refactor(animations): introduce @angular/animation module (#14351)
PR Close: #14351
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ PACKAGES=(core
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
* @module
* @description
* Entry point for all public APIs of the animation package.
export * from './src/animation';
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"name": "@angular/animation",
"version": "0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER",
"description": "Angular - animation integration with web-animations",
"main": "bundles/animation.umd.js",
"module": "index.js",
"typings": "index.d.ts",
"author": "angular",
"license": "MIT",
"peerDependencies": {
"@angular/core": "0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
export default {
entry: '../../../dist/packages-dist/animation/testing/index.js',
dest: '../../../dist/packages-dist/animation/bundles/animation-testing.umd.js',
format: 'umd',
moduleName: 'ng.animation.testing',
globals: {
'@angular/core': 'ng.core',
'@angular/animation': 'ng.animation',
'rxjs/Observable': 'Rx',
'rxjs/Subject': 'Rx'
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
export default {
entry: '../../../dist/packages-dist/animation/index.js',
dest: '../../../dist/packages-dist/animation/bundles/animation.umd.js',
format: 'umd',
moduleName: 'ng.animation',
globals: {
'@angular/core': 'ng.core',
'rxjs/Observable': 'Rx',
'rxjs/Subject': 'Rx',
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
export {AnimationModule} from './animation_module';
export {Animation} from './dsl/animation';
export {AUTO_STYLE, AnimationGroupMetadata, AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata, AnimationSequenceMetadata, AnimationStateMetadata, AnimationStyleMetadata, AnimationTransitionMetadata, animate, group, keyframes, sequence, state, style, transition} from './dsl/animation_metadata';
export {AnimationTrigger, trigger} from './dsl/animation_trigger';
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {AnimationStyleNormalizer} from './dsl/style_normalization/animation_style_normalizer';
import {WebAnimationsStyleNormalizer} from './dsl/style_normalization/web_animations_style_normalizer';
import {AnimationDriver, NoOpAnimationDriver} from './engine/animation_driver';
import {DomAnimationTransitionEngine} from './engine/dom_animation_transition_engine';
import {WebAnimationsDriver, supportsWebAnimations} from './engine/web_animations/web_animations_driver';
import {TransitionEngine} from './private_import_core';
export function resolveDefaultAnimationDriver(): AnimationDriver {
if (supportsWebAnimations()) {
return new WebAnimationsDriver();
return new NoOpAnimationDriver();
* The module that includes all animation code such as `style()`, `animate()`, `trigger()`, etc...
* @experimental
providers: [
{provide: AnimationDriver, useFactory: resolveDefaultAnimationDriver},
{provide: AnimationStyleNormalizer, useClass: WebAnimationsStyleNormalizer},
{provide: TransitionEngine, useClass: DomAnimationTransitionEngine}
export class AnimationModule {
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
export interface StyleData { [key: string]: string|number; }
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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AnimationStyles} from '@angular/core';
import {AnimateTimings} from './../dsl/animation_metadata';
import {StyleData} from './style_data';
export const ONE_SECOND = 1000;
export function parseTimeExpression(exp: string | number, errors: string[]): AnimateTimings {
const regex = /^([\.\d]+)(m?s)(?:\s+([\.\d]+)(m?s))?(?:\s+([-a-z]+(?:\(.+?\))?))?$/i;
let duration: number;
let delay: number = 0;
let easing: string = null;
if (typeof exp === 'string') {
const matches = exp.match(regex);
if (matches === null) {
errors.push(`The provided timing value "${exp}" is invalid.`);
return {duration: 0, delay: 0, easing: null};
let durationMatch = parseFloat(matches[1]);
const durationUnit = matches[2];
if (durationUnit == 's') {
durationMatch *= ONE_SECOND;
duration = Math.floor(durationMatch);
const delayMatch = matches[3];
const delayUnit = matches[4];
if (delayMatch != null) {
let delayVal: number = parseFloat(delayMatch);
if (delayUnit != null && delayUnit == 's') {
delayVal *= ONE_SECOND;
delay = Math.floor(delayVal);
const easingVal = matches[5];
if (easingVal) {
easing = easingVal;
} else {
duration = <number>exp;
return {duration, delay, easing};
export function normalizeStyles(styles: AnimationStyles): StyleData {
const normalizedStyles: StyleData = {};
styles.styles.forEach((styleMap: any) => copyStyles(styleMap, false, normalizedStyles));
return normalizedStyles;
export function copyStyles(
styles: StyleData, readPrototype: boolean, destination: StyleData = {}): StyleData {
if (readPrototype) {
// we make use of a for-in loop so that the
// prototypically inherited properties are
// revealed from the backFill map
for (let prop in styles) {
destination[prop] = styles[prop];
} else {
Object.keys(styles).forEach(prop => destination[prop] = styles[prop]);
return destination;
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AnimationPlayer, AnimationStyles, Injector} from '@angular/core';
import {StyleData} from '../common/style_data';
import {normalizeStyles} from '../common/util';
import {AnimationDriver} from '../engine/animation_driver';
import {DomAnimationTransitionEngine} from '../engine/dom_animation_transition_engine';
import {AnimationMetadata, sequence} from './animation_metadata';
import {AnimationTimelineInstruction} from './animation_timeline_instruction';
import {buildAnimationKeyframes} from './animation_timeline_visitor';
import {validateAnimationSequence} from './animation_validator_visitor';
import {AnimationStyleNormalizer} from './style_normalization/animation_style_normalizer';
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export class Animation {
private _animationAst: AnimationMetadata;
constructor(input: AnimationMetadata|AnimationMetadata[]) {
const ast =
Array.isArray(input) ? sequence(<AnimationMetadata[]>input) : <AnimationMetadata>input;
const errors = validateAnimationSequence(ast);
if (errors.length) {
const errorMessage = `animation validation failed:\n${errors.join("\n")}`;
throw new Error(errorMessage);
this._animationAst = ast;
buildTimelines(startingStyles: StyleData|StyleData[], destinationStyles: StyleData|StyleData[]):
AnimationTimelineInstruction[] {
const start = Array.isArray(startingStyles) ?
normalizeStyles(new AnimationStyles(<StyleData[]>startingStyles)) :
const dest = Array.isArray(destinationStyles) ?
normalizeStyles(new AnimationStyles(<StyleData[]>destinationStyles)) :
return buildAnimationKeyframes(this._animationAst, start, dest);
// this is only used for development demo purposes for now
private create(
injector: Injector, element: any, startingStyles: StyleData = {},
destinationStyles: StyleData = {}): AnimationPlayer {
const instructions = this.buildTimelines(startingStyles, destinationStyles);
// note the code below is only here to make the tests happy (once the new renderer is
// within core then the code below will interact with Renderer.transition(...))
const driver: AnimationDriver = injector.get(AnimationDriver);
const normalizer: AnimationStyleNormalizer = injector.get(AnimationStyleNormalizer);
const engine = new DomAnimationTransitionEngine(driver, normalizer);
return engine.process(element, instructions);
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import * as meta from './animation_metadata';
export interface AnimationDslVisitor {
visitState(ast: meta.AnimationStateMetadata, context: any): any;
visitTransition(ast: meta.AnimationTransitionMetadata, context: any): any;
visitSequence(ast: meta.AnimationSequenceMetadata, context: any): any;
visitGroup(ast: meta.AnimationGroupMetadata, context: any): any;
visitAnimate(ast: meta.AnimationAnimateMetadata, context: any): any;
visitStyle(ast: meta.AnimationStyleMetadata, context: any): any;
visitKeyframeSequence(ast: meta.AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata, context: any): any;
export function visitAnimationNode(
visitor: AnimationDslVisitor, node: meta.AnimationMetadata, context: any) {
switch (node.type) {
case meta.AnimationMetadataType.State:
return visitor.visitState(<meta.AnimationStateMetadata>node, context);
case meta.AnimationMetadataType.Transition:
return visitor.visitTransition(<meta.AnimationTransitionMetadata>node, context);
case meta.AnimationMetadataType.Sequence:
return visitor.visitSequence(<meta.AnimationSequenceMetadata>node, context);
case meta.AnimationMetadataType.Group:
return visitor.visitGroup(<meta.AnimationGroupMetadata>node, context);
case meta.AnimationMetadataType.Animate:
return visitor.visitAnimate(<meta.AnimationAnimateMetadata>node, context);
case meta.AnimationMetadataType.KeyframeSequence:
return visitor.visitKeyframeSequence(<meta.AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata>node, context);
case meta.AnimationMetadataType.Style:
return visitor.visitStyle(<meta.AnimationStyleMetadata>node, context);
throw new Error(`Unable to resolve animation metadata node #${node.type}`);
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@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {StyleData} from '../common/style_data';
export declare type AnimateTimings = {
duration: number,
delay: number,
easing: string
export const enum AnimationMetadataType {
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export const AUTO_STYLE = '*';
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export interface AnimationMetadata { type: AnimationMetadataType; }
* Metadata representing the entry of animations. Instances of this class are provided via the
* animation DSL when the {@link state state animation function} is called.
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export interface AnimationStateMetadata extends AnimationMetadata {
name: string;
styles: AnimationStyleMetadata;
* Metadata representing the entry of animations. Instances of this class are provided via the
* animation DSL when the {@link transition transition animation function} is called.
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export interface AnimationTransitionMetadata extends AnimationMetadata {
expr: string|((fromState: string, toState: string) => boolean);
animation: AnimationMetadata;
* Metadata representing the entry of animations. Instances of this class are provided via the
* animation DSL when the {@link keyframes keyframes animation function} is called.
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export interface AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata extends AnimationMetadata {
steps: AnimationStyleMetadata[];
* Metadata representing the entry of animations. Instances of this class are provided via the
* animation DSL when the {@link style style animation function} is called.
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export interface AnimationStyleMetadata extends AnimationMetadata {
styles: StyleData[];
offset: number;
* Metadata representing the entry of animations. Instances of this class are provided via the
* animation DSL when the {@link animate animate animation function} is called.
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export interface AnimationAnimateMetadata extends AnimationMetadata {
timings: string|number|AnimateTimings;
styles: AnimationStyleMetadata|AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata;
* Metadata representing the entry of animations. Instances of this class are provided via the
* animation DSL when the {@link sequence sequence animation function} is called.
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export interface AnimationSequenceMetadata extends AnimationMetadata { steps: AnimationMetadata[]; }
* Metadata representing the entry of animations. Instances of this class are provided via the
* animation DSL when the {@link group group animation function} is called.
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export interface AnimationGroupMetadata extends AnimationMetadata { steps: AnimationMetadata[]; }
* `animate` is an animation-specific function that is designed to be used inside of Angular2's
* animation DSL language. If this information is new, please navigate to the {@link
* Component#animations-anchor component animations metadata page} to gain a better understanding of
* how animations in Angular2 are used.
* `animate` specifies an animation step that will apply the provided `styles` data for a given
* amount of time based on the provided `timing` expression value. Calls to `animate` are expected
* to be used within {@link sequence an animation sequence}, {@link group group}, or {@link
* transition transition}.
* ### Usage
* The `animate` function accepts two input parameters: `timing` and `styles`:
* - `timing` is a string based value that can be a combination of a duration with optional delay
* and easing values. The format for the expression breaks down to `duration delay easing`
* (therefore a value such as `1s 100ms ease-out` will be parse itself into `duration=1000,
* delay=100, easing=ease-out`. If a numeric value is provided then that will be used as the
* `duration` value in millisecond form.
* - `styles` is the style input data which can either be a call to {@link style style} or {@link
* keyframes keyframes}. If left empty then the styles from the destination state will be collected
* and used (this is useful when describing an animation step that will complete an animation by
* {@link transition#the-final-animate-call animating to the final state}).
* ```typescript
* // various functions for specifying timing data
* animate(500, style(...))
* animate("1s", style(...))
* animate("100ms 0.5s", style(...))
* animate("5s ease", style(...))
* animate("5s 10ms cubic-bezier(.17,.67,.88,.1)", style(...))
* // either style() of keyframes() can be used
* animate(500, style({ background: "red" }))
* animate(500, keyframes([
* style({ background: "blue" })),
* style({ background: "red" }))
* ])
* ```
* {@example core/animation/ts/dsl/animation_example.ts region='Component'}
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export function animate(
timings: string | number, styles: AnimationStyleMetadata | AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata =
null): AnimationAnimateMetadata {
return {type: AnimationMetadataType.Animate, styles: styles, timings: timings};
* `group` is an animation-specific function that is designed to be used inside of Angular2's
* animation DSL language. If this information is new, please navigate to the {@link
* Component#animations-anchor component animations metadata page} to gain a better understanding of
* how animations in Angular2 are used.
* `group` specifies a list of animation steps that are all run in parallel. Grouped animations are
* useful when a series of styles must be animated/closed off at different statrting/ending times.
* The `group` function can either be used within a {@link sequence sequence} or a {@link transition
* transition} and it will only continue to the next instruction once all of the inner animation
* steps have completed.
* ### Usage
* The `steps` data that is passed into the `group` animation function can either consist of {@link
* style style} or {@link animate animate} function calls. Each call to `style()` or `animate()`
* within a group will be executed instantly (use {@link keyframes keyframes} or a {@link
* animate#usage animate() with a delay value} to offset styles to be applied at a later time).
* ```typescript
* group([
* animate("1s", { background: "black" }))
* animate("2s", { color: "white" }))
* ])
* ```
* {@example core/animation/ts/dsl/animation_example.ts region='Component'}
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export function group(steps: AnimationMetadata[]): AnimationGroupMetadata {
return {type: AnimationMetadataType.Group, steps: steps};
* `sequence` is an animation-specific function that is designed to be used inside of Angular2's
* animation DSL language. If this information is new, please navigate to the {@link
* Component#animations-anchor component animations metadata page} to gain a better understanding of
* how animations in Angular2 are used.
* `sequence` Specifies a list of animation steps that are run one by one. (`sequence` is used by
* default when an array is passed as animation data into {@link transition transition}.)
* The `sequence` function can either be used within a {@link group group} or a {@link transition
* transition} and it will only continue to the next instruction once each of the inner animation
* steps have completed.
* To perform animation styling in parallel with other animation steps then have a look at the
* {@link group group} animation function.
* ### Usage
* The `steps` data that is passed into the `sequence` animation function can either consist of
* {@link style style} or {@link animate animate} function calls. A call to `style()` will apply the
* provided styling data immediately while a call to `animate()` will apply its styling data over a
* given time depending on its timing data.
