diff --git a/aio/content/guide/schematics-for-libraries.md b/aio/content/guide/schematics-for-libraries.md
index 4bbe506f79..6b02e2c536 100644
--- a/aio/content/guide/schematics-for-libraries.md
+++ b/aio/content/guide/schematics-for-libraries.md
@@ -21,18 +21,18 @@ The following steps show you how to add initial support without modifying any pr
1. Edit the `collection.json` file to define the initial schema for your collection.
- * The `$schema` path is relative to the Angular Devkit collection schema.
- * The `schematics` object describes the named schematics that are part of this collection.
- * The first entry is for a schematic named `ng-add`. It contains the description, and points to the factory function that is called when your schematic is executed.
+ * The `$schema` path is relative to the Angular Devkit collection schema.
+ * The `schematics` object describes the named schematics that are part of this collection.
+ * The first entry is for a schematic named `ng-add`. It contains the description, and points to the factory function that is called when your schematic is executed.
1. In your library project's `package.json` file, add a "schematics" entry with the path to your schema file.
The Angular CLI uses this entry to find named schematics in your collection when it runs commands.
The initial schema that you have created tells the CLI where to find the schematic that supports the `ng add` command.
Now you are ready to create that schematic.
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ The following steps will define this type of schematic.
1. Open `index.ts` and add the source code for your schematic factory function.
The only step needed to provide initial `ng add` support is to trigger an installation task using the `SchematicContext`.
The task uses the user's preferred package manager to add the library to the project's `package.json` configuration file, and install it in the project’s `node_modules` directory.
@@ -85,21 +85,21 @@ To tell the library how to build the schematics, add a `tsconfig.schematics.json
1. Edit the `tsconfig.schematics.json` file to add the following content.
- * The `rootDir` specifies that your `schematics/` folder contains the input files to be compiled.
+ * The `rootDir` specifies that your `schematics/` folder contains the input files to be compiled.
- * The `outDir` maps to the library's output folder. By default, this is the `dist/my-lib` folder at the root of your workspace.
+ * The `outDir` maps to the library's output folder. By default, this is the `dist/my-lib` folder at the root of your workspace.
1. To make sure your schematics source files get compiled into the library bundle, add the following scripts to the `package.json` file in your library project's root folder (`projects/my-lib`).
- * The `build` script compiles your schematic using the custom `tsconfig.schematics.json` file.
- * The `copy:*` statements copy compiled schematic files into the proper locations in the library output folder in order to preserve the file structure.
- * The `postbuild` script copies the schematic files after the `build` script completes.
+ * The `build` script compiles your schematic using the custom `tsconfig.schematics.json` file.
+ * The `copy:*` statements copy compiled schematic files into the proper locations in the library output folder in order to preserve the file structure.
+ * The `postbuild` script copies the schematic files after the `build` script completes.
## Providing generation support
@@ -119,20 +119,20 @@ When you add a schematic to the collection, you have to point to it in the colle
1. Edit the `schematics/collection.json` file to point to the new schematic subfolder, and include a pointer to a schema file that will specify inputs for the new schematic.
1. Go to the `/schematics/my-service/` folder.
1. Create a `schema.json` file and define the available options for the schematic.
- * *id*: A unique id for the schema in the collection.
- * *title*: A human-readable description of the schema.
- * *type*: A descriptor for the type provided by the properties.
- * *properties*: An object that defines the available options for the schematic.
+ * *id*: A unique id for the schema in the collection.
+ * *title*: A human-readable description of the schema.
+ * *type*: A descriptor for the type provided by the properties.
+ * *properties*: An object that defines the available options for the schematic.
Each option associates key with a type, description, and optional alias.
The type defines the shape of the value you expect, and the description is displayed when the user requests usage help for your schematic.
@@ -141,12 +141,12 @@ When you add a schematic to the collection, you have to point to it in the colle
1. Create a `schema.ts` file and define an interface that stores the values of the options defined in the `schema.json` file.
- * *name*: The name you want to provide for the created service.
- * *path*: Overrides the path provided to the schematic. The default path value is based on the current working directory.
