refactor(render): delete copies files so we add them via moves
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
import {StringWrapper, RegExpWrapper, BaseException, isPresent, isBlank, isString, stringify} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {ListWrapper, StringMapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
import {reflector} from 'angular2/src/reflection/reflection';
var DASH_CASE_REGEXP = RegExpWrapper.create('-([a-z])');
var CAMEL_CASE_REGEXP = RegExpWrapper.create('([A-Z])');
export function dashCaseToCamelCase(input:string): string {
return StringWrapper.replaceAllMapped(input, DASH_CASE_REGEXP, (m) => {
return m[1].toUpperCase();
export function camelCaseToDashCase(input:string): string {
return StringWrapper.replaceAllMapped(input, CAMEL_CASE_REGEXP, (m) => {
return '-' + m[1].toLowerCase();
const STYLE_SEPARATOR = '.';
var propertySettersCache = StringMapWrapper.create();
var innerHTMLSetterCache;
export function setterFactory(property: string): Function {
var setterFn, styleParts, styleSuffix;
if (StringWrapper.startsWith(property, ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX)) {
setterFn = attributeSetterFactory(StringWrapper.substring(property, ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX.length));
} else if (StringWrapper.startsWith(property, CLASS_PREFIX)) {
setterFn = classSetterFactory(StringWrapper.substring(property, CLASS_PREFIX.length));
} else if (StringWrapper.startsWith(property, STYLE_PREFIX)) {
styleParts = property.split(STYLE_SEPARATOR);
styleSuffix = styleParts.length > 2 ? ListWrapper.get(styleParts, 2) : '';
setterFn = styleSetterFactory(ListWrapper.get(styleParts, 1), styleSuffix);
} else if (StringWrapper.equals(property, 'innerHtml')) {
if (isBlank(innerHTMLSetterCache)) {
innerHTMLSetterCache = (el, value) => DOM.setInnerHTML(el, value);
setterFn = innerHTMLSetterCache;
} else {
property = resolvePropertyName(property);
setterFn = StringMapWrapper.get(propertySettersCache, property);
if (isBlank(setterFn)) {
var propertySetterFn = reflector.setter(property);
setterFn = function(receiver, value) {
if (DOM.hasProperty(receiver, property)) {
return propertySetterFn(receiver, value);
StringMapWrapper.set(propertySettersCache, property, setterFn);
return setterFn;
const ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX = 'attr.';
var attributeSettersCache = StringMapWrapper.create();
function _isValidAttributeValue(attrName:string, value: any): boolean {
if (attrName == "role") {
return isString(value);
} else {
return isPresent(value);
function attributeSetterFactory(attrName:string): Function {
var setterFn = StringMapWrapper.get(attributeSettersCache, attrName);
var dashCasedAttributeName;
if (isBlank(setterFn)) {
dashCasedAttributeName = camelCaseToDashCase(attrName);
setterFn = function(element, value) {
if (_isValidAttributeValue(dashCasedAttributeName, value)) {
DOM.setAttribute(element, dashCasedAttributeName, stringify(value));
} else {
if (isPresent(value)) {
throw new BaseException("Invalid " + dashCasedAttributeName +
" attribute, only string values are allowed, got '" + stringify(value) + "'");
DOM.removeAttribute(element, dashCasedAttributeName);
StringMapWrapper.set(attributeSettersCache, attrName, setterFn);
return setterFn;
const CLASS_PREFIX = 'class.';
var classSettersCache = StringMapWrapper.create();
function classSetterFactory(className:string): Function {
var setterFn = StringMapWrapper.get(classSettersCache, className);
if (isBlank(setterFn)) {
setterFn = function(element, value) {
if (value) {
DOM.addClass(element, className);
} else {
DOM.removeClass(element, className);
StringMapWrapper.set(classSettersCache, className, setterFn);
return setterFn;
const STYLE_PREFIX = 'style.';
var styleSettersCache = StringMapWrapper.create();
function styleSetterFactory(styleName:string, styleSuffix:string): Function {
var cacheKey = styleName + styleSuffix;
var setterFn = StringMapWrapper.get(styleSettersCache, cacheKey);
var dashCasedStyleName;
if (isBlank(setterFn)) {
dashCasedStyleName = camelCaseToDashCase(styleName);
setterFn = function(element, value) {
var valAsStr;
if (isPresent(value)) {
valAsStr = stringify(value);
DOM.setStyle(element, dashCasedStyleName, valAsStr + styleSuffix);
} else {
DOM.removeStyle(element, dashCasedStyleName);
StringMapWrapper.set(styleSettersCache, cacheKey, setterFn);
return setterFn;
function resolvePropertyName(attrName:string): string {
var mappedPropName = StringMapWrapper.get(DOM.attrToPropMap, attrName);
return isPresent(mappedPropName) ? mappedPropName : attrName;
@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
import {List, Map, ListWrapper, MapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {isPresent, isBlank, RegExpWrapper, RegExpMatcherWrapper, StringWrapper, BaseException} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
const _EMPTY_ATTR_VALUE = '';
// TODO: Can't use `const` here as
// in Dart this is not transpiled into `final` yet...
