Merge remote-tracking branch 'en/master' into aio

# Conflicts:
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/guide/
#	aio/content/marketing/
#	aio/content/navigation.json
#	aio/content/tutorial/
#	aio/content/tutorial/
#	aio/content/tutorial/
#	aio/package.json
#	aio/src/app/custom-elements/api/api-list.component.ts
#	aio/src/app/layout/footer/footer.component.html
#	aio/yarn.lock
#	packages/common/src/pipes/number_pipe.ts
#	packages/forms/src/directives/validators.ts
#	packages/forms/src/model.ts
This commit is contained in:
Zhicheng WANG 2020-02-05 12:08:32 +08:00
commit c3e9cb2608
1864 changed files with 177146 additions and 18072 deletions

View File

@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ test --incompatible_strict_action_env
# This command assumes node on the path and is a workaround for
build:release --workspace_status_command="node ./tools/bazel_stamp_vars.js"
build:release --stamp
# Output #
@ -111,6 +112,16 @@ build:remote --project_id=internal-200822
# Saucelabs tests settings #
# Turn on these settings with #
# --config=saucelabs #
# For saucelabs tests we don't want to enable flaky test attempts. Karma has its own integrated
# retry mechanism and we do not want to retry unnecessarily if Karma already tried multiple times.
test:saucelabs --flaky_test_attempts=1
# NodeJS rules settings
# These settings are required for rules_nodejs

View File

@ -13,7 +13,3 @@ test --flaky_test_attempts=2
# More details on failures
build --verbose_failures=true
# For saucelabs tests we don't want to enable flaky test attempts. Karma has its own integrated
# retry mechanism and we do not want to retry unnecessarily if Karma already tried multiple times.
test:saucelabs --flaky_test_attempts=1

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Import config items common to both Linux and Windows setups.
import %workspace%/.circleci/bazel.common.rc
try-import %workspace%/.circleci/bazel.common.rc
# Save downloaded repositories in a location that can be cached by CircleCI. This helps us
# speeding up the analysis time significantly with Bazel managed node dependencies on the CI.
@ -15,3 +15,7 @@ build --repository_cache=/home/circleci/bazel_repository_cache
# Limit Bazel to consuming resources that fit in CircleCI "xlarge" class
build --local_resources=14336,8.0,1.0
# All build executed remotely should be done using our RBE configuration.
build:remote --google_default_credentials
build --config=remote

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# Import config items common to both Linux and Windows setups.
import %workspace%/.circleci/bazel.common.rc
try-import %workspace%/.circleci/bazel.common.rc
# Save downloaded repositories in a location that can be cached by CircleCI. This helps us
# speeding up the analysis time significantly with Bazel managed node dependencies on the CI.

View File

@ -22,15 +22,15 @@ version: 2.1
# **NOTE 1 **: If you change the cache key prefix, also sync the cache_key_fallback to match.
# **NOTE 2 **: Keep the static part of the cache key as prefix to enable correct fallbacks.
# See for how prefixes work in CircleCI.
var_3: &cache_key v3-angular-node-10.16-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}-{{ checksum "WORKSPACE" }}-{{ checksum "packages/bazel/package.bzl" }}-{{ checksum "aio/yarn.lock" }}
var_4: &cache_key_fallback v3-angular-node-10.16-
var_3_win: &cache_key_win v5-angular-win-node-12.0-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}-{{ checksum "WORKSPACE" }}-{{ checksum "packages/bazel/package.bzl" }}-{{ checksum "aio/yarn.lock" }}
var_4_win: &cache_key_win_fallback v5-angular-win-node-12.0-
var_3: &cache_key v3-angular-node-12-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}-{{ checksum "WORKSPACE" }}-{{ checksum "packages/bazel/package.bzl" }}-{{ checksum "aio/yarn.lock" }}
var_4: &cache_key_fallback v3-angular-node-12-
var_3_win: &cache_key_win v5-angular-win-node-12-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}-{{ checksum "WORKSPACE" }}-{{ checksum "packages/bazel/package.bzl" }}-{{ checksum "aio/yarn.lock" }}
var_4_win: &cache_key_win_fallback v5-angular-win-node-12-
# Cache key for the Material unit tests job. **Note** when updating the SHA in the cache keys,
# also update the SHA for the "MATERIAL_REPO_COMMIT" environment variable.
var_5: &material_unit_tests_cache_key v5-angular-material-c734deb14bb28579ba59e7e065a39e3c4ed54458
var_6: &material_unit_tests_cache_key_fallback v5-angular-material-
# Cache key for the `components-repo-unit-tests` job. **Note** when updating the SHA in the
# cache keys also update the SHA for the "COMPONENTS_REPO_COMMIT" environment variable.
var_5: &components_repo_unit_tests_cache_key v5-angular-components-97a7e2babbccd3dc58e7b3364004e45ed5bd9968
var_6: &components_repo_unit_tests_cache_key_fallback v5-angular-components-
# Workspace initially persisted by the `setup` job, and then enhanced by `build-npm-packages` and
# `build-ivy-npm-packages`.
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ executors:
type: string
default: medium
- image: circleci/node:10.16@sha256:75c05084fff4afa3683a03c5a04a4a3ad95c536ff2439d8fe14e7e1f5c58b09a
- image: circleci/node:12.14.1@sha256:f9de24fc0017059cc42ef7d07db060008af65a98b1f0cdd1ef3339213226bf6d
resource_class: << parameters.resource_class >>
working_directory: ~/ng
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ executors:
# needed for jobs that run tests without Bazel. Bazel runs tests with browsers that will be
# fetched by the Webtesting rules. Therefore for jobs that run tests with Bazel, we don't need a
# docker image with browsers pre-installed.
- image: circleci/node:10.16-browsers@sha256:d2a96fe1cbef51257ee626b5f645e64dade3e886f00ba9cb7e8ea65b4efe8db1
- image: circleci/node:12.14.1-browsers@sha256:792797ab9be3179be7c9fc38a0931a3349288e699467c8d646d7c54e148ae46c
resource_class: << parameters.resource_class >>
working_directory: ~/ng
@ -172,37 +172,11 @@ commands:
- *cache_key_win_fallback
# Reinstall to get windows binaries.
- run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
- setup_circleci_bazel_config_win
# Install @bazel/bazel globally and use that for the first run.
# Workaround for
- run: yarn global add @bazel/bazel@$env:BAZEL_VERSION
- run: bazel info
description: Set up CircleCI bazel configuration on Linux
- run: sudo cp .circleci/bazel.linux.rc $HOME/.bazelrc
description: Set up CircleCI bazel configuration on Windows
- run: copy .circleci\ $env:USERPROFILE\.bazelrc
- run: mkdir $env:APPDATA\gcloud
# We need ensure that the same default digest is used for encoding and decoding
# with openssl. Openssl versions might have different default digests which can
# cause decryption failures based on the openssl version.
- run: openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in .circleci\gcp_token -md md5 -out "$env:APPDATA\gcloud\application_default_credentials.json" -k "$env:CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME"
description: Setup bazel RBE remote execution
# We need ensure that the same default digest is used for encoding and decoding
# with openssl. Openssl versions might have different default digests which can
# cause decryption failures based on the openssl version.
- run: openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in .circleci/gcp_token -md md5 -k "$CI_REPO_NAME" -out /home/circleci/.gcp_credentials
- run: echo "export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/home/circleci/.gcp_credentials" >> $BASH_ENV
- run: ./.circleci/ .bazelrc.user
description: Notify a webhook about failure
@ -278,7 +252,6 @@ jobs:
(echo -e "\n.bzl files have lint errors. Please run ''yarn bazel:lint-fix''"; exit 1)'
- run: yarn gulp lint
- run: node tools/verify-codeownership
@ -287,9 +260,6 @@ jobs:
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- setup_circleci_bazel_config
# Setup remote execution and run RBE-compatible tests.
- setup_bazel_rbe
- run:
command: yarn bazel test //... --build_tag_filters=-ivy-only --test_tag_filters=-ivy-only
no_output_timeout: 20m
@ -302,12 +272,9 @@ jobs:
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- setup_circleci_bazel_config
- setup_bazel_rbe
# We need to explicitly specify the --symlink_prefix option because otherwise we would
# not be able to easily find the output bin directory when uploading artifacts for size
# measurements.
# We need to explicitly specify the --symlink_prefix option because otherwise we would
# not be able to easily find the output bin directory when uploading artifacts for size
# measurements.
- run:
command: yarn test-ivy-aot //... --symlink_prefix=dist/
no_output_timeout: 20m
@ -346,22 +313,16 @@ jobs:
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- setup_circleci_bazel_config
- setup_bazel_rbe
- run:
name: Run Bazel tests in saucelabs
# All web tests are contained within a single //:saucelabs_unit_tests_poc target
# for Saucelabs as running each set of tests as a separate target will attempt to acquire
# too many browsers on Saucelabs (7 per target currently) and some tests will always
# fail to acquire browsers. For example:
# 14 02 2019 19:52:33.170:WARN [launcher]: chrome beta on SauceLabs have not captured in 180000 ms, killing.
# //packages/forms/test:web_test_sauce TIMEOUT in 315.0s
command: |
./scripts/saucelabs/ \
--tunnel-id angular-${CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM}-${CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX} \
--username $SAUCE_USERNAME \
--key $(echo $SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY | rev) \
-- yarn bazel test //:saucelabs_unit_tests_poc --config=saucelabs
name: Preparing environment for running tests on Saucelabs.
command: setSecretVar SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY $(echo $SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY | rev)
- run:
name: Run Bazel tests on Saucelabs
# See /tools/saucelabs/ for more info
command: |
yarn bazel run //tools/saucelabs:sauce_service_setup
yarn bazel test //:saucelabs_unit_tests_poc_suite --config=saucelabs
yarn bazel run //tools/saucelabs:sauce_service_stop
no_output_timeout: 20m
- notify_webhook_on_fail:
@ -376,17 +337,16 @@ jobs:
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- setup_circleci_bazel_config
- setup_bazel_rbe
- run:
name: Preparing environment for running tests on Saucelabs.
command: setSecretVar SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY $(echo $SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY | rev)
- run:
name: Run Bazel tests on Saucelabs
# Runs the //:saucelabs_tests target with Saucelabs and Ivy.
command: |
./scripts/saucelabs/ \
--tunnel-id angular-${CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM}-${CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX} \
--username $SAUCE_USERNAME \
--key $(echo $SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY | rev) \
-- yarn bazel test //:saucelabs_unit_tests --config=ivy --config=saucelabs
# See /tools/saucelabs/ for more info
command: |
yarn bazel run //tools/saucelabs:sauce_service_setup
yarn bazel test //:saucelabs_unit_tests --config=saucelabs --config=ivy
yarn bazel run //tools/saucelabs:sauce_service_stop
no_output_timeout: 20m
@ -532,9 +492,6 @@ jobs:
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- setup_circleci_bazel_config
- setup_bazel_rbe
- run: node scripts/build-packages-dist.js
# Save the npm packages from //packages/... for other workflow jobs to read
@ -560,9 +517,6 @@ jobs:
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- setup_circleci_bazel_config
- setup_bazel_rbe
- run: node scripts/build-ivy-npm-packages.js
# Save the npm packages from //packages/... for other workflow jobs to read
@ -663,16 +617,15 @@ jobs:
- init_environment
- run: setPublicVar_CI_STABLE_BRANCH
- run:
name: Check out `aio/` and `third_party/` from the stable branch
name: Check out `aio/` and yarn from the stable branch
command: |
# Remove the directory to ensure there will be only one version available (the one
# checked out from the stable branch below).
rm -rf $localYarnDir
git fetch origin $CI_STABLE_BRANCH
git checkout --force origin/$CI_STABLE_BRANCH -- aio/ $localYarnDir
git checkout --force origin/$CI_STABLE_BRANCH -- aio/ .yarn/ .yarnrc
# Overwrite yarn again to use the version from the checked out branch.
- overwrite_yarn
# Ignore yarn's engines check, because we checked out `aio/package.json` from the stable
# branch and there could be a node version skew, which is acceptable in this monitoring job.
- run: yarn config set ignore-engines true
- run:
name: Run tests against
command: ./aio/scripts/ $CI_AIO_MIN_PWA_SCORE
@ -712,71 +665,69 @@ jobs:
setPublicVar KARMA_JS_BROWSERS $(node -e 'console.log(require("./browser-providers.conf").sauceAliases.CI_REQUIRED.join(","))')
setSecretVar SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY $(echo $SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY | rev)
- run:
name: Starting Saucelabs tunnel
command: ./scripts/saucelabs/
name: Starting Saucelabs tunnel service
command: ./tools/saucelabs/ run
background: true
- run: yarn tsc -p packages
- run: yarn tsc -p modules
- run: yarn bazel build //packages/zone.js:npm_package
# Waits for the Saucelabs tunnel to be ready. This ensures that we don't run tests
# too early without Saucelabs not being ready.
- run: ./scripts/saucelabs/
- run:
# Waiting on ready ensures that we don't run tests too early without Saucelabs not being ready.
name: Waiting for Saucelabs tunnel to connect
command: ./tools/saucelabs/ ready-wait
- run: yarn karma start ./karma-js.conf.js --single-run --browsers=${KARMA_JS_BROWSERS}
- run: ./scripts/saucelabs/
- run:
name: Stop Saucelabs tunnel service
command: ./tools/saucelabs/ stop
executor: default-executor
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- run: yarn gulp check-cycle
# TODO: disabled because the Bazel packages-dist does not seem to have map files for
# the ESM5/ES2015 output. See:
# - run: yarn gulp source-map-test
# Job to run unit tests from angular/components. Needs a browser since all
# component unit tests assume they're running in the browser environment.
# Job that runs all unit tests of the `angular/components` repository.
name: browsers-executor
name: default-executor
resource_class: xlarge
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
# Although RBE is configured below for the Material repo, also setup RBE in the Angular repo
# to provision Angular's GCP token into the environment variables.
- setup_bazel_rbe
# Restore the cache before cloning the repository because the clone script re-uses
# the restored repository if present. This reduces the amount of times the components
# repository needs to be cloned (this is slow and increases based on commits in the repo).
- restore_cache:
- *material_unit_tests_cache_key
- *material_unit_tests_cache_key_fallback
- *components_repo_unit_tests_cache_key
# Whenever the `angular/components` SHA is updated, the cache key will no longer
# match. The fallback cache will still match, and CircleCI will restore the most
# recently cached repository folder. Without the fallback cache, we'd need to download
# the repository from scratch and it would slow down the job. This is because we can't
# clone the repository with reduced `--depth`, but rather need to clone the whole
# repository to be able to support arbitrary SHAs.
- *components_repo_unit_tests_cache_key_fallback
- run:
name: "Fetching Material repository"
command: ./scripts/ci/
name: "Fetching angular/components repository"
command: ./scripts/ci/
- run:
# Run yarn install to fetch the Bazel binaries as used in the Material repo.
name: Installing Material dependencies.
# Run yarn install to fetch the Bazel binaries as used in the components repo.
name: Installing dependencies.
# TODO: remove this once the repo has been updated to use NodeJS v12 and Yarn 1.19.1.
# We temporarily ignore the "engines" because the Angular components repository has
# minimum dependency on NodeJS v12 and Yarn 1.19.1, but the framework repository uses
# older versions.
command: yarn --ignore-engines --cwd ${MATERIAL_REPO_TMP_DIR} install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
command: yarn --ignore-engines --cwd ${COMPONENTS_REPO_TMP_DIR} install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
- save_cache:
key: *material_unit_tests_cache_key
key: *components_repo_unit_tests_cache_key
# Material directory must be kept in sync with the `$MATERIAL_REPO_TMP_DIR` env variable.
# It needs to be hardcoded here, because env variables interpolation is not supported.
- "/tmp/material2"
# Temporary directory must be kept in sync with the `$COMPONENTS_REPO_TMP_DIR` env
# variable. It needs to be hardcoded here, because env variables interpolation is
# not supported.
- "/tmp/angular-components-repo"
- run:
name: "Setup Bazel RBE remote execution in Material repo"
command: |
./.circleci/ "${MATERIAL_REPO_TMP_DIR}/.bazelrc.user"
# Updates the `angular/components` `package.json` file to refer to the release output
# inside the `packages-dist` directory. Note that it's not necessary to perform a yarn
# install as Bazel runs Yarn automatically when needed.
name: Setting up release packages.
command: node scripts/ci/update-deps-to-dist-packages.js ${COMPONENTS_REPO_TMP_DIR}/package.json dist/packages-dist/
- run:
name: "Running Material unit tests"
command: ./scripts/ci/
name: "Running `angular/components` unit tests"
command: ./scripts/ci/ | exit 0
@ -785,8 +736,6 @@ jobs:
- custom_attach_workspace
- init_environment
- setup_circleci_bazel_config
- setup_bazel_rbe
# Install
- run: yarn --cwd packages/zone.js install --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive
# Run zone.js tools tests
@ -848,15 +797,12 @@ workflows:
- build-ivy-npm-packages:
- setup
- legacy-misc-tests:
- build-npm-packages
- legacy-unit-tests-saucelabs:
- setup
- saucelabs_ivy:
- test_ivy_aot
- test_ivy_aot
- saucelabs_view_engine:
# This job is currently a PoC and a subset of `legacy-unit-tests-saucelabs`. Running on
# master only to avoid wasting resources.
@ -925,10 +871,10 @@ workflows:
- build-npm-packages
- build-ivy-npm-packages
- legacy-unit-tests-saucelabs
- legacy-misc-tests
- material-unit-tests:
- build-npm-packages
# FIXME - uncomment this job once lands
# - components-repo-unit-tests:
# requires:
# - build-npm-packages
- test_zonejs:
- setup

