a bit more translation on dependency-injection.jade.

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Rex 2016-04-25 12:25:16 +01:00
parent 01e3e99f95
commit fd4f934fd5

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@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ figure.image-display
until it finds the logger at the `AppComponent` level. The logger logic kicks in and the hero display updates
with the gratuituous "!!!", indicating that the logger was found.
img(src="/resources/images/cookbooks/dependency-injection/hero-bio-contact-no-host.png" alt="Without @Host")
@ -467,31 +467,47 @@ figure.image-display
the application fails for lack of the required logger at the host component level.
`EXCEPTION: No provider for LoggerService! (HeroContactComponent -> LoggerService)`
`EXCEPTION: No provider for LoggerService! (HeroContactComponent -> LoggerService)`
<a id="component-element"></a>
## Inject the component's element
## 注入一个组件的元素
On occasion we might need to access a component's corresponding DOM element.
Although we strive to avoid it, many visual effects and 3rd party tools (such as jQuery)
require DOM access.
To illustrate, we've written a simplified version of the `HighlightDirective` from
the [Attribute Directives](../guide/attribute-directives.html) chapter.
为了示范,我们在[属性指令Attribute Directives](../guide/attribute-directives.html)的`HighlightDirective`的基础上,编写了一个简化版本。
The directive sets the background to a highlight color when the user mouses over the
DOM element to which it is applied.
Angular set the constructor's `el` parameter to the injected `ElementRef` which is
a wrapper around that DOM element.
Its `nativeElement` property exposes the DOM element for the directive to manipulate.
Angular在构造函数的参数`el`设置到注入的`ElementRef`,该`ElementRef`代表了主持hostDOM元素 它的`nativeElement`属性暴露该DOM元素给指令。
The sample code applies the directive's `myHighlight` attribute to two `<div>` tags,
first without a value (yielding the default color) and then with an assigned color value.
+makeExample('cb-dependency-injection/ts/app/app.component.html','highlight','app/app.component.html (highlight)')(format='.')
The following image shows the effect of mousing over the `<hero-bios-and-contacts>` tag.
img(src="/resources/images/cookbooks/dependency-injection/highlight.png" alt="Highlighted bios")
@ -500,52 +516,80 @@ figure.image-display
## Define dependencies with providers
## 使用providers来定义依赖
In this section we learn to write providers that deliver dependent services.
### Background
### 背景知识
We get a service from a dependency injector by giving it a ***token***.
We usually let Angular handle this transaction for us by specifying a constructor parameter and its type.
The parameter type serves as the injector lookup *token*.
Angular passes this token to the injector and assigns the result to the parameter.
Here's a typical example:
+makeExample('cb-dependency-injection/ts/app/hero-bios.component.ts','ctor','app/hero-bios.component.ts (component constructor injection)')(format='.')
Angular asks the injector for the service associated with the `LoggerService` and
and assigns the returned value to the `logger` parameter.
Where did the injector get that value?
It may already have that value in its internal container.
It it doesn't, it may be able to make one with the help of a ***provider***.
A *provider* is a recipe for delivering a service associated with a *token*.
If the injector doesn't have a provider for the requested *token*, it delegates the request
to its parent injector, where the process repeats until there are no more injectors.
If the search is futile, the injector throws an error ... unless the request was [optional](#optional).
Let's return our attention to providers themselves.
A new injector has no providers.
Angular initializes the injectors it creates with some providers it cares about.
We have to register our _own_ application providers manually,
usually in the `providers` array of the `Component` or `Directive` metadata:
+makeExample('cb-dependency-injection/ts/app/app.component.ts','providers','app/app.component.ts (providers)')
### Defining providers
### 定义providers
The simple class provider is the most typical by far.
We mention the class in the `providers` array and we're done.
+makeExample('cb-dependency-injection/ts/app/hero-bios.component.ts','class-provider','app/hero-bios.component.ts (class provider)')(format='.')
It's that simple because the most common injected service is an instance of a class.
But not every dependency can be satisfied by creating a new instance of a class.
We need other ways to deliver dependency values and that means we need other ways to specify a provider.
The `HeroOfTheMonthComponent` example demonstrates many of the alternatives and why we need them.
img(src="/resources/images/cookbooks/dependency-injection/hero-of-month.png" alt="Hero of the month" width="300px")