* ```typescript
* sequence([
* style({ opacity: 0 })),
* animate("1s", { opacity: 1 }))
* ])
* ```
* {@example core/animation/ts/dsl/animation_example.ts region='Component'}
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export function sequence(steps: AnimationMetadata[]): AnimationSequenceMetadata {
return {type: AnimationMetadataType.Sequence, steps: steps};
* `style` is an animation-specific function that is designed to be used inside of Angular2's
* animation DSL language. If this information is new, please navigate to the {@link
* Component#animations-anchor component animations metadata page} to gain a better understanding of
* how animations in Angular2 are used.
* `style` declares a key/value object containing CSS properties/styles that can then be used for
* {@link state animation states}, within an {@link sequence animation sequence}, or as styling data
* for both {@link animate animate} and {@link keyframes keyframes}.
* ### Usage
* `style` takes in a key/value string map as data and expects one or more CSS property/value pairs
* to be defined.
* ```typescript
* // string values are used for css properties
* style({ background: "red", color: "blue" })
* // numerical (pixel) values are also supported
* style({ width: 100, height: 0 })
* ```
* #### Auto-styles (using `*`)
* When an asterix (`*`) character is used as a value then it will be detected from the element
* being animated and applied as animation data when the animation starts.
* This feature proves useful for a state depending on layout and/or environment factors; in such
* cases the styles are calculated just before the animation starts.
* ```typescript
* // the steps below will animate from 0 to the
* // actual height of the element
* style({ height: 0 }),
* animate("1s", style({ height: "*" }))
* ```
* {@example core/animation/ts/dsl/animation_example.ts region='Component'}
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export function style(
tokens: {[key: string]: string | number} |
Array<{[key: string]: string | number}>): AnimationStyleMetadata {
let input: StyleData[];
let offset: number = null;
if (Array.isArray(tokens)) {
input = <StyleData[]>tokens;
} else {
input = [<StyleData>tokens];
input.forEach(entry => {
const entryOffset = (entry as StyleData)['offset'];
if (entryOffset != null) {
offset = offset == null ? parseFloat(<string>entryOffset) : offset;
return _style(offset, input);
function _style(offset: number, styles: StyleData[]): AnimationStyleMetadata {
return {type: AnimationMetadataType.Style, styles: styles, offset: offset};
* `state` is an animation-specific function that is designed to be used inside of Angular2's
* animation DSL language. If this information is new, please navigate to the {@link
* Component#animations-anchor component animations metadata page} to gain a better understanding of
* how animations in Angular2 are used.
* `state` declares an animation state within the given trigger. When a state is active within a
* component then its associated styles will persist on the element that the trigger is attached to
* (even when the animation ends).
* To animate between states, have a look at the animation {@link transition transition} DSL
* function. To register states to an animation trigger please have a look at the {@link trigger
* trigger} function.
* #### The `void` state
* The `void` state value is a reserved word that angular uses to determine when the element is not
* apart of the application anymore (e.g. when an `ngIf` evaluates to false then the state of the
* associated element is void).
* #### The `*` (default) state
* The `*` state (when styled) is a fallback state that will be used if the state that is being
* animated is not declared within the trigger.
* ### Usage
* `state` will declare an animation state with its associated styles
* within the given trigger.
* - `stateNameExpr` can be one or more state names separated by commas.
* - `styles` refers to the {@link style styling data} that will be persisted on the element once
* the state has been reached.
* ```typescript
* // "void" is a reserved name for a state and is used to represent
* // the state in which an element is detached from from the application.
* state("void", style({ height: 0 }))
* // user-defined states
* state("closed", style({ height: 0 }))
* state("open, visible", style({ height: "*" }))
* ```
* {@example core/animation/ts/dsl/animation_example.ts region='Component'}
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export function state(name: string, styles: AnimationStyleMetadata): AnimationStateMetadata {
return {type: AnimationMetadataType.State, name: name, styles: styles};
* `keyframes` is an animation-specific function that is designed to be used inside of Angular2's
* animation DSL language. If this information is new, please navigate to the {@link
* Component#animations-anchor component animations metadata page} to gain a better understanding of
* how animations in Angular2 are used.
* `keyframes` specifies a collection of {@link style style} entries each optionally characterized
* by an `offset` value.
* ### Usage
* The `keyframes` animation function is designed to be used alongside the {@link animate animate}
* animation function. Instead of applying animations from where they are currently to their
* destination, keyframes can describe how each style entry is applied and at what point within the
* animation arc (much like CSS Keyframe Animations do).
* For each `style()` entry an `offset` value can be set. Doing so allows to specifiy at what
* percentage of the animate time the styles will be applied.
* ```typescript
* // the provided offset values describe when each backgroundColor value is applied.
* animate("5s", keyframes([
* style({ backgroundColor: "red", offset: 0 }),
* style({ backgroundColor: "blue", offset: 0.2 }),
* style({ backgroundColor: "orange", offset: 0.3 }),
* style({ backgroundColor: "black", offset: 1 })
* ]))
* ```
* Alternatively, if there are no `offset` values used within the style entries then the offsets
* will be calculated automatically.
* ```typescript
* animate("5s", keyframes([
* style({ backgroundColor: "red" }) // offset = 0
* style({ backgroundColor: "blue" }) // offset = 0.33
* style({ backgroundColor: "orange" }) // offset = 0.66
* style({ backgroundColor: "black" }) // offset = 1
* ]))
* ```
* {@example core/animation/ts/dsl/animation_example.ts region='Component'}
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export function keyframes(steps: AnimationStyleMetadata[]): AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata {
return {type: AnimationMetadataType.KeyframeSequence, steps: steps};
* `transition` is an animation-specific function that is designed to be used inside of Angular2's
* animation DSL language. If this information is new, please navigate to the {@link
* Component#animations-anchor component animations metadata page} to gain a better understanding of
* how animations in Angular2 are used.
* `transition` declares the {@link sequence sequence of animation steps} that will be run when the
* provided `stateChangeExpr` value is satisfied. The `stateChangeExpr` consists of a `state1 =>
* state2` which consists of two known states (use an asterix (`*`) to refer to a dynamic starting
* and/or ending state).
* A function can also be provided as the `stateChangeExpr` argument for a transition and this
* function will be executed each time a state change occurs. If the value returned within the
* function is true then the associated animation will be run.
* Animation transitions are placed within an {@link trigger animation trigger}. For an transition
* to animate to a state value and persist its styles then one or more {@link state animation
* states} is expected to be defined.
* ### Usage
* An animation transition is kicked off the `stateChangeExpr` predicate evaluates to true based on
* what the previous state is and what the current state has become. In other words, if a transition
* is defined that matches the old/current state criteria then the associated animation will be
* triggered.
* ```typescript
* // all transition/state changes are defined within an animation trigger
* trigger("myAnimationTrigger", [
* // if a state is defined then its styles will be persisted when the
* // animation has fully completed itself
* state("on", style({ background: "green" })),
* state("off", style({ background: "grey" })),
* // a transition animation that will be kicked off when the state value
* // bound to "myAnimationTrigger" changes from "on" to "off"
* transition("on => off", animate(500)),
* // it is also possible to do run the same animation for both directions
* transition("on <=> off", animate(500)),
* // or to define multiple states pairs separated by commas
* transition("on => off, off => void", animate(500)),
* // this is a catch-all state change for when an element is inserted into
* // the page and the destination state is unknown
* transition("void => *", [
* style({ opacity: 0 }),
* animate(500)
* ]),
* // this will capture a state change between any states
* transition("* => *", animate("1s 0s")),
* // you can also go full out and include a function
* transition((fromState, toState) => {
* // when `true` then it will allow the animation below to be invoked
* return fromState == "off" && toState == "on";
* }, animate("1s 0s"))
* ])
* ```
* The template associated with this component will make use of the `myAnimationTrigger` animation
* trigger by binding to an element within its template code.
* ```html
* <!-- somewhere inside of my-component-tpl.html -->
* <div [@myAnimationTrigger]="myStatusExp">...</div>
* ```
* #### The final `animate` call
* If the final step within the transition steps is a call to `animate()` that **only** uses a
* timing value with **no style data** then it will be automatically used as the final animation arc
* for the element to animate itself to the final state. This involves an automatic mix of
* adding/removing CSS styles so that the element will be in the exact state it should be for the
* applied state to be presented correctly.
* ```
* // start off by hiding the element, but make sure that it animates properly to whatever state
* // is currently active for "myAnimationTrigger"
* transition("void => *", [
* style({ opacity: 0 }),
* animate(500)
* ])
* ```
* ### Transition Aliases (`:enter` and `:leave`)
* Given that enter (insertion) and leave (removal) animations are so common, the `transition`
* function accepts both `:enter` and `:leave` values which are aliases for the `void => *` and `*
* => void` state changes.
* ```
* transition(":enter", [
* style({ opacity: 0 }),
* animate(500, style({ opacity: 1 }))
* ])
* transition(":leave", [
* animate(500, style({ opacity: 0 }))
* ])
* ```
* {@example core/animation/ts/dsl/animation_example.ts region='Component'}
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export function transition(
stateChangeExpr: string | ((fromState: string, toState: string) => boolean),
steps: AnimationMetadata | AnimationMetadata[]): AnimationTransitionMetadata {
return {
type: AnimationMetadataType.Transition,
expr: stateChangeExpr,
animation: Array.isArray(steps) ? sequence(steps) : <AnimationMetadata>steps
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {StyleData} from '../common/style_data';
import {AnimationEngineInstruction, AnimationTransitionInstructionType} from '../engine/animation_engine_instruction';
export interface AnimationTimelineInstruction extends AnimationEngineInstruction {
keyframes: StyleData[];
duration: number;
delay: number;
easing: string;
export function createTimelineInstruction(
keyframes: StyleData[], duration: number, delay: number,
easing: string): AnimationTimelineInstruction {
return {
type: AnimationTransitionInstructionType.TimelineAnimation,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AnimationPlayer, AnimationStyles} from '@angular/core';
import {StyleData} from '../common/style_data';
import {copyStyles, normalizeStyles, parseTimeExpression} from '../common/util';
import {AnimationDslVisitor, visitAnimationNode} from './animation_dsl_visitor';
import * as meta from './animation_metadata';
import {AnimationTimelineInstruction, createTimelineInstruction} from './animation_timeline_instruction';
* The code within this file aims to generate web-animations-compatible keyframes from Angular's
* animation DSL code.
* The code below will be converted from:
* ```
* sequence([
* style({ opacity: 0 }),
* animate(1000, style({ opacity: 0 }))
* ])
* ```
* To:
* ```
* keyframes = [{ opacity: 0, offset: 0 }, { opacity: 1, offset: 1 }]
* duration = 1000
* delay = 0
* easing = ''
* ```
* For this operation to cover the combination of animation verbs (style, animate, group, etc...) a
* combination of prototypical inheritance, AST traversal and merge-sort-like algorithms are used.
* [AST Traversal]
* Each of the animation verbs, when executed, will return an string-map object representing what
* type of action it is (style, animate, group, etc...) and the data associated with it. This means
* that when functional composition mix of these functions is evaluated (like in the example above)
* then it will end up producing a tree of objects representing the animation itself.
* When this animation object tree is processed by the visitor code below it will visit each of the
* verb statements within the visitor. And during each visit it will build the context of the
* animation keyframes by interacting with the `TimelineBuilder`.
* [TimelineBuilder]
* This class is responsible for tracking the styles and building a series of keyframe objects for a
* timeline between a start and end time. There is always one top-level timeline and sub timelines
* are forked in two specific cases:
* 1. When keyframes() is used it will create a sub timeline. Upon creation, ALL OF THE COLLECTED
* STYLES from the parent timeline up until this point will be inherited into the keyframes
* timeline.
* 2. When group() is used it will create a sub timeline. Upon creation, NONE OF THE COLLECTED
* STYLES from the parent timeline will be inherited. Although, if the sub timeline does reference a
* style that was previously used within the parent then it will be copied over into the sub
* timeline.
* As the AST is traversed, the timing state on each of the timelines will be incremented. If a sub
* timeline was created (based on one of the cases above) then the parent timeline will attempt to
* merge the styles used within the sub timelines into itself (only with group() this will happen).
* This happens with a merge operation (much like how the merge works in mergesort) and it will only
* copy the most recently used styles from the sub timelines into the parent timeline. This ensures
* that if the styles are used later on in another phase of the animation then they will be the most
* up-to-date values.
* [How Missing Styles Are Updated]
* Each timeline has a `backFill` property which is responsible for filling in new styles into
* already processed keyframes if a new style shows up later within the animation sequence.
* ```
* sequence([
* style({ width: 0 }),
* animate(1000, style({ width: 100 })),
* animate(1000, style({ width: 200 })),
* animate(1000, style({ width: 300 }))
* animate(1000, style({ width: 400, height: 400 })) // notice how `height` doesn't exist anywhere
* else
* ])
* ```
* What is happening here is that the `height` value is added later in the sequence, but is missing
* from all previous animation steps. Therefore when a keyframe is created it would also be missing
* from all previous keyframes up until where it is first used. For the timeline keyframe generation
* to properly fill in the style it will place the previous value (the value from the parent
* timeline) or a default value of `*` into the backFill object. Given that each of the keyframe
* styles are objects that prototypically inhert from the backFill object, this means that if a
* value is added into the backFill then it will automatically propagate any missing values to all
* keyframes. Therefore the missing `height` value will be properly filled into the already
* processed keyframes.
* (For prototypically-inherited contents to be detected a `for(i in obj)` loop must be used.)
* Based on whether the styles are inherited into a sub timeline (depending on the two cases
* mentioned above), the functionality of the backFill will behave differently:
* 1. If the styles are inherited from the parent then the backFill property will also be inherited
* and therefore any newly added styles to the backFill will be propagated to the parent timeline
* and its already processed keyframes.
* 2. If the styles are not inherited from the parent then the sub timeline will have its own
* backFill. Then if the sub timeline comes across a property that was not defined already then it
* will read that from the parent's styles and pass that into its own backFill (which will then
* propagate the missing styles across the sub timeline only).
