feat(language-service): enable get references for directive and component from template (#40054)
This commit adds the ability to find references for a directive or component from within a component template. That is, you can find component references from the element tag `<my-c|omp></my-comp>` (where `|` is the cursor position) as well as find references for directives that match a given attribute `<div d|ir></div>`. PR Close #40054
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {TmplAstVariable} from '@angular/compiler';
import {TmplAstBoundAttribute, TmplAstTextAttribute, TmplAstVariable} from '@angular/compiler';
import {NgCompiler} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/core';
import {absoluteFrom, absoluteFromSourceFile, AbsoluteFsPath} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/file_system';
import {SymbolKind, TemplateTypeChecker, TypeCheckingProgramStrategy} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/api';
import {DirectiveSymbol, SymbolKind, TemplateTypeChecker, TypeCheckingProgramStrategy} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/typecheck/api';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {getTargetAtPosition} from './template_target';
import {getTemplateInfoAtPosition, isWithin, TemplateInfo, toTextSpan} from './utils';
import {getDirectiveMatchesForAttribute, getDirectiveMatchesForElementTag, getTemplateInfoAtPosition, isWithin, TemplateInfo, toTextSpan} from './utils';
export class ReferenceBuilder {
private readonly ttc = this.compiler.getTemplateTypeChecker();
@ -43,19 +43,27 @@ export class ReferenceBuilder {
return undefined;
switch (symbol.kind) {
case SymbolKind.Element:
case SymbolKind.Directive:
case SymbolKind.Template:
case SymbolKind.DomBinding:
// References to elements, templates, and directives will be through template references
// (#ref). They shouldn't be used directly for a Language Service reference request.
// Dom bindings aren't currently type-checked (see `checkTypeOfDomBindings`) so they don't
// have a shim location and so we cannot find references for them.
// TODO(atscott): Consider finding references for elements that are components as well as
// when the position is on an element attribute that directly maps to a directive.
return undefined;
case SymbolKind.Element: {
const matches = getDirectiveMatchesForElementTag(symbol.templateNode, symbol.directives);
return this.getReferencesForDirectives(matches);
case SymbolKind.DomBinding: {
// Dom bindings aren't currently type-checked (see `checkTypeOfDomBindings`) so they don't
// have a shim location. This means we can't match dom bindings to their lib.dom reference,
// but we can still see if they match to a directive.
if (!(positionDetails.node instanceof TmplAstTextAttribute) &&
!(positionDetails.node instanceof TmplAstBoundAttribute)) {
return undefined;
const directives = getDirectiveMatchesForAttribute(
positionDetails.node.name, symbol.host.templateNode, symbol.host.directives);
return this.getReferencesForDirectives(directives);
case SymbolKind.Reference: {
const {shimPath, positionInShimFile} = symbol.referenceVarLocation;
return this.getReferencesAtTypescriptPosition(shimPath, positionInShimFile);
@ -94,6 +102,27 @@ export class ReferenceBuilder {
private getReferencesForDirectives(directives: Set<DirectiveSymbol>):
ts.ReferenceEntry[]|undefined {
const allDirectiveRefs: ts.ReferenceEntry[] = [];
for (const dir of directives.values()) {
const dirClass = dir.tsSymbol.valueDeclaration;
if (dirClass === undefined || !ts.isClassDeclaration(dirClass) ||
dirClass.name === undefined) {
const dirFile = dirClass.getSourceFile().fileName;
const dirPosition = dirClass.name.getStart();
const directiveRefs = this.getReferencesAtTypescriptPosition(dirFile, dirPosition);
if (directiveRefs !== undefined) {
return allDirectiveRefs.length > 0 ? allDirectiveRefs : undefined;
private getReferencesAtTypescriptPosition(fileName: string, position: number):
ts.ReferenceEntry[]|undefined {
const refs = this.tsLS.getReferencesAtPosition(fileName, position);
@ -679,6 +679,100 @@ describe('find references', () => {
assertTextSpans(refs, ['<div dir>', 'Dir']);
assertFileNames(refs, ['app.ts', 'dir.ts']);
it('gets references to all matching directives when cursor is on an attribute', () => {
const dirFile = `
import {Directive} from '@angular/core';
@Directive({selector: '[dir]'})
export class Dir {}`;
const dirFile2 = `
import {Directive} from '@angular/core';
@Directive({selector: '[dir]'})
export class Dir2 {}`;
const {text, cursor} = extractCursorInfo(`
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {Dir} from './dir';
import {Dir2} from './dir2';
@Component({template: '<div di¦r></div>'})
export class AppCmp {
@NgModule({declarations: [AppCmp, Dir, Dir2]})
export class AppModule {}
env = LanguageServiceTestEnvironment.setup([
{name: _('/app.ts'), contents: text, isRoot: true},
{name: _('/dir.ts'), contents: dirFile},
{name: _('/dir2.ts'), contents: dirFile2},
const refs = getReferencesAtPosition(_('/app.ts'), cursor)!;
assertTextSpans(refs, ['<div dir>', 'Dir', 'Dir2']);
assertFileNames(refs, ['app.ts', 'dir.ts', 'dir2.ts']);
describe('components', () => {
it('works for component classes', () => {
const {text, cursor} = extractCursorInfo(`
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
@Component({selector: 'my-comp', template: ''})
export class MyCo¦mp {}`);
const appFile = `
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {MyComp} from './comp';
@Component({template: '<my-comp></my-comp>'})
export class AppCmp {
@NgModule({declarations: [AppCmp, MyComp]})
export class AppModule {}
env = LanguageServiceTestEnvironment.setup([
{name: _('/app.ts'), contents: appFile, isRoot: true},
{name: _('/comp.ts'), contents: text},
const refs = getReferencesAtPosition(_('/comp.ts'), cursor)!;
// 4 references are: class declaration, template usage, app import and use in declarations
// list.
assertTextSpans(refs, ['<my-comp>', 'MyComp']);
assertFileNames(refs, ['app.ts', 'comp.ts']);
it('gets works when cursor is on element tag', () => {
const compFile = `
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
@Component({selector: 'my-comp', template: ''})
export class MyComp {}`;
const {text, cursor} = extractCursorInfo(`
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {MyComp} from './comp';
@Component({template: '<my-c¦omp></my-comp>'})
export class AppCmp {
@NgModule({declarations: [AppCmp, MyComp]})
export class AppModule {}
env = LanguageServiceTestEnvironment.setup([
{name: _('/app.ts'), contents: text, isRoot: true},
{name: _('/comp.ts'), contents: compFile},
const refs = getReferencesAtPosition(_('/app.ts'), cursor)!;
// 4 references are: class declaration, template usage, app import and use in declarations
// list.
assertTextSpans(refs, ['<my-comp>', 'MyComp']);
assertFileNames(refs, ['app.ts', 'comp.ts']);
function getReferencesAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number) {
Reference in New Issue
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