Create a method that recursively walks imports from an entry point and
determines where classes are registered.
Use this information to determine if a particular annotation implements or
extends Injectable or Template.
- Allow the user to specify multiple entry points to an app.
- Allow the Angular 2 transformer to run without explicit entry points to
generate necessary setters & getters on built-in directives like `For`
and `If`.
Add a transformer for `di` which generates `.ng_deps.dart` files for all
`.dart` files it is run on. These `.ng_deps.dart` files register
metadata for any `@Injectable` classes.
Fix unit tests for changes introduced by the di transformer.
When using `pub (build|serve) --mode=ngstatic`, we will also generate
getters and setters, parse templates, and remove import of `dart:mirrors`
in the Angular transform. Because this is still relatively immature, we
use the mode to keep it opt-in for now.
When a `Template` annotation declares a `url` value, parse it to
generate `getter`s, `setter`s, and `method`s which will it needs to
access reflectively.
Move existing BindGenerator test to its own directory and to test that
phase specificially, rather than the whole pipeline.
Add another BindGenerator test.
Adds any metadata attached to a parameter to the "parameters" value
passed in to `registerType`.
For example:
`MyComponent(@Inject(Foo) foo)` generates
`"parameters": const [const [const Inject(Foo)]]`
Also reorganizes the testing code.