* [Validation]
* The code in this file is not responsible for validation. That functionaliy happens with within
* the `AnimationValidatorVisitor` code.
export function buildAnimationKeyframes(
ast: meta.AnimationMetadata | meta.AnimationMetadata[], startingStyles: StyleData = {},
finalStyles: StyleData = {}): AnimationTimelineInstruction[] {
const normalizedAst = Array.isArray(ast) ? meta.sequence(<meta.AnimationMetadata[]>ast) :
return new AnimationTimelineVisitor().buildKeyframes(normalizedAst, startingStyles, finalStyles);
export declare type StyleAtTime = {
time: number; value: string | number;
export class AnimationTimelineContext {
currentTimeline: TimelineBuilder;
currentAnimateTimings: meta.AnimateTimings;
previousNode: meta.AnimationMetadata = <meta.AnimationMetadata>{};
subContextCount = 0;
public errors: any[], public timelines: TimelineBuilder[],
initialTimeline: TimelineBuilder = null) {
this.currentTimeline = initialTimeline || new TimelineBuilder(0);
createSubContext(inherit: boolean = false): AnimationTimelineContext {
const context = new AnimationTimelineContext(
this.errors, this.timelines, this.currentTimeline.fork(inherit));
context.previousNode = this.previousNode;
context.currentAnimateTimings = this.currentAnimateTimings;
return context;
transformIntoNewTimeline(newTime = 0) {
const oldTimeline = this.currentTimeline;
const oldTime = oldTimeline.time;
if (newTime > 0) {
oldTimeline.time = newTime;
this.currentTimeline = oldTimeline.fork(true);
oldTimeline.time = oldTime;
return this.currentTimeline;
incrementTime(time: number) {
this.currentTimeline.forwardTime(this.currentTimeline.time + time);
export class AnimationTimelineVisitor implements AnimationDslVisitor {
buildKeyframes(ast: meta.AnimationMetadata, startingStyles: StyleData, finalStyles: StyleData):
AnimationTimelineInstruction[] {
const context = new AnimationTimelineContext([], []);
visitAnimationNode(this, ast, context);
const normalizedFinalStyles = copyStyles(finalStyles, true);
// this is a special case for when animate(TIME) is used (without any styles)
// thus indicating to create an animation arc between the final keyframe and
// the destination styles. When this occurs we need to ensure that the styles
// that are missing on the finalStyles map are set to AUTO
if (Object.keys(context.currentTimeline.getFinalKeyframe()).length == 0) {
|||| => {
const val = normalizedFinalStyles[prop];
if (val == null) {
normalizedFinalStyles[prop] = meta.AUTO_STYLE;
const timelineInstructions: AnimationTimelineInstruction[] = [];
context.timelines.forEach(timeline => {
// this checks to see if an actual animation happened
if (timeline.hasStyling()) {
if (timelineInstructions.length == 0) {
timelineInstructions.push(createTimelineInstruction([], 0, 0, ''));
return timelineInstructions;
visitState(ast: meta.AnimationStateMetadata, context: any): any {
// these values are not visited in this AST
visitTransition(ast: meta.AnimationTransitionMetadata, context: any): any {
// these values are not visited in this AST
visitSequence(ast: meta.AnimationSequenceMetadata, context: AnimationTimelineContext) {
const subContextCount = context.subContextCount;
if (context.previousNode.type == meta.AnimationMetadataType.Style) {
|||| => visitAnimationNode(this, s, context));
context.previousNode = ast;
if (context.subContextCount > subContextCount) {
visitGroup(ast: meta.AnimationGroupMetadata, context: AnimationTimelineContext) {
const innerTimelines: TimelineBuilder[] = [];
let furthestTime = context.currentTimeline.currentTime;
|||| => {
const innerContext = context.createSubContext(false);
visitAnimationNode(this, s, innerContext);
furthestTime = Math.max(furthestTime, innerContext.currentTimeline.currentTime);
// this operation is run after the AST loop because otherwise
// if the parent timeline's collected styles were updated then
// it would pass in invalid data into the new-to-be forked items
timeline => context.currentTimeline.mergeTimelineCollectedStyles(timeline));
// we do this because the window between this timeline and the sub timeline
// should ensure that the styles within are exactly the same as they were before
context.previousNode = ast;
visitAnimate(ast: meta.AnimationAnimateMetadata, context: AnimationTimelineContext) {
const timings = ast.timings.hasOwnProperty('duration') ?
<meta.AnimateTimings>ast.timings :
parseTimeExpression(<string|number>ast.timings, context.errors);
context.currentAnimateTimings = timings;
if (timings.delay) {
const astType = ast.styles ? ast.styles.type : -1;
if (astType == meta.AnimationMetadataType.KeyframeSequence) {
this.visitKeyframeSequence(<meta.AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata>ast.styles, context);
} else {
if (astType == meta.AnimationMetadataType.Style) {
this.visitStyle(<meta.AnimationStyleMetadata>ast.styles, context);
context.currentAnimateTimings = null;
context.previousNode = ast;
visitStyle(ast: meta.AnimationStyleMetadata, context: AnimationTimelineContext) {
// this is a special case when a style() call is issued directly after
// a call to animate(). If the clock is not forwarded by one frame then
// the style() calls will be merged into the previous animate() call
// which is incorrect.
if (!context.currentAnimateTimings &&
context.previousNode.type == meta.AnimationMetadataType.Animate) {
const normalizedStyles = normalizeStyles(new AnimationStyles(ast.styles));
const easing = context.currentAnimateTimings && context.currentAnimateTimings.easing;
if (easing) {
normalizedStyles['easing'] = easing;
context.previousNode = ast;
ast: meta.AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata, context: AnimationTimelineContext) {
const limit = ast.steps.length - 1;
const firstKeyframe = ast.steps[0];
let offsetGap = 0;
const containsOffsets = firstKeyframe.styles.find(styles => styles['offset'] >= 0);
if (!containsOffsets) {
offsetGap = MAX_KEYFRAME_OFFSET / limit;
const keyframeDuration = context.currentAnimateTimings.duration;
const innerContext = context.createSubContext(true);
const innerTimeline = innerContext.currentTimeline;
innerTimeline.easing = context.currentAnimateTimings.easing;
// this will ensure that all collected styles so far
// are populated into the first keyframe of the keyframes()
// timeline (even if there exists a starting keyframe then
// it will override the contents of the first frame later)
|||| meta.AnimationStyleMetadata, i: number) => {
const normalizedStyles = normalizeStyles(new AnimationStyles(step.styles));
const offset = containsOffsets ? <number>normalizedStyles['offset'] :
(i == limit ? MAX_KEYFRAME_OFFSET : i * offsetGap);
innerTimeline.forwardTime(offset * keyframeDuration);
// this will ensure that the parent timeline gets all the styles from
// the child even if the new timeline below is not used
// we do this because the window between this timeline and the sub timeline
// should ensure that the styles within are exactly the same as they were before
context.transformIntoNewTimeline(context.currentTimeline.time + keyframeDuration);
context.previousNode = ast;
export class TimelineBuilder {
public time: number = 0;
public easing: string = '';
private _currentKeyframe: StyleData;
private _keyframes = new Map<number, StyleData>();
private _styleSummary: {[prop: string]: StyleAtTime} = {};
private _localTimelineStyles: StyleData;
private _backFill: StyleData = {};
public startTime: number, private _globalTimelineStyles: StyleData = null,
inheritedBackFill: StyleData = null, inheritedStyles: StyleData = null) {
if (inheritedBackFill) {
this._backFill = inheritedBackFill;
this._localTimelineStyles = Object.create(this._backFill, {});
if (inheritedStyles) {
this._localTimelineStyles = copyStyles(inheritedStyles, false, this._localTimelineStyles);
if (!this._globalTimelineStyles) {
this._globalTimelineStyles = this._localTimelineStyles;
hasStyling(): boolean { return this._keyframes.size > 1; }
get currentTime() { return this.startTime + this.time; }
fork(inherit: boolean = false): TimelineBuilder {
let inheritedBackFill = inherit ? this._backFill : null;
let inheritedStyles = inherit ? this._localTimelineStyles : null;
return new TimelineBuilder(
this.currentTime, this._globalTimelineStyles, inheritedBackFill, inheritedStyles);
private _loadKeyframe() {
this._currentKeyframe = this._keyframes.get(this.time);
if (!this._currentKeyframe) {
this._currentKeyframe = Object.create(this._backFill, {});
this._keyframes.set(this.time, this._currentKeyframe);
forwardFrame() {
forwardTime(time: number) {
this.time = time;
private _updateStyle(prop: string, value: string|number) {
if (prop != 'easing') {
if (!this._localTimelineStyles[prop]) {
this._backFill[prop] = this._globalTimelineStyles[prop] || meta.AUTO_STYLE;
this._localTimelineStyles[prop] = value;
this._globalTimelineStyles[prop] = value;
this._styleSummary[prop] = {time: this.currentTime, value};
setStyles(styles: StyleData) {
Object.keys(styles).forEach(prop => {
if (prop !== 'offset') {
const val = styles[prop];
this._currentKeyframe[prop] = val;
this._updateStyle(prop, val);
Object.keys(this._localTimelineStyles).forEach(prop => {
if (!this._currentKeyframe.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
this._currentKeyframe[prop] = this._localTimelineStyles[prop];
snapshotCurrentStyles() { copyStyles(this._localTimelineStyles, false, this._currentKeyframe); }
getFinalKeyframe() { return this._keyframes.get(this.time); }
get properties() {
const properties: string[] = [];
for (let prop in this._currentKeyframe) {
return properties;
mergeTimelineCollectedStyles(timeline: TimelineBuilder) {
Object.keys(timeline._styleSummary).forEach(prop => {
const details0 = this._styleSummary[prop];
const details1 = timeline._styleSummary[prop];
if (!details0 || details1.time > details0.time) {
this._updateStyle(prop, details1.value);
buildKeyframes(): AnimationTimelineInstruction {
const finalKeyframes: StyleData[] = [];
// special case for when there are only start/destination
// styles but no actual animation animate steps...
if (this.time == 0) {
const targetKeyframe = this.getFinalKeyframe();
const firstKeyframe = copyStyles(targetKeyframe, true);
firstKeyframe['offset'] = 0;
const lastKeyframe = copyStyles(targetKeyframe, true);
lastKeyframe['offset'] = 1;
} else {
this._keyframes.forEach((keyframe, time) => {
const finalKeyframe = copyStyles(keyframe, true);
finalKeyframe['offset'] = time / this.time;
return createTimelineInstruction(finalKeyframes, this.time, this.startTime, this.easing);
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
export const ANY_STATE = '*';
export declare type TransitionMatcherFn = (fromState: any, toState: any) => boolean;
export function parseTransitionExpr(
transitionValue: string | TransitionMatcherFn, errors: string[]): TransitionMatcherFn[] {
const expressions: TransitionMatcherFn[] = [];
if (typeof transitionValue == 'string') {
.forEach(str => parseInnerTransitionStr(str, expressions, errors));
} else {
return expressions;
function parseInnerTransitionStr(
eventStr: string, expressions: TransitionMatcherFn[], errors: string[]) {
if (eventStr[0] == ':') {
eventStr = parseAnimationAlias(eventStr, errors);
const match = eventStr.match(/^(\*|[-\w]+)\s*(<?[=-]>)\s*(\*|[-\w]+)$/);
if (match == null || match.length < 4) {
errors.push(`The provided transition expression "${eventStr}" is not supported`);
return expressions;
const fromState = match[1];
const separator = match[2];
const toState = match[3];
expressions.push(makeLambdaFromStates(fromState, toState));
const isFullAnyStateExpr = fromState == ANY_STATE && toState == ANY_STATE;
if (separator[0] == '<' && !isFullAnyStateExpr) {
expressions.push(makeLambdaFromStates(toState, fromState));
function parseAnimationAlias(alias: string, errors: string[]): string {
switch (alias) {
case ':enter':
return 'void => *';
case ':leave':
return '* => void';
errors.push(`The transition alias value "${alias}" is not supported`);
return '* => *';
function makeLambdaFromStates(lhs: string, rhs: string): TransitionMatcherFn {
return (fromState: any, toState: any): boolean => {
const lhsMatch = lhs == ANY_STATE || lhs == fromState;
const rhsMatch = rhs == ANY_STATE || rhs == toState;
return lhsMatch && rhsMatch;
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {TransitionFactory} from '@angular/core';
import {StyleData} from '../common/style_data';
import {AnimationMetadata, AnimationTransitionMetadata} from './animation_metadata';
import {buildAnimationKeyframes} from './animation_timeline_visitor';
import {TransitionMatcherFn} from './animation_transition_expr';
import {AnimationTransitionInstruction, createTransitionInstruction} from './animation_transition_instruction';
export class AnimationTransitionFactory implements TransitionFactory {
private _animationAst: AnimationMetadata;
private _triggerName: string, ast: AnimationTransitionMetadata,
private matchFns: TransitionMatcherFn[],
private _stateStyles: {[stateName: string]: StyleData}) {
this._animationAst = ast.animation;
match(currentState: any, nextState: any): AnimationTransitionInstruction {
if (!oneOrMoreTransitionsMatch(this.matchFns, currentState, nextState)) return;
const backupStateStyles = this._stateStyles['*'] || {};
const currentStateStyles = this._stateStyles[currentState] || backupStateStyles;
const nextStateStyles = this._stateStyles[nextState] || backupStateStyles;
const timelines =
buildAnimationKeyframes(this._animationAst, currentStateStyles, nextStateStyles);
return createTransitionInstruction(
this._triggerName, nextState === 'void', currentStateStyles, nextStateStyles, timelines);
function oneOrMoreTransitionsMatch(
matchFns: TransitionMatcherFn[], currentState: any, nextState: any): boolean {
return matchFns.some(fn => fn(currentState, nextState));
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {StyleData} from '../common/style_data';
import {AnimationEngineInstruction, AnimationTransitionInstructionType} from '../engine/animation_engine_instruction';
import {AnimationTimelineInstruction} from './animation_timeline_instruction';
export interface AnimationTransitionInstruction extends AnimationEngineInstruction {
triggerName: string;
isRemovalTransition: boolean;
fromStyles: StyleData;
toStyles: StyleData;
timelines: AnimationTimelineInstruction[];
export function createTransitionInstruction(
triggerName: string, isRemovalTransition: boolean, fromStyles: StyleData, toStyles: StyleData,
timelines: AnimationTimelineInstruction[]): AnimationTransitionInstruction {
return {
type: AnimationTransitionInstructionType.TransitionAnimation,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AnimationStyles, Trigger} from '@angular/core';
import {StyleData} from '../common/style_data';
import {copyStyles, normalizeStyles} from '../common/util';
import {AnimationDslVisitor, visitAnimationNode} from './animation_dsl_visitor';
import {AnimationAnimateMetadata, AnimationGroupMetadata, AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata, AnimationMetadata, AnimationSequenceMetadata, AnimationStateMetadata, AnimationStyleMetadata, AnimationTransitionMetadata} from './animation_metadata';
import {parseTransitionExpr} from './animation_transition_expr';
import {AnimationTransitionFactory} from './animation_transition_factory';
import {AnimationTransitionInstruction} from './animation_transition_instruction';
import {validateAnimationSequence} from './animation_validator_visitor';
* `trigger` is an animation-specific function that is designed to be used inside of Angular2's
animation DSL language. If this information is new, please navigate to the {@link
Component#animations-anchor component animations metadata page} to gain a better understanding of
how animations in Angular2 are used.
