fix(ngUpgrade): to work with @NgModule
We changed the bootstrap order: 1. create NgZone 2. bootstrap ng1 inside NgZone and upgrade ng1 components to ng2 components. 3. bootstrap ng2 with NgZone Note: Previous footgun behavior was: bootstrap ng2 first to extract NgZone, so that ng1 bootstrap can happen in NgZone. This meant that if ng2 bootstrap eagerly compiled a component which contained ng1 components, then we did not have complete metadata.
This commit is contained in:
@ -339,11 +339,16 @@ export class PlatformRef_ extends PlatformRef {
dispose(): void { this.destroy(); }
bootstrapModuleFactory<M>(moduleFactory: NgModuleFactory<M>): Promise<NgModuleRef<M>> {
return this._bootstrapModuleFactoryWithZone(moduleFactory, null);
private _bootstrapModuleFactoryWithZone<M>(moduleFactory: NgModuleFactory<M>, ngZone: NgZone):
Promise<NgModuleRef<M>> {
// Note: We need to create the NgZone _before_ we instantiate the module,
// as instantiating the module creates some providers eagerly.
// So we create a mini parent injector that just contains the new NgZone and
// pass that as parent to the NgModuleFactory.
const ngZone = new NgZone({enableLongStackTrace: isDevMode()});
if (!ngZone) ngZone = new NgZone({enableLongStackTrace: isDevMode()});
// Attention: Don't use here,
// as we want to be sure that all possible constructor calls are inside ``!
return => {
@ -371,11 +376,17 @@ export class PlatformRef_ extends PlatformRef {
moduleType: ConcreteType<M>,
compilerOptions: CompilerOptions|CompilerOptions[] = []): Promise<NgModuleRef<M>> {
return this._bootstrapModuleWithZone(moduleType, compilerOptions, null);
private _bootstrapModuleWithZone<M>(
moduleType: ConcreteType<M>, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions|CompilerOptions[] = [],
ngZone: NgZone): Promise<NgModuleRef<M>> {
const compilerFactory: CompilerFactory = this.injector.get(CompilerFactory);
const compiler = compilerFactory.createCompiler(
compilerOptions instanceof Array ? compilerOptions : [compilerOptions]);
return compiler.compileModuleAsync(moduleType)
.then((moduleFactory) => this.bootstrapModuleFactory(moduleFactory));
.then((moduleFactory) => this._bootstrapModuleFactoryWithZone(moduleFactory, ngZone));
private _moduleDoBootstrap(moduleRef: NgModuleInjector<any>) {
@ -115,7 +115,10 @@ export interface IControllerService {
(controllerName: string, locals?: any): any;
export interface IInjectorService { get(key: string): any; }
export interface IInjectorService {
get(key: string): any;
has(key: string): boolean;
export interface ITestabilityService {
findBindings(element: Element, expression: string, opt_exactMatch?: boolean): Element[];
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {Compiler, CompilerFactory, ComponentFactory, ComponentResolver, Injector, NgModule, NgModuleRef, NgZone, PlatformRef, Provider, ReflectiveInjector, Testability, Type, provide} from '@angular/core';
import {BaseException, Compiler, ComponentFactory, Injector, NgModule, NgModuleRef, NgZone, Provider, Testability, Type} from '@angular/core';
import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {platformBrowserDynamic} from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ var upgradeCount: number = 0;
* ### Example
* ```
* var adapter = new UpgradeAdapter();
* var adapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => MyNg2Module));
* var module = angular.module('myExample', []);
* module.directive('ng2', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2));
* module.directive('ng2Comp', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2));
* module.directive('ng1', function() {
* module.directive('ng1Hello', function() {
* return {
* scope: { title: '=' },
* template: 'ng1[Hello {{title}}!](<span ng-transclude></span>)'
@ -72,20 +72,28 @@ var upgradeCount: number = 0;
* @Component({
* selector: 'ng2',
* selector: 'ng2-comp',
* inputs: ['name'],
* template: 'ng2[<ng1 [title]="name">transclude</ng1>](<ng-content></ng-content>)',
* directives: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1')]
* template: 'ng2[<ng1-hello [title]="name">transclude</ng1-hello>](<ng-content></ng-content>)',
* directives:
* })
* class Ng2 {
* class Ng2Component {
* }
* document.body.innerHTML = '<ng2 name="World">project</ng2>';
* @NgModule({
* declarations: [Ng2Component, adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1Hello')],
* imports: [BrowserModule]
* })
* class MyNg2Module {}
* document.body.innerHTML = '<ng2-comp name="World">project</ng2-comp>';
* adapter.bootstrap(document.body, ['myExample']).ready(function() {
* expect(document.body.textContent).toEqual(
* "ng2[ng1[Hello World!](transclude)](project)");
* });
* ```
* @experimental
@ -95,14 +103,26 @@ export class UpgradeAdapter {
private idPrefix: string = `NG2_UPGRADE_${upgradeCount++}_`;
/* @internal */
private upgradedComponents: Type[] = [];
/* @internal */
private downgradedComponents: {[name: string]: UpgradeNg1ComponentAdapterBuilder} = {};
* An internal map of ng1 components which need to up upgraded to ng2.
