This patch is the first of a few patches which separates the
styling logic between template bindings (e.g. <div [style])
from host bindings (e.g. @HostBinding('style')). This patch
in particular introduces a series of host-specific styling
instructions and changes the existing set of template styling
instructions not to accept directives. The underyling code (which
communicates with the styling algorithm) still works as it did
This PR also separates the styling instruction code into a separate
file and moves over all other instructions into an dedicated
instructions directory.
PR Close#29292
Just updating comments in query-related things to make it easier for the next person that has to grok this for the first time.
Also adds a demo from @mhevery to one of the query specs
Related #29031
PR Close#29342
Just updating comments in query-related things to make it easier for the next person that has to grok this for the first time.
Also adds a demo from @mhevery to one of the query specs
Related #29031
PR Close#29342
Fixes host listeners being inherited twice, if the sub class has its own `propMetadata`. This is related to #29170 which fixed something similar, however all of the test cases there had a super class with some metadata and a sub class that didn't have any. The issue manifested itself in the `MatTreeToggle` which inherits a listener from the `CdkTreeToggle` and adds an extra `Input` of its own, causing the listener to be added twice.
PR Close#29353
Following my previous change for placeholders removal, some special code that was used to find the last created node was no longer needed and had wrong interactions with the *ngFor directive.
Removing it fixed the issue.
PR Close#29308
Previously, ngtsc would resolve forward references while evaluating the
bootstrap, declaration, imports, and exports fields of NgModule types.
However, when generating the resulting ngModuleDef, the forward nature of
these references was not taken into consideration, and so the generated JS
code would incorrectly reference types not yet declared.
This commit fixes this issue by introducing function closures in the
NgModuleDef type, similarly to how NgComponentDef uses them for forward
declarations of its directives and pipes arrays. ngtsc will then generate
closures when required, and the runtime will unwrap them if present.
PR Close#29198
Dynamic nodes are created at the end of the view stack, but we were removing all the placeholders between `i18nStart` and the last created node index, instead of removing everything between `i18nStart` and `i18nEnd`. This caused errors when dynamic nodes where created in multiple i18n blocks because we would remove all of the dynamic nodes created in the previous i18n blocks.
PR Close#29252
The content projection mechanism is static, in that it only looks at the static
template nodes before directives are matched and change detection is run.
When you have a selector-based content projection the selection is based
on nodes that are available in the template.
For example:
<ng-content selector="[some-attr]"></ng-content>
would match
<div some-attr="..."></div>
If you have an inline-template in your projected nodes. For example:
<div *ngIf="..." some-attr="..."></div>
This gets pre-parsed and converted to a canonical form.
For example:
<ng-template [ngIf]="...">
<div some-attr=".."></div>
Note that only structural attributes (e.g. `*ngIf`) stay with the `<ng-template>`
node. The other attributes move to the contained element inside the template.
When this happens in ivy, the ng-template content is removed
from the component template function and is compiled into its own
template function. But this means that the information about the
attributes that were on the content are lost and the projection
selection mechanism is unable to match the original
`<div *ngIf="..." some-attr>`.
This commit adds support for this in ivy. Attributes are separated into three
groups (Bindings, Templates and "other"). For inline-templates the Bindings
and "other" types are hoisted back from the contained node to the `template()`
instruction, so that they can be used in content projection matching.
PR Close#29041
Angular supports having a component extend off of a parent component.
When this happens, all annotation-level data is inherited including styles
and classes. Up until now, Ivy only paid attention to static styling
values on the parent component and not the child component. This patch
ensures that both the parent's component and child component's styling
data is merged and rendered accordingly.
Jira Issue: FW-1081
PR Close#29015
Karma is not configured to retrieve the imported scripts using those
absolute deep paths. Using relative paths instead.
See [here][1] for an example failing job.
PR Close#29009
For efficiency reasons we often put several different data types (`RNode`, `LView`, `LContainer`,
`StylingContext`) in same location in `LView`. This is because we don't want to pre-allocate
for it because the storage is sparse. This file contains utilities for dealing with such data
How do we know what is stored at a given location in `LView`.
- `Array.isArray(value) === false` => `RNode` (The normal storage value)
- `Array.isArray(value) === true` => than the `value[0]` represents the wrapped value.
- `typeof value[TYPE] === 'object'` => `LView`
- This happens when we have a component at a given location
- `typeof value[TYPE] === 'number'` => `StylingContext`
- This happens when we have style/class binding at a given location.
- `typeof value[TYPE] === true` => `LContainer`
- This happens when we have `LContainer` binding at a given location.
NOTE: it is assumed that `Array.isArray` and `typeof` operations are very efficient.