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ setPublicVar CI_BUILD_URL "$CIRCLE_BUILD_URL";
# `.circleci/config.yml`. See for a list of versions.
# This variable is intended to be passed as an arg to the `webdriver-manager update` command (e.g.
# `"postinstall": "webdriver-manager update $CI_CHROMEDRIVER_VERSION_ARG"`).
setPublicVar CI_CHROMEDRIVER_VERSION_ARG " 75.0.3770.90";
setPublicVar CI_CHROMEDRIVER_VERSION_ARG " 79.0.3945.130";
setPublicVar CI_COMMIT "$CIRCLE_SHA1";
# `CI_COMMIT_RANGE` is only used on push builds (a.k.a. non-PR, non-scheduled builds and rerun
# workflows of such builds).
@ -66,16 +66,34 @@ setPublicVar SAUCE_TUNNEL_IDENTIFIER "angular-framework-${CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM}-${CI
# Define environment variables for the Angular Material unit tests job.
# Define environment variables for the `angular/components` repo unit tests job.
# We specifically use a directory within "/tmp" here because we want the cloned repo to be
# completely isolated from angular/angular in order to avoid any bad interactions between
# their separate build setups.
setPublicVar MATERIAL_REPO_TMP_DIR "/tmp/material2"
setPublicVar MATERIAL_REPO_BRANCH "master"
# **NOTE**: When updating the commit SHA, also update the cache key in the CircleCI "config.yml".
setPublicVar MATERIAL_REPO_COMMIT "c734deb14bb28579ba59e7e065a39e3c4ed54458"
# their separate build setups. **NOTE**: When updating the temporary directory, also update
# the `save_cache` path configuration in `config.yml`
setPublicVar COMPONENTS_REPO_TMP_DIR "/tmp/angular-components-repo"
setPublicVar COMPONENTS_REPO_BRANCH "master"
# **NOTE**: When updating the commit SHA, also update the cache key in the CircleCI `config.yml`.
setPublicVar COMPONENTS_REPO_COMMIT "97a7e2babbccd3dc58e7b3364004e45ed5bd9968"
# Source `$BASH_ENV` to make the variables available immediately.
# Decrypt GCP Credentials and store them as the Google default credentials.
mkdir -p "$HOME/.config/gcloud";
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in "${projectDir}/.circleci/gcp_token" \
-md md5 -k "$CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME" -out "$HOME/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json"
# Set bazel configuration for CircleCI runs.
cp "${projectDir}/.circleci/bazel.linux.rc" "$HOME/.bazelrc";
## Source `$BASH_ENV` to make the variables available immediately. ##
## ***NOTE: This must remain the the last action in this script*** ##
source $BASH_ENV;

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -u -e -o pipefail
# The path of the .bazelrc.user file to update should be passed as first parameter to this script.
# This allows to setup RBE for both the Angular repo and the Material repo.
echo "Writing RBE configuration to ${bazelrc_user}"
touch ${bazelrc_user}
echo -e 'build --config=remote\n' >> ${bazelrc_user}
echo -e 'build:remote --remote_accept_cached=true\n' >> ${bazelrc_user}
echo "Reading from remote cache for bazel remote jobs."
if [[ "$CI_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]]; then
echo -e 'build:remote --remote_upload_local_results=true\n' >> ${bazelrc_user}
echo "Uploading local build results to remote cache."
echo -e 'build:remote --remote_upload_local_results=false\n' >> ${bazelrc_user}
echo "Not uploading local build results to remote cache."

View File

@ -27,8 +27,23 @@ Add-Content $profile $bazelVersionGlobalVar
git config --global --unset url.ssh://
# Decrypt GCP Credentials and store them as the Google default credentials.
mkdir ${env:APPDATA}\gcloud
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -in .circleci\gcp_token -md md5 -out "$env:APPDATA\gcloud\application_default_credentials.json" -k "$env:CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME"
# Set bazel configuration for CircleCI runs.
copy .circleci\ ${Env:USERPROFILE}\.bazelrc
# Install specific version of node.
choco install nodejs --version 12.14.1 --no-progress
# These Bazel prereqs aren't needed because the CircleCI image already includes them.
# choco install nodejs --version 10.16.0 --no-progress
# choco install yarn --version 1.16.0 --no-progress
# choco install vcredist2015 --version 14.0.24215.20170201

.github/CODEOWNERS vendored
View File

@ -1,979 +0,0 @@
# ==================================================================================
# ==================================================================================
# ==================================================================================
# ==================================================================================
# Configuration of code ownership and review approvals for the angular/angular repo.
# More info:
# ================================================
# General rules / philosophy
# ================================================
# - we trust that people do the right thing and not approve changes they don't feel confident reviewing
# - we use github teams so that we funnel code reviews to the most appropriate reviewer, this is why the team structure is fine-grained
# - we enforce that only approved PRs get merged to ensure that unreviewed code doesn't get accidentally merged
# - we delegate approval rights as much as possible so that we can scale better
# - each group must have at least one person, but several people are preferable to avoid a single point of failure issues
# - most file groups have one or two global approvers groups as fallbacks:
# - @angular/fw-global-approvers: for approving minor changes, large-scale refactorings, and emergency situations.
# - @angular/fw-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes: for approving minor documentation-only changes that don't require engineering review
# - a small number of file groups have very limited number of reviewers because incorrect changes to the files they guard would have serious consequences (e.g. security, public api)
# Configuration nuances:
# - This configuration works in conjunction with the protected branch settings that require all changes to be made via pull requests with at least one approval.
# - This approval can come from an appropriate codeowner, or any repo collaborator (person with write access) if the PR is authored by a codeowner.
# - Each codeowners team must have write access to the repo, otherwise their reviews won't count.
# In the case of emergency, the repo administrators which include angular-caretaker can bypass this requirement.
# ================================================
# GitHub username registry
# (just to make this file easier to understand)
# ================================================
# alan-agius4 - Alan Agius
# alexeagle - Alex Eagle
# alxhub - Alex Rickabaugh
# AndrewKushnir - Andrew Kushnir
# andrewseguin - Andrew Seguin
# atscott - Andrew Scott
# devversion - Paul Gschwendtner
# filipesilva - Filipe Silva
# gkalpak - George Kalpakas
# IgorMinar - Igor Minar
# JiaLiPassion - Jia Li
# JoostK - Joost Koehoorn
# josephperrott - Joey Perrott
# kapunahelewong - Kapunahele Wong
# kara - Kara Erickson
# kyliau - Keen Yee Liau
# matsko - Matias Niemelä
# mgechev - Minko Gechev
# mhevery - Misko Hevery
# petebacondarwin - Pete Bacon Darwin
# pkozlowski-opensource - Pawel Kozlowski
# robwormald - Rob Wormald
# stephenfluin - Stephen Fluin
# vikerman - Vikram Subramanian
# Team structure and memberships
# ------------------------------
# This section is here just because the GitHub UI is too hard to navigate and audit.
# Any changes to team structure or memberships must first be made in this file and only then
# implemented in the GitHub UI.
# ===========================================================
# @angular/framework-global-approvers
# ===========================================================
# Used for approving minor changes, large-scale refactorings, and emergency situations.
# (secret team to avoid review requests, it also doesn't inherit from @angular/framework because nested teams can't be secret)
# - IgorMinar
# - josephperrott
# - kara
# - mhevery
# ===========================================================
# @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
# ===========================================================
# Used for approving minor documentation-only changes that don't require engineering review.
# (secret team to avoid review requests, it also doesn't inherit from @angular/framework because nested teams can't be secret)
# - gkalpak
# - kapunahelewong
# - petebacondarwin
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-animations
# ===========================================================
# - matsko
# ===========================================================
# @angular/tools-bazel
# ===========================================================
# - alexeagle
# - kyliau
# - IgorMinar
# - mgechev
# ===========================================================
# @angular/tools-cli
# ===========================================================
# - filipesilva
# - mgechev
# - vikerman
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-compiler
# ===========================================================
# - alxhub
# - AndrewKushnir
# - kara
# - JoostK
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-ngcc
# ===========================================================
# - alxhub
# - gkalpak
# - petebacondarwin
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-core
# ===========================================================
# - alxhub
# - AndrewKushnir
# - kara
# - mhevery
# - pkozlowski-opensource
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-http
# ===========================================================
# - alxhub
# - IgorMinar
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-elements
# ===========================================================
# - andrewseguin
# - gkalpak
# - robwormald
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-forms
# ===========================================================
# - AndrewKushnir
# ===========================================================
# @angular/tools-language-service
# ===========================================================
# - kyliau
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-server
# ===========================================================
# - alxhub
# - vikerman
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-router
# ===========================================================
# - atscott
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-service-worker
# ===========================================================
# - alxhub
# - gkalpak
# - IgorMinar
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-upgrade
# ===========================================================
# - gkalpak
# - petebacondarwin
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-testing
# ===========================================================
# - vikerman
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-i18n
# ===========================================================
# - AndrewKushnir
# - mhevery
# - petebacondarwin
# - vikerman
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-security
# ===========================================================
# - IgorMinar
# - mhevery
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-zones
# ===========================================================
# - JiaLiPassion
# - mhevery
# - vikerman
# ===========================================================
# @angular/tools-benchpress
# ===========================================================
# - alxhub
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-integration
# ===========================================================
# - IgorMinar
# - josephperrott
# - mhevery
# ===========================================================
# @angular/docs-infra
# ===========================================================
# - gkalpak
# - IgorMinar
# - petebacondarwin
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-docs-intro
# ===========================================================
# - IgorMinar
# - stephenfluin
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-docs-observables
# ===========================================================
# - alxhub
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-docs-packaging
# ===========================================================
# - IgorMinar
# - vikerman
# ===========================================================
# @angular/tools-docs-libraries
# ===========================================================
# - alan-agius4
# - IgorMinar
# - mgechev
# - vikerman
# ===========================================================
# @angular/tools-docs-schematics
# ===========================================================
# - alan-agius4
# - IgorMinar
# - mgechev
# - vikerman
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-docs-marketing
# ===========================================================
# - IgorMinar
# - stephenfluin
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-public-api
# ===========================================================
# - IgorMinar
# ===========================================================
# @angular/dev-infra-framework
# ===========================================================
# - devversion
# - filipesilva
# - gkalpak
# - IgorMinar
# - josephperrott
# ===========================================================
# @angular/fw-size-tracking
# ===========================================================
# - IgorMinar
# - kara
# -----------------
# All the following rules are applied in the order specified in this file.
# The last rule that matches wins!
# See for pattern syntax docs.
# ================================================
# Default Owners
# (in case no pattern matches a path in a PR - this should be treated as a bug and result in adding the path to CODEOWNERS)
# ================================================
* @IgorMinar @angular/framework-global-approvers
# ================================================
# Build, CI & Dev-infra Owners
# ================================================
/* @angular/dev-infra-framework
/.buildkite/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/.circleci/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/.devcontainer/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/.github/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/.vscode/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/docs/ @angular/dev-infra-framework
/packages/* @angular/dev-infra-framework
/packages/examples/test-utils/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/packages/private/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/scripts/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/third_party/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/tools/build/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/tools/cjs-jasmine/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/tools/gulp-tasks/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/tools/ngcontainer/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/tools/npm/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/tools/npm_workspace/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/tools/public_api_guard/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/tools/rxjs/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/tools/size-tracking/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/tools/source-map-test/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/tools/symbol-extractor/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/tools/testing/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/tools/ts-api-guardian/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/tools/tslint/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/tools/validate-commit-message/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/tools/yarn/** @angular/dev-infra-framework
/tools/* @angular/dev-infra-framework
*.BAZEL @angular/dev-infra-framework
*.bzl @angular/dev-infra-framework
# ================================================
# @angular/animations
# ================================================
/packages/animations/** @angular/fw-animations @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/packages/platform-browser/animations/** @angular/fw-animations @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-animations @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/animations/** @angular/fw-animations @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/animations/** @angular/fw-animations @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-animations @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-animations @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-animations @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-animations @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
# ================================================
# @angular/bazel
# ================================================
/packages/bazel/** @angular/tools-bazel @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/tools-bazel @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
# ================================================
# @angular/compiler
# @angular/compiler-cli
# ================================================
/packages/compiler/** @angular/fw-compiler @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/packages/examples/compiler/** @angular/fw-compiler @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/packages/compiler-cli/** @angular/fw-compiler @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-compiler @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-compiler @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-compiler @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-compiler @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
# ================================================
# packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/
# ================================================
/packages/compiler-cli/ngcc/** @angular/fw-ngcc @angular/framework-global-approvers
# ================================================
# Framework/cli integration
# a rule to control API changes between @angular/compiler-cli and @angular/cli
# ================================================
/packages/compiler-cli/src/ngtools/** @angular/tools-cli @angular/framework-global-approvers
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/tools-cli @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/tools-cli @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/tools-cli @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
# ================================================
# @angular/core
# @angular/common (except @angular/common/http)
# @angular/platform-browser
# @angular/platform-browser-dynamic
# @angular/platform-webworker
# @angular/platform-webworker-dynamic
# ================================================
/packages/core/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/packages/examples/core/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/packages/common/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/packages/platform-browser/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/packages/examples/platform-browser/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/packages/platform-browser-dynamic/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/packages/platform-webworker/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/packages/platform-webworker-dynamic/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/packages/examples/common/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/packages/docs/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/accessibility/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/architecture/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/architecture/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/attribute-directives/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/attribute-directives/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/bootstrapping/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/component-interaction/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/component-interaction/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/component-styles/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/dependency-injection/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/dependency-injection/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/dependency-injection-in-action/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/dependency-injection-in-action/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/displaying-data/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/displaying-data/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/dynamic-component-loader/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/dynamic-component-loader/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/feature-modules/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/feature-modules/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/frequent-ngmodules/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/hierarchical-dependency-injection/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/providers-viewproviders/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/resolution-modifiers/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/lazy-loading-ngmodules/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/lazy-loading-ngmodules/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/lifecycle-hooks/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/lifecycle-hooks/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/ngcontainer/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/ngmodules/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/ngmodule-faq/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/built-in-template-functions/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/event-binding/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/interpolation/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/template-syntax/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/template-syntax/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/binding-syntax/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/property-binding/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/attribute-binding/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/two-way-binding/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/built-in-directives/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/built-in-directives/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/template-reference-variables/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/inputs-outputs/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/inputs-outputs/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/template-expression-operators/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/pipes/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/pipes/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/providers/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/set-document-title/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/set-document-title/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/structural-directives/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/structural-directives/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/examples/user-input/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/guide/user-input/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
# ================================================
# @angular/common/http
# @angular/http
# ================================================
/packages/common/http/** @angular/fw-http @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/packages/http/** @angular/fw-http @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/packages/examples/http/** @angular/fw-http @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
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# ================================================
# @angular/elements
# ================================================
/packages/elements/** @angular/fw-elements @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
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# ================================================
# @angular/forms
# ================================================
/packages/forms/** @angular/fw-forms @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
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# ================================================
# @angular/language-service
# ================================================
/packages/language-service/** @angular/tools-language-service @angular/framework-global-approvers
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# ================================================
# @angular/platform-server
# ================================================
/packages/platform-server/** @angular/fw-server @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
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/aio/content/examples/universal/** @angular/fw-server @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
# ================================================
# @angular/router
# ================================================
/packages/router/** @angular/fw-router @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
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# ================================================
# @angular/service-worker
# ================================================
/packages/service-worker/** @angular/fw-service-worker @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/packages/examples/service-worker/** @angular/fw-service-worker @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
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# ================================================
# @angular/upgrade
# ================================================
/packages/upgrade/** @angular/fw-upgrade @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/packages/common/upgrade/** @angular/fw-upgrade @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
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# ================================================
# @angular/**/testing
# ================================================
testing/** @angular/fw-testing @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-testing @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
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# ================================================
# @angular i18n
# ================================================
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# ================================================
# @angular security
# ================================================
/packages/core/src/sanitization/** @angular/fw-security
/packages/core/test/linker/security_integration_spec.ts @angular/fw-security
/packages/compiler/src/schema/** @angular/fw-security
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# ================================================
# zone.js
# ================================================
/packages/zone.js/** @angular/fw-zones @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
# ================================================
# benchpress
# ================================================
/packages/benchpress/** @angular/tools-benchpress @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
# ================================================
# /integration/*
# ================================================
/integration/** @angular/fw-integration @angular/framework-global-approvers
# ================================================
# docs-infra
# ================================================
/aio/* @angular/docs-infra @angular/framework-global-approvers
/aio/aio-builds-setup/** @angular/docs-infra @angular/framework-global-approvers
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# Hidden docs
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/aio/content/examples/visual-studio-2015/** @angular/docs-infra @angular/framework-global-approvers
# ================================================
# Docs: getting started & tutorial
# ================================================
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# ================================================
# Docs: observables
# ================================================
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-docs-observables @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
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/aio/content/examples/rx-library/** @angular/fw-docs-observables @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
# ================================================
# Docs: packaging, tooling, releasing
# ================================================
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-docs-packaging @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-docs-packaging @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
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/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-docs-packaging @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
# ================================================
# Docs: libraries
# ================================================
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/tools-docs-libraries @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/tools-docs-libraries @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/tools-docs-libraries @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
# ================================================
# Docs: schematics
# ================================================
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/tools-docs-schematics @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/tools-docs-schematics @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
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# ================================================
# Docs: marketing
# ================================================
/aio/content/marketing/** @angular/fw-docs-marketing @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
/aio/content/images/bios/** @angular/fw-docs-marketing @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
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/aio/content/ @angular/fw-docs-marketing @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
# ================================================
# Material CI
# ================================================
/tools/material-ci/** @angular/fw-core @angular/framework-global-approvers
# ================================================
# Public API
# ================================================
/tools/public_api_guard/** @angular/fw-public-api
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-public-api
/aio/content/guide/ @angular/fw-public-api
/aio/content/examples/styleguide/** @angular/fw-public-api
/aio/content/images/guide/styleguide/** @angular/fw-public-api
# ================================================
# Size tracking
# ================================================
/aio/scripts/_payload-limits.json @angular/fw-size-tracking
/integration/_payload-limits.json @angular/fw-size-tracking
# ================================================
# Special cases
# ================================================
/aio/content/guide/ @kara @angular/framework-global-approvers @angular/framework-global-approvers-for-docs-only-changes
# ================================================
# CODEOWNERS Owners owners ...
# ================================================
/.github/CODEOWNERS @IgorMinar @angular/framework-global-approvers

