fix(animations): always normalize style properties and values during compilation (#12755)

Closes #11582
Closes #12481
Closes #12755
This commit is contained in:
Matias Niemelä 2016-11-08 15:45:30 -08:00 committed by vikerman
parent 3dc61779f0
commit a0e9fde653
16 changed files with 448 additions and 271 deletions

View File

@ -138,7 +138,8 @@ export class CodeGenerator {
new compiler.DirectiveWrapperCompiler(
config, expressionParser, elementSchemaRegistry, console),
new compiler.NgModuleCompiler(), new compiler.TypeScriptEmitter(reflectorHost),
cliOptions.locale, cliOptions.i18nFormat);
cliOptions.locale, cliOptions.i18nFormat,
new compiler.AnimationParser(elementSchemaRegistry));
return new CodeGenerator(
options, program, compilerHost, staticReflector, offlineCompiler, reflectorHost);

View File

@ -52,5 +52,6 @@ export * from './src/selector';
export * from './src/style_compiler';
export * from './src/template_parser/template_parser';
export {ViewCompiler} from './src/view_compiler/view_compiler';
export {AnimationParser} from './src/animation/animation_parser';
// This file only reexports content of the `src` folder. Keep it that way.

View File

@ -6,11 +6,14 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {CompileAnimationAnimateMetadata, CompileAnimationEntryMetadata, CompileAnimationGroupMetadata, CompileAnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata, CompileAnimationMetadata, CompileAnimationSequenceMetadata, CompileAnimationStateDeclarationMetadata, CompileAnimationStateTransitionMetadata, CompileAnimationStyleMetadata, CompileAnimationWithStepsMetadata, CompileDirectiveMetadata} from '../compile_metadata';
import {StringMapWrapper} from '../facade/collection';
import {isBlank, isPresent} from '../facade/lang';
import {ParseError} from '../parse_util';
import {ANY_STATE, FILL_STYLE_FLAG} from '../private_import_core';
import {ElementSchemaRegistry} from '../schema/element_schema_registry';
import {AnimationAst, AnimationEntryAst, AnimationGroupAst, AnimationKeyframeAst, AnimationSequenceAst, AnimationStateDeclarationAst, AnimationStateTransitionAst, AnimationStateTransitionExpression, AnimationStepAst, AnimationStylesAst, AnimationWithStepsAst} from './animation_ast';
import {StylesCollection} from './styles_collection';
@ -32,7 +35,10 @@ export class AnimationEntryParseResult {
constructor(public ast: AnimationEntryAst, public errors: AnimationParseError[]) {}
export class AnimationParser {
constructor(private _schema: ElementSchemaRegistry) {}
parseComponent(component: CompileDirectiveMetadata): AnimationEntryAst[] {
const errors: string[] = [];
const componentName =;
@ -73,7 +79,7 @@ export class AnimationParser {
var stateDeclarationAsts: AnimationStateDeclarationAst[] = [];
entry.definitions.forEach(def => {
if (def instanceof CompileAnimationStateDeclarationMetadata) {
_parseAnimationDeclarationStates(def, errors).forEach(ast => {
_parseAnimationDeclarationStates(def, this._schema, errors).forEach(ast => {
stateStyles[ast.stateName] = ast.styles;
@ -82,8 +88,8 @@ export class AnimationParser {
var stateTransitionAsts = => _parseAnimationStateTransition(transDef, stateStyles, errors));
var stateTransitionAsts =
transDef => _parseAnimationStateTransition(transDef, stateStyles, this._schema, errors));
var ast = new AnimationEntryAst(, stateDeclarationAsts, stateTransitionAsts);
return new AnimationEntryParseResult(ast, errors);
@ -91,27 +97,17 @@ export class AnimationParser {
function _parseAnimationDeclarationStates(
stateMetadata: CompileAnimationStateDeclarationMetadata,
stateMetadata: CompileAnimationStateDeclarationMetadata, schema: ElementSchemaRegistry,
errors: AnimationParseError[]): AnimationStateDeclarationAst[] {
var styleValues: Styles[] = [];
stateMetadata.styles.styles.forEach(stylesEntry => {
// TODO (matsko): change this when we get CSS class integration support
if (typeof stylesEntry === 'object' && stylesEntry !== null) {
styleValues.push(stylesEntry as Styles);
} else {
errors.push(new AnimationParseError(
`State based animations cannot contain references to other states`));
var defStyles = new AnimationStylesAst(styleValues);
var normalizedStyles = _normalizeStyleMetadata(stateMetadata.styles, {}, schema, errors, false);
var defStyles = new AnimationStylesAst(normalizedStyles);
var states = stateMetadata.stateNameExpr.split(/\s*,\s*/);
return => new AnimationStateDeclarationAst(state, defStyles));
function _parseAnimationStateTransition(
transitionStateMetadata: CompileAnimationStateTransitionMetadata,
stateStyles: {[key: string]: AnimationStylesAst},
stateStyles: {[key: string]: AnimationStylesAst}, schema: ElementSchemaRegistry,
errors: AnimationParseError[]): AnimationStateTransitionAst {
var styles = new StylesCollection();
var transitionExprs: AnimationStateTransitionExpression[] = [];
@ -119,7 +115,7 @@ function _parseAnimationStateTransition(
expr => { transitionExprs.push(..._parseAnimationTransitionExpr(expr, errors)); });
var entry = _normalizeAnimationEntry(transitionStateMetadata.steps);
var animation = _normalizeStyleSteps(entry, stateStyles, errors);
var animation = _normalizeStyleSteps(entry, stateStyles, schema, errors);
var animationAst = _parseTransitionAnimation(animation, 0, styles, stateStyles, errors);
if (errors.length == 0) {
_fillAnimationAstStartingKeyframes(animationAst, styles, errors);
@ -176,13 +172,31 @@ function _normalizeAnimationEntry(entry: CompileAnimationMetadata | CompileAnima
function _normalizeStyleMetadata(
entry: CompileAnimationStyleMetadata, stateStyles: {[key: string]: AnimationStylesAst},
errors: AnimationParseError[]): {[key: string]: string | number}[] {
schema: ElementSchemaRegistry, errors: AnimationParseError[],
permitStateReferences: boolean): {[key: string]: string | number}[] {
var normalizedStyles: {[key: string]: string | number}[] = [];
entry.styles.forEach(styleEntry => {
if (typeof styleEntry === 'string') {
normalizedStyles.push(..._resolveStylesFromState(<string>styleEntry, stateStyles, errors));
if (permitStateReferences) {
normalizedStyles.push(..._resolveStylesFromState(<string>styleEntry, stateStyles, errors));
} else {
errors.push(new AnimationParseError(
`State based animations cannot contain references to other states`));
} else {
normalizedStyles.push(<{[key: string]: string | number}>styleEntry);
var stylesObj = <Styles>styleEntry;
var normalizedStylesObj: Styles = {};
Object.keys(stylesObj).forEach(propName => {
var normalizedProp = schema.normalizeAnimationStyleProperty(propName);
var normalizedOutput =
schema.normalizeAnimationStyleValue(normalizedProp, propName, stylesObj[propName]);
var normalizationError = normalizedOutput['error'];
if (normalizationError) {
errors.push(new AnimationParseError(normalizationError));
normalizedStylesObj[normalizedProp] = normalizedOutput['value'];
return normalizedStyles;
@ -190,8 +204,8 @@ function _normalizeStyleMetadata(
function _normalizeStyleSteps(
entry: CompileAnimationMetadata, stateStyles: {[key: string]: AnimationStylesAst},
errors: AnimationParseError[]): CompileAnimationMetadata {
var steps = _normalizeStyleStepEntry(entry, stateStyles, errors);
schema: ElementSchemaRegistry, errors: AnimationParseError[]): CompileAnimationMetadata {
var steps = _normalizeStyleStepEntry(entry, stateStyles, schema, errors);
return (entry instanceof CompileAnimationGroupMetadata) ?
new CompileAnimationGroupMetadata(steps) :
new CompileAnimationSequenceMetadata(steps);
@ -213,7 +227,7 @@ function _mergeAnimationStyles(
function _normalizeStyleStepEntry(
entry: CompileAnimationMetadata, stateStyles: {[key: string]: AnimationStylesAst},
errors: AnimationParseError[]): CompileAnimationMetadata[] {
schema: ElementSchemaRegistry, errors: AnimationParseError[]): CompileAnimationMetadata[] {
var steps: CompileAnimationMetadata[];
if (entry instanceof CompileAnimationWithStepsMetadata) {
steps = entry.steps;
@ -232,7 +246,8 @@ function _normalizeStyleStepEntry(
if (!isPresent(combinedStyles)) {
combinedStyles = [];
_normalizeStyleMetadata(<CompileAnimationStyleMetadata>step, stateStyles, errors)
<CompileAnimationStyleMetadata>step, stateStyles, schema, errors, true)
.forEach(entry => { _mergeAnimationStyles(combinedStyles, entry); });
} else {
// it is important that we create a metadata entry of the combined styles
@ -250,13 +265,14 @@ function _normalizeStyleStepEntry(
var animateStyleValue = (<CompileAnimationAnimateMetadata>step).styles;
if (animateStyleValue instanceof CompileAnimationStyleMetadata) {
animateStyleValue.styles =
_normalizeStyleMetadata(animateStyleValue, stateStyles, errors);
_normalizeStyleMetadata(animateStyleValue, stateStyles, schema, errors, true);
} else if (animateStyleValue instanceof CompileAnimationKeyframesSequenceMetadata) {
step => { step.styles = _normalizeStyleMetadata(step, stateStyles, errors); });
animateStyleValue.steps.forEach(step => {
step.styles = _normalizeStyleMetadata(step, stateStyles, schema, errors, true);
} else if (step instanceof CompileAnimationWithStepsMetadata) {
let innerSteps = _normalizeStyleStepEntry(step, stateStyles, errors);
let innerSteps = _normalizeStyleStepEntry(step, stateStyles, schema, errors);
step = step instanceof CompileAnimationGroupMetadata ?
new CompileAnimationGroupMetadata(innerSteps) :
new CompileAnimationSequenceMetadata(innerSteps);

