fix(aio): remove previous files

This commit is contained in:
Peter Bacon Darwin 2017-03-01 14:34:27 +00:00 committed by Igor Minar
parent e6e8123bdd
commit 93c0ab7131
24 changed files with 0 additions and 2116 deletions

@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { By } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { Component, DebugElement } from '@angular/core';
import { ComponentFactoryResolver, ElementRef, Injector, NgModule, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { Doc, DocMetadata } from '../nav-engine';
import { DocViewerComponent } from '../doc-viewer/doc-viewer.component';
import { embeddedComponents, EmbeddedComponents } from '../embedded';
/// Embedded Test Components ///
///// FooComponent /////
selector: 'aio-foo',
template: `Foo Component`
class FooComponent { }
///// BarComponent /////
selector: 'aio-bar',
template: `
<h2>Bar Component</h2>
<p #barContent></p>
class BarComponent implements OnInit {
@ViewChild('barContent') barContentRef: ElementRef;
constructor(public elementRef: ElementRef) { }
// Project content in ngOnInit just like CodeExampleComponent
ngOnInit() {
// Security: this is a test component; never deployed
this.barContentRef.nativeElement.innerHTML = this.elementRef.nativeElement.aioBarContent;
///// BazComponent /////
selector: 'aio-baz',
template: `
<h2>Baz Component</h2>
<p #bazContent></p>
class BazComponent implements OnInit {
@ViewChild('bazContent') bazContentRef: ElementRef;
constructor(public elementRef: ElementRef) { }
// Project content in ngOnInit just like CodeExampleComponent
ngOnInit() {
// Security: this is a test component; never deployed
this.bazContentRef.nativeElement.innerHTML = this.elementRef.nativeElement.aioBazContent;
///// Test Module //////
const embeddedTestComponents = [FooComponent, BarComponent, BazComponent, ...embeddedComponents];
entryComponents: embeddedTestComponents
class TestModule { }
//// Test Component //////
selector: 'aio-test',
template: `
<aio-doc-viewer>Test Component</aio-doc-viewer>
class TestComponent {
private currentDoc: Doc;
@ViewChild(DocViewerComponent) docViewer: DocViewerComponent;
setDoc(doc: Doc) {
if (this.docViewer) {
this.docViewer.doc = doc;
//////// Tests //////////////
describe('DocViewerComponent', () => {
const fakeDocMetadata: DocMetadata = { docId: 'fake', title: 'fake Doc' };
let component: TestComponent;
let docViewerDE: DebugElement;
let docViewerEl: HTMLElement;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<TestComponent>;
beforeEach(async(() => {
imports: [ TestModule ],
declarations: [
providers: [
{provide: EmbeddedComponents, useValue: {components: embeddedTestComponents}}
beforeEach(() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
docViewerDE = fixture.debugElement.children[0];
docViewerEl = docViewerDE.nativeElement;
it('should create a DocViewer', () => {
it(('should display nothing when set DocViewer.doc to doc w/o content'), () => {
component.docViewer.doc = { metadata: fakeDocMetadata, content: '' };
it(('should display simple static content doc'), () => {
const content = '<p>Howdy, doc viewer</p>';
component.docViewer.doc = { metadata: fakeDocMetadata, content };
it(('should display nothing after reset static content doc'), () => {
const content = '<p>Howdy, doc viewer</p>';
component.docViewer.doc = { metadata: fakeDocMetadata, content };
component.docViewer.doc = { metadata: fakeDocMetadata, content: '' };
it(('should apply FooComponent'), () => {
const content = `
<p>Above Foo</p>
<p>Below Foo</p>
component.docViewer.doc = { metadata: fakeDocMetadata, content };
const fooHtml = docViewerEl.querySelector('aio-foo').innerHTML;
expect(fooHtml).toContain('Foo Component');
it(('should apply multiple FooComponents'), () => {
const content = `
<p>Above Foo</p>
<div style="margin-left: 2em;">
Holds a
<aio-foo>Ignored text</aio-foo>
<p>Below Foo</p>
component.docViewer.doc = { metadata: fakeDocMetadata, content };
const foos = docViewerEl.querySelectorAll('aio-foo');
it(('should apply BarComponent'), () => {
const content = `
<p>Above Bar</p>
<p>Below Bar</p>
component.docViewer.doc = { metadata: fakeDocMetadata, content };
const barHtml = docViewerEl.querySelector('aio-bar').innerHTML;
expect(barHtml).toContain('Bar Component');
it(('should project bar content into BarComponent'), () => {
const content = `
<p>Above Bar</p>
<aio-bar>###bar content###</aio-bar>
<p>Below Bar</p>
component.docViewer.doc = { metadata: fakeDocMetadata, content };
// necessary to trigger projection within ngOnInit
const barHtml = docViewerEl.querySelector('aio-bar').innerHTML;
expect(barHtml).toContain('###bar content###');
it(('should include Foo and Bar'), () => {
const content = `
<aio-bar>###bar content###</aio-bar>
component.docViewer.doc = { metadata: fakeDocMetadata, content };
// necessary to trigger Bar's projection within ngOnInit
const foos = docViewerEl.querySelectorAll('aio-foo');
expect(foos.length).toBe(2, 'should have 2 foos');
const barHtml = docViewerEl.querySelector('aio-bar').innerHTML;
expect(barHtml).toContain('###bar content###', 'should have bar with projected content');
it(('should not include Bar within Foo'), () => {
const content = `
<aio-bar>###bar content###</aio-bar>
component.docViewer.doc = { metadata: fakeDocMetadata, content };
// necessary to trigger Bar's projection within ngOnInit
const foos = docViewerEl.querySelectorAll('aio-foo');
expect(foos.length).toBe(2, 'should have 2 foos');
const bars = docViewerEl.querySelectorAll('aio-bar');
expect(bars.length).toBe(0, 'did not expect Bar inside Foo');
// because FooComponents are processed before BazComponents
it(('should include Foo within Bar'), () => {
const content = `
<div style="margin-left: 2em">
Inner <aio-foo></aio-foo>
component.docViewer.doc = { metadata: fakeDocMetadata, content };
// necessary to trigger Bar's projection within ngOnInit
const foos = docViewerEl.querySelectorAll('aio-foo');
expect(foos.length).toBe(2, 'should have 2 foos');
const bars = docViewerEl.querySelectorAll('aio-bar');
expect(bars.length).toBe(1, 'should have a bar');
expect(bars[0].innerHTML).toContain('Bar Component', 'should have bar template content');
// The <aio-baz> tag and its inner content is copied
// But the BazComponent is not created and therefore its template content is not displayed
// because BarComponents are processed before BazComponents
// and no chance for first Baz inside Bar to be processed by builder.
it(('should NOT include Bar within Baz'), () => {
const content = `
<div style="margin-left: 2em">
Inner <aio-baz>---baz stuff---</aio-baz>
<p><aio-baz>---More baz--</aio-baz></p>
component.docViewer.doc = { metadata: fakeDocMetadata, content };
// necessary to trigger Bar's projection within ngOnInit
const bazs = docViewerEl.querySelectorAll('aio-baz');
// Both baz tags are there ...
expect(bazs.length).toBe(2, 'should have 2 bazs');
expect(bazs[0].innerHTML).not.toContain('Baz Component',
'did not expect 1st Baz template content');
expect(bazs[1].innerHTML).toContain('Baz Component',
'expected 2nd Baz template content');

