feat(ivy): introduce missing-injectable migration for google3 (#30956)
Introduces a new migration schematic for adding the "@Injectable()" decorator to provider classes which are currently not migrated. Previously in ViewEngine, classes which are declared as providers sometimes don't require the "@Injectable()" decorator (e.g. https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-hpo7gw) With Ivy, provider classes need to be explicitly decorated with the "@Injectable()" decorator if they are declared as providers of a given module. This commit introduces a migration schematic which automatically adds the explicit decorator to places where the decorator is currently missing. The migration logic is designed in a CLI devkit and TSlint agnostic way so that we can also have this migration run as part of a public CLI migration w/ `ng update`. This will be handled as part of a follow-up to reiterate on console output etc. Resolves FW-1371 PR Close #30956
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
load("//tools:defaults.bzl", "ts_library")
name = "missing-injectable",
srcs = glob(["**/*.ts"]),
tsconfig = "//packages/core/schematics:tsconfig.json",
visibility = [
deps = [
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
load("//tools:defaults.bzl", "ts_library")
name = "google3",
srcs = glob(["**/*.ts"]),
tsconfig = "//packages/core/schematics:tsconfig.json",
visibility = ["//packages/core/schematics/test:__pkg__"],
deps = [
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {RuleFailure, Rules} from 'tslint';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {NgModuleCollector} from '../module_collector';
import {MissingInjectableTransform} from '../transform';
import {TslintUpdateRecorder} from './tslint_update_recorder';
* TSLint rule that flags classes which are declared as providers in NgModules but
* aren't decorated with any Angular decorator.
export class Rule extends Rules.TypedRule {
applyWithProgram(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, program: ts.Program): RuleFailure[] {
const ruleName = this.ruleName;
const typeChecker = program.getTypeChecker();
const sourceFiles = program.getSourceFiles().filter(
s => !s.isDeclarationFile && !program.isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary(s));
const moduleCollector = new NgModuleCollector(typeChecker);
const failures: RuleFailure[] = [];
// Analyze source files by detecting all NgModule definitions.
sourceFiles.forEach(sourceFile => moduleCollector.visitNode(sourceFile));
const {resolvedModules} = moduleCollector;
const transformer = new MissingInjectableTransform(typeChecker, getUpdateRecorder);
const updateRecorders = new Map<ts.SourceFile, TslintUpdateRecorder>();
resolvedModules.forEach(module => {
transformer.migrateModule(module).forEach(({message, node}) => {
// Only report failures for the current source file that is visited.
if (node.getSourceFile() === sourceFile) {
new RuleFailure(node.getSourceFile(), node.getStart(), 0, message, ruleName));
// Record the changes collected in the import manager and NgModule manager.
if (updateRecorders.has(sourceFile)) {
failures.push(...updateRecorders.get(sourceFile) !.failures);
return failures;
/** Gets the update recorder for the specified source file. */
function getUpdateRecorder(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): TslintUpdateRecorder {
if (updateRecorders.has(sourceFile)) {
return updateRecorders.get(sourceFile) !;
const recorder = new TslintUpdateRecorder(ruleName, sourceFile);
updateRecorders.set(sourceFile, recorder);
return recorder;
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {Replacement, RuleFailure} from 'tslint';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {UpdateRecorder} from '../update_recorder';
export class TslintUpdateRecorder implements UpdateRecorder {
failures: RuleFailure[] = [];
constructor(private ruleName: string, private sourceFile: ts.SourceFile) {}
addClassDecorator(node: ts.ClassDeclaration, decoratorText: string, moduleName: string) {
// Adding a decorator should be the last replacement. Replacements/rule failures
// are handled in reverse and in case a decorator and import are inserted at
// the start of the file, the class decorator should come after the import.
this.failures.unshift(new RuleFailure(
this.sourceFile, node.getStart(), 0, `Class needs to be decorated with ` +
`"${decoratorText}" because it has been provided by "${moduleName}".`,
this.ruleName, Replacement.appendText(node.getStart(), `${decoratorText}\n`)));
addNewImport(start: number, importText: string) {
this.failures.push(new RuleFailure(
this.sourceFile, start, 0, `Source file needs to have import: "${importText}"`,
this.ruleName, Replacement.appendText(start, importText)));
updateExistingImport(namedBindings: ts.NamedImports, newNamedBindings: string): void {
const fix = [
Replacement.deleteText(namedBindings.getStart(), namedBindings.getWidth()),
Replacement.appendText(namedBindings.getStart(), newNamedBindings),
this.failures.push(new RuleFailure(
this.sourceFile, namedBindings.getStart(), namedBindings.getEnd(),
`Import needs to be updated to import symbols: "${newNamedBindings}"`, this.ruleName, fix));
replaceDecorator(decorator: ts.Node, newText: string, moduleName: string): void {
const fix = [
Replacement.deleteText(decorator.getStart(), decorator.getWidth()),
Replacement.appendText(decorator.getStart(), newText),
this.failures.push(new RuleFailure(
this.sourceFile, decorator.getStart(), decorator.getEnd(),
`Decorator needs to be replaced with "${newText}" because it has been provided ` +
`by "${moduleName}"`,
this.ruleName, fix));
commitUpdate() {}
@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {dirname, resolve} from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {UpdateRecorder} from './update_recorder';
* Import manager that can be used to add TypeScript imports to given source
* files. The manager ensures that multiple transformations are applied properly
* without shifted offsets and that similar existing import declarations are re-used.
