feat(dart/transform) Allow ctor stubs to be tree shaken

Change the method used to discover Directive annotated classes to ensure
that the Dart code can be tree shaken.

Closes #497

Closes $\x23736
This commit is contained in:
Tim Blasi 2015-02-19 12:00:09 -08:00 committed by Misko Hevery
parent 0c4fbfc8e2
commit fb49946160
20 changed files with 461 additions and 142 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
library angular2.src.transform;
import 'dart:collection' show Queue;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'resolvers.dart';
/// Provides a mechanism for checking an element for the provided
/// [_annotationClass] and reporting the resulting (element, annotation) pairs.
class AnnotationMatcher {
@ -11,18 +14,19 @@ class AnnotationMatcher {
/// All the annotations we have seen for each element
final _seenAnnotations = new Map<Element, Set<ElementAnnotation>>();
/// The class we are searching for to populate [initQueue].
final ClassElement _annotationClass;
/// The classes we are searching for to populate [matchQueue].
final Set<ClassElement> _annotationClasses;
/// Records all [_annotationClass] annotations and the [element]s they apply to.
/// Returns [true] if 1) [element] is annotated with [_annotationClass] and
/// 2) ([element], [_annotationClass]) has not been seen previously.
bool processAnnotations(ClassElement element) {
var found = false;
/// Returns
List<AnnotationMatch> processAnnotations(ClassElement element) {
// Finding the node corresponding to [element] can be very expensive.
ClassDeclaration cachedNode = null;
var result = <AnnotationMatch>[];
element.metadata.where((ElementAnnotation meta) {
// Only process [_annotationClass]s.
// TODO(tjblasi): Make this recognize non-ConstructorElement annotations.
return meta.element is ConstructorElement &&
@ -32,29 +36,36 @@ class AnnotationMatcher {
.putIfAbsent(element, () => new Set<ElementAnnotation>())
}).forEach((ElementAnnotation meta) {
if (cachedNode == null) {
cachedNode = element.node;
var match = new AnnotationMatch(cachedNode, meta);
matchQueue.addLast(new AnnotationMatch(element, meta));
found = true;
return found;
return result;
/// Whether [type], its superclass, or one of its interfaces matches [_annotationClass].
bool _isAnnotationMatch(InterfaceType type) {
if (type == null || type.element == null) return false;
if (type.element.type == _annotationClass.type) return true;
if (_isAnnotationMatch(type.superclass)) return true;
for (var interface in type.interfaces) {
if (_isAnnotationMatch(interface)) return true;
return false;
return _annotationClasses.any((el) => isAnnotationMatch(type, el));
// Element/ElementAnnotation pair.
/// [ConstructorElement] / [ElementAnnotation] pair, where the Constructor
class AnnotationMatch {
final Element element;
/// The resolved element corresponding to [node].
final ClassElement element;
/// The Ast node corresponding to the class definition.
final ClassDeclaration node;
/// The resolved element for the matched annotation.
final ElementAnnotation annotation;
AnnotationMatch(this.element, this.annotation);
AnnotationMatch(ClassDeclaration node, this.annotation)
: node = node,
element = node.element;