- * *project*: Provides a specific project to run the schematic on. In the schematic, you can provide a default if the option is not provided by the user.
+ * *name*: The name you want to provide for the created service.
+ * *path*: Overrides the path provided to the schematic. The default path value is based on the current working directory.
+ * *project*: Provides a specific project to run the schematic on. In the schematic, you can provide a default if the option is not provided by the user.
### Add template files
@@ -189,18 +189,18 @@ For details of these data structures and syntax, see the [Schematics README](htt
1. First, import the schematics definitions you will need. The Schematics framework offers many utility functions to create and use rules when running a schematic.
1. Import the defined schema interface that provides the type information for your schematic's options.
1. To build up the generation schematic, start with an empty rule factory.
This rule factory returns the tree without modification.
The options are the option values passed through from the `ng generate` command.
@@ -222,31 +222,31 @@ The `Tree` methods give you access to the complete file tree in your workspace,
To use `workspaces.readWorkspace` you need to create a `workspaces.WorkspaceHost` from the `Tree`.
Add the following code to your factory function.
- * Be sure to check that the context exists and throw the appropriate error.
+ Be sure to check that the context exists and throw the appropriate error.
-1. The `WorkspaceDefinition`, `extensions` property includes a `defaultProject` value for determining which project to use if not provided.
+1. The `workspace.extensions` property includes a `defaultProject` value for determining which project to use if not provided.
We will use that value as a fallback, if no project is explicitly specified in the `ng generate` command.
1. Now that you have the project name, use it to retrieve the project-specific configuration information.
- The `workspace projects` object contains all the project-specific configuration information.
+ The `workspace.projects` object contains all the project-specific configuration information.
1. The `options.path` determines where the schematic template files are moved to once the schematic is applied.
The `path` option in the schematic's schema is substituted by default with the current working directory.
If the `path` is not defined, use the `sourceRoot` from the project configuration along with the `projectType`.
### Define the rule
@@ -254,25 +254,25 @@ A `Rule` can use external template files, transform them, and return another `Ru
1. Add the following code to your factory function.
- * The `apply()` method applies multiple rules to a source and returns the transformed source. It takes 2 arguments, a source and an array of rules.
- * The `url()` method reads source files from your filesystem, relative to the schematic.
- * The `applyTemplates()` method receives an argument of methods and properties you want make available to the schematic template and the schematic filenames. It returns a `Rule`. This is where you define the `classify()` and `dasherize()` methods, and the `name` property.
- * The `classify()` method takes a value and returns the value in title case. For example, if the provided name is `my service`, it is returned as `MyService`
- * The `dasherize()` method takes a value and returns the value in dashed and lowercase. For example, if the provided name is MyService, it is returned as `my-service`.
- * The `move` method moves the provided source files to their destination when the schematic is applied.
+ * The `apply()` method applies multiple rules to a source and returns the transformed source. It takes 2 arguments, a source and an array of rules.
+ * The `url()` method reads source files from your filesystem, relative to the schematic.
+ * The `applyTemplates()` method receives an argument of methods and properties you want make available to the schematic template and the schematic filenames. It returns a `Rule`. This is where you define the `classify()` and `dasherize()` methods, and the `name` property.
+ * The `classify()` method takes a value and returns the value in title case. For example, if the provided name is `my service`, it is returned as `MyService`
+ * The `dasherize()` method takes a value and returns the value in dashed and lowercase. For example, if the provided name is MyService, it is returned as `my-service`.
+ * The `move` method moves the provided source files to their destination when the schematic is applied.
1. Finally, the rule factory must return a rule.
- The `chain()` method allows you to combine multiple rules into a single rule, so that you can perform multiple operations in a single schematic.
- Here you are only merging the template rules with any code executed by the schematic.
+ The `chain()` method allows you to combine multiple rules into a single rule, so that you can perform multiple operations in a single schematic.
+ Here you are only merging the template rules with any code executed by the schematic.
-See a complete exampled of the schematic rule function.
+See a complete example of the schematic rule function below.