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ merge:
# text to show when the status is success
successDesc: "Does not affect google3"
# link to use for the details
url: "http://go/angular-g3sync"
url: "http://go/angular/g3sync"
# list of patterns to check for the files changed by the PR
# this list must be manually kept in sync with google3/third_party/javascript/angular2/
@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ merge:
- "ci/angular: size"
- "cla/google"
- "google3"
- "pullapprove"
# the comment that will be added when the merge label is added despite failing checks, leave empty or set to false to disable

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

.pullapprove.yml Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

.yarn/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Yarn Vendoring
We utilize Yarn's `yarn-path` configuration in a shared `.yarnrc` file to enforce
everyone using the same version of Yarn. Yarn checks the `.yarnrc` file to
determine if yarn should delegate the command to a vendored version at the
provided path.
## How to update
To update to the latest version of Yarn as our vendored version:
- Run this command
yarn policies set-version latest
- Remove the previous version

.yarn/releases/yarn-1.21.1.js vendored Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

.yarnrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# yarn lockfile v1
yarn-path ".yarn/releases/yarn-1.21.1.js"

View File

@ -47,12 +47,15 @@ filegroup(
# To run a karma_web_test target manually, run the "./scripts/saucelabs/"
# script. Note: If you are on MacOS or Windows, you need to manually start the Saucelabs tunnel
# because the script only supports the linux Saucelabs tunnel binary. We combine all tests into
# a single "karma_web_test" target because running them as separate targets in parallel can result
# in to too many browsers being acquired at the same time. This will then result in tests being
# flaky. This target runs in CI with Saucelabs and Ivy.
# To run manually:
# If on OSX, also set SAUCE_CONNECT to the path of your `sc` binary.
# environment variables and run:
# ```
# yarn bazel run //tools/saucelabs:sauce_service_setup
# yarn bazel test //:saucelabs_unit_tests --config=saucelabs --config=ivy
# ```
# See /tools/saucelabs/ for more info on karma Saucelabs tests under Bazel.
name = "saucelabs_unit_tests",
# Default timeout is moderate (5min). This causes the test to be terminated while
@ -60,9 +63,10 @@ karma_web_test(
# unnecessarily being acquired. Our specified Saucelabs idle timeout is 10min, so we use
# Bazel's long timeout (15min). This ensures that Karma can shut down properly.
timeout = "long",
karma = "//tools/saucelabs:karma-saucelabs",
tags = [
deps = [
@ -70,45 +74,48 @@ karma_web_test(
# This target runs in CI with View Engine as a Saucelabs and Bazel proof-of-concept. It's a
# These target runs in CI with View Engine as a Saucelabs and Bazel proof-of-concept. It's a
# subset of the legacy saucelabs tests.
name = "saucelabs_unit_tests_poc",
# Default timeout is moderate (5min). This causes the test to be terminated while
# Saucelabs browsers keep running. Ultimately resulting in failing tests and browsers
# unnecessarily being acquired. Our specified Saucelabs idle timeout is 10min, so we use
# Bazel's long timeout (15min). This ensures that Karma can shut down properly.
timeout = "long",
tags = [
deps = [
# We combine all tests into a single karma_web_test target
# as running them as separate targets in parallel leads to too many
# browsers being acquired at once in SauceLabs and the tests flake out
# TODO: this is an example subset of tests below, add all remaining angular tests
# "//packages/router/test:test_lib",
# //packages/router/test:test_lib fails with:
# IE 11.0.0 (Windows bootstrap should restore the scrolling position FAILED
# Expected undefined to equal 5000.
# at stack (eval code:2338:11)
# at buildExpectationResult (eval code:2305:5)
# at expectationResultFactory (eval code:858:11)
# at Spec.prototype.addExpectationResult (eval code:487:5)
# at addExpectationResult (eval code:802:9)
# at Anonymous function (eval code:2252:7)
# at Anonymous function (eval code:339:25)
# at step (eval code:133:17)
# at Anonymous function (eval code:114:50)
# at fulfilled (eval code:104:47)
name = "saucelabs_unit_tests_poc_%s" % test.replace("/", "_").replace(":", "_").replace(".", "_"),
# Default timeout is moderate (5min). This causes the test to be terminated while
# Saucelabs browsers keep running. Ultimately resulting in failing tests and browsers
# unnecessarily being acquired. Our specified Saucelabs idle timeout is 10min, so we use
# Bazel's long timeout (15min). This ensures that Karma can shut down properly.
timeout = "long",
karma = "//tools/saucelabs:karma-saucelabs",
tags = [
deps = ["//%s" % test],
# To run manually:
# If on OSX, also set SAUCE_CONNECT to the path of your `sc` binary.
# environment variables and run:
# ```
# yarn bazel run //tools/saucelabs:sauce_service_setup
# yarn bazel test //:saucelabs_unit_tests_poc_suite --config=saucelabs
# ```
# See /tools/saucelabs/ for more info on karma Saucelabs tests under Bazel.
name = "saucelabs_unit_tests_poc_suite",
tags = ["manual"],
tests = ["//:saucelabs_unit_tests_poc_%s" % test.replace("/", "_").replace(":", "_").replace(".", "_") for test in SAUCE_TEST_SUITE_TARGETS],

View File

@ -1,3 +1,172 @@
<a name="9.0.0-rc.14"></a>
# [9.0.0-rc.14]( (2020-02-03)
### Bug Fixes
* **ivy:** host-styling throws assert exception inside *ngFor ([#35133]( ([31e9873](, closes [#35118](
* **ngcc:** correctly invalidate cache when moving/removing files/directories ([#35106]( ([22357d4](, closes [/]( [/]( [#35095](
* **ngcc:** do not lock if the target is not compiled by Angular ([#35057]( ([c30c518](, closes [#35000](
### Features
* performance improvement for eventListeners ([#34613]( ([d21b7a4](
<a name="9.0.0-rc.13"></a>
# [9.0.0-rc.13]( (2020-02-01)
### Bug Fixes
* **compiler-cli:** add `sass` as a valid css preprocessor extension ([#35052]( ([7f96fbb](
* should also allow subclass Promise without Symbol.species ([#34533]( ([0de632a](
* **common:** http/testing expectOne lists the received requests if no matches ([#27005]( ([c7f0c01](, closes [#18013](
* **common:** remove extra & in http params ([#34896]( ([bd8605a](
### Features
* **ngcc:** automatically clean outdated ngcc artifacts ([#35079]( ([ae0df83](, closes [#35082](
<a name="9.0.0-rc.12"></a>
# [9.0.0-rc.12]( (2020-01-30)
### Bug Fixes
* **ivy:** catch FatalDiagnosticError thrown from preanalysis phase ([#34801]( ([c0e73e0](
* **ivy:** ensure `DebugNode`/`DebugElement` are tree-shakeable in Ivy ([#35003]( ([23c0147](, closes [#30130](
* **ivy:** ensure multi providers in ModuleWithProviders are not duplicated ([#34914]( ([4975f89](
* **ivy:** update ViewContainerRef to get the correct parentInjector ([#35013]( ([eaa4a5a](
* **language-service:** prune duplicate returned definitions ([#34995]( ([71f5417](, closes [/](
* **language-service:** remove repeated symbol definitions for structural directive ([#34847]( ([35916d3](
* **language-service:** warn, not error, on missing context members ([#35036]( ([0e76821](
* **localize:** re-enable filename in code-frame error messages ([#34994]( ([c7c7b20](, closes [/](
* **ngcc:** improve lockfile error message ([#35001]( ([1d31c81](, closes [#35000](
### Features
* **ivy:** Change static priority resolution to be same level as directive it belongs to ([#34938]( ([19c4895](
* **language-service:** completions for output $event properties in ([#34570]( ([2a53727](
* **language-service:** provide completion for $event variable ([#34570]( ([c246787](
* **language-service:** provide hover for microsyntax in structural directive ([#34847]( ([baf4a63](
### Performance Improvements
* **ivy:** remove unused argument in hostBindings function ([#34969]( ([71a3c72](
<a name="9.0.0-rc.11"></a>
# [9.0.0-rc.11]( (2020-01-24)
### Bug Fixes
* **ivy:** correctly emit component when it's removed from its module ([#34912]( ([adc663e](, closes [#34813](
* **ivy:** DebugNode.classes not working on SVG elements ([#34872]( ([7e8aac1](, closes [#34868](
* **ivy:** disable use of aliasing in template type-checking ([#34649]( ([2cf7d0f](
* **ivy:** don't detect changes on detached child embedded views ([#34846]( ([62e1186](, closes [#34816](
* **ivy:** ensure eventListeners added outside angular context are not called... ([#34514]( ([b6dfb4d](
* **ivy:** type-check multiple bindings to the same input ([#34649]( ([ba7f2f1](
* **ivy:** type-checking of properties which map to multiple fields ([#34649]( ([b04d4ba](
* **ivy:** use any for generic context checks when !strictTemplates ([#34649]( ([e69d02c](
* **ivy:** wrap 'as any' casts in parentheses when needed ([#34649]( ([bf01b66](
* **language-service:** Diagnostic span should point to class name ([#34932]( ([c9db7bd](
* **language-service:** Make metadata in Declaration non-optional ([#34936]( ([37727ce](
* **language-service:** rename getDiagnostics to getSemanticDiagnostics ([#34909]( ([20dc436](
* **ngcc:** do not attempt compilation when analysis fails ([#34889]( ([080a8bf](, closes [#34288]( [#34500](
* **ngcc:** do not collect private declarations from external packages ([#34811]( ([c80392b](, closes [#34544]( [#34544](
* **ngcc:** libraries using spread in object literals cannot be processed ([#34661]( ([4eeb6cf](
* **ngcc:** only lock ngcc after targeted entry-point check ([#34722]( ([3897fb9](
* **ngcc:** update `package.json` deterministically ([#34870]( ([a10d2a8](, closes [#34635](
### Features
* **common:** expose getLocaleCurrencyCode publicly ([#34946]( ([622737c](
* **compiler-cli:** require node 10 as runtime engine ([#34722]( ([7b77b3d](
* **language-service:** specific suggestions for template context diags ([#34751]( ([cc7fca4](
* **language-service:** support multiple symbol definitions ([#34782]( ([2f2396c](
* **ngcc:** lock ngcc when processing ([#34722]( ([6dd51f1](, closes [/](
### Performance
* **ivy:** add more styling use-cases to benchmarks ([#34923]( ([ef70a89](
<a name="9.0.0-rc.10"></a>
# [9.0.0-rc.10]( (2020-01-22)
### Bug Fixes
* work around 'noImplicityAny' incompatibility due to ts3.7 update ([#34798]( ([251d548](
* **animations:** not waiting for child animations to finish when removing parent in Ivy ([#34702]( ([92c17fe](, closes [#33597](
* **common:** ensure diffing in ngStyle/ngClass correctly emits value changes ([#34307]( ([93a035f](, closes [#34336]( [#34444](
* **ivy:** ensure that `LOCALE_ID` is set after app initializers ([#34830]( ([7643913](, closes [#34701](
* **ivy:** more accurate detection of pipes in host bindings ([#34655]( ([da69335](
* **ngcc:** do not add DTS deep imports to missing packages list ([#34695]( ([32d4d97](, closes [#34720](
<a name="9.0.0-rc.9"></a>
# [9.0.0-rc.9]( (2020-01-15)
### Bug Fixes
* **forms:** accept number length in length validators ([#32057]( ([3113bb7](
* **forms:** disabled input acceptance member not properly applied ([#34502]( ([cbb175f](
* **ivy:** do not reset view dirty state in check no changes mode ([#34495]( ([8ef1c60](
* **ivy:** don't run decorator handlers against declaration files ([#34557]( ([08c2581](, closes [#33264](
* **ivy:** handle overloaded constructors in ngtsc ([#34590]( ([a7ca658](
* **ivy:** ngClass not applying classes with trailing/leading spaces ([#34539]( ([98ed7c6](, closes [#34476](
* **ivy:** Prevent errors when querying DebugElement roots that were outside angular context ([#34687]( ([f1cdb8f](
* **ivy:** properly bootstrap components with attribute selectors ([#34450]( ([2c0b9ea](, closes [#34349](
* **ivy:** warn instead of throwing for unknown elements ([#34524]( ([d9ae70e](, closes [/](
* **language-service:** apply suggested change. ([#34564]( ([b3af220](
* **language-service:** break the hover/definitions for two-way binding ([#34564]( ([eb5c20c](
* **language-service:** CRLF offset in inline template ([#34737]( ([80315b5](
* **language-service:** do not use an i18n parser for templates ([#34531]( ([cb7dcb3](
* **language-service:** only visit directives ([#34564]( ([76d7aa7](
* **ngcc:** avoid error due to circular dependency in `EsmDependencyHost` ([#34512]( ([7c3172a](, closes [/]( [/]( [/](
* **ngcc:** correctly detect dependencies in CommonJS ([#34528]( ([ff02ddf](
* **ngcc:** correctly handle inline exports in UMD ([#34512]( ([7bbfccf](
* **ngcc:** don't crash if symbol has no declarations ([#34658]( ([4def99e](, closes [/]( [#34560](
* **ngcc:** handle UMD factories that do not use all params ([#34660]( ([83868be](, closes [#34653](
* **ngcc:** insert definitions after statement ([#34677]( ([f295240](, closes [#34648](
* **ngcc:** recognize re-exports with `require()` calls in UMD ([#34512]( ([79be354](, closes [/](
* **ngcc:** recognize re-exports with imported TS helpers in CommonJS and UMD ([#34527]( ([a88dc17](
### Features
* **common:** allow default currency code to be configurable ([#34771]( ([965f557](, closes [#25461](
* **ivy:** improve `ExpressionChangedAfterChecked` error message for attributes ([#34505]( ([d63572e](
* **language-service:** completions support for template reference variables ([#34363]( ([937d3fd](
* i18n - include currency code in locale data ([#34771]( ([c18a3fe](
* **language-service:** provide completion for $event variable ([#34566]( ([fa39a8c](
* **language-service:** support hover/definitions for structural directive ([#34564]( ([fe19327](
### Performance Improvements
* **ivy:** add create scenario to the styling benchmark ([#34775]( ([1ec9515](
* **ivy:** add noop change detection scenario to the styling benchmark ([#34775]( ([4928f1a](
* **ivy:** add static style to the list of scenarios ([#34775]( ([a15f20b](
* **ivy:** styling algorithm benchmark ([#34664]( ([f8d4ce7](
<a name="9.0.0-rc.8"></a>
# [9.0.0-rc.8]( (2020-01-08)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
The MIT License
Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Google LLC.
Copyright (c) 2010-2020 Google LLC.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

