This commit is contained in:
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
"aot-compiler": {
"title": "Ahead-of-Time Compilation",
"intro": "Learn how to use Ahead-of-time compilation"
"title": "预(AoT)编译器",
"intro": "学习如何使用预编译器"
"a1-a2-quick-reference": {
@ -72,9 +72,12 @@ include ../_util-fns
* [基于关键帧(Keyframes)的多阶段动画](#multi-step-animations-with-keyframes)
* [Parallel Animation Groups](#parallel-animation-groups)
* [Animation callbacks](#animation-callbacks)
* [并行动画组(Group)](#parallel-animation-groups)
* [Animation callbacks](#animation-callbacks)
* [动画回调](#animation-callbacks)
@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ h3#injectable 为何@Injectable()?
error when trying to instantiate a class that is not marked as
**<a href="#{injMetaUrl}">@Injectable()</a>**标志着一个类可以被一个注入器实例化。通常来讲,在试图实例化一个没有被标识为`@Injectable()`的类时候,注入器将会报告错误。
**<a href="#{injUrl}">@Injectable()</a>**标志着一个类可以被一个注入器实例化。通常来讲,在试图实例化一个没有被标识为`@Injectable()`的类时候,注入器将会报告错误。
block injectable-not-always-needed-in-ts
@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ block injectable-not-always-needed-in-ts
fact `Injectable` #{_decorator}s that
identify a class as a target for instantiation by an injector.
我们**可以**添加它。但是它不是必需的,因为`HerosComponent`已经有`@Component`装饰器了,这个装饰器类(和我们随后将会学到的`@Directive`和`@Pipe`一样)是<a href="#{injMetaUrl}">InjectableMetadata</a>的子类型。实际上,这个`InjectableMetadata`装饰器是把一个类标识为注入器实例化的目标。
我们**可以**添加它。但是它不是必需的,因为`HerosComponent`已经有`@Component`装饰器了,这个装饰器类(和我们随后将会学到的`@Directive`和`@Pipe`一样)是<a href="#{injUrl}">InjectableMetadata</a>的子类型。实际上,这个`InjectableMetadata`装饰器是把一个类标识为注入器实例化的目标。
block ts-any-decorator-will-do
@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ block ts-any-decorator-will-do
当然,使用一个合适的<a href="#{injMetaUrl}">InjectableMetadata</a>装饰器来标识一个类更加有意义。
当然,使用一个合适的<a href="#{injUrl}">Injectable</a>装饰器来标识一个类更加有意义。
header Always include the parentheses
@ -290,6 +290,8 @@ include ../_util-fns
that matches as the default route. The wildcard route is listed last as it's the most generic route and should be
matched **only** if no other routes are matched first.
We export the `routing` constant so we can import it into our `app.module.ts` file where we'll add
a configured *Router* module to our `AppModule` imports.
@ -1334,6 +1336,8 @@ figure.image-display
The **RouterModule.forRoot** should only be provided for the `AppModule`. Since we are in a feature
module, we'll use **RouterModule.forChild** method to only register additional routes.
We import our `heroesRouting` token from `heroes.routing.ts` into our `Heroes` module and register the routing.
@ -1482,37 +1486,65 @@ a#get-route-parameter
<a id="activated-route"></a>
h3#activated-route ActivatedRoute: the one-stop-shop for route information
h3#activated-route ActivatedRoute:一站式获得路由信息
Each route contains information about its path, data parameters, URL segment and much more.
All of this information is available in an injected service provided by the router called the [ActivatedRoute](../api/router/index/ActivatedRoute-interface.html).
The `ActivatedRoute` contains all the information you need from the current route component as well as ways to get information
about other activated routes in the `RouterState`.
**`url`**: An `Observable` of the route path(s). The value is provided as an array of strings for each part of the route path.
**`url`**: 该路由路径的`Observable`对象。它的值是一个由路径中各个部件组成的字符串数组。
**`data`**: An `Observable` that contains the `data` object provided for the route. Also contains any resolved values from the [resolve guard](#resolve-guard).
**`data`**: 该路由提供的`data`对象的一个`Observable`对象。还包含从[resolve守卫](#resolve-guard)中解析出来的值。
**`params`**: An `Observable` that contains the required and [optional parameters](#optional-route-parameters) specific to the route.