@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
import {
Component, ComponentFactory, ComponentFactoryResolver, ComponentRef,
DoCheck, ElementRef, Injector, Input, OnDestroy, ViewEncapsulation
} from '@angular/core';
import { Doc, DocMetadata, DocMetadataService, NavNode } from '../nav-engine';
import { EmbeddedComponents } from '../embedded';
interface EmbeddedComponentFactory {
contentPropertyName: string;
factory: ComponentFactory<any>;
// Initialization prevents flicker once pre-rendering is on
const initialDocViewerElement = document.querySelector('aio-doc-viewer');
const initialDocViewerContent = initialDocViewerElement ? initialDocViewerElement.innerHTML : '';
selector: 'aio-doc-viewer',
template: '',
providers: [ DocMetadataService ],
styles: [ `
:host >>> doc-title.not-found h1 {
color: white;
background-color: red;
// TODO(robwormald): shadow DOM and emulated don't work here (?!)
// encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Native
export class DocViewerComponent implements DoCheck, OnDestroy {
private displayedDoc: DisplayedDoc;
private embeddedComponentFactories: Map<string, EmbeddedComponentFactory> = new Map();
private hostElement: HTMLElement;
componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver,
elementRef: ElementRef,
embeddedComponents: EmbeddedComponents,
private docMetadataService: DocMetadataService,
private injector: Injector
) {
this.hostElement = elementRef.nativeElement;
// Security: the initialDocViewerContent comes from the prerendered DOM and is considered to be secure
this.hostElement.innerHTML = initialDocViewerContent;
for (const component of embeddedComponents.components) {
const factory = componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(component);
const selector = factory.selector;
const contentPropertyName = this.selectorToContentPropertyName(selector);
this.embeddedComponentFactories.set(selector, { contentPropertyName, factory });
set doc(newDoc: Doc) {
if (newDoc) {
this.docMetadataService.metadata = newDoc.metadata;
window.scrollTo(0, 0);;
* Add doc content to host element and build it out with embedded components
private build(doc: Doc) {
const displayedDoc = this.displayedDoc = new DisplayedDoc(doc);
// security: the doc.content is always authored by the documentation team
// and is considered to be safe
this.hostElement.innerHTML = doc.content || '';
if (!doc.content) { return; }
// TODO(i): why can't I use for-of? why doesn't typescript like Map#value() iterators?
this.embeddedComponentFactories.forEach(({ contentPropertyName, factory }, selector) => {
const embeddedComponentElements = this.hostElement.querySelectorAll(selector);
// cast due to
for (const element of embeddedComponentElements as any as HTMLElement[]){
// hack: preserve the current element content because the factory will empty it out
// security: the source of this innerHTML is always authored by the documentation team
// and is considered to be safe
element[contentPropertyName] = element.innerHTML;
displayedDoc.addEmbeddedComponent(factory.create(this.injector, [], element));
ngDoCheck() {
if (this.displayedDoc) { this.displayedDoc.detectChanges(); }
ngOnDestroy() {
// destroy components otherwise there will be memory leaks
if (this.displayedDoc) {
this.displayedDoc = undefined;
* Compute the component content property name by converting the selector to camelCase and appending
* 'Content', e.g. live-example => liveExampleContent
private selectorToContentPropertyName(selector: string) {
return selector.replace(/-(.)/g, (match, $1) => $1.toUpperCase()) + 'Content';
class DisplayedDoc {
metadata: DocMetadata;
private embeddedComponents: ComponentRef<any>[] = [];
constructor(doc: Doc) {
// ignore doc.content ... don't need to keep it around
this.metadata = doc.metadata;
addEmbeddedComponent(component: ComponentRef<any>) {
detectChanges() {
this.embeddedComponents.forEach(comp => comp.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges());
destroy() {
// destroy components otherwise there will be memory leaks
this.embeddedComponents.forEach(comp => comp.destroy());
this.embeddedComponents.length = 0;

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
import { DocFetchingService } from './doc-fetching.service';
// Write tests when/if this service is retained.