View File

@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
# Fetch rules_nodejs so we can install our npm dependencies
name = "build_bazel_rules_nodejs",
sha256 = "16fc00ab0d1e538e88f084272316c0693a2e9007d64f45529b82f6230aedb073",
urls = [""],
sha256 = "6bcef105e75cac3c5f8212e0d0431b6ec1aaa1963e093b0091474ab98ecf29d2",
urls = [""],
# Check the bazel version and download npm dependencies
@ -26,19 +26,19 @@ Try running `yarn bazel` instead.
(If you did run that, check that you've got a fresh `yarn install`)
minimum_bazel_version = "1.1.0",
minimum_bazel_version = "2.0.0",
check_rules_nodejs_version(minimum_version_string = "0.42.1")
check_rules_nodejs_version(minimum_version_string = "1.2.2")
# Setup the Node.js toolchain
node_repositories = {
"10.16.0-darwin_amd64": ("node-v10.16.0-darwin-x64.tar.gz", "node-v10.16.0-darwin-x64", "6c009df1b724026d84ae9a838c5b382662e30f6c5563a0995532f2bece39fa9c"),
"10.16.0-linux_amd64": ("node-v10.16.0-linux-x64.tar.xz", "node-v10.16.0-linux-x64", "1827f5b99084740234de0c506f4dd2202a696ed60f76059696747c34339b9d48"),
"10.16.0-windows_amd64": ("", "node-v10.16.0-win-x64", "aa22cb357f0fb54ccbc06b19b60e37eefea5d7dd9940912675d3ed988bf9a059"),
"12.14.1-darwin_amd64": ("node-v12.14.1-darwin-x64.tar.gz", "node-v12.14.1-darwin-x64", "0be10a28737527a1e5e3784d3ad844d742fe8b0718acd701fd48f718fd3af78f"),
"12.14.1-linux_amd64": ("node-v12.14.1-linux-x64.tar.xz", "node-v12.14.1-linux-x64", "07cfcaa0aa9d0fcb6e99725408d9e0b07be03b844701588e3ab5dbc395b98e1b"),
"12.14.1-windows_amd64": ("", "node-v12.14.1-win-x64", "1f96ccce3ba045ecea3f458e189500adb90b8bc1a34de5d82fc10a5bf66ce7e3"),
node_version = "10.16.0",
node_version = "12.14.1",
package_json = ["//:package.json"],
# Label needs to explicitly specify the current workspace name because otherwise Bazel does
# not provide all needed data (like "workspace_root") to the repository context.

View File

@ -99,6 +99,9 @@
"serviceWorker": true
"ci": {
"progress": false
@ -121,7 +124,7 @@
"browserTarget": "site:build:archive"
"ci": {
"progress": false
"browserTarget": "site:build:ci"

View File

@ -5,6 +5,5 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts",
"tags": ["Accessibility"]

View File

@ -89,14 +89,14 @@ describe('Animation Tests', () => {
it('should be inactive with an orange background', async () => {
it('should be inactive with a blue background', async () => {
const toggleButton = statusSlider.getToggleButton();
const container = statusSlider.getComponentContainer();
let text = await container.getText();
if (text === 'Active') {
await browser.wait(async () => await container.getCssValue('backgroundColor') === inactiveColor, 2000);
await browser.wait(async () => await container.getCssValue('backgroundColor') === inactiveColor, 3000);
text = await container.getText();
@ -106,14 +106,14 @@ describe('Animation Tests', () => {
it('should be active with a blue background', async () => {
it('should be active with an orange background', async () => {
const toggleButton = statusSlider.getToggleButton();
const container = statusSlider.getComponentContainer();
let text = await container.getText();
if (text === 'Inactive') {
await browser.wait(async () => await container.getCssValue('backgroundColor') === activeColor, 2000);
await browser.wait(async () => await container.getCssValue('backgroundColor') === activeColor, 3000);
text = await container.getText();

View File

@ -12,10 +12,12 @@ Toggle All Animations <input type="checkbox" [checked]="!animationsDisabled" (cl
<a id="auto" routerLink="/auto" routerLinkActive="active">Auto Calculation</a>
<a id="heroes" routerLink="/heroes" routerLinkActive="active">Filter/Stagger</a>
<a id="hero-groups" routerLink="/hero-groups" routerLinkActive="active">Hero Groups</a>
<a id="insert-remove" routerLink="/insert-remove" routerLinkActive="active">Insert/Remove</a>
<!-- #docregion route-animations-outlet -->
<div [@routeAnimations]="prepareRoute(outlet)" >
<router-outlet #outlet="outlet"></router-outlet>
<!-- #enddocregion route-animations-outlet -->
<!-- #enddocregion route-animations-outlet -->

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import { InsertRemoveComponent } from './insert-remove.component';
{ path: 'hero-groups', component: HeroListGroupPageComponent },
{ path: 'enter-leave', component: HeroListEnterLeavePageComponent },
{ path: 'auto', component: HeroListAutoCalcPageComponent },
{ path: 'insert-remove', component: InsertRemoveComponent},
{ path: 'home', component: HomeComponent, data: {animation: 'HomePage'} },
{ path: 'about', component: AboutComponent, data: {animation: 'AboutPage'} },

View File

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
<!-- #docplaster -->
<button (click)="toggle()">Toggle Insert/Remove</button>

View File

@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ import { trigger, transition, animate, style } from '@angular/animations';
trigger('myInsertRemoveTrigger', [
transition(':enter', [
style({ opacity: 0 }),
animate('5s', style({ opacity: 1 })),
animate('100ms', style({ opacity: 1 })),
transition(':leave', [
animate('5s', style({ opacity: 0 }))
animate('100ms', style({ opacity: 0 }))
// #enddocregion enter-leave-trigger

View File

@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts",
"tags": ["animations"]

View File

@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
"file": "src/app/app.module.ts"
"file": "src/app/hero-list.component.html"

View File

@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
"file": "src/app/highlight.directive.ts",
"tags": ["attribute", "directive"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
// #docregion
import { Architect } from '@angular-devkit/architect';
import { TestingArchitectHost } from '@angular-devkit/architect/testing';
import { logging, schema } from '@angular-devkit/core';
describe('Command Runner Builder', () => {
let architect: Architect;
let architectHost: TestingArchitectHost;
beforeEach(async () => {
const registry = new schema.CoreSchemaRegistry();
// TestingArchitectHost() takes workspace and current directories.
// Since we don't use those, both are the same in this case.
architectHost = new TestingArchitectHost(__dirname, __dirname);
architect = new Architect(architectHost, registry);
// This will either take a Node package name, or a path to the directory
// for the package.json file.
await architectHost.addBuilderFromPackage('..');
it('can run node', async () => {
// Create a logger that keeps an array of all messages that were logged.
const logger = new logging.Logger('');
const logs = [];
logger.subscribe(ev => logs.push(ev.message));
// A "run" can have multiple outputs, and contains progress information.
const run = await architect.scheduleBuilder('@example/command-runner:command', {
command: 'node',
args: ['--print', '\'foo\''],
}, { logger }); // We pass the logger for checking later.
// The "result" member (of type BuilderOutput) is the next output.
const output = await run.result;
// Stop the builder from running. This stops Architect from keeping
// the builder-associated states in memory, since builders keep waiting
// to be scheduled.
await run.stop();
// Expect that foo was logged
// #enddocregion

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
// #docplaster
// #docregion builder, builder-skeleton, handling-output, progress-reporting
import { BuilderContext, BuilderOutput, createBuilder } from '@angular-devkit/architect';
import { JsonObject } from '@angular-devkit/core';
// #enddocregion builder-skeleton
import * as childProcess from 'child_process';
// #docregion builder-skeleton
interface Options extends JsonObject {
command: string;
args: string[];
export default createBuilder(commandBuilder);
function commandBuilder(
options: Options,
context: BuilderContext,
): Promise<BuilderOutput> {
// #enddocregion builder, builder-skeleton, handling-output
// #docregion report-status
context.reportStatus(`Executing "${options.command}"...`);
// #docregion builder, handling-output
const child = childProcess.spawn(options.command, options.args);
// #enddocregion builder, report-status
child.stdout.on('data', data => {;
child.stderr.on('data', data => {
// #docregion builder
return new Promise(resolve => {
// #enddocregion builder, handling-output
// #docregion builder, handling-output
child.on('close', code => {
resolve({ success: code === 0 });
// #docregion builder-skeleton
// #enddocregion builder, builder-skeleton, handling-output, progress-reporting

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
// #docregion observable
// declare a publishing operation
const observable = new Observable<number>(observer => {
// Subscriber fn...
// initiate execution
observable.subscribe(() => {
// observer handles notifications
// #enddocregion observable
// #docregion unsubscribe
const subscription = observable.subscribe(() => {
// observer handles notifications
// #enddocregion unsubscribe
// #docregion error
observable.subscribe(() => {
throw Error('my error');
// #enddocregion error
// #docregion chain
observable.pipe(map(v => 2 * v));
// #enddocregion chain

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
// #docregion promise
// initiate execution
const promise = new Promise<number>((resolve, reject) => {
// Executer fn...
promise.then(value => {
// handle result here
// #enddocregion promise
// #docregion chain
promise.then(v => 2 * v);
// #enddocregion chain
// #docregion error
promise.then(() => {
throw Error('my error');
// #enddocregion error

View File

@ -6,5 +6,6 @@
"file": "src/app/hero-app.component.ts",
"tags": ["CSS"]

View File

@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts",

View File

@ -6,5 +6,6 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts",
"tags": ["dependency", "di"]

View File

@ -6,5 +6,6 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts",
"tags": ["Template"]

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
"description": "Second authors style guide stackblitz (non-executing)",
"files": [
"main": "src/index.2.html",
"file": "src/index.html",
"tags": ["author", "style guide"]

View File

@ -4,5 +4,6 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts",
"tags":["cookbook component"]

View File

@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts",

View File

@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
"file": "src/app/popup.service.ts",

View File

@ -4,5 +4,6 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts"

View File

@ -3,5 +3,6 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts"

View File

@ -3,5 +3,6 @@
"file": "src/app/hero-form/hero-form.component.html"

View File

@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts",
"tags": ["Angular", "getting started", "tutorial"]

View File

@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
"file": "src/app/product-list/product-list.component.html",
"tags": ["Angular", "getting started", "tutorial"]

View File

@ -4,5 +4,6 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts",
"tags": ["dependency", "injection"]

View File

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts",
"tags": ["http"]

View File

@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts",
"file": "src/app/app-routing.module.ts",
"tags": ["lazy loading"]

View File

@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts",
"file": "src/app/app.module.ts",
"tags": ["NgModules"]

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"e2e": [
"cmd": "yarn",
"args": [ "tsc", "--project", "./" ]
"args": [ "tsc", "--project", "./" ]

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"e2e": [
"cmd": "yarn",
"args": [ "tsc", "--project", "./" ]
"args": [ "tsc", "--project", "./" ]

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"e2e": [
"cmd": "yarn",
"args": [ "tsc", "--project", "./" ]
"args": [ "tsc", "--project", "./" ]

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
// #docregion item-class
export class Item {
export interface Item {
id: number;
name: string;

View File

@ -11,5 +11,6 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts",
"tags": ["reactive", "forms"]

View File

@ -7,5 +7,6 @@
"tags": ["router"]
"tags": ["router"],
"file": "src/app/app-routing.module.ts"

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"e2e": [
"cmd": "yarn",
"args": [ "tsc", "--project", "./" ]
"args": [ "tsc", "--project", "./" ]

View File

@ -4,5 +4,6 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts",
"tags": ["security"]

View File

@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts",
"tags": [ "cookbook" ]

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts",
"tags": [
"structural", "directives", "template", "ngIf",
"ngSwitch", "ngFor"

