Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/'
# Conflicts: # public/docs/ts/latest/quickstart.jade
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ mixin ifDocsFor(langPattern)
//- Use to map inlined (prose) TS paths into, say, Dart paths via the
//- adjustExamplePath transformer function.
//- adjustTsExamplePathForDart transformer function.
mixin adjExPath(path)
if adjustExamplePath
| #{adjustExamplePath(path)}
if adjustTsExamplePathForDart
| #{adjustTsExamplePathForDart(path)}
| #{path}
@ -66,8 +66,9 @@ mixin includeShared(filePath, region)
mixin makeExample(_filePath, region, _title, stylePatterns)
- var filePath = adjustExamplePath ? adjustExamplePath(_filePath) : _filePath;
- var title = adjustExampleTitle ? adjustExampleTitle(_title) : _title;
- var adjustments = adjustExamplePathAndTitle({filePath:_filePath, title:_title});
- var filePath = adjustments.filePath;
- var title = adjustments.title;
- var language = attributes.language || getExtn(filePath);
- var frag = getFrag(filePath, region);
- var defaultFormat = frag.split('\n').length > 2 ? "linenums" : "";
@ -83,35 +84,21 @@ mixin makeExample(_filePath, region, _title, stylePatterns)
code-example(language="#{language}" format="#{format}")
!= styleString(frag, stylePatterns)
//- Like makeExample, but the first argument is a path that is
//- relative to the project root. Unless title is defined,
//- the project relative path will be used.
mixin makeProjExample(projRootRelativePath, region, title, stylePatterns)
- var relPath = projRootRelativePath.trim();
- var filePath = getExampleName() + '/ts/' + relPath;
- if (!title) {
- // Is path like styles.1.css? Then drop the '.1' qualifier:
- var matches = relPath.match(/^(.*)\.\d(\.\w+)$/);
- title = matches ? matches[1] + matches[2] : relPath;
- }
+makeExample(filePath, region, title, stylePatterns)
//- Like makeExample, but doesn't show line numbers, and the first
//- argument is a path that is relative to the example project root.
//- Unless title is defined, the project relative path will be used.
//- Title will always end with a phrase in parentheses; if no such
//- ending is given, then the title will be suffixed with
//- either "(excerpt)", or "(#{region})" when region is defined.
mixin makeExcerpt(projRootRelativePath, region, title, stylePatterns)
- var relPath = projRootRelativePath.trim();
- var filePath = getExampleName() + '/ts/' + relPath;
- if (!title) {
- // Is path like styles.1.css? Then drop the '.1' qualifier:
- var matches = relPath.match(/^(.*)\.\d(\.\w+)$/);
- title = matches ? matches[1] + matches[2] : relPath;
- }
- var excerpt = region || 'excerpt';
- if (title && !title.match(/\([\w ]+\)$/)) title = title + ' (' + excerpt + ')';
//- Like makeExample, but: (1) doesn't show line numbers. (2) If region
//- is omitted and title is 'foo (r)' then region is taken as 'r'.
//- (3) Title will always end with a phrase in parentheses; if no such
//- ending is given or is just (), then the title will be suffixed with
//- either "(excerpt)", or "(#{_region})" when _region is defined.
mixin makeExcerpt(_filePath, _region, _title, stylePatterns)
- var matches = _filePath.match(/(.*)\s+\(([\w ]*)\)$/);
- var parenText;
- if (matches) { _filePath = matches[1]; parenText = matches[2]; }
- var adjustments = adjustExamplePathAndTitle({filePath:_filePath, title:_title});
- var filePath = adjustments.filePath;
- var title = adjustments.title;
- var region = _region || parenText;
- var excerpt = !region || parenText === '' ? 'excerpt' : region;
- if (title) title = title + ' (' + excerpt + ')';
+makeExample(filePath, region, title, stylePatterns)(format='.')
//- Extract the doc example name from `current`.