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
import {COMPILER_OPTIONS, Compiler, CompilerFactory, CompilerOptions, Inject, Injectable, Optional, PLATFORM_INITIALIZER, PlatformRef, Provider, ReflectiveInjector, TRANSLATIONS, TRANSLATIONS_FORMAT, Type, ViewEncapsulation, createPlatformFactory, isDevMode, platformCore} from '@angular/core';
import {AnimationParser} from './animation/animation_parser';
import {CompilerConfig} from './config';
import {DirectiveNormalizer} from './directive_normalizer';
import {DirectiveResolver} from './directive_resolver';
@ -74,7 +75,8 @@ export const COMPILER_PROVIDERS: Array<any|Type<any>|{[k: string]: any}|any[]> =

View File

@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ export function analyzeNgModules(
export class OfflineCompiler {
private _animationParser = new AnimationParser();
private _animationCompiler = new AnimationCompiler();
@ -118,7 +117,8 @@ export class OfflineCompiler {
private _styleCompiler: StyleCompiler, private _viewCompiler: ViewCompiler,
private _dirWrapperCompiler: DirectiveWrapperCompiler,
private _ngModuleCompiler: NgModuleCompiler, private _outputEmitter: OutputEmitter,
private _localeId: string, private _translationFormat: string) {}
private _localeId: string, private _translationFormat: string,
private _animationParser: AnimationParser) {}
clearCache() {

View File

@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ export class RuntimeCompiler implements Compiler {
private _compiledHostTemplateCache = new Map<Type<any>, CompiledTemplate>();
private _compiledDirectiveWrapperCache = new Map<Type<any>, Type<any>>();
private _compiledNgModuleCache = new Map<Type<any>, NgModuleFactory<any>>();
private _animationParser = new AnimationParser();
private _animationCompiler = new AnimationCompiler();
@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ export class RuntimeCompiler implements Compiler {
private _styleCompiler: StyleCompiler, private _viewCompiler: ViewCompiler,
private _ngModuleCompiler: NgModuleCompiler,
private _directiveWrapperCompiler: DirectiveWrapperCompiler,
private _compilerConfig: CompilerConfig) {}
private _compilerConfig: CompilerConfig, private _animationParser: AnimationParser) {}
get injector(): Injector { return this._injector; }