PR Close#28947
`LView`, `LContainer`, `StylingContext` are all arrays which wrap either
an `HTMLElement`, `LView`, `LContainer`, `StylingContext`. It is often
necessary to retrieve the correct type of element from the location
which means that we often have to wrap the arrays. Logically it makes
more sense if the thing which we are wrapping is at `0` location. Also
it may be more performant since data is more local which may result in
more L2 cache hits in CPU.
PR Close#28947
This change contains conditionally attached classes which provide human readable (debug) level
information for `LView`, `LContainer` and other internal data structures. These data structures
are stored internally as array which makes it very difficult during debugging to reason about the
current state of the system.
Patching the array with extra property does change the array's hidden class' but it does not
change the cost of access, therefore this patching should not have significant if any impact in
`ngDevMode` mode. (see:
So instead of seeing:
Array(30) [Object, 659, null, …]
LViewDebug {
views: [...],
flags: {attached: true, ...}
nodes: [
{html: '<div id="123">', ..., nodes: [
{html: '<span>', ..., nodes: null}
PR Close#28945
Google3 detected circular references here, so splitting up this rather hodge-podge list of functions into slightly better organizational units.
PR Close#28382
During build time we remap particular property bindings, because their names don't match their attribute equivalents (e.g. the property for the `for` attribute is called `htmlFor`). This breaks down if the particular element has an input that has the same name, because the property gets mapped to something invalid.
The following changes address the issue by mapping the name during runtime, because that's when directives are resolved and we know all of the inputs that are associated with a particular element.
PR Close#28765
Fixes the `ngOnDestroy` hook on a component or directive being called twice, if the type is also registered as a provider.
This PR resolves FW-1010.
PR Close#28470
Prior to this fix, both the `NgStyle` and `NgClass` directives made use
of `Renderer2` and this dependency raised issues for future versions of
Angular that cannot inject it. This patch ensures that there are two
versions of both directives: one for the VE and another for Ivy.
Jira Issue: FW-882
PR Close#28711
I18n can change the order of the nodes, or insert new dynamic nodes. When that happens it can break the existing links (``) or even create loops:
div1 → div2 → div3 → div4 → div5
Can become:
div1 → div4 → div2 → div3 div5
🡑 │
This PR fixes this issue by recreating the broken links between those nodes.
PR Close#28827
This commit adds support for the `static: true` flag in
`ViewChild` queries. Prior to this commit, all `ViewChild`
queries were resolved after change detection ran. This is
a problem for backwards compatibility because View Engine
also supported "static" queries which would resolve before
change detection.
Now if users add a `static: true` option, the query will be
resolved in creation mode (before change detection runs).
For example:
@ViewChild(TemplateRef, {static: true}) template !: TemplateRef;
This feature will come in handy for components that need
to create components dynamically.
PR Close#28811
Accounts for schemas in when validating properties in Ivy.
This PR resolves FW-819.
A couple of notes:
* I had to rework the test slightly, in order to have it fail when we expect it to. The one in master is passing since Ivy's validation runs during the update phase, rather than creation.
* I had to deviate from the design in FW-819 and not add an `enableSchema` instruction, because the schema is part of the `NgModule` scope, however the scope is only assigned to a component once all of the module's declarations have been resolved and some of them can be async. Instead, I opted to have the `schemas` on the component definition.
PR Close#28637
Prior to this fix if a root component was instantiated it create host
bindings, but never render them once update mode ran unless one or more
slot-allocated bindings were issued. Since styling in Ivy does not make
use of LView slots, the host bindings function never ran on the root
This fix ensures that the `hostBindings` function does run for a root
component and also renders the schedlued styling instructions when
Jira Issue: FW-1062
PR Close#28664
Prior to this update we had separate contentQueries and contentQueriesRefresh functions to handle creation and update phases. This approach was inconsistent with View Queries, Host Bindings and Template functions that we generate for Component/Directive defs. Now the mentioned 2 functions are combines into one (contentQueries), creation and update logic is separated with RenderFlags (similar to what we have in other generated functions).
PR Close#28503
For TypeScript compilation units that have the "strictFunctionTypes"
option enabled, an error would be produced for Ivy's definition fields
in declaration files in the case of inheritance across directives or
This change loosens the definition types to allow for subtypes of the
defined type where necessary.
A test package that has the "strict" option enabled verifies that we
won't regress in environments where strict type checking is enabled.
PR Close#28634
Up until now, `[style]` and `[class]` bindings (the map-based ones) have only
worked as template bindings and have not been supported at all inside of host
bindings. This patch ensures that multiple host binding sources (components and
directives) all properly assign style values and merge them correctly in terms
of priority.