@ -122,10 +109,10 @@ mixin makeExcerpt(projRootRelativePath, region, title, stylePatterns)
mixin makeTabs(filePaths, regions, tabNames, stylePatterns)
- filePaths = strSplit(filePaths);
- if (adjustExamplePath) filePaths =;
- if (adjustTsExamplePathForDart) filePaths =;
- regions = strSplit(regions, filePaths.length);
- tabNames = strSplit(tabNames, filePaths.length);
- if (adjustExampleTitle) tabNames =;
- if (adjustTsExampleTitleForDart) tabNames =;
each filePath,index in filePaths
@ -217,6 +204,43 @@ script.
return CCSstyle[style] = value
//- Converts the given project-relative path (like 'app/main.ts')
//- to a doc folder relative path (like 'quickstart/ts/app/main.ts')
//- by prefixing it with '<example-name>/ts/'. If title is not given,
//- then the project-relative path is used, adjusted to remove numeric
//- file version qualifiers; e.g. 'styles.1.css' becomes 'styles.css'.
- var adjExampleProjPathAndTitle = function(ex/*:{filePath,title}*/) {
- // E.g. of a project relative path is 'app/main.ts'
- if (ex.title === null || ex.title === undefined) {
- // Title is not given so take it to be ex.filePath.
- // Is title like styles.1.css? Then drop the '.1' qualifier:
- var matches = ex.filePath.match(/^(.*)\.\d(\.\w+)$/);
- ex.title = matches ? matches[1] + matches[2] : ex.filePath;
- }
- ex.filePath = getExampleName() + '/' + _docsFor + '/' + ex.filePath;
- return ex;
- };
//- If the given path is project relative, then first convert it using
//- adjExampleProjPathAndTitle(ex). Then the path is adjusted to match
//- the documentation language.
- var adjustExamplePathAndTitle = function(ex/*:{filePath,title}*/) {
- // Not a doc folder relative path? Assume that it is app project relative.
- if(isProjRelDir(ex.filePath)) adjExampleProjPathAndTitle(ex);
- // Adjust doc folder relative paths if adjustment functions exist.
- if(adjustTsExamplePathForDart) ex.filePath = adjustTsExamplePathForDart(ex.filePath);
- if(adjustTsExampleTitleForDart) ex.title = adjustTsExampleTitleForDart(ex.title);
- return ex;
- };
//- Returns truthy iff path is example project relative.
- var isProjRelDir = function(path) {
- return !path.match(/\/(js|ts|dart)(-snippets)?\//) && !path.endsWith('e2e-spec.js');
- // Last conjunct handles case for shared project e2e test file like
- // cb-component-communication/e2e-spec.js (is shared between ts & dart)
- // TODO: generalize: compare start with getExampleName(); which needs to be fixed.
- };
- var translatePath = function(filePath, region) {
- filePath = filePath.trim();
- var regionPad = (region && region.length) ? '-' + region.toString() : '';
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ mixin liveExampleLink2(linkText, exampleUrlPartName)
- var href = '' + ex;
span #[+liveExampleLink(linkText, ex)] (#[a(href='#{href}' target="_blank") #{srcText}])
- var adjustExamplePath = function(_path) {
- var adjustTsExamplePathForDart = function(_path) {
- if(!_path) return _path;
- var path = _path.trim();
- var folder = getFolder(path);
@ -52,15 +52,15 @@ mixin liveExampleLink2(linkText, exampleUrlPartName)
- return (folder ? folder + '/' : '') + baseNameNoExt + (extn ? '.' + extn : '');
- };
- var adjustExampleTitle = function(_title) {
- if(!_title || !adjustExamplePath) return _title;
- var adjustTsExampleTitleForDart = function(_title) {
- if(!_title || !adjustTsExamplePathForDart) return _title;
- var title = _title.trim();
- // Assume title is a path if it ends with an extension like '.foo',
- // optionally followed by some comment in parentheses.