View File

@ -6,7 +6,9 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, Injectable, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA, SchemaMetadata, SecurityContext} from '@angular/core';
import {AUTO_STYLE, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, Injectable, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA, SchemaMetadata, SecurityContext} from '@angular/core';
import {dashCaseToCamelCase} from '../util';
import {SECURITY_SCHEMA} from './dom_security_schema';
import {ElementSchemaRegistry} from './element_schema_registry';
@ -373,4 +375,64 @@ export class DomElementSchemaRegistry extends ElementSchemaRegistry {
allKnownElementNames(): string[] { return Object.keys(this._schema); }
normalizeAnimationStyleProperty(propName: string): string {
return dashCaseToCamelCase(propName);
normalizeAnimationStyleValue(camelCaseProp: string, userProvidedProp: string, val: string|number):
{error: string, value: string} {
var unit: string = '';
var strVal = val.toString().trim();
var errorMsg: string = null;
if (_isPixelDimensionStyle(camelCaseProp) && val !== 0 && val !== '0') {
if (typeof val === 'number') {
unit = 'px';
} else {
let valAndSuffixMatch = val.match(/^[+-]?[\d\.]+([a-z]*)$/);
if (valAndSuffixMatch && valAndSuffixMatch[1].length == 0) {
errorMsg = `Please provide a CSS unit value for ${userProvidedProp}:${val}`;
return {error: errorMsg, value: strVal + unit};
function _isPixelDimensionStyle(prop: string): boolean {
switch (prop) {
case 'width':
case 'height':
case 'minWidth':
case 'minHeight':
case 'maxWidth':
case 'maxHeight':
case 'left':
case 'top':
case 'bottom':
case 'right':
case 'fontSize':
case 'outlineWidth':
case 'outlineOffset':
case 'paddingTop':
case 'paddingLeft':
case 'paddingBottom':
case 'paddingRight':
case 'marginTop':
case 'marginLeft':
case 'marginBottom':
case 'marginRight':
case 'borderRadius':
case 'borderWidth':
case 'borderTopWidth':
case 'borderLeftWidth':
case 'borderRightWidth':
case 'borderBottomWidth':
case 'textIndent':
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -18,4 +18,8 @@ export abstract class ElementSchemaRegistry {
abstract getDefaultComponentElementName(): string;
abstract validateProperty(name: string): {error: boolean, msg?: string};
abstract validateAttribute(name: string): {error: boolean, msg?: string};
abstract normalizeAnimationStyleProperty(propName: string): string;
abstract normalizeAnimationStyleValue(
camelCaseProp: string, userProvidedProp: string,
val: string|number): {error: string, value: string};

View File

@ -11,11 +11,16 @@ import {isBlank, isPrimitive, isStrictStringMap} from './facade/lang';
export const MODULE_SUFFIX = '';
const CAMEL_CASE_REGEXP = /([A-Z])/g;
const DASH_CASE_REGEXP = /-+([a-z0-9])/g;
export function camelCaseToDashCase(input: string): string {
return input.replace(CAMEL_CASE_REGEXP, (...m: any[]) => '-' + m[1].toLowerCase());
export function dashCaseToCamelCase(input: string): string {
return input.replace(DASH_CASE_REGEXP, (...m: any[]) => m[1].toUpperCase());
export function splitAtColon(input: string, defaultValues: string[]): string[] {
return _splitAt(input, ':', defaultValues);

View File

@ -12,14 +12,19 @@ import {AnimationCompiler, AnimationEntryCompileResult} from '../../src/animatio
import {AnimationParser} from '../../src/animation/animation_parser';
import {CompileAnimationEntryMetadata, CompileDirectiveMetadata, CompileTemplateMetadata, CompileTypeMetadata} from '../../src/compile_metadata';
import {CompileMetadataResolver} from '../../src/metadata_resolver';
import {ElementSchemaRegistry} from '../../src/schema/element_schema_registry';
export function main() {
describe('RuntimeAnimationCompiler', () => {
var resolver: CompileMetadataResolver;
inject([CompileMetadataResolver], (res: CompileMetadataResolver) => { resolver = res; }));
var parser: AnimationParser;
[CompileMetadataResolver, ElementSchemaRegistry],
(res: CompileMetadataResolver, schema: ElementSchemaRegistry) => {
resolver = res;
parser = new AnimationParser(schema);
const parser = new AnimationParser();
const compiler = new AnimationCompiler();
var compileAnimations =

