This allows us to recover the filtering state when navigating back and
forth between the API list and individual API pages.
ToH History (oldest-to-latest):
created code example/snippets files for use with +makeExample, replace usage of "pre.prettyprint.lang-bash" with this: code-example(format="." language="bash").
fixed spelling errors in examples file path used by +makeExample
changed usage of "code-example" to "+makeExample"
adding code example/snippets files used in toh 1
fixed example file paths, replaced "pre.prettyprint.lang-bash" with "code-example. "
(docs) toh-pt3 initial state
created code examples for display in jade, starting conversion of Google doc and trying +makeExample rendering
all text copied from doc to jade, still some styling and formatting to perform
completed conversion and styling, moved toh3 example files to "tutorial" folder under _examples
created specific code example files for chapter toh 3 and re-pathed references in +makeExample
minor edit
docs) toh combined - initial combined commit
updated ToH for a.52
tons of changes, including de-kebab-ing, removed src folder, updated tsconfig too
fixing snippets using incorrect ending input tag
using inline html and css for the app.component.
ToH Part 1 Code: updated the imports, removed obsolete directive delcarations
ToH Code Part 1: updated to use imports, interface. will hit others soon
toh part 1: ngModel fix
toh part1: removed obsolete story that referred to how we used to have to import and declare all directives we used. yay!
ToH Part 1: updated to use `boot.ts` and `app.component.ts`. this affected the partials, snippets, and the story.
toh part 1: using `npm run go`
toh parts 1 -4: modified all places to use `npm run go`
toh part 1: refactor for jade
toh part 1: fixing the code samples
toh part 2: seeping through the story
toh part 2: fixing snippets.
toh part 2: replaced ngClass with class.selected
toh part 2: removed whitespace
toh part 2: added final state to the code
toh: fixing paths
toh part 4: fixing src/app path to app
toh part 3: fixing folder path
toh part 2: fixed typo
toh part 2: typo on ngModel
toh part 2: added ngif
toh part 2: removed old hero property. moved the details lower, where we need it
toh index: updated hero list image to show consistent styling as the other images here
QS spelling error (targes -> targets)
tweeks: space and ngIF
closes#485 and 479
removal all package.json from _example subdirs and add an example-config.json to each. Update add-example-symlinks to use new fns
updated gitignore, package.json
add tests to QuickStart
A major refactoring of the intro chapters includes text revision
and the addition of "module" as an 8th "basic building block".
Incorporates John Papa feedback.
Each API index page now displays data from an `api-list.json` file found
locally to that page. This lets us have different API lists for TS, JS
and Dart.
We'll put these instructions some place better soon.
Also replace globule with globby ( perf issues) and explicitly exclude node_modules where possible.
Updated _examples/package.json for latest 3rd party libs (e.g. alpha.48) and
updated template-syntax/ts/package.json to be a prototypical example