export class ImportManager {
/** Map of import declarations that need to be updated to include the given symbols. */
private updatedImports =
new Map<ts.ImportDeclaration, {propertyName?: ts.Identifier, importName: ts.Identifier}[]>();
/** Map of source-files and their previously used identifier names. */
private usedIdentifierNames = new Map<ts.SourceFile, string[]>();
* Array of previously resolved symbol imports. Cache can be re-used to return
* the same identifier without checking the source-file again.
private importCache: {
sourceFile: ts.SourceFile,
symbolName: string|null,
moduleName: string,
identifier: ts.Identifier
}[] = [];
private getUpdateRecorder: (sf: ts.SourceFile) => UpdateRecorder,
private printer: ts.Printer) {}
* Adds an import to the given source-file and returns the TypeScript
* identifier that can be used to access the newly imported symbol.
sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, symbolName: string|null, moduleName: string,
typeImport = false): ts.Expression {
const sourceDir = dirname(sourceFile.fileName);
let importStartIndex = 0;
let existingImport: ts.ImportDeclaration|null = null;
// In case the given import has been already generated previously, we just return
// the previous generated identifier in order to avoid duplicate generated imports.
const cachedImport = this.importCache.find(
c => c.sourceFile === sourceFile && c.symbolName === symbolName &&
c.moduleName === moduleName);
if (cachedImport) {
return cachedImport.identifier;
// Walk through all source-file top-level statements and search for import declarations
// that already match the specified "moduleName" and can be updated to import the
// given symbol. If no matching import can be found, the last import in the source-file
// will be used as starting point for a new import that will be generated.
for (let i = sourceFile.statements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const statement = sourceFile.statements[i];
if (!ts.isImportDeclaration(statement) || !ts.isStringLiteral(statement.moduleSpecifier) ||
!statement.importClause) {
if (importStartIndex === 0) {
importStartIndex = this._getEndPositionOfNode(statement);
const moduleSpecifier = statement.moduleSpecifier.text;
if (moduleSpecifier.startsWith('.') &&
resolve(sourceDir, moduleSpecifier) !== resolve(sourceDir, moduleName) ||
moduleSpecifier !== moduleName) {
if (statement.importClause.namedBindings) {
const namedBindings = statement.importClause.namedBindings;
// In case a "Type" symbol is imported, we can't use namespace imports
// because these only export symbols available at runtime (no types)
if (ts.isNamespaceImport(namedBindings) && !typeImport) {
return ts.createPropertyAccess(
ts.createIdentifier(symbolName || 'default'));
} else if (ts.isNamedImports(namedBindings) && symbolName) {
const existingElement = namedBindings.elements.find(
e =>
e.propertyName ? e.propertyName.text === symbolName : e.name.text === symbolName);
if (existingElement) {
return ts.createIdentifier(existingElement.name.text);
// In case the symbol could not be found in an existing import, we
// keep track of the import declaration as it can be updated to include
// the specified symbol name without having to create a new import.
existingImport = statement;
} else if (statement.importClause.name && !symbolName) {
return ts.createIdentifier(statement.importClause.name.text);
if (existingImport) {
const propertyIdentifier = ts.createIdentifier(symbolName !);
const generatedUniqueIdentifier = this._getUniqueIdentifier(sourceFile, symbolName !);
const needsGeneratedUniqueName = generatedUniqueIdentifier.text !== symbolName;
const importName = needsGeneratedUniqueName ? generatedUniqueIdentifier : propertyIdentifier;
// Since it can happen that multiple classes need to be imported within the
// specified source file and we want to add the identifiers to the existing
// import declaration, we need to keep track of the updated import declarations.
// We can't directly update the import declaration for each identifier as this
// would throw off the recorder offsets. We need to keep track of the new identifiers
// for the import and perform the import transformation as batches per source-file.
existingImport, (this.updatedImports.get(existingImport) || []).concat({
propertyName: needsGeneratedUniqueName ? propertyIdentifier : undefined,
importName: importName,
// Keep track of all updated imports so that we don't generate duplicate
// similar imports as these can't be statically analyzed in the source-file yet.