- var matches = title.match(/(.*\.\w+)($|\s*\([\w ]+\)$)/);
- if(matches && matches.length == 3) {
- // e.g. matches == ['abc.ts (excerpt)', 'abc.ts', ' (excerpt)']
- var path = adjustExamplePath(matches[1]);
- var path = adjustTsExamplePathForDart(matches[1]);
- title = path + matches[2];
- }
- return title;
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
max-width: 1000px;
h2 {
margin-top: 20px;
margin-bottom: 0;
border-bottom: solid 1px black;
h3 {
margin-top: 10px;
margin-bottom: 0;
padding-left: 20px;
h4 {
padding-left: 30px;
margin: 0;
.not-documented::after {
content: "(not documented)";
font-size: small;
font-style: italic;
color: red;
a {
color: black;
text-decoration: none;
<h1>Module Overview</h1>
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ block http-providers
- var stylePattern = { pnk: /(resolved_identifiers:|Browser.*)/gm, otl: /(- angular2:)|(transformers:)/g };
+makeExcerpt('pubspec.yaml', 'transformers', 'pubspec.yaml (transformers)', stylePattern)
+makeExcerpt('pubspec.yaml', 'transformers', null, stylePattern)
block getheroes-and-addhero
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ block includes
Angular 2 application in #{_Lang}, and
establish a development environment for the remaining documentation samples
that also can be the foundation for real world applications.
@ -72,17 +72,17 @@ block setup-tooling
Install **[Node.js® and npm](**
if they are not already on your machine.
**Verify that you are running at least node `v5.x.x` and npm `3.x.x`**
by running `node -v` and `npm -v` in a terminal/console window.
Older versions produce errors.
**在终端窗口运行`node -v`和`npm -v`,来确认你的node版本为`v5.x.x`,npm版本为`3.x.x`**。
block download-source
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ block download-source
Instead of following each step of these instructions, we can
[download the QuickStart source](
from github and follow its brief instructions.
@ -109,18 +109,18 @@ button(class="verbose on md-primary md-button md-ink-ripple", type="button", onc
*Explanations* describe the concepts and reasons behind the instructions.
Explanations have a thin border on the left like *this* block of text.
Click *Hide Explanations* to show only the instructions.
Click *View Explanations* to see everything again.
We'll see many code blocks as we build the QuickStart app. They're all easy to copy and paste:
点击右侧的图标,来把代码片段拷贝到剪贴板 ==>
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ h2#create-and-configure 步骤1:创建并配置项目
In this step we:
* [(a) Create the project folder](#create-the-project-folder)
* [(a) 创建项目目录](#create-the-project-folder)
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ block install-packages
We install the packages listed in `package.json` using `npm`. Enter the
following command in a terminal window (command window in Windows):
@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ block install-packages
Scary <span style="color:red; font-weight: bold">error messages in red</span> may appear **during** install.
The install typically recovers from these errors and finishes successfully.
在安装期间,可能会出现恐怖的<span style="color:red; font-weight: bold">红色错误信息</span>。
@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ block install-packages
All is well if there are no console messages starting with `npm ERR!` *at the end* of **npm install**.
There might be a few `npm WARN` messages along the way — and that is perfectly fine.
只要没在*npm install*的*末尾*出现以`npm ERR!`开头儿的控制台信息,那就没事。
可能会出现一些`npm WARN`消息,这些都不用管。
@ -232,26 +232,26 @@ block install-packages
Ignore them. A package may try to recompile itself using `node-gyp`.
If the recompile fails, the package recovers (typically with a pre-built version)
and everything works.
我们通常会在一系列`gyp ERR!`消息后面看到一个`npm WARN`消息。直接忽略即可。
Just make sure there are no `npm ERR!` messages at the end of `npm install`.
只要确认在`npm install`输出的末尾没有`npm ERR!`消息就行了。
#### Adding the libraries and packages we need with *npm*
#### 用*npm*添加我们需要的库和依赖包
Angular application developers rely on the _[npm](
package manager to install the libraries and packages their apps require.
The Angular team recommends the starter-set of packages specified in the
`dependencies` and `devDependencies` sections.
See the [npm packages](guide/npm-packages.html) chapter for details.