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
import { Http, Response } from '@angular/http';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/do';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import { Doc, DocMetadata } from './doc.model';
import { Logger } from '../logger.service';
export class DocFetchingService {
private base = 'content/';
private http: Http,
private logger: Logger) { }
getPath(docId: string) {
return this.base + addPathExtension(docId);
* Fetch document from server.
* NB: pass 404 response to caller as Doc with empty string content
* Other errors and non-OK status responses are thrown errors.
* TODO: add timeout and retry for lost connection
getDocFile(docId: string): Observable<Doc> {
if (!docId) {
const emsg = 'getFile: no document id';
throw new Error(emsg);
// TODO: Metadata will be updated from file
const metadata: DocMetadata = { docId, title: docId };
const url = this.getPath(docId);
this.logger.log(`Fetching document file at '${url}'`);
return this.http.get(url)
.map(res => <Doc> { metadata, content: res.text() }) // TODO: It will come as JSON soon
.do(content => this.logger.log(`Fetched document file at '${url}'`) )
.catch((error: Response) => {
if (error.status === 404) {
this.logger.error(`Document file not found at '${url}'`);
return of({metadata, content: ''} as Doc);
} else {
throw error;
function addPathExtension(path: string) {
if (path) {
if (path.endsWith('/')) {
return path + 'index.html';
} else if (!path.endsWith('.html')) {
return path + '.html';
return path;
// function removePathExtension(path: string) {
// if (path) {
// if (path.endsWith('/index.html')) {
// return path.substring(0, path.length - 10);
// } else if (path.endsWith('.html')) {
// return path.substring(0, path.length - 5);
// }
// }
// return path;
// }

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { DocMetadata } from './doc.model';
export class DocMetadataService {
metadata: DocMetadata;

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
export interface DocMetadata {
docId: string;
title: string;
export interface Doc {
metadata: DocMetadata;
content: string;
* UI navigation node that describes a document or container of documents
* Each node corresponds to a link in the UI.
export interface NavNode {
/** unique integer id for this node */
id: number;
/** Document id if this is a document node */
docId: string;
/** Document path (calculated from docId) if this is a document node */
docPath: string;
/** url to an external web page; docPath and url are mutually exclusive. */
url?: string;
/** Title to display in the navigation link; typically shorter */
navTitle: string;
/** Tooltip for links */
tooltip: string;
/** Ids of ancestor nodes higher in the hierarchy */
ancestorIds: number[];
/** true if should not be displayed in UI. Can still be loaded directly */
// hide?: boolean; NO NO. If the JSON says, hide, simply omit it from this map
/** If defined, this node is a container of child nodes */
children?: NavNode[];
* Navigation for the site.
* - nodes: the top-level navigation nodes; node can have children.
* - docs: find node for a given document id.
export interface NavMap {
* Map that drives the UI navigation.
* Each node correspond to a navigation link in the UI.
* Supports unlimited node nesting.
nodes: NavNode[];
* NavNode for a document id in the NavMap.
docs: Map<string, NavNode>;

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
import { fakeAsync, tick } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { DocService } from './doc.service';
import { Doc, DocMetadata, NavNode } from './doc.model';
import { DocFetchingService } from './doc-fetching.service';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/throw';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/delay';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/first';
describe('DocService', () => {
let docFetchingService: DocFetchingService;
let getFileSpy: jasmine.Spy;
let loggerSpy: any;
let docService: DocService;
let testDoc: Doc;
let testDocId: string;
let testContent: string;
beforeEach(() => {
testDocId = 'fake';
testContent = 'fake file contents';
testDoc = {
metadata: {docId: testDocId, title: 'Fake Title'} as DocMetadata,
content: testContent
loggerSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('logger', ['log', 'warn', 'error']);
docFetchingService = new DocFetchingService(null, loggerSpy);
getFileSpy = spyOn(docFetchingService, 'getDocFile').and
.returnValue(of(testDoc).delay(0).first()); // first() -> completes
docService = new DocService(docFetchingService, loggerSpy);
it('should return fake doc for fake id', fakeAsync(() => {
docService.getDoc(testDocId).subscribe(doc =>
it('should retrieve file once for first file request', fakeAsync(() => {
let doc: Doc;
expect(getFileSpy.calls.count()).toBe(0, 'no call before tick');
docService.getDoc(testDocId).subscribe(d => doc = d);
expect(getFileSpy.calls.count()).toBe(1, 'one call after tick');
expect(doc).toBe(testDoc, 'expected doc');
it('should retrieve file from cache the second time', fakeAsync(() => {
docService.getDoc(testDocId).subscribe(doc =>
expect(doc).toBe(testDoc, 'expected doc from server')
expect(getFileSpy.calls.count()).toBe(1, 'one call after 1st request');
docService.getDoc(testDocId).subscribe(doc =>
expect(doc).toBe(testDoc, 'expected doc from cache')
expect(getFileSpy.calls.count()).toBe(1, 'still only one call after 2nd request');
it('should pass along file error through its getDoc observable result', fakeAsync(() => {
const err = 'deliberate file error';
// simulate async error in the file retrieval
of('').delay(0).map(() => { throw new Error(err); })
doc => expect(false).toBe(true, 'should have failed'),
error => expect(error.message).toBe(err)

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/do';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/switchMap';
import { Doc, NavNode } from './doc.model';
import { DocFetchingService } from './doc-fetching.service';
import { Logger } from '../logger.service';
import { NavMapService } from './nav-map.service';
export class DocService {
private cache = new Map<string, Doc>();
private notFoundContent: string;
private fileService: DocFetchingService,
private logger: Logger
) { }
* Get document for id, from cache if found else server.
* Pass server errors along to caller
* Constructs and caches a "Not Found" doc when fileservice returns a doc with no content.
getDoc(docId: string): Observable<Doc> {
const cached = this.cache.get(docId);
if (cached) {
this.logger.log(`Returned cached document for '${docId}'`);
return of(cached);
return this.fileService.getDocFile(docId)
.switchMap(doc => {
this.logger.log(`Fetched document for '${docId}'`);
return doc.content ? of(doc) :
.map(nfContent => <Doc> {metadata: {docId, title: docId}, content: nfContent});
.do(doc => this.cache.set(docId, doc));
getNotFound(): Observable<string> {
if (this.notFoundContent) { return of(this.notFoundContent); }
const nfDocId = 'not-found';
return this.fileService.getDocFile(nfDocId)
.map(doc => {
this.logger.log(`Fetched "not found" document for '${nfDocId}'`);
this.notFoundContent = doc.content;
return doc.content;