**`params`**: 包含该路由的必选参数和[可选参数](#optional-route-parameters)的`Observable`对象。
**`queryParams`**: An `Observable` that contains the [query parameters](#query-parameters) available to all routes.
**`queryParams`**: 一个包含对所有路由都有效的[查询参数](#query-parameters)的`Observable`对象。
**`fragment`**: An `Observable` of the URL [fragment](#fragment) available to all routes.
**`fragment`**: 一个包含对所有路由都有效的[片段](#fragment)值的`Observable`对象。
**`outlet`**: The name of the `RouterOutlet` used to render the route. For an unnamed outlet, the outlet name is **primary**.
**`outlet`**: `RouterOutlet`的名字,用于指示渲染该路由的位置。对于未命名的`RouterOutlet`,这个名字是**primary**。
**`routeConfig`**: The route configuration used for the route that contains the origin path.
**`routeConfig`**: 与该路由的原始路径对应的配置信息。
**`parent`**: an `ActivatedRoute` that contains the information from the parent route when using [child routes](#child-routing-component).
**`parent`**: 当使用[子路由](#child-routing-component)时,它是一个包含父路由信息的`ActivatedRoute`对象。
**`firstChild`**: contains the first `ActivatedRoute` in the list of child routes.
**`firstChild`**: 包含子路由列表中的第一个`ActivatedRoute`对象。
**`children`**: contains all the [child routes](#child-routing-component) activated under the current route.
**`children`**: 包含当前路由下激活的全部[子路由](#child-routing-component)。
We import the `Router`, `ActivatedRoute`, and `Params` tokens from the router package.
+makeExcerpt('app/heroes/hero-detail.component.1.ts (activated route)', 'imports')
@ -1666,141 +1698,232 @@ a#nav-to-list
### Route Parameters
### 路由参数
We use [*route parameters*](#route-parameters) to specify a *required* parameter value *within* the route URL
as we do when navigating to the `HeroDetailComponent` in order to view-and-edit the hero with *id:15*.
code-example(format="." language="bash").
Sometimes we wish to add *optional* information to a route request.
For example, the `HeroListComponent` doesn't need help to display a list of heroes.
But it might be nice if the previously-viewed hero were pre-selected when returning from the `HeroDetailComponent`.
img(src='/resources/images/devguide/router/selected-hero.png' alt="Selected hero")
That becomes possible if we can include hero Magneta's `id` in the URL when we
return from the `HeroDetailComponent`, a scenario we'll pursue in a moment.
Optional information takes other forms. Search criteria are often loosely structured, e.g., `name='wind*'`.
Multiple values are common — `after='12/31/2015' & before='1/1/2017'` — in no particular order —
`before='1/1/2017' & after='12/31/2015'` — in a variety of formats — `during='currentYear'` .
These kinds of parameters don't fit easily in a URL *path*. Even if we could define a suitable URL token scheme,
doing so greatly complicates the pattern matching required to translate an incoming URL to a named route.
Optional parameters are the ideal vehicle for conveying arbitrarily complex information during navigation.
Optional parameters aren't involved in pattern matching and affords enormous flexibility of expression.
The Router supports navigation with optional parameters as well as required route parameters.
We define _optional_ parameters in an *object* after we define our required route parameters.
### Route Parameters: Required or Optional?
### 路由参数:用必要的还是可选的?
There is no hard-and-fast rule. In general,
*prefer a required route parameter when*
* the value is required.
* 该值是必须的。
* the value is necessary to distinguish one route path from another.
* 该值在区分此路由与其它路由时是必要的。
*prefer an optional parameter when*
* the value is optional, complex, and/or multi-variate.
* 该值是可选的、复杂的,和/或多变量的。
<a id="route-parameters-object"></a>
### Route parameter
### 路由参数
When navigating to the `HeroDetailComponent` we specified the _required_ `id` of the hero-to-edit in the
*route parameter* and made it the second item of the [*link parameters array*](#link-parameters-array).
+makeExcerpt('app/heroes/hero-list.component.1.ts', 'link-parameters-array')
The router embedded the `id` value in the navigation URL because we had defined it
as a route parameter with an `:id` placeholder token in the route `path`:
+makeExcerpt('app/heroes/heroes.routing.ts', 'hero-detail-route')
When the user clicks the back button, the `HeroDetailComponent` constructs another *link parameters array*
which it uses to navigate back to the `HeroListComponent`.
