A collection of all the form directives is exported
under `formDirectives`
while those were previously available
under `FormDirectives`.
In 'angular2/di' the symbol:
- Inject is a decorator
- InjectAnnotation is an annotation
Internally one an get a hold of annotations without *Annotations appened
(to make ts2dart work without workarounds) by importing from
'angular2/src/di/annotations_impl' instead of 'angular2/di'. This is
needed only for users that transpile through TS and through ts2dart.
Previously, `Directive` was the abstract base class of several directives.
Now, `Directive` is the former `Decorator`, and `Component` inherits from it.
- The special type of `Viewport` directives is removed
in favor of a more general `Decorator` directive
- `ViewContainerRef` now no more has a default `ProtoViewRef`
but requires an explicit one when creating views.
- `NgElement` merged into `ElementRef`
- `Compiler.compile…` returns `ProtoViewRef`
- `ViewContainer` uses `ProtoViewRef`s and `ViewRef`s.
- `ViewRef`/`ProtoViewRef` in renderer were renamed to
Related to #1477Closes#1592
index_static.js & index_static.html are unnecessary in Js and are now
essentially generated via the Dart transformer. The angular
transformer is specified in examples/pubspec.yaml; use pub build to
create a transformed application that does not use dart:mirrors.
Create index_dynamic.js & index_dynamic.html, which are used to test
that the app runs equally well with mirrors and without.
Major changes:
- `compiler.compileRoot(el, type)`
-> `compiler.compileInHost(type) + viewHydrator.hydrateHostViewInPlace(el, view)`
- move all `hydrate`/`dehydrate` methods out of `View` and `ViewContainer` into
a standalone class `view_hydrator` as private methods and provide new public
methods dedicated to the individual use cases.
Note: This PR does not change the current functionality, only moves it
into different places.
See design discussion in #1351, in preparation for imperative views.
This commit adds a plugin for the event manager, to allow a key name to
be appended to the event name (for keyup and keydown events), so that
the callback is only called for that key.
Here are some examples:
Key names mostly follow the DOM Level 3 event key values:
There are some limitations to be worked on (cf details
in but for now, this
implementation is reliable for the following keys (by "reliable" I mean
compatible with Chrome and Firefox and not depending on the keyboard
- alt, control, shift, meta (those keys can be combined with other keys)
- tab, enter, backspace, pause, scrolllock, capslock, numlock
- insert, delete, home, end, pageup, pagedown
- arrowup, arrowdown, arrowleft, arrowright
- latin letters (a-z), function keys (f1-f12)
- numbers on the numeric keypad (but those keys are not correctly simulated
by Chromedriver)
There is a sample to play with in examples/src/key_events/.
Introduces angular2/src/core/compiler/ViewFactory which
extracts ProtoView.instantiate and replaces ViewPool.
Note: This is a work in progress commit to unblock other commits.
There will be follow ups to add unit tests, remove TODOs, …