* We can't upgrade until injector is instantiated and we can retrieve the component metadata.
* For this reason we keep a list of components to upgrade until ng1 injector is bootstrapped.
* @internal
private ng1ComponentsToBeUpgraded: {[name: string]: UpgradeNg1ComponentAdapterBuilder} = {};
/* @internal */
private providers: Array<Type|Provider|any[]|any> = [];
// the ng2AppModule param should be required once the deprecated @Component.directives prop is
// removed
constructor(private ng2AppModule?: Type) {}
constructor(private ng2AppModule?: Type) {
if (arguments.length && !ng2AppModule) {
throw new BaseException(
'UpgradeAdapter constructor called with undefined instead of a ng module type');
* Allows Angular v2 Component to be used from AngularJS v1.
@ -132,7 +152,7 @@ export class UpgradeAdapter {
* ### Example
* ```
* var adapter = new UpgradeAdapter();
* var adapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => MyNg2Module));
* var module = angular.module('myExample', []);
* module.directive('greet', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Greeter));
@ -145,6 +165,12 @@ export class UpgradeAdapter {
* @Input() name: string;
* }
* @NgModule({
* declarations: [Greeter],
* imports: [BrowserModule]
* })
* class MyNg2Module {}
* document.body.innerHTML =
* 'ng1 template: <greet salutation="Hello" [name]="world">text</greet>';
@ -204,7 +230,7 @@ export class UpgradeAdapter {
* ### Example
* ```
* var adapter = new UpgradeAdapter();
* var adapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => MyNg2Module));
* var module = angular.module('myExample', []);
* module.directive('greet', function() {
@ -219,11 +245,16 @@ export class UpgradeAdapter {
* @Component({
* selector: 'ng2',
* template: 'ng2 template: <greet salutation="Hello" [name]="world">text</greet>'
* directives: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('greet')]
* })
* class Ng2 {
* }
* @NgModule({
* declarations: [Ng2, adapter.upgradeNg1Component('greet')],
* imports: [BrowserModule]
* })
* class MyNg2Module {}
* document.body.innerHTML = '<ng2></ng2>';
* adapter.bootstrap(document.body, ['myExample']).ready(function() {
@ -232,10 +263,11 @@ export class UpgradeAdapter {
* ```
upgradeNg1Component(name: string): Type {
if ((<any>this.downgradedComponents).hasOwnProperty(name)) {
return this.downgradedComponents[name].type;
if ((<any>this.ng1ComponentsToBeUpgraded).hasOwnProperty(name)) {
return this.ng1ComponentsToBeUpgraded[name].type;
} else {
return (this.downgradedComponents[name] = new UpgradeNg1ComponentAdapterBuilder(name)).type;
return (this.ng1ComponentsToBeUpgraded[name] = new UpgradeNg1ComponentAdapterBuilder(name))
@ -264,12 +296,17 @@ export class UpgradeAdapter {
* @Component({
* selector: 'ng2',
* inputs: ['name'],
* template: 'ng2[<ng1 [title]="name">transclude</ng1>](<ng-content></ng-content>)',
* directives: [adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1')]
* template: 'ng2[<ng1 [title]="name">transclude</ng1>](<ng-content></ng-content>)'
* })
* class Ng2 {
* }
* @NgModule({
* declarations: [Ng2, adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1')],
* imports: [BrowserModule]
* })
* class MyNg2Module {}
* document.body.innerHTML = '<ng2 name="World">project</ng2>';
* adapter.bootstrap(document.body, ['myExample']).ready(function() {
@ -280,55 +317,35 @@ export class UpgradeAdapter {
bootstrap(element: Element, modules?: any[], config?: angular.IAngularBootstrapConfig):
UpgradeAdapterRef {
const ngZone =
new NgZone({enableLongStackTrace: Zone.hasOwnProperty('longStackTraceZoneSpec')});
var upgrade = new UpgradeAdapterRef();
var ng1Injector: angular.IInjectorService = null;