View File

@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
"file": "src/app/app.component.ts",
"tags": ["tutorial", "tour", "heroes"]

View File

@ -6,5 +6,6 @@
"file": "src/app/heroes/heroes.component.html",
"tags": ["tutorial", "tour", "heroes"]

View File

@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
"file": "src/app/heroes/heroes.component.html",
"tags": ["tutorial", "tour", "heroes"]

View File

@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
"file": "src/app/heroes/heroes.component.html",
"tags": ["tutorial", "tour", "heroes"]

View File

@ -83,9 +83,13 @@ function selectHeroTests() {
it('shows selected hero details', async () => {
let page = getPageElts();
let message = getMessage();
let hero = await Hero.fromDetail(page.heroDetail);
// Message text contain id number matches the number
@ -131,3 +135,9 @@ function getPageElts() {
heroDetail: element(by.css('app-root > div, app-root > app-heroes > app-hero-detail > div'))
function getMessage() {
let hero = element(by.cssContainingText('li span.badge',;;
return element.all(by.css('app-root > app-messages > div > div')).get(1);

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Hero } from '../hero';
// #docregion hero-service-import
import { HeroService } from '../hero.service';
import { MessageService } from '../message.service';
// #enddocregion hero-service-import
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ export class HeroesComponent implements OnInit {
// #enddocregion heroes
// #docregion ctor
constructor(private heroService: HeroService) { }
constructor(private heroService: HeroService, private messageService: MessageService) { }
// #enddocregion ctor
// #docregion ng-on-init
@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ export class HeroesComponent implements OnInit {
onSelect(hero: Hero): void {
this.selectedHero = hero;
this.messageService.add(`HeroService: Selected hero id=${}`);
// #docregion getHeroes

View File

@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
"file": "src/app/hero.service.ts",
"tags": ["tutorial", "tour", "heroes"]

View File

@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
"file": "src/app/app-routing.module.ts",
"tags": ["tutorial", "tour", "heroes", "router"]

View File

@ -86,7 +86,9 @@ export class HeroService {
return of([]);
return this.http.get<Hero[]>(`${this.heroesUrl}/?name=${term}`).pipe(
tap(_ => this.log(`found heroes matching "${term}"`)),
tap(x => x.length ?
this.log(`found heroes matching "${term}"`) :
this.log(`no heroes matching "${term}"`)),
catchError(this.handleError<Hero[]>('searchHeroes', []))

View File

@ -5,5 +5,6 @@
"file": "src/app/hero.service.ts",
"tags": ["tutorial", "tour", "heroes", "http"]

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Angular 编译器选项
When you use [AoT compilation](guide/aot-compiler), you can control how your application is compiled by specifying *template* compiler options in the `tsconfig.json` [TypeScript configuration file](guide/typescript-configuration).
When you use [AOT compilation](guide/aot-compiler), you can control how your application is compiled by specifying *template* compiler options in the `tsconfig.json` [TypeScript configuration file](guide/typescript-configuration).
使用 [AoT 编译](guide/aot-compiler) 时,可以通过在 `tsconfig.json` [TypeScript 配置文件中](guide/typescript-configuration)指定*模板*编译器选项来控制如何编译应用程序。
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ The template options object, `angularCompilerOptions`, is a sibling to the `comp
## 用 `extends` 语法配置继承方式
Like the TypeScript compiler, The Angular AoT compiler also supports `extends` in the `angularCompilerOptions` section of the TypeScript configuration file, `tsconfig.json`.
Like the TypeScript compiler, The Angular AOT compiler also supports `extends` in the `angularCompilerOptions` section of the TypeScript configuration file, `tsconfig.json`.
The `extends` property is at the top level, parallel to `compilerOptions` and `angularCompilerOptions`.
像 TypeScript 编译器一样Angular 的 AOT 编译器也支持对 TypeScript 配置文件 `tsconfig.json``angularCompilerOptions` 进行 `extends``extends` 属性位于顶级,和 `compilerOptions``angularCompilerOptions` 平级。
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ For more information, see the [TypeScript Handbook](https://www.typescriptlang.o
## 模板选项
The following options are available for configuring the AoT template compiler.
The following options are available for configuring the AOT template compiler.
以下选项可用于配置 AoT 模板编译器。

View File

@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ is a _tag function_ native to JavaScript ES2015.
[`String.raw()`]( 是一个 ES2015 原生的*标签函数*。
The AoT compiler does not support tagged template expressions; avoid them in metadata expressions.
The AOT compiler does not support tagged template expressions; avoid them in metadata expressions.
AOT 编译器不支持带标签函数的模板表达式,避免在元数据表达式中使用它们。

View File

@ -2,16 +2,62 @@
# 后续步骤:工具与技巧
After you understand the basic Angular building blocks, you can begin to learn more
about the features and tools that are available to help you develop and deliver Angular applications.
Here are some key features.
理解了这些 Angular 的基本构造块之后,就可以开始学习更多能帮你开发和交付 Angular 应用的特性和工具了。
After you understand the basic Angular building blocks, you can learn more
about the features and tools that can help you develop and deliver Angular applications.
* Work through the [Tour of Heroes](tutorial/index) tutorial to get a feel for how to fit the basic building blocks together to create a well-designed application.
* Check out the [Glossary](guide/glossary) to understand Angular-specific terms and usage.
查看[词汇表](guide/glossary) ,了解 Angular 特有的术语和用法。
* Use the documentation to learn about key features in more depth, according to your stage of development and areas of interest.
## Application architecture
## 应用架构
* The [NgModules](guide/ngmodules) guide provides in-depth information on the modular structure of an Angular application.
[NgModules](guide/ngmodules)一章中提供了关于 Angular 应用模块化结构的深度信息。
* The [Routing and navigation](guide/router) guide provides in-depth information on how to construct applications that allow a user to navigate to different [views](guide/glossary#view) within your single-page app.
[路由与导航](guide/router)一章中提供了一些深度信息,教你如何构造出一个允许用户导航到单页面应用中不同[视图](guide/glossary#view) 的应用。
* The [Dependency injection](guide/dependency-injection) guide provides in-depth information on how to construct an application such that each component class can acquire the services and objects it needs to perform its function.
## Responsive programming
## 响应式编程工具
## 响应式编程
The **Components and Templates** guide provides guidance and details of the [template syntax](guide/template-syntax) that you use to display your component data when and where you want it within a view, and to collect input from users that you can respond to.
Additional pages and sections describe some basic programming techniques for Angular apps.
其它页面和章节则描述了 Angular 应用的一些基本编程技巧。
* [Lifecycle hooks](guide/lifecycle-hooks): Tap into key moments in the lifetime of a component, from its creation to its destruction, by implementing the lifecycle hook interfaces.
@ -21,41 +67,66 @@ Here are some key features.
## Client-server interaction
* [Angular elements](guide/elements): How to package components as *custom elements* using Web Components, a web standard for defining new HTML elements in a framework-agnostic way.
## 客户端与服务器的交互工具
[Angular 自定义元素](guide/elements):如何使用 Web Components 把组件打包成*自定义元素*Web Components 是一种以框架无关的方式定义新 HTML 元素的 Web 标准。
* [HTTP](guide/http): Communicate with a server to get data, save data, and invoke server-side actions with an HTTP client.
[HTTP](guide/http):用 HTTP 客户端与服务器通讯,以获取数据、保存数据或执行服务端动作。
* [Forms](guide/forms-overview): Support complex data entry scenarios with HTML-based input validation.
* [Server-side Rendering](guide/universal): Angular Universal generates static application pages on the server through server-side rendering (SSR). This allows you to run your Angular app on the server in order to improve performance and show the first page quickly on mobile and low-powered devices, and also facilitate web crawlers.
[表单](guide/forms-overview):通过基于 HTML 的输入验证,来支持复杂的数据录入场景。
[服务端渲染](guide/universal)Angular Universal 会通过服务端渲染SSR技术在服务器上生成静态的应用页面。
这让你可以在服务器上运行 Angular 应用,以提升性能并在手机或低功耗设备上快速显示首屏,并为 Web 爬虫提供帮助SEO
* [Service Workers](guide/service-worker-intro): Use a service worker to reduce dependency on the network
significantly improving the user experience.
[Service Worker](guide/service-worker-intro):借助 Service Worker 来减轻对网络的依赖,你可以显著提升用户体验。
## Domain-specific libraries
## 特定领域的库
* [Animations](guide/animations): Use Angular's animation library to animate component behavior
without deep knowledge of animation techniques or CSS.
[动画](guide/animations):使用 Angular 的动画库,你可以让组件支持动画行为,而不用深入了解动画技术或 CSS。
* [Forms](guide/forms): Support complex data entry scenarios with HTML-based validation and dirty checking.
[Forms](guide/forms):通过基于 HTML 的验证和脏数据检查,来支持复杂的数据输入场景。
## Client-server interaction
## “客户端-服务器”交互
Angular provides a framework for single-page apps, where most of the logic and data resides on the client.
Most apps still need to access a server using the `HttpClient` to access and save data.
For some platforms and applications, you might also want to use the PWA (Progressive Web App) model to improve the user experience.
Angular 为单页面应用提供了一个框架,其中的大多数逻辑和数据都留在客户端。大多数应用仍然需要使用 `HttpClient` 来访问服务器,以访问和保存数据。对于某些平台和应用,你可能还希望使用 PWA渐进式 Web 应用)模型来改善用户体验。
* [HTTP](guide/http): Communicate with a server to get data, save data, and invoke server-side actions with an HTTP client.
[HTTP](guide/http):与服务器通信,通过 HTTP 客户端来获取数据、保存数据,并调用服务端的动作。
* [Server-side rendering](guide/universal): Angular Universal generates static application pages on the server through server-side rendering (SSR). This allows you to run your Angular app on the server in order to improve performance and show the first page quickly on mobile and low-powered devices, and also facilitate web crawlers.
[服务器端渲染](guide/universal)Angular Universal 通过服务器端渲染SSR在服务器上生成静态应用页面。这允许你在服务器上运行 Angular 应用,以提高性能,并在移动设备和低功耗设备上快速显示首屏,同时也方便了网页抓取工具。
* [Service workers and PWA](guide/service-worker-intro): Use a service worker to reduce dependency on the network and significantly improve the user experience.
[Service Worker 和 PWA](guide/service-worker-intro):使用 Service Worker 来减少对网络的依赖,并显著改善用户体验。
* [Web workers](guide/web-worker): Learn how to run CPU-intensive computations in a background thread.
[Web worker](guide/web-worker):学习如何在后台线程中运行 CPU 密集型的计算。
## Support for the development cycle
## 为开发周期提供支持
The **Development Workflow** section describes the tools and processes you use to compile, test, and and deploy Angular applications.
**“开发工作流”**部分描述了用于编译、测试和部署 Angular 应用的工具和过程。
* [CLI Command Reference](cli): The Angular CLI is a command-line tool that you use to create projects, generate application and library code, and perform a variety of ongoing development tasks such as testing, bundling, and deployment.
[CLI 命令参考手册](cli)Angular CLI 是一个命令行工具,可用于创建项目、生成应用和库代码,以及执行各种持续开发任务,如测试、打包和部署。
* [Compilation](guide/aot-compiler): Angular provides just-in-time (JIT) compilation for the development environment, and ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation for the production environment.
[编译](guide/aot-compiler)Angular 为开发环境提供了 JIT即时编译方式为生产环境提供了 AOT预先编译方式。
@ -64,28 +135,42 @@ without deep knowledge of animation techniques or CSS.
[测试平台](guide/testing):对应用的各个部件运行单元测试,让它们好像在和 Angular 框架交互一样。
* [Internationalization](guide/i18n): Make your app available in multiple languages with Angular's internationalization (i18n) tools.
[国际化](guide/i18n)Angular 的国际化工具可以帮助你让应用可用于多种语言中。
* [Deployment](guide/deployment): Learn techniques for deploying your Angular application to a remote server.
[部署](guide/deployment):学习如何把 Angular 应用部署到远端服务器上。
* [Security guidelines](guide/security): Learn about Angular's built-in protections against common web-app vulnerabilities and attacks such as cross-site scripting attacks.
[安全指南](guide/security):学习 Angular 对常见 Web 应用的弱点和工具(比如跨站脚本攻击)提供的内置防护措施。
## Setup, build, and deployment configuration
## 环境搭建、构建与开发配置
* [Internationalization](guide/i18n): Make your app available in multiple languages with Angular's internationalization (i18n) tools.
* [CLI Command Reference](cli): The Angular CLI is a command-line tool that you use to create projects, generate application and library code, and perform a variety of ongoing development tasks such as testing, bundling, and deployment.
[国际化](guide/i18n) :借助 Angular 的国际化i18n工具可以让你的应用支持多语言环境。
[CLI 命令参考手册](cli)Angular CLI 是一个命令行工具,你可以使用它来创建项目、生成应用及库代码,还能执行很多开发任务,比如测试、打包和发布。
* [Workspace and File Structure](guide/file-structure): Understand the structure of Angular workspace and project folders.
* [Accessibility](guide/accessibility): Make your app accessible to all users.
[工作区与文件结构](guide/file-structure):理解 Angular 工作区与项目文件夹的结构
* [npm Packages](guide/npm-packages): The Angular Framework, Angular CLI, and components used by Angular applications are packaged as [npm]( packages and distributed via the npm registry. The Angular CLI creates a default `package.json` file, which specifies a starter set of packages that work well together and jointly support many common application scenarios.
## File structure, configuration, and dependencies
## 文件结构、配置和依赖
* [Workspace and file structure](guide/file-structure): Understand the structure of Angular workspace and project folders.
[工作区与文件结构](guide/file-structure):理解 Angular 工作区与项目文件夹的结构。
* [Building and serving](guide/build): Learn to define different build and proxy server configurations for your project, such as development, staging, and production.
* [npm packages](guide/npm-packages): The Angular Framework, Angular CLI, and components used by Angular applications are packaged as [npm]( packages and distributed via the npm registry. The Angular CLI creates a default `package.json` file, which specifies a starter set of packages that work well together and jointly support many common application scenarios.
[npm 包](guide/npm-packages)Angular 框架、Angular CLI 和 Angular 应用中用到的组件都是用 [npm]( 打包的,并通过 npm 注册服务器进行发布。Angular CLI 会创建一个默认的 `package.json` 文件,它会指定一组初始的包,它们可以一起使用,共同支持很多常见的应用场景。
@ -95,12 +180,23 @@ without deep knowledge of animation techniques or CSS.
* [Browser support](guide/browser-support): Make your apps compatible across a wide range of browsers.
* [Building and Serving](guide/build): Learn to define different build and proxy server configurations for your project, such as development, staging, and production.
## Extending Angular
## 扩展Angular
* [Deployment](guide/deployment): Learn techniques for deploying your Angular application to a remote server.
[部署](guide/deployment):学习把你的 Angular 应用发布到远端服务器的技巧。
* [Angular libraries](guide/libraries): Learn about using and creating re-usable libraries.
[Angular 库](guide/libraries):学习如何使用和创建可复用的库。
* [Schematics](guide/schematics): Learn about customizing and extending the CLI's generation capabilities.
学习[原理图](guide/schematics) :学习如何自定义和扩展 CLI 的生成(`generate`)能力。
* [CLI builders](guide/cli-builder): Learn about customizing and extending the CLI's ability to apply tools to perform complex tasks, such as building and testing applications.
[CLI构建器](guide/cli-builder):学习如何自定义和扩展 CLI 的能力,让它使用工具来执行复杂任务,比如构建和测试应用。