this.importCache.push({sourceFile, moduleName, symbolName, identifier: importName});
return importName;
let identifier: ts.Identifier|null = null;
let newImport: ts.ImportDeclaration|null = null;
if (symbolName) {
const propertyIdentifier = ts.createIdentifier(symbolName);
const generatedUniqueIdentifier = this._getUniqueIdentifier(sourceFile, symbolName);
const needsGeneratedUniqueName = generatedUniqueIdentifier.text !== symbolName;
identifier = needsGeneratedUniqueName ? generatedUniqueIdentifier : propertyIdentifier;
newImport = ts.createImportDeclaration(
undefined, undefined,
needsGeneratedUniqueName ? propertyIdentifier : undefined, identifier)])),
} else {
identifier = this._getUniqueIdentifier(sourceFile, 'defaultExport');
newImport = ts.createImportDeclaration(
undefined, undefined, ts.createImportClause(identifier, undefined),
const newImportText = this.printer.printNode(ts.EmitHint.Unspecified, newImport, sourceFile);
// If the import is generated at the start of the source file, we want to add
// a new-line after the import. Otherwise if the import is generated after an
// existing import, we need to prepend a new-line so that the import is not on
// the same line as the existing import anchor.
importStartIndex, importStartIndex === 0 ? `${newImportText}\n` : `\n${newImportText}`);
// Keep track of all generated imports so that we don't generate duplicate
// similar imports as these can't be statically analyzed in the source-file yet.
this.importCache.push({sourceFile, symbolName, moduleName, identifier});
return identifier;
* Stores the collected import changes within the appropriate update recorders. The
* updated imports can only be updated *once* per source-file because previous updates
* could otherwise shift the source-file offsets.
recordChanges() {
this.updatedImports.forEach((expressions, importDecl) => {
const sourceFile = importDecl.getSourceFile();
const recorder = this.getUpdateRecorder(sourceFile);
const namedBindings = importDecl.importClause !.namedBindings as ts.NamedImports;
const newNamedBindings = ts.updateNamedImports(
({propertyName, importName}) => ts.createImportSpecifier(propertyName, importName))));
const newNamedBindingsText =
this.printer.printNode(ts.EmitHint.Unspecified, newNamedBindings, sourceFile);
recorder.updateExistingImport(namedBindings, newNamedBindingsText);
/** Gets an unique identifier with a base name for the given source file. */
private _getUniqueIdentifier(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, baseName: string): ts.Identifier {
if (this.isUniqueIdentifierName(sourceFile, baseName)) {
this._recordUsedIdentifier(sourceFile, baseName);
return ts.createIdentifier(baseName);
let name = null;
let counter = 1;
do {
name = `${baseName}_${counter++}`;
} while (!this.isUniqueIdentifierName(sourceFile, name));
this._recordUsedIdentifier(sourceFile, name !);
return ts.createIdentifier(name !);
* Checks whether the specified identifier name is used within the given
* source file.
private isUniqueIdentifierName(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, name: string) {
if (this.usedIdentifierNames.has(sourceFile) &&
this.usedIdentifierNames.get(sourceFile) !.indexOf(name) !== -1) {
return false;
// Walk through the source file and search for an identifier matching
// the given name. In that case, it's not guaranteed that this name
// is unique in the given declaration scope and we just return false.
const nodeQueue: ts.Node[] = [sourceFile];
while (nodeQueue.length) {
const node = nodeQueue.shift() !;
if (ts.isIdentifier(node) && node.text === name) {
return false;
return true;
private _recordUsedIdentifier(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, identifierName: string) {
sourceFile, (this.usedIdentifierNames.get(sourceFile) || []).concat(identifierName));
* Determines the full end of a given node. By default the end position of a node is
* before all trailing comments. This could mean that generated imports shift comments.
private _getEndPositionOfNode(node: ts.Node) {
const nodeEndPos = node.getEnd();
const commentRanges = ts.getTrailingCommentRanges(node.getSourceFile().text, nodeEndPos);
if (!commentRanges || !commentRanges.length) {
return nodeEndPos;
return commentRanges[commentRanges.length - 1] !.end;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {Rule, SchematicContext, SchematicsException, Tree} from '@angular-devkit/schematics';
import {dirname, relative} from 'path';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {getProjectTsConfigPaths} from '../../utils/project_tsconfig_paths';
import {parseTsconfigFile} from '../../utils/typescript/parse_tsconfig';
import {NgModuleCollector} from './module_collector';
import {MissingInjectableTransform} from './transform';
import {UpdateRecorder} from './update_recorder';
/** Entry point for the V9 "missing @Injectable" schematic. */
export default function(): Rule {
return (tree: Tree, ctx: SchematicContext) => {
const {buildPaths, testPaths} = getProjectTsConfigPaths(tree);
const basePath = process.cwd();
const failures: string[] = [];
ctx.logger.info('------ Missing @Injectable migration ------');
if (!buildPaths.length && !testPaths.length) {
throw new SchematicsException(
'Could not find any tsconfig file. Cannot add the "@Injectable" decorator to providers ' +
'which don\'t have that decorator set.');
for (const tsconfigPath of [...buildPaths, ...testPaths]) {
failures.push(...runMissingInjectableMigration(tree, tsconfigPath, basePath));
if (failures.length) {
ctx.logger.info('Could not migrate all providers automatically. Please');
ctx.logger.info('manually migrate the following instances:');
failures.forEach(message => ctx.logger.warn(`⮑ ${message}`));
} else {
ctx.logger.info('Successfully migrated all undecorated providers.');
function runMissingInjectableMigration(
tree: Tree, tsconfigPath: string, basePath: string): string[] {
const parsed = parseTsconfigFile(tsconfigPath, dirname(tsconfigPath));
const host = ts.createCompilerHost(parsed.options, true);
const failures: string[] = [];
// We need to overwrite the host "readFile" method, as we want the TypeScript
// program to be based on the file contents in the virtual file tree.