var platformRef: PlatformRef = platformBrowserDynamic();
var providers = [
{provide: NG1_INJECTOR, useFactory: () => ng1Injector},
{provide: NG1_COMPILE, useFactory: () => ng1Injector.get(NG1_COMPILE)}, this.providers
@NgModule({providers: providers, imports: [BrowserModule]})
class DynamicModule {
ngDoBootstrap() {}
platformRef.bootstrapModule(<any>this.ng2AppModule || DynamicModule).then((moduleRef) => {
ng1Injector = this._afterNg2ModuleBootstrap(moduleRef, upgrade, element, modules, config);
return upgrade;
private _afterNg2ModuleBootstrap(
moduleRef: NgModuleRef<any>, upgrade: UpgradeAdapterRef, element: Element, modules?: any[],
config?: angular.IAngularBootstrapConfig): angular.IInjectorService {
const boundCompiler: Compiler = moduleRef.injector.get(Compiler);
var ng1Injector: angular.IInjectorService = null;
var injector: Injector = moduleRef.injector;
var ngZone: NgZone = injector.get(NgZone);
var moduleRef: NgModuleRef<any> = null;
var delayApplyExps: Function[] = [];
var original$applyFn: Function;
var rootScopePrototype: any;
var rootScope: angular.IRootScopeService;
var componentFactoryRefMap: ComponentFactoryRefMap = {};
var ng1Module = angular.module(this.idPrefix, modules);
var ng1BootstrapPromise: Promise<any> = null;
var ng1compilePromise: Promise<any> = null;
ng1Module.value(NG2_INJECTOR, injector)
var ng1BootstrapPromise: Promise<any>;
var ng1compilePromise: Promise<any>;
ng1Module.factory(NG2_INJECTOR, () => moduleRef.injector.get(Injector))
.value(NG2_ZONE, ngZone)
.value(NG2_COMPILER, boundCompiler)
.factory(NG2_COMPILER, () => moduleRef.injector.get(Compiler))
.value(NG2_COMPONENT_FACTORY_REF_MAP, componentFactoryRefMap)
'$provide', '$injector',
(provide: any /** TODO #???? */, ng1Injector: any /** TODO #???? */) => {
(provide: any /** TODO #???? */, ng1Injector: angular.IInjectorService) => {
provide.decorator(NG1_ROOT_SCOPE, [
function(rootScopeDelegate: angular.IRootScopeService) {
// Capture the root apply so that we can delay first call to $apply until we
// bootstrap Angular 2 and then we replay and restore the $apply.
rootScopePrototype = rootScopeDelegate.constructor.prototype;
if (rootScopePrototype.hasOwnProperty('$apply')) {
original$applyFn = rootScopePrototype.$apply;
rootScopePrototype.$apply = (exp: any /** TODO #???? */) =>
rootScopePrototype.$apply = (exp: any) => delayApplyExps.push(exp);
} else {
throw new Error('Failed to find \'$apply\' on \'$rootScope\'!');
@ -339,12 +356,12 @@ export class UpgradeAdapter {
provide.decorator(NG1_TESTABILITY, [
function(testabilityDelegate: angular.ITestabilityService) {
var ng2Testability: Testability = injector.get(Testability);
var origonalWhenStable: Function = testabilityDelegate.whenStable;
var originalWhenStable: Function = testabilityDelegate.whenStable;
var newWhenStable = (callback: Function): void => {
var whenStableContext: any = this;
||||, function() {
||||, function() {
var ng2Testability: Testability = moduleRef.injector.get(Testability);
if (ng2Testability.isStable()) {
callback.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
@ -366,12 +383,31 @@ export class UpgradeAdapter {
'$injector', '$rootScope',
(injector: angular.IInjectorService, rootScope: angular.IRootScopeService) => {
ng1Injector = injector;
next: (_: any /** TODO #???? */) =>
ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => rootScope.$evalAsync())
UpgradeNg1ComponentAdapterBuilder.resolve(this.downgradedComponents, injector)
.then(resolve, reject);
UpgradeNg1ComponentAdapterBuilder.resolve(this.ng1ComponentsToBeUpgraded, injector)
.then(() => {
// At this point we have ng1 injector and we have lifted ng1 components into ng2, we
// now can bootstrap ng2.