View File

@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
# Architecture overview
# Introduction to Angular concepts
# 架构概览
Angular is a platform and framework for building client applications in HTML and TypeScript.
Angular is written in TypeScript. It implements core and optional functionality as a set of TypeScript libraries that you import into your apps.
Angular is a platform and framework for building single-page client applications in HTML and TypeScript.
Angular is written in TypeScript.
It implements core and optional functionality as a set of TypeScript libraries that you import into your apps.
Angular 是一个用 HTML 和 TypeScript 构建客户端应用的平台与框架。
Angular 本身就是用 TypeScript 写成的。它将核心功能和可选功能作为一组 TypeScript 库进行实现,你可以把它们导入你的应用中。
The basic building blocks of an Angular application are *NgModules*, which provide a compilation context for *components*. NgModules collect related code into functional sets; an Angular app is defined by a set of NgModules. An app always has at least a *root module* that enables bootstrapping, and typically has many more *feature modules*.
The architecture of an Angular application relies on certain fundamental concepts.
The basic building blocks are *NgModules*, which provide a compilation context for *components*. NgModules collect related code into functional sets; an Angular app is defined by a set of NgModules. An app always has at least a *root module* that enables bootstrapping, and typically has many more *feature modules*.
Angular 的基本构造块是 *NgModule*,它为*组件*提供了编译的上下文环境。
NgModule 会把相关的代码收集到一些功能集中。Angular 应用就是由一组 NgModule 定义出的。
* Components define *views*, which are sets of screen elements that Angular can choose among and modify according to your program logic and data.
* Components define *views*, which are sets of screen elements that Angular can choose among and modify according to your program logic and data.
组件定义*视图*。视图是一组可见的屏幕元素Angular 可以根据你的程序逻辑和数据来选择和修改它们。
@ -42,6 +44,14 @@ An app's components typically define many views, arranged hierarchically. Angula
应用的组件通常会定义很多视图,并进行分级组织。 Angular 提供了 `Router` 服务来帮助你定义视图之间的导航路径。
<div class="alert is-helpful">
See the [Angular Glossary](guide/glossary) for basic definitions of important Angular terms and usage.
参见 [Angular 词汇表](guide/glossary) 以了解对 Angular 重要名词和用法的基本定义。
## Modules
## 模块
@ -125,7 +135,7 @@ Before a view is displayed, Angular evaluates the directives and resolves the bi
在视图显示出来之前Angular 会先根据你的应用数据和逻辑来运行模板中的指令并解析绑定表达式,以修改 HTML 元素和 DOM。
Angular 支持*双向数据绑定*,这意味着 DOM 中发生的变化(比如用户的选择)同样可以反映回你的程序数据中。
Your templates can use *pipes* to improve the user experience by transforming values for display.
Your templates can use *pipes* to improve the user experience by transforming values for display.
For example, use pipes to display dates and currency values that are appropriate for a user's locale.
Angular provides predefined pipes for common transformations, and you can also define your own pipes.

View File

@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Here's the updated directive in full:
<code-example path="attribute-directives/src/app/highlight.directive.2.ts" header="src/app/highlight.directive.ts"></code-example>
Run the app and confirm that the background color appears when
the mouse hovers over the `p` and disappears as it moves out.
the pointer hovers over the paragraph element and disappears as the pointer moves out.
运行本应用并确认:当把鼠标移到 `p` 上的时候,背景色就出现了,而移开时就消失了。

View File

@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ Angular 支持大多数常用浏览器,包括下列版本:
Nougat (7.0), Marshmallow (6.0), Lollipop (5.0, 5.1), KitKat (4.4)
X (10.0), Pie (9.0), Oreo (8.0), Nougat (7.0)

View File

@ -93,24 +93,17 @@ npm install @example/my-builder
## Creating a builder
## 创建一个构建器
## 创建构建器
As an example, lets create a builder that executes a shell command.
To create a builder, use the `createBuilder()` CLI Builder function, and return a `BuilderOutput` object.
As an example, let's create a builder that executes a shell command.
To create a builder, use the `createBuilder()` CLI Builder function, and return a `Promise<BuilderOutput>` object.
举个例子,让我们创建一个用来执行 shell 命令的构建器。要创建构建器,请使用 CLI 构建器函数 `createBuilder()`,并返回一个 `BuilderOutput` 对象。
举个例子,让我们创建一个用来执行 shell 命令的构建器。要创建构建器,请使用 CLI 构建器函数 `createBuilder()`,并返回一个 `Promise<BuilderOutput>` 对象。
<code-example language="typescript" header="/command/index.ts">
import { BuilderOutput, createBuilder } from '@angular-devkit/architect';
export default createBuilder(_commandBuilder);
function _commandBuilder(
options: JsonObject,
context: BuilderContext,
): Promise<BuilderOutput> {
header="src/my-builder.ts (builder skeleton)"
Now lets add some logic to it.
@ -119,24 +112,10 @@ If the process is successful (returns a code of 0), it resolves the return value
现在,让我们为它添加一些逻辑。下列代码会从用户选项中检索命令和参数、生成新进程,并等待该进程完成。如果进程成功(返回代码为 0就会解析成返回的值。
<code-example language="typescript" header="/command/index.ts">
import { BuilderOutput, createBuilder } from '@angular-devkit/architect';
import * as childProcess from 'child_process';
export default createBuilder(_commandBuilder);
function _commandBuilder(
options: JsonObject,
context: BuilderContext,
): Promise<BuilderOutput> {
const child = childProcess.spawn(options.command, options.args);
return new Promise<BuilderOutput>(resolve => {
child.on('close', code => {
resolve({success: code === 0});
header="src/my-builder.ts (builder)"
### Handling output
@ -153,31 +132,10 @@ We can retrieve a Logger instance from the context.
我们可以从上下文中检索一个 Logger 实例。
<code-example language="typescript" header="/command/index.ts">
import { BuilderOutput, createBuilder, BuilderContext } from '@angular-devkit/architect';
import * as childProcess from 'child_process';
export default createBuilder(_commandBuilder);
function _commandBuilder(
options: JsonObject,
context: BuilderContext,
): Promise<BuilderOutput> {
const child = childProcess.spawn(options.command, options.args, {stdio: 'pipe'});
child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {;
child.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
return new Promise<BuilderOutput>(resolve => {
child.on('close', code => {
resolve({success: code === 0});
header="src/my-builder.ts (handling output)"
### Progress and status reporting
@ -205,34 +163,10 @@ Pass an empty string to remove the status.
在我们的例子中shell 命令或者已完成或者正在执行,所以不需要进度报告,但是可以报告状态,以便调用此构建器的父构建器知道发生了什么。可以用 `BuilderContext.reportStatus()` 方法生成一个任意长度的状态字符串。(注意,无法保证长字符串会完全显示出来,可以裁剪它以适应界面显示。)传入一个空字符串可以移除状态。
<code-example language="typescript" header="/command/index.ts">
import { BuilderOutput, createBuilder, BuilderContext } from '@angular-devkit/architect';
import * as childProcess from 'child_process';
export default createBuilder(_commandBuilder);
function _commandBuilder(
options: JsonObject,
context: BuilderContext,
): Promise<BuilderOutput> {
context.reportStatus(`Executing "${options.command}"...`);
const child = childProcess.spawn(options.command, options.args, {stdio: 'pipe'});
child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {;
child.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
return new Promise<BuilderOutput>(resolve => {
child.on('close', code => {
resolve({success: code === 0});
header="src/my-builder.ts (progess reporting)"
## Builder input
@ -339,10 +273,10 @@ Using one of our `options` is very straightforward, we did this in the previous
使用某个 `options` 是非常简单的。在上一节,我们就曾访问过 `options.command`
<code-example language="typescript" header="/command/index.ts">
context.reportStatus(`Executing "${options.command}"...`);
const child = childProcess.spawn(options.command, options.args, { stdio: 'pipe' });
header="src/my-builder.ts (report status)"
### Target configuration
@ -475,7 +409,7 @@ Lets create a simple `angular.json` file that puts target configurations into
让我们创建一个简单的 `angular.json` 文件,它会把目标配置放到上下文中。
We can publish the builder to npm (see [Publishing your Library](, and install it using the following command:
We can publish the builder to npm (see [Publishing your Library](guide/creating-libraries#publishing-your-library)), and install it using the following command:
我们可以把这个构建器发布到 npm请参阅[发布你的库](,并使用如下命令来安装它:
@ -543,7 +477,7 @@ We need to update the `angular.json` file to add a target for this builder to th
我们会为项目的 `architect` 对象添加一个新的目标小节。
* The target named "touch" uses our builder, which we published to `@example/command-runner`. (See [Publishing your Library](
* The target named "touch" uses our builder, which we published to `@example/command-runner`. (See [Publishing your Library](guide/creating-libraries#publishing-your-library))
名为 `touch` 的目标使用了我们的构建器,它发布到了 `@example/command-runner`。 (参见[发布你的库](
@ -642,7 +576,7 @@ Use integration testing for your builder, so that you can use the Architect sche
* In the builder source directory, we have created a new test file `index.spec.ts`. The code creates new instances of `JsonSchemaRegistry` (for schema validation), `TestingArchitectHost` (an in-memory implementation of `ArchitectHost`), and `Architect`.
* In the builder source directory, we have created a new test file `my-builder.spec.ts`. The code creates new instances of `JsonSchemaRegistry` (for schema validation), `TestingArchitectHost` (an in-memory implementation of `ArchitectHost`), and `Architect`.
在构建器的源码目录下,我们创建了一个新的测试文件 `index.spec.ts`。该代码创建了 `JsonSchemaRegistry`(用于模式验证)、`TestingArchitectHost`(对 `ArchitectHost` 的内存实现)和 `Architect` 的新实例。
@ -651,70 +585,18 @@ Use integration testing for your builder, so that you can use the Architect sche
我们紧挨着这个构建器的 [`package.json`]( 文件添加了一个 `builders.json` 文件,并修改了 `package.json` 文件以指向它。
Heres an example of a test that runs the command builder.
The test uses the builder to run the `ls` command, then validates that it ran successfully and listed the proper files.
The test uses the builder to run the `node --print 'foo'` command, then validates that the `logger` contains an entry for `foo`.
下面是运行该命令构建器的测试范例。该测试使用该构建器来运行 `ls` 命令,然后验证它是否成功运行并列出了正确的文件。
<code-example language="typescript" header="command/index_spec.ts">
import { Architect } from '@angular-devkit/architect';
import { TestingArchitectHost } from '@angular-devkit/architect/testing';
// Our builder forwards the STDOUT of the command to the logger.
import { logging, schema } from '@angular-devkit/core';
describe('Command Runner Builder', () => {
let architect: Architect;
let architectHost: TestingArchitectHost;
beforeEach(async () => {
const registry = new schema.CoreSchemaRegistry();
// TestingArchitectHost() takes workspace and current directories.
// Since we don't use those, both are the same in this case.
architectHost = new TestingArchitectHost(__dirname, __dirname);
architect = new Architect(architectHost, registry);
// This will either take a Node package name, or a path to the directory
// for the package.json file.
await architectHost.addBuilderFromPackage('..');
// This might not work in Windows.
it('can run ls', async () => {
// Create a logger that keeps an array of all messages that were logged.
const logger = new logging.Logger('');
const logs = [];
logger.subscribe(ev => logs.push(ev.message));
// A "run" can have multiple outputs, and contains progress information.
const run = await architect.scheduleBuilder('@example/command-runner:command', {
command: 'ls',
args: [__dirname],
}, { logger }); // We pass the logger for checking later.
// The "result" member (of type BuilderOutput) is the next output.
const output = await run.result;
// Stop the builder from running. This stops Architect from keeping
// the builder-associated states in memory, since builders keep waiting
// to be scheduled.
await run.stop();
// Expect that it succeeded.
// Expect that this file was listed. It should be since we're running
// `ls $__dirname`.
下面是运行该命令构建器的测试范例。该测试使用该构建器来运行 `node --print 'foo'` 命令,然后验证 `logger` 中是否包含一条 `foo` 记录。
<div class="alert is-helpful">
When running this test in your repo, you need the [`ts-node`]( package. You can avoid this by renaming `index.spec.ts` to `index.spec.js`.
When running this test in your repo, you need the [`ts-node`]( package. You can avoid this by renaming `my-builder.spec.ts` to `my-builder.spec.js`.
在你的仓库中运行这个测试时,需要使用 [`ts-node`]( 包。你可以把 `index.spec.ts` 重命名为 `index.spec.js` 来回避它。

View File

@ -43,27 +43,21 @@ Observables are often compared to promises. Here are some key differences:
在有消费者订阅之前,可观察对象不会执行。`subscribe()` 会执行一次定义好的行为,并且可以再次调用它。每次订阅都是单独计算的。重新订阅会导致重新计算这些值。
<code-example hideCopy>
// declare a publishing operation
new Observable((observer) => { subscriber_fn });
// initiate execution
observable.subscribe(() => {
// observer handles notifications
header="src/observables.ts (observable)"
* Promises execute immediately, and just once. The computation of the result is initiated when the promise is created. There is no way to restart work. All `then` clauses (subscriptions) share the same computation.
承诺会立即执行,并且只执行一次。当承诺创建时,会立即计算出结果。没有办法重新做一次。所有的 `then` 语句(订阅)都会共享同一次计算。
<code-example hideCopy>
// initiate execution
new Promise((resolve, reject) => { executer_fn });
// handle return value
promise.then((value) => {
// handle result here
header="src/promises.ts (promise)"
### Chaining
@ -73,14 +67,16 @@ promise.then((value) => {
<code-example hideCopy>observable.pipe(map((v) => 2*v));</code-example>
<code-example path="comparing-observables/src/observables.ts"
header="src/observables.ts (chain)"
* Promises do not differentiate between the last `.then` clauses (equivalent to subscription) and intermediate `.then` clauses (equivalent to map).
承诺并不区分最后的 `.then()` 语句(等价于订阅)和中间的 `.then()` 语句(等价于映射)。
<code-example hideCopy>promise.then((v) => 2*v);</code-example>
<code-example path="comparing-observables/src/promises.ts"
header="src/promises.ts (chain)"
### Cancellation
### 可取消
@ -89,10 +85,11 @@ promise.then((value) => {
<code-example hideCopy>
const sub = obs.subscribe(...);
header="src/observables.ts (unsubcribe)"
* Promises are not cancellable.
@ -106,21 +103,21 @@ sub.unsubscribe();
<code-example hideCopy>
obs.subscribe(() => {
throw Error('my error');
header="src/observables.ts (error)"
* Promises push errors to the child promises.
<code-example hideCopy>
promise.then(() => {
throw Error('my error');
header="src/promises.ts (error)"
### Cheat sheet
@ -172,7 +169,8 @@ The following code snippets illustrate how the same kind of operation is defined
<pre>new Observable((observer) => {
new Observable((observer) => {;
@ -180,7 +178,8 @@ The following code snippets illustrate how the same kind of operation is defined
<pre>new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
@ -222,7 +221,8 @@ The following code snippets illustrate how the same kind of operation is defined
<pre>sub = obs.subscribe((value) => {
sub = obs.subscribe((value) => {
@ -230,7 +230,8 @@ The following code snippets illustrate how the same kind of operation is defined
<pre>promise.then((value) => {
promise.then((value) => {
@ -331,7 +332,6 @@ subscription.unsubscribe();</pre>
<pre>function handler(e) {
console.log(Clicked, e);
// Setup & begin listening
button.addEventListener(click, handler);
// Stop listening