* `trigger` Creates an animation trigger which will a list of {@link state state} and {@link
transition transition} entries that will be evaluated when the expression bound to the trigger
* Triggers are registered within the component annotation data under the {@link
Component#animations-anchor animations section}. An animation trigger can be placed on an element
within a template by referencing the name of the trigger followed by the expression value that the
trigger is bound to (in the form of `[@triggerName]="expression"`.
* ### Usage
* `trigger` will create an animation trigger reference based on the provided `name` value. The
provided `animation` value is expected to be an array consisting of {@link state state} and {@link
transition transition} declarations.
* ```typescript
* @Component({
* selector: 'my-component',
* templateUrl: 'my-component-tpl.html',
* animations: [
* trigger("myAnimationTrigger", [
* state(...),
* state(...),
* transition(...),
* transition(...)
* ])
* ]
* })
* class MyComponent {
* myStatusExp = "something";
* }
* ```
* The template associated with this component will make use of the `myAnimationTrigger` animation
trigger by binding to an element within its template code.
* ```html
* <!-- somewhere inside of my-component-tpl.html -->
* <div [@myAnimationTrigger]="myStatusExp">...</div>
tools/gulp-tasks/validate-commit-message.js ```
* {@example core/animation/ts/dsl/animation_example.ts region='Component'}
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export function trigger(name: string, definitions: AnimationMetadata[]): AnimationTrigger {
return new AnimationTriggerVisitor().buildTrigger(name, definitions);
* @experimental Animation support is experimental.
export class AnimationTrigger implements Trigger {
public transitionFactories: AnimationTransitionFactory[] = [];
public states: {[stateName: string]: StyleData} = {};
public name: string, states: {[stateName: string]: StyleData},
private _transitionAsts: AnimationTransitionMetadata[]) {
stateName => { this.states[stateName] = copyStyles(states[stateName], false); });
const errors: string[] = [];
_transitionAsts.forEach(ast => {
const exprs = parseTransitionExpr(ast.expr, errors);
const sequenceErrors = validateAnimationSequence(ast);
if (sequenceErrors.length) {
} else {
new AnimationTransitionFactory(, ast, exprs, states));
if (errors.length) {
const LINE_START = '\n - ';
throw new Error(
`Animation parsing for the ${name} trigger have failed:${LINE_START}${errors.join(LINE_START)}`);
matchTransition(currentState: any, nextState: any): AnimationTransitionInstruction {
for (let i = 0; i < this.transitionFactories.length; i++) {
let result = this.transitionFactories[i].match(currentState, nextState);
if (result) return result;
return null;
class AnimationTriggerContext {
public errors: string[] = [];
public states: {[stateName: string]: StyleData} = {};
public transitions: AnimationTransitionMetadata[] = [];
class AnimationTriggerVisitor implements AnimationDslVisitor {
buildTrigger(name: string, definitions: AnimationMetadata[]): AnimationTrigger {
const context = new AnimationTriggerContext();
definitions.forEach(def => visitAnimationNode(this, def, context));
return new AnimationTrigger(name, context.states, context.transitions);
visitState(ast: AnimationStateMetadata, context: any): any {
context.states[] = normalizeStyles(new AnimationStyles(ast.styles.styles));
visitTransition(ast: AnimationTransitionMetadata, context: any): any {
visitSequence(ast: AnimationSequenceMetadata, context: any) {}
visitGroup(ast: AnimationGroupMetadata, context: any) {}
visitAnimate(ast: AnimationAnimateMetadata, context: any) {}
visitStyle(ast: AnimationStyleMetadata, context: any) {}
visitKeyframeSequence(ast: AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata, context: any) {}
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AnimationStyles} from '@angular/core';
import {normalizeStyles, parseTimeExpression} from '../common/util';
import {AnimationDslVisitor, visitAnimationNode} from './animation_dsl_visitor';
import * as meta from './animation_metadata';
export type StyleTimeTuple = {
startTime: number; endTime: number;
* [Validation]
* The visitor code below will traverse the animation AST generated by the animation verb functions
* (the output is a tree of objects) and attempt to perform a series of validations on the data. The
* following corner-cases will be validated:
* 1. Overlap of animations
* Given that a CSS property cannot be animated in more than one place at the same time, it's
* important that this behaviour is detected and validated. The way in which this occurs is that
* each time a style property is examined, a string-map containing the property will be updated with
* the start and end times for when the property is used within an animation step.
* If there are two or more parallel animations that are currently running (these are invoked by the
* group()) on the same element then the validator will throw an error. Since the start/end timing
* values are collected for each property then if the current animation step is animating the same
* property and its timing values fall anywhere into the window of time that the property is
* currently being animated within then this is what causes an error.
* 2. Timing values
* The validator will validate to see if a timing value of `duration delay easing` or
* `durationNumber` is valid or not.
* (note that upon validation the code below will replace the timing data with an object containing
* {duration,delay,easing}.
* 3. Offset Validation
* Each of the style() calls are allowed to have an offset value when placed inside of keyframes().
* Offsets within keyframes() are considered valid when:
* - No offsets are used at all
* - Each style() entry contains an offset value
* - Each offset is between 0 and 1
* - Each offset is greater to or equal than the previous one
* Otherwise an error will be thrown.
export function validateAnimationSequence(ast: meta.AnimationMetadata) {
return new AnimationValidatorVisitor().validate(ast);
export class AnimationValidatorVisitor implements AnimationDslVisitor {
validate(ast: meta.AnimationMetadata): string[] {
const context = new AnimationValidatorContext();
visitAnimationNode(this, ast, context);
return context.errors;
visitState(ast: meta.AnimationStateMetadata, context: any): any {}
visitTransition(ast: meta.AnimationTransitionMetadata, context: any): any {}
visitSequence(ast: meta.AnimationSequenceMetadata, context: AnimationValidatorContext): any {
ast.steps.forEach(step => visitAnimationNode(this, step, context));
visitGroup(ast: meta.AnimationGroupMetadata, context: AnimationValidatorContext): any {
const currentTime = context.currentTime;
let furthestTime = 0;
ast.steps.forEach(step => {
context.currentTime = currentTime;
visitAnimationNode(this, step, context);
furthestTime = Math.max(furthestTime, context.currentTime);
context.currentTime = furthestTime;
visitAnimate(ast: meta.AnimationAnimateMetadata, context: AnimationValidatorContext): any {
// we reassign the timings here so that they are not reparsed each
// time an animation occurs
context.currentAnimateTimings = ast.timings =
parseTimeExpression(<string|number>ast.timings, context.errors);
const astType = ast.styles && ast.styles.type;
if (astType == meta.AnimationMetadataType.KeyframeSequence) {
this.visitKeyframeSequence(<meta.AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata>ast.styles, context);
} else {
context.currentTime +=
context.currentAnimateTimings.duration + context.currentAnimateTimings.delay;
if (astType == meta.AnimationMetadataType.Style) {
this.visitStyle(<meta.AnimationStyleMetadata>ast.styles, context);
context.currentAnimateTimings = null;
visitStyle(ast: meta.AnimationStyleMetadata, context: AnimationValidatorContext): any {
const styleData = normalizeStyles(new AnimationStyles(ast.styles));
const timings = context.currentAnimateTimings;
let endTime = context.currentTime;
let startTime = context.currentTime;
if (timings && startTime > 0) {
startTime -= timings.duration + timings.delay;
Object.keys(styleData).forEach(prop => {
const collectedEntry = context.collectedStyles[prop];
let updateCollectedStyle = true;
if (collectedEntry) {
if (startTime != endTime && startTime >= collectedEntry.startTime &&
endTime <= collectedEntry.endTime) {
`The CSS property "${prop}" that exists between the times of "${collectedEntry.startTime}ms" and "${collectedEntry.endTime}ms" is also being animated in a parallel animation between the times of "${startTime}ms" and "${endTime}ms"`);
updateCollectedStyle = false;
// we always choose the smaller start time value since we
// want to have a record of the entire animation window where
// the style property is being animated in between
startTime = collectedEntry.startTime;
if (updateCollectedStyle) {
context.collectedStyles[prop] = {startTime, endTime};
ast: meta.AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata, context: AnimationValidatorContext): any {
let totalKeyframesWithOffsets = 0;
const offsets: number[] = [];
let offsetsOutOfOrder = false;
let keyframesOutOfRange = false;
let previousOffset: number = 0;
ast.steps.forEach(step => {
const styleData = normalizeStyles(new AnimationStyles(step.styles));
let offset = 0;
if (styleData.hasOwnProperty('offset')) {
offset = <number>styleData['offset'];
keyframesOutOfRange = keyframesOutOfRange || offset < 0 || offset > 1;
offsetsOutOfOrder = offsetsOutOfOrder || offset < previousOffset;
previousOffset = offset;
if (keyframesOutOfRange) {
context.errors.push(`Please ensure that all keyframe offsets are between 0 and 1`);
if (offsetsOutOfOrder) {
context.errors.push(`Please ensure that all keyframe offsets are in order`);
const length = ast.steps.length;
let generatedOffset = 0;
if (totalKeyframesWithOffsets > 0 && totalKeyframesWithOffsets < length) {
context.errors.push(`Not all style() steps within the declared keyframes() contain offsets`);
} else if (totalKeyframesWithOffsets == 0) {
generatedOffset = 1 / length;
const limit = length - 1;
const currentTime = context.currentTime;
const animateDuration = context.currentAnimateTimings.duration;
ast.steps.forEach((step, i) => {
const offset = generatedOffset > 0 ? (i == limit ? 1 : (generatedOffset * i)) : offsets[i];
const durationUpToThisFrame = offset * animateDuration;
context.currentTime =
currentTime + context.currentAnimateTimings.delay + durationUpToThisFrame;
context.currentAnimateTimings.duration = durationUpToThisFrame;
this.visitStyle(step, context);
export class AnimationValidatorContext {
public errors: string[] = [];
public currentTime: number = 0;
public currentAnimateTimings: meta.AnimateTimings;
public collectedStyles: {[propName: string]: StyleTimeTuple} = {};
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
export abstract class AnimationStyleNormalizer {
abstract normalizePropertyName(propertyName: string, errors: string[]): string;
abstract normalizeStyleValue(
userProvidedProperty: string, normalizedProperty: string, value: string|number,
errors: string[]): string;
export class NoOpAnimationStyleNormalizer {
normalizePropertyName(propertyName: string, errors: string[]): string { return propertyName; }
userProvidedProperty: string, normalizedProperty: string, value: string|number,
errors: string[]): string {
return <any>value;
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AnimationStyleNormalizer} from './animation_style_normalizer';
export class WebAnimationsStyleNormalizer extends AnimationStyleNormalizer {
normalizePropertyName(propertyName: string, errors: string[]): string {
return dashCaseToCamelCase(propertyName);
userProvidedProperty: string, normalizedProperty: string, value: string|number,
errors: string[]): string {
let unit: string = '';
const strVal = value.toString().trim();
if (DIMENSIONAL_PROP_MAP[normalizedProperty] && value !== 0 && value !== '0') {
if (typeof value === 'number') {
unit = 'px';
} else {
const valAndSuffixMatch = value.match(/^[+-]?[\d\.]+([a-z]*)$/);
if (valAndSuffixMatch && valAndSuffixMatch[1].length == 0) {
errors.push(`Please provide a CSS unit value for ${userProvidedProperty}:${value}`);
return strVal + unit;
const DIMENSIONAL_PROP_MAP = makeBooleanMap(
function makeBooleanMap(keys: string[]): {[key: string]: boolean} {
const map: {[key: string]: boolean} = {};
keys.forEach(key => map[key] = true);
return map;
const DASH_CASE_REGEXP = /-+([a-z0-9])/g;
export function dashCaseToCamelCase(input: string): string {
return input.replace(DASH_CASE_REGEXP, (...m: any[]) => m[1].toUpperCase());
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AnimationPlayer} from '@angular/core';
import {StyleData} from '../common/style_data';
import {NoOpAnimationPlayer} from '../private_import_core';
* @experimental
export class NoOpAnimationDriver implements AnimationDriver {
element: any, keyframes: StyleData[], duration: number, delay: number, easing: string,
previousPlayers: AnimationPlayer[] = []): AnimationPlayer {
return new NoOpAnimationPlayer();
* @experimental
export abstract class AnimationDriver {
static NOOP: AnimationDriver = new NoOpAnimationDriver();
abstract animate(
element: any, keyframes: StyleData[], duration: number, delay: number, easing: string,
previousPlayers?: AnimationPlayer[]): AnimationPlayer;
