\ 10`
| `Child.ngComponentDef.hostVars` | `22` | `\* new Tooltip() *\ 20` | `\* <child> *\ 10`
| `Tooltip.ngDirectiveDef.hostBindings` | invoke with => | `\* new Tooltip() *\ 20` | `\* <child> *\ 10`
| | `22` | `21` | `\* <child> *\ 10`
| `Tooltip.ngDirectiveDef.hostVars` | `22` | `21` | `\* <child> *\ 10`
## `EXPANDO` and Injection
`EXPANDO` will also store the injection information for the element.
This is because at the time of compilation we don't know about all of the injection tokens which will need to be created.
(The injection tokens are part of the Component hence hide behind a selector and are not available to the parent component.)
Injection needs to store three things:
- The injection token stored in ``
- The token factory stored in `LProtoViewData` and subsequently in `LViewData`
- The value for the injection token stored in `LViewData`. (Replacing token factory upon creation).
To save time when creating `LViewData` we use an array clone operation to copy data from `LProtoViewdata` to `LViewData`.
The `LProtoViewData` is initialized by the `ProvidesFeature`.
Injection tokens are sorted into three sections:
1. `directives`: Used to denote eagerly created items representing directives and component.
2. `providers`: Used to denote items visible to component, component's view and component's content.
3. `viewProviders`: Used to denote items only visible to the component's view.
template: `<child></child>`
class MyApp {
static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({
consts: 1,
template: function(rf: RenderFlags, ctx: MyApp) {
if (rf & RenderFlags.Create) {
element(0, 'child');
directives: [Child]
selector: 'child',
providers: [
{provide: ServiceB, useValue: 'someServiceBValue'},
viewProviders: [
{provide: ServiceC, useFactory: () => new ServiceC)}
{provide: ServiceD, useClass: ServiceE},
class Child {
construction(injector: Injector) {}
static ngComponentDef = defineComponent({
features: [
{provide: ServiceB, useValue: 'someServiceBValue'},
{provide: ServiceC, useFactory: () => new ServiceC())}
{provide: ServiceD, useClass: ServiceE},
The above will create the following layout:
| Index | `LViewData` | ``
| ----: | ------------ | -------------
| 10 | `[<child>, ...]` | `{type: Element, index: 10, parent: null, expandoIndex: 11, directivesIndex: 19, providersIndex: 20, viewProvidersIndex: 22, expandoEnd: 23}`
| `VARS`
| 11..18| cumulativeBloom | templateBloom
| | *sub-section: `component` and `directives`*
| 19 | `factory(Child.ngComponentDef.factory)`* | `Child`
| | *sub-section: `providers`*
| 20 | `factory(ServiceA.ngInjectableDef.factory)`* | `ServiceA`
| 22 | `'someServiceBValue'`* | `ServiceB`
| | *sub-section: `viewProviders`*
| 22 | `factory(()=> new Service())`* | `ServiceC`
| 22 | `factory(()=> directiveInject(ServiceE))`* | `ServiceD`
| ... | ... | ...
- `*` denotes initial value copied from the `LProtoViewData`, as the tokens get instantiated the factories are replaced with actual value.
- That `` has `expando` and `expandoInjectorCount` properties which point to where the element injection data is stored.
- That all injectable tokens are stored in linear sequence making it easy to search for instances to match.
- That `directive` sub-section gets eagerly instantiated.
Where `factory` is a function which wraps the factory into object which can be monomorphically detected at runtime in an efficient way.
class Factory {
/// Marker set to true during factory invocation to see if we get into recursive loop.
/// Recursive loop causes an error to be displayed.
resolving = false;
constructor(public factory: Function) { }
function factory(fn) {
return new Factory(fn);
const FactoryPrototype = Factory.prototype;
function isFactory(obj: any): obj is Factory {
// See:
return typeof obj === 'object' && Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === FactoryPrototype;
Pseudo code:
1. Check if bloom filter has the value of the token. (If not exit)
2. Locate the token in the expando honoring `directives`, `providers` and `viewProvider` rules by limiting the search scope.
3. Read the value of `lViewData[index]` at that location.
- if `isFactory(lViewData[index])` then mark it as resolving and invoke it. Replace `lViewData[index]` with the value returned from factory (caching mechanism).
- if `!isFactory(lViewData[index])` then return the cached value as is.
# `EXPANDO` and Injecting Special Objects.
There are several special objects such as `ElementRef`, `ViewContainerRef`, etc...
These objects behave as if they are always included in the `providers` array of every component and directive.
Adding them always there would prevent tree shaking so they need to be lazily included.
An interesting thing about these objects is that they are not memoized `injector.get(ElementRef) !== injector.get(ElementRef)`.
This could be considered a bug, it means that we don't have to allocate storage space for them.
provideIn: '__node__' as any // Special token not available to the developer
useFactory: injectElementRef // existing function which generates ElementRef
class ElementRef {
Consequence of the above is that `injector.get(ElementRef)` returns an instance of `ElementRef` without `Injector` having to know about `ElementRef` at compile time.
# `EXPANDO` and Injecting the `Injector`.
`Injector` can be injected using `inject(Injector)` method.
To achieve this in tree shakable way we can declare the `Injector` in this way:
provideIn: '__node_injector__' as any // Special token not available to the developer
class Injector {
We can't declare `useFactory` in this case because it would make the generic DI system depend on the Ivy renderer.
Instead we have unique token `'__node_injector__'` which we use for recognizing the `Injector` in tree shakable way.
## `inject` Implementation
A pseudo-implementation of `inject` function.
function inject(token: any): any {
let injectableDef;
if (typeof token === 'function' && injectableDef = token.ngInjectableDef) {
const provideIn = injectableDef.provideIn;
if (provideIn === '__node__') {
// if it is a special object just call its factory
return injectableDef.useFactory();
} else if (provideIn === '__node_injector__') {
// if we are injecting `Injector` than create a wrapper object around the inject but which
// is bound to the current node.
return createInjector();
return lookupTokenInExpando(token);
# `LContainer`
## Combining `LContainer` with `LViewData`