@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
import {InjectFlags, InjectionToken, Injector} from '../di';
import {resolveForwardRef} from '../di/forward_ref';
import {Type} from '../interface/type';
import {QueryList} from '../linker';
import {validateAttribute, validateProperty} from '../sanitization/sanitization';
import {Sanitizer} from '../sanitization/security';
import {StyleSanitizeFn} from '../sanitization/style_sanitizer';
import {assertNodeOfPossibleTypes, assertNodeType} from './node_assert';
import {appendChild, appendProjectedNode, createTextNode, getLViewChild, insertView, removeView} from './node_manipulation';
import {isNodeMatchingSelectorList, matchingSelectorIndex} from './node_selector_matcher';
import {decreaseElementDepthCount, enterView, getBindingsEnabled, getCheckNoChangesMode, getContextLView, getCurrentDirectiveDef, getCurrentQueryIndex, getElementDepthCount, getFirstTemplatePass, getIsParent, getLView, getPreviousOrParentTNode, increaseElementDepthCount, isCreationMode, leaveView, nextContextImpl, resetComponentState, setBindingRoot, setCheckNoChangesMode, setCurrentDirectiveDef, setCurrentQueryIndex, setFirstTemplatePass, setIsParent, setPreviousOrParentTNode} from './state';
import {decreaseElementDepthCount, enterView, getBindingsEnabled, getCheckNoChangesMode, getContextLView, getCurrentDirectiveDef, getCurrentQueryIndex, getElementDepthCount, getIsParent, getLView, getPreviousOrParentTNode, increaseElementDepthCount, isCreationMode, leaveView, nextContextImpl, resetComponentState, setBindingRoot, setCheckNoChangesMode, setCurrentDirectiveDef, setCurrentQueryIndex, setIsParent, setPreviousOrParentTNode} from './state';
import {getInitialClassNameValue, initializeStaticContext as initializeStaticStylingContext, patchContextWithStaticAttrs, renderInitialStylesAndClasses, renderStyling, updateClassProp as updateElementClassProp, updateContextWithBindings, updateStyleProp as updateElementStyleProp, updateStylingMap} from './styling/class_and_style_bindings';
import {BoundPlayerFactory} from './styling/player_factory';
import {createEmptyStylingContext, getStylingContext, hasClassInput, hasStyling, isAnimationProp} from './styling/util';
@ -66,7 +65,6 @@ export function refreshDescendantViews(lView: LView) {
const tView = lView[TVIEW];
// This needs to be set before children are processed to support recursive components
tView.firstTemplatePass = false;
// Resetting the bindingIndex of the current LView as the next steps may trigger change detection.
lView[BINDING_INDEX] = tView.bindingStartIndex;
@ -380,7 +378,6 @@ export function renderEmbeddedTemplate<T>(viewToRender: LView, tView: TView, con
// off firstTemplatePass. If we don't set it here, instances will perform directive
// matching, etc again and again.
viewToRender[TVIEW].firstTemplatePass = false;
} finally {
@ -654,7 +651,7 @@ function createDirectivesAndLocals(
localRefExtractor: LocalRefExtractor = getNativeByTNode) {
if (!getBindingsEnabled()) return;
const previousOrParentTNode = getPreviousOrParentTNode();
if (getFirstTemplatePass()) {
if (tView.firstTemplatePass) {
ngDevMode && ngDevMode.firstTemplatePass++;
@ -1654,7 +1651,7 @@ function resolveDirectives(
tView: TView, viewData: LView, directives: DirectiveDef<any>[] | null, tNode: TNode,
localRefs: string[] | null): void {
// Please make sure to have explicit type for `exportsMap`. Inferred type triggers bug in tsickle.