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {TransitionInstruction} from '@angular/core';
export const enum AnimationTransitionInstructionType {TransitionAnimation, TimelineAnimation}
export interface AnimationEngineInstruction extends TransitionInstruction {
type: AnimationTransitionInstructionType;
@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AnimationPlayer, Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {StyleData} from '../common/style_data';
import {AnimationTimelineInstruction} from '../dsl/animation_timeline_instruction';
import {AnimationTransitionInstruction} from '../dsl/animation_transition_instruction';
import {AnimationStyleNormalizer} from '../dsl/style_normalization/animation_style_normalizer';
import {AnimationGroupPlayer, NoOpAnimationPlayer, TransitionEngine} from '../private_import_core';
import {AnimationDriver} from './animation_driver';
import {AnimationEngineInstruction, AnimationTransitionInstructionType} from './animation_engine_instruction';
export declare type AnimationPlayerTuple = {
element: any; player: AnimationPlayer;
export class DomAnimationTransitionEngine extends TransitionEngine {
private _flaggedInserts = new Set<any>();
private _queuedRemovals: any[] = [];
private _queuedAnimations: AnimationPlayerTuple[] = [];
private _activeElementAnimations = new Map<any, AnimationPlayer[]>();
private _activeTransitionAnimations = new Map<any, {[triggerName: string]: AnimationPlayer}>();
constructor(private _driver: AnimationDriver, private _normalizer: AnimationStyleNormalizer) {
insertNode(container: any, element: any) {
removeNode(element: any) { this._queuedRemovals.push(element); }
process(element: any, instructions: AnimationEngineInstruction[]): AnimationPlayer {
const players = => {
if (instruction.type == AnimationTransitionInstructionType.TransitionAnimation) {
return this._handleTransitionAnimation(
element, <AnimationTransitionInstruction>instruction);
if (instruction.type == AnimationTransitionInstructionType.TimelineAnimation) {
return this._handleTimelineAnimation(
element, <AnimationTimelineInstruction>instruction, []);
return new NoOpAnimationPlayer();
return optimizeGroupPlayer(players);
private _handleTransitionAnimation(element: any, instruction: AnimationTransitionInstruction):
AnimationPlayer {
const triggerName = instruction.triggerName;
const elmTransitionMap = getOrSetAsInMap(this._activeTransitionAnimations, element, {});
let previousPlayers: AnimationPlayer[];
if (instruction.isRemovalTransition) {
// we make a copy of the array because the actual source array is modified
// each time a player is finished/destroyed (the forEach loop would fail otherwise)
previousPlayers = copyArray(this._activeElementAnimations.get(element));
} else {
previousPlayers = [];
const existingPlayer = elmTransitionMap[triggerName];
if (existingPlayer) {
// it's important to do this step before destroying the players
// so that the onDone callback below won't fire before this
eraseStyles(element, instruction.fromStyles);
// we first run this so that the previous animation player
// data can be passed into the successive animation players
const players =
timelineInstruction => this._buildPlayer(element, timelineInstruction, previousPlayers));
previousPlayers.forEach(previousPlayer => previousPlayer.destroy());
const player = optimizeGroupPlayer(players);
player.onDone(() => {
const elmTransitionMap = this._activeTransitionAnimations.get(element);
if (elmTransitionMap) {
delete elmTransitionMap[triggerName];
if (Object.keys(elmTransitionMap).length == 0) {
deleteFromArrayMap(this._activeElementAnimations, element, player);
setStyles(element, instruction.toStyles);
this._queuePlayer(element, player);
elmTransitionMap[triggerName] = player;
return player;
private _handleTimelineAnimation(
element: any, instruction: AnimationTimelineInstruction,
previousPlayers: AnimationPlayer[]): AnimationPlayer {
const player = this._buildPlayer(element, instruction, previousPlayers);
player.onDestroy(() => { deleteFromArrayMap(this._activeElementAnimations, element, player); });
this._queuePlayer(element, player);
return player;
private _buildPlayer(
element: any, instruction: AnimationTimelineInstruction,
previousPlayers: AnimationPlayer[]): AnimationPlayer {
return this._driver.animate(
element, this._normalizeKeyframes(instruction.keyframes), instruction.duration,
instruction.delay, instruction.easing, previousPlayers);
private _normalizeKeyframes(keyframes: StyleData[]): StyleData[] {
const errors: string[] = [];
const normalizedKeyframes: StyleData[] = [];
keyframes.forEach(kf => {
const normalizedKeyframe: StyleData = {};
Object.keys(kf).forEach(prop => {
let normalizedProp = prop;
let normalizedValue = kf[prop];
if (prop != 'offset') {
normalizedProp = this._normalizer.normalizePropertyName(prop, errors);
normalizedValue =
this._normalizer.normalizeStyleValue(prop, normalizedProp, kf[prop], errors);
normalizedKeyframe[normalizedProp] = normalizedValue;
if (errors.length) {
const LINE_START = '\n - ';
throw new Error(
`Unable to animate due to the following errors:${LINE_START}${errors.join(LINE_START)}`);
return normalizedKeyframes;
private _queuePlayer(element: any, player: AnimationPlayer) {
const tuple = <AnimationPlayerTuple>{element, player};
const elementAnimations = getOrSetAsInMap(this._activeElementAnimations, element, []);
triggerAnimations() {
while (this._queuedAnimations.length) {
const {player, element} = this._queuedAnimations.shift();
// in the event that an animation throws an error then we do
// not want to re-run animations on any previous animations
// if they have already been kicked off beforehand
if (!player.hasStarted()) {
this._queuedRemovals.forEach(element => {
if (this._flaggedInserts.has(element)) return;
let parent = element;
let players: AnimationPlayer[];
while (parent = parent.parentNode) {
const match = this._activeElementAnimations.get(parent);
if (match) {
players = match;
if (players) {
optimizeGroupPlayer(players).onDone(() => remove(element));
} else {
if (element.parentNode) {
this._queuedRemovals = [];
function getOrSetAsInMap(map: Map<any, any>, key: any, defaultValue: any) {
let value = map.get(key);
if (!value) {
map.set(key, value = defaultValue);
return value;
function deleteFromArrayMap(map: Map<any, any[]>, key: any, value: any) {
let arr = map.get(key);
if (arr) {
const index = arr.indexOf(value);
if (index >= 0) {
arr.splice(index, 1);
if (arr.length == 0) {
function setStyles(element: any, styles: StyleData) {
Object.keys(styles).forEach(prop => {[prop] = styles[prop]; });
function eraseStyles(element: any, styles: StyleData) {
Object.keys(styles).forEach(prop => {
// IE requires '' instead of null
// see
||||[prop] = '';
function optimizeGroupPlayer(players: AnimationPlayer[]): AnimationPlayer {
return players.length == 1 ? players[0] : new AnimationGroupPlayer(players);
function copyArray(source: any[]): any[] {
return source ? source.splice(0) : [];
function remove(element: any) {
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
export interface DOMAnimation {
cancel(): void;
play(): void;
pause(): void;
finish(): void;
onfinish: Function;
position: number;
currentTime: number;
addEventListener(eventName: string, handler: (event: any) => any): any;
dispatchEvent(eventName: string): any;
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AnimationPlayer} from '@angular/core';
import {StyleData} from '../../common/style_data';
import {AnimationDriver} from '../animation_driver';
import {WebAnimationsPlayer} from './web_animations_player';
export class WebAnimationsDriver implements AnimationDriver {
element: any, keyframes: StyleData[], duration: number, delay: number, easing: string,
previousPlayers: AnimationPlayer[] = []): WebAnimationsPlayer {
const playerOptions: {[key: string]: string |
number} = {'duration': duration, 'delay': delay, 'fill': 'forwards'};
// we check for this to avoid having a null|undefined value be present
// for the easing (which results in an error for certain browsers #9752)
if (easing) {
playerOptions['easing'] = easing;
const previousWebAnimationPlayers = <WebAnimationsPlayer[]>previousPlayers.filter(
player => { return player instanceof WebAnimationsPlayer; });
return new WebAnimationsPlayer(element, keyframes, playerOptions, previousWebAnimationPlayers);
export function supportsWebAnimations() {
return typeof Element !== 'undefined' && typeof(<any>Element).prototype['animate'] === 'function';
@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AUTO_STYLE, AnimationPlayer} from '@angular/core';
import {DOMAnimation} from './dom_animation';
export class WebAnimationsPlayer implements AnimationPlayer {
private _onDoneFns: Function[] = [];
private _onStartFns: Function[] = [];
private _onDestroyFns: Function[] = [];
private _player: DOMAnimation;
private _duration: number;
private _initialized = false;
private _finished = false;
private _started = false;
private _destroyed = false;
private _finalKeyframe: {[key: string]: string | number};
public parentPlayer: AnimationPlayer = null;
public previousStyles: {[styleName: string]: string | number};
public element: any, public keyframes: {[key: string]: string | number}[],
public options: {[key: string]: string | number},
previousPlayers: WebAnimationsPlayer[] = []) {
this._duration = <number>options['duration'];
this.previousStyles = {};
previousPlayers.forEach(player => {
let styles = player._captureStyles();
Object.keys(styles).forEach(prop => this.previousStyles[prop] = styles[prop]);
private _onFinish() {
if (!this._finished) {
this._finished = true;
this._onDoneFns.forEach(fn => fn());
this._onDoneFns = [];
init(): void {
if (this._initialized) return;
this._initialized = true;
const keyframes = => {
const formattedKeyframe: {[key: string]: string | number} = {};
Object.keys(styles).forEach((prop, index) => {
let value = styles[prop];
if (value == AUTO_STYLE) {
value = _computeStyle(this.element, prop);
if (value != undefined) {
formattedKeyframe[prop] = value;
return formattedKeyframe;
const previousStyleProps = Object.keys(this.previousStyles);
if (previousStyleProps.length) {
let startingKeyframe = keyframes[0];
let missingStyleProps: string[] = [];
previousStyleProps.forEach(prop => {
if (startingKeyframe[prop] != null) {
startingKeyframe[prop] = this.previousStyles[prop];
if (missingStyleProps.length) {
for (let i = 1; i < keyframes.length; i++) {
let kf = keyframes[i];
missingStyleProps.forEach(prop => { kf[prop] = _computeStyle(this.element, prop); });
this._player = this._triggerWebAnimation(this.element, keyframes, this.options);
this._finalKeyframe = _copyKeyframeStyles(keyframes[keyframes.length - 1]);
// this is required so that the player doesn't start to animate right away
this._player.addEventListener('finish', () => this._onFinish());
/** @internal */
_triggerWebAnimation(element: any, keyframes: any[], options: any): DOMAnimation {
// jscompiler doesn't seem to know animate is a native property because it's not fully
// supported yet across common browsers (we polyfill it for Edge/Safari) [CL #143630929]
return <DOMAnimation>element['animate'](keyframes, options);
get domPlayer() { return this._player; }
onStart(fn: () => void): void { this._onStartFns.push(fn); }
onDone(fn: () => void): void { this._onDoneFns.push(fn); }
onDestroy(fn: () => void): void { this._onDestroyFns.push(fn); }
play(): void {
if (!this.hasStarted()) {
this._onStartFns.forEach(fn => fn());
this._onStartFns = [];
this._started = true;
pause(): void {
finish(): void {
reset(): void {
this._destroyed = false;
this._finished = false;
this._started = false;
private _resetDomPlayerState() {
if (this._player) {
restart(): void {
hasStarted(): boolean { return this._started; }
destroy(): void {
if (!this._destroyed) {
this._destroyed = true;
this._onDestroyFns.forEach(fn => fn());
this._onDestroyFns = [];
get totalTime(): number { return this._duration; }
setPosition(p: number): void { this._player.currentTime = p * this.totalTime; }
getPosition(): number { return this._player.currentTime / this.totalTime; }
private _captureStyles(): {[prop: string]: string | number} {
const styles: {[key: string]: string | number} = {};
if (this.hasStarted()) {
Object.keys(this._finalKeyframe).forEach(prop => {
if (prop != 'offset') {
styles[prop] =
this._finished ? this._finalKeyframe[prop] : _computeStyle(this.element, prop);
return styles;
function _computeStyle(element: any, prop: string): string {
return (<any>window.getComputedStyle(element))[prop];
function _copyKeyframeStyles(styles: {[style: string]: string | number}):
{[style: string]: string | number} {
const newStyles: {[style: string]: string | number} = {};
Object.keys(styles).forEach(prop => {
if (prop != 'offset') {
newStyles[prop] = styles[prop];
return newStyles;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {__core_private__ as r} from '@angular/core';
export const AnimationGroupPlayer: typeof r.AnimationGroupPlayer = r.AnimationGroupPlayer;
export const NoOpAnimationPlayer: typeof r.NoOpAnimationPlayer = r.NoOpAnimationPlayer;
export const TransitionEngine: typeof r.TransitionEngine = r.TransitionEngine;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
* @module
* @description
* Entry point for all public APIs of the animation package.
