diff --git a/public/docs/ts/_cache/glossary.jade b/public/docs/ts/_cache/glossary.jade
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50c6100cda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/docs/ts/_cache/glossary.jade
@@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
+include _util-fns
+// #docregion intro
+ # Angular 2 Glossary
+ Angular 2 has a vocabulary of its own.
+ Most Angular 2 terms are everyday English words
+ with a specific meaning within the Angular system.
+ We have gathered here the most prominent terms
+ and a few less familiar ones that have unusual or
+ unexpected definitions.
+ [A](#A) [B](#B) [C](#C) [D](#D) [E](#E) [F](#F) [G](#G) [H](#H) [I](#I)
+ [J](#J) [K](#K) [L](#L) [M](#M) [N](#N) [O](#O) [P](#P) [Q](#Q) [R](#R)
+ [S](#S) [T](#T) [U](#U) [V](#V) [W](#W) [X](#X) [Y](#Y) [Z](#Z)
+// #enddocregion intro
+// #docregion a1
+// #enddocregion a1
+ ## Annotation
+ :marked
+ In practice a synonym for [Decoration](#decorator).
+// #enddocregion a-1
+// #docregion a-2
+ ## Attribute Directive
+ :marked
+ A category of [Directive](#directive) that can listen to and modify the behavior of
+ other HTML elements, attributes, properties, and components. They are usually represented
+ as HTML attributes, hence the name.
+ The `ngClass` directive for adding and removing CSS class names is a good example of
+ an Attribute Directive.
+// #enddocregion a-2
+// #docregion b-c
+- var lang = current.path[1]
+- var decorator = lang === 'dart' ? 'annotation' : 'decorator'
+- var atSym = lang === 'js' ? '' : '@'
+ ## Barrel
+ :marked
+ A barrel is a way to *rollup exports* from several modules into a single convenience module.
+ The barrel itself is a module file that re-exports *selected* exports of other modules.
+ Imagine three modules in a `heroes` folder:
+ code-example.
+ // heroes/hero.component.ts
+ export class HeroComponent {}
+ // heroes/hero.model.ts
+ export class Hero {}
+ // heroes/hero.service.ts
+ export class HeroService {}
+ :marked
+ Without a barrel, a consumer would need three import statements:
+ code-example.
+ import { HeroComponent } from '../heroes/hero.component.ts';
+ import { Hero } from '../heroes/hero.model.ts';
+ import { HeroService } from '../heroes/hero.service.ts';
+ :marked
+ We can add a barrel to the `heroes` folder (called `index` by convention) that exports all of these items:
+ code-example.
+ export * from './hero.model.ts'; // re-export all of its exports
+ export * from './hero.service.ts'; // re-export all of its exports
+ export { HeroComponent } from './hero.component.ts'; // re-export the named thing
+ :marked
+ Now a consumer can import what it needs from the barrel.
+ code-example.
+ import { Hero, HeroService } from '../heroes'; // index is implied
+ :marked
+ The Angular [scoped packages](#scoped-package) each have a barrel named `index`.
+// #enddocregion b-c
+ That's why we can write this:
++makeExcerpt('quickstart/ts/app/app.component.ts', 'import', '')
+// #docregion b-c
+ ## Binding
+ :marked
+ Almost always refers to [Data Binding](#data-binding) and the act of
+ binding an HTML object property to a data object property.
+ May refer to a [Dependency Injection](#dependency-injection) binding
+ between a "token" or "key" and a dependency [provider](#provider).
+ This more rare usage should be clear in context.
+ ## Bootstrap
+ :marked
+ We launch an Angular application by "bootstrapping" it with the `bootstrap` method.
+ The `bootstrap` method identifies an application's top level "root" [Component](#component)
+ and optionally registers service [providers](#provider) with the
+ [dependency injection system](#dependency-injection).
+ One can bootstrap multiple apps in the same `index.html`, each with its own top level root.
+ ## camelCase
+ :marked
+ The practice of writing compound words or phrases such that each word or abbreviation begins with a capital letter
+ _except the first letter which is a lowercase letter_.
+ Function, property, and method names are typically spelled in camelCase. Examples include: `square`, `firstName` and `getHeroes`.
+ This form is also known as **lower camel case**, to distinguish it from **upper camel case** which we call [PascalCase](#pascalcase).
+ When we write "camelCase" in this documentation we always mean *lower camel case*.
+ ## Component
+ :marked
+ An Angular class responsible for exposing data
+ to a [View](#view) and handling most of the view’s display
+ and user-interaction logic.
+ The Component is one of the most important building blocks in the Angular system.