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ You can build, test, and lint the project with CLI commands:
Notice that the configured builder for the project is different from the default builder for app projects.
This builder, among other things, ensures that the library is always built with the [AoT compiler](guide/aot-compiler), without the need to specify the `--prod` flag.
This builder, among other things, ensures that the library is always built with the [AOT compiler](guide/aot-compiler), without the need to specify the `--prod` flag.
注意,该项目配置的构建器与应用类项目的默认构建器不同。此构建器可以确保库永远使用 [AoT 编译器](guide/aot-compiler)构建,而不必再指定`--prod`标志。

View File

@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ Using a custom provider allows you to provide a concrete implementation for impl
The `factory` function returns the `localStorage` property that is attached to the browser window object. The `Inject` decorator is a constructor parameter used to specify a custom provider of a dependency. This custom provider can now be overridden during testing with a mock API of `localStorage` instead of interactive with real browser APIs.
The `factory` function returns the `localStorage` property that is attached to the browser window object. The `Inject` decorator is a constructor parameter used to specify a custom provider of a dependency. This custom provider can now be overridden during testing with a mock API of `localStorage` instead of interacting with real browser APIs.
`factory` 函数返回 window 对象上的 `localStorage` 属性。`Inject` 装饰器修饰一个构造函数参数,用于为某个依赖提供自定义提供商。现在,就可以在测试期间使用 `localStorage` 的 Mock API 来覆盖这个提供商了,而不必与真实的浏览器 API 进行交互。