import {Version} from '@angular/core';
* @stable
export const VERSION = new Version('0.0.0-PLACEHOLDER');
@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {el} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/browser_util';
import {animate, keyframes, state, style, transition} from '../../src/dsl/animation_metadata';
import {buildAnimationKeyframes} from '../../src/dsl/animation_timeline_visitor';
import {trigger} from '../../src/dsl/animation_trigger';
import {AnimationStyleNormalizer, NoOpAnimationStyleNormalizer} from '../../src/dsl/style_normalization/animation_style_normalizer';
import {AnimationEngineInstruction} from '../../src/engine/animation_engine_instruction';
import {DomAnimationTransitionEngine} from '../../src/engine/dom_animation_transition_engine';
import {NoOpAnimationPlayer} from '../../src/private_import_core';
import {MockAnimationDriver, MockAnimationPlayer} from '../../testing/mock_animation_driver';
export function main() {
const driver = new MockAnimationDriver();
// these tests are only mean't to be run within the DOM
if (typeof Element == 'undefined') return;
describe('AnimationEngine', () => {
let element: any;
beforeEach(() => {
MockAnimationDriver.log = [];
element = el('<div></div>');
function makeEngine(normalizer: AnimationStyleNormalizer = null) {
return new DomAnimationTransitionEngine(
driver, normalizer || new NoOpAnimationStyleNormalizer());
describe('instructions', () => {
it('should animate a transition instruction', () => {
const engine = makeEngine();
const trig = trigger('something', [
state('on', style({height: 100})), state('off', style({height: 0})),
transition('on => off', animate(9876))
const instruction = trig.matchTransition('on', 'off');
engine.process(element, [instruction]);
it('should animate a timeline instruction', () => {
const engine = makeEngine();
const timelines =
buildAnimationKeyframes([style({height: 100}), animate(1000, style({height: 0}))]);
const instruction = timelines[0];
engine.process(element, [instruction]);
it('should animate an array of animation instructions', () => {
const engine = makeEngine();
const instructions = buildAnimationKeyframes([
style({height: 100}), animate(1000, style({height: 0})),
animate(1000, keyframes([style({width: 0}), style({width: 1000})]))
engine.process(element, instructions);
it('should return a noOp player when an unsupported instruction is provided', () => {
const engine = makeEngine();
const instruction = <AnimationEngineInstruction>{type: -1};
const player = engine.process(element, [instruction]);
expect(player instanceof NoOpAnimationPlayer).toBeTruthy();
describe('transition operations', () => {
it('should persist the styles on the element as actual styles once the animation is complete',
() => {
const engine = makeEngine();
const trig = trigger('something', [
state('on', style({height: '100px'})), state('off', style({height: '0px'})),
transition('on => off', animate(9876))
const instruction = trig.matchTransition('on', 'off');
const player = engine.process(element, [instruction]);
it('should remove all existing state styling from an element when a follow-up transition occurs on the same trigger',
() => {
const engine = makeEngine();
const trig = trigger('something', [
state('a', style({height: '100px'})), state('b', style({height: '500px'})),
state('c', style({width: '200px'})), transition('* => *', animate(9876))
const instruction1 = trig.matchTransition('a', 'b');
const player1 = engine.process(element, [instruction1]);
const instruction2 = trig.matchTransition('b', 'c');
const player2 = engine.process(element, [instruction2]);
it('should allow two animation transitions with different triggers to animate in parallel',
() => {
const engine = makeEngine();
const trig1 = trigger('something1', [
state('a', style({width: '100px'})), state('b', style({width: '200px'})),
transition('* => *', animate(1000))
const trig2 = trigger('something2', [
state('x', style({height: '500px'})), state('y', style({height: '1000px'})),
transition('* => *', animate(2000))
let doneCount = 0;
function doneCallback() { doneCount++; }
const instruction1 = trig1.matchTransition('a', 'b');
const instruction2 = trig2.matchTransition('x', 'y');
const player1 = engine.process(element, [instruction1]);
const player2 = engine.process(element, [instruction2]);
it('should cancel a previously running animation when a follow-up transition kicks off on the same trigger',
() => {
const engine = makeEngine();
const trig = trigger('something', [
state('x', style({opacity: 0})), state('y', style({opacity: .5})),
state('z', style({opacity: 1})), transition('* => *', animate(1000))
const instruction1 = trig.matchTransition('x', 'y');
const instruction2 = trig.matchTransition('y', 'z');
const player1 = engine.process(element, [instruction1]);
const player2 = engine.process(element, [instruction2]);
it('should pass in the previously running players into the follow-up transition player when cancelled',
() => {
const engine = makeEngine();
const trig = trigger('something', [
state('x', style({opacity: 0})), state('y', style({opacity: .5})),
state('z', style({opacity: 1})), transition('* => *', animate(1000))
const instruction1 = trig.matchTransition('x', 'y');
const instruction2 = trig.matchTransition('y', 'z');
const instruction3 = trig.matchTransition('z', 'x');
const player1 = engine.process(element, [instruction1]);
const player2 = <MockAnimationPlayer>engine.process(element, [instruction2]);
const player3 = <MockAnimationPlayer>engine.process(element, [instruction3]);
it('should cancel all existing players if a removal animation is set to occur', () => {
const engine = makeEngine();
const trig = trigger('something', [
state('m', style({opacity: 0})), state('n', style({opacity: 1})),
transition('* => *', animate(1000))
let doneCount = 0;
function doneCallback() { doneCount++; }
const instruction1 = trig.matchTransition('m', 'n');
const instructions2 =
buildAnimationKeyframes([style({height: 0}), animate(1000, style({height: 100}))]);
const instruction3 = trig.matchTransition('n', 'void');
const player1 = engine.process(element, [instruction1]);
const player2 = engine.process(element, instructions2);
const player3 = engine.process(element, [instruction3]);
it('should only persist styles that exist in the final state styles and not the last keyframe',
() => {
const engine = makeEngine();
const trig = trigger('something', [
state('0', style({width: '0px'})), state('1', style({width: '100px'})),
transition('* => *', [animate(1000, style({height: '200px'}))])
const instruction = trig.matchTransition('0', '1');
const player = engine.process(element, [instruction]);
it('should default to using styling from the `*` state if a matching state is not found',
() => {
const engine = makeEngine();
const trig = trigger('something', [
state('a', style({opacity: 0})), state('*', style({opacity: .5})),
transition('* => *', animate(1000))
const instruction = trig.matchTransition('a', 'z');
engine.process(element, [instruction]).finish();
it('should treat `void` as `void`', () => {
const engine = makeEngine();
const trig = trigger('something', [
state('a', style({opacity: 0})), state('void', style({opacity: .8})),
transition('* => *', animate(1000))
const instruction = trig.matchTransition('a', 'void');
engine.process(element, [instruction]).finish();
describe('timeline operations', () => {
it('should not destroy timeline-based animations after they have finished', () => {
const engine = makeEngine();
const log: string[] = [];
function capture(value: string) {
return () => { log.push(value); };
const instructions =
buildAnimationKeyframes([style({height: 0}), animate(1000, style({height: 500}))]);
const player = engine.process(element, instructions);
expect(log).toEqual(['done', 'destroy']);
describe('style normalizer', () => {
it('should normalize the style values that are processed within an a transition animation',
() => {
const engine = makeEngine(new SuffixNormalizer('-normalized'));
const trig = trigger('something', [
state('on', style({height: 100})), state('off', style({height: 0})),
transition('on => off', animate(9876))
const instruction = trig.matchTransition('on', 'off');
const player = <MockAnimationPlayer>engine.process(element, [instruction]);
{'height-normalized': '100-normalized', offset: 0},
{'height-normalized': '0-normalized', offset: 1}
it('should normalize the style values that are processed within an a timeline animation',
() => {
const engine = makeEngine(new SuffixNormalizer('-normalized'));
const instructions = buildAnimationKeyframes([
style({width: '333px'}),
animate(1000, style({width: '999px'})),
const player = <MockAnimationPlayer>engine.process(element, instructions);
{'width-normalized': '333px-normalized', offset: 0},
{'width-normalized': '999px-normalized', offset: 1}
it('should throw an error when normalization fails within a transition animation', () => {
const engine = makeEngine(new ExactCssValueNormalizer({left: '100px'}));
const trig = trigger('something', [
state('a', style({left: '0px', width: '200px'})),
state('b', style({left: '100px', width: '100px'})), transition('a => b', animate(9876))
const instruction = trig.matchTransition('a', 'b');
let errorMessage = '';
try {
engine.process(element, [instruction]);
} catch (e) {
errorMessage = e.toString();
expect(errorMessage).toMatch(/Unable to animate due to the following errors:/);
expect(errorMessage).toMatch(/- The CSS property `left` is not allowed to be `0px`/);
expect(errorMessage).toMatch(/- The CSS property `width` is not allowed/);
describe('view operations', () => {
it('should perform insert operations immediately ', () => {
const engine = makeEngine();
let container = el('<div></div>');
let child1 = el('<div></div>');
let child2 = el('<div></div>');
engine.insertNode(container, child1);
engine.insertNode(container, child2);
it('should queue up all `remove` DOM operations until all animations are complete', () => {
let container = el('<div></div>');
let targetContainer = el('<div></div>');
let otherContainer = el('<div></div>');
let child1 = el('<div></div>');
let child2 = el('<div></div>');
/ \
target other
/ \
c1 c2
const engine = makeEngine();
const instructions =
buildAnimationKeyframes([style({height: 0}), animate(1000, style({height: 100}))]);
const player = engine.process(targetContainer, instructions);
class SuffixNormalizer extends AnimationStyleNormalizer {
constructor(private _suffix: string) { super(); }
normalizePropertyName(propertyName: string, errors: string[]): string {
return propertyName + this._suffix;
userProvidedProperty: string, normalizedProperty: string, value: string|number,
errors: string[]): string {
return value + this._suffix;
class ExactCssValueNormalizer extends AnimationStyleNormalizer {
constructor(private _allowedValues: {[propName: string]: any}) { super(); }
normalizePropertyName(propertyName: string, errors: string[]): string {
if (!this._allowedValues[propertyName]) {
errors.push(`The CSS property \`${propertyName}\` is not allowed`);
return propertyName;
userProvidedProperty: string, normalizedProperty: string, value: string|number,
errors: string[]): string {
const expectedValue = this._allowedValues[userProvidedProperty];
if (expectedValue != value) {
errors.push(`The CSS property \`${userProvidedProperty}\` is not allowed to be \`${value}\``);
return expectedValue;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {StyleData} from '../../src/common/style_data';
import {Animation} from '../../src/dsl/animation';
import {AUTO_STYLE, AnimationMetadata, animate, group, keyframes, sequence, style} from '../../src/dsl/animation_metadata';
import {AnimationTimelineInstruction} from '../../src/dsl/animation_timeline_instruction';
import {validateAnimationSequence} from '../../src/dsl/animation_validator_visitor';
export function main() {
describe('Animation', () => {
describe('validation', () => {
it('should throw an error if one or more but not all keyframes() styles contain offsets',
() => {
const steps = animate(1000, keyframes([
style({opacity: 0}),
style({opacity: 1, offset: 1}),
expect(() => { validateAndThrowAnimationSequence(steps); })
/Not all style\(\) steps within the declared keyframes\(\) contain offsets/);
it('should throw an error if not all offsets are between 0 and 1', () => {
let steps = animate(1000, keyframes([
style({opacity: 0, offset: -1}),
style({opacity: 1, offset: 1}),
expect(() => {
}).toThrowError(/Please ensure that all keyframe offsets are between 0 and 1/);
steps = animate(1000, keyframes([
style({opacity: 0, offset: 0}),
style({opacity: 1, offset: 1.1}),
expect(() => {
}).toThrowError(/Please ensure that all keyframe offsets are between 0 and 1/);
it('should throw an error if a smaller offset shows up after a bigger one', () => {
let steps = animate(1000, keyframes([
style({opacity: 0, offset: 1}),
style({opacity: 1, offset: 0}),
expect(() => {
}).toThrowError(/Please ensure that all keyframe offsets are in order/);
it('should throw an error if any styles overlap during parallel animations', () => {
const steps = group([
// 0 -> 2000ms
style({opacity: 0}), animate('500ms', style({opacity: .25})),
animate('500ms', style({opacity: .5})), animate('500ms', style({opacity: .75})),
animate('500ms', style({opacity: 1}))
animate('1s 500ms', keyframes([
// 0 -> 1500ms
style({width: 0}),
style({opacity: 1, width: 1000}),
expect(() => { validateAndThrowAnimationSequence(steps); })
/The CSS property "opacity" that exists between the times of "0ms" and "2000ms" is also being animated in a parallel animation between the times of "0ms" and "1500ms"/);
it('should throw an error if an animation time is invalid', () => {
const steps = [animate('500xs', style({opacity: 1}))];
expect(() => {
}).toThrowError(/The provided timing value "500xs" is invalid/);
const steps2 = [animate('500ms 500ms 500ms ease-out', style({opacity: 1}))];
expect(() => {
}).toThrowError(/The provided timing value "500ms 500ms 500ms ease-out" is invalid/);
describe('keyframe building', () => {
describe('style() / animate()', () => {
it('should produce a balanced series of keyframes given a sequence of animate steps',
() => {
const steps = [
style({width: 0}), animate(1000, style({height: 50})),
animate(1000, style({width: 100})), animate(1000, style({height: 150})),
animate(1000, style({width: 200}))
const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps);
{height: AUTO_STYLE, width: 0, offset: 0},
{height: 50, width: 0, offset: .25},
{height: 50, width: 100, offset: .5},
{height: 150, width: 100, offset: .75},
{height: 150, width: 200, offset: 1},
it('should fill in missing starting steps when a starting `style()` value is not used',
() => {
const steps = [animate(1000, style({width: 999}))];
const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps);
{width: AUTO_STYLE, offset: 0}, {width: 999, offset: 1}
it('should merge successive style() calls together before an animate() call', () => {
const steps = [
style({width: 0}), style({height: 0}), style({width: 200}), style({opacity: 0}),
animate(1000, style({width: 100, height: 400, opacity: 1}))
const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps);
{width: 200, height: 0, opacity: 0, offset: 0},
{width: 100, height: 400, opacity: 1, offset: 1}
it('should not merge in successive style() calls to the previous animate() keyframe',
() => {
const steps = [
style({opacity: 0}), animate(1000, style({opacity: .5})), style({opacity: .6}),
animate(1000, style({opacity: 1}))
const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps);
const keyframes = humanizeOffsets(players[0].keyframes, 4);
{opacity: 0, offset: 0},
{opacity: .5, offset: .4998},
{opacity: .6, offset: .5002},
{opacity: 1, offset: 1},
it('should support an easing value that uses cubic-bezier(...)', () => {
const steps = [
style({opacity: 0}),
animate('1s cubic-bezier(.29, .55 ,.53 ,1.53)', style({opacity: 1}))
const player = invokeAnimationSequence(steps)[0];