+makeExcerpt('app/heroes/hero-detail.component.1.ts', 'gotoHeroes')
This array lacks a route parameter because we had no reason to send information to the `HeroListComponent`.
Now we have a reason. We'd like to send the id of the current hero with the navigation request so that the
`HeroListComponent` can highlight that hero in its list.
This is a _nice-to-have_ feature; the list will display perfectly well without it.
We do that with an object that contains an _optional_ `id` parameter.
For demonstration purposes, we also defined a junk parameter (`foo`) that the `HeroListComponent` should ignore.
Here's the revised navigation statement:
+makeExcerpt('app/heroes/hero-detail.component.ts (go to heroes)', 'gotoHeroes-navigate')
The application still works. Clicking "back" returns to the hero list view.
Look at the browser address bar.
img(src='/resources/images/devguide/plunker-separate-window-button.png' alt="pop out the window" align="right" style="margin-right:-20px")
When running in plunker, pop out the preview window by clicking the blue 'X' button in the upper right corner.
It should look something like this, depending on where you run it:
It should look something like this, depending on where you run it:
The `id` value appears in the URL as (`;id=15;foo=foo`), not in the URL path.
The path for the "Heroes" route doesn't have an `:id` token.
The optional route parameters are not separated by "?" and "&" as they would be in the URL query string.
They are **separated by semicolons ";"**
This is *matrix URL* notation — something we may not have seen before.
这是*矩阵URL*标记法 —— 我们以前可能从未见过。
*Matrix URL* notation is an idea first floated
in a [1996 proposal](http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/MatrixURIs.html) by the founder of the web, Tim Berners-Lee.
*Matrix URL*写法首次提出是在[1996提案](http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/MatrixURIs.html)中,提出者是Web的奠基人:Tim Berners-Lee。
Although matrix notation never made it into the HTML standard, it is legal and
it became popular among browser routing systems as a way to isolate parameters
belonging to parent and child routes. The Router is such a system and provides
support for the matrix notation across browsers.
The syntax may seem strange to us but users are unlikely to notice or care
as long as the URL can be emailed and pasted into a browser address bar
as this one can.
### Route parameters in the *ActivatedRoute* service
### *ActivatedRoute*服务中的路由参数
The list of heroes is unchanged. No hero row is highlighted.
The <live-example></live-example> *does* highlight the selected
row because it demonstrates the final state of the application which includes the steps we're *about* to cover.
At the moment we're describing the state of affairs *prior* to those steps.
The `HeroListComponent` isn't expecting any parameters at all and wouldn't know what to do with them.
Let's change that.
Previously, when navigating from the `HeroListComponent` to the `HeroDetailComponent`,
we subscribed to the route params `Observable` and made it available to the `HeroDetailComponent`
in the `ActivatedRoute` service. We injected that service in the constructor of the `HeroDetailComponent`.
This time we'll be navigating in the opposite direction, from the `HeroDetailComponent` to the `HeroListComponent`.
First we extend the router import statement to include the `ActivatedRoute` service symbol;
+makeExcerpt('app/heroes/hero-list.component.ts (import)', 'import-router')
Then we use the `ActivatedRoute` to access the `params` _Observable_ so we can subscribe
and extract the `id` parameter as the `selectedId`:
+makeExcerpt('app/heroes/hero-list.component.ts (constructor)', 'ctor')
@ -1808,8 +1931,14 @@ code-example(language="bash").
All route/query parameters are strings.
The (+) in front of the `params['id']` expression is a JavaScript trick to convert the string to an integer.
We add an `isSelected` method that returns true when a hero's id matches the selected id.
+makeExcerpt('app/heroes/hero-list.component.ts', 'isSelected')
@ -1817,26 +1946,43 @@ code-example(language="bash").
Finally, we update our template with a [Class Binding](template-syntax.html#class-binding) to that `isSelected` method.
The binding adds the `selected` CSS class when the method returns `true` and removes it when `false`.
Look for it within the repeated `<li>` tag as shown here:
+makeExcerpt('app/heroes/hero-list.component.ts', 'template')
When the user navigates from the heroes list to the "Magneta" hero and back, "Magneta" appears selected:
img(src='/resources/images/devguide/router/selected-hero.png' alt="Selected List" )
The optional `foo` route parameter is harmless and continues to be ignored.
h3#route-animation Adding animations to the route component
h3#route-animation 为路由组件添加动画
Our heroes feature module is almost complete, but what is a feature without some smooth transitions?