var DynamicNgUpgradeModule =
providers: [
{provide: NG1_INJECTOR, useFactory: () => ng1Injector},
{provide: NG1_COMPILE, useFactory: () => ng1Injector.get(NG1_COMPILE)},
imports: this.ng2AppModule ? [this.ng2AppModule] : [BrowserModule]
}).Class({constructor: function() {}, ngDoBootstrap: function() {}});
(platformBrowserDynamic() as any)
._bootstrapModuleWithZone(DynamicNgUpgradeModule, undefined, ngZone)
.then((ref: NgModuleRef<any>) => {
moduleRef = ref;
controllerKey(NG2_INJECTOR), moduleRef.injector);
next: (_: any) => ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => rootScope.$evalAsync())
.then(resolve, reject);
@ -380,7 +416,6 @@ export class UpgradeAdapter {
var windowAngular = (window as any /** TODO #???? */)['angular'];
windowAngular.resumeBootstrap = undefined;
angular.element(element).data(controllerKey(NG2_INJECTOR), injector);
|||| => { angular.bootstrap(element, [this.idPrefix], config); });
ng1BootstrapPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (windowAngular.resumeBootstrap) {
@ -396,9 +431,12 @@ export class UpgradeAdapter {
Promise.all([ng1BootstrapPromise, ng1compilePromise])
.then(() => { return this.compileNg2Components(boundCompiler, componentFactoryRefMap); })
.then(() => {
|||| => {
return this.compileNg2Components(
moduleRef.injector.get(Compiler), componentFactoryRefMap);
.then(() => {
moduleRef.injector.get(NgZone).run(() => {
if (rootScopePrototype) {
rootScopePrototype.$apply = original$applyFn; // restore original $apply
while (delayApplyExps.length) {
@ -409,7 +447,7 @@ export class UpgradeAdapter {
}, onError);
return ng1Injector;
return upgrade;
@ -528,7 +566,7 @@ export class UpgradeAdapter {
var promises: Array<Promise<ComponentFactory<any>>> = [];
var types = this.upgradedComponents;
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
promises.push(compiler.compileComponentAsync(<any>types[i], this.ng2AppModule));
return Promise.all(promises).then((componentFactories: Array<ComponentFactory<any>>) => {
var types = this.upgradedComponents;
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ export class UpgradeNg1ComponentAdapterBuilder {
compile: angular.ICompileService, templateCache: angular.ITemplateCacheService,
httpBackend: angular.IHttpBackendService): Promise<any> {
httpBackend: angular.IHttpBackendService): Promise<angular.ILinkFn> {
if (this.directive.template !== undefined) {
this.linkFn = compileHtml(
typeof this.directive.template === 'function' ? this.directive.template() :
@ -162,10 +162,13 @@ export class UpgradeNg1ComponentAdapterBuilder {
* Upgrade ng1 components into Angular 2.