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class Context {
void error(String errorString) {
if (_logger == null) throw new Error(errorString);
if (_logger == null) throw new CodegenError(errorString);
@ -44,6 +44,16 @@ class Context {
class CodegenError extends Error {
final String message;
String toString() {
return 'Error generating Angular2 code: ${Error.safeToString(message)}';
/// Object which [register]s [AnnotationMatch] objects for code generation.
abstract class DirectiveRegistry {
// Adds [entry] to the `registerType` calls which will be generated.
@ -107,6 +117,7 @@ _codegenImport(Context context, AssetId libraryId, AssetId entryPoint) {
class _DirectiveRegistryImpl implements DirectiveRegistry {
final Context _context;
final StringBuffer _buffer = new StringBuffer();
final Set<ClassDeclaration> _seen = new Set();
@ -117,6 +128,9 @@ class _DirectiveRegistryImpl implements DirectiveRegistry {
// Adds [entry] to the `registerType` calls which will be generated.
void register(AnnotationMatch entry) {
if (_seen.contains(entry.node)) return;
var element = entry.element;
var annotation = entry.annotation;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:code_transformers/resolver.dart';
import 'resolvers.dart';
/// Finds all calls to the Angular2 [bootstrap] method defined in [library].
/// This only searches the code defined in the file
// represented by [library], not `part`s, `import`s, `export`s, etc.
Set<BootstrapCallInfo> findBootstrapCalls(
Resolver resolver, LibraryElement library) {
var types = new Angular2Types(resolver);
if (types.bootstrapMethod == null) {
throw new ArgumentError(
'Could not find symbol for ${bootstrapMethodName}.');
var visitor = new _FindFunctionVisitor(types.bootstrapMethod);
// TODO(kegluneq): Determine how to get nodes without querying Element#node.
// Root of file defining that library (main part).
return new Set.from(visitor.functionCalls.map((MethodInvocation mi) {
var visitor = new _ParseBootstrapTypeVisitor(types);
if (mi.argumentList.arguments.isEmpty) {
throw new ArgumentError('No arguments provided to `bootstrap`.');
if (visitor.bootstrapType == null) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'Failed to parse `bootstrap` call: ${mi.toSource()}');
return new BootstrapCallInfo(mi, visitor.bootstrapType);
/// Information about a single call to Angular2's [bootstrap] method.
class BootstrapCallInfo {
/// The [AstNode] representing the call to [bootstrap].
final MethodInvocation call;
/// The type, which should be annotated as a [Component], which is the root
/// of the Angular2 app.
final ClassElement bootstrapType;
BootstrapCallInfo(this.call, this.bootstrapType);
/// Visitor that finds the Angular2 bootstrap component given [bootstrap]'s
/// first argument.
/// This visitor does not recursively visit nodes in the Ast.
class _ParseBootstrapTypeVisitor extends SimpleAstVisitor<Object> {
ClassElement bootstrapType = null;
final Angular2Types _types;
// TODO(kegluneq): Allow non-SimpleIdentifier expressions.
Object visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier e) {
bootstrapType = (e.bestElement as ClassElement);
if (!_types.isComponent(bootstrapType)) {
throw new ArgumentError('Class passed to `${bootstrapMethodName}` must '
'be a @${_types.componentAnnotation.name}');
/// Recursively visits all nodes in an Ast structure, recording all encountered
/// calls to the provided [FunctionElement].
class _FindFunctionVisitor extends UnifyingAstVisitor<Object> {
final FunctionElement _target;
final Set<MethodInvocation> functionCalls = new Set();
bool _isDesiredMethod(MethodInvocation node) {
return node.methodName.bestElement == _target;
Object visitMethodInvocation(MethodInvocation node) {
if (_isDesiredMethod(node)) {
return super.visitMethodInvocation(node);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
library angular2.src.transform.logging;
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:code_transformers/messages/build_logger.dart';
BuildLogger _logger;
/// Prepares [logger] for use throughout the transformer.
void init(Transform t) {
if (_logger == null) {
_logger = new BuildLogger(t);
} else {
_logger.fine('Attempted to initialize logger multiple times.',
asset: t.primaryInput.id);
/// The logger the transformer should use for messaging.
BuildLogger get logger {
if (_logger == null) {
throw new StateError('Logger never initialized.');
return _logger;

View File

@ -2,12 +2,23 @@ library angular2.src.transform;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// Provides information necessary to transform an Angular2 app.
class TransformerOptions {
/// The file where the application's call to [bootstrap] is.
// TODO(kegluenq): Allow multiple bootstrap entry points.
final String bootstrapEntryPoint;
/// The Dart entry point, that is, where the initial call to [main] occurs.
final String entryPoint;
/// The path where we should generate code.
final String newEntryPoint;
/// The html file that includes [entryPoint].
final String htmlEntryPoint;
TransformerOptions(this.entryPoint, this.newEntryPoint, this.htmlEntryPoint);
TransformerOptions(this.bootstrapEntryPoint, this.entryPoint,
this.newEntryPoint, this.htmlEntryPoint);
bool inSameTopLevelDir() {
var expectedDir = path.split(htmlEntryPoint)[0];