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import {expect} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/matchers';
import {AnimationEntryAst, AnimationGroupAst, AnimationKeyframeAst, AnimationSequenceAst, AnimationStepAst, AnimationStylesAst} from '../../src/animation/animation_ast';
import {AnimationParser} from '../../src/animation/animation_parser';
import {CompileMetadataResolver} from '../../src/metadata_resolver';
import {ElementSchemaRegistry} from '../../src/schema/element_schema_registry';
import {FILL_STYLE_FLAG, flattenStyles} from '../private_import_core';
export function main() {
@ -39,13 +40,18 @@ export function main() {
var resolver: CompileMetadataResolver;
inject([CompileMetadataResolver], (res: CompileMetadataResolver) => { resolver = res; }));
var schema: ElementSchemaRegistry;
[CompileMetadataResolver, ElementSchemaRegistry],
(res: CompileMetadataResolver, sch: ElementSchemaRegistry) => {
resolver = res;
schema = sch;
var parseAnimation = (data: AnimationMetadata[]) => {
const entry = trigger('myAnimation', [transition('state1 => state2', sequence(data))]);
const compiledAnimationEntry = resolver.getAnimationEntryMetadata(entry);
const parser = new AnimationParser();
const parser = new AnimationParser(schema);
return parser.parseEntry(compiledAnimationEntry);
@ -59,21 +65,21 @@ export function main() {
it('should merge repeated style steps into a single style ast step entry', () => {
var ast = parseAnimationAst([
style({'color': 'black'}), style({'background': 'red'}), style({'opacity': 0}),
animate(1000, style({'color': 'white', 'background': 'black', 'opacity': 1}))
style({'color': 'black'}), style({'background': 'red'}), style({'opacity': '0'}),
animate(1000, style({'color': 'white', 'background': 'black', 'opacity': '1'}))
var step = <AnimationStepAst>ast.steps[0];
.toEqual({'color': 'black', 'background': 'red', 'opacity': 0});
.toEqual({'color': 'black', 'background': 'red', 'opacity': '0'});
.toEqual({'color': 'black', 'background': 'red', 'opacity': 0});
.toEqual({'color': 'black', 'background': 'red', 'opacity': '0'});
.toEqual({'color': 'white', 'background': 'black', 'opacity': 1});
.toEqual({'color': 'white', 'background': 'black', 'opacity': '1'});
it('should animate only the styles requested within an animation step', () => {
@ -93,7 +99,7 @@ export function main() {
it('should populate the starting and duration times propertly', () => {
var ast = parseAnimationAst([
style({'color': 'black', 'opacity': 1}),
style({'color': 'black', 'opacity': '1'}),
animate(1000, style({'color': 'red'})),
animate(4000, style({'color': 'yellow'})),
@ -144,13 +150,13 @@ export function main() {
it('should apply the correct animate() styles when parallel animations are active and use the same properties',
() => {
var details = parseAnimation([
style({'opacity': 0, 'color': 'red'}), group([
style({'opacity': '0', 'color': 'red'}), group([
animate(2000, style({'color': 'black'})),
animate(2000, style({'opacity': 0.5})),
animate(2000, style({'opacity': '0.5'})),
animate(2000, style({'opacity': 0.8})),
animate(2000, style({'opacity': '0.8'})),
animate(2000, style({'color': 'blue'}))
@ -169,10 +175,10 @@ export function main() {
expect(collectStepStyles(sq1a1)).toEqual([{'color': 'red'}, {'color': 'black'}]);
var sq1a2 = <AnimationStepAst>sq1.steps[1];
expect(collectStepStyles(sq1a2)).toEqual([{'opacity': 0.8}, {'opacity': 0.5}]);
expect(collectStepStyles(sq1a2)).toEqual([{'opacity': '0.8'}, {'opacity': '0.5'}]);
var sq2a1 = <AnimationStepAst>sq2.steps[0];
expect(collectStepStyles(sq2a1)).toEqual([{'opacity': 0}, {'opacity': 0.8}]);
expect(collectStepStyles(sq2a1)).toEqual([{'opacity': '0'}, {'opacity': '0.8'}]);
var sq2a2 = <AnimationStepAst>sq2.steps[1];
expect(collectStepStyles(sq2a2)).toEqual([{'color': 'black'}, {'color': 'blue'}]);
@ -180,8 +186,8 @@ export function main() {
it('should throw errors when animations animate a CSS property at the same time', () => {
var animation1 = parseAnimation([
style({'opacity': 0}),
group([animate(1000, style({'opacity': 1})), animate(2000, style({'opacity': 0.5}))])
style({'opacity': '0'}),
group([animate(1000, style({'opacity': '1'})), animate(2000, style({'opacity': '0.5'}))])
var errors1 = animation1.errors;
@ -205,23 +211,24 @@ export function main() {
it('should return an error when an animation style contains an invalid timing value', () => {
var errors = parseAnimationAndGetErrors(
[style({'opacity': 0}), animate('one second', style({'opacity': 1}))]);
[style({'opacity': '0'}), animate('one second', style({'opacity': '1'}))]);
expect(errors[0].msg).toContainError(`The provided timing value "one second" is invalid.`);
it('should collect and return any errors collected when parsing the metadata', () => {
var errors = parseAnimationAndGetErrors([
style({'opacity': 0}), animate('one second', style({'opacity': 1})), style({'opacity': 0}),
animate('one second', null), style({'background': 'red'})
style({'opacity': '0'}), animate('one second', style({'opacity': '1'})),
style({'opacity': '0'}), animate('one second', null), style({'background': 'red'})
it('should normalize a series of keyframe styles into a list of offset steps', () => {
var ast = parseAnimationAst([animate(1000, keyframes([
style({'width': 0}), style({'width': 25}),
style({'width': 50}), style({'width': 75})
var ast =
parseAnimationAst([animate(1000, keyframes([
style({'width': '0'}), style({'width': '25px'}),
style({'width': '50px'}), style({'width': '75px'})
var step = <AnimationStepAst>ast.steps[0];
@ -233,11 +240,11 @@ export function main() {
it('should use an existing collection of offset steps if provided', () => {
var ast = parseAnimationAst(
[animate(1000, keyframes([
style({'height': 0, 'offset': 0}), style({'height': 25, 'offset': 0.6}),
style({'height': 50, 'offset': 0.7}), style({'height': 75, 'offset': 1})
var ast = parseAnimationAst([animate(
1000, keyframes([
style({'height': '0', 'offset': 0}), style({'height': '25px', 'offset': 0.6}),
style({'height': '50px', 'offset': 0.7}), style({'height': '75px', 'offset': 1})
var step = <AnimationStepAst>ast.steps[0];
@ -251,24 +258,25 @@ export function main() {
it('should sort the provided collection of steps that contain offsets', () => {
var ast = parseAnimationAst([animate(
1000, keyframes([
style({'opacity': 0, 'offset': 0.9}), style({'opacity': .25, 'offset': 0}),
style({'opacity': .50, 'offset': 1}), style({'opacity': .75, 'offset': 0.91})
style({'opacity': '0', 'offset': 0.9}), style({'opacity': '0.25', 'offset': 0}),
style({'opacity': '0.50', 'offset': 1}),
style({'opacity': '0.75', 'offset': 0.91})
var step = <AnimationStepAst>ast.steps[0];
it('should throw an error if a partial amount of keyframes contain an offset', () => {
@ -302,7 +310,7 @@ export function main() {
it('should copy over any missing styles to the final keyframe if not already defined', () => {
var ast = parseAnimationAst([animate(
1000, keyframes([
style({'color': 'white', 'border-color': 'white'}),
style({'color': 'white', 'borderColor': 'white'}),
style({'color': 'red', 'background': 'blue'}), style({'background': 'blue'})
@ -312,20 +320,17 @@ export function main() {
var kf3 = keyframesStep.keyframes[2];
.toEqual({'background': 'blue', 'color': 'red', 'border-color': 'white'});
.toEqual({'background': 'blue', 'color': 'red', 'borderColor': 'white'});
it('should create an initial keyframe if not detected and place all keyframes styles there',
() => {
var ast = parseAnimationAst(
[animate(1000, keyframes([
style({'color': 'white', 'background': 'black', 'offset': 0.5}), style({
'color': 'orange',
'background': 'red',
'font-size': '100px',
'offset': 1
var ast = parseAnimationAst([animate(
1000, keyframes([
style({'color': 'white', 'background': 'black', 'offset': 0.5}),
{'color': 'orange', 'background': 'red', 'fontSize': '100px', 'offset': 1})
var keyframesStep = <AnimationStepAst>ast.steps[0];
@ -335,7 +340,7 @@ export function main() {
'font-size': FILL_STYLE_FLAG,
'fontSize': FILL_STYLE_FLAG,
'background': FILL_STYLE_FLAG,
@ -353,7 +358,7 @@ export function main() {
'color': 'orange',
'background': 'red',
'font-size': '100px',
'fontSize': '100px',
'offset': 0.5
@ -369,13 +374,13 @@ export function main() {
'color': 'orange',
'background': 'red',
'transform': 'rotate(360deg)',
'font-size': '100px'
'fontSize': '100px'
describe('easing / duration / delay', () => {
it('should parse simple string-based values', () => {
var ast = parseAnimationAst([animate('1s .5s ease-out', style({'opacity': 1}))]);
var ast = parseAnimationAst([animate('1s .5s ease-out', style({'opacity': '1'}))]);
var step = <AnimationStepAst>ast.steps[0];
@ -384,7 +389,7 @@ export function main() {
it('should parse a numeric duration value', () => {
var ast = parseAnimationAst([animate(666, style({'opacity': 1}))]);
var ast = parseAnimationAst([animate(666, style({'opacity': '1'}))]);
var step = <AnimationStepAst>ast.steps[0];
@ -393,7 +398,7 @@ export function main() {
it('should parse an easing value without a delay', () => {
var ast = parseAnimationAst([animate('5s linear', style({'opacity': 1}))]);
var ast = parseAnimationAst([animate('5s linear', style({'opacity': '1'}))]);
var step = <AnimationStepAst>ast.steps[0];
@ -403,7 +408,7 @@ export function main() {
it('should parse a complex easing value', () => {
var ast =
parseAnimationAst([animate('30ms cubic-bezier(0, 0,0, .69)', style({'opacity': 1}))]);
parseAnimationAst([animate('30ms cubic-bezier(0, 0,0, .69)', style({'opacity': '1'}))]);
var step = <AnimationStepAst>ast.steps[0];

