Previously, the ServiceWorker registration options should be defined as
an object literal (in order for them to be compatible with Ahead-of-Time
compilation), thus making it impossible to base the ServiceWorker
behavior on runtime conditions.
This commit allows specifying the registration options using a regular
provider, which means that it can take advantage of the `useFactory`
option to determine the config at runtime, while still remaining
compatible with AoT compilation.
PR Close#21842
With #30058, the ngUpgrade internal `angular.module()` method was
renamed to `angular.module_()` (to avoid a webpack bug).
Merging #29794 afterwards resulted in some broken tests, because it
still used the old `angular.module()` method name. (The PR had been
tested on CI against a revision that did not contain the rename.)
This commit fixes the broken tests by renaming the remaining occurrences
of `angular.module()`.
PR Close#30126
Previously, under certain circumstances, `NgZone#onMicrotaskEmpty` could
emit while a `$digest` was in progress, thus triggering another
`$digest`, which in turn would throw a `$digest already in progress`
error. Furthermore, throwing an error from inside the `onMicrotaskEmpty`
subscription would result in unsubscribing and stop triggering further
`$digest`s, when `onMicrotaskEmpty` emitted.
Usually, emitting while a `$digest` was already in progress was a result
of unintentionally running some part of AngularJS outside the Angular
zone, but there are valid (if rare) usecases where this can happen
(see #24680 for details).
This commit addresses the issue as follows:
- If a `$digest` is in progress when `onMicrotaskEmpty` emits, do not
trigger another `$digest` (to avoid the error). `$evalAsync()` is used
instead, to ensure that the bindings are evaluated at least once more.
- Since there is still a high probability that the situation is a result
of programming error (i.e. some AngularJS part running outside the
Angular Zone), a warning will be logged, but only if the app is in
[dev mode][1].
PR Close#29794
Previously, ngtsc included query fields in the list of fields which can
affect the type of a directive via its type constructor. This feature
however has yet to be built, and View Engine in default mode does not
do this inference.
This caused an unexpected bug where private query fields (which should be
an error but are allowed by View Engine) cause the type constructor
signature to be invalid. This commit fixes that issue by disabling the
logic to include query fields.
PR Close#30094
ngtsc generates type constructors which infer the type of a directive based
on its inputs. Previously, a bug existed where this inference would fail in
the case of 'any' input values. For example, the inference of NgForOf fails
when an 'any' is provided, as it causes TypeScript to attempt to solve:
T[] = any
In this case, T gets inferred as {}, the empty object type, which is not
The fix is to assign generic types in type constructors a default type of
'any', which TypeScript uses instead of {} when inference fails.
PR Close#30094
The proposed ES dynamic import() is now supported by the Angular CLI and the
larger toolchain. This renders the `loadChildren: string` API largely
redundant, as import() is far more natural, is less error-prone, and is
standards compliant. This commit deprecates the `string` form of
`loadChildren` in favor of dynamic import().
When defining lazy-loaded route, Angular previously offered two options for
configuring the module to be loaded, both via the `loadChildren` parameter
of the route. Most Angular developers are familiar withthe `string` form of
this API. For example, the following route definition configures Angular to
load a `LazyModule` NgModule from `lazy-route/lazy.module.ts`:
path: 'lazy',
loadChildren: 'lazy-route/lazy.module#LazyModule',
This "magic string" configuration was previously necessary as there was
no dynamic module loading standard on the web. This has changed with the
pending standardization of dynamic `import()` expressions, which are now
supported in the Angular CLI and in web tooling in general. `import()`
offers a more natural and robust solution to dynamic module loading. The
above example can be rewritten to use dynamic `import()`:
path: 'lazy',
loadChildren: () => import('./lazy-route/lazy.module').then(mod => mod.LazyModule),
This form of lazy loading offers significant advantages in terms of:
* type checking via TypeScript
* simplicity of generated code
* future potential to run natively in supporting browsers
(see: [caniuse: dynamic import()](
As a result, Angular is deprecating the `loadChildren: string` syntax in
favor of ES dynamic `import()`. An automatic migration will run during
`ng upgrade` to convert your existing Angular code to the new syntax.