const lastKeyframe = player.keyframes[1];
const lastKeyframeEasing = <string>lastKeyframe['easing'];
expect(lastKeyframeEasing.replace(/\s+/g, '')).toEqual('cubic-bezier(.29,.55,.53,1.53)');
describe('sequence()', () => {
it('should not produce extra timelines when multiple sequences are used within each other',
() => {
const steps = [
style({width: 0}), animate(1000, style({width: 100})), sequence([
animate(1000, style({width: 200})),
sequence([animate(1000, style({width: 300}))])
animate(1000, style({width: 400})), sequence([animate(1000, style({width: 500}))])
const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps);
{width: 0, offset: 0}, {width: 100, offset: .2}, {width: 200, offset: .4},
{width: 300, offset: .6}, {width: 400, offset: .8}, {width: 500, offset: 1}
it('should produce a 1ms animation step if a style call exists before sequence within a call to animate()',
() => {
const steps = [
style({width: 100}), sequence([
animate(1000, style({width: 200})),
const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps);
expect(humanizeOffsets(players[0].keyframes, 4)).toEqual([
{width: 100, offset: 0}, {width: 100, offset: .001}, {width: 200, offset: 1}
it('should create a new timeline after a sequence if group() or keyframe() commands are used within',
() => {
const steps = [
style({width: 100, height: 100}), animate(1000, style({width: 150, height: 150})),
animate(1000, style({height: 200})),
animate(1000, keyframes([style({width: 180}), style({width: 200})]))
animate(1000, style({width: 500, height: 500}))
const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps);
const finalPlayer = players[players.length - 1];
{width: 200, height: 200, offset: 0}, {width: 500, height: 500, offset: 1}
describe('keyframes()', () => {
it('should produce a sub timeline when `keyframes()` is used within a sequence', () => {
const steps = [
animate(1000, style({opacity: .5})), animate(1000, style({opacity: 1})),
1000, keyframes([style({height: 0}), style({height: 100}), style({height: 0})])),
animate(1000, style({opacity: 0}))
const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps);
const player0 = players[0];
{opacity: AUTO_STYLE, height: AUTO_STYLE, offset: 0},
{opacity: .5, height: AUTO_STYLE, offset: .5},
{opacity: 1, height: AUTO_STYLE, offset: 1},
const subPlayer = players[1];
{opacity: 1, height: 0, offset: 0},
{opacity: 1, height: 100, offset: .5},
{opacity: 1, height: 0, offset: 1},
const player1 = players[2];
{opacity: 1, height: 0, offset: 0}, {opacity: 0, height: 0, offset: 1}
it('should propagate inner keyframe style data to the parent timeline if used afterwards',
() => {
const steps = [
style({opacity: 0}), animate(1000, style({opacity: .5})),
animate(1000, style({opacity: 1})), animate(1000, keyframes([
style({color: 'red'}),
style({color: 'blue'}),
animate(1000, style({color: 'green', opacity: 0}))
const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps);
const finalPlayer = players[players.length - 1];
{opacity: 1, color: 'blue', offset: 0}, {opacity: 0, color: 'green', offset: 1}
it('should feed in starting data into inner keyframes if used in an style step beforehand',
() => {
const steps = [
animate(1000, style({opacity: .5})), animate(1000, keyframes([
style({opacity: .8, offset: .5}),
style({opacity: 1, offset: 1}),
const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps);
const topPlayer = players[0];
{opacity: AUTO_STYLE, offset: 0}, {opacity: .5, offset: 1}
const subPlayer = players[1];
{opacity: .5, offset: 0}, {opacity: .8, offset: 0.5}, {opacity: 1, offset: 1}
it('should set the easing value as an easing value for the entire timeline', () => {
const steps = [
style({opacity: 0}), animate(1000, style({opacity: .5})),
'1s ease-out',
keyframes([style({opacity: .8, offset: .5}), style({opacity: 1, offset: 1})]))
const player = invokeAnimationSequence(steps)[1];
it('should combine the starting time + the given delay as the delay value for the animated keyframes',
() => {
const steps = [
style({opacity: 0}), animate(500, style({opacity: .5})),
'1s 2s ease-out',
keyframes([style({opacity: .8, offset: .5}), style({opacity: 1, offset: 1})]))
const player = invokeAnimationSequence(steps)[1];
describe('group()', () => {
it('should properly tally style data within a group() for use in a follow-up animate() step',
() => {
const steps = [
style({width: 0, height: 0}), animate(1000, style({width: 20, height: 50})),
group([animate('1s 1s', style({width: 200})), animate('1s', style({height: 500}))]),
animate(1000, style({width: 1000, height: 1000}))
const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps);
const player0 = players[0];
{width: 0, height: 0, offset: 0}, {width: 20, height: 50, offset: 1}
const gPlayer1 = players[1];
{width: 20, offset: 0}, {width: 20, offset: .5}, {width: 200, offset: 1}
const gPlayer2 = players[2];
{height: 50, offset: 0}, {height: 500, offset: 1}
const player1 = players[3];
{width: 200, height: 500, offset: 0}, {width: 1000, height: 1000, offset: 1}
it('should support groups with nested sequences', () => {
const steps = [group([
style({opacity: 0}),
animate(1000, style({opacity: 1})),
style({width: 0}),
animate(1000, style({width: 200})),
const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps);
const gPlayer1 = players[0];
{opacity: 0, offset: 0},
{opacity: 1, offset: 1},
const gPlayer2 = players[1];
expect(gPlayer2.keyframes).toEqual([{width: 0, offset: 0}, {width: 200, offset: 1}]);
it('should respect delays after group entries', () => {
const steps = [
style({width: 0, height: 0}), animate(1000, style({width: 50, height: 50})), group([
animate(1000, style({width: 100})),
animate(1000, style({height: 100})),
animate('1s 1s', style({height: 200, width: 200}))
const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps);
const finalPlayer = players[players.length - 1];
{width: 100, height: 100, offset: 0},
{width: 100, height: 100, offset: .5},
{width: 200, height: 200, offset: 1},
describe('timing values', () => {
it('should properly combine an easing value with a delay into a set of three keyframes',
() => {
const steps: AnimationMetadata[] =
[style({opacity: 0}), animate('3s 1s ease-out', style({opacity: 1}))];
const player = invokeAnimationSequence(steps)[0];
{opacity: 0, offset: 0}, {opacity: 0, offset: .25},
{opacity: 1, offset: 1, easing: 'ease-out'}
it('should allow easing values to exist for each animate() step', () => {
const steps: AnimationMetadata[] = [
style({width: 0}), animate('1s linear', style({width: 10})),
animate('2s ease-out', style({width: 20})), animate('1s ease-in', style({width: 30}))
const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps);
const player = players[0];
{width: 0, offset: 0}, {width: 10, offset: .25, easing: 'linear'},
{width: 20, offset: .75, easing: 'ease-out'},
{width: 30, offset: 1, easing: 'ease-in'}
it('should produce a top-level timeline only for the duration that is set as before a group kicks in',
() => {
const steps: AnimationMetadata[] = [
style({width: 0, height: 0, opacity: 0}),
animate('1s', style({width: 100, height: 100, opacity: .2})), group([
animate('500ms 1s', style({width: 500})), animate('1s', style({height: 500})),
animate(500, style({opacity: .5})),
animate(500, style({opacity: .6})),
animate(500, style({opacity: .7})),
animate(500, style({opacity: 1})),
const player = invokeAnimationSequence(steps)[0];
it('should offset group() and keyframe() timelines with a delay which is the current time of the previous player when called',
() => {
const steps: AnimationMetadata[] = [
style({width: 0, height: 0}),
animate('1500ms linear', style({width: 10, height: 10})), group([
animate(1000, style({width: 500, height: 500})),
animate(2000, style({width: 500, height: 500}))
animate(1000, keyframes([
style({width: 200}),
style({width: 500}),
const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps);
expect(players[0].delay).toEqual(0); // top-level animation
expect(players[1].delay).toEqual(1500); // first entry in group()
expect(players[2].delay).toEqual(1500); // second entry in group()
expect(players[3].delay).toEqual(3500); // animate(...keyframes())
describe('state based data', () => {
it('should create an empty animation if there are zero animation steps', () => {
const steps: AnimationMetadata[] = [];
const fromStyles: StyleData[] = [{background: 'blue', height: 100}];
const toStyles: StyleData[] = [{background: 'red'}];
const player = invokeAnimationSequence(steps, fromStyles, toStyles)[0];
it('should produce an animation from start to end between the to and from styles if there are animate steps in between',
() => {
const steps: AnimationMetadata[] = [animate(1000)];
const fromStyles: StyleData[] = [{background: 'blue', height: 100}];
const toStyles: StyleData[] = [{background: 'red'}];
const players = invokeAnimationSequence(steps, fromStyles, toStyles);
{background: 'blue', height: 100, offset: 0},
{background: 'red', height: AUTO_STYLE, offset: 1}
function humanizeOffsets(keyframes: StyleData[], digits: number = 3): StyleData[] {
return => {
keyframe['offset'] = Number(parseFloat(<any>keyframe['offset']).toFixed(digits));
return keyframe;
function invokeAnimationSequence(
steps: AnimationMetadata | AnimationMetadata[], startingStyles: StyleData[] = [],
destinationStyles: StyleData[] = []): AnimationTimelineInstruction[] {
return new Animation(steps).buildTimelines(startingStyles, destinationStyles);
function validateAndThrowAnimationSequence(steps: AnimationMetadata | AnimationMetadata[]) {
const ast =
Array.isArray(steps) ? sequence(<AnimationMetadata[]>steps) : <AnimationMetadata>steps;
const errors = validateAnimationSequence(ast);
if (errors.length) {
throw new Error(errors.join('\n'));
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@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {animate, state, style, transition} from '../../src/dsl/animation_metadata';
import {trigger} from '../../src/dsl/animation_trigger';
export function main() {
describe('AnimationTrigger', () => {
describe('trigger validation', () => {
it('should group errors together for an animation trigger', () => {
expect(() => {
trigger('myTrigger', [transition('12345', animate(3333))]);
}).toThrowError(/Animation parsing for the myTrigger trigger have failed/);
it('should throw an error when a transition within a trigger contains an invalid expression',
() => {
expect(() => { trigger('name', [transition('somethingThatIsWrong', animate(3333))]); })
/- The provided transition expression "somethingThatIsWrong" is not supported/);
it('should throw an error if an animation alias is used that is not yet supported', () => {
expect(() => {
trigger('name', [transition(':angular', animate(3333))]);
}).toThrowError(/- The transition alias value ":angular" is not supported/);
describe('trigger usage', () => {
it('should construct a trigger based on the states and transition data', () => {
const result = trigger('name', [
state('on', style({width: 0})), state('off', style({width: 100})),
transition('on => off', animate(1000)), transition('off => on', animate(1000))
expect(result.states).toEqual({'on': {width: 0}, 'off': {width: 100}});
it('should find the first transition that matches', () => {
const result = trigger(
'name', [transition('a => b', animate(1234)), transition('b => c', animate(5678))]);
const trans = result.matchTransition('b', 'c');
const timeline = trans.timelines[0];
it('should find a transition with a `*` value', () => {
const result = trigger('name', [
transition('* => b', animate(1234)), transition('b => *', animate(5678)),
transition('* => *', animate(9999))
let trans = result.matchTransition('b', 'c');
trans = result.matchTransition('a', 'b');
trans = result.matchTransition('c', 'c');
it('should null when no results are found', () => {
const result = trigger('name', [transition('a => b', animate(1111))]);
const trans = result.matchTransition('b', 'a');
it('should allow a function to be used as a predicate for the transition', () => {
let returnValue = false;
const result = trigger('name', [transition((from, to) => returnValue, animate(1111))]);
expect(result.matchTransition('a', 'b')).toBeFalsy();
expect(result.matchTransition('1', 2)).toBeFalsy();
expect(result.matchTransition(false, true)).toBeFalsy();
returnValue = true;
expect(result.matchTransition('a', 'b')).toBeTruthy();
it('should call each transition predicate function until the first one that returns true',
() => {
let count = 0;
function countAndReturn(value: boolean) {
return (fromState: any, toState: any) => {
return value;
const result = trigger('name', [
transition(countAndReturn(false), animate(1111)),
transition(countAndReturn(false), animate(2222)),
transition(countAndReturn(true), animate(3333)),
transition(countAndReturn(true), animate(3333))
const trans = result.matchTransition('a', 'b');
it('should support bi-directional transition expressions', () => {
const result = trigger('name', [transition('a <=> b', animate(2222))]);
const t1 = result.matchTransition('a', 'b');
const t2 = result.matchTransition('b', 'a');
it('should support multiple transition statements in one string', () => {
const result = trigger('name', [transition('a => b, b => a, c => *', animate(1234))]);
const t1 = result.matchTransition('a', 'b');
const t2 = result.matchTransition('b', 'a');
const t3 = result.matchTransition('c', 'a');
describe('aliases', () => {
it('should alias the :enter transition as void => *', () => {
const result = trigger('name', [transition(':enter', animate(3333))]);
const trans = result.matchTransition('void', 'something');
it('should alias the :leave transition as * => void', () => {
const result = trigger('name', [transition(':leave', animate(3333))]);
const trans = result.matchTransition('something', 'void');
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {WebAnimationsStyleNormalizer} from '../../../src/dsl/style_normalization/web_animations_style_normalizer';
export function main() {
describe('WebAnimationsStyleNormalizer', () => {
const normalizer = new WebAnimationsStyleNormalizer();
describe('normalizePropertyName', () => {
it('should normalize CSS property values to camel-case', () => {
expect(normalizer.normalizePropertyName('width', [])).toEqual('width');
expect(normalizer.normalizePropertyName('border-width', [])).toEqual('borderWidth');
expect(normalizer.normalizePropertyName('borderHeight', [])).toEqual('borderHeight');
expect(normalizer.normalizePropertyName('-webkit-animation', [
describe('normalizeStyleValue', () => {
function normalize(prop: string, val: string | number): string {
const errors: string[] = [];
const result = normalizer.normalizeStyleValue(prop, prop, val, errors);
if (errors.length) {
throw new Error(errors.join('\n'));
return result;
it('should normalize number-based dimensional properties to use a `px` suffix if missing',
() => {
expect(normalize('width', 10)).toEqual('10px');
expect(normalize('height', 20)).toEqual('20px');
it('should report an error when a string-based dimensional value does not contain a suffix at all',
() => {
expect(() => {
normalize('width', '50');
}).toThrowError(/Please provide a CSS unit value for width:50/);
it('should not normalize non-dimensional properties with `px` values, but only convert them to string',
() => {
expect(normalize('opacity', 0)).toEqual('0');
expect(normalize('opacity', '1')).toEqual('1');
expect(normalize('color', 'red')).toEqual('red');
expect(normalize('fontWeight', '100')).toEqual('100');
it('should not normalize dimensional-based values that already contain a dimensional suffix or a non dimensional value',
() => {
expect(normalize('width', '50em')).toEqual('50em');
expect(normalize('height', '500pt')).toEqual('500pt');
expect(normalize('borderWidth', 'inherit')).toEqual('inherit');
expect(normalize('paddingTop', 'calc(500px + 200px)')).toEqual('calc(500px + 200px)');
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
* @module
* @description
* Entry point for all public APIs of the animation/testing package.