host.readFile = fileName => {
const buffer = tree.read(relative(basePath, fileName));
// Strip BOM because TypeScript respects this character and it ultimately
// results in shifted offsets since the CLI UpdateRecorder tries to
// automatically account for the BOM character.
// https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/14558
return buffer ? buffer.toString().replace(/^\uFEFF/, '') : undefined;
const program = ts.createProgram(parsed.fileNames, parsed.options, host);
const typeChecker = program.getTypeChecker();
const moduleCollector = new NgModuleCollector(typeChecker);
const sourceFiles = program.getSourceFiles().filter(
f => !f.isDeclarationFile && !program.isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary(f));
// Analyze source files by detecting all modules.
sourceFiles.forEach(sourceFile => moduleCollector.visitNode(sourceFile));
const {resolvedModules} = moduleCollector;
const transformer = new MissingInjectableTransform(typeChecker, getUpdateRecorder);
const updateRecorders = new Map<ts.SourceFile, UpdateRecorder>();
resolvedModules.forEach(module => {
transformer.migrateModule(module).forEach(({message, node}) => {
const nodeSourceFile = node.getSourceFile();
const relativeFilePath = relative(basePath, nodeSourceFile.fileName);
const {line, character} =
ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getSourceFile(), node.getStart());
failures.push(`${relativeFilePath}@${line + 1}:${character + 1}: ${message}`);
// Record the changes collected in the import manager and transformer.
// Walk through each update recorder and commit the update. We need to commit the
// updates in batches per source file as there can be only one recorder per source
// file in order to avoid shift character offsets.
updateRecorders.forEach(recorder => recorder.commitUpdate());
return failures;
/** Gets the update recorder for the specified source file. */
function getUpdateRecorder(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): UpdateRecorder {
if (updateRecorders.has(sourceFile)) {
return updateRecorders.get(sourceFile) !;
const treeRecorder = tree.beginUpdate(relative(basePath, sourceFile.fileName));
const recorder: UpdateRecorder = {
addClassDecorator(node: ts.ClassDeclaration, text: string) {
// New imports should be inserted at the left while decorators should be inserted
// at the right in order to ensure that imports are inserted before the decorator
// if the start position of import and decorator is the source file start.
treeRecorder.insertRight(node.getStart(), `${text}\n`);
replaceDecorator(decorator: ts.Decorator, newText: string) {
treeRecorder.remove(decorator.getStart(), decorator.getWidth());
treeRecorder.insertRight(decorator.getStart(), newText);
addNewImport(start: number, importText: string) {
// New imports should be inserted at the left while decorators should be inserted
// at the right in order to ensure that imports are inserted before the decorator
// if the start position of import and decorator is the source file start.
treeRecorder.insertLeft(start, importText);
updateExistingImport(namedBindings: ts.NamedImports, newNamedBindings: string) {
treeRecorder.remove(namedBindings.getStart(), namedBindings.getWidth());
treeRecorder.insertRight(namedBindings.getStart(), newNamedBindings);
commitUpdate() { tree.commitUpdate(treeRecorder); }
updateRecorders.set(sourceFile, recorder);
return recorder;
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {NgDecorator, getAngularDecorators} from '../../utils/ng_decorators';
import {getPropertyNameText} from '../../utils/typescript/property_name';
export interface ResolvedNgModule {
name: string;
node: ts.ClassDeclaration;
decorator: NgDecorator;
providersExpr: ts.Expression|null;
* Visitor that walks through specified TypeScript nodes and collects all
* found NgModule definitions.