PR Close#30073
When targeting ES2015 (as is the default in cli@8), `const` is not
downleveled to `var` and thus declaring `const module` throws an error
due to webpack wrapping the code in a function call with a `module`
argument (even when compiling for the `web` environment).
Related: webpack/webpack#7369
PR Close#30058
This commit provides a replacement for `$location`. The new service is written in Angular, and can be consumed into existing applications by using the downgraded version
of the provider.
Prior to this addition, applications upgrading from AngularJS to Angular could get into a situation where AngularJS wanted to control the URL, and would often parse or se
rialize the URL in a different way than Angular. Additionally, AngularJS was alerted to URL changes only through the `$digest` cycle. This provided a buggy feedback loop
from Angular to AngularJS.
With this new `LocationUpgradeProvider`, the `$location` methods and events are provided in Angular, and use Angular APIs to make updates to the URL. Additionally, change
s to the URL made by other parts of the Angular framework (such as the Router) will be listened for and will cause events to fire in AngularJS, but will no longer attempt
to update the URL (since it was already updated by the Angular framework).
This centralizes URL reads and writes to Angular and should help provide an easier path to upgrading AngularJS applications to Angular.
PR Close#30055
This abstract class (and AngularJSUrlCodec) are used for serializing and deserializing pieces of a URL string. AngularJS had a different way of doing this than Angular, and using this class in conjunction with the LocationUpgradeService an application can have control over how AngularJS URLs are serialized and deserialized.
PR Close#30055
When using the `history` API, setting a new `state` and retrieving it does not pass a `===` test to the object used to set the state. In other words, `history.state` is always a copy. This change makes the `MockPlatformLocation` behave in the same way.
PR Close#30055
This feature adds an `onUrlChange` to Angular's `Location` class. This is useful to track all updates coming from anywhere in the framework. Without this method, it's difficult (or impossible) to track updates run through `location.go()` or `location.replaceState()` as the browser doesn't publish events when `history.pushState()` or `.replaceState()` are run.
PR Close#30055
AngularJS's `$location` service doesn't have a direct counterpart in Angular. This is largely because the `Location` service in Angular was pulled out of the `Router`, but was not purpose-built to stand on its own.
This commit adds a new `@angular/common/upgrade` package with the beginnings of a new `LocationUpgradeService`. This service will more closely match the API of AngularJS and provide a way to replace the `$location` service from AngularJS.
PR Close#30055
Without this change, the framework doesn't surface URL parts such as hostname, protocol, and port. This makes it difficult to rebuild a complete URL. This change provides new APIs to read these values.
PR Close#30055
Previously there wasn't a way to retrieve `history.state` from the `Location` service. The only time the framework exposed this value was in navigation events. This meant if you weren't using the Angular router, there wasn't a way to get access to this `history.state` value other than going directly to the DOM.
This PR adds an API to retrieve the value of `history.state`. This will be useful and needed to provide a backwards-compatible `Location` service that can emulate AngularJS's `$location` service since we will need to be able to read the state data in order to produce AngularJS location transition events.
This feature will additionally be useful to any application that wants to access state data through Angular rather than going directly to the DOM APIs.
PR Close#30055
Prior to this change we had a MockLocationStrategy to replace the Path and Hash Location Strategies. However, there wasn't a good way to test the PlatformLocation which is needed for doing things such as setting history.state, using back()/forward(), etc.
PR Close#30055
ngtsc previously could attempt to reuse the main ts.Program twice. This
occurred when template type-checking was enabled and then an incremental
build was performed. This breaks a TypeScript invariant - ts.Programs can
only be reused once.
The creation of the template type-checking program reuses the main program,
rendering it moot. Then, on the next incremental build the main program
would be subject to reuse again, which would crash inside TypeScript.
This commit fixes the issue by reusing the template type-checking program
from the previous run on the next incremental build. Since under normal
circumstances the files in the type-checking program aren't changed, this
should be just as fast.