We already know that Angular supports [animations](../guide/animations.html) and we want to take
advantage of them by adding some animation to our *Hero Detail* component.
First, we'll start by importing our animation functions that build our animation triggers,
control state and manage transitions between states. We'll use these functions to add transitions
to our route component as it moves between states our application view. We'll also import the
`HostBinding` decorator for binding to our route component.
+makeExcerpt('app/heroes/hero-detail.component.ts (animation imports)', 'route-animation-imports')
@ -1845,8 +1991,13 @@ h3#route-animation Adding animations to the route component
about the choice of the binding name, but since we are controlling route animation, we'll go with `routeAnimation`.
The binding value is set to `true` because we only care about the `*` and `void` states which are
[entering and leaving](../guide/animations.html#example-entering-and-leaving) animation states.
We'll also add some display and positioning bindings for styling.
+makeExcerpt('app/heroes/hero-detail.component.ts (route animation binding)', 'route-animation-host-binding')
@ -1855,24 +2006,37 @@ h3#route-animation Adding animations to the route component
setup. We'll use the **wildcard state** that matches any animation state our route component is in, along with
two *transitions*. One transition animates the component as it enters the application view (`void => *`), while the other
animates the component as it leaves the application view (`* => void`).
现在,我们可以构建动画触发器了,我们称之为*routeAnimation*来匹配我们以前定义的绑定。我们的使用**通配符状态**,它们匹配我们这个路由组件的任意动画状态,后面是两个*转场动画*。一个转场动画(`void => *`)在组件进入应用视图时触发,另一个(`* => void`)在离开时触发。
We could add different transitions to different route components depending on our needs. We'll just animate our `HeroDetailComponent` for this milestone.
Using route animations on individual components is something we don't want to do throughout our entire application.
It would be better to animate routes based on **route paths**, a topic to cover in a future update to this chapter.
Our route component animation looks as such:
+makeExcerpt('app/heroes/hero-detail.component.ts (route animation)', 'route-animation')
Simply stated, our `HeroDetailComponent` will ease in from the left when routed to and will slide down when navigating away.
We could add more complex animations here, but we'll leave our `HeroDetailComponent` as is for now.
h3#merge-hero-routes Import hero module into AppModule
h3#merge-hero-routes 把hero模块导入到AppModule中
Our heroes feature module is ready, but application doesn't know about our heroes module yet.
We'll need to import it into the `AppModule` we defined in `app.module.ts`.
@ -1903,6 +2067,8 @@ h3#merge-hero-routes Import hero module into AppModule
Routes provided by feature modules will be combined together into their imported module's routes by
the router. This allows us to continue defining our feature module routes without
modifying our main route configuration.
As a result, the `AppModule` no longer has specific knowledge of the hero feature, its components, or its route details.
@ -2244,10 +2410,13 @@ a#child-routing-component
with a single route containing our `CrisisListComponent`. The `CrisisListComponent` route
also has a `children` array with two routes.
These two routes navigate to the two *Crisis Center* child components,
`CrisisCenterHomeComponent` and `CrisisDetailComponent`.
There are some *important differences* in the treatment of these routes.
@ -2261,25 +2430,45 @@ a#child-routing-component
The `CrisisListComponent` contains the crisis list and a `RouterOutlet` to
display the `Crisis Center Home` and `Crisis Detail` route components.
`CrisisListComponent`包含危机列表和一个`RouterOutlet`,用以显示`Crisis Center Home`和`Crisis Detail`这两个路由组件。
The `Crisis Detail` route is a child of the `Crisis List`. Since the router [reuses components](#reuse)
by default, the `Crisis Detail` component will be re-used as we select different crises.
`Crisis Detail`路由是`Crisis List`的子路由。由于路由器默认会[复用组件](#reuse),因此当我们选择了另一个危机时,`CrisisDetailComponent`会被复用。
In contrast, back in the `Hero Detail` route, the component was recreated each time we selected a different hero.
作为对比,回到`Hero Detail`路由时,每当我们选择了不同的英雄时,该组件都会被重新创建。
At the top level, paths that begin with `/` refer to the root of the application.
But these are child routes.