+ It is, in fact, an Angular [Directive](#directive) with a companion [Template](#template).
+ The developer applies the `#{atSym}Component` !{decorator} to
+ the component class, thereby attaching to the class the essential component metadata
+ that Angular needs to create a component instance and render it with its template
+ as a view.
+ Those familiar with "MVC" and "MVVM" patterns will recognize
+ the Component in the role of "Controller" or "View Model".
+// #enddocregion b-c
+// #docregion d1
+ ## dash-case
+ :marked
+ The practice of writing compound words or phrases such that each word is separated by a dash or hyphen (`-`).
+ Directive selectors and the root of filenames are often spelled in dash-case. Examples include: `my-app` and `hero-list.component.ts`.
+ This form is also known as [kebab-case](#kebab-case).
+ ## Data Binding
+ :marked
+ Applications display data values to a user and respond to user
+ actions (clicks, touches, keystrokes).
+ We could push application data values into HTML, attach
+ event listeners, pull changed values from the screen, and
+ update application data values ... all by hand.
+ Or we could declare the relationship between an HTML widget
+ and an application data source ... and let a data binding
+ framework handle the details.
+ Data Binding is that second approach. Angular has a rich
+ data binding framework with a variety of data binding
+ operations and supporting declaration syntax.
+ The many forms of binding include:
+ * [Interpolation](/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html#interpolation)
+ * [Property Binding](/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html#property-binding)
+ * [Event Binding](/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html#event-binding)
+ * [Attribute Binding](/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html#attribute-binding)
+ * [Class Binding](/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html#class-binding)
+ * [Style Binding](/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html#style-binding)
+ * [Two-way data binding with ngModel](/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html#ng-model)
+ Learn more about data binding in the
+ [Template Syntax](/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html#data-binding) chapter.
+// #enddocregion d1
+ ## Decorator | Decoration
+ :marked
+ A Decorator is a **function** that adds metadata to a class, its members (properties, methods) and function arguments.
+ Decorators are a JavaScript language [feature](https://github.com/wycats/javascript-decorators), implemented in TypeScript and proposed for ES2016 (AKA ES7).
+ We apply a decorator by positioning it
+ immediately above or to the left of the thing it decorates.
+ Angular has its own set of decorators to help it interoperate with our application parts.
+ Here is an example of a `@Component` decorator that identifies a
+ class as an Angular [Component](#component) and an `@Input` decorator applied to a property
+ of that component.
+ The elided object argument to the `@Component` decorator would contain the pertinent component metadata.
+ ```
+ @Component({...})
+ export class AppComponent {
+ constructor(@Inject('SpecialFoo') public foo:Foo) {}
+ @Input() name:string;
+ }
+ ```
+ The scope of a decorator is limited to the language feature
+ that it decorates. None of the decorations shown here will "leak" to other
+ classes appearing below it in the file.
+ .alert.is-important
+ :marked
+ Always include the parentheses `()` when applying a decorator.
+ A decorator is a **function** that must be called when applied.
+// #docregion d2
+ ## Dependency Injection
+ :marked
+ Dependency Injection is both a design pattern and a mechanism
+ for creating and delivering parts of an application to other
+ parts of an application that request them.
+ Angular developers prefer to build applications by defining many simple parts
+ that each do one thing well and then wire them together at runtime.
+ These parts often rely on other parts. An Angular [Component](#component)
+ part might rely on a service part to get data or perform a calculation. When a
+ part "A" relies on another part "B", we say that "A" depends on "B" and
+ that "B" is a dependency of "A".
+ We can ask a "Dependency Injection System" to create "A"
+ for us and handle all the dependencies.
+ If "A" needs "B" and "B" needs "C", the system resolves that chain of dependencies
+ and returns a fully prepared instance of "A".
+ Angular provides and relies upon its own sophisticated
+ [Dependency Injection](dependency-injection.html) system
+ to assemble and run applications by "injecting" application parts
+ into other application parts where and when needed.
+ At the core there is an [`Injector`](#injector) that returns dependency values on request.
+ The expression `injector.get(token)` returns the value associated with the given token.
+ A token is an Angular type (`OpaqueToken`). We rarely deal with tokens directly; most
+ methods accept a class name (`Foo`) or a string ("foo") and Angular converts it
+ to a token. When we write `injector.get(Foo)`, the injector returns
+ the value associated with the token for the `Foo` class, typically an instance of `Foo` itself.
+ Angular makes similar requests internally during many of its operations
+ as when it creates a [`Component`](#component) for display.
+ The `Injector` maintains an internal map of tokens to dependency values.