export class NgModuleCollector {
resolvedModules: ResolvedNgModule[] = [];
constructor(public typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker) {}
visitNode(node: ts.Node) {
if (ts.isClassDeclaration(node)) {
ts.forEachChild(node, n => this.visitNode(n));
private visitClassDeclaration(node: ts.ClassDeclaration) {
if (!node.decorators || !node.decorators.length) {
const ngDecorators = getAngularDecorators(this.typeChecker, node.decorators);
const ngModuleDecorator = ngDecorators.find(({name}) => name === 'NgModule');
if (ngModuleDecorator) {
this._visitNgModuleClass(node, ngModuleDecorator);
private _visitNgModuleClass(node: ts.ClassDeclaration, decorator: NgDecorator) {
const decoratorCall = decorator.node.expression;
const metadata = decoratorCall.arguments[0];
if (!metadata || !ts.isObjectLiteralExpression(metadata)) {
const providersNode = metadata.properties.filter(ts.isPropertyAssignment)
.find(p => getPropertyNameText(p.name) === 'providers');
name: node.name ? node.name.text : 'default',
providersExpr: providersNode !== undefined ? providersNode.initializer : null,
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {Reference} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/imports';
import {DynamicValue, PartialEvaluator, ResolvedValue} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/partial_evaluator';
import {TypeScriptReflectionHost} from '@angular/compiler-cli/src/ngtsc/reflection';
import * as ts from 'typescript';
import {getAngularDecorators} from '../../utils/ng_decorators';
import {ImportManager} from './import_manager';
import {ResolvedNgModule} from './module_collector';
import {UpdateRecorder} from './update_recorder';
/** Name of decorators which imply that a given class does not need to be migrated. */
const NO_MIGRATE_DECORATORS = ['Injectable', 'Directive', 'Component', 'Pipe'];
export interface AnalysisFailure {
node: ts.Node;
message: string;
export class MissingInjectableTransform {
private printer = ts.createPrinter();
private importManager = new ImportManager(this.getUpdateRecorder, this.printer);
private partialEvaluator: PartialEvaluator;
/** Set of provider class declarations which were already checked or migrated. */
private visitedProviderClasses = new Set<ts.ClassDeclaration>();
private typeChecker: ts.TypeChecker,
private getUpdateRecorder: (sf: ts.SourceFile) => UpdateRecorder) {
this.partialEvaluator =
new PartialEvaluator(new TypeScriptReflectionHost(typeChecker), typeChecker);
recordChanges() { this.importManager.recordChanges(); }
/** Migrates a given NgModule by walking through the referenced providers. */
migrateModule(module: ResolvedNgModule): AnalysisFailure[] {
if (module.providersExpr === null) {
return [];
const evaluatedExpr = this.partialEvaluator.evaluate(module.providersExpr);
if (!Array.isArray(evaluatedExpr)) {
return [{
node: module.providersExpr,
message: 'Providers of module are not statically analyzable.'
return this._visitProviderResolvedValue(evaluatedExpr, module);
* Migrates a given provider class if it is not decorated with
* any Angular decorator.
migrateProviderClass(node: ts.ClassDeclaration, module: ResolvedNgModule) {
if (this.visitedProviderClasses.has(node)) {
const sourceFile = node.getSourceFile();
const ngDecorators =
node.decorators ? getAngularDecorators(this.typeChecker, node.decorators) : null;
if (ngDecorators !== null &&
ngDecorators.some(d => NO_MIGRATE_DECORATORS.indexOf(d.name) !== -1)) {
const updateRecorder = this.getUpdateRecorder(sourceFile);
const importExpr =
this.importManager.addImportToSourceFile(sourceFile, 'Injectable', '@angular/core');
const newDecoratorExpr = ts.createDecorator(ts.createCall(importExpr, undefined, undefined));
const newDecoratorText =
this.printer.printNode(ts.EmitHint.Unspecified, newDecoratorExpr, sourceFile);
// In case the class is already decorated with "@Inject(..)", we replace the "@Inject"
// decorator with "@Injectable()" since using "@Inject(..)" on a class is a noop and
// most likely was meant to be "@Injectable()".
const existingInjectDecorator =
ngDecorators !== null ? ngDecorators.find(d => d.name === 'Inject') : null;
if (existingInjectDecorator) {
updateRecorder.replaceDecorator(existingInjectDecorator.node, newDecoratorText, module.name);
} else {
updateRecorder.addClassDecorator(node, newDecoratorText, module.name);
* Visits the given resolved value of a provider. Providers can be nested in
* arrays and we need to recursively walk through the providers to be able to
* migrate all referenced provider classes. e.g. "providers: [[A, [B]]]".
private _visitProviderResolvedValue(value: ResolvedValue, module: ResolvedNgModule):
AnalysisFailure[] {
if (value instanceof Reference && ts.isClassDeclaration(value.node)) {
this.migrateProviderClass(value.node, module);
} else if (value instanceof Map) {
if (!value.has('provide') || value.has('useValue') || value.has('useFactory')) {
return [];
if (value.has('useExisting')) {
return this._visitProviderResolvedValue(value.get('useExisting') !, module);
} else if (value.has('useClass')) {
return this._visitProviderResolvedValue(value.get('useClass') !, module);
} else {
return this._visitProviderResolvedValue(value.get('provide') !, module);
} else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return value.reduce((res, v) => res.concat(this._visitProviderResolvedValue(v, module)), [
] as AnalysisFailure[]);
} else if (value instanceof DynamicValue) {
return [{node: value.node, message: `Provider is not statically analyzable.`}];
return [];
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import * as ts from 'typescript';
* Update recorder interface that is used to transform source files in a non-colliding
* way. Also this indirection makes it possible to re-use logic for both TSLint rules
* and CLI devkit schematic updates.