Jira: FW-882
PR Close#28246
This commit adds a devMode-only check which will throw if a user
attempts to bind a property that does not match a directive
input or a known HTML property.
<div [unknownProp]="someValue"></div>
The above will throw because "unknownProp" is not a known
property of HTMLDivElement.
This check is similar to the check executed in View Engine during
template parsing, but occurs at runtime instead of compile-time.
Note: This change uncovered an existing bug with host binding
inheritance, so some Material tests had to be turned off. They
will be fixed in an upcoming PR.
PR Close#28537
Prior to this change we only checked whether current lView has a next pointer while traversing tNode tree. However in some cases this pointer can be undefined and we need to look up parents chain to find suitable next pointer. This commit adds the logic of searching for the next pointer taking parents chain into account.
PR Close#28533
`LView` `HOST` was set in most cases right after creating `LView`.
This makes the API cleaner by explicitly passing it ont `createLView`.
PR Close#28461
When we first started writing tests for Ivy, we did not yet have a
compatible compiler. For this reason, we set up the Ivy runtime tests
to run with generated code that we wrote by hand (instead of real code
generated by the compiler).
Now that we have a working Ivy compiler and TestBed infrastructure
that is compatible with Ivy, we should start writing integration
tests that leverage them (no more handwritten generated code!). This
will prevent bugs where the compiler code and runtime code become
out of sync (which is easy if they are tested separately). And
eventually, we should migrate all the existing runtime tests in
"core/test/render3" to TestBed and ngtsc.
To kick off this effort, this commit migrates some existing tests
from "core/test/render3/exports_spec.ts" and saves them in a new file
with the same name in the "core/test/acceptance" folder.
PR Close#28534
i18n instructions create text nodes dynamically and save them between bindings and the expando block in `LView`. e.g., they try to create the following order in `LView`.
| -- elements -- | -- bindings -- | -- dynamic i18n text -- | -- expando (dirs, injectors) -- |
Each time a new text node is created, it is pushed to the end of the array and the `expandoStartIndex` marker is incremented, so the section begins slightly later. This happens in `allocExpando`.
This is fine if no directives have been created yet. The end of the array will be in the "dynamic text node" section.
| -- elements -- | -- bindings -- | -- dynamic i18n text -- |
However, this approach doesn't work if dynamic text nodes are created after directives are matched (for example when the directive uses host bindings). In that case, there are already directives and injectors saved in the "expando" section. So pushing to the end of `LView` actually pushes after the expando section. What we get is this:
| -- elements -- | -- bindings -- | -- dynamic i18n text -- | -- expando -- | -- dynamic i18n text-- |
In this case, the `expandoStartIndex` shouldn't be incremented because we are not inserting anything before the expando section (it's now after the expando section). But because it is incremented in the code right now, it's now pointing to an index in the middle of the expando section.
This PR fixes that so that we only increment the `expandoStartIndex` if nothing was pushed into the expando section.
FW-978 #resolve
PR Close#28424
Currently, DOM node removal called `removeChild` on the saved parent
node when destroying a component. However, this will fail if the
component has been manually moved in the DOM. This change makes the
removal always use the node's real `parentNode` and ignore the provided
PR Close#28455
createInjector() is an Ivy-only API that should not have
been exported as part of the public API. This commit removes
the export. It will be re-exported when Ivy is released.
PR Close#28509
In Ivy, we support a new manual mode that allows for stricter control
over change detection in OnPush components. Specifically, in this mode,
events do not automatically mark OnPush views as dirty. Only changed
inputs and manual calls to `markDirty()` actually mark a view dirty.
However, this mode cannot be the default for OnPush components if we
want to be backwards compatible with View Engine. This commit re-adds
the legacy logic for OnPush components where events always mark views
dirty and makes it the default behavior.
Note: It is still TODO to add a public API for manual change detection.
PR Close#28474
Previously, attempting to destroy a view with listeners more than once
throws an error during event listener cleanup. This happens because
`cleanup` field on the `TView` has already been cleared out by the time
the second destruction runs.
The `destroyed` flag on LView was previously being set in the `destroyLView` function,
but this flag was never _checked_ anywhere in the codebase. This commit
moves _setting_ this flag to the `cleanupView` function, just before
destroy hooks are called. This is necessary because the destroy hooks
can contain arbitrary user code, such as (surprise!) attempting to
destroy the view (again). We also add a check to `destroyLView` to skip
already-destroyed views. This prevents the cleanup code path from running twice.
PR Close#28413
Previously, these components were not added to the view tree for the
(fake) root view in which they were bootstrapped. Without this,
root view destruction does not work as expected since the root view's
children are not present to be also destroyed.
PR Close#28409