RegExpWrapper.create('(\\:not\\()|' + //":not("
'([-\\w]+)|' + // "tag"
'(?:\\.([-\\w]+))|' + // ".class"
'(?:\\[([-\\w*]+)(?:=([^\\]]*))?\\])|' + // "[name]", "[name=value]" or "[name*=value]"
'(?:\\))|' + // ")"
'(\\s*,\\s*)'); // ","
* A css selector contains an element name,
* css classes and attribute/value pairs with the purpose
* of selecting subsets out of them.
export class CssSelector {
notSelector: CssSelector;
static parse(selector:string): List<CssSelector> {
var results = ListWrapper.create();
var _addResult = (res, cssSel) => {
if (isPresent(cssSel.notSelector) && isBlank(cssSel.element)
&& ListWrapper.isEmpty(cssSel.classNames) && ListWrapper.isEmpty(cssSel.attrs)) {
cssSel.element = "*";
ListWrapper.push(res, cssSel);
var cssSelector = new CssSelector();
var matcher = RegExpWrapper.matcher(_SELECTOR_REGEXP, selector);
var match;
var current = cssSelector;
while (isPresent(match = {
if (isPresent(match[1])) {
if (isPresent(cssSelector.notSelector)) {
throw new BaseException('Nesting :not is not allowed in a selector');
current.notSelector = new CssSelector();
current = current.notSelector;
if (isPresent(match[2])) {
if (isPresent(match[3])) {
if (isPresent(match[4])) {
current.addAttribute(match[4], match[5]);
if (isPresent(match[6])) {
_addResult(results, cssSelector);
cssSelector = current = new CssSelector();
_addResult(results, cssSelector);
return results;
constructor() {
this.element = null;
this.classNames = ListWrapper.create();
this.attrs = ListWrapper.create();
this.notSelector = null;
setElement(element:string = null) {
if (isPresent(element)) {
element = element.toLowerCase();
this.element = element;
addAttribute(name:string, value:string = _EMPTY_ATTR_VALUE) {
ListWrapper.push(this.attrs, name.toLowerCase());
if (isPresent(value)) {
value = value.toLowerCase();
} else {
ListWrapper.push(this.attrs, value);
addClassName(name:string) {
ListWrapper.push(this.classNames, name.toLowerCase());
toString():string {
var res = '';
if (isPresent(this.element)) {
res += this.element;
if (isPresent(this.classNames)) {
for (var i=0; i<this.classNames.length; i++) {
res += '.' + this.classNames[i];
if (isPresent(this.attrs)) {
for (var i=0; i<this.attrs.length;) {
var attrName = this.attrs[i++];
var attrValue = this.attrs[i++]
res += '[' + attrName;
if (attrValue.length > 0) {
res += '=' + attrValue;
res += ']';
if (isPresent(this.notSelector)) {
res += ":not(" + this.notSelector.toString() + ")";
return res;
* Reads a list of CssSelectors and allows to calculate which ones
* are contained in a given CssSelector.
export class SelectorMatcher {
constructor() {
this._elementMap = MapWrapper.create();
this._elementPartialMap = MapWrapper.create();
this._classMap = MapWrapper.create();
this._classPartialMap = MapWrapper.create();
this._attrValueMap = MapWrapper.create();
this._attrValuePartialMap = MapWrapper.create();
this._listContexts = ListWrapper.create();
addSelectables(cssSelectors:List<CssSelector>, callbackCtxt) {
var listContext = null;
if (cssSelectors.length > 1) {
listContext= new SelectorListContext(cssSelectors);
ListWrapper.push(this._listContexts, listContext);
for (var i = 0; i < cssSelectors.length; i++) {
this.addSelectable(cssSelectors[i], callbackCtxt, listContext);
* Add an object that can be found later on by calling `match`.
* @param cssSelector A css selector
* @param callbackCtxt An opaque object that will be given to the callback of the `match` function
addSelectable(cssSelector, callbackCtxt, listContext: SelectorListContext) {
var matcher = this;
var element = cssSelector.element;
var classNames = cssSelector.classNames;
var attrs = cssSelector.attrs;
var selectable = new SelectorContext(cssSelector, callbackCtxt, listContext);
if (isPresent(element)) {
var isTerminal = attrs.length === 0 && classNames.length === 0;
if (isTerminal) {
this._addTerminal(matcher._elementMap, element, selectable);
} else {
matcher = this._addPartial(matcher._elementPartialMap, element);
if (isPresent(classNames)) {
for (var index = 0; index<classNames.length; index++) {
var isTerminal = attrs.length === 0 && index === classNames.length - 1;
var className = classNames[index];
if (isTerminal) {
this._addTerminal(matcher._classMap, className, selectable);
} else {
matcher = this._addPartial(matcher._classPartialMap, className);
if (isPresent(attrs)) {
for (var index = 0; index<attrs.length; ) {
var isTerminal = index === attrs.length - 2;
var attrName = attrs[index++];
var attrValue = attrs[index++];
var map = isTerminal ? matcher._attrValueMap : matcher._attrValuePartialMap;
var valuesMap = MapWrapper.get(map, attrName)
if (isBlank(valuesMap)) {
valuesMap = MapWrapper.create();
MapWrapper.set(map, attrName, valuesMap);
if (isTerminal) {
this._addTerminal(valuesMap, attrValue, selectable);
} else {
matcher = this._addPartial(valuesMap, attrValue);
_addTerminal(map:Map<string,string>, name:string, selectable) {
var terminalList = MapWrapper.get(map, name)
if (isBlank(terminalList)) {
terminalList = ListWrapper.create();
MapWrapper.set(map, name, terminalList);
ListWrapper.push(terminalList, selectable);
_addPartial(map:Map<string,string>, name:string) {
var matcher = MapWrapper.get(map, name)
if (isBlank(matcher)) {
matcher = new SelectorMatcher();
MapWrapper.set(map, name, matcher);
return matcher;
* Find the objects that have been added via `addSelectable`
* whose css selector is contained in the given css selector.