export interface UpdateRecorder {
addNewImport(start: number, importText: string): void;
updateExistingImport(namedBindings: ts.NamedImports, newNamedBindings: string): void;
addClassDecorator(node: ts.ClassDeclaration, text: string, moduleName: string): void;
replaceDecorator(node: ts.Decorator, newText: string, moduleName: string): void;
commitUpdate(): void;
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ ts_library(
deps = [
@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {readFileSync, writeFileSync} from 'fs';
import {dirname, join} from 'path';
import * as shx from 'shelljs';
import {Configuration, Linter} from 'tslint';
describe('Google3 missing injectable tslint rule', () => {
const rulesDirectory = dirname(
let tmpDir: string;
beforeEach(() => {
tmpDir = join(process.env['TEST_TMPDIR'] !, 'google3-test');
shx.mkdir('-p', tmpDir);
writeFile('tsconfig.json', JSON.stringify({compilerOptions: {module: 'es2015'}}));
afterEach(() => shx.rm('-r', tmpDir));
function runTSLint(fix = true) {
const program = Linter.createProgram(join(tmpDir, 'tsconfig.json'));
const linter = new Linter({fix, rulesDirectory: [rulesDirectory]}, program);
const config = Configuration.parseConfigFile(
{rules: {'no-missing-injectable': true}, linterOptions: {typeCheck: true}});
program.getRootFileNames().forEach(fileName => {
linter.lint(fileName, program.getSourceFile(fileName) !.getFullText(), config);
return linter;
function writeFile(fileName: string, content: string) {
writeFileSync(join(tmpDir, fileName), content);
function getFile(fileName: string) { return readFileSync(join(tmpDir, fileName), 'utf8'); }
it('should create proper failures for missing injectable providers', () => {
writeFile('index.ts', `
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
export class A {}
@NgModule({providers: [A]})
export class AppModule {}
const linter = runTSLint(false);
const failures = linter.getResult().failures;
.toMatch(/Class needs to be decorated with "@Injectable\(\)".*provided by "AppModule"/);
expect(failures[0].getStartPosition().getLineAndCharacter()).toEqual({line: 3, character: 6});
expect(failures[1].getFailure()).toMatch(/Import needs to be updated to import.*Injectable/);
expect(failures[1].getStartPosition().getLineAndCharacter()).toEqual({line: 1, character: 13});
it('should update provider classes which need to be migrated in Ivy', () => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {Pipe, Directive, Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class WithPipe {}
export class WithDirective {}
export class WithComponent {}
export class MyServiceA {}
export class MyServiceB {}
export class MyServiceC {}
export class MyServiceD {}
export class MyServiceE {}
export class MyServiceF {}
export class MyServiceG {}
@NgModule({providers: [
{provide: MyServiceC},
{provide: null, useClass: MyServiceD},
{provide: null, useExisting: MyServiceE},
{provide: MyServiceF, useFactory: () => null},
{provide: MyServiceG, useValue: null},
export class MyModule {}
expect(getFile('/index.ts')).toMatch(/'@angular\/core';\s+@Pipe\(\)\s+export class WithPipe/);
.toMatch(/WithPipe {}\s+@Directive\(\)\s+export class WithDirective/);
.toMatch(/WithDirective {}\s+@Component\(\)\s+export class WithComponent/);
expect(getFile('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MyServiceA/);
expect(getFile('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MyServiceB/);
expect(getFile('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MyServiceC/);
expect(getFile('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MyServiceD/);
expect(getFile('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MyServiceE/);
expect(getFile('/index.ts')).toMatch(/MyServiceE {}\s+export class MyServiceF/);
expect(getFile('/index.ts')).toMatch(/MyServiceF {}\s+export class MyServiceG/);
it('should migrate provider once if referenced in multiple NgModule definitions', () => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class ServiceA {}
@NgModule({providers: [ServiceA]})
export class MyModule {}
writeFile('/second.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {ServiceA} from './index';
export class ServiceB {}
@NgModule({providers: [ServiceA, ServiceB]})
export class SecondModule {}
.toMatch(/@angular\/core';\s+@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceA/);
expect(getFile('/index.ts')).toMatch(/{ NgModule, Injectable } from '@angular\/core/);
expect(getFile('/second.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceB/);
expect(getFile('/second.ts')).toMatch(/{ NgModule, Injectable } from '@angular\/core/);
it('should warn if a referenced provider could not be resolved', () => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
@NgModule({providers: [NotPresent]})
export class MyModule {}
const linter = runTSLint();
const failures = linter.getResult().failures;
expect(failures[0].getFailure()).toMatch(/Provider is not statically analyzable./);
expect(failures[0].getStartPosition().getLineAndCharacter()).toEqual({line: 3, character: 29});
it('should warn if the module providers could not be resolved', () => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
@NgModule({providers: NOT_ANALYZABLE)
export class MyModule {}
const linter = runTSLint();
const failures = linter.getResult().failures;
expect(failures[0].getFailure()).toMatch(/Providers of module.*not statically analyzable./);
expect(failures[0].getStartPosition().getLineAndCharacter()).toEqual({line: 3, character: 28});
it('should create new import for @Injectable when migrating provider', () => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {MyService, MySecondService} from './service';
@NgModule({providers: [MyService, MySecondService]})
export class MyModule {}
writeFile('/service.ts', `export class MyService {}
export class MySecondService {}
expect(getFile('/service.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MyService/);
expect(getFile('/service.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MySecondService/);
expect(getFile('/service.ts')).toMatch(/import { Injectable } from "@angular\/core";/);
it('should remove @Inject decorator for providers which are migrated', () => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {MyService} from './service';
@NgModule({providers: [MyService]})
export class MyModule {}
writeFile('/service.ts', `
import {Inject} from '@angular/core';