View File

@ -192,5 +192,44 @@ If 'onAnything' is a directive input, make sure the directive is imported by the
describe('normalizeAnimationStyleProperty', () => {
it('should normalize the given CSS property to camelCase', () => {
describe('normalizeAnimationStyleValue', () => {
it('should normalize the given dimensional CSS style value to contain a PX value when numeric',
() => {
registry.normalizeAnimationStyleValue('borderRadius', 'border-radius', 10)['value'])
it('should not normalize any values that are of zero', () => {
expect(registry.normalizeAnimationStyleValue('opacity', 'opacity', 0)['value']).toBe('0');
expect(registry.normalizeAnimationStyleValue('width', 'width', 0)['value']).toBe('0');
it('should retain the given dimensional CSS style value\'s unit if it already exists', () => {
registry.normalizeAnimationStyleValue('borderRadius', 'border-radius', '10em')['value'])
it('should trim the provided CSS style value', () => {
expect(registry.normalizeAnimationStyleValue('color', 'color', ' red ')['value'])
it('should stringify all non dimensional numeric style values', () => {
expect(registry.normalizeAnimationStyleValue('zIndex', 'zIndex', 10)['value']).toBe('10');
expect(registry.normalizeAnimationStyleValue('opacity', 'opacity', 0.5)['value'])

View File

@ -54,4 +54,10 @@ export class MockSchemaRegistry implements ElementSchemaRegistry {
return {error: false};
normalizeAnimationStyleProperty(propName: string): string { return propName; }
normalizeAnimationStyleValue(camelCaseProp: string, userProvidedProp: string, val: string|number):
{error: string, value: string} {
return {error: null, value: val.toString()};