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
import { DocService } from './doc.service';
import { DocFetchingService } from './doc-fetching.service';
import { NavEngine } from './nav-engine.service';
import { NavLinkDirective } from './nav-link.directive';
import { NavMapService } from './nav-map.service';
export { Doc, DocMetadata, NavNode, NavMap } from './doc.model';
export { DocMetadataService } from './doc-metadata.service';
export { NavEngine } from './nav-engine.service';
export { NavMapService } from './nav-map.service';
export const navDirectives = [
export const navProviders = [

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
import { fakeAsync, tick} from '@angular/core/testing';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/delay';
import { DocService } from './doc.service';
import { Doc, DocMetadata, NavNode } from './doc.model';
import { NavEngine } from './nav-engine.service';
describe('NavEngine', () => {
let fakeDoc: Doc;
let navEngine: NavEngine;
beforeEach(() => {
fakeDoc = {
metadata: {
docId: 'fake',
title: 'All about the fake'
content: 'fake content'
const docService: any = jasmine.createSpyObj('docService', ['getDoc']);
navEngine = new NavEngine(docService);
it('should set currentDoc to fake doc when navigate to fake id', fakeAsync(() => {
navEngine.currentDoc.subscribe(doc =>

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
import { Injectable, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { ReplaySubject } from 'rxjs/ReplaySubject';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription';
import { Doc } from './doc.model';
import { DocService } from './doc.service';
export class NavEngine implements OnDestroy {
private docSubject = new ReplaySubject<Doc>(1);
private subscription: Subscription;
/** Observable of the most recent document from a `navigate` call */
currentDoc = this.docSubject.asObservable();
constructor(private docService: DocService) {}
* Navigate pushes new doc for the given `id` into the `currentDoc` observable.
* TODO: handle document retrieval error
navigate(docId: string) {
this.subscription = this.docService.getDoc(docId).subscribe(doc =>;
ngOnDestroy() {
if (this.subscription) { this.subscription.unsubscribe(); }

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
import { Directive, HostListener, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { NavEngine } from './nav-engine.service';
selector: '[aioNavLink]'
export class NavLinkDirective {
aioNavLink: string;
constructor(private navEngine: NavEngine) { }
@HostListener('click', ['$event'])
onClick($event) {
return false;

@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
import { fakeAsync, tick } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { Http, Response } from '@angular/http';
import { of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/delay';
import { DocFetchingService } from './doc-fetching.service';
import { NavNode, NavMap } from './doc.model';
import { NavMapService } from './nav-map.service';
import { getTestNavMapResponse } from '../../testing/nav-map-json-response';
describe('NavMapService', () => {
let httpSpy: any;
let loggerSpy: any;
let navMapService: NavMapService;
let navMap: NavMap;
beforeEach(done => {
httpSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('http', ['get']);
httpSpy.get.and.returnValue(of(getTestNavMapResponse()).delay(0).first()); // first() -> completes
loggerSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('logger', ['log', 'warn', 'error']);
navMapService = new NavMapService(new DocFetchingService(null, null), httpSpy, loggerSpy);
nm => navMap = nm,
it('should return a navMap', () => {
it('should have filtered away the "cli-quickstart" because `hide`===true', () => {
const item = navMap.nodes.find(n => n.docId === 'guide/cli-quickstart');
describe('Quickstart', () => {
let item: NavNode;
beforeEach(() => {
item = navMap.nodes.find(n => n.navTitle === 'Quickstart');
it('should have expected item', () => {
it('should have expected docId', () => {
it('should have calculated expected docPath', () => {
it('should have no ancestors because it is a top-level item', () => {
describe('Getting Started', () => {
let section: NavNode;
beforeEach(() => {
section = navMap.nodes.find(n => n.navTitle === 'Getting started');
it('should have an id', () => {
it('should have distinct tooltip', () => {
it('should have 2 children', () => {
it('should have itself as ancestor because it has children', () => {
describe('Tutorial', () => {
let section: NavNode;
let intro: NavNode;
beforeEach(() => {
section = navMap.nodes.find(n => n.navTitle === 'Tutorial');
if (section && section.children) {
intro = section.children.find(n => n.navTitle === 'Introduction');
it('should have 2 children', () => {
it('intro child\'s docId ends in "/"', () => {
expect(intro.docId[intro.docId.length - 1]).toEqual('/');
it('intro child\'s calculated docPath ends in "index.html"', () => {
describe('Core (3-level)', () => {
let section: NavNode;
beforeEach(() => {
section = navMap.nodes.find(n => n.navTitle === 'Core');
it('should have 2 children', () => {
describe('->directives', () => {
let directives: NavNode;
beforeEach(() => {
directives = section.children.find(n => n.navTitle === 'Directives');
it('should have a heading docId', () => {
it('should have calculated expected docPath', () => {
it('should have 2 children', () => {
it('children should have two ancestor ids in lineal order', () => {
const expectedAncestors = [,];
expect(directives.children[0].ancestorIds).toEqual(expectedAncestors, '#1');
expect(directives.children[1].ancestorIds).toEqual(expectedAncestors, '#2');
describe('Empty Heading', () => {
let section: NavNode;
beforeEach(() => {
section = navMap.nodes.find(n => n.navTitle === 'Empty Heading');
it('should have no children', () => {
it('should have itself as ancestor because it has a `children` array', () => {
describe('External', () => {
let section: NavNode;
let gitter: NavNode;
beforeEach(() => {
section = navMap.nodes.find(n => n.navTitle === 'External');
if (section && section.children) {
gitter = section.children[0];
it('should have one child (gitter)', () => {
it('child should have a url', () => {
it('child should not have a docId', () => {
it('child should not have a docPath', () => {
it('child should have parent as only ancestor id', () => {