@ -259,41 +259,41 @@ block install-packages
#### Helpful scripts
#### 有用的脚本
We've included a number of npm scripts in our suggested `package.json` to handle common development tasks:
+makeJson('quickstart/ts/package.1.json',{ paths: 'scripts'}, 'package.json (脚本)')(format=".")
We execute most npm scripts in the following way: `npm run` followed by a *script-name*.
Some commands (such as `start`) don't require the `run` keyword.
我们执行大多数npm脚本的方式都差不多:`npm run`后面跟着*脚本名*。
Here's what these scripts do:
* `npm start` - runs the compiler and a server at the same time, both in "watch mode"
* `npm start` - 同时运行编译器和一个服务器,它们都工作在“监视模式”下。
* `npm run tsc` - runs the TypeScript compiler once
* `npm run tsc` - 运行一次TypeScript编译器
* `npm run tsc:w` - runs the TypeScript compiler in watch mode;
the process keeps running, awaiting changes to TypeScript files and recompiling when it sees them
* `npm run tsc:w` - 在“监视模式”下运行TypeScript编译器,进程持续运行,等待TypeScript文件的变化,一旦变化,就重新编译它们。
* `npm run lite` - runs the <a href="" target="_blank">lite-server</a>,
a light-weight, static file server with excellent support for Angular apps that use routing
* `npm run lite` - 运行<a href="" target="_blank">lite-server</a> —— 一个轻量级、静态的文件服务器,对使用路由的Angular应用提供了优秀的支持。
* `npm run typings` - runs the [*typings* tool](#{_typingsUri}) separately
* `npm run typings` - 单独运行[*typings*工具](#{_typingsUri})
* `npm run postinstall` - called by *npm* automatically *after* it successfully completes package installation.
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ block install-packages
* `npm run postinstall` - 当*npm*安装完当前包时,它会被自动调用。这里的这个脚本会安装`typings.json`中定义的[TypeScript定义文件](#{_typingsUri})
**We're all set.** Let's write some code.
**全部设置完了。** 我们来写点代码吧。
@ -310,11 +310,11 @@ h2#root-component Step 2: Our first Angular component
h2#root-component 步骤2:我们的第一个Angular组件
Let's create a folder to hold our application and add a super-simple Angular component.
**Create #{_an} #{_appDir} subfolder** off the project root directory:
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ p.
#[b 创建组件文件]
#[code #[+adjExPath('app/app.component.ts')]] (在新建的这个目录中),内容如下:
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ p.
This QuickStart has only one, extremely simple component.
But it has the essential structure of every component we'll ever write:
这个“快速起步”只有一个非常简单的组件,但麻雀虽小,五脏俱全 —— 它具备了我们将来写的组件的基本结构。
* One or more [import](#component-import)
@ -387,14 +387,14 @@ p.
`Component` is a *decorator function* that takes a *metadata object* as argument.
We apply this function to the component class by prefixing the function with the
**@** symbol and invoking it with a metadata object, just above the class.
`@Component` is #{_a} *#{_decorator}* that allows us to associate *metadata* with the
component class.
The metadata tells Angular how to create and use this component.
`@Component` 是一个*#{_decoratorCn}*,它允许我们把*元数据*关联到组件类上。这些元数据会告诉Angular如何创建和使用我们的类。
+makeExcerpt('app/app.component.ts', 'metadata')
@ -402,11 +402,11 @@ p.
block annotation-fields
This particular metadata object has two fields, a `selector` and a `template`.
The **selector** specifies a simple CSS selector for an HTML element that represents the component.
>The element for this component is named `my-app`.
@ -422,16 +422,16 @@ p.
>Our template is a single line of HTML announcing "*My First Angular 2 App*".
>我们的模板中只有一行HTML:“*My First Angular App*”。
>A more advanced template could contain data bindings to component properties
and might identify other application compoents which have their own templates.
These templates might identify yet other components.
In this way an Angular application becomes a tree of components.
@ -439,14 +439,14 @@ p.
### Component class
### Component类
At the bottom of the file is an empty, do-nothing class named `AppComponent`.
+makeExcerpt('app/app.component.ts', 'class')
When we're ready to build a substantive application,
we can expand this class with properties and application logic.