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
library angular2.src.transform;
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:code_transformers/resolver.dart';
Resolvers createResolvers() {
@ -43,3 +45,87 @@ Resolvers createResolvers() {
const bootstrapMethodName = 'bootstrap';
/// Provides resolved [Elements] for well-known Angular2 symbols.
class Angular2Types {
static Map<Resolver, Angular2Types> _cache = {};
static final _annotationsLibAssetId =
new AssetId('angular2', 'lib/src/core/annotations/annotations.dart');
static final _applicationLibAssetId =
new AssetId('angular2', 'lib/src/core/application.dart');
static final _templateLibAssetId =
new AssetId('angular2', 'lib/src/core/annotations/template.dart');
final Resolver _resolver;
FunctionElement _bootstrapMethod;
factory Angular2Types(Resolver resolver) {
return _cache.putIfAbsent(
resolver, () => new Angular2Types._internal(resolver));
LibraryElement get annotationsLib =>
ClassElement get directiveAnnotation =>
_getTypeSafe(annotationsLib, 'Directive');
ClassElement get componentAnnotation =>
_getTypeSafe(annotationsLib, 'Component');
ClassElement get decoratorAnnotation =>
_getTypeSafe(annotationsLib, 'Decorator');
LibraryElement get templateLib => _resolver.getLibrary(_templateLibAssetId);
ClassElement get templateAnnotation => _getTypeSafe(templateLib, 'Template');
LibraryElement get applicationLib =>
FunctionElement get bootstrapMethod {
if (_bootstrapMethod == null) {
_bootstrapMethod = applicationLib.definingCompilationUnit.functions
.firstWhere((FunctionElement el) => el.name == bootstrapMethodName,
orElse: () => null);
return _bootstrapMethod;
/// Gets the type named [name] in library [lib]. Returns `null` if [lib] is
/// `null` or [name] cannot be found in [lib].
ClassElement _getTypeSafe(LibraryElement lib, String name) {
if (lib == null) return null;
return lib.getType(name);
/// Whether [clazz] is annotated as a [Component].
bool isComponent(ClassElement clazz) =>
hasAnnotation(clazz, componentAnnotation);
/// Whether [type], its superclass, or one of its interfaces matches [target].
bool isAnnotationMatch(InterfaceType type, ClassElement target) {
if (type == null || type.element == null) return false;
if (type.element.type == target.type) return true;
if (isAnnotationMatch(type.superclass, target)) return true;
for (var interface in type.interfaces) {
if (isAnnotationMatch(interface, target)) return true;
return false;
/// Determines whether [clazz] has at least one annotation that `is` a
/// [metaClazz].
bool hasAnnotation(ClassElement clazz, ClassElement metaClazz) {
if (clazz == null || metaClazz == null) return false;
return clazz.metadata.firstWhere((ElementAnnotation meta) {
// TODO(kegluneq): Make this recognize non-ConstructorElement annotations.
return meta.element is ConstructorElement &&
isAnnotationMatch(meta.element.returnType, metaClazz);
}, orElse: () => null) != null;

