The implementation adds three plugins to the remark processor:
* remove support for code blocks triggered by indented
text - only gfm triple backticks are supported; and also adds support for
dgeni inline tags.
* ignore content within `code-example` and `code-tabs` elements. This prevents
the content being accidentally treated as markdown
* ignore dgeni inline tags, e.g. `{@link ... }` to prevent the content of
the links from being accidentally treated as markdown
The markdown renderer passes its output through an HTML pretty printer.
While this is good in most cases, it makes a mess of elements that expect
their content to be left untouched.
The pretty printer already ignores `pre` tags (and other built-ins) by
default. This fix allows us to specify other tags that should be left
Further it actually specifies this option for `code-example` and `code-pane`
tags, which expect to contain preformatted content.
This reverts commit d0bc83ca275964fa1de6684c3cdc6714de386efd.
Protractor-based prerendering is flakey on Travis and takes several minutes to
complete, slowing down the build. Prerendering has a lower impact now that we
use a ServiceWorker. We will revisit in the future (probably using a
`PlatformServer`-based approach).
PR Close#15346
The original Rho is too strict when it comes to markdown headings.
It requires that there be a blank line separating the heading and the
next paragraph. The forked version here fixes that; but the Rho project
will not merge it as it goes against there basic rules.
Generate the docs with `yarn docs`.
Test the doc generation code with `yarn docs-test`
The docs are automatically built as part of the `yarn build` task,
so there is no need to rebuild them in the file
In #14388 the following syntax is used in the source:
import * as view_utils from './linker/view_utils';
import * as viewEngine from './view/index';
export {view_utils as ɵview_utils};
export {viewEngine as ɵviewEngine};
The usage of `export {... as ...}` was not being recognised by dgeni.
It is now being recognised and a temporary dummy output file is being
rendered. Later we will either ignore this doctype altogether or find
a better way of rendering it.
All the docs related files (docs-app, doc-gen, content, etc)
are now to be found inside the `/aio` folder.
The related gulp tasks have been moved from the top level
gulp file to a new one inside the `/aio` folder.
The structure of the `/aio` folder now looks like:
build/ # gulp tasks
content/ #MARKDOWN FILES for devguides, cheatsheet, etc
transforms/ #dgeni packages, templates, etc
content/ #HTML + JSON build artifacts produced by dgeni from /aio/content.
#This dir is .gitignored-ed
e2e/ #protractor tests for the doc viewer app
node_modules/ #dependencies for both the doc viewer builds and the dgeni stuff
#This dir is .gitignored-ed
gulpfile.js #Tasks for generating docs and building & deploying the doc viewer