Testing strategy: a test is added in the incremental_spec which validates
that program reuse with type-checking turned on does not crash the compiler.
PR Close#30090
The `renderStringify` function is used in a lot of performance-sensitive places, however it contains a megamorphic read which is used primarily for error messages. These changes introduce a new function that can be used to stringify output for errors and removes the megamorphic read from `renderStringify`.
This PR resolves FW-1286.
PR Close#30082
Only the JS files that are actually part of the entry-point
should be copied to the new entry-point folder in the
Previously some typings and external JS files were
being copied which was messing up the node_modules
PR Close#30085
When `ng add` is invoked independently of `ng new`, a node installation
of `@angular/bazel` is performed by the CLI before invoking the
schematic. This step appends `@angular/bazel` to the `dependencies`
section of `package.json`. The schematics then appends the same package
to `devDependencies`.
This leads to the warning:
warning package.json: "dependencies" has dependency "@angular/bazel" with
range "^8.0.0-beta.13" that collides with a dependency in "devDependencies"
of the same name with version "~8.0.0-beta.12"
PR Close#30072
Fixes view and content queries not being inherited in Ivy, if the base class hasn't been annotated with an Angular decorator (e.g. `Component` or `Directive`).
Also reworks the way the `ngBaseDef` is created so that it is added at the same point as the queries, rather than inside of the `Input` and `Output` decorators.
This PR partially resolves FW-1275. Support for host bindings will be added in a follow-up, because this PR is somewhat large as it is.
PR Close#30015
Prior to this commit, the check that verifies correct "id" field type was too strict and didn't allow `` as @NgModule's "id" field value. This change adds a special handling for `` and uses it as id of @NgModule if specified.
PR Close#30040
Now that ngtsc performs type checking using a dedicated `__ng_typecheck__.ts`
file, `NgtscProgram` always wraps its `ts.CompilerHost` in a shim host. This
shim fails to delegate `resolveModuleNames` so no custom module resolution
logic is considered. This introduces a problem for the CLI, as the compiler
host it passes kicks of ngcc for any imported module such that Ivy's
compatibility compiler runs automatically behind the scenes.
This commit adds delegation of the `resolveModuleNames` to fix the issue.
PR Close#30068
Previously, an instance of HttpParams would retain its list of mutations
after they have been materialized as a result of a read operation. Not
only does this unnecessarily hold onto memory, more importantly does it
introduce a bug where branching of off a materialized instance would
reconsider the set of mutations that had already been applied, resulting
in repeated application of mutations.
This commit fixes the bug by clearing the list of pending mutations
after they have been materialized, such that they will not be considered
once again for branched off instances.
PR Close#29045
Currently when someone runs `ng update` with the static-query migration,
the migration can fail with an error saying that the `AOT` compiler could not
be created. This can happen if the CLI project contains a test `tsconfig.json`
that is picked up by the schematic.
Due to the fact that spec tsconfig files cannot be ran with NGC (e.g. test
components are not part of a module; not all source files are guaranteed to
be included), test `tsconfig` projects will now use a new `test` migration
strategy where all queries within tests are left untouched and a TODO is added.
PR Close#30034
This commit unifies the way auxillary RootScopeModule and DynamicTestModule are compiled in R3TestBed by calling `compileNgModuleDefs` explicitly for RootScopeModule. This change also resolves the problem where TestBed's code was used from the @angular/core NPM package: due to the "jit" flag, the @NgModule decorator on the RootScopeModule was transformed to RootScopeModule.decorators = [...], but actual ngModuleDef was never defined.
PR Close#30037
The compiler uses metadata to represent what it statically knows about
various expressions in a program. Occasionally, expressions in the program
for which metadata is extracted may contain sub-expressions which are not
representable in metadata. One such construct is an arrow function.
The compiler does not always need to understand such expressions completely.