* @param cssSelector A css selector
* @param matchedCallback This callback will be called with the object handed into `addSelectable`
* @return boolean true if a match was found
match(cssSelector:CssSelector, matchedCallback:Function):boolean {
var result = false;
var element = cssSelector.element;
var classNames = cssSelector.classNames;
var attrs = cssSelector.attrs;
for (var i = 0; i < this._listContexts.length; i++) {
this._listContexts[i].alreadyMatched = false;
result = this._matchTerminal(this._elementMap, element, cssSelector, matchedCallback) || result;
result = this._matchPartial(this._elementPartialMap, element, cssSelector, matchedCallback) || result;
if (isPresent(classNames)) {
for (var index = 0; index<classNames.length; index++) {
var className = classNames[index];
result = this._matchTerminal(this._classMap, className, cssSelector, matchedCallback) || result;
result = this._matchPartial(this._classPartialMap, className, cssSelector, matchedCallback) || result;
if (isPresent(attrs)) {
for (var index = 0; index<attrs.length;) {
var attrName = attrs[index++];
var attrValue = attrs[index++];
var valuesMap = MapWrapper.get(this._attrValueMap, attrName);
if (!StringWrapper.equals(attrValue, _EMPTY_ATTR_VALUE)) {
result = this._matchTerminal(valuesMap, _EMPTY_ATTR_VALUE, cssSelector, matchedCallback) || result;
result = this._matchTerminal(valuesMap, attrValue, cssSelector, matchedCallback) || result;
valuesMap = MapWrapper.get(this._attrValuePartialMap, attrName)
result = this._matchPartial(valuesMap, attrValue, cssSelector, matchedCallback) || result;
return result;
_matchTerminal(map:Map<string,string> = null, name, cssSelector, matchedCallback):boolean {
if (isBlank(map) || isBlank(name)) {
return false;
var selectables = MapWrapper.get(map, name);
var starSelectables = MapWrapper.get(map, "*");
if (isPresent(starSelectables)) {
selectables = ListWrapper.concat(selectables, starSelectables);
if (isBlank(selectables)) {
return false;
var selectable;
var result = false;
for (var index=0; index<selectables.length; index++) {
selectable = selectables[index];
result = selectable.finalize(cssSelector, matchedCallback) || result;
return result;
_matchPartial(map:Map<string,string> = null, name, cssSelector, matchedCallback):boolean {
if (isBlank(map) || isBlank(name)) {
return false;
var nestedSelector = MapWrapper.get(map, name)
if (isBlank(nestedSelector)) {
return false;
// TODO(perf): get rid of recursion and measure again
// TODO(perf): don't pass the whole selector into the recursion,
// but only the not processed parts
return nestedSelector.match(cssSelector, matchedCallback);
class SelectorListContext {
selectors: List<CssSelector>;
alreadyMatched: boolean;
constructor(selectors:List<CssSelector>) {
this.selectors = selectors;
this.alreadyMatched = false;
// Store context to pass back selector and context when a selector is matched
class SelectorContext {
cbContext; // callback context
listContext: SelectorListContext;
constructor(selector:CssSelector, cbContext, listContext: SelectorListContext) {
this.selector = selector;
this.notSelector = selector.notSelector;
this.cbContext = cbContext;
this.listContext = listContext;
finalize(cssSelector: CssSelector, callback) {
var result = true;
if (isPresent(this.notSelector) && (isBlank(this.listContext) || !this.listContext.alreadyMatched)) {
var notMatcher = new SelectorMatcher();
notMatcher.addSelectable(this.notSelector, null, null);
result = !notMatcher.match(cssSelector, null);
if (result && isPresent(callback) && (isBlank(this.listContext) || !this.listContext.alreadyMatched)) {
if (isPresent(this.listContext)) {
this.listContext.alreadyMatched = true;
callback(this.selector, this.cbContext);
return result;
@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
import {List, ListWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {
} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
* This file is a port of shadowCSS from webcomponents.js to AtScript.
* Please make sure to keep to edits in sync with the source file.
* Source:
* The original file level comment is reproduced below
This is a limited shim for ShadowDOM css styling.
The intention here is to support only the styling features which can be
relatively simply implemented. The goal is to allow users to avoid the
most obvious pitfalls and do so without compromising performance significantly.
For ShadowDOM styling that's not covered here, a set of best practices
can be provided that should allow users to accomplish more complex styling.
The following is a list of specific ShadowDOM styling features and a brief
discussion of the approach used to shim.
Shimmed features:
* :host, :host-context: ShadowDOM allows styling of the shadowRoot's host
element using the :host rule. To shim this feature, the :host styles are
reformatted and prefixed with a given scope name and promoted to a
document level stylesheet.
For example, given a scope name of .foo, a rule like this:
:host {
background: red;
.foo {
background: red;
* encapsultion: Styles defined within ShadowDOM, apply only to
dom inside the ShadowDOM. Polymer uses one of two techniques to imlement
this feature.
By default, rules are prefixed with the host element tag name
as a descendant selector. This ensures styling does not leak out of the 'top'
of the element's ShadowDOM. For example,
div {
font-weight: bold;
x-foo div {
font-weight: bold;
Alternatively, if WebComponents.ShadowCSS.strictStyling is set to true then
selectors are scoped by adding an attribute selector suffix to each
simple selector that contains the host element tag name. Each element
in the element's ShadowDOM template is also given the scope attribute.
Thus, these rules match only elements that have the scope attribute.
For example, given a scope name of x-foo, a rule like this:
div {
font-weight: bold;
div[x-foo] {
font-weight: bold;
Note that elements that are dynamically added to a scope must have the scope
selector added to them manually.
* upper/lower bound encapsulation: Styles which are defined outside a
shadowRoot should not cross the ShadowDOM boundary and should not apply
inside a shadowRoot.
This styling behavior is not emulated. Some possible ways to do this that
were rejected due to complexity and/or performance concerns include: (1) reset
every possible property for every possible selector for a given scope name;
(2) re-implement css in javascript.
As an alternative, users should make sure to use selectors
specific to the scope in which they are working.