ngDevMode && assertEqual(getFirstTemplatePass(), true, 'should run on first template pass only');
ngDevMode && assertEqual(tView.firstTemplatePass, true, 'should run on first template pass only');
const exportsMap: ({[key: string]: number} | null) = localRefs ? {'': -1} : null;
if (directives) {
initNodeFlags(tNode, tView.data.length, directives.length);
@ -1691,7 +1688,7 @@ function resolveDirectives(
function instantiateAllDirectives(tView: TView, lView: LView, tNode: TNode) {
const start = tNode.directiveStart;
const end = tNode.directiveEnd;
if (!getFirstTemplatePass() && start < end) {
if (!tView.firstTemplatePass && start < end) {
tNode as TElementNode | TContainerNode | TElementContainerNode, lView);
@ -1709,7 +1706,7 @@ function invokeDirectivesHostBindings(tView: TView, viewData: LView, tNode: TNod
const start = tNode.directiveStart;
const end = tNode.directiveEnd;
const expando = tView.expandoInstructions !;
const firstTemplatePass = getFirstTemplatePass();
const firstTemplatePass = tView.firstTemplatePass;
for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
const def = tView.data[i] as DirectiveDef<any>;
const directive = viewData[i];
@ -1757,7 +1754,7 @@ export function generateExpandoInstructionBlock(
function prefillHostVars(tView: TView, lView: LView, totalHostVars: number): void {
ngDevMode &&
assertEqual(getFirstTemplatePass(), true, 'Should only be called in first template pass.');
assertEqual(tView.firstTemplatePass, true, 'Should only be called in first template pass.');
for (let i = 0; i < totalHostVars; i++) {
@ -1813,7 +1810,7 @@ function postProcessBaseDirective<T>(
function findDirectiveMatches(tView: TView, viewData: LView, tNode: TNode): DirectiveDef<any>[]|
null {
ngDevMode && assertEqual(getFirstTemplatePass(), true, 'should run on first template pass only');
ngDevMode && assertEqual(tView.firstTemplatePass, true, 'should run on first template pass only');
const registry = tView.directiveRegistry;
let matches: any[]|null = null;
if (registry) {
@ -1844,9 +1841,9 @@ function findDirectiveMatches(tView: TView, viewData: LView, tNode: TNode): Dire
/** Stores index of component's host element so it will be queued for view refresh during CD. */
export function queueComponentIndexForCheck(previousOrParentTNode: TNode): void {
ngDevMode &&
assertEqual(getFirstTemplatePass(), true, 'Should only be called in first template pass.');
const tView = getLView()[TVIEW];
ngDevMode &&
assertEqual(tView.firstTemplatePass, true, 'Should only be called in first template pass.');
(tView.components || (tView.components = [])).push(previousOrParentTNode.index);
@ -1857,7 +1854,7 @@ export function queueComponentIndexForCheck(previousOrParentTNode: TNode): void
function queueHostBindingForCheck(
tView: TView, def: DirectiveDef<any>| ComponentDef<any>, hostVars: number): void {
ngDevMode &&
assertEqual(getFirstTemplatePass(), true, 'Should only be called in first template pass.');
assertEqual(tView.firstTemplatePass, true, 'Should only be called in first template pass.');
const expando = tView.expandoInstructions !;
const length = expando.length;
// Check whether a given `hostBindings` function already exists in expandoInstructions,
@ -1912,7 +1909,6 @@ function saveNameToExportMap(
* @param index the initial index
export function initNodeFlags(tNode: TNode, index: number, numberOfDirectives: number) {
ngDevMode && assertEqual(getFirstTemplatePass(), true, 'expected firstTemplatePass to be true');
const flags = tNode.flags;
ngDevMode && assertEqual(
flags === 0 || flags === TNodeFlags.isComponent, true,
@ -1961,7 +1957,7 @@ function addComponentLogic<T>(
componentView[HOST] = lView[previousOrParentTNode.index];
lView[previousOrParentTNode.index] = componentView;
if (getFirstTemplatePass()) {
if (lView[TVIEW].firstTemplatePass) {
@ -2098,7 +2094,7 @@ export function template(
// TODO: consider a separate node type for templates
const tNode = containerInternal(index, tagName || null, attrs || null);
if (getFirstTemplatePass()) {
if (tView.firstTemplatePass) {
tNode.tViews = createTView(
-1, templateFn, consts, vars, tView.directiveRegistry, tView.pipeRegistry, null);
@ -2126,7 +2122,10 @@ export function template(
export function container(index: number): void {
const tNode = containerInternal(index, null, null);
getFirstTemplatePass() && (tNode.tViews = []);
const lView = getLView();
if (lView[TVIEW].firstTemplatePass) {
tNode.tViews = [];
@ -2550,10 +2549,9 @@ export function projection(nodeIndex: number, selectorIndex: number = 0, attrs?:
export function addToViewTree<T extends LView|LContainer>(
lView: LView, adjustedHostIndex: number, state: T): T {
const tView = lView[TVIEW];
const firstTemplatePass = getFirstTemplatePass();
if (lView[TAIL]) {
lView[TAIL] ![NEXT] = state;
} else if (firstTemplatePass) {
} else if (tView.firstTemplatePass) {
tView.childIndex = adjustedHostIndex;
lView[TAIL] = state;
@ -2813,9 +2811,9 @@ export function bind<T>(value: T): T|NO_CHANGE {
* @param count Amount of vars to be allocated
export function allocHostVars(count: number): void {
if (!getFirstTemplatePass()) return;
const lView = getLView();
const tView = lView[TVIEW];
if (!tView.firstTemplatePass) return;
queueHostBindingForCheck(tView, getCurrentDirectiveDef() !, count);
prefillHostVars(tView, lView, count);