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
import {CommonModule} from '@angular/common';
import {DomElementSchemaRegistry, ElementSchemaRegistry} from '@angular/compiler';
import {AnimationDriver} from '@angular/platform-browser/src/dom/animation_driver';
import {getDOM} from '@angular/platform-browser/src/dom/dom_adapter';
import {MockAnimationDriver} from '@angular/platform-browser/testing/mock_animation_driver';
@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
'void => *',
[style({'opacity': 0}), animate(500, style({'opacity': 1}))])])]
[style({'opacity': '0'}), animate(500, style({'opacity': '1'}))])])]
@ -68,8 +69,8 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
var keyframes2 = driver.log[0]['keyframeLookup'];
expect(keyframes2[0]).toEqual([0, {'opacity': 0}]);
expect(keyframes2[1]).toEqual([1, {'opacity': 1}]);
expect(keyframes2[0]).toEqual([0, {'opacity': '0'}]);
expect(keyframes2[1]).toEqual([1, {'opacity': '1'}]);
it('should trigger a state change animation from state => void', fakeAsync(() => {
@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
'* => void',
[style({'opacity': 1}), animate(500, style({'opacity': 0}))])])]
[style({'opacity': '1'}), animate(500, style({'opacity': '0'}))])])]
@ -102,12 +103,14 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
var keyframes2 = driver.log[0]['keyframeLookup'];
expect(keyframes2[0]).toEqual([0, {'opacity': 1}]);
expect(keyframes2[1]).toEqual([1, {'opacity': 0}]);
expect(keyframes2[0]).toEqual([0, {'opacity': '1'}]);
expect(keyframes2[1]).toEqual([1, {'opacity': '0'}]);
it('should animate the element when the expression changes between states', fakeAsync(() => {
TestBed.overrideComponent(DummyIfCmp, {
it('should animate the element when the expression changes between states',
() => {
TestBed.overrideComponent(DummyIfCmp, {
set: {
template: `
<div *ngIf="exp" [@myAnimation]="exp"></div>
@ -115,36 +118,36 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
animations: [
trigger('myAnimation', [
transition('* => state1', [
style({'background': 'red'}),
animate('0.5s 1s ease-out', style({'background': 'blue'}))
style({'backgroundColor': 'red'}),
animate('0.5s 1s ease-out', style({'backgroundColor': 'blue'}))
const driver = TestBed.get(AnimationDriver) as MockAnimationDriver;
let fixture = TestBed.createComponent(DummyIfCmp);
var cmp = fixture.componentInstance;
cmp.exp = 'state1';
const driver = TestBed.get(AnimationDriver) as MockAnimationDriver;
let fixture = TestBed.createComponent(DummyIfCmp);
var cmp = fixture.componentInstance;
cmp.exp = 'state1';
var animation1 = driver.log[0];
var animation1 = driver.log[0];
var startingStyles = animation1['startingStyles'];
expect(startingStyles).toEqual({'background': 'red'});
var startingStyles = animation1['startingStyles'];
expect(startingStyles).toEqual({'backgroundColor': 'red'});
var kf = animation1['keyframeLookup'];
expect(kf[0]).toEqual([0, {'background': 'red'}]);
expect(kf[1]).toEqual([1, {'background': 'blue'}]);
var kf = animation1['keyframeLookup'];
expect(kf[0]).toEqual([0, {'backgroundColor': 'red'}]);
expect(kf[1]).toEqual([1, {'backgroundColor': 'blue'}]);
describe('animation aliases', () => {
it('should animate the ":enter" animation alias as "void => *"', fakeAsync(() => {
@ -154,10 +157,12 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
<div *ngIf="exp" [@myAnimation]="exp"></div>
animations: [trigger(
[style({'opacity': 0}), animate('500ms', style({opacity: 1}))])])]
'myAnimation', [transition(
style({'opacity': '0'}),
animate('500ms', style({'opacity': '1'}))
@ -181,7 +186,7 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
animations: [trigger(
[transition(':leave', [animate('999ms', style({opacity: 0}))])])]
[transition(':leave', [animate('999ms', style({'opacity': '0'}))])])]
@ -211,7 +216,8 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
animations: [trigger(
[transition(':dont_leave_me', [animate('444ms', style({opacity: 0}))])])]
':dont_leave_me', [animate('444ms', style({'opacity': '0'}))])])]
@ -265,6 +271,135 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
expect(result['keyframeLookup']).toEqual([[0, {'opacity': '1'}], [1, {'opacity': '0'}]]);
describe('schema normalization', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
TestBed.overrideComponent(DummyIfCmp, {
set: {
template: `<div [@myAnimation] *ngIf="exp"></div>`,
animations: [trigger(
state('*', style({'border-width': '10px', 'height': 111})),
state('void', style({'z-index': '20'})),
transition('* => *', [
style({ height: '200px ', '-webkit-border-radius': '10px' }),
describe('via DomElementSchemaRegistry', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
providers: [{provide: ElementSchemaRegistry, useClass: DomElementSchemaRegistry}]
it('should normalize all CSS style properties to camelCase during compile time if a DOM schema is used',
fakeAsync(() => {
const driver = TestBed.get(AnimationDriver) as MockAnimationDriver;
let fixture = TestBed.createComponent(DummyIfCmp);
var cmp = fixture.componentInstance;
cmp.exp = true;
var result = driver.log.pop();
var styleProps1 = Object.keys(result['keyframeLookup'][0][1]).sort();
var styleProps2 = Object.keys(result['keyframeLookup'][1][1]).sort();
var expectedProps = ['WebkitBorderRadius', 'borderWidth', 'height', 'zIndex'];
.toEqual(expectedProps); // the start/end styles are always balanced
it('should normalize all dimensional CSS style values to `px` values if the value is a number',
fakeAsync(() => {
const driver = TestBed.get(AnimationDriver) as MockAnimationDriver;
let fixture = TestBed.createComponent(DummyIfCmp);
var cmp = fixture.componentInstance;
cmp.exp = true;
var result = driver.log.pop();
var styleVals1 = result['keyframeLookup'][0][1];
var styleVals2 = result['keyframeLookup'][1][1];
it('should throw an error when a string-based dimensional style value is used that does not contain a unit value is detected',
fakeAsync(() => {
TestBed.overrideComponent(DummyIfCmp, {
set: {
template: `<div [@myAnimation] *ngIf="exp"></div>`,
animations: [trigger(
[state('*', style({width: '123'})), transition('* => *', animate(500))])]
expect(() => {
}).toThrowError(/Please provide a CSS unit value for width:123/);
describe('not using DomElementSchemaRegistry', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
{providers: [{provide: ElementSchemaRegistry, useClass: _NaiveElementSchema}]});
it('should not normalize any CSS style properties to camelCase during compile time if a DOM schema is used',
fakeAsync(() => {
const driver = TestBed.get(AnimationDriver) as MockAnimationDriver;
let fixture = TestBed.createComponent(DummyIfCmp);
var cmp = fixture.componentInstance;
cmp.exp = true;
var result = driver.log.pop();
var styleProps1 = Object.keys(result['keyframeLookup'][0][1]).sort();
var styleProps2 = Object.keys(result['keyframeLookup'][1][1]).sort();
var expectedProps = ['-webkit-border-radius', 'border-width', 'height', 'z-index'];
.toEqual(expectedProps); // the start/end styles are always balanced
it('should not normalize nay dimensional CSS style values to `px` values if the value is a number',
fakeAsync(() => {