* ::distributed: This behavior is not emulated. It's often not necessary
to style the contents of a specific insertion point and instead, descendants
of the host element can be styled selectively. Users can also create an
extra node around an insertion point and style that node's contents
via descendent selectors. For example, with a shadowRoot like this:
::content(div) {
background: red;
could become:
/ *@polyfill .content-container div * /
::content(div) {
background: red;
<div class="content-container">
Note the use of @polyfill in the comment above a ShadowDOM specific style
declaration. This is a directive to the styling shim to use the selector
in comments in lieu of the next selector when running under polyfill.
export class ShadowCss {
strictStyling: boolean;
constructor() {
this.strictStyling = true;
* Shim a style element with the given selector. Returns cssText that can
* be included in the document via WebComponents.ShadowCSS.addCssToDocument(css).
shimStyle(style, selector: string, hostSelector: string = ''): string {
var cssText = DOM.getText(style);
return this.shimCssText(cssText, selector, hostSelector);
* Shim some cssText with the given selector. Returns cssText that can
* be included in the document via WebComponents.ShadowCSS.addCssToDocument(css).
* When strictStyling is true:
* - selector is the attribute added to all elements inside the host,
* - hostSelector is the attribute added to the host itself.
shimCssText(cssText: string, selector: string, hostSelector: string = ''): string {
cssText = this._insertDirectives(cssText);
return this._scopeCssText(cssText, selector, hostSelector);
_insertDirectives(cssText: string): string {
cssText = this._insertPolyfillDirectivesInCssText(cssText);
return this._insertPolyfillRulesInCssText(cssText);
* Process styles to convert native ShadowDOM rules that will trip
* up the css parser; we rely on decorating the stylesheet with inert rules.
* For example, we convert this rule:
* polyfill-next-selector { content: ':host menu-item'; }
* ::content menu-item {
* to this:
* scopeName menu-item {
_insertPolyfillDirectivesInCssText(cssText: string): string {
// Difference with webcomponents.js: does not handle comments
return StringWrapper.replaceAllMapped(cssText, _cssContentNextSelectorRe, function(m) {
return m[1] + '{';
* Process styles to add rules which will only apply under the polyfill
* For example, we convert this rule:
* polyfill-rule {
* content: ':host menu-item';
* ...
* }
* to this:
* scopeName menu-item {...}
_insertPolyfillRulesInCssText(cssText: string): string {
// Difference with webcomponents.js: does not handle comments
return StringWrapper.replaceAllMapped(cssText, _cssContentRuleRe, function(m) {
var rule = m[0];
rule = StringWrapper.replace(rule, m[1], '');
rule = StringWrapper.replace(rule, m[2], '');
return m[3] + rule;
/* Ensure styles are scoped. Pseudo-scoping takes a rule like:
* .foo {... }
* and converts this to
* scopeName .foo { ... }
_scopeCssText(cssText: string, scopeSelector: string, hostSelector: string): string {
var unscoped = this._extractUnscopedRulesFromCssText(cssText);
cssText = this._insertPolyfillHostInCssText(cssText);
cssText = this._convertColonHost(cssText);
cssText = this._convertColonHostContext(cssText);
cssText = this._convertShadowDOMSelectors(cssText);
if (isPresent(scopeSelector)) {
_withCssRules(cssText, (rules) => {
cssText = this._scopeRules(rules, scopeSelector, hostSelector);
cssText = cssText + '\n' + unscoped;
return cssText.trim();
* Process styles to add rules which will only apply under the polyfill
* and do not process via CSSOM. (CSSOM is destructive to rules on rare
* occasions, e.g. -webkit-calc on Safari.)
* For example, we convert this rule:
* @polyfill-unscoped-rule {
* content: 'menu-item';
* ... }
* to this:
* menu-item {...}
_extractUnscopedRulesFromCssText(cssText: string): string {
// Difference with webcomponents.js: does not handle comments
var r = '', m;
var matcher = RegExpWrapper.matcher(_cssContentUnscopedRuleRe, cssText);
while (isPresent(m = {
var rule = m[0];
rule = StringWrapper.replace(rule, m[2], '');
rule = StringWrapper.replace(rule, m[1], m[3]);
r = rule + '\n\n';
return r;
* convert a rule like :host(.foo) > .bar { }
* to
* > .bar
_convertColonHost(cssText: string): string {
return this._convertColonRule(cssText, _cssColonHostRe,
* convert a rule like :host-context(.foo) > .bar { }
* to
* > .bar, .foo scopeName > .bar { }
* and
* :host-context(.foo:host) .bar { ... }
* to
* .bar { ... }
_convertColonHostContext(cssText: string): string {
return this._convertColonRule(cssText, _cssColonHostContextRe,
_convertColonRule(cssText: string, regExp: RegExp, partReplacer: Function): string {
// p1 = :host, p2 = contents of (), p3 rest of rule
return StringWrapper.replaceAllMapped(cssText, regExp, function(m) {
if (isPresent(m[2])) {
var parts = m[2].split(','), r = [];
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var p = parts[i];
if (isBlank(p)) break;
p = p.trim();
ListWrapper.push(r, partReplacer(_polyfillHostNoCombinator, p, m[3]));
return r.join(',');
} else {
return _polyfillHostNoCombinator + m[3];
_colonHostContextPartReplacer(host: string, part: string, suffix: string): string {
if (StringWrapper.contains(part, _polyfillHost)) {
return this._colonHostPartReplacer(host, part, suffix);
} else {
return host + part + suffix + ', ' + part + ' ' + host + suffix;
_colonHostPartReplacer(host: string, part: string, suffix: string): string {
return host + StringWrapper.replace(part, _polyfillHost, '') + suffix;
* Convert combinators like ::shadow and pseudo-elements like ::content
* by replacing with space.