@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Http } from '@angular/http';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import { ReplaySubject } from 'rxjs/ReplaySubject';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/do';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import { Doc, NavNode, NavMap } from './doc.model';
import { DocFetchingService } from './doc-fetching.service';
import { Logger } from '../logger.service';
const navMapUrl = 'content/navmap.json';
export class NavMapService {
private getDocPath: (string) => string;
private navMapSubject: ReplaySubject<NavMap>;
private nextNodeId = 1;
docFetchingService: DocFetchingService,
private http: Http,
private logger: Logger) {
this.getDocPath = docFetchingService.getPath.bind(docFetchingService);
get navMap(): Observable<NavMap> {
return (this.navMapSubject ? this.navMapSubject : this.createNavMapSubject()).asObservable() ;
private createNavMapSubject(): ReplaySubject<NavMap> {
this.navMapSubject = new ReplaySubject<NavMap>(1);
.map(res => res.json().nodes)
.do(() => this.logger.log(`Fetched navigation map JSON at '${navMapUrl}'`))
navNodes =>
return this.navMapSubject;
////// private helper functions ////
private createNavMap(nodes: NavNode[]) {
nodes = this.removeHidden(nodes);
const navMap: NavMap = { nodes, docs: new Map<string, NavNode>()};
nodes.forEach(node => this.adjustNode(node, navMap, []));
return navMap;
// Adjust properties of a node from JSON and build
private adjustNode(node: NavNode, navMap: NavMap, ancestorIds: number[] ) { = this.nextNodeId++;
node.ancestorIds = ancestorIds;
if ( node.tooltip === undefined ) { node.tooltip = node.navTitle; }
if (node.docId) {
// This node is associated with a document
node.docId = node.docId.toLocaleLowerCase();
node.docPath = this.getDocPath(node.docId);, node);
if (node.children) {
// Ancestors include self when this node has children
node.ancestorIds = ancestorIds.concat(;
node.children.forEach(n => this.adjustNode(n, navMap, node.ancestorIds));
private removeHidden(nodes: NavNode[]) {
return nodes.filter(node => {
if (node['hide'] === true ) { return false; }
if (node.children) {
node.children = this.removeHidden(node.children);
return true;

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
.fill-remaining-space {
flex: 1 1 auto;
.nav-link {
margin-right: 10px;
margin-left: 20px;
cursor: pointer;
@media (max-width: 700px) {
.nav-link {
margin-right: 8px;
margin-left: 0px;
@media (max-width: 600px) {
.nav-link {
font-size: 80%;
margin-right: 8px;
margin-left: 0px;

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'aio-menu',
template: `
<span><a class="nav-link" aioNavLink="home">Home</a></span>
<!-- <span><a class="nav-link" aioNavLink="api">API</a></span> -->
<span><a class="nav-link" aioNavLink="api/common/date-pipe">API</a></span>
<span><a class="nav-link" aioNavLink="news">News</a></span>
<span><a class="nav-link" aioNavLink="features">Features</a></span>
styleUrls: ['./menu.component.scss'],
animations: []
export class MenuComponent {

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
<div *ngIf="isItem">
<a href={{href}} [ngClass]="classes" target={{target}} title={{tooltip}}
(click)="itemClicked()" class="vertical-menu">
<div *ngIf="!isItem">
<a href={{href}} [ngClass]="classes" target={{target}} title={{tooltip}}
(click)="headerClicked()" class="vertical-menu heading">
<md-icon []="!isActive">keyboard_arrow_right</md-icon>
<md-icon []="isActive">keyboard_arrow_down</md-icon>
<div class="heading-children" [ngClass]="classes">
<aio-navitem *ngFor="let node of node.children" [level]="level + 1"
[node]="node" [selectedNode]="selectedNode"></aio-navitem>

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
Media queries
To use these, put this snippet in the approriate selector:
@include bp(tiny) {
background-color: purple;
Replace "tiny" with "medium" or "big" as necessary.
@mixin bp($point) {
$bp-xsmall: "(min-width: 320px)";
$bp-teeny: "(min-width: 480px)";
$bp-tiny: "(min-width: 600px)";
$bp-small: "(min-width: 650px)";
$bp-medium: "(min-width: 800px)";
$bp-big: "(min-width: 1000px)";
@if $point == big {
@media #{$bp-big} { @content; }
@else if $point == medium {
@media #{$bp-medium} { @content; }
@else if $point == small {
@media #{$bp-small} { @content; }
@else if $point == tiny {
@media #{$bp-tiny} { @content; }
@else if $point == teeny {
@media #{$bp-teeny} { @content; }
@else if $point == xsmall {
@media #{$bp-xsmall} { @content; }
.vertical-menu {
padding-left: 0;
a.vertical-menu {
color: #545454;
cursor: pointer;
display: block;
padding-bottom: 10px;
padding-top: 10px;
padding-right: 10px;
text-decoration: none;
text-align: left;
&:hover {
background-color: #ddd;
.vertical-menu.selected {
.heading {
color: #444;
cursor: pointer;
font-size: .85rem;
min-width: 200px;
padding-left: 10px;
position: relative;
text-transform: uppercase;
.material-icons {
display: none;
} {
display: inline-block;
position: absolute;
top: 6px;
// left: 4px;
.heading-children {
display: none;
} {
display: block;
.heading-children.selected.level-1 {
border-left: 3px #00bcd4 solid;
.level-1 {
padding-left: 10px;
.level-2 {
padding-left: 20px;
.level-3 {
padding-left: 30px;