const driver = TestBed.get(AnimationDriver) as MockAnimationDriver;
let fixture = TestBed.createComponent(DummyIfCmp);
var cmp = fixture.componentInstance;
cmp.exp = true;
var result = driver.log.pop();
var styleVals1 = result['keyframeLookup'][0][1];
var styleVals2 = result['keyframeLookup'][1][1];
it('should combine repeated style steps into a single step', fakeAsync(() => {
TestBed.overrideComponent(DummyIfCmp, {
set: {
@ -277,11 +412,11 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
style({'background': 'red'}),
style({'width': '100px'}),
style({'background': 'gold'}),
style({'height': 111}),
style({'height': '111px'}),
animate('999ms', style({'width': '200px', 'background': 'blue'})),
style({'opacity': '1'}),
style({'border-width': '100px'}),
animate('999ms', style({'opacity': '0', 'height': '200px', 'border-width': '10px'}))
style({'borderWidth': '100px'}),
animate('999ms', style({'opacity': '0', 'height': '200px', 'borderWidth': '10px'}))
@ -303,7 +438,7 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
.toEqual({'background': 'gold', 'width': '100px', 'height': 111});
.toEqual({'background': 'gold', 'width': '100px', 'height': '111px'});
var keyframes1 = animation1['keyframeLookup'];
expect(keyframes1[0]).toEqual([0, {'background': 'gold', 'width': '100px'}]);
@ -313,14 +448,14 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
expect(animation2['startingStyles']).toEqual({'opacity': '1', 'border-width': '100px'});
expect(animation2['startingStyles']).toEqual({'opacity': '1', 'borderWidth': '100px'});
var keyframes2 = animation2['keyframeLookup'];
0, {'opacity': '1', 'height': 111, 'border-width': '100px'}
0, {'opacity': '1', 'height': '111px', 'borderWidth': '100px'}
1, {'opacity': '0', 'height': '200px', 'border-width': '10px'}
1, {'opacity': '0', 'height': '200px', 'borderWidth': '10px'}
@ -515,10 +650,10 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
var kf = driver.log[0]['keyframeLookup'];
expect(kf[0]).toEqual([0, {'width': 0}]);
expect(kf[1]).toEqual([0.25, {'width': 100}]);
expect(kf[2]).toEqual([0.75, {'width': 200}]);
expect(kf[3]).toEqual([1, {'width': 300}]);
expect(kf[0]).toEqual([0, {'width': '0'}]);
expect(kf[1]).toEqual([0.25, {'width': '100px'}]);
expect(kf[2]).toEqual([0.75, {'width': '200px'}]);
expect(kf[3]).toEqual([1, {'width': '300px'}]);
it('should fetch any keyframe styles that are not defined in the first keyframe from the previous entries or getCompuedStyle',
@ -535,7 +670,7 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
animate(1000, style({'color': 'silver'})),
animate(1000, keyframes([
style([{'color': 'gold', offset: 0.25}]),
style([{'color': 'bronze', 'background-color': 'teal', offset: 0.50}]),
style([{'color': 'bronze', 'backgroundColor': 'teal', offset: 0.50}]),
style([{'color': 'platinum', offset: 0.75}]),
style([{'color': 'diamond', offset: 1}])
@ -554,11 +689,11 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
var kf = driver.log[1]['keyframeLookup'];
expect(kf[0]).toEqual([0, {'color': 'silver', 'background-color': AUTO_STYLE}]);
expect(kf[0]).toEqual([0, {'color': 'silver', 'backgroundColor': AUTO_STYLE}]);
expect(kf[1]).toEqual([0.25, {'color': 'gold'}]);
expect(kf[2]).toEqual([0.50, {'color': 'bronze', 'background-color': 'teal'}]);
expect(kf[2]).toEqual([0.50, {'color': 'bronze', 'backgroundColor': 'teal'}]);
expect(kf[3]).toEqual([0.75, {'color': 'platinum'}]);
expect(kf[4]).toEqual([1, {'color': 'diamond', 'background-color': 'teal'}]);
expect(kf[4]).toEqual([1, {'color': 'diamond', 'backgroundColor': 'teal'}]);
@ -573,7 +708,7 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
'* => *',
[style({'opacity': 0}), animate(500, style({'opacity': 1}))])])]
[style({'opacity': '0'}), animate(500, style({'opacity': '1'}))])])]
@ -607,7 +742,7 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
animations: [
trigger('myAnimation', [
transition('void => *', [
style({'background': 'red', 'opacity': 0.5}),
style({'background': 'red', 'opacity': '0.5'}),
animate(500, style({'background': 'black'})),
animate(500, style({'background': 'black'})),
@ -714,7 +849,7 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
animations: [trigger(
[transition('* => void', [animate(1000, style({'opacity': 0}))])])]
[transition('* => void', [animate(1000, style({'opacity': '0'}))])])]
@ -750,8 +885,8 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
[trigger('myAnimation', [transition(
'* => *',
animate(1000, style({'opacity': 0})),
animate(1000, style({'opacity': 1}))
animate(1000, style({'opacity': '0'})),
animate(1000, style({'opacity': '1'}))
@ -766,12 +901,12 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
var animation1 = driver.log[0];
var keyframes1 = animation1['keyframeLookup'];
expect(keyframes1[0]).toEqual([0, {'opacity': AUTO_STYLE}]);
expect(keyframes1[1]).toEqual([1, {'opacity': 0}]);
expect(keyframes1[1]).toEqual([1, {'opacity': '0'}]);
var animation2 = driver.log[1];
var keyframes2 = animation2['keyframeLookup'];
expect(keyframes2[0]).toEqual([0, {'opacity': 0}]);
expect(keyframes2[1]).toEqual([1, {'opacity': 1}]);
expect(keyframes2[0]).toEqual([0, {'opacity': '0'}]);
expect(keyframes2[1]).toEqual([1, {'opacity': '1'}]);
it('should perform two transitions in parallel if defined in different state triggers',
@ -783,9 +918,10 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
animations: [
'one', [transition(
'state1 => state2',
[style({'opacity': 0}), animate(1000, style({'opacity': 1}))])]),
'state1 => state2',
[style({'opacity': '0'}), animate(1000, style({'opacity': '1'}))])]),
@ -1661,8 +1797,7 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
animations: [trigger(
state('final', style({'top': '100px'})),
transition('* => final', [animate(1000)])
state('final', style({'top': 100})), transition('* => final', [animate(1000)])
@ -1778,8 +1913,8 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
animations: [trigger(
state('void', style({'width': '0px'})),
state('final', style({'width': '100px'})),
state('void', style({'width': 0})),
state('final', style({'width': 100})),
@ -1909,7 +2044,7 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
animations: [trigger(
state('void', style({'height': '100px', 'opacity': 0})),
state('void', style({'height': '100px', 'opacity': '0'})),
state('final', style({'height': '333px', 'width': '200px'})),
transition('void => final', [animate(1000)])
@ -1927,7 +2062,7 @@ function declareTests({useJit}: {useJit: boolean}) {
var animation = driver.log.pop();
var kf = animation['keyframeLookup'];
expect(kf[0]).toEqual([0, {'height': '100px', 'opacity': 0, 'width': AUTO_STYLE}]);
expect(kf[0]).toEqual([0, {'height': '100px', 'opacity': '0', 'width': AUTO_STYLE}]);
expect(kf[1]).toEqual([1, {'height': '333px', 'opacity': AUTO_STYLE, 'width': '200px'}]);
@ -2006,3 +2141,12 @@ class BrokenDummyLoadingCmp {
exp = false;
callback = () => {};
class _NaiveElementSchema extends DomElementSchemaRegistry {
normalizeAnimationStyleProperty(propName: string): string { return propName; }
normalizeAnimationStyleValue(camelCaseProp: string, userProvidedProp: string, val: string|number):
{error: string, value: string} {
return {error: null, value: <string>val};