export class MyService {}
expect(getFile('/service.ts')).toMatch(/core';\s+@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MyService/);
expect(getFile('/service.ts')).toMatch(/import { Inject, Injectable } from '@angular\/core';/);
@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
import {getSystemPath, normalize, virtualFs} from '@angular-devkit/core';
import {TempScopedNodeJsSyncHost} from '@angular-devkit/core/node/testing';
import {HostTree} from '@angular-devkit/schematics';
import {SchematicTestRunner, UnitTestTree} from '@angular-devkit/schematics/testing';
import * as shx from 'shelljs';
describe('Missing injectable migration', () => {
let runner: SchematicTestRunner;
let host: TempScopedNodeJsSyncHost;
let tree: UnitTestTree;
let tmpDirPath: string;
let previousWorkingDir: string;
let warnOutput: string[];
beforeEach(() => {
runner = new SchematicTestRunner('test', require.resolve('./test-migrations.json'));
host = new TempScopedNodeJsSyncHost();
tree = new UnitTestTree(new HostTree(host));
writeFile('/tsconfig.json', JSON.stringify({
compilerOptions: {
experimentalDecorators: true,
lib: ['es2015'],
writeFile('/angular.json', JSON.stringify({
projects: {t: {architect: {build: {options: {tsConfig: './tsconfig.json'}}}}}
warnOutput = [];
runner.logger.subscribe(logEntry => {
if (logEntry.level === 'warn') {
previousWorkingDir = shx.pwd();
tmpDirPath = getSystemPath(host.root);
// Switch into the temporary directory path. This allows us to run
// the schematic against our custom unit test tree.
afterEach(() => {
shx.rm('-r', tmpDirPath);
function writeFile(filePath: string, contents: string) {
host.sync.write(normalize(filePath), virtualFs.stringToFileBuffer(contents));
async function runMigration() {
await runner.runSchematicAsync('migration-missing-injectable', {}, tree).toPromise();
it('should migrate type provider in NgModule', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class MyService {}
@NgModule({providers: [MyService]})
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MyService/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/{ NgModule, Injectable } from '@angular\/core/);
it('should migrate object literal provider in NgModule', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class MyService {}
@NgModule({providers: [{provide: MyService}]})
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MyService/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/{ NgModule, Injectable } from '@angular\/core/);
it('should not migrate object literal provider with "useValue" in NgModule', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class MyService {}
@NgModule({providers: [{provide: MyService, useValue: null }]})
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
it('should not migrate object literal provider with "useFactory" in NgModule', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class MyService {}
@NgModule({providers: [{provide: MyService, useFactory: () => null }]})
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
it('should migrate object literal provider with "useExisting" in NgModule', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class MyService {}
export class MyToken {}
@NgModule({providers: [{provide: MyToken, useExisting: MyService}]})
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MyService/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/MyService {}\s+export class MyToken/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/{ NgModule, Injectable } from '@angular\/core/);
it('should migrate object literal provider with "useClass" in NgModule', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class MyService {}
export class MyToken {}
@NgModule({providers: [{provide: MyToken, useClass: MyService}]})
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MyService/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/MyService {}\s+export class MyToken/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/{ NgModule, Injectable } from '@angular\/core/);
it('should not migrate provider which is already decorated with @Injectable', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {Injectable, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class MyService {}
@NgModule({providers: [MyService]})
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
.toMatch(/@angular\/core';\s+@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MyService/);
it('should not migrate provider which is already decorated with @Directive', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {Directive, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class MyService {}
@NgModule({providers: [MyService]})
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
it('should not migrate provider which is already decorated with @Component', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class MyService {}
@NgModule({providers: [MyService]})
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
it('should not migrate provider which is already decorated with @Pipe', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {Pipe, NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class MyService {}
@NgModule({providers: [MyService]})
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
it('should migrate multiple providers in same NgModule', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class ServiceA {}
export class ServiceB {}
@NgModule({providers: [ServiceA, ServiceB]})
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceA/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceB/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/{ NgModule, Injectable } from '@angular\/core/);
it('should migrate multiple mixed providers in same NgModule', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class ServiceA {}
export class ServiceB {}
export class ServiceC {}
providers: [
{provide: ServiceB},
{provide: SomeToken, useClass: ServiceC},
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceA/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceB/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceC/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/{ NgModule, Injectable } from '@angular\/core/);
it('should migrate multiple nested providers in same NgModule', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class ServiceA {}
export class ServiceB {}