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
import { Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Subscription';
import { Doc, NavNode } from '../nav-engine';
selector: 'aio-navitem',
templateUrl: 'nav-item.component.html',
styleUrls: ['nav-item.component.scss']
export class NavItemComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
@Input() selectedNode: EventEmitter<NavNode>;
@Input() node: NavNode;
@Input() level = 1;
isActive = false;
isSelected = false;
isItem = false;
classes: {[index: string]: boolean };
href = '';
label = '';
selectedNodeSubscription: Subscription;
target = '';
tooltip = '';
ngOnInit() {
this.label = this.node.navTitle;
this.tooltip = this.node.tooltip;
this.isItem = this.node.children == null;
this.href = this.node.url || this.node.docPath ; = this.node.url ? '_blank' : '_self';
if (this.selectedNode) {
this.selectedNodeSubscription = this.selectedNode.subscribe((n: NavNode) => {
this.isSelected = n &&
( n === this.node ||
(n.ancestorIds && n.ancestorIds.indexOf( > -1)
// this.isActive = this.isSelected; // disabled per meeting Feb 13
ngOnDestroy() {
if (this.selectedNodeSubscription) {
this.selectedNodeSubscription = null;
setClasses() {
this.classes = {
['level-' + this.level]: true,
active: this.isActive,
selected: this.isSelected
itemClicked() {
this.isActive = true;
this.isSelected = !!this.node.docId;
if (this.isSelected) {
return false;
return !!this.node.url; // let browser handle the external page request.
headerClicked() {
this.isActive = !this.isActive;
if (this.isActive && this.node.docId) {
this.isSelected = true;
if (this.selectedNode) {
return false;

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
<md-sidenav-container class="sidenav-container" (window:resize)="onResize($">
<md-sidenav #sidenav class="sidenav" [opened]="isSideBySide">
<md-toolbar color="primary" class="app-toolbar" []="!isSideBySide">
<aio-menu class="small"></aio-menu>
<span class="fill-remaining-space"></span>
<aio-navitem *ngFor="let node of nodes | async" [node]="node" [selectedNode]="selectedNode"></aio-navitem>
<section class="sidenav-content">
<aio-doc-viewer [doc]="currentDoc | async"></aio-doc-viewer>

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
.sidenav-container {
width: 100%;
height: 100vh;
.sidenav-content {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
margin: auto;
padding: 1rem;
.sidenav-content button {
min-width: 50px;
.sidenav {
padding: 0;
md-toolbar {
display: none;
padding-left: 10px !important;
} {
display: block;

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
/* tslint:disable:no-unused-variable */
import { async, ComponentFixture, fakeAsync, TestBed, tick } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { By } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { Component, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, DebugElement, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/delay';
import { Doc, DocMetadata, NavEngine, NavMapService, NavMap, NavNode } from '../nav-engine';
import { SidenavComponent } from './sidenav.component';
//// Test Components ///
// tslint:disable-next-line:component-selector
selector: 'md-sidenav',
template: ''
class FakeMdSideNavComponent {
_isOpen = false;
@Input() opened: boolean;
@Input() mode: 'side' | 'over';
toggle = jasmine.createSpy('toggle');
selector: 'aio-doc-viewer',
template: ''
class FakeDocViewerComponent {
@Input() doc: Doc;
//// Tests /////
describe('SidenavComponent', () => {
let component: SidenavComponent;
let fixture: ComponentFixture<SidenavComponent>;
let fakeDoc: Doc;
let fakeNode: NavNode;
let fakeNavMap: NavMap;
let navEngine: NavEngine;
let navMapService: NavMapService;
let navigateSpy: jasmine.Spy;
beforeEach(async(() => {
fakeDoc = {
metadata: {docId: 'fake'} as DocMetadata,
content: 'Fake content'
navEngine = {
currentDoc: of(fakeDoc).delay(0).first(),
navigate: (docId: string) => { }
} as NavEngine;
navigateSpy = spyOn(navEngine, 'navigate');
fakeNode = {
id: 42,
docId: fakeDoc.metadata.docId,
navTitle: 'Fakery',
docPath: 'content/fake.hmlt'
} as NavNode;
fakeNavMap = {
nodes: [fakeNode],
docs: new Map<string, NavNode>([[fakeNode.docId, fakeNode]])
navMapService = {
navMap: of(fakeNavMap).delay(0).first()
} as NavMapService;
declarations: [
providers: [
{provide: NavEngine, useValue: navEngine },
{provide: NavMapService, useValue: navMapService }
beforeEach(() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(SidenavComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
describe('#currentDoc', () => {
it('should have "currentDoc" after a tick', fakeAsync(() => {
component.currentDoc.subscribe(doc => {
it('should set "currentDocId" as side effect', fakeAsync(() => {
component.currentDoc.subscribe(doc => {
describe('#nodes', () => {
it('should have "nodes" after a tick', fakeAsync(() => {
component.nodes.subscribe(nodes => {
describe('#selectedNode', () => {
// Simulate when user clicks a left nav link in a `NavItemComponent`
// which calls `emit` on the selectedNode navigates
// all of this synchronously
it('should call navigate after emitting a node', () => {
expect(navigateSpy.calls.count()).toBe(0, 'before emit');
expect(navigateSpy.calls.count()).toBe(1, 'after emit');
it('should raise event when currentDoc changes', done => {
component.selectedNode.subscribe((node: NavNode) => {
describe('#onResize', () => {
it('should go into side-by-side when width > 600', () => {
it('should emit overlay mode when width > 600', () => {
component.isOverlayMode.subscribe(isOverlay =>
it('should go into side-by-side when width == 600', () => {
it('should emit overlay mode when width == 600', () => {
component.isOverlayMode.subscribe(isOverlay =>
describe('-> MdSideNav', () => {
let mdSideNavComponent: FakeMdSideNavComponent;
beforeEach(() => {
mdSideNavComponent = fixture.debugElement
.componentInstance as FakeMdSideNavComponent;
it('toggle should call through to MdSideNav toggle', () => {
const calls = mdSideNavComponent.toggle.calls;
expect(calls.count()).toBe(0, 'before toggle');
expect(calls.count()).toBe(1, 'after toggle');
it('should be opened when width > 600', () => {
it('should be not open when width == 600', () => {
describe('-> DocViewer', () => {
let docViewer: FakeDocViewerComponent;
beforeEach(() => {
docViewer = fixture.debugElement
.componentInstance as FakeDocViewerComponent;
it('should not have a document at the start', () => {
// Doesn't work with fakeAsync and async complains about the delay timer (setInterval);
// it('should have a document after NavEngine has a current doc', (fakeAsync(() => {
// tick();
// fixture.detectChanges();
// expect(docViewer.doc).toBe(fakeDoc);
// })));
// Must go old school with setTimeout and `done`
it('should have a document after NavEngine has a current doc', (done => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1);