static resolve(
exportedComponents: {[name: string]: UpgradeNg1ComponentAdapterBuilder},
injector: angular.IInjectorService): Promise<any> {
var promises: any[] /** TODO #9100 */ = [];
injector: angular.IInjectorService): Promise<angular.ILinkFn[]> {
var promises: Promise<angular.ILinkFn>[] = [];
var compile: angular.ICompileService = injector.get(NG1_COMPILE);
var templateCache: angular.ITemplateCacheService = injector.get(NG1_TEMPLATE_CACHE);
var httpBackend: angular.IHttpBackendService = injector.get(NG1_HTTP_BACKEND);
@ -176,7 +179,8 @@ export class UpgradeNg1ComponentAdapterBuilder {
exportedComponent.directive = exportedComponent.extractDirective(injector);
exportedComponent.$controller = $controller;
var promise = exportedComponent.compileTemplate(compile, templateCache, httpBackend);
var promise: Promise<angular.ILinkFn> =
exportedComponent.compileTemplate(compile, templateCache, httpBackend);
if (promise) promises.push(promise);
@ -6,8 +6,10 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {Class, Component, EventEmitter, Testability, disposePlatform, provide} from '@angular/core';
import {Class, Component, EventEmitter, Inject, NgModule, OpaqueToken, Testability, disposePlatform} from '@angular/core';
import {async} from '@angular/core/testing';
import {AsyncTestCompleter, ddescribe, describe, expect, iit, inject, it} from '@angular/core/testing/testing_internal';
import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {UpgradeAdapter} from '@angular/upgrade';
import * as angular from '@angular/upgrade/src/angular_js';
@ -60,7 +62,6 @@ export function main() {
describe('scope/component change-detection', () => {
it('should interleave scope and component expressions',
inject([AsyncTestCompleter], (async: AsyncTestCompleter) => {
@ -269,6 +270,41 @@ export function main() {
// this test should be removed ones the deprecated @Components.directives prop is removed
// we should rewrite all of the tests in this file to use modules instead.
it('should downgrade ng2 component that is part of a module', async(() => {
const ng1Module = angular.module('ng1', []);
ng1Module.component('ng1Component', {template: '<ng2-component></ng2-component>'});
const SpecialValue = new OpaqueToken('special test value');
const Ng2Component = Component({
selector: 'ng2-component',
template: '<span>test: {{value}}</span>'
constructor: [
Inject(SpecialValue), function Ng2Component(value: number) { this.value = value; }
const Ng2AppModule =
declarations: [Ng2Component],
imports: [BrowserModule],
providers: [{provide: SpecialValue, useValue: 23}]
}).Class({constructor: function Ng2AppModule() {}, ngDoBootstrap: function() {}});
const adapter = new UpgradeAdapter(Ng2AppModule);
ng1Module.directive('ng2Component', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(Ng2Component));
var element = html('<ng1-component></ng1-component>');
adapter.bootstrap(element, ['ng1']).ready((ref) => {
.toEqual('<span>test: 23</span>');
describe('upgrade ng1 component', () => {
@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
* found in the LICENSE file at
import {Component, EventEmitter, Input, NgModule, Output} from '@angular/core';
import {Component, EventEmitter, Input, NgModule, Output, forwardRef} from '@angular/core';
import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {UpgradeAdapter} from '@angular/upgrade';
declare var angular: any;
@ -26,13 +27,12 @@ var styles = [`
var adapter: UpgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(Ng2AppModule);
var adapter = new UpgradeAdapter(forwardRef(() => Ng2AppModule));
var ng1module = angular.module('myExample', []);
ng1module.controller('Index', function($scope: any /** TODO #9100 */) { $ = 'World'; });
ng1module.directive('user', function() {
ng1module.directive('ng1User', function() {
return {
scope: {handle: '@', reset: '&'},
template: `
@ -62,13 +62,12 @@ class Pane {
<table cellpadding="3">
<td><user [handle]="user" (reset)="reset.emit()"></user></td>
<td><ng1-user [handle]="user" (reset)="reset.emit()"></ng1-user></td>
styles: styles,
directives: [Pane, adapter.upgradeNg1Component('user')]
styles: styles
class UpgradeApp {
@Input() user: string;
@ -77,10 +76,12 @@ class UpgradeApp {
declarations: [Pane, UpgradeApp],
entryComponents: [UpgradeApp]
declarations: [Pane, UpgradeApp, adapter.upgradeNg1Component('ng1User')],
imports: [BrowserModule]
class Ng2AppModule {}
class Ng2AppModule {
ng1module.directive('upgradeApp', adapter.downgradeNg2Component(UpgradeApp));
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
/** @experimental */
export declare class UpgradeAdapter {
addProvider(provider: Type | Provider | any[] | any): void;
constructor(ng2AppModule?: Type);
/** @deprecated */ addProvider(provider: Type | Provider | any[] | any): void;
bootstrap(element: Element, modules?: any[], config?: angular.IAngularBootstrapConfig): UpgradeAdapterRef;
downgradeNg2Component(type: Type): Function;
downgradeNg2Provider(token: any): Function;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user