_convertShadowDOMSelectors(cssText: string): string {
for (var i = 0; i < _shadowDOMSelectorsRe.length; i++) {
cssText = StringWrapper.replaceAll(cssText, _shadowDOMSelectorsRe[i], ' ');
return cssText;
// change a selector like 'div' to 'name div'
_scopeRules(cssRules, scopeSelector: string, hostSelector: string): string {
var cssText = '';
if (isPresent(cssRules)) {
for (var i = 0; i < cssRules.length; i++) {
var rule = cssRules[i];
if (DOM.isStyleRule(rule) || DOM.isPageRule(rule)) {
cssText += this._scopeSelector(rule.selectorText, scopeSelector, hostSelector,
this.strictStyling) + ' {\n';
cssText += this._propertiesFromRule(rule) + '\n}\n\n';
} else if (DOM.isMediaRule(rule)) {
cssText += '@media ' + + ' {\n';
cssText += this._scopeRules(rule.cssRules, scopeSelector, hostSelector);
cssText += '\n}\n\n';
} else {
// KEYFRAMES_RULE in IE throws when we query cssText
// when it contains a -webkit- property.
// if this happens, we fallback to constructing the rule
// from the CSSRuleSet
try {
if (isPresent(rule.cssText)) {
cssText += rule.cssText + '\n\n';
} catch(x) {
if (DOM.isKeyframesRule(rule) && isPresent(rule.cssRules)) {
cssText += this._ieSafeCssTextFromKeyFrameRule(rule);
return cssText;
_ieSafeCssTextFromKeyFrameRule(rule): string {
var cssText = '@keyframes ' + + ' {';
for (var i = 0; i < rule.cssRules.length; i++) {
var r = rule.cssRules[i];
cssText += ' ' + r.keyText + ' {' + + '}';
cssText += ' }';
return cssText;
_scopeSelector(selector: string, scopeSelector: string, hostSelector: string,
strict: boolean): string {
var r = [], parts = selector.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var p = parts[i];
p = p.trim();
if (this._selectorNeedsScoping(p, scopeSelector)) {
p = strict && !StringWrapper.contains(p, _polyfillHostNoCombinator) ?
this._applyStrictSelectorScope(p, scopeSelector) :
this._applySelectorScope(p, scopeSelector, hostSelector);
ListWrapper.push(r, p);
return r.join(', ');
_selectorNeedsScoping(selector: string, scopeSelector: string): boolean {
var re = this._makeScopeMatcher(scopeSelector);
return !isPresent(RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(re, selector));
_makeScopeMatcher(scopeSelector: string): RegExp {
var lre = RegExpWrapper.create('\\[');
var rre = RegExpWrapper.create('\\]');
scopeSelector = StringWrapper.replaceAll(scopeSelector, lre, '\\[');
scopeSelector = StringWrapper.replaceAll(scopeSelector, rre, '\\]');
return RegExpWrapper.create('^(' + scopeSelector + ')' + _selectorReSuffix, 'm');
_applySelectorScope(selector: string, scopeSelector: string, hostSelector: string): string {
// Difference from webcomponentsjs: scopeSelector could not be an array
return this._applySimpleSelectorScope(selector, scopeSelector, hostSelector);
// scope via name and [is=name]
_applySimpleSelectorScope(selector: string, scopeSelector: string, hostSelector: string): string {
if (isPresent(RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(_polyfillHostRe, selector))) {
var replaceBy = this.strictStyling ? `[${hostSelector}]` : scopeSelector;
selector = StringWrapper.replace(selector, _polyfillHostNoCombinator, replaceBy);
return StringWrapper.replaceAll(selector, _polyfillHostRe, replaceBy + ' ');
} else {
return scopeSelector + ' ' + selector;
// return a selector with [name] suffix on each simple selector
// e.g. > .zot becomes .foo[name].bar[name] > .zot[name]
_applyStrictSelectorScope(selector: string, scopeSelector: string): string {
var isRe = RegExpWrapper.create('\\[is=([^\\]]*)\\]');
scopeSelector = StringWrapper.replaceAllMapped(scopeSelector, isRe, (m) => m[1]);
var splits = [' ', '>', '+', '~'],
scoped = selector,
attrName = '[' + scopeSelector + ']';
for (var i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) {
var sep = splits[i];
var parts = scoped.split(sep);
scoped =, function(p) {
// remove :host since it should be unnecessary
var t = StringWrapper.replaceAll(p.trim(), _polyfillHostRe, '');
if (t.length > 0 &&
!ListWrapper.contains(splits, t) &&
!StringWrapper.contains(t, attrName)) {
var re = RegExpWrapper.create('([^:]*)(:*)(.*)');
var m = RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(re, t);
if (isPresent(m)) {
p = m[1] + attrName + m[2] + m[3];
return p;
return scoped;
_insertPolyfillHostInCssText(selector: string): string {
selector = StringWrapper.replaceAll(selector, _colonHostContextRe, _polyfillHostContext);
selector = StringWrapper.replaceAll(selector, _colonHostRe, _polyfillHost);
return selector;
_propertiesFromRule(rule): string {
var cssText =;
// TODO(sorvell): Safari cssom incorrectly removes quotes from the content
// property. (
// don't replace attr rules
var attrRe = RegExpWrapper.create('[\'"]+|attr');
if ( > 0 &&
!isPresent(RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(attrRe, {
var contentRe = RegExpWrapper.create('content:[^;]*;');
cssText = StringWrapper.replaceAll(cssText, contentRe, 'content: \'' +
|||| + '\';');
// TODO(sorvell): we can workaround this issue here, but we need a list
// of troublesome properties to fix
// inherit rules can be omitted from cssText
// TODO(sorvell): remove when Blink bug is fixed:
//var style =;
//for (var i = 0; i < style.length; i++) {
// var name = style.item(i);
// var value = style.getPropertyValue(name);
// if (value == 'initial') {
// cssText += name + ': initial; ';
// }
return cssText;
var _cssContentNextSelectorRe = RegExpWrapper.create(
'polyfill-next-selector[^}]*content:[\\s]*?[\'"](.*?)[\'"][;\\s]*}([^{]*?){', 'im');
var _cssContentRuleRe = RegExpWrapper.create(
'(polyfill-rule)[^}]*(content:[\\s]*[\'"](.*?)[\'"])[;\\s]*[^}]*}', 'im');
var _cssContentUnscopedRuleRe = RegExpWrapper.create(
'(polyfill-unscoped-rule)[^}]*(content:[\\s]*[\'"](.*?)[\'"])[;\\s]*[^}]*}', 'im');
var _polyfillHost = '-shadowcsshost';
// note: :host-context pre-processed to -shadowcsshostcontext.