They *extend* the path of the parent route.
With each step down the route tree, we add a slash followed by the route path (unless the route path is _empty_).
For example, the parent path to the `CrisisCenterComponent` is `/crisis-center
The router appends these child paths to the parent path to the `CrisisCenterComponent` (`/crisis-center).
For example, the parent path to the `CrisisCenterComponent` is `/crisis-center`
The router appends these child paths to the parent path to the `CrisisCenterComponent` (`/crisis-center`).
* to navigate to the `CrisisCenterHomeComponent, the full URL is `/crisis-center` (/crisis-center` + `''` + `''`).
* 要导航到`CrisisCenterHomeComponent`,完整的URL是`/crisis-center` (/crisis-center` + `''` + `''`)。
* to navigate to the `CrisisDetailComponent` for a crisis with `id=2`, the full URL is
`/crisis-center/2` (/crisis-center` + `''` + `'/2'`).
* 要导航到`CrisisDetailComponent`以展示`id=2`的危机,完整的URL是`/crisis-center/2` (/crisis-center` + `''` + `'/2'`)。
The absolute URL for the latter example, including the origin, is
@ -2401,32 +2590,55 @@ code-example.
h2#relative-navigation Relative Navigation
h2#relative-navigation 相对导航
While building out our *Crisis Center* feature, we've navigated to the
*Crisis Detail* route using an **absolute path** that begins with a **slash**.
This navigation starts from the top of our route configuration to find the
matching path to our route.
We could continue to use absolute paths to navigate inside our *Crisis Center*
feature, but that makes our links very rigid. If we changed our parent `/crisis-center`
path, we would have to change our link parameters array.
We can make our links more flexible by using **relative** navigation with the router.
* The full path to the route is not required.
* 不再需要到路由的完整路径。
* Navigation within our feature area remains intact if the parent route path is changed.
* 当修改父路由路径时在我们的特性区中导航时不需要做任何改动。
* The *link parameters array* only contains navigation relative to the current URL.
* *链接参数数组*只包含到当前URL的相对导航信息。
The **link parameters array** supports a directory-like syntax for relative navigation.
`./` or `no leading slash` is relative to the current level.
`../` to go up one level in the route path.
The relative navigation syntax can be used in combination with a *path*. If we wanted to navigate
from one route path to another sibling route path we could use `../path` convention to go up
one level and down to the sibling route path.
In order to navigate relatively using the `Router` service, we use the `ActivatedRoute`
@ -2435,17 +2647,28 @@ h2#relative-navigation Relative Navigation
`router.navigate` method after the *link parameters array* specifying the **relativeTo** property.
We set the `relativeTo` property to our `ActivatedRoute` and the router will merge our
navigation information into to the current URL.
When using router's `navigateByUrl` method, the navigation is **always** absolute.
### Navigate to Crisis Detail relatively
### 用相对方式导航到危机详情
Let's update our *Crisis List* `onSelect` method to use relative navigation so we don't have
to start from the top of our route configuration. We've already injected the `ActivatedRoute`
into our constructor that we'll need for the relative navigation.
+makeExcerpt('app/crisis-center/crisis-list.component.1.ts (constructor)', 'relative-navigation-ctor')
@ -2453,6 +2676,8 @@ h2#relative-navigation Relative Navigation
When we visit the *Crisis Center*, our path is `/crisis-center`, so we just want to add the `id` of the *Crisis Center*
to our existing path. When the router navigates, it will use the current path `/crisis-center`,
adding on our `id`. If our `id` were `1`, the resulting path would be `/crisis-center/1`.
+makeExcerpt('app/crisis-center/crisis-list.component.ts (relative navigation)', 'relative-navigation')
@ -2460,6 +2685,8 @@ h2#relative-navigation Relative Navigation
We'll also update the *Crisis Detail* component to navigate back to our *Crisis Center* list. We want to go back up a level
in the path, so we use to the `../` syntax. If our current `id` is `1`, the resulting path coming from `/crisis-center/1`
would be `/crisis-center`.
+makeExcerpt('app/crisis-center/crisis-detail.component.1.ts (relative navigation)', 'relative-navigation')
@ -2467,6 +2694,8 @@ h2#relative-navigation Relative Navigation
If we are using a `RouterLink` to navigate instead of the `Router` service, we can use the **same**
link parameters array, but we don't have to provide the object with the `relativeTo` property. The `ActivatedRoute`
is implicit in the `RouterLink` directive.