Our `AppComponent` class is empty because we don't need it to do anything in this QuickStart.
@ -466,7 +466,8 @@ block create-main
添加一个新文件#[code #[+adjExPath('app/main.ts')]],内容如下:
@ -480,7 +481,7 @@ block create-main
1. 应用的根组件:`AppComponent`。
Then we call `bootstrap` with `AppComponent`.
### Bootstrapping is platform-specific
@ -490,7 +491,7 @@ block create-main
Bootstrapping isn't core because there isn't a single way to bootstrap the app.
True, most applications that run in a browser call the bootstrap function from
this library.
@ -500,7 +501,7 @@ block create-main
to improve launch performance or facilitate
These targets require a different kind of bootstrap function that we'd import from a different library.
我们可能通过[Apache Cordova]( 或 [NativeScript]( 在移动设备中加载它。
@ -514,7 +515,7 @@ block create-main
This is just a QuickStart.
We could have merged these two files into one
and spared ourselves some complexity.
@ -525,7 +526,7 @@ block create-main
We might launch the `AppComponent` in multiple environments with different bootstrappers.
Testing the component is much easier if it doesn't also try to run the entire application.
Let's make the small extra effort to do it *the right way*.
@ -539,21 +540,21 @@ h2#index 步骤4:添加#[code index.html]
In the *#{_indexHtmlDir}* folder
create an `index.html` file and paste the following lines into it:
The `index.html` file defines the web page that hosts the application.
block index-html-commentary-for-ts
The noteworthy sections of HTML are:
1. The JavaScript [libraries](#libraries)
@ -568,14 +569,14 @@ h2#index 步骤4:添加#[code index.html]
### Libraries
### 库
We loaded the following scripts
+makeExcerpt('index.html', 'libraries')
We begin with `core-js`'s ES2015/ES6 shim which monkey patches the global context (window) with essential features of ES2015 (ES6).
Next are the polyfills for Angular2, `zone.js` and `reflect-metadata`.
Then the [SystemJS](#systemjs) library for module loading.
然后是Angular 2的polyfills,以及`zone.js`和`reflect-metadata`。
@ -583,7 +584,7 @@ h2#index 步骤4:添加#[code index.html]
We'll make different choices as we gain experience and
become more concerned about production qualities such as
load times and memory footprint.
h3#systemjs SystemJS
@ -594,7 +595,7 @@ h2#index 步骤4:添加#[code index.html]
SystemJS happens to be a good choice.
But we want to be clear that it was a *choice* and not a *preference*.
本“快速起步”使用<a href="" target="_blank">SystemJS</a>来加载应用和库模块。
@ -603,14 +604,14 @@ h2#index 步骤4:添加#[code index.html]
All module loaders require configuration and all loader configuration
becomes complicated rather quickly as soon as the file structure diversifies and
we start thinking about building for production and performance.
We suggest becoming well-versed in the loader of your choice.
Learn more about SystemJS configuration
<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.
要学习如何配置SystemJS的更多知识,参见<a href="" target="_blank">这里</a>。
@ -619,7 +620,7 @@ h2#index 步骤4:添加#[code index.html]
First, we create a map to tell SystemJS where to look when we import some module.
Then, we register all our packages to SystemJS:
all the project dependencies and our application package, `app`.
@ -630,21 +631,21 @@ h2#index 步骤4:添加#[code index.html]
Our QuickStart doesn't use all of the listed packages
but any substantial application will want many of them
and all of the listed packages are required by at least one of the documentation samples.
There is no runtime harm in listing packages that we don't need as they will only be loaded when requested.
The `app` package tells SystemJS what to do when it sees a request for a
module from the `app/` folder.
Our QuickStart makes such requests when one of its
application TypeScript files has an import statement like this:
+makeExcerpt('app/main.ts', 'import')
@ -652,7 +653,7 @@ h2#index 步骤4:添加#[code index.html]
Notice that the module name (after `from`) does not mention a filename extension.
In the configuration we tell SystemJS to default the extension to `js`, a JavaScript file.