View File

@ -315,40 +315,6 @@ modified to serve `index.html`:
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
* [Golang]( create a Golang server using ([gorilla/mux]( with a basic Golang file that configures the server `main.go`:
[Golang](使用 [gorilla/mux]( 和一个用来配置服务器的基础 Golang 文件 `main.go` 创建一个 Golang 服务器。
``` go
package main
import (
var httpPort = "80"
var folderDist = "./dist" // ng build output folder
func serverHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if _, err := os.Stat(folderDist + r.URL.Path); err != nil {
http.ServeFile(w, r, folderDist+"/index.html")
http.ServeFile(w, r, folderDist+r.URL.Path)
func main() {
r := mux.NewRouter()
r.NotFoundHandler = r.NewRoute().HandlerFunc(serverHandler).GetHandler()
http.Handle("/", r)
http.ListenAndServe(":"+httpPort, nil)
* [Ruby]( create a Ruby server using ([sinatra]( with a basic Ruby file that configures the server `server.rb`:
[Ruby](使用 [sinatra]( 和用来配置服务器的基础 Ruby 文件 `server.rb` 创建一个 Ruby 服务器:

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ v9 - v12
| ---- | -------------- | ----------------- |
| 区域 | API 或特性 | 可能会在什么时候移除 |
| `@angular/common` | [`ReflectiveInjector`](#reflectiveinjector) | <!--v8--> v10 |
| `@angular/common` | [`CurrencyPipe` - `DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE`](api/common/CurrencyPipe#currency-code-deprecation) | <!--v9--> v11 |
| `@angular/core` | [`CollectionChangeRecord`](#core) | <!--v7--> v10 |
| `@angular/core` | [`DefaultIterableDiffer`](#core) | <!--v7--> v10 |
| `@angular/core` | [`ReflectiveKey`](#core) | <!--v8--> v10 |
@ -111,6 +112,15 @@ Tip: In the [API reference section](api) of this doc site, deprecated APIs are i
{@a common}
### @angular/common
| API | Replacement | Deprecation announced | Notes |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | --------------------- | ----- |
| [`CurrencyPipe` - `DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE`](api/common/CurrencyPipe#currency-code-deprecation) | `{provide: DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE, useValue: 'USD'}` | v9 | From v11 the default code will be extracted from the locale data given by `LOCAL_ID`, rather than `USD`. |
| [`CurrencyPipe` - `DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE`](api/common/CurrencyPipe#currency-code-deprecation) | `{provide: DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE, useValue: 'USD'}` | v9 | 从 v11 开始,默认代码将从由 `LOCAL_ID` 提供的语言环境数据中提取,而不再是固定值 `USD`。 |
{@a core}
### @angular/core
@ -446,7 +456,7 @@ However, in practice, Angular simply ignores two-way bindings to template variab
{@a undecorated-base-classes}
### Undecorated base classes using Angular features
### Undecorated base classes using Angular features
### 使用 Angular 特性的不带修饰器的基类
@ -517,8 +527,8 @@ class Dir extends Base {
In version 9, the CLI has an automated migration that will update your code for you when `ng update` is run.
See [the dedicated migration guide](guide/migration-undecorated-classes) for more information about the change and more examples.
In version 9, the CLI has an automated migration that will update your code for you when `ng update` is run.
See [the dedicated migration guide](guide/migration-undecorated-classes) for more information about the change and more examples.
在版本 9 中CLI 具有自动迁移功能,它将在运行 `ng update` 时为您更新代码。有关更改的更多信息和更多示例,请参见[专用的迁移指南](guide/migration-undecorated-classes) 。

View File

@ -546,10 +546,21 @@ Learn more in [Dependency Injection in Angular](guide/dependency-injection).
A lookup token associated with a dependency [provider](#provider), for use with the [dependency injection](#di) system.
{@a differential-loading}
## differential loading
## 差异化加载
A build technique that creates two bundles for an application. One smaller bundle is for modern browsers. A second, larger bundle allows the application to run correctly in older browsers (such as IE11) that do not support all modern browser APIs.
一种构建技术,它会为同一个应用创建两个发布包。一个是较小的发布包,是针对现代浏览器的。另一个是较大的发布包,能让该应用正确的运行在像 IE 11 这样的老式浏览器上,这些浏览器不能支持全部现代浏览器的 API。
For more information, see the [Deployment](guide/deployment#differential-loading) guide.
欲知详情,参见 [Deployment](guide/deployment#differential-loading) 一章。
{@a directive}
{@a directives}
## directive

View File

@ -939,7 +939,7 @@ finds the `FlowerService` and never sees the 🌺 (red hibiscus).
Use the `viewProviders` array as another way to provide services in the
`@Component()` decorator. Using `viewProviders` makes services
visibile in the `<#VIEW>`.
visible in the `<#VIEW>`.
使用 `viewProviders` 数组是在 `@Component()` 装饰器中提供服务的另一种方法。使用 `viewProviders` 使服务在 `<#VIEW>` 中可见。

View File

@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ CLI commands run `ngcc` as needed when performing an Angular build.
可以使用通过 View Engine 编译器创建的库来构建 Ivy 应用程序。此兼容性由称为 Angular 兼容性编译器( `ngcc` )的工具提供。 CLI 命令在执行 Angular 构建时会根据需要运行 `ngcc`
For more information on how to publish libraries see [Publishing your Library](guide/creating-libraries#publishing-your-library).
{@a speeding-up-ngcc-compilation}
### Speeding up ngcc compilation

View File

@ -173,13 +173,21 @@ yarn install
When Angular sees this dev dependency, it provides the language service in the WebStorm environment.
WebStorm then gives you colorization inside the template and autocomplete in addition to the Angular Language Service.
当 Angular 插件发现这个开发依赖时,就会在 WebStorm 环境中提供语言服务。
除了 Angular 语言服务提供的这些功能之外WebStorm 还会提供自动补齐和模板代码着色功能。
### Sublime Text
In [Sublime Text](, the Language Service supports only in-line templates when installed as a plug-in.
You need a custom Sublime plug-in (or modifications to the current plug-in) for completions in HTML files.
在 [Sublime Text]( 中,当安装为插件时,语言服务仅支持内联模板。
你需要自定义 Sublime 插件(或修改当前插件),来实现 HTML 文件中的自动补齐。
To use the Language Service for in-line templates, you must first add an extension to allow TypeScript, then install the Angular Language Service plug-in. Starting with TypeScript 2.3, TypeScript has a plug-in model that the language service can use.
要想在内联模板中使用语言服务,你必须首先添加一个扩展,以支持 TypeScript然后安装 Angular 语言服务插件。从 TypeScript 2.3 开始TypeScript 提供了一个插件模型,供语言服务使用。
1. Install the latest version of TypeScript in a local `node_modules` directory:
把最新版本的 TypeScript 安装到本地的 `node_modules` 目录下:

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Here's an example that demonstrates the basic usage model by showing how an obse
<code-example path="observables/src/geolocation.ts" header="Observe geolocation updates"></code-example>
<code-example class="no-auto-link" path="observables/src/geolocation.ts" header="Observe geolocation updates"></code-example>
## Defining observers

View File

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Another way to limit provider scope is by adding the service you want to limit t
`providers` array. Component providers and NgModule providers are independent of each other. This
method is helpful when you want to eagerly load a module that needs a service all to itself.
Providing a service in the component limits the service only to that component (other components in
the same module cant access it.)
the same module cant access it).
另一种限定提供商作用域的方式是把要限定的服务添加到组件的 `providers` 数组中。组件中的提供商和 NgModule 中的提供商是彼此独立的。

View File

@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ The `<router-outlet>` container has an attribute directive that contains data ab
<code-example path="animations/src/app/app.component.ts" header="src/app/app.component.ts" region="prepare-router-outlet" language="typescript"></code-example>
Here, the `prepareRoute()` method takes the value of the output directive (established through `#outlet="outlet"`) and returns a string value representing the state of the animation based on the custom data of the current active route. You can use this data to control which transition to execute for each route.
Here, the `prepareRoute()` method takes the value of the outlet directive (established through `#outlet="outlet"`) and returns a string value representing the state of the animation based on the custom data of the current active route. You can use this data to control which transition to execute for each route.
这里的 `prepareRoute()` 方法会获取这个 outlet 指令的值(通过 `#outlet="outlet"`),并根据当前活动路由的自定义数据返回一个表示动画状态的字符串值。你可以使用这个数据来控制各个路由之间该执行哪个转场。

View File

@ -4958,7 +4958,7 @@ Observable completes after retrieving the first value from the Observable return
`Router` 守卫要求这个可观察对象必须可结束(`complete`),也就是说它已经发出了所有值。
你可以为 `take` 操作符传入一个参数 `1`,以确保这个可观察对象会在从 `getCrisis` 方法所返回的可观察对象中取到第一个值之后就会结束。
If it doesn't return a valid `Crisis`, return an empty `Observable`, canceling the previous in-flight navigation to the `CrisisDetailComponent` and navigate the user back to the `CrisisListComponent`. The update resolver service looks like this:
If it doesn't return a valid `Crisis`, return an empty `Observable`, canceling the previous in-flight navigation to the `CrisisDetailComponent` and navigate the user back to the `CrisisListComponent`. The updated resolver service looks like this:
如果它没有返回有效的 `Crisis`,就会返回一个 `Observable`,以取消以前到 `CrisisDetailComponent` 的在途导航,并把用户导航回 `CrisisListComponent`。修改后的 `resolver` 服务是这样的:

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Before you begin, make sure your development environment includes `Node.js®` an
{@a nodejs}
### Node.js
Angular requires `Node.js` version 10.9.0 or later.
Angular requires a [current, active LTS, or maintenance LTS]( version of `Node.js`. See the `engines` key for the specific version requirements in our [package.json](
Angular 需要 `Node.js` 版本 10.9.0 或更高版本。

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# 静态查询Static Query迁移指南
**Important note for library authors: This migration is especially crucial for library authors to facilitate their users upgrading to version 9 when it becomes available (approx Oct 2019).**
**Important note for library authors: This migration is especially crucial for library authors to facilitate their users upgrading to version 9 when it becomes available.**
**给库作者的重要提示这份迁移指南对于库作者非常重要可以方便他们的用户升级到Angular 的)版本 9大约在 2019 年 10 月发布)。**

View File

@ -284,6 +284,8 @@ In case of a false positive like these, there are a few options:
| `strictOutputEventTypes` | 对于绑定到组件/指令 `@Output()` 或动画事件的事件绑定, `$event` 是否具有正确的类型。如果禁用,它将为 `any` 。 |
| `strictDomEventTypes` | Whether `$event` will have the correct type for event bindings to DOM events. If disabled, it will be `any`. |
| `strictDomEventTypes` | 对于与 DOM 事件的事件绑定,`$event` 是否具有正确的类型。如果禁用,它将为 `any` 。 |
|`strictContextGenerics`|Whether the type parameters of generic components will be inferred correctly (including any generic bounds). If disabled, any type parameters will be `any`.|
|`strictContextGenerics`|泛型组件的类型参数是否应该被正确推断(包括泛型上界和下界). 如果禁用它,所有的类型参数都会被当做 `any`。|
If you still have issues after troubleshooting with these flags, you can fall back to full mode by disabling `strictTemplates`.

View File

@ -945,6 +945,16 @@ It also generates an initial test file for the component, `banner-external.compo
header="app/banner/banner-external.component.spec.ts (initial)"></code-example>
<div class="alert is-helpful">
Because `compileComponents` is asynchronous, it uses
the [`async`](api/core/testing/async) utility
function imported from `@angular/core/testing`.
Please refer to the [async](#async) section for more details.
#### Reduce the setup
#### 缩减环境准备代码

View File

@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ You learned the basics of Angular animations in the [introduction](guide/animati
你已经在[简介](guide/animations)页学习了 Angular 动画的基础知识。
In this guide, we go into greater depth on special transition states such as `*` (wildcard) and `void`, and show how these special states are used for elements entering and leaving a view. The chapter also explores multiple animation triggers, animation callbacks and sequence-based animation using keyframes.
This guide goes into greater depth on special transition states such as `*` (wildcard) and `void`, and show how these special states are used for elements entering and leaving a view.
This chapter also explores multiple animation triggers, animation callbacks, and sequence-based animation using keyframes.
本章,我们将深入讲解特殊的转场状态,如 `*`(通配符)和 `void`,并说明这些特殊状态如何作用于进入或离开视图的元素。本章还探讨了多重触发器、动画回调,以及使用关键帧技术的序列动画。
本章将深入讲解特殊的转场状态,如 `*`(通配符)和 `void`,并说明这些特殊状态如何作用于进入或离开视图的元素。本章还探讨了多重触发器、动画回调,以及使用关键帧技术的序列动画。
## Predefined states and wildcard matching
@ -34,7 +35,8 @@ For example, a transition of `open => *` applies when the element's state change
<img src="generated/images/guide/animations/wildcard-state-500.png" alt="wildcard state expressions">
Here's another code sample using the wildcard state together with our previous example using the `open` and `closed` states. Instead of defining each state-to-state transition pair, we're now saying that any transition to `closed` takes 1 second, and any transition to `open` takes 0.5 seconds.
The following is another code sample using the wildcard state together with the previous example using the `open` and `closed` states.
Instead of defining each state-to-state transition pair, any transition to `closed` takes 1 second, and any transition to `open` takes 0.5 seconds.
下面是通配符状态的另一个代码范例,以及我们以前使用 `open``closed` 状态的实例。但这次,对于每个状态到状态的转换对,我们这次规定从任何状态转场到 `closed` 状态时要花 1 秒钟,而从任何状态转场到 `open` 状态时要花 0.5 秒。
@ -54,7 +56,9 @@ Use a double arrow syntax to specify state-to-state transitions in both directio
### 使用带多个转场状态的通配符状态
In our two-state button example, the wildcard isn't that useful because there are only two possible states, `open` and `closed`. Wildcard states are better when an element in one particular state has multiple potential states that it can change to. If our button can change from `open` to either `closed` or something like `inProgress`, using a wildcard state could reduce the amount of coding needed.
In the two-state button example, the wildcard isn't that useful because there are only two possible states, `open` and `closed`.
Wildcard states are better when an element in one particular state has multiple potential states that it can change to.
If the button can change from `open` to either `closed` or something like `inProgress`, using a wildcard state could reduce the amount of coding needed.
在这个双态按钮的例子中,通配符不是很有用,因为只有两种可能的状态:`open``closed`。当一个特定状态下的元素可能变更为多个潜在状态时,通配符状态会更好用。如果我们的按钮可以从 `open` 变成 `closed` 或类似 `inProgress` 的状态,则可以使用通配符状态来减少所需的编码量。
@ -124,13 +128,13 @@ This section shows how to animate elements entering or leaving a page.
<div class="alert is-helpful">
**Note:** For our purposes, an element entering or leaving a view is equivalent to being inserted or removed from the DOM.
**Note:** For this example, an element entering or leaving a view is equivalent to being inserted or removed from the DOM.
**注意:**出于我们的目的,我们把元素进入或离开视图等价于从 DOM 中插入或删除。
Now we'll add a new behavior:
Now add a new behavior:
@ -144,7 +148,7 @@ Now we'll add a new behavior:
<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-enter-leave.component.ts" header="src/app/hero-list-enter-leave.component.ts" region="animationdef" language="typescript"></code-example>
In the above code, we applied the `void` state when the HTML element isn't attached to a view.
In the above code, you applied the `void` state when the HTML element isn't attached to a view.
在上述代码中,当 HTML 元素没有附着在视图中时,我们就会应用 `void` 状态。
@ -178,9 +182,9 @@ The `:enter` transition runs when any `*ngIf` or `*ngFor` views are placed on th
当任何 `*ngIf``*ngFor` 中的视图放进页面中时,会运行 `:enter` 转场;当移除这些视图时,就会运行 `:leave` 转场。
In this example, we have a special trigger for the enter and leave animation called `myInsertRemoveTrigger`. The HTML template contains the following code.
This example has a special trigger for the enter and leave animation called `myInsertRemoveTrigger`. The HTML template contains the following code.
在这个例子中,我们有一个名叫 `myInsertRemoveTrigger` 的触发器,来表示进入和离开动画。
本例子中有一个名叫 `myInsertRemoveTrigger` 的触发器,来表示进入和离开动画。
其 HTML 模板包含下列代码。
<code-example path="animations/src/app/insert-remove.component.html" header="src/app/insert-remove.component.html" region="insert-remove" language="typescript">
@ -279,7 +283,8 @@ When the `@.disabled` binding is true, the `@childAnimation` trigger doesn't kic
`@.disabled` 绑定为 `true` 时,`@childAnimation` 触发器就不会启动。
When an element within an HTML template has animations disabled using the `@.disabled` host binding, animations are disabled on all inner elements as well. You can't selectively disable multiple animations on a single element.
When an element within an HTML template has animations disabled using the `@.disabled` host binding, animations are disabled on all inner elements as well.
You can't selectively disable multiple animations on a single element.
当 HTML 模板中的某个元素使用 `@.disabled` 禁止了动画时,也会同时禁止其所有内部元素的动画。你无法有选择的单独禁用单个元素上的多个动画。
@ -287,7 +292,8 @@ However, selective child animations can still be run on a disabled parent in one
* A parent animation can use the [`query()`]( function to collect inner elements located in disabled areas of the HTML template. Those elements can still animate.
* A parent animation can use the [`query()`]( function to collect inner elements located in disabled areas of the HTML template.
Those elements can still animate.
父动画可以使用 [`query()`]( 函数来收集 HTML 模板中位于禁止动画区域内部的元素。这些元素仍然可以播放动画。
@ -317,32 +323,37 @@ To disable all animations for an Angular app, place the `@.disabled` host bindin
## 动画回调
The animation `trigger()` function emits *callbacks* when it starts and when it finishes. In the example below we have a component that contains an `openClose` trigger.
The animation `trigger()` function emits *callbacks* when it starts and when it finishes. The example below features a component that contains an `openClose` trigger.
当动画启动和终止时,`trigger()` 函数会发出一些*回调*。在下面的例子中,我们有一个包含 `openClose` 触发器的组件。
<code-example path="animations/src/app/open-close.component.ts" header="src/app/open-close.component.ts" region="events1" language="typescript"></code-example>
In the HTML template, the animation event is passed back via `$event`, as `@trigger.start` and `@trigger.done`, where `trigger` is the name of the trigger being used. In our example, the trigger `openClose` appears as follows.
In the HTML template, the animation event is passed back via `$event`, as `@trigger.start` and `@trigger.done`, where `trigger` is the name of the trigger being used.
In this example, the trigger `openClose` appears as follows.
在 HTML 模板中,动画事件可以通过 `$event` 传递回来,比如 `@trigger.start``@trigger.done` ,这里的 `trigger` 表示所使用的触发器名字。在我们的例子中,`openClose` 触发器将会是这样的:
<code-example path="animations/src/app/open-close.component.3.html" header="src/app/open-close.component.html" region="callbacks">
A potential use for animation callbacks could be to cover for a slow API call, such as a database lookup. For example, you could set up the **InProgress** button to have its own looping animation where it pulsates or does some other visual motion while the backend system operation finishes.
A potential use for animation callbacks could be to cover for a slow API call, such as a database lookup.
For example, you could set up the **InProgress** button to have its own looping animation where it pulsates or does some other visual motion while the backend system operation finishes.
动画回调的潜在用途之一,是用来覆盖比较慢的 API 调用,比如查阅数据库。例如,你可以建立一个 **InProgress** 按钮,让它拥有自己的循环动画。当后端系统操作完成时,它会播放脉动效果或其它一些视觉动作。
Then, another animation can be called when the current animation finishes. For example, the button goes from the `inProgress` state to the `closed` state when the API call is completed.
Then, another animation can be called when the current animation finishes.
For example, the button goes from the `inProgress` state to the `closed` state when the API call is completed.
然后,在当前动画结束时,可以调用另一个动画。比如,当 API 调用完成时,按钮会从 `inProgress` 状态编程 `closed` 状态。
An animation can influence an end user to *perceive* the operation as faster, even when it isn't. Thus, a simple animation can be a cost-effective way to keep users happy, rather than seeking to improve the speed of a server call and having to compensate for circumstances beyond your control, such as an unreliable network connection.
An animation can influence an end user to *perceive* the operation as faster, even when it isn't.
Thus, a simple animation can be a cost-effective way to keep users happy, rather than seeking to improve the speed of a server call and having to compensate for circumstances beyond your control, such as an unreliable network connection.
动画可以影响最终用户,让他*觉得*操作更快 —— 虽然并没有。因此,简单的动画是保持用户满意的一种经济有效的手段,而不必寻求提高服务器调用的速度或被迫补救那些你无法控制的情况,比如不可靠的网络连接。
Callbacks can serve as a debugging tool, for example in conjunction with `console.warn()` to view the application's progress in a browser's Developer JavaScript Console. The following code snippet creates console log output for our original example, a button with the two states of `open` and `closed`.
Callbacks can serve as a debugging tool, for example in conjunction with `console.warn()` to view the application's progress in a browser's Developer JavaScript Console.
The following code snippet creates console log output for the original example, a button with the two states of `open` and `closed`.
回调可以作为调试工具,例如与 `console.warn()` 结合使用,以便在浏览器的开发者控制台中查看应用的进度。下列代码片段为我们原始的双态按钮(`open``closed`)范例创建了控制台输出。
@ -354,11 +365,12 @@ Callbacks can serve as a debugging tool, for example in conjunction with `consol
## 关键帧动画
In the previous section, we saw a simple two-state transition. Now we'll create an animation with multiple steps run in sequence using *keyframes*.
The previous section features a simple two-state transition. Now create an animation with multiple steps run in sequence using *keyframes*.
Angular's `keyframe()` function is similar to keyframes in CSS. Keyframes allow several style changes within a single timing segment. For example, our button, instead of fading, could change color several times over a single 2-second timespan.
Angular's `keyframe()` function is similar to keyframes in CSS. Keyframes allow several style changes within a single timing segment.
For example, the button, instead of fading, could change color several times over a single 2-second timespan.
Angular 的 `keyframe()` 函数类似于 CSS 中的关键帧。关键帧允许在单个时间段内进行多种样式更改。例如,我们的按钮可以在单个的 2 秒时间段内多次改变颜色,而不是渐隐掉。
@ -376,11 +388,15 @@ The code for this color change might look like this.
### 偏移
Keyframes include an *offset* that defines the point in the animation where each style change occurs. Offsets are relative measures from zero to one, marking the beginning and end of the animation, respectively and should be applied to each of the keyframe's steps if used at least once.
Keyframes include an *offset* that defines the point in the animation where each style change occurs.
Offsets are relative measures from zero to one, marking the beginning and end of the animation, respectively and should be applied to each of the keyframe's steps if used at least once.
关键帧包括一个用来定义动画中每个样式何时开始更改的*偏移offset*属性。偏移是个 0 到 1 之间的相对值,分别标记动画的开始和结束时间,并且只要使用了它,就要同样应用于这个关键帧的每个步骤。
Defining offsets for keyframes is optional. If you omit them, evenly spaced offsets are automatically assigned. For example, three keyframes without predefined offsets receive offsets of 0, 0.5, and 1. Specifying an offset of 0.8 for the middle transition in the above example might look like this.
Defining offsets for keyframes is optional.
If you omit them, evenly spaced offsets are automatically assigned.
For example, three keyframes without predefined offsets receive offsets of 0, 0.5, and 1.
Specifying an offset of 0.8 for the middle transition in the above example might look like this.
定义关键帧的偏移量是可选的。如果省略它们,就会自动分配均匀间隔的偏移。例如,三个没有预定义偏移的关键帧会分别使用 0、0.5、1 作为偏移。在上面的例子中,还可以为中间的转场指定偏移量 0.8。代码如下:
@ -411,11 +427,11 @@ Here's an example of using keyframes to create a pulse effect:
* The original `open` and `closed` states, with the original changes in height, color, and opacity, occurring over a timeframe of 1 second
* The original `open` and `closed` states, with the original changes in height, color, and opacity, occurring over a timeframe of 1 second.
原始的 `open``closed` 状态(包括其原始的高度、颜色和透明度)会在一秒钟内逐渐发生变化。
* A keyframes sequence inserted in the middle that causes the button to appear to pulsate irregularly over the course of that same 1-second timeframe
* A keyframes sequence inserted in the middle that causes the button to appear to pulsate irregularly over the course of that same 1-second timeframe.
@ -433,7 +449,8 @@ The code snippet for this animation might look like this.
### 可动的属性与单位
Angular's animation support builds on top of web animations, so you can animate any property that the browser considers animatable. This includes positions, sizes, transforms, colors, borders, and more. The W3C maintains a list of animatable properties on its [CSS Transitions]( page.
Angular's animation support builds on top of web animations, so you can animate any property that the browser considers animatable.
This includes positions, sizes, transforms, colors, borders, and more. The W3C maintains a list of animatable properties on its [CSS Transitions]( page.
Angular 的动画支持是基于 Web 动画的所以你可以动浏览器认为可动animatable的任意属性。包括位置、大小、变形、颜色、边框等。W3C 在 [CSS 转场](页也维护了一个可动属性的列表。
@ -453,7 +470,8 @@ For positional properties with a numeric value, define a unit by providing the v
If you don't provide a unit when specifying dimension, Angular assumes a default unit of pixels, or px. Expressing 50 pixels as `50` is the same as saying `'50px'`.
If you don't provide a unit when specifying dimension, Angular assumes a default unit of pixels, or px.
Expressing 50 pixels as `50` is the same as saying `'50px'`.
如果在指定尺寸时未提供单位,则 Angular 将使用默认单位像素px。把 50 像素表示为 `50``'50px'` 是一样的。
@ -461,7 +479,9 @@ If you don't provide a unit when specifying dimension, Angular assumes a default
### 使用通配符自动计算属性
Sometimes you don't know the value of a dimensional style property until runtime. For example, elements often have widths and heights that depend on their content and the screen size. These properties are often challenging to animate using CSS.
Sometimes you don't know the value of a dimensional style property until runtime.
For example, elements often have widths and heights that depend on their content and the screen size.
These properties are often challenging to animate using CSS.
有时你在运行之前并不知道某个样式的属性值。比如,元素的宽度和高度通常取决于其内容和屏幕大小。在使用 CSS 动画时,这些属性通常会具有挑战性(译注:因为 CSS 动画不支持自动确定宽高)。
@ -469,9 +489,10 @@ In these cases, you can use a special wildcard `*` property value under `style()
这些情况下,你可以在 `style()` 中指定通配符 `*` 属性,以便在运行期间计算该属性的值,然后把它插入到动画中。
In this example, we have a trigger called `shrinkOut`, used when an HTML element leaves the page. The animation takes whatever height the element has before it leaves, and animates from that height to zero.
The following example has a trigger called `shrinkOut`, used when an HTML element leaves the page.
The animation takes whatever height the element has before it leaves, and animates from that height to zero.
在这个例子中,我们有一个名叫 `shrinkOut` 的触发器,它会在 HTML 元素离开页面时使用。该动画会使用它离开之前的任意高度,并从该高度动画到 0。
下面的例子中有一个名叫 `shrinkOut` 的触发器,它会在 HTML 元素离开页面时使用。该动画会使用它离开之前的任意高度,并从该高度动画到 0。
<code-example path="animations/src/app/hero-list-auto.component.ts" header="src/app/hero-list-auto.component.ts" region="auto-calc" language="typescript"></code-example>

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ The [Tour of Heroes tutorial](tutorial) is the foundation for this walkthrough.
这次演练的基础是[“英雄指南”教程](tutorial) 。
In this example, the Angular CLI compiles and bundles the Universal version of the app with the
[Ahead-of-Time (AoT) compiler](guide/aot-compiler).
[Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compiler](guide/aot-compiler).
A Node Express web server compiles HTML pages with Universal based on client requests.
在这个例子中Angular CLI 使用 [预先AoT编译器](guide/aot-compiler)编译并打包了该应用的 Universal 版本。 Node Express Web 服务器则会根据客户端的请求,利用 Universal 编译 HTML 页面。

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ See our [template type-checking guide](guide/template-typecheck) for more inform
CLI 应用程序默认情况下以 [AOT 模式](/guide/aot-compiler)编译(包括模板类型检查)。以前仅使用 JIT 构建的用户可能会看到新的类型错误。有关更多信息和调试提示,请参见我们的[模板类型检查指南](guide/template-typecheck) 。
- Typescript 3.4 and 3.5 are no longer supported. Please update to Typescript 3.6.
- Typescript 3.4 and 3.5 are no longer supported. Please update to Typescript 3.7.
不再支持 TypeScript 3.4 和 3.5。请更新至 Typescript 3.6。
@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ See our [template type-checking guide](guide/template-typecheck) for more inform
| API | 替代品 | 备注 |
| [`entryComponents`](api/core/NgModule#entryComponents) | none | See [`entryComponents`](guide/deprecations#entryComponents) |
| [`entryComponents`](api/core/NgModule#entryComponents) | 无 | 参见 [`entryComponents`](guide/deprecations#entryComponents) |
| [`CurrencyPipe` - `DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE`](api/common/CurrencyPipe#currency-code-deprecation)| `{provide: DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE, useValue: 'USD'}` | From v11 the default code will be extracted from the locale data given by `LOCAL_ID`, rather than `USD`. |
| [`CurrencyPipe` - `DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE`](api/common/CurrencyPipe#currency-code-deprecation)| `{provide: DEFAULT_CURRENCY_CODE, useValue: 'USD'}` | 从 v11 开始,默认代码将从由 `LOCAL_ID` 提供的语言环境数据中提取,而不再是固定值 `USD`。 |
| [`ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS`](api/core/ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS) | none | See [`ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS`](guide/deprecations#entryComponents) |
| `ModuleWithProviders` without a generic | `ModuleWithProviders` with a generic | See [`ModuleWithProviders` section](guide/deprecations#moduleWithProviders) |

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