diff --git a/packages/core/src/render3/index.ts b/packages/core/src/render3/index.ts
index bec2d6bef0..ad772c6c53 100644
--- a/packages/core/src/render3/index.ts
+++ b/packages/core/src/render3/index.ts
@@ -84,3 +84,4 @@ export {
export {createComponentRef, detectChanges, getHostElement, markDirty, renderComponent};
+export {InjectFlags} from './di';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/core/test/render3/compiler_canonical_spec.ts b/packages/core/test/render3/compiler_canonical_spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22a0ca2e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/core/test/render3/compiler_canonical_spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+ * @license
+ * Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
+ */
+import {Component, Directive, Type, NgModule, Injectable, Optional, TemplateRef} from '../../src/core';
+import * as r3 from '../../src/render3/index';
+import {containerEl, renderComponent, requestAnimationFrame, toHtml} from './render_util';
+ * NORMATIVE => /NORMATIVE: Designates what the compiler is expected to generate.
+ *
+ * All local variable names are considered non-normative (informative).
+ */
+describe('compiler specification', () => {
+ describe('elements', () => {
+ it('should translate DOM structure', () => {
+ @Component({
+ selector: 'my-component',
+ template: `
Hello World !
+ })
+ class MyComponent {
+ static ngComponentDef = r3.defineComponent({
+ type: MyComponent,
+ tag: 'my-component',
+ factory: () => new MyComponent(),
+ template: function(ctx: MyComponent, cm: boolean) {
+ if (cm) {
+ r3.E(0, 'div', e0_attrs);
+ r3.T(1, 'Hello ');
+ r3.E(2, 'b');
+ r3.T(3, 'World');
+ r3.e();
+ r3.T(4, '!');
+ r3.e();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Important: keep arrays outside of function to not create new instances.
+ const e0_attrs = ['class', 'my-app', 'title', 'Hello'];
+ expect(renderComp(MyComponent))
+ .toEqual('Hello World !
+ });
+ });
+ describe('components & directives', () => {
+ it('should instantiate directives', () => {
+ const log: string[] = [];
+ @Component({selector: 'child', template: 'child-view'})
+ class ChildComponent {
+ constructor() { log.push('ChildComponent'); }
+ static ngComponentDef = r3.defineComponent({
+ type: ChildComponent,
+ tag: `child`,
+ factory: () => new ChildComponent(),
+ template: function(ctx: ChildComponent, cm: boolean) {
+ if (cm) {
+ r3.T(0, 'child-view');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ @Directive({
+ selector: 'some-directive',
+ })
+ class SomeDirective {
+ constructor() { log.push('SomeDirective'); }
+ static ngDirectiveDef = r3.defineDirective({
+ type: ChildComponent,
+ factory: () => new SomeDirective(),
+ });
+ }
+ @Component({selector: 'my-component', template: ` !`})
+ class MyComponent {
+ static ngComponentDef = r3.defineComponent({
+ tag: 'my-component',
+ factory: () => new MyComponent(),
+ template: function(ctx: MyComponent, cm: boolean) {
+ if (cm) {
+ r3.E(0, ChildComponent, e0_attrs, e0_dirs);
+ r3.e();
+ r3.T(3, '!');
+ }
+ ChildComponent.ngComponentDef.r(1, 0);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Important: keep arrays outside of function to not create new instances.
+ const e0_attrs = ['some-directive', ''];
+ const e0_dirs = [SomeDirective];
+ expect(renderComp(MyComponent)).toEqual('child-view !');
+ expect(log).toEqual(['ChildComponent', 'SomeDirective']);
+ });
+ xit('should support structural directives', () => {
+ const log: string[] = [];
+ @Directive({
+ selector: 'if',
+ })
+ class IfDirective {
+ constructor(template: TemplateRef) { log.push('ifDirective'); }
+ static ngDirectiveDef = r3.defineDirective({
+ type: IfDirective,
+ factory: () => new IfDirective(r3.injectTemplateRef()),
+ });
+ }
+ @Component({selector: 'my-component', template: ``})
+ class MyComponent {
+ salutation = 'Hello';
+ static ngComponentDef = r3.defineComponent({
+ tag: 'my-component',
+ factory: () => new MyComponent(),
+ template: function(ctx: MyComponent, cm: boolean) {
+ if (cm) {
+ r3.E(0, 'ul', null, null, e0_locals);
+ r3.C(2, c1_dirs, C1);
+ r3.e();
+ }
+ let foo = r3.m(1);
+ r3.cR(2);
+ IfDirective.ngDirectiveDef.r(3, 2);
+ r3.cr();
+ function C1(ctx1: any, cm: boolean) {
+ if (cm) {
+ r3.E(0, 'li');
+ r3.T(1);
+ r3.e();
+ }
+ r3.t(1, r3.b2('', ctx.salutation, ' ', foo, ''));
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Important: keep arrays outside of function to not create new instances.
+ const e0_locals = ['foo', ''];
+ const c1_dirs = [IfDirective];
+ expect(renderComp(MyComponent)).toEqual('child-view !');
+ expect(log).toEqual(['ChildComponent', 'SomeDirective']);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('local references', () => {
+ // TODO(misko): currently disabled until local refs are working
+ xit('should translate DOM structure', () => {
+ @Component({selector: 'my-component', template: ` Hello {{user.value}}!`})
+ class MyComponent {
+ static ngComponentDef = r3.defineComponent({
+ tag: 'my-component',
+ factory: () => new MyComponent,
+ template: function(ctx: MyComponent, cm: boolean) {
+ if (cm) {
+ r3.E(0, 'input', null, null, ['user', '']);
+ r3.e();
+ r3.T(2);
+ }
+ r3.t(2, r3.b1('Hello ', r3.m(1).value, '!'));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ expect(renderComp(MyComponent))
+ .toEqual('Hello World !
+ });
+ });
+xdescribe('NgModule', () => {
+ interface Injectable {
+ scope?: /*InjectorDefType*/any;
+ factory: Function;
+ }
+ function defineInjectable(opts: Injectable): Injectable {
+ // This class should be imported from https://github.com/angular/angular/pull/20850
+ return opts;
+ }
+ function defineInjector(opts: any): any {
+ // This class should be imported from https://github.com/angular/angular/pull/20850
+ return opts;
+ }
+ it('should convert module', () => {
+ @Injectable()
+ class Toast {
+ constructor(name: String) {}
+ static ngInjectableDef = defineInjectable({
+ factory: () => new Toast(inject(String)),
+ });
+ }
+ class CommonModule {
+ static ngInjectorDef = defineInjector({});
+ }
+ @NgModule({
+ providers: [Toast, {provide: String, useValue: 'Hello'}],
+ imports: [CommonModule],
+ })
+ class MyModule {
+ constructor(toast: Toast) {}
+ static ngInjectorDef = defineInjector({
+ factory: () => new MyModule(inject(Toast)),
+ provider: [
+ {provide: Toast, deps: [String]}, // If Toast has matadata generate this line
+ Toast, // If toast has not metadata generate this line.
+ {provide: String, useValue: 'Hello'}
+ ],
+ imports: [CommonModule]
+ });
+ }
+ @Injectable(/*{MyModule}*/)
+ class BurntToast{
+ constructor(@Optional() toast: Toast|null, name: String) {}
+ static ngInjectableDef = defineInjectable({
+ scope: MyModule,
+ factory: () => new BurntToast(inject(Toast, r3.InjectFlags.Optional), inject(String)),
+ });
+ }
+ });
+function renderComp(type: r3.ComponentType): string {
+ return toHtml(renderComponent(type));