export class ServiceC {}
providers: [
{provide: ServiceB},
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceA/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceB/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceC/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/{ NgModule, Injectable } from '@angular\/core/);
it('should migrate providers referenced through identifier', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class ServiceA {}
export class ServiceB {}
const PROVIDERS = [ServiceA, ServiceB];
providers: PROVIDERS,
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceA/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceB/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/{ NgModule, Injectable } from '@angular\/core/);
it('should migrate providers created through static analyzable function call', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class ServiceA {}
export class ServiceB {}
export function createProviders(x: any) {
return [ServiceA, x]
providers: createProviders(ServiceB),
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceA/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceB/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/{ NgModule, Injectable } from '@angular\/core/);
it('should migrate providers which are computed through spread operator', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class ServiceA {}
export class ServiceB {}
const otherServices = [ServiceB];
providers: [ServiceA, ...otherServices],
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceA/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceB/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/{ NgModule, Injectable } from '@angular\/core/);
it('should migrate provider once if referenced in multiple NgModule definitions', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class ServiceA {}
@NgModule({providers: [ServiceA]})
export class MyModule {}
writeFile('/second.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {ServiceA} from './index';
export class ServiceB {}
@NgModule({providers: [ServiceA, ServiceB]})
export class SecondModule {}
await runMigration();
.toMatch(/@angular\/core';\s+@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceA/);
expect(tree.readContent('/index.ts')).toMatch(/{ NgModule, Injectable } from '@angular\/core/);
expect(tree.readContent('/second.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class ServiceB/);
expect(tree.readContent('/second.ts')).toMatch(/{ NgModule, Injectable } from '@angular\/core/);
it('should create new import for @Injectable when migrating provider', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {MyService, MySecondService} from './service';
@NgModule({providers: [MyService, MySecondService]})
export class MyModule {}
writeFile('/service.ts', `export class MyService {}
export class MySecondService {}
await runMigration();
expect(tree.readContent('/service.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MyService/);
.toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MySecondService/);
expect(tree.readContent('/service.ts')).toMatch(/import { Injectable } from "@angular\/core";/);
it('should re-use existing namespace import for importing @Injectable when migrating provider',
async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import * as core from '@angular/core';
export class MyService {
constructor() {
writeFile('/app.module.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {MyService} from './index';
@NgModule({providers: [MyService]})
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
.toMatch(/@core.Injectable\(\)\s+export class MyService/);
it('should warn if a referenced provider could not be resolved', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
@NgModule({providers: [NotPresent]})
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
expect(warnOutput[0]).toMatch(/\s+index\.ts@4:30: Provider is not statically analyzable./);
it('should warn if the module providers could not be resolved', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
@NgModule({providers: NOT_ANALYZABLE)
export class MyModule {}
await runMigration();
.toMatch(/\s+index\.ts@4:29: Providers of module.*not statically analyzable./);
it('should not throw if an empty @NgModule is analyzed', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
export class MyModule {}
try {
await runMigration();
} catch (e) {
it('should create new import for injectable after full end of last import statement', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {MyService} from './service';
@NgModule({providers: [MyService]})
export class MyModule {}
writeFile('/service.ts', `
import * as a from 'a';
import * as a from 'b'; // some comment
export class MyService {}
await runMigration();
expect(tree.readContent('/service.ts')).toMatch(/@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MyService/);
.toMatch(/'b'; \/\/ some comment\s+import { Injectable } from "@angular\/core";/);
it('should create new import at source file start with trailing new-line', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {MyService} from './service';
@NgModule({providers: [MyService]})
export class MyModule {}
writeFile('/service.ts', `/* @license */
export class MyService {}
await runMigration();
/^import { Injectable } from "@angular\/core";\s+\/\* @license \*\/\s+@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MyService/);
it('should remove @Inject decorator for providers which are migrated', async() => {
writeFile('/index.ts', `
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {MyService} from './service';
@NgModule({providers: [MyService]})
export class MyModule {}
writeFile('/service.ts', `
import {Inject} from '@angular/core';
export class MyService {}
await runMigration();
.toMatch(/core';\s+@Injectable\(\)\s+export class MyService/);
.toMatch(/import { Inject, Injectable } from '@angular\/core';/);
@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
"migration-injectable-pipe": {
"description": "Migrates all Pipe classes so that they have an Injectable annotation",
"factory": "../migrations/injectable-pipe/index"
"migration-missing-injectable": {
"description": "Migrates all declared undecorated providers with the @Injectable decorator",
"factory": "../migrations/missing-injectable/index"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user