View File

@ -6,13 +6,10 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {AUTO_STYLE} from '@angular/core';
import {isPresent} from '../facade/lang';
import {AnimationKeyframe, AnimationStyles} from '../private_import_core';
import {AnimationDriver} from './animation_driver';
import {dashCaseToCamelCase} from './util';
import {WebAnimationsPlayer} from './web_animations_player';
export class WebAnimationsDriver implements AnimationDriver {
@ -63,14 +60,8 @@ function _populateStyles(
element: any, styles: AnimationStyles,
defaultStyles: {[key: string]: string | number}): {[key: string]: string | number} {
var data: {[key: string]: string | number} = {};
styles.styles.forEach((entry) => {
Object.keys(entry).forEach(prop => {
const val = entry[prop];
var formattedProp = dashCaseToCamelCase(prop);
data[formattedProp] =
val == AUTO_STYLE ? val : val.toString() + _resolveStyleUnit(val, prop, formattedProp);
(entry) => { Object.keys(entry).forEach(prop => { data[prop] = entry[prop]; }); });
Object.keys(defaultStyles).forEach(prop => {
if (!isPresent(data[prop])) {
data[prop] = defaultStyles[prop];
@ -78,66 +69,3 @@ function _populateStyles(
return data;
function _resolveStyleUnit(
val: string | number, userProvidedProp: string, formattedProp: string): string {
var unit = '';
if (_isPixelDimensionStyle(formattedProp) && val != 0 && val != '0') {
if (typeof val === 'number') {
unit = 'px';
} else if (_findDimensionalSuffix(val.toString()).length == 0) {
throw new Error('Please provide a CSS unit value for ' + userProvidedProp + ':' + val);
return unit;
const _$0 = 48;
const _$9 = 57;
const _$PERIOD = 46;
function _findDimensionalSuffix(value: string): string {
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
var c = value.charCodeAt(i);
if ((c >= _$0 && c <= _$9) || c == _$PERIOD) continue;
return value.substring(i, value.length);
return '';
function _isPixelDimensionStyle(prop: string): boolean {
switch (prop) {
case 'width':
case 'height':
case 'minWidth':
case 'minHeight':
case 'maxWidth':
case 'maxHeight':
case 'left':
case 'top':
case 'bottom':
case 'right':
case 'fontSize':
case 'outlineWidth':
case 'outlineOffset':
case 'paddingTop':
case 'paddingLeft':
case 'paddingBottom':
case 'paddingRight':
case 'marginTop':
case 'marginLeft':
case 'marginBottom':
case 'marginRight':
case 'borderRadius':
case 'borderWidth':
case 'borderTopWidth':
case 'borderLeftWidth':
case 'borderRightWidth':
case 'borderBottomWidth':
case 'textIndent':
return true;
return false;

View File

@ -45,46 +45,6 @@ export function main() {
elm = el('<div></div>');
it('should convert all styles to camelcase', () => {
var startingStyles = _makeStyles({'border-top-right': '40px'});
var styles = [
_makeKeyframe(0, {'max-width': '100px', 'height': '200px'}),
_makeKeyframe(1, {'font-size': '555px'})
var player = driver.animate(elm, startingStyles, styles, 0, 0, 'linear');
var details = _formatOptions(player);
var startKeyframe = details['keyframes'][0];
var firstKeyframe = details['keyframes'][1];
var lastKeyframe = details['keyframes'][2];
it('should auto prefix numeric properties with a `px` value', () => {
var startingStyles = _makeStyles({'borderTopWidth': 40});
var styles = [_makeKeyframe(0, {'font-size': 100}), _makeKeyframe(1, {'height': '555em'})];
var player = driver.animate(elm, startingStyles, styles, 0, 0, 'linear');
var details = _formatOptions(player);
var startKeyframe = details['keyframes'][0];
var firstKeyframe = details['keyframes'][1];
var lastKeyframe = details['keyframes'][2];
it('should use a fill mode of `both`', () => {
var startingStyles = _makeStyles({});
var styles = [_makeKeyframe(0, {'color': 'green'}), _makeKeyframe(1, {'color': 'red'})];