For example, for a provider defined with `useValue`, the compiler does not
need to understand the value at all, only the outer provider definition. In
this case, the compiler employs a technique known as "expression lowering",
where it rewrites the provider expression into one that can be represented
in metadata. Chiefly, this involves extracting out the dynamic part (the
`useValue` expression) into an exported constant.
Lowering is applied through a heuristic, which considers the containing
statement as well as the field name of the expression.
Previously, this heuristic was not completely accurate in the case of
route definitions and the `loadChildren` field, which is lowered. If the
route definition using `loadChildren` existed inside a decorator invocation,
lowering was performed correctly. However, if it existed inside a standalone
variable declaration with an export keyword, the heuristic would conclude
that lowering was unnecessary. For ordinary providers this is true; however
the compiler attempts to fully understand the ROUTES token and thus even if
an array of routes is declared in an exported variable, any `loadChildren`
expressions within still need to be lowered.
This commit enables lowering of already exported variables under a limited
set of conditions (where the initializer expression is of a specific form).
This should enable the use of `loadChildren` in route definitions.
PR Close#30038
Previously, a template's context name would only be included in an embedded
template function if the element that the template was declared on has a
tag name. This is generally true for elements, except for `ng-content`
that does not have a tag name. By omitting the context name the compiler
could introduce duplicate template function names, which would fail at runtime.
This commit fixes the behavior by always including the context name in the
template function's name, regardless of tag name.
Resolves FW-1272
PR Close#30025
Previously, ngcc would insert new imports at the beginning of the file, for
convenience. This is problematic for imports that have side-effects, as the
side-effects imposed by such imports may affect the behavior of subsequent
This commit teaches ngcc to insert imports after any existing imports. Special
care has been taken to ensure inserted constants will still follow after the
inserted imports.
Resolves FW-1271
PR Close#30029
Fixes Ivy throwing an error because it tries to generate styling instructions for empty `style` and `class` bindings.
This PR resolves FW-1274.
PR Close#30024
Currently the `template-var-assignment` migration incorrectly warns if
the template writes to a property in the component that has the same
`ast.PropertyWrite´ name as a template input variable but different
receiver. e.g.
<!-- "someProp.element" will be incorrectly reported as template variable assignment -->
<button *ngFor="let element of list" (click)="someProp.element = null">Reset</button>
Similarly if an output writes to a component property with the same name as a
template input variable, but the expression is within a different template scope,
the schematic currently incorrectly warns. e.g.
<button *ngFor="let element of list">{{element}}</button>
<!-- The "element = null" expression does not refer to the "element" template input variable -->
<button (click)="element = null"></button>
PR Close#30026
Previously, we had a bug where directive matching could fail if the directive
attribute was bound and followed a certain number of classes. This is because
in the matching logic, we were treating classes like normal attributes. We
should instead be skipping classes in the attribute matching logic. Otherwise
classes will match for directives with attribute selectors, and as we are
iterating through them in twos (when they are stored as name-only, not in
name-value pairs), it may throw off directive matching for any bound attributes
that come after. This commit changes the directive matching logic to skip
classes altogether.
PR Close#30002
`ng build` by default builds the prodapp because there is not
a dev build in Bazel. This PR restores the `--prod` to do the
same to prevent achitect from showing missing config error.
PR Close#30005
Previously, all of a program's files would be copied into the __ivy_ngcc__
folder where ngcc then writes its modifications into. The set of source files
in a program however is much larger than the source files contained within
the entry-point of interest, so many more files were copied than necessary.
Even worse, it may occur that an unrelated file in the program would collide
with an already existing source file, resulting in incorrectly overwriting
a file with unrelated content. This behavior has actually been observed
with @angular/animations and @angular/platform-browser/animations, where
the former package would overwrite declaration files of the latter package.
This commit fixes the issue by only copying relevant source files when cloning
a bundle's content into __ivy_ngcc__.
PR Close#30020
Previously, during the evaluation of a function call where no argument
was provided for a parameter that has a default value, the default value
would be taken from the context of the caller, instead of the callee.
This commit fixes the behavior by resolving the default value of a
parameter in the context of the callee.
PR Close#29888