+ If the `Injector` can't find a value for a given token, it creates
+ a new value using a `Provider` for that token.
+ A [Provider](#provider) is a recipe for
+ creating new instances of a dependency value associated with a particular token.
+ An injector can only create a value for a given token if it has
+ a `Provider` for that token in its internal provider registry.
+ Registering providers is a critical preparatory step.
+ Angular registers some of its own providers with every injector.
+ We can register our own providers. Quite often the best time to register a `Provider`
+ is when we [bootstrap](#bootstrap) the application.
+ There are other opportunities to register as well.
+ Learn more in the [Dependency Injection](/docs/ts/latest/guide/dependency-injection.html) chapter.
+ ## Directive
+ :marked
+ An Angular class responsible for creating, re-shaping, and interacting with HTML elements
+ in the browser DOM. Directives are Angular's most fundamental feature.
+ A Directive is almost always associated with an HTML element or attribute.
+ We often refer to such an element or attribute as the directive itself.
+ When Angular finds a directive in an HTML template,
+ it creates the matching directive class instance
+ and gives that instance control over that portion of the browser DOM.
+ Developers can invent custom HTML markup (e.g., ``) to
+ associate with their custom directives. They add this custom markup to HTML templates
+ as if they were writing native HTML. In this way, directives become extensions of
+ HTML itself.
+ Directives fall into one of three categories:
+ 1. [Components](#component) that combine application logic with an HTML template to
+ render application [views]. Components are usually represented as HTML elements.
+ They are the building blocks of an Angular application and the
+ developer can expect to write a lot of them.
+ 1. [Attribute Directives](#attribute-directive) that can listen to and modify the behavior of
+ other HTML elements, attributes, properties, and components. They are usually represented
+ as HTML attributes, hence the name.
+ 1. [Structural Directives](#structural-directive), a directive responsible for
+ shaping or re-shaping HTML layout, typically by adding, removing, or manipulating
+ elements and their children.
+// #enddocregion d2
+// #docregion e1
+// #enddocregion e1
+// #docregion e2
+ ## ECMAScript
+ :marked
+ The [official JavaScript language specification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECMAScript).
+ The latest approved version of JavaScript is
+ [ECMAScript 2015](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/)
+ (AKA "ES2015" or "ES6") and many Angular 2 developers will write their applications
+ either in this version of the language or a dialect that strives to be
+ compatible with it such as [TypeScript](#typesScript).
+ Most modern browsers today only support the prior "ECMAScript 5" (AKA ES5) standard.
+ Applications written in ES2015 or one of its dialects must be "[transpiled](#transpile)"
+ to ES5 JavaScript.
+ Angular 2 developers may choose to write in ES5 directly.
+ ## ECMAScript 2015
+ :marked
+ The latest released version of JavaScript,
+ [ECMAScript 2015](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/)
+ (AKA "ES2015" or "ES6")
+ ## ES2015
+ :marked
+ Short hand for "[ECMAScript 2015](#ecmascript=2015)".
+ ## ES6
+ :marked
+ Short hand for "[ECMAScript 2015](#ecmascript=2015)".
+ ## ES5
+ :marked
+ Short hand for "ECMAScript 5", the version of JavaScript run by most modern browsers.
+ See [ECMAScript](#ecmascript).
+// #enddocregion e2
+// #docregion f-l
+ ## Injector
+ :marked
+ An object in the Angular [dependency injection system](#dependency-injection)
+ that can find a named "dependency" in its cache or create such a thing
+ with a registered [provider](#provider).
+ ## Input
+ :marked
+ A directive property that can be the ***target*** of a
+ [Property Binding](/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html#property-binding).
+ Data values flow *into* this property from the data source identified
+ in the template expression to the right of the equal sign.
+ See the [Template Syntax](/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html#inputs-outputs) chapter.
+ ## Interpolation
+ :marked
+ A form of [Property Data Binding](#data-binding) in which a
+ [template expression](#template-expression) between double-curly braces
+ renders as text. That text may be concatenated with neighboring text
+ before it is assigned to an element property
+ or displayed between element tags as in this example.
+ code-example(language="html" escape="html").
+ :marked
+ Learn more about interpolation in the
+ [Template Syntax](/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html#interpolation) chapter.
+ ## kebab-case
+ :marked
+ The practice of writing compound words or phrases such that each word is separated by a dash or hyphen (`-`).
+ Directive selectors and the root of filenames are often spelled in kebab-case. Examples include: `my-app` and `hero-list.component.ts`.
+ This form is also known as [dash-case](#dash-case).
