feat(dev-infra): add support for targetLabelExemptScopes
for merging (#41459)
Add a property, `targetLabelExemptScopes`, to the merge configuration allowing certain scopes to be exempted from requirements for features and breaking changes only included in PRs targetting certain labels. PR Close #41459
This commit is contained in:
@ -3355,13 +3355,13 @@ var PullRequestFailure = /** @class */ (function () {
PullRequestFailure.hasBreakingChanges = function (label) {
var message = "Cannot merge into branch for \"" + label.pattern + "\" as the pull request has " +
"breaking changes. Breaking changes can only be merged with the \"target: major\" label.";
"breaking changes. Breaking changes can only be merged with the \"target: major\" label.";
return new this(message);
PullRequestFailure.hasFeatureCommits = function (label) {
var message = "Cannot merge into branch for \"" + label.pattern + "\" as the pull request has " +
'commits with the "feat" type. New features can only be merged with the "target: minor" or ' +
'"target: major" label.';
'commits with the "feat" type. New features can only be merged with the "target: minor" ' +
'or "target: major" label.';
return new this(message);
return PullRequestFailure;
@ -3398,7 +3398,7 @@ function loadAndValidatePullRequest(_a, prNumber, ignoreNonFatalFailures) {
var git = _a.git, config = _a.config;
if (ignoreNonFatalFailures === void 0) { ignoreNonFatalFailures = false; }
return tslib.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var prData, labels, targetLabel, state, githubTargetBranch, requiredBaseSha, needsCommitMessageFixup, hasCaretakerNote, targetBranches, error_1;
var prData, labels, targetLabel, commitMessages, state, githubTargetBranch, requiredBaseSha, needsCommitMessageFixup, hasCaretakerNote, targetBranches, error_1;
return tslib.__generator(this, function (_b) {
switch (_b.label) {
case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, fetchPullRequestFromGithub(git, prNumber)];
@ -3424,7 +3424,8 @@ function loadAndValidatePullRequest(_a, prNumber, ignoreNonFatalFailures) {
throw error;
try {
assertCorrectTargetForChanges(prData.commits.nodes.map(function (n) { return n.commit.message; }), targetLabel);
commitMessages = prData.commits.nodes.map(function (n) { return n.commit.message; });
assertChangesAllowForTargetLabel(commitMessages, targetLabel, config);
catch (error) {
return [2 /*return*/, error];
@ -3465,17 +3466,20 @@ function loadAndValidatePullRequest(_a, prNumber, ignoreNonFatalFailures) {
hasCaretakerNote: hasCaretakerNote,
targetBranches: targetBranches,
title: prData.title,
commitCount: prData.commits.nodes.length,
commitCount: prData.commits.totalCount,
/* GraphQL schema for the response body the requested PR. */
/* GraphQL schema for the response body the requested pull request. */
var PR_SCHEMA$2 = {
url: typedGraphqlify.types.string,
number: typedGraphqlify.types.number,
commits: typedGraphqlify.params({ first: 100 }, {
// Only the last 100 commits from a pull request are obtained as we likely will never see a pull
// requests with more than 100 commits.
commits: typedGraphqlify.params({ last: 100 }, {
totalCount: typedGraphqlify.types.number,
nodes: [{
commit: {
status: {
@ -3496,13 +3500,15 @@ var PR_SCHEMA$2 = {
/** Fetches a pull request from Github. Returns null if an error occurred. */
function fetchPullRequestFromGithub(git, prNumber) {
return tslib.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var e_1;
var x, e_1;
return tslib.__generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
_a.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]);
return [4 /*yield*/, getPr(PR_SCHEMA$2, prNumber, git)];
case 1: return [2 /*return*/, _a.sent()];
case 1:
x = _a.sent();
return [2 /*return*/, x];
case 2:
e_1 = _a.sent();
// If the pull request could not be found, we want to return `null` so
@ -3524,32 +3530,39 @@ function isPullRequest(v) {
* Assert the commits provided are allowed to merge to the provided target label, throwing a
* PullRequestFailure otherwise.
function assertCorrectTargetForChanges(rawCommits, label) {
/** List of ParsedCommits for all of the commits in the pull request. */
var commits = rawCommits.map(parseCommitMessage);
function assertChangesAllowForTargetLabel(rawCommits, label, config) {
* List of commit scopes which are exempted from target label content requirements. i.e. no `feat`
* scopes in patch branches, no breaking changes in minor or patch changes.
var exemptedScopes = config.targetLabelExemptScopes || [];
/** List of parsed commits which are subject to content requirements for the target label. */
var commits = rawCommits.map(parseCommitMessage).filter(function (commit) {
return !exemptedScopes.includes(commit.scope);
switch (label.pattern) {
case 'target: major':
case 'target: minor':
// Check if any commits in the PR contains a breaking change.
// Check if any commits in the pull request contains a breaking change.
if (commits.some(function (commit) { return commit.breakingChanges.length !== 0; })) {
throw PullRequestFailure.hasBreakingChanges(label);
case 'target: patch':
case 'target: lts':
// Check if any commits in the PR contains a breaking change.
// Check if any commits in the pull request contains a breaking change.
if (commits.some(function (commit) { return commit.breakingChanges.length !== 0; })) {
throw PullRequestFailure.hasBreakingChanges(label);
// Check if any commits in the PR contains a commit type of "feat".
