Part of #5665
Number and content of UMD bundles have changed:
- we only publish one bundle that contains: core, common, platform/browser, http, router, instrumentation and upgrade
- exported names have changed and now:
- core is exported as `ng.core`
- common is exported as `ng.common`
- platform/browser is exported as `ng.platform.browser`
- http is exported as `ng.http`
- router is exported as `ng.router`
- instrumentation is exported as `ng.instrumentation`
- upgrade is exported as `ng.upgrade`
- we don't mark an element as bound any more if it only contains text bindings
E.g. <div>{{hello}}</div>
This changes the indices when using `DebugElement.componentViewChildren` / `DebugElement.children`.
- `@Directive.compileChildren` was removed,
`ng-non-bindable` is now builtin and not a directive any more
- angular no more adds the `ng-binding` class to elements with bindings
- directives are now ordered as they are listed in the View.directives regarding change detection.
Previously they had an undefined order.
- the `Renderer` interface has new methods `createProtoView` and `registerComponentTemplate`. See `DomRenderer` for default implementations.
- reprojection with `ng-content` is now all or nothing per `ng-content` element
- angular2 transformer can't be used in tests that modify directive metadata.
Use `angular2/src/transform/inliner_for_test` transformer instead.
Don't precompile Dart2JS for pull requests, instead serve the dart
sources with pub serve. We were already testing with Dartium so
all we lose is some test coverage of defects exposed only by the
Dart2JS transpiler.
This still runs the dart transformer.
It was confusing because the test.unit.dart task does ignore the initial, and
the logger was hardcoded to always ignore the first task, leading to the appearance
that a run was happening twice for no reason.
Also, fixed the "fake ignoreInitial" handling to not rely on a fake event, which
is not necessary.
Use the `ProtoViewDto` created by the render `Compiler` to create a
From there, generate a subclass of `AbstractChangeDetector` for each
Run some basic unit tests for the dynamic and JIT change detectors on
pre-generated change detectors.
This removes .es6 files which are pure duplicates of a
.ts file in the same folder.
Next we need to remove .js files as well, and remove karma preprocessors for dart.