+ ## Lifecycle Hooks
+ :marked
+ [Directives](#directive) and [Components](#component) have a lifecycle
+ managed by Angular as it creates, updates and destroys them.
+ Developers can tap into key moments in that lifecycle by implementing
+ one or more of the "Lifecycle Hook" interfaces.
+ Each interface has a single hook method whose name is the interface name prefixed with `ng`.
+ For example, the `OnInit` interface has a hook method names `ngOnInit`.
+ Angular calls these hook methods in the following order:
+ * `ngOnChanges` - called when an [input](#input)/[output](#output) binding values change
+ * `ngOnInit` - after the first `ngOnChanges`
+ * `ngDoCheck` - developer's custom change detection
+ * `ngAfterContentInit` - after component content initialized
+ * `ngAfterContentChecked` - after every check of component content
+ * `ngAfterViewInit` - after component's view(s) are initialized
+ * `ngAfterViewChecked` - after every check of a component's view(s)
+ * `ngOnDestroy` - just before the directive is destroyed.
+ Learn more in the [Lifecycle Hooks](/docs/ts/latest/guide/lifecycle-hooks.html) chapter.
+// #enddocregion f-l
+// #docregion m1
+// #enddocregion m1
+// #docregion m2
+ ## Module
+ :marked
+ Angular apps are modular.
+ In general, we assemble our application from many modules, both the ones we write ourselves
+ and the ones we acquire from others.
+ A typical module is a cohesive block of code dedicated to a single purpose.
+ A module **exports** something of value in that code, typically one thing such as a class.
+ A module that needs that thing, **imports** it.
+ The structure of Angular modules and the import/export syntax
+ is based on the [ES2015](#es2015) module standard
+ described [here](http://www.2ality.com/2014/09/es6-modules-final.html).
+ An application that adheres to this standard requires a module loader to
+ load modules on request and resolve inter-module dependencies.
+ Angular does not ship with a module loader and does not have a preference
+ for any particular 3rd party library (although most samples use SystemJS).
+ Application developers may pick any module library that conforms to the standard
+ Modules are typically named after the file in which the exported thing is defined.
+ The Angular [DatePipe](https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/modules/@angular/common/src/pipes/date_pipe.ts)
+ class belongs to a feature module named `date_pipe` in the file `date_pipe.ts`.
+ Developers rarely access Angular feature modules directly.
+ We usually import them from one of the Angular [scoped packages](#scoped-package) such as `@angular/core`.
+// #enddocregion m2
+// #docregion n-s-1
+- var lang = current.path[1]
+- var decorator = lang === 'dart' ? 'annotation' : 'decorator'
+- var atSym = lang === 'js' ? '' : '@'
+ ## Output
+ :marked
+ A directive property that can be the ***target*** of an
+ [Event Binding](/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html#property-binding).
+ Events stream *out* of this property to the receiver identified
+ in the template expression to the right of the equal sign.
+ See the [Template Syntax](/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html#inputs-outputs) chapter.
+ ## PascalCase
+ :marked
+ The practice of writing compound words or phrases such that each word or abbreviation begins with a capital letter.
+ Class names are typically spelled in PascalCase. Examples include: `Person` and `Customer`.
+ This form is also known as **upper camel case**, to distinguish it from **lower camel case** which we simply call [camelCase](#camelcase).
+ In this documentation, "PascalCase" means *upper camel case* and "camelCase" means *lower camel case*.
+ ## Pipe
+ :marked
+ An Angular pipe is a function that transforms input values to output values for
+ display in a [view](#view). We use the `#{atSym}Pipe` !{decorator}
+ to associate the pipe function with a name. We then can use that
+ name in our HTML to declaratively transform values on screen.
+ Here's an example that uses the built-in `currency` pipe to display
+ a numeric value in the local currency.
+ code-example(language="html" escape="html").
+ {{product.price | currency}}
+ :marked
+ Learn more in the chapter on [pipes](/docs/ts/latest/guide/pipes.html) .
+ ## Provider
+ :marked
+ A Provider creates a new instance of a dependency for the Dependency Injection system.
+ It relates a lookup token to code - sometimes called a "recipe" - that can create a dependency value.
+ For example, `new Provider(Foo, {useClass: Foo})` creates a `Provider`
+ that relates the `Foo` token to a function that creates a new instance of the `Foo` class.
+ There are other ways to create tokens and recipes.
+ See [Dependency Injection](#dependency-injection) chapter to learn more.
+ ## Router
+ :marked
+ Most applications consist of many screens or [views](#view).
+ The user navigates among them by clicking links and buttons
+ and taking other similar actions that cause the application to
+ replace one view with another.