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
import { Component, EventEmitter, Output, OnInit, OnChanges, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { MdSidenav } from '@angular/material/sidenav';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/do';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/take';
import { Doc, NavEngine, NavMap, NavMapService, NavNode } from '../nav-engine';
selector: 'aio-sidenav',
templateUrl: './sidenav.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./sidenav.component.scss'],
animations: []
export class SidenavComponent implements OnInit {
@Output() isOverlayMode = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
@ViewChild('sidenav') private sidenav: MdSidenav;
currentDoc: Observable<Doc>;
currentDocId: string;
isSideBySide = false;
nodes: Observable<NavNode[]>;
selectedNode = new EventEmitter<NavNode>();
sideBySideWidth = 600;
windowWidth = 0;
private navEngine: NavEngine,
private navMapService: NavMapService ) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.nodes = navMap => navMap.nodes );
this.currentDoc = this.navEngine.currentDoc
.do(doc => {
// Side effect: when the current doc changes,
// get its NavNode and alert the navigation panel
this.currentDocId = doc.metadata.docId;
this.navMapService.navMap.first() // take makes sure it completes!
.map(navMap =>
.subscribe( node => this.selectedNode.emit(node));
this.selectedNode.subscribe((node: NavNode) => {
// Navigate when the user selects a doc other than the current doc
const docId = node && node.docId;
if (docId && docId !== this.currentDocId) {
onResize(width) {
this.windowWidth = width;
this.isSideBySide = width > this.sideBySideWidth;
this.sidenav.mode = this.isSideBySide ? 'side' : 'over';
toggle() {