+makeExcerpt('app/crisis-center/crisis-list.component.1.ts (relative routerLink)', 'relative-navigation-router-link')
@ -2478,6 +2707,7 @@ h2#guards 路由守卫
## Milestone #4: Route Guards
## 里程碑#4:路由守卫
At the moment, *any* user can navigate *anywhere* in the application *anytime*.
@ -2657,24 +2887,36 @@ a#can-activate-guard
link to be active when we visit that route. We've added an additional binding to our `Dashboard` routerLink,
`[routerLinkActiveOptions]="{ exact: true }"` which will only mark the `./` link as active when
we navigate the to `/admin` URL and not when we navigate to one the other child routes.
由于`AdminModule`中管理仪表盘的`RouterLink`是一个空路径的路由,所以它会匹配到管理特性区的任何路由。但我们只有在访问`Dashboard`路由时才希望该链接被激活。所以我们往`Dashboard`这个routerLink上添加了一个额外的绑定`[routerLinkActiveOptions]="{ exact: true }"`,这样就只有当我们导航到`/admin`这个URL时才会激活它,而不会在导航到它的某个子路由时。
Our initial admin routing configuration:
+makeExcerpt('app/admin/admin.routing.1.ts (admin routing)', 'admin-routes')
h3#component-less-route <i>Component-Less Route</i>: grouping routes without a component
h3#component-less-route <i>无组件路由</i>: 不借助组件对路由进行分组
Looking at our child route under the `AdminComponent`, we have a route with a **path** and a **children**
property but it's not using a **component**. We haven't made a mistake in our configuration, because we can
use a **component-less** route.
We want to group our `Crisis Center` management routes under the `admin` path, but we don't need a component
just to group those routes under an additional `RouterOutlet`. This also allows us to [guard child routes](#can-activate-child-guard).
Next, we'll import the `AdminModule` into our `app.module.ts` and add it to the `imports` array
to register our admin routes.
+makeExcerpt('app/app.module.3.ts (admin module)', 'admin-module')
@ -2821,27 +3063,41 @@ h3#component-less-route <i>Component-Less Route</i>: grouping routes without a c
Guards and the service providers they require **must** be provided at the module-level. This allows
the Router access to retrieve these services from the `Injector` during the navigation process.
The same rule applies for feature modules loaded [asynchronously](#asynchronous-routing).
h3#can-activate-child-guard <i>CanActivateChild</i>: guarding child routes
h3#can-activate-child-guard <i>CanActivateChild</i>: 守卫子路由
As we learned about guarding routes with `CanActivate`, we can also protect child routes with the `CanActivateChild`
guard. The `CanActivateChild` guard works similarly to the `CanActivate` guard, but the difference is its run _before_
each child route is activated. We protected our admin feature module from unauthorized access, but we could also
protect child routes within our feature module.
Let's extend our `AuthGuard` to protect when navigating between our `admin` routes. First we'll open our
`auth-guard.service.ts` and add `CanActivateChild` interface to our imported tokens from the router package.
Next, we'll implement the `canActivateChild` method with takes the same arguments as the `canActivate` method,
an `ActivatedRouteSnapshot` and `RouterStateSnapshot`. The `canActivateChild` behaves the same way the other
guards do, returning an `Observable<boolean>` or `Promise<boolean>` for async checks and `boolean` for sync checks.
We'll return a `boolean`
We'll return a `boolean`:
+makeExcerpt('app/auth-guard.service.3.ts (excerpt)', 'can-activate-child')
We add the same `AuthGuard` to our `component-less` admin route to protect all other child routes at one time
instead of adding the `AuthGuard` to each route individually.
+makeExcerpt('app/admin/admin.routing.3.ts (excerpt)', 'can-activate-child')
@ -3324,6 +3580,8 @@ a#fragment
If we look closer at the `loadChildren` string, we can see that it maps directly to our `admin.module.ts` file where we previously built
out our `Admin` feature area. After the path to the file we use a `#` to denote where our file path ends and to tell the `Router` the name
of our `AdminModule`. If we look in our `admin.module.ts` file, we can see it matches name of our exported module class.
+makeExcerpt('app/admin/admin.module.ts (export)', 'admin-module-export')
Reference in New Issue
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