+ The Angular [Component Router](/docs/ts/latest/guide/router.html) is a richly featured mechanism for configuring
+ and managing the entire view navigation process including the creation and destruction
+ of views.
+ ## Routing Component
+ :marked
+ A [Component](#component) with an attached router.
+ In most cases, the component became attached to a [router](#router) by means
+ of a `#{atSym}RouterConfig` #{decorator} that defined routes to views controlled by this component.
+ The component's template has a `RouterOutlet` element where it can display views produced by the router.
+ It likely has anchor tags or buttons with `RouterLink` directives that users can click to navigate.
+// #enddocregion n-s-1
+ ## Scoped Package
+ :marked
+ Angular modules are delivered within *scoped packages* such as `@angular/core`, `@angular/common`, `@angular/platform-browser-dynamic`,
+ `@angular/http`, and `@angular/router`.
+ A [*scoped package*](https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/scope) is a way to group related *npm* packages.
+ We import a scoped package the same way we'd import a *normal* package.
+ The only difference, from a consumer perspective,
+ is that the package name begins with the Angular *scope name*, `@angular`.
+ +makeExcerpt('architecture/ts/app/app.component.ts', 'import', '')
+// #docregion n-s-2
+ ## Structural Directive
+ :marked
+ A category of [Directive](#directive) that can
+ shape or re-shape HTML layout, typically by adding, removing, or manipulating
+ elements and their children.
+ The `ngIf` "conditional element" directive and the `ngFor` "repeater" directive are
+ good examples in this category.
+// #enddocregion n-s-2
+// #docregion t1
+ ## Template
+ :marked
+ A template is a chunk of HTML that Angular uses to render a [view](#view) with
+ the support and continuing guidance of an Angular [Directive](#directive),
+ most notably a [Component](#component).
+ We write templates in a special [Template Syntax](/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html).
+ ## Template Expression
+ :marked
+ An expression in a JavaScript-like syntax that Angular evaluates within
+ a [data binding](#data-binding). Learn how to write template expressions
+ in the [Template Syntax](/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html#template-expressions) chapter.
+// #enddocregion t1
+// #docregion t2
+ ## Transpile
+ :marked
+ The process of transforming code written in one form of JavaScript
+ (e.g., TypeScript) into another form of JavaScript (e.g., [ES5](#es5)).
+ :marked
+ ## TypeScript
+ :marked
+ A version of JavaScript that supports most [ECMAScript 2015](#ecmascript=2015)
+ language features and many features that may arrive in future versions
+ of JavaScript such as [Decorators](#decorator).
+ TypeScript is also noteable for its optional typing system which gives
+ us compile-time type-checking and strong tooling support (e.g. "intellisense",
+ code completion, refactoring, and intelligent search). Many code editors
+ and IDEs support TypeScript either natively or with plugins.
+ TypeScript is the preferred language for Angular 2 development although
+ we are welcome to write in other JavaScript dialects such as [ES5](#es5).
+ Angular 2 itself is written in TypeScript.
+ Learn more about TypeScript on its [website](http://www.typescriptlang.org/).
+// #enddocregion t2
+// #docregion u-z
+ ## View
+ :marked
+ A view is a portion of the screen that displays information and responds
+ to user actions such as clicks, mouse moves, and keystrokes.
+ Angular renders a view under the control of one or more [Directives](#directive),
+ especially [Component](#component) directives and their companion [Templates](#template).
+ The Component plays such a prominent role that we often
+ find it convenient to refer to a component as a view.
+ Views often contain other views and any view might be loaded and unloaded
+ dynamically as the user navigates through the application, typically
+ under the control of a [router](#router).
+ ## Zone
+ :marked
+ Zones are a mechanism for encapsulating and intercepting
+ a JavaScript application's asynchronous activity.
+ The browser DOM and JavaScript have a limited number
+ of asynchronous activities, activities such as DOM events (e.g., clicks),
+ [promises](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Promise), and
+ [XHR](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest)
+ calls to remote servers.
+ Zones intercept all of these activities and give a "zone client" the opportunity
+ to take action before and after the async activity completes.
+ Angular runs our application in a zone where it can respond to
+ asynchronous events by checking for data changes and updating
+ the information it displays via [data binding](#data-binding).
+ Learn more about zones in this
+ [Brian Ford video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IqtmUscE_U).
+// #enddocregion u-z
diff --git a/scripts/cache.sh b/scripts/cache.sh
index dda45285a9..1c1ad7c351 100755
--- a/scripts/cache.sh
+++ b/scripts/cache.sh
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ guide/security.jade