var _polyfillHostContext = '-shadowcsscontext';
var _parenSuffix = ')(?:\\((' +
'(?:\\([^)(]*\\)|[^)(]*)+?' +
var _cssColonHostRe = RegExpWrapper.create('(' + _polyfillHost + _parenSuffix, 'im');
var _cssColonHostContextRe = RegExpWrapper.create('(' + _polyfillHostContext + _parenSuffix, 'im');
var _polyfillHostNoCombinator = _polyfillHost + '-no-combinator';
var _shadowDOMSelectorsRe = [
// Deprecated selectors
RegExpWrapper.create('/deep/'), // former >>>
RegExpWrapper.create('/shadow-deep/'), // former /deep/
RegExpWrapper.create('/shadow/'), // former ::shadow
var _selectorReSuffix = '([>\\s~+\[.,{:][\\s\\S]*)?$';
var _polyfillHostRe = RegExpWrapper.create(_polyfillHost, 'im');
var _colonHostRe = RegExpWrapper.create(':host', 'im');
var _colonHostContextRe = RegExpWrapper.create(':host-context', 'im');
function _cssToRules(cssText: string) {
return DOM.cssToRules(cssText);
function _withCssRules(cssText: string, callback: Function) {
// Difference from webcomponentjs: remove the workaround for an old bug in Chrome
if (isBlank(callback)) return;
var rules = _cssToRules(cssText);
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
import {XHR} from 'angular2/src/services/xhr';
import {StyleUrlResolver} from './style_url_resolver';
import {UrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/services/url_resolver';
import {ListWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
import {
} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {
} from 'angular2/src/facade/async';
* Inline @import rules in the given CSS.
* When an @import rules is inlined, it's url are rewritten.
export class StyleInliner {
_xhr: XHR;
_urlResolver: UrlResolver;
_styleUrlResolver: StyleUrlResolver;
constructor(xhr: XHR, styleUrlResolver: StyleUrlResolver, urlResolver: UrlResolver) {
this._xhr = xhr;
this._urlResolver = urlResolver;
this._styleUrlResolver = styleUrlResolver;
* Inline the @imports rules in the given CSS text.
* The baseUrl is required to rewrite URLs in the inlined content.
* @param {string} cssText
* @param {string} baseUrl
* @returns {*} a Promise<string> when @import rules are present, a string otherwise
// TODO(vicb): Union types: returns either a Promise<string> or a string
// TODO(vicb): commented out @import rules should not be inlined
inlineImports(cssText: string, baseUrl: string) {
return this._inlineImports(cssText, baseUrl, []);
_inlineImports(cssText: string, baseUrl: string, inlinedUrls: List<string>) {
var partIndex = 0;
var parts = StringWrapper.split(cssText, _importRe);
if (parts.length === 1) {
// no @import rule found, return the original css
return cssText;
var promises = [];
while (partIndex < parts.length - 1) {
// prefix is the content before the @import rule
var prefix = parts[partIndex];
// rule is the parameter of the @import rule
var rule = parts[partIndex + 1];
var url = _extractUrl(rule);
if (isPresent(url)) {
url = this._urlResolver.resolve(baseUrl, url);
var mediaQuery = _extractMediaQuery(rule);
var promise;
if (isBlank(url)) {
promise = PromiseWrapper.resolve(`/* Invalid import rule: "@import ${rule};" */`);
} else if (ListWrapper.contains(inlinedUrls, url)) {
// The current import rule has already been inlined, return the prefix only
// Importing again might cause a circular dependency
promise = PromiseWrapper.resolve(prefix);
} else {
ListWrapper.push(inlinedUrls, url);
promise = PromiseWrapper.then(
(css) => {
// resolve nested @import rules
css = this._inlineImports(css, url, inlinedUrls);
if (PromiseWrapper.isPromise(css)) {
// wait until nested @import are inlined
return css.then((css) => {
return prefix + this._transformImportedCss(css, mediaQuery, url) + '\n'
}) ;
} else {
// there are no nested @import, return the css
return prefix + this._transformImportedCss(css, mediaQuery, url) + '\n';
(error) => `/* failed to import ${url} */\n`
ListWrapper.push(promises, promise);
partIndex += 2;
return PromiseWrapper.all(promises).then(function (cssParts) {
var cssText = cssParts.join('');
if (partIndex < parts.length) {
// append then content located after the last @import rule
cssText += parts[partIndex];
return cssText;
_transformImportedCss(css: string, mediaQuery: string, url: string): string {
css = this._styleUrlResolver.resolveUrls(css, url);
return _wrapInMediaRule(css, mediaQuery);
// Extracts the url from an import rule, supported formats:
// - 'url' / "url",
// - url(url) / url('url') / url("url")
function _extractUrl(importRule: string): string {
var match = RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(_urlRe, importRule);
if (isBlank(match)) return null;
return isPresent(match[1]) ? match[1] : match[2];
// Extracts the media query from an import rule.