@ -666,36 +667,36 @@ h2#index 步骤4:添加#[code index.html]
#### 在浏览器中转译
In the live example on plunker we transpile (AKA compile) to JavaScript in the browser
on the fly. _That's fine for a demo_.
**Do not transpile in the browser during development or for production**.
We strongly recommend transpiling (AKA compiling) to JavaScript during a build phase
before running the application for several reasons including:
* We see compiler warnings and errors that are hidden from us in the browser.
* 我们可以看到编译器的警告和错误,但浏览器中不行。
* Precompilation simplifies the module loading process and
it's much easier to diagnose problems when this is a separate, external step.
* 预编译简化了模块加载过程,而且当它成为分离、外部的步骤时,更容易诊断问题。
* Precompilation means a faster user experience because the browser doesn't waste time compiling.
* 预编译意味着更快的用户体验,因为浏览器不用浪费时间去编译了。
* We iterate development faster because we only recompile changed files.
We notice the difference as soon as the app grows beyond a handful of files.
* 我们的迭代开发会更快,因为我们只需要重新编译那些有变化的文件。当应用程序快速膨胀成一大堆文件时,你会体验到这些差异。
* Precompilation fits into a continuous integration process of build, test, deploy.
* 预编译更适应CI(持续集成)过程:构建、测试、部署。
@ -705,7 +706,7 @@ h2#index 步骤4:添加#[code index.html]
(`main.js` ... after transpiling `main.ts`, remember?);
`main` is where we tell Angular to launch the application.
We also catch and log launch errors to the console.
@ -730,13 +731,13 @@ h2#index 步骤4:添加#[code index.html]
### 添加一些样式
Styles aren't essential but they're nice, and `index.html` assumes we have
a stylesheet called `styles.css`.
Create a `styles.css` file in the *#{_indexHtmlDir}* folder and start styling, perhaps with the minimal
styles shown below. For the full set of master styles used by the documentation samples,
see [styles.css](
@ -748,13 +749,13 @@ h2#build-and-run 步骤5:构建并运行本应用!
block run-app
Open a terminal window and enter this command:
npm start
That command runs two parallel node processes
1. The TypeScript compiler in watch mode
1. TypeScript编译器,运行在监视(watch)模式
@ -762,10 +763,10 @@ block run-app
and refreshes the browser when application files change
1. 一个名叫 **lite-server** 的静态服务器,它把`index.html`加载到浏览器中
In a few moments, a browser tab should open and display
@ -773,7 +774,7 @@ figure.image-display
**Great job!**
block build-app
@ -784,7 +785,7 @@ block build-app
### 做点改变
Try changing the message to "My SECOND Angular 2 app".
block server-watching
@ -792,13 +793,13 @@ block server-watching
They should detect the change, recompile the TypeScript into JavaScript,
refresh the browser, and display the revised message.
It's a nifty way to develop an application!
We close the terminal window when we're done to terminate both the compiler and the server.
@ -806,7 +807,7 @@ block server-watching
# 完工!
Our final project folder structure looks like this:
block project-file-structure
@ -826,7 +827,7 @@ block project-file-structure
.file typings.json
Here are the file contents:
block project-files
@ -853,27 +854,27 @@ block project-files
## What next?
## 下一步做什么?
Our first application doesn't do much. It's basically "Hello, World" for Angular 2.
我们的第一个应用没做什么,它只是Angular 2的“Hello, World”。
We kept it simple in our first pass: we wrote a little Angular component,
created a simple `index.html`, and launched with a
static file server. That's about all we'd expect to do for a "Hello, World" app.
我们让自己的Angular 2处女航保持简单:我们写了一个小的Angular组件,添加一些JavaScript库到`index.html`,并且启动一个静态文件服务器。
这就是我们想通过“Hello, World”应用去表现的一切。
**We have greater ambitions!**
block what-next-ts-overhead
The good news is that the overhead of setup is (mostly) behind us.
We'll probably only touch the `package.json` to update libraries.
We'll likely open `index.html` only if we need to add a library or some css stylesheets.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user