export {MockAnimationDriver, MockAnimationPlayer} from './mock_animation_driver';
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AnimationPlayer} from '@angular/core';
import {StyleData} from '../src/common/style_data';
import {AnimationDriver} from '../src/engine/animation_driver';
import {NoOpAnimationPlayer} from '../src/private_import_core';
export class MockAnimationDriver implements AnimationDriver {
static log: AnimationPlayer[] = [];
element: any, keyframes: StyleData[], duration: number, delay: number, easing: string,
previousPlayers: AnimationPlayer[] = []): AnimationPlayer {
const player =
new MockAnimationPlayer(element, keyframes, duration, delay, easing, previousPlayers);
return <AnimationPlayer>player;
export class MockAnimationPlayer extends NoOpAnimationPlayer {
public element: any, public keyframes: StyleData[], public duration: number,
public delay: number, public easing: string, public previousPlayers: AnimationPlayer[]) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"declaration": true,
"stripInternal": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"module": "es2015",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"outDir": "../../../dist/packages-dist/animation",
"paths": {
"@angular/core": ["../../../dist/packages-dist/core"]
"rootDir": ".",
"sourceMap": true,
"inlineSources": true,
"target": "es5",
"lib": ["es2015", "dom"],
"skipLibCheck": true,
// don't auto-discover @types/node, it results in a ///<reference in the .d.ts output
"types": []
"files": [
"angularCompilerOptions": {
"annotateForClosureCompiler": true,
"strictMetadataEmit": true
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".",
"declaration": true,
"stripInternal": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"module": "es2015",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"outDir": "../../../dist/packages-dist/animation/",
"paths": {
"@angular/core": ["../../../dist/packages-dist/core/"],
"@angular/animation": ["../../../dist/packages-dist/animation/"]
"rootDir": ".",
"sourceMap": true,
"inlineSources": true,
"lib": ["es6", "dom"],
"target": "es5",
"skipLibCheck": true
"files": [
"angularCompilerOptions": {
"strictMetadataEmit": true
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ export class AnimationGroupPlayer implements AnimationPlayer {
private _finished = false;
private _started = false;
private _destroyed = false;
private _onDestroyFns: Function[] = [];
public parentPlayer: AnimationPlayer = null;
@ -50,6 +51,8 @@ export class AnimationGroupPlayer implements AnimationPlayer {
onDone(fn: () => void): void { this._onDoneFns.push(fn); }
onDestroy(fn: () => void): void { this._onDestroyFns.push(fn); }
hasStarted() { return this._started; }
play() {
@ -78,6 +81,8 @@ export class AnimationGroupPlayer implements AnimationPlayer {
this._players.forEach(player => player.destroy());
this._destroyed = true;
this._onDestroyFns.forEach(fn => fn());
this._onDestroyFns = [];
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import {scheduleMicroTask} from '../facade/lang';
export abstract class AnimationPlayer {
abstract onDone(fn: () => void): void;
abstract onStart(fn: () => void): void;
abstract onDestroy(fn: () => void): void;
abstract init(): void;
abstract hasStarted(): boolean;
abstract play(): void;
@ -32,16 +33,22 @@ export abstract class AnimationPlayer {
export class NoOpAnimationPlayer implements AnimationPlayer {
private _onDoneFns: Function[] = [];
private _onStartFns: Function[] = [];
private _onDestroyFns: Function[] = [];
private _started = false;
private _destroyed = false;
private _finished = false;
public parentPlayer: AnimationPlayer = null;
constructor() { scheduleMicroTask(() => this._onFinish()); }
/** @internal */
_onFinish() {
this._onDoneFns.forEach(fn => fn());
this._onDoneFns = [];
private _onFinish() {
if (!this._finished) {
this._finished = true;
this._onDoneFns.forEach(fn => fn());
this._onDoneFns = [];
onStart(fn: () => void): void { this._onStartFns.push(fn); }
onDone(fn: () => void): void { this._onDoneFns.push(fn); }
onDestroy(fn: () => void): void { this._onDestroyFns.push(fn); }
hasStarted(): boolean { return this._started; }
init(): void {}
play(): void {
@ -54,7 +61,14 @@ export class NoOpAnimationPlayer implements AnimationPlayer {
pause(): void {}
restart(): void {}
finish(): void { this._onFinish(); }
destroy(): void {}
destroy(): void {
if (!this._destroyed) {
this._destroyed = true;
this._onDestroyFns.forEach(fn => fn());
this._onDestroyFns = [];
reset(): void {}
setPosition(p: number): void {}
getPosition(): number { return 0; }
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ export class AnimationSequencePlayer implements AnimationPlayer {
private _activePlayer: AnimationPlayer;
private _onDoneFns: Function[] = [];
private _onStartFns: Function[] = [];
private _onDestroyFns: Function[] = [];
private _finished = false;
private _started = false;
private _destroyed = false;
@ -60,6 +61,8 @@ export class AnimationSequencePlayer implements AnimationPlayer {
onDone(fn: () => void): void { this._onDoneFns.push(fn); }
onDestroy(fn: () => void): void { this._onDestroyFns.push(fn); }
hasStarted() { return this._started; }
play(): void {
@ -101,6 +104,8 @@ export class AnimationSequencePlayer implements AnimationPlayer {
this._players.forEach(player => player.destroy());
this._destroyed = true;
this._activePlayer = new NoOpAnimationPlayer();
this._onDestroyFns.forEach(fn => fn());
this._onDestroyFns = [];
@ -38,3 +38,4 @@ export {AnimationPlayer} from './animation/animation_player';
export {AnimationStyles} from './animation/animation_styles';
export {AnimationKeyframe} from './animation/animation_keyframe';
export {Sanitizer, SecurityContext} from './security';
export {TransitionFactory, TransitionInstruction, Trigger} from './triggers';
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import * as reflection_capabilities from './reflection/reflection_capabilities';
import * as reflector_reader from './reflection/reflector_reader';
import * as reflection_types from './reflection/types';
import * as api from './render/api';
import {TransitionEngine} from './transition/transition_engine';
import * as decorators from './util/decorators';
import {isObservable, isPromise} from './util/lang';
import * as viewEngine from './view/index';
@ -110,7 +111,11 @@ export const __core_private__: {
AnimationTransition: typeof AnimationTransition
view_utils: typeof view_utils,
<<<<<<< HEAD
viewEngine: typeof viewEngine,
TransitionEngine: typeof TransitionEngine
>>>>>>> 4577b7c2a... refactor(animations): introduce @angular/animation module
} = {
isDefaultChangeDetectionStrategy: constants.isDefaultChangeDetectionStrategy,
ChangeDetectorStatus: constants.ChangeDetectorStatus,
@ -161,5 +166,6 @@ export const __core_private__: {
isPromise: isPromise,
isObservable: isObservable,
AnimationTransition: AnimationTransition,
TransitionEngine: TransitionEngine
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import {Provider} from './di';
import {Reflector, reflector} from './reflection/reflection';
import {ReflectorReader} from './reflection/reflector_reader';
import {TestabilityRegistry} from './testability/testability';
import {NoOpTransitionEngine, TransitionEngine} from './transition/transition_engine';
function _reflector(): Reflector {
return reflector;
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ const _CORE_PLATFORM_PROVIDERS: Provider[] = [
{provide: PlatformRef, useExisting: PlatformRef_},
{provide: Reflector, useFactory: _reflector, deps: []},
{provide: ReflectorReader, useExisting: Reflector},
{provide: TransitionEngine, useClass: NoOpTransitionEngine},
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AnimationPlayer, NoOpAnimationPlayer} from '../animation/animation_player';
import {TransitionInstruction} from '../triggers';
* @experimental Transition support is experimental.
export abstract class TransitionEngine {
abstract insertNode(container: any, element: any): void;
abstract removeNode(element: any): void;
abstract process(element: any, instructions: TransitionInstruction[]): AnimationPlayer;
abstract triggerAnimations(): void;
* @experimental Transition support is experimental.
export class NoOpTransitionEngine extends TransitionEngine {
constructor() { super(); }
insertNode(container: any, element: any): void { container.appendChild(element); }
removeNode(element: any): void { remove(element); }
process(element: any, instructions: TransitionInstruction[]): AnimationPlayer {
return new NoOpAnimationPlayer();
triggerAnimations(): void {}
function remove(element: any) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at
* @experimental View triggers are experimental
export interface Trigger {
name: string;
transitionFactories: TransitionFactory[];
* @experimental View triggers are experimental
export interface TransitionFactory {
match(currentState: any, nextState: any): TransitionInstruction;
* @experimental View triggers are experimental
export interface TransitionInstruction {}
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import {AUTO_STYLE, AnimationPlayer} from '@angular/core';
export class MockAnimationPlayer implements AnimationPlayer {
private _onDoneFns: Function[] = [];
private _onStartFns: Function[] = [];
private _onDestroyFns: Function[] = [];
private _finished = false;
private _destroyed = false;
private _started = false;
@ -47,6 +48,8 @@ export class MockAnimationPlayer implements AnimationPlayer {
onStart(fn: () => void): void { this._onStartFns.push(fn); }
onDestroy(fn: () => void): void { this._onDestroyFns.push(fn); }
hasStarted() { return this._started; }
play(): void {
@ -76,6 +79,8 @@ export class MockAnimationPlayer implements AnimationPlayer {
this._destroyed = true;
this._onDestroyFns.forEach(fn => fn());
this._onDestroyFns = [];
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ export function validateCache(): {exists: string[], unused: string[], reported:
missingCache.set('/node_modules/@angular/core.d.ts', true);
missingCache.set('/node_modules/@angular/animation.d.ts', true);
missingCache.set('/node_modules/@angular/common.d.ts', true);
missingCache.set('/node_modules/@angular/forms.d.ts', true);
missingCache.set('/node_modules/@angular/core/src/di/provider.metadata.json', true);
@ -325,4 +326,4 @@ export function includeDiagnostic(diagnostics: Diagnostics, message: string, p1?
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
"outDir": "../../../dist/packages-dist/language-service",
"paths": {
"@angular/core": ["../../../dist/packages-dist/core"],
"@angular/animation": ["../../../dist/packages-dist/animation"],
"@angular/core/testing": ["../../../dist/packages-dist/core/testing"],
"@angular/core/testing/*": ["../../../dist/packages-dist/core/testing/*"],
"@angular/common": ["../../../dist/packages-dist/common"],
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import {DomAnimatePlayer} from './dom_animate_player';
export class WebAnimationsPlayer implements AnimationPlayer {
private _onDoneFns: Function[] = [];
private _onStartFns: Function[] = [];
private _onDestroyFns: Function[] = [];
private _player: DomAnimatePlayer;
private _duration: number;
private _initialized = false;
@ -107,6 +108,8 @@ export class WebAnimationsPlayer implements AnimationPlayer {
onDone(fn: () => void): void { this._onDoneFns.push(fn); }
onDestroy(fn: () => void): void { this._onDestroyFns.push(fn); }
play(): void {
if (!this.hasStarted()) {
@ -153,6 +156,8 @@ export class WebAnimationsPlayer implements AnimationPlayer {
this._destroyed = true;
this._onDestroyFns.forEach(fn => fn());
this._onDestroyFns = [];
@ -356,6 +356,11 @@ class _AnimationWorkerRendererPlayer implements RenderStoreObject {
this._runOnService('onDone', []);
onDestroy(fn: () => void): void {
this._renderElement.animationPlayerEvents.listen(this, 'onDestroy', fn);
this._runOnService('onDestroy', []);
hasStarted(): boolean { return this._started; }
init(): void { this._runOnService('init', []); }
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
defaultJSExtensions: true,
map: {
'@angular/core': '/packages-dist/core/bundles/core.umd.js',
'@angular/animation': '/packages-dist/common/bundles/animation.umd.js',
'@angular/common': '/packages-dist/common/bundles/common.umd.js',
'@angular/forms': '/packages-dist/forms/bundles/forms.umd.js',
'@angular/compiler': '/packages-dist/compiler/bundles/compiler.umd.js',
@ -51,6 +52,7 @@
map: {'@angular': '/all/@angular', 'rxjs': '/all/benchmarks/vendor/rxjs'},
packages: {
'@angular/core': {main: 'index.js', defaultExtension: 'js'},
'@angular/animation': {main: 'index.js', defaultExtension: 'js'},
'@angular/compiler': {main: 'index.js', defaultExtension: 'js'},
'@angular/router': {main: 'index.js', defaultExtension: 'js'},
'@angular/common': {main: 'index.js', defaultExtension: 'js'},
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
map: {
'index': 'index.js',
'@angular/common': '/packages-dist/common/bundles/common.umd.js',
'@angular/animation': '/packages-dist/common/bundles/animation.umd.js',
'@angular/compiler': '/packages-dist/compiler/bundles/compiler.umd.js',
'@angular/core': '/packages-dist/core/bundles/core.umd.js',
'@angular/forms': '/packages-dist/forms/bundles/forms.umd.js',
@ -60,6 +61,7 @@
packages: {
'app': {defaultExtension: 'js'},
'@angular/common': {main: 'index.js', defaultExtension: 'js'},
'@angular/animation': {main: 'index.js', defaultExtension: 'js'},
'@angular/compiler': {main: 'index.js', defaultExtension: 'js'},
'@angular/core': {main: 'index.js', defaultExtension: 'js'},
'@angular/forms': {main: 'index.js', defaultExtension: 'js'},
@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
const entrypoints = [
'dist/packages-dist/core/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/core/testing/index.d.ts',
'dist/packages-dist/common/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/common/testing/index.d.ts',
// The API surface of the compiler is currently unstable - all of the important APIs are exposed
// via @angular/core, @angular/platform-browser or @angular/platform-browser-dynamic instead.
'dist/packages-dist/upgrade/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/upgrade/static.d.ts',
@ -16,11 +13,9 @@ const entrypoints = [
'dist/packages-dist/platform-server/testing/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/http/index.d.ts',
'dist/packages-dist/http/testing/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/forms/index.d.ts',
'dist/packages-dist/router/index.d.ts', 'dist/packages-dist/animation/index.d.ts'
const publicApiDir = 'tools/public_api_guard';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
/** @experimental */
export declare function animate(timings: string | number, styles?: AnimationStyleMetadata | AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata): AnimationAnimateMetadata;
/** @experimental */
export declare class Animation {
constructor(input: AnimationMetadata | AnimationMetadata[]);
buildTimelines(startingStyles: StyleData | StyleData[], destinationStyles: StyleData | StyleData[]): AnimationTimelineInstruction[];
/** @experimental */
export interface AnimationGroupMetadata extends AnimationMetadata {
steps: AnimationMetadata[];
/** @experimental */
export interface AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata extends AnimationMetadata {
steps: AnimationStyleMetadata[];
/** @experimental */
export declare class AnimationModule {
/** @experimental */
export interface AnimationSequenceMetadata extends AnimationMetadata {
steps: AnimationMetadata[];
/** @experimental */
export interface AnimationStateMetadata extends AnimationMetadata {
name: string;
styles: AnimationStyleMetadata;
/** @experimental */
export interface AnimationStyleMetadata extends AnimationMetadata {
offset: number;
styles: StyleData[];
/** @experimental */
export interface AnimationTransitionMetadata extends AnimationMetadata {
animation: AnimationMetadata;
expr: string | ((fromState: string, toState: string) => boolean);
/** @experimental */
export declare class AnimationTrigger implements Trigger {
name: string;
states: {
[stateName: string]: StyleData;
transitionFactories: AnimationTransitionFactory[];
constructor(name: string, states: {
[stateName: string]: StyleData;
}, _transitionAsts: AnimationTransitionMetadata[]);
matchTransition(currentState: any, nextState: any): AnimationTransitionInstruction;
/** @experimental */
export declare const AUTO_STYLE = "*";
/** @experimental */
export declare function group(steps: AnimationMetadata[]): AnimationGroupMetadata;
/** @experimental */
export declare function keyframes(steps: AnimationStyleMetadata[]): AnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata;
/** @experimental */
export declare function sequence(steps: AnimationMetadata[]): AnimationSequenceMetadata;
/** @experimental */
export declare function state(name: string, styles: AnimationStyleMetadata): AnimationStateMetadata;
/** @experimental */
export declare function style(tokens: {
[key: string]: string | number;
} | Array<{
[key: string]: string | number;
}>): AnimationStyleMetadata;
/** @experimental */
export declare function transition(stateChangeExpr: string | ((fromState: string, toState: string) => boolean), steps: AnimationMetadata | AnimationMetadata[]): AnimationTransitionMetadata;
/** @experimental */
export declare function trigger(name: string, definitions: AnimationMetadata[]): AnimationTrigger;
@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ export declare abstract class AnimationPlayer {
abstract getPosition(): number;
abstract hasStarted(): boolean;
abstract init(): void;
abstract onDestroy(fn: () => void): void;
abstract onDone(fn: () => void): void;
abstract onStart(fn: () => void): void;
abstract pause(): void;
@ -989,6 +990,15 @@ export interface TrackByFunction<T> {
/** @experimental */
export declare function transition(stateChangeExpr: string | ((fromState: string, toState: string) => boolean), steps: AnimationMetadata | AnimationMetadata[]): AnimationStateTransitionMetadata;
/** @experimental */
export interface TransitionFactory {
match(currentState: any, nextState: any): TransitionInstruction;
/** @experimental */
export interface TransitionInstruction {
/** @experimental */
export declare const TRANSLATIONS: InjectionToken<string>;
@ -998,6 +1008,12 @@ export declare const TRANSLATIONS_FORMAT: InjectionToken<string>;
/** @experimental */
export declare function trigger(name: string, animation: AnimationMetadata[]): AnimationEntryMetadata;
/** @experimental */
export interface Trigger {
name: string;
transitionFactories: TransitionFactory[];
/** @stable */
export declare const Type: FunctionConstructor;
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
"scopes": [
Reference in New Issue
Block a user