// Check if any commits in the pull request contains a commit type of "feat".
if (commits.some(function (commit) { return commit.type === 'feat'; })) {
throw PullRequestFailure.hasFeatureCommits(label);
warn(red('WARNING: Unable to confirm all commits in the PR are eligible to be merged'));
warn(red("into the target branch: " + label.pattern));
warn(red('WARNING: Unable to confirm all commits in the pull request are eligible to be'));
warn(red("merged into the target branch: " + label.pattern));
@ -71,6 +71,11 @@ export interface MergeConfig {
* not support this.
githubApiMerge: false|GithubApiMergeStrategyConfig;
* List of commit scopes which are exempted from target label content requirements. i.e. no `feat`
* scopes in patch branches, no breaking changes in minor or patch changes.
targetLabelExemptScopes?: string[];
@ -77,13 +77,13 @@ export class PullRequestFailure {
static hasBreakingChanges(label: TargetLabel) {
const message = `Cannot merge into branch for "${label.pattern}" as the pull request has ` +
`breaking changes. Breaking changes can only be merged with the "target: major" label.`;
`breaking changes. Breaking changes can only be merged with the "target: major" label.`;
return new this(message);
static hasFeatureCommits(label: TargetLabel) {
const message = `Cannot merge into branch for "${label.pattern}" as the pull request has ` +
'commits with the "feat" type. New features can only be merged with the "target: minor" ' +
'commits with the "feat" type. New features can only be merged with the "target: minor" ' +
'or "target: major" label.';
return new this(message);
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import {red, warn} from '../../utils/console';
import {GitClient} from '../../utils/git/index';
import {getPr} from '../../utils/github';
import {TargetLabel} from './config';
import {MergeConfig, TargetLabel} from './config';
import {PullRequestFailure} from './failures';
import {matchesPattern} from './string-pattern';
@ -76,11 +76,14 @@ export async function loadAndValidatePullRequest(
try {
assertCorrectTargetForChanges(prData.commits.nodes.map(n => n.commit.message), targetLabel);
/** Commit message strings for all commits in the pull request. */
const commitMessages = prData.commits.nodes.map(n => n.commit.message);
assertChangesAllowForTargetLabel(commitMessages, targetLabel, config);
} catch (error) {
return error;
/** The combined status of the latest commit in the pull request. */
const state = prData.commits.nodes.slice(-1)[0].commit.status.state;
if (state === 'FAILURE' && !ignoreNonFatalFailures) {
return PullRequestFailure.failingCiJobs();
@ -121,15 +124,18 @@ export async function loadAndValidatePullRequest(
title: prData.title,
commitCount: prData.commits.nodes.length,
commitCount: prData.commits.totalCount,
/* GraphQL schema for the response body the requested PR. */
/* GraphQL schema for the response body the requested pull request. */
const PR_SCHEMA = {
url: graphQLTypes.string,
number: graphQLTypes.number,
commits: params({first: 100}, {
// Only the last 100 commits from a pull request are obtained as we likely will never see a pull
// requests with more than 100 commits.
commits: params({last: 100}, {
totalCount: graphQLTypes.number,
nodes: [{
commit: {
status: {
@ -154,7 +160,8 @@ const PR_SCHEMA = {
async function fetchPullRequestFromGithub(
git: GitClient, prNumber: number): Promise<typeof PR_SCHEMA|null> {
try {
return await getPr(PR_SCHEMA, prNumber, git);
const x = await getPr(PR_SCHEMA, prNumber, git);
return x;
} catch (e) {
// If the pull request could not be found, we want to return `null` so
// that the error can be handled gracefully.
@ -174,32 +181,40 @@ export function isPullRequest(v: PullRequestFailure|PullRequest): v is PullReque
* Assert the commits provided are allowed to merge to the provided target label, throwing a
* PullRequestFailure otherwise.
function assertCorrectTargetForChanges(rawCommits: string[], label: TargetLabel) {
/** List of ParsedCommits for all of the commits in the pull request. */
const commits = rawCommits.map(parseCommitMessage);
function assertChangesAllowForTargetLabel(
rawCommits: string[], label: TargetLabel, config: MergeConfig) {
* List of commit scopes which are exempted from target label content requirements. i.e. no `feat`
* scopes in patch branches, no breaking changes in minor or patch changes.
const exemptedScopes = config.targetLabelExemptScopes || [];
/** List of parsed commits which are subject to content requirements for the target label. */
let commits = rawCommits.map(parseCommitMessage).filter(commit => {
return !exemptedScopes.includes(commit.scope);
switch (label.pattern) {
case 'target: major':
case 'target: minor':
// Check if any commits in the PR contains a breaking change.
// Check if any commits in the pull request contains a breaking change.
if (commits.some(commit => commit.breakingChanges.length !== 0)) {
throw PullRequestFailure.hasBreakingChanges(label);
case 'target: patch':
case 'target: lts':
// Check if any commits in the PR contains a breaking change.
// Check if any commits in the pull request contains a breaking change.
if (commits.some(commit => commit.breakingChanges.length !== 0)) {
throw PullRequestFailure.hasBreakingChanges(label);
// Check if any commits in the PR contains a commit type of "feat".
// Check if any commits in the pull request contains a commit type of "feat".
if (commits.some(commit => commit.type === 'feat')) {
throw PullRequestFailure.hasFeatureCommits(label);
warn(red('WARNING: Unable to confirm all commits in the PR are eligible to be merged'));
warn(red(`into the target branch: ${label.pattern}`));
warn(red('WARNING: Unable to confirm all commits in the pull request are eligible to be'));
warn(red(`merged into the target branch: ${label.pattern}`));
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