View File

@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
library angular2.src.transform;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:code_transformers/resolver.dart';
import 'annotation_processor.dart';
import 'codegen.dart' as codegen;
import 'find_bootstrap.dart';
import 'html_transform.dart';
import 'logging.dart' as log;
import 'options.dart';
import 'resolvers.dart';
import 'traversal.dart';
@ -21,25 +25,29 @@ class AngularTransformer extends Transformer {
AngularTransformer(this.options) : _resolvers = createResolvers();
static const _bootstrapEntryPointParam = 'bootstrap_entry_point';
static const _entryPointParam = 'entry_point';
static const _newEntryPointParam = 'new_entry_point';
static const _htmlEntryPointParam = 'html_entry_point';
factory AngularTransformer.asPlugin(BarbackSettings settings) {
var bootstrapEntryPoint = settings.configuration[_bootstrapEntryPointParam];
var entryPoint = settings.configuration[_entryPointParam];
var newEntryPoint = settings.configuration[_newEntryPointParam];
if (newEntryPoint == null) {
newEntryPoint = entryPoint.replaceFirst('.dart', '.bootstrap.dart');
var htmlEntryPoint = settings.configuration[_htmlEntryPointParam];
return new AngularTransformer(
new TransformerOptions(entryPoint, newEntryPoint, htmlEntryPoint));
return new AngularTransformer(new TransformerOptions(
bootstrapEntryPoint, entryPoint, newEntryPoint, htmlEntryPoint));
bool isPrimary(AssetId id) =>
options.entryPoint == id.path || options.htmlEntryPoint == id.path;
Future apply(Transform transform) {
if (transform.primaryInput.id.path == options.entryPoint) {
return _buildBootstrapFile(transform);
} else if (transform.primaryInput.id.path == options.htmlEntryPoint) {
@ -49,17 +57,24 @@ class AngularTransformer extends Transformer {
Future _buildBootstrapFile(Transform transform) {
var bootstrapEntryPointId = new AssetId(
transform.primaryInput.id.package, options.bootstrapEntryPoint);
var newEntryPointId =
new AssetId(transform.primaryInput.id.package, options.newEntryPoint);
return transform.hasInput(newEntryPointId).then((exists) {
if (exists) {
.error('New entry point file $newEntryPointId already exists.');
} else {
return _resolvers.get(transform).then((resolver) {
try {
new _BootstrapFileBuilder(resolver, transform,
transform.primaryInput.id, newEntryPointId).run();
transform.primaryInput.id, bootstrapEntryPointId,
} catch (err, stackTrace) {
log.logger.error('${err}: ${stackTrace}',
asset: bootstrapEntryPointId);
} finally {
@ -72,28 +87,40 @@ class AngularTransformer extends Transformer {
class _BootstrapFileBuilder {
final Resolver _resolver;
final Transform _transform;
final AssetId _bootstrapEntryPoint;
final AssetId _entryPoint;
final AssetId _newEntryPoint;
AnnotationMatcher _directiveInfo;
_BootstrapFileBuilder(Resolver resolver, Transform transform,
this._entryPoint, this._newEntryPoint)
this._entryPoint, this._bootstrapEntryPoint, this._newEntryPoint)
: _resolver = resolver,
_transform = transform,
_directiveInfo = new AnnotationMatcher(resolver
.getLibrary(new AssetId(
'angular2', 'lib/src/core/annotations/annotations.dart'))
_transform = transform;
/// Adds the new entry point file to the transform. Should only be ran once.
void run() {
var entryLib = _resolver.getLibrary(_entryPoint);
new ImportTraversal(_directiveInfo).traverse(entryLib);
Set<BootstrapCallInfo> bootstrapCalls = findBootstrapCalls(
_resolver, _resolver.getLibrary(_bootstrapEntryPoint));
log.logger.info('found ${bootstrapCalls.length} call(s) to `bootstrap`');
bootstrapCalls.forEach((BootstrapCallInfo info) {
log.logger.info('Arg1: ${info.bootstrapType}');
var types = new Angular2Types(_resolver);
// TODO(kegluneq): Also match [Inject].
var matcher = new AnnotationMatcher(new Set.from([
var traversal = new AngularVisibleTraversal(types, matcher);
bootstrapCalls.forEach((call) => traversal.traverse(call.bootstrapType));
var context = new codegen.Context(logger: _transform.logger);
.forEach((entry) => context.directiveRegistry.register(entry));
_transform.addOutput(new Asset.fromString(_newEntryPoint, codegen