// Returns null when there is no media query.
function _extractMediaQuery(importRule: string): string {
var match = RegExpWrapper.firstMatch(_mediaQueryRe, importRule);
if (isBlank(match)) return null;
var mediaQuery = match[1].trim();
return (mediaQuery.length > 0) ? mediaQuery: null;
// Wraps the css in a media rule when the media query is not null
function _wrapInMediaRule(css: string, query: string): string {
return (isBlank(query)) ? css : `@media ${query} {\n${css}\n}`;
var _importRe = RegExpWrapper.create('@import\\s+([^;]+);');
var _urlRe = RegExpWrapper.create(
'url\\(\\s*?[\'"]?([^\'")]+)[\'"]?|' + // url(url) or url('url') or url("url")
'[\'"]([^\'")]+)[\'"]' // "url" or 'url'
var _mediaQueryRe = RegExpWrapper.create('[\'"][^\'"]+[\'"]\\s*\\)?\\s*(.*)');
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
// Some of the code comes from WebComponents.JS
import {RegExp, RegExpWrapper, StringWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/lang';
import {UrlResolver} from 'angular2/src/services/url_resolver';
* Rewrites URLs by resolving '@import' and 'url()' URLs from the given base URL.
export class StyleUrlResolver {
_resolver: UrlResolver;
constructor(resolver: UrlResolver) {
this._resolver = resolver;
resolveUrls(cssText: string, baseUrl: string) {
cssText = this._replaceUrls(cssText, _cssUrlRe, baseUrl);
cssText = this._replaceUrls(cssText, _cssImportRe, baseUrl);
return cssText;
_replaceUrls(cssText: string, re: RegExp, baseUrl: string) {
return StringWrapper.replaceAllMapped(cssText, re, (m) => {
var pre = m[1];
var url = StringWrapper.replaceAll(m[2], _quoteRe, '');
var post = m[3];
var resolvedUrl = this._resolver.resolve(baseUrl, url);
return pre + "'" + resolvedUrl + "'" + post;
var _cssUrlRe = RegExpWrapper.create('(url\\()([^)]*)(\\))');
var _cssImportRe = RegExpWrapper.create('(@import[\\s]+(?!url\\())[\'"]([^\'"]*)[\'"](.*;)');
var _quoteRe = RegExpWrapper.create('[\'"]');
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
import {describe, ddescribe, it, iit, xit, xdescribe, expect, beforeEach, el} from 'angular2/test_lib';
import {setterFactory} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/property_setter_factory';
import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
export function main() {
var div;
beforeEach( () => {
div = el('<div></div>');
describe('property setter factory', () => {
it('should return a setter for a property', () => {
var setterFn = setterFactory('title');
setterFn(div, 'Hello');
var otherSetterFn = setterFactory('title');
it('should return a setter for an attribute', () => {
var setterFn = setterFactory('attr.role');
setterFn(div, 'button');
expect(DOM.getAttribute(div, 'role')).toEqual('button');
setterFn(div, null);
expect(DOM.getAttribute(div, 'role')).toEqual(null);
expect(() => {
setterFn(div, 4);
}).toThrowError("Invalid role attribute, only string values are allowed, got '4'");
var otherSetterFn = setterFactory('attr.role');
it('should return a setter for a class', () => {
var setterFn = setterFactory('');
setterFn(div, true);
expect(DOM.hasClass(div, 'active')).toEqual(true);
setterFn(div, false);
expect(DOM.hasClass(div, 'active')).toEqual(false);
var otherSetterFn = setterFactory('');
it('should return a setter for a style', () => {
var setterFn = setterFactory('style.width');
setterFn(div, '40px');
expect(DOM.getStyle(div, 'width')).toEqual('40px');
setterFn(div, null);
expect(DOM.getStyle(div, 'width')).toEqual('');
var otherSetterFn = setterFactory('style.width');
it('should return a setter for a style with a unit', () => {
var setterFn = setterFactory('style.height.px');
setterFn(div, 40);
expect(DOM.getStyle(div, 'height')).toEqual('40px');
setterFn(div, null);
expect(DOM.getStyle(div, 'height')).toEqual('');
var otherSetterFn = setterFactory('style.height.px');
it('should return a setter for innerHtml', () => {
var setterFn = setterFactory('innerHtml');
setterFn(div, '<span></span>');
var otherSetterFn = setterFactory('innerHtml');
@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
import {describe, it, expect, beforeEach, ddescribe, iit, xit, el} from 'angular2/test_lib';
import {DOM} from 'angular2/src/dom/dom_adapter';
import {SelectorMatcher} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/selector';
import {CssSelector} from 'angular2/src/render/dom/compiler/selector';
import {List, ListWrapper, MapWrapper} from 'angular2/src/facade/collection';
export function main() {
describe('SelectorMatcher', () => {
var matcher, matched, selectableCollector, s1, s2, s3, s4;
function reset() {
matched = ListWrapper.create();
beforeEach(() => {
s1 = s2 = s3 = s4 = null;
selectableCollector = (selector, context) => {
ListWrapper.push(matched, selector);
ListWrapper.push(matched, context);
matcher = new SelectorMatcher();
it('should select by element name case insensitive', () => {
matcher.addSelectables(s1 = CssSelector.parse('someTag'), 1);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('SOMEOTHERTAG')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(false);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('SOMETAG')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(true);
it('should select by class name case insensitive', () => {
matcher.addSelectables(s1 = CssSelector.parse('.someClass'), 1);
matcher.addSelectables(s2 = CssSelector.parse('.someClass.class2'), 2);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('.SOMEOTHERCLASS')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(false);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('.SOMECLASS')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(true);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('.someClass.class2')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(true);
it('should select by attr name case insensitive independent of the value', () => {
matcher.addSelectables(s1 = CssSelector.parse('[someAttr]'), 1);
matcher.addSelectables(s2 = CssSelector.parse('[someAttr][someAttr2]'), 2);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('[SOMEOTHERATTR]')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(false);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('[SOMEATTR]')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(true);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('[SOMEATTR=someValue]')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(true);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('[someAttr][someAttr2]')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(true);
it('should select by attr name only once if the value is from the DOM', () => {
