feat(common): add UrlCodec type for use with upgrade applications (#30055)

This abstract class (and AngularJSUrlCodec) are used for serializing and deserializing pieces of a URL string. AngularJS had a different way of doing this than Angular, and using this class in conjunction with the LocationUpgradeService an application can have control over how AngularJS URLs are serialized and deserialized.

PR Close #30055
This commit is contained in:
Jason Aden 2019-04-23 06:46:49 -07:00 committed by Ben Lesh
parent 825efa8721
commit ec455e1cf1
1 changed files with 261 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
* @license
* Copyright Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file at https://angular.io/license
* A codec for encoding and decoding URL parts.
* @publicApi
export abstract class UrlCodec {
abstract encodePath(path: string): string;
abstract decodePath(path: string): string;
abstract encodeSearch(search: string|{[k: string]: unknown}): string;
abstract decodeSearch(search: string): {[k: string]: unknown};
abstract encodeHash(hash: string): string;
abstract decodeHash(hash: string): string;
abstract normalize(href: string): string;
abstract normalize(path: string, search: {[k: string]: unknown}, hash: string, baseUrl?: string):
abstract areEqual(a: string, b: string): boolean;
abstract parse(url: string, base?: string): {
href: string,
protocol: string,
host: string,
search: string,
hash: string,
hostname: string,
port: string,
pathname: string
* A `AngularJSUrlCodec` that uses logic from AngularJS to serialize and parse URLs
* and URL parameters
* @publicApi
export class AngularJSUrlCodec implements UrlCodec {
encodePath(path: string): string {
const segments = path.split('/');
let i = segments.length;
while (i--) {
// decode forward slashes to prevent them from being double encoded
segments[i] = encodeUriSegment(segments[i].replace(/%2F/g, '/'));
path = segments.join('/');
return _stripIndexHtml((path && path[0] !== '/' && '/' || '') + path);
encodeSearch(search: string|{[k: string]: unknown}): string {
if (typeof search === 'string') {
search = parseKeyValue(search);
search = toKeyValue(search);
return search ? '?' + search : '';
encodeHash(hash: string) {
hash = encodeUriSegment(hash);
return hash ? '#' + hash : '';
decodePath(path: string, html5Mode = true): string {
const segments = path.split('/');
let i = segments.length;
while (i--) {
segments[i] = decodeURIComponent(segments[i]);
if (html5Mode) {
// encode forward slashes to prevent them from being mistaken for path separators
segments[i] = segments[i].replace(/\//g, '%2F');
return segments.join('/');
decodeSearch(search: string) { return parseKeyValue(search); }
decodeHash(hash: string) {
hash = decodeURIComponent(hash);
return hash[0] === '#' ? hash.substring(1) : hash;
normalize(href: string): string;
normalize(path: string, search: {[k: string]: unknown}, hash: string, baseUrl?: string): string;
normalize(pathOrHref: string, search?: {[k: string]: unknown}, hash?: string, baseUrl?: string):
string {
if (arguments.length === 1) {
const parsed = this.parse(pathOrHref, baseUrl);
if (typeof parsed === 'string') {
return parsed;
const serverUrl =
`${parsed.protocol}://${parsed.hostname}${parsed.port ? ':' + parsed.port : ''}`;
return this.normalize(
this.decodePath(parsed.pathname), this.decodeSearch(parsed.search),
this.decodeHash(parsed.hash), serverUrl);
} else {
const encPath = this.encodePath(pathOrHref);
const encSearch = search && this.encodeSearch(search) || '';
const encHash = hash && this.encodeHash(hash) || '';
let joinedPath = (baseUrl || '') + encPath;
if (!joinedPath.length || joinedPath[0] !== '/') {
joinedPath = '/' + joinedPath;
return joinedPath + encSearch + encHash;
areEqual(a: string, b: string) { return this.normalize(a) === this.normalize(b); }
parse(url: string, base?: string) {
try {
const parsed = new URL(url, base);
return {
href: parsed.href,
protocol: parsed.protocol ? parsed.protocol.replace(/:$/, '') : '',
host: parsed.host,
search: parsed.search ? parsed.search.replace(/^\?/, '') : '',
hash: parsed.hash ? parsed.hash.replace(/^#/, '') : '',
hostname: parsed.hostname,
port: parsed.port,
pathname: (parsed.pathname.charAt(0) === '/') ? parsed.pathname : '/' + parsed.pathname
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Invalid URL (${url}) with base (${base})`);
function _stripIndexHtml(url: string): string {
return url.replace(/\/index.html$/, '');
* Tries to decode the URI component without throwing an exception.
* @private
* @param str value potential URI component to check.
* @returns {boolean} True if `value` can be decoded
* with the decodeURIComponent function.
function tryDecodeURIComponent(value: string) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(value);
} catch (e) {
// Ignore any invalid uri component.
return undefined;
* Parses an escaped url query string into key-value pairs.
* @returns {Object.<string,boolean|Array>}
function parseKeyValue(keyValue: string): {[k: string]: unknown} {
const obj: {[k: string]: unknown} = {};
(keyValue || '').split('&').forEach((keyValue) => {
let splitPoint, key, val;
if (keyValue) {
key = keyValue = keyValue.replace(/\+/g, '%20');
splitPoint = keyValue.indexOf('=');
if (splitPoint !== -1) {
key = keyValue.substring(0, splitPoint);
val = keyValue.substring(splitPoint + 1);
key = tryDecodeURIComponent(key);
if (typeof key !== 'undefined') {
val = typeof val !== 'undefined' ? tryDecodeURIComponent(val) : true;
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
obj[key] = val;
} else if (Array.isArray(obj[key])) {
(obj[key] as unknown[]).push(val);
} else {
obj[key] = [obj[key], val];
return obj;
function toKeyValue(obj: {[k: string]: unknown}) {
const parts: unknown[] = [];
for (const key in obj) {
let value = obj[key];
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value.forEach((arrayValue) => {
encodeUriQuery(key, true) +
(arrayValue === true ? '' : '=' + encodeUriQuery(arrayValue, true)));
} else {
encodeUriQuery(key, true) +
(value === true ? '' : '=' + encodeUriQuery(value as any, true)));
return parts.length ? parts.join('&') : '';
* We need our custom method because encodeURIComponent is too aggressive and doesn't follow
* http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt with regards to the character set (pchar) allowed in path
* segments:
* segment = *pchar
* pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"
* pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
* unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
* sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
* / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
function encodeUriSegment(val: string) {
return encodeUriQuery(val, true)
.replace(/%26/gi, '&')
.replace(/%3D/gi, '=')
.replace(/%2B/gi, '+');
* This method is intended for encoding *key* or *value* parts of query component. We need a custom
* method because encodeURIComponent is too aggressive and encodes stuff that doesn't have to be
* encoded per http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986:
* query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
* pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"
* unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
* pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
* sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
* / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
function encodeUriQuery(val: string, pctEncodeSpaces: boolean = false) {
return encodeURIComponent(val)
.replace(/%40/gi, '@')
.replace(/%3A/gi, ':')
.replace(/%24/g, '$')
.replace(/%2C/gi, ',')
.replace(/%3B/gi, ';')
.replace(/%20/g, (pctEncodeSpaces ? '%20' : '+'));