View File

@ -1,102 +1,83 @@
library angular2.src.transform;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'annotation_processor.dart';
import 'logging.dart';
import 'resolvers.dart';
class ImportTraversal {
final AnnotationMatcher _annotationMatcher;
/// Walks through an Angular2 application, finding all classes matching the
/// provided [annotationMatcher].
class AngularVisibleTraversal {
final Angular2Types _types;
final _ComponentParsingAstVisitor _visitor;
AngularVisibleTraversal(this._types, AnnotationMatcher annotationMatcher)
: _visitor = new _ComponentParsingAstVisitor(annotationMatcher);
/// Reads Initializer annotations on this library and all its dependencies in
/// post-order.
void traverse(LibraryElement library, [Set<LibraryElement> seen]) {
if (seen == null) seen = new Set<LibraryElement>();
// Visit all our dependencies.
for (var importedLibrary in _sortedLibraryImports(library)) {
// Don't include anything from the sdk.
if (importedLibrary.isInSdk) continue;
if (seen.contains(importedLibrary)) continue;
traverse(importedLibrary, seen);
for (var clazz in _classesOfLibrary(library, seen)) {
var superClass = clazz.supertype;
while (superClass != null) {
if (_annotationMatcher.processAnnotations(superClass.element) &&
superClass.element.library != clazz.library) {
'We have detected a cycle in your import graph when running '
'initializers on ${clazz.name}. This means the super class '
'${superClass.name} has a dependency on this library '
'(possibly transitive).');
superClass = superClass.superclass;
/// Walks an Angular2 application, starting with the class represented by
/// [entryPoint], which must be annotated as an Angular2 [Component].
/// We recursively check the entryPoint's annotations and constructor
/// arguments for types which match the provided [annotationMatcher].
void traverse(ClassElement entryPoint) {
if (!_types.isComponent(entryPoint)) {
throw new ArgumentError.value(entryPoint, 'entryPoint',
'Provided entryPoint must be annotated as a Component');
class _ComponentParsingAstVisitor extends Object
with RecursiveAstVisitor<Object> {
final Set<ClassElement> _seen = new Set();
final AnnotationMatcher _matcher;
Object visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration node) {
if (node.element != null) {
if (_seen.contains(node.element)) return null;
// Process the class itself.
// Process metadata information, ignoring [FieldDeclaration]s and
// [MethodDeclaration]s (see below).
node.metadata.forEach((Annotation meta) => meta.accept(this));
// Process constructor parameters, fields & methods are ignored below.
node.members.forEach((m) => m.accept(this));
return null;
Object visitFieldDeclaration(FieldDeclaration node) => null;
Object visitMethodDeclaration(MethodDeclaration node) => null;
Object visitAnnotation(Annotation node) {
// TODO(kegluneq): Visit only Angular2 annotations & subtypes.
return super.visitAnnotation(node);
Object visitSimpleIdentifier(SimpleIdentifier node) {
if (node.bestElement != null) {
if (node.bestElement is ClassElement) {
var matches = _matcher.processAnnotations(node.bestElement);
// If any of these types are matches, recurse on them.
matches.forEach((match) => match.node.accept(this));
return super.visitSimpleIdentifier(node);
/// Retrieves all classes that are visible if you were to import [lib]. This
/// includes exported classes from other libraries.
List<ClassElement> _classesOfLibrary(
LibraryElement library, Set<LibraryElement> seen) {
var result = [];
result.addAll(library.units.expand((u) => u.types));
for (var export in library.exports) {
if (seen.contains(export.exportedLibrary)) continue;
var exported = _classesOfLibrary(export.exportedLibrary, seen);
_filter(exported, export.combinators);
result.sort((a, b) => a.name.compareTo(b.name));
return result;
/// Filters [elements] that come from an export, according to its show/hide
/// combinators. This modifies [elements] in place.
void _filter(List<Element> elements, List<NamespaceCombinator> combinators) {
for (var c in combinators) {
if (c is ShowElementCombinator) {
var show = c.shownNames.toSet();
elements.retainWhere((e) => show.contains(e.displayName));
} else if (c is HideElementCombinator) {
var hide = c.hiddenNames.toSet();
elements.removeWhere((e) => hide.contains(e.displayName));
Iterable<LibraryElement> _sortedLibraryImports(LibraryElement library) =>
(new List.from(library.imports)
..sort((ImportElement a, ImportElement b) {
// dart: imports don't have a uri
if (a.uri == null && b.uri != null) return -1;
if (b.uri == null && a.uri != null) return 1;
if (a.uri == null && b.uri == null) {
return a.importedLibrary.name.compareTo(b.importedLibrary.name);
// package: imports next
var aIsPackage = a.uri.startsWith('package:');
var bIsPackage = b.uri.startsWith('package:');
if (aIsPackage && !bIsPackage) {
return -1;
} else if (bIsPackage && !aIsPackage) {
return 1;
} else if (bIsPackage && aIsPackage) {
return a.uri.compareTo(b.uri);
// And finally compare based on the relative uri if both are file paths.
var aUri = path.relative(a.source.uri.path,
from: path.dirname(library.source.uri.path));
var bUri = path.relative(b.source.uri.path,
from: path.dirname(library.source.uri.path));
return aUri.compareTo(bUri);
})).map((import) => import.importedLibrary);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library angular2.test.transform;
import 'dart:async';
/// Mocked out version of [bootstrap], defined in application.dart. Importing
/// the actual file in tests causes issues with resolution due to its
/// transitive dependencies.
Future bootstrap(Type appComponentType, [List<Binding> bindings = null,
Function givenBootstrapErrorReporter = null]) {
return null;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
library web_foo;
import 'package:angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/core/application.dart';
void main() {}