matcher.addSelectables(s1 = CssSelector.parse('[some-decor]'), 1);
var elementSelector = new CssSelector();
var element = el('<div attr></div>');
var empty = DOM.getAttribute(element, 'attr');
elementSelector.addAttribute('some-decor', empty);
matcher.match(elementSelector, selectableCollector);
it('should select by attr name and value case insensitive', () => {
matcher.addSelectables(s1 = CssSelector.parse('[someAttr=someValue]'), 1);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('[SOMEATTR=SOMEOTHERATTR]')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(false);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('[SOMEATTR=SOMEVALUE]')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(true);
it('should select by element name, class name and attribute name with value', () => {
matcher.addSelectables(s1 = CssSelector.parse('someTag.someClass[someAttr=someValue]'), 1);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('someOtherTag.someOtherClass[someOtherAttr]')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(false);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('someTag.someOtherClass[someOtherAttr]')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(false);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('someTag.someClass[someOtherAttr]')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(false);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('someTag.someClass[someAttr]')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(false);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('someTag.someClass[someAttr=someValue]')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(true);
it('should select by many attributes and independent of the value', () => {
matcher.addSelectables(s1 = CssSelector.parse('input[type=text][control]'), 1);
var cssSelector = new CssSelector();
cssSelector.addAttribute('type', 'text');
cssSelector.addAttribute('control', 'one');
expect(matcher.match(cssSelector, selectableCollector)).toEqual(true);
expect(matched).toEqual([s1[0], 1]);
it('should select independent of the order in the css selector', () => {
matcher.addSelectables(s1 = CssSelector.parse('[someAttr].someClass'), 1);
matcher.addSelectables(s2 = CssSelector.parse('.someClass[someAttr]'), 2);
matcher.addSelectables(s3 = CssSelector.parse('.class1.class2'), 3);
matcher.addSelectables(s4 = CssSelector.parse('.class2.class1'), 4);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('[someAttr].someClass')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(true);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('.someClass[someAttr]')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(true);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('.class1.class2')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(true);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('.class2.class1')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(true);
it('should not select with a matching :not selector', () => {
matcher.addSelectables(CssSelector.parse('p:not(.someClass)'), 1);
matcher.addSelectables(CssSelector.parse('p:not([someAttr])'), 2);
matcher.addSelectables(CssSelector.parse(':not(.someClass)'), 3);
matcher.addSelectables(CssSelector.parse(':not(p)'), 4);
matcher.addSelectables(CssSelector.parse(':not(p[someAttr])'), 5);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('p.someClass[someAttr]')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(false);
it('should select with a non matching :not selector', () => {
matcher.addSelectables(s1 = CssSelector.parse('p:not(.someClass)'), 1);
matcher.addSelectables(s2 = CssSelector.parse('p:not(.someOtherClass[someAttr])'), 2);
matcher.addSelectables(s3 = CssSelector.parse(':not(.someClass)'), 3);
matcher.addSelectables(s4 = CssSelector.parse(':not(.someOtherClass[someAttr])'), 4);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('p[someOtherAttr].someOtherClass')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(true);
it('should select with one match in a list', () => {
matcher.addSelectables(s1 = CssSelector.parse('input[type=text], textbox'), 1);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('textbox')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(true);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('input[type=text]')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(true);
it('should not select twice with two matches in a list', () => {
matcher.addSelectables(s1 = CssSelector.parse('input, .someClass'), 1);
expect(matcher.match(CssSelector.parse('input.someclass')[0], selectableCollector)).toEqual(true);
describe('CssSelector.parse', () => {
it('should detect element names', () => {
var cssSelector = CssSelector.parse('sometag')[0];
it('should detect class names', () => {
var cssSelector = CssSelector.parse('.someClass')[0];
it('should detect attr names', () => {
var cssSelector = CssSelector.parse('[attrname]')[0];
expect(cssSelector.attrs).toEqual(['attrname', '']);
it('should detect attr values', () => {
var cssSelector = CssSelector.parse('[attrname=attrvalue]')[0];
expect(cssSelector.attrs).toEqual(['attrname', 'attrvalue']);
it('should detect multiple parts', () => {
var cssSelector = CssSelector.parse('sometag[attrname=attrvalue].someclass')[0];
expect(cssSelector.attrs).toEqual(['attrname', 'attrvalue']);
it('should detect multiple attributes', () => {
var cssSelector = CssSelector.parse('input[type=text][control]')[0];
expect(cssSelector.attrs).toEqual(['type', 'text', 'control', '']);
it('should detect :not', () => {
var cssSelector = CssSelector.parse('sometag:not([attrname=attrvalue].someclass)')[0];
var notSelector = cssSelector.notSelector;
expect(notSelector.attrs).toEqual(['attrname', 'attrvalue']);
it('should detect :not without truthy', () => {
var cssSelector = CssSelector.parse(':not([attrname=attrvalue].someclass)')[0];
var notSelector = cssSelector.notSelector;
expect(notSelector.attrs).toEqual(['attrname', 'attrvalue']);
it('should throw when nested :not', () => {
expect(() => {
}).toThrowError('Nesting :not is not allowed in a selector');
it('should detect lists of selectors', () => {
var cssSelectors = CssSelector.parse('.someclass,[attrname=attrvalue], sometag');
expect(cssSelectors[1].attrs).toEqual(['attrname', 'attrvalue']);
it('should detect lists of selectors with :not', () => {
var cssSelectors = CssSelector.parse('input[type=text], :not(textarea), textbox:not(.special)');
expect(cssSelectors[0].attrs).toEqual(['type', 'text']);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user