@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
{ "nodes": [
"docId": "guide/quickstart",
"navTitle": "Quickstart",
"tooltip": "A quick look at an Angular app."
"docId": "guide/cli-quickstart",
"navTitle": "CLI Quickstart",
"tooltip": "A quick look at an Angular app built with the Angular CLI."
"navTitle": "Tutorial",
"tooltip": "The Tour of Heroes tutorial takes you through the steps of creating an Angular application in TypeScript.",
"children": [
"docId": " tutorial/",
"navTitle": "Introduction",
"tooltip": "Introduction to the Tour of Heroes tutorial"
"docId": "tutorial/toh-1",
"navTitle": "The hero editor",
"tooltip": "Build a simple hero editor"
"docId": "tutorial/toh-2",
"navTitle": "Master/detail",
"tooltip": "Build a master/detail page with a list of heroes."
"docId": "tutorial/toh-3",
"navTitle": "Multiple components",
"tooltip": "Refactor the master/detail view into separate components."
"docId": "tutorial/toh-4",
"navTitle": "Services",
"tooltip": "Create a reusable service to manage hero data."
"docId": "tutorial/toh-5",
"navTitle": "Routing",
"tooltip": "Add the Angular router and navigate among the views."
"docId": "tutorial/toh-6",
"navTitle": "HTTP",
"tooltip": "Use HTTP to retrieve and save hero data."
"navTitle": "Getting started",
"tooltip": "A gentle introduction to Angular.",
"children": [
"docId": "guide/docs-overview",
"navTitle": "Overview",
"tooltip": "How to read and use this documentation."
"docId": "guide/setup",
"navTitle": "Setup",
"tooltip": "Install the Angular QuickStart seed for faster, more efficient development on your machine."
"docId": "guide/learning-angular",
"navTitle": "Learning Angular",
"tooltip": "A suggested path through the documentation for Angular newcomers."
"docId": "guide/architecture",
"navTitle": "Architecture",
"tooltip": "The basic building blocks of Angular applications."
"docId": "guide/appmodule",
"navTitle": "The root AppModule",
"tooltip": "Tell Angular how to construct and bootstrap the app in the root \"AppModule\"."
"docId": "guide/displaying-data",
"navTitle": "Displaying data",
"tooltip": "Property binding helps show app data in the UI."
"docId": "guide/user-input",
"navTitle": "User Input",
"tooltip": "User input triggers DOM events. We listen to those events with event bindings that funnel updated values back into our components and models."
"docId": "guide/forms",
"navTitle": "Forms",
"tooltip": "A form creates a cohesive, effective, and compelling data entry experience. An Angular form coordinates a set of data-bound user controls, tracks changes, validates input, and presents errors."
"docId": "guide/dependency-injection",
"navTitle": "Dependency Injection",
"tooltip": "Angular's dependency injection system creates and delivers dependent services \"just-in-time\"."
"docId": "guide/template-syntax",
"navTitle": "Template Syntax",
"tooltip": "Learn how to write templates that display data and consume user events with the help of data binding."
"docId": "guide/cheatsheet",
"navTitle": "Cheat Sheet",
"tooltip": "A quick guide to common Angular coding techniques."
"docId": "guide/style-guide",
"navTitle": "Style guide",
"tooltip": "Write Angular with style."
"docId": "guide/glossary",
"navTitle": "Glossary",
"tooltip": "Brief definitions of the most important words in the Angular vocabulary."
"docId": "guide/change-log",
"navTitle": "Change Log",
"tooltip": "An annotated history of recent documentation improvements."
"navTitle": "Core",
"tooltip": "Learn the core capabilities of Angular",
"children": [
"navTitle": "Angular Modules",
"tooltip": "Learn how directives modify the layout and behavior of elements.",
"children": [
"docId": "guide/ngmodule",
"navTitle": "NgModule",
"tooltip": "Define application modules with @NgModule."
"docId": "guide/ngmodule-faq",
"navTitle": "Angular module FAQs",
"tooltip": "Answers to frequently asked questions about @NgModule."
"docId": "guide/component-communication",
"navTitle": "Component interaction",
"tooltip": "Share information between different directives and components."
"docId": "guide/component-relative-paths",
"navTitle": "Component-relative paths",
"tooltip": "Use relative URLs for component templates and styles."
"navTitle": "Dependency Injection",
"tooltip": "More about Dependency Injection",
"children": [
"docId": "guide/cb-dependency-injection",
"navTitle": "Dependency injection",
"tooltip": "Techniques for Dependency Injection."
"docId": "guide/hierarchical-dependency-injection",
"navTitle": "Hierarchical injectors",
"tooltip": "Angular's hierarchical dependency injection system supports nested injectors in parallel with the component tree."
"docId": "guide/dynamic-component-loader",
"navTitle": "Dynamic components",
"tooltip": "Load components dynamically."
"docId": "guide/directives",
"navTitle": "Directives",
"tooltip": "Learn how directives modify the layout and behavior of elements.",
"children": [
"docId": "guide/attribute-directives",
"navTitle": "Attribute directives",
"tooltip": "Attribute directives attach behavior to elements."
"docId": "guide/structural-directives",
"navTitle": "Structural directives",
"tooltip": "Structural directives manipulate the layout of the page."
"navTitle": "Forms",
"tooltip": "More about forms",
"children": [
"docId": "guide/dynamic-form",
"navTitle": "Dynamic forms",
"tooltip": "Render dynamic forms with FormGroup."
"docId": "guide/form-validation",
"navTitle": "Form validation",
"tooltip": "Validate user's form entries."
"docId": "guide/reactive-forms",
"navTitle": "Reactive forms",
"tooltip": "Create a reactive form using FormBuilder, groups, and arrays."
"docId": "guide/server-communication",
"navTitle": "HTTP client",
"tooltip": "Use an HTTP Client to talk to a remote server."
"docId": "guide/lifecycle-hooks",
"navTitle": "Lifecycle hooks",
"tooltip": "Angular calls lifecycle hook methods on directives and components as it creates, changes, and destroys them."
"docId": "guide/pipes",
"navTitle": "Pipes",
"tooltip": "Pipes transform displayed values within a template."
"docId": "guide/router",
"navTitle": "Routing & navigation",
"tooltip": "Discover the basics of screen navigation with the Angular Router."
"navTitle": "Additional Techniques",
"tooltip": "Other",
"children": [
"docId": "guide/aot-compiler",
"navTitle": "Ahead-of-Time compilation",
"tooltip": "Learn why and how to use the Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compiler."
"docId": "guide/animations",
"navTitle": "Animations",
"tooltip": "A guide to Angular's animation system."
"docId": "guide/ajs-quick-reference",
"navTitle": "AngularJS to Angular",
"tooltip": "Learn how AngularJS concepts and techniques map to Angular."
"docId": "guide/component-styles",
"navTitle": "Component styles",
"tooltip": "Learn how to apply CSS styles to components."
"docId": "guide/deployment",
"navTitle": "Deployment",
"tooltip": "Learn how to deploy your Angular app."
"docId": "guide/i18n",
"navTitle": "Internationalization (i18n)",
"tooltip": "Translate the app's template text into multiple languages."
"docId": "guide/security",
"navTitle": "Security",
"tooltip": "Developing for content security in Angular applications."
"navTitle": "Setup",
"tooltip": "Details of the local development setup",
"children": [
"docId": "guide/setup-systemjs-anatomy",
"navTitle": "Setup Anatomy",
"tooltip": "Inside the local development environment for SystemJS."
"docId": "guide/browser-support",
"navTitle": "Browser support",
"tooltip": "Browser support and polyfills guide."
"docId": "guide/npm-packages",
"navTitle": "Npm packages",
"tooltip": "Recommended npm packages, and how to specify package dependencies."
"docId": "guide/typescript-configuration",
"navTitle": "TypeScript configuration",
"tooltip": "TypeScript configuration for Angular developers."
"docId": "guide/testing",
"navTitle": "Testing",
"tooltip": "Techniques and practices for testing an Angular app."
"docId": "guide/upgrade",
"navTitle": "Upgrading from AngularJS",
"tooltip": "Incrementally upgrade an AngularJS application to Angular."
"docId": "guide/ts-to-js",
"navTitle": "TypeScript to JavaScript",
"tooltip": "Convert Angular TypeScript examples into ES6 and ES5 JavaScript."
"docId": "guide/visual-studio-2015",
"navTitle": "Visual Studio 2015 QuickStart",
"tooltip": "Use Visual Studio 2015 with the QuickStart files."
"docId": "guide/webpack",
"navTitle": "Webpack: an introduction",
"tooltip": "Create Angular applications with a Webpack based tooling."
"docId": "resources/",
"navTitle": "Resources",
"children": [
"docId": "about",
"navTitle": "About",
"tooltip": "The people behind Angular."
"navTitle": "Help",
"children": [
"urlNew": "",
"navTitle": "Stack Overflow",
"tooltip": "Stack Overflow: where the community answers your technical Angular questions."
"url": "",
"navTitle": "Gitter",
"tooltip": "Chat about Angular with other birds of a feather."