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
library web_foo;
import 'package:angular2/src/core/application.dart';
import 'bar.dart';
void main() {
new Component('Things');

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
library web_foo;
import 'package:angular2/src/core/application.dart';
import 'bar.dart';
void main() {
new MyComponent('Things');

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
library web_foo;
import 'package:angular2/src/core/application.dart';
import 'bar.dart';
void main() {
new MyComponent();

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ main() {
var formatter = new DartFormatter();
var transform = new AngularTransformer(new TransformerOptions(
var transform = new AngularTransformer(new TransformerOptions('web/index.dart',
'web/index.dart', 'web/index.bootstrap.dart', 'web/index.html'));
class TestConfig {
@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ void _runTests() {
'a|web/index.html': 'common.html',
'a|web/index.dart': 'html_entry_point_files/index.dart',
'angular2|lib/src/core/application.dart': 'common.dart'
outputs: {
'a|web/index.html': 'html_entry_point_files/expected/index.html'
@ -51,7 +52,8 @@ void _runTests() {
'a|web/index.dart': 'simple_annotation_files/index.dart',
'a|web/bar.dart': 'simple_annotation_files/bar.dart',
'angular2|lib/src/core/application.dart': 'common.dart'
outputs: {
@ -64,7 +66,8 @@ void _runTests() {
'a|web/foo.dart': 'two_deps_files/foo.dart',
'a|web/bar.dart': 'two_deps_files/bar.dart',
'angular2|lib/src/core/application.dart': 'common.dart'
outputs: {
@ -77,7 +80,8 @@ void _runTests() {
'a|web/foo.dart': 'list_of_types_files/foo.dart',
'a|web/bar.dart': 'list_of_types_files/bar.dart',
'angular2|lib/src/core/application.dart': 'common.dart'
outputs: {
@ -89,12 +93,28 @@ void _runTests() {
'a|web/index.dart': 'synthetic_ctor_files/index.dart',
'a|web/bar.dart': 'synthetic_ctor_files/bar.dart',
'angular2|lib/src/core/application.dart': 'common.dart'
outputs: {
new TestConfig('Component with two annotations',
inputs: {
'a|web/index.html': 'common.html',
'a|web/index.dart': 'two_annotations_files/index.dart',
'a|web/bar.dart': 'two_annotations_files/bar.dart',
'angular2|lib/src/core/application.dart': 'common.dart'
outputs: {
var cache = {};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
library bar;
import 'package:angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations.dart';
import 'package:angular2/src/core/annotations/template.dart';
@Component(selector: '[soup]')
@Template(inline: 'Salad')
class MyComponent {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import 'package:angular2/src/reflection/reflection.dart' show reflector;
import 'bar.dart' as i0;
import 'package:angular2/src/core/annotations/annotations.dart' as i1;
import 'package:angular2/src/core/annotations/template.dart' as i2;
import 'index.dart' as i3;
main() {
..registerType(i0.MyComponent, {
"factory": () => new i0.MyComponent(),
"parameters": const [const []],
"annotations": const [
const i1.Component(selector: '[soup]'),
const i2.Template(inline: 'Salad')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
library web_foo;
import 'package:angular2/src/core/application.dart';
import 'bar.dart';
void main() {

View File

@ -10,9 +10,7 @@ main() {
(i1.MyContext c, String inValue) => new i0.MyComponent(c, inValue),
"parameters": const [const [i1.MyContext, String]],
"annotations": const [
const i2.Component(selector: i1.preDefinedSelector)
"annotations": const [const i2.Component(selector: i1.preDefinedSelector)]

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
library web_foo;
import 'package:angular2/src/core/application.dart';
import 'bar.dart';
void main() {
new MyComponent('Things');

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ dev_dependencies:
guinness: ">=0.1.16 <0.2.0"
- angular2:
bootstrap_entry_point: web/src/hello_world/index_common.dart
entry_point: web/src/hello_world/index.dart
html_entry_